The best resume for a job sample example. Examples of the best resumes for applying for a job

Everyone has written a resume at least once in their lives. This is a document without which it is almost impossible to get a job (with rare exceptions). A resume is not just a story about yourself and your work experience. With it, you have the opportunity to present yourself beautifully even before meeting with a potential employer, since resumes are usually sent before the interview.

And if they are interested in your candidacy even at the stage of studying the resume, then it will be easier to pass the interview itself. Especially when it comes to the vacancy for which he is applying. a large number of applicants. You need to stand out from this crowd, and today we’ll talk about how to do this with a resume.

How to write a resume for a job

You know the joke: “I wrote a resume and burst into tears - I’m so cool!”? In fact, there is some truth in it :) The purpose of the resume is to interest the employer, roughly speaking, to show "how cool you are." I’ll warn you right away - it’s very undesirable to lie on a resume. Even in small things. Any lie can be revealed at the most inopportune moment, and you yourself can accidentally “pierce”. Needless to say, then work on this vacancy does not shine for you? Even if the lie was minor, no employer would want to do business with a person who began cooperation in such a dishonest way.

In a resume, as in appearance, you need to emphasize the merits and hide the flaws.

5 general rules for writing a resume that an employer will be interested in

  1. Follow the structure. A resume is not a fictional story or an essay, therefore solid text here is unacceptable. The resume should have clear subheadings, and the information should be short and concise.
  2. Stick to clear formatting. Various "creative" resumes are now fashionable. Unusual presentation of information is good, but try not to overdo it. You don’t need some super design, behind which you can’t even see the text. First and foremost, a resume should be easy to read and understand.
  3. Write only the truth, but you can keep silent about some points. The phrase “write the truth in your resume” should not be taken too literally and throw out even those facts that do not add to the attractiveness of your person as a potential employee. You want to get a job, right? Therefore, it is possible, and sometimes even necessary, to keep silent about some points. Focus on your strengths - they should first of all catch the eye of the interviewer. And he will ask you about the shortcomings if he wants to.
  4. Be brief. The maximum allowable resume size is 2 pages. And even better if it fits on one page. No one will read a lot of text about you. It is best to “package” a resume in PDF format, so the document will look more presentable and whole.
  5. Be smart. Literacy is a measure of your overall education. No one will inspire confidence in an employee who writes words with errors, even if, when performing his official duties he doesn't have to write anything. Therefore, after writing a resume, carefully proofread it several times and make sure that it does not contain errors, typos, youth slang, tautologies, and simply awkward sentences.

What to write in a resume

Now let's go through the main points of the resume and what should be in them.

Document's name

There is no need to be smart, just call this document “Summary”. Now almost everyone and always send their resumes to employers in electronic form, and if you write some kind of abracadabra in the file name or simply don’t indicate your name, there is a high probability that it will be lost in the computer among other documents and simply forgotten about. The title of the document itself inside should also sound the same: “Summary”. For example: Resume of Yulia Sergeevna Ivanova.

The photo

Adding a photo to your resume is optional, but highly recommended. Especially if you are applying for a position in which attractive appearance is not the last selection criterion. For example, it could be an account manager, a hostess, or a promoter. The photograph must be discreet. That is, the one on which you dance in a club is clearly not suitable for a resume. But a photo “ala for a passport” will also not be the best option. Choose, or even purposely take, a photo in which you are smiling slightly, looking directly into the camera, and dressed in work-appropriate clothing.

Purpose of the resume

The goal should not be abstract, but quite specific. For example, “getting an account manager position”, “applying for a sales representative position”. The purpose of writing is necessary, because without it the meaning of the entire resume is lost.

Personal data

These are your passport and contact details, without which a resume is also indispensable. Here you need to write your date of birth, marital status, presence of children, place of residence, phone number, e-mail address, skype and other methods of communication with you.


In this section, write the full name of the higher educational institution where you studied, faculty, specialty, years of study and the degree you received (bachelor, specialist, master, etc.). If you have studied in several educational institutions, then write them in order - starting with the very first.

work experience

This is perhaps the most important section of the resume, and all employers pay special attention to it. Work experience is written in reverse order, that is, the most recent place of work comes first, then the penultimate one, and so on. Places of work should be drawn up as follows: start and end dates of work, full name of the company, name of your position, short description your job responsibilities. For example: January 2011 - July 2013, White Flower LLC, account manager, consulting VIP clients, drafting contracts, supporting current clients.

Achievements and awards

Here you can “boast” about what you have already achieved and achieved. If you have certifications related to your profession, or have completed any professional development courses, then write about it. Indicate the name of the organization that issued you a certificate / diploma, the dates of the training and briefly the very essence of the training. But be prepared that you may be asked for the originals of these certificates, so if you indicated them in your resume, just in case, take them with you to the interview.

About special achievements in previous places of work can also be indicated in this section. For example, “under my leadership, the marketing department increased sales by 50% in 3 months” or “reduced production costs by 15%”. One clarification: if you write about such achievements, then indicate the specifics - numbers, terms, percentages. Abstract phrases such as “sales increased significantly” will not inspire confidence in anyone.

Professional skills

In separate paragraphs, describe all your professional skills that you will use directly in the position you are applying for. This is very important point, and many at this stage make the mistake of talking about everything they know at once.

Your employer will not be interested in knowing that you own the 1C program if the position for which you are applying for a resume does not involve the use of this program. Likewise, it would be inappropriate to list Photoshop skill if you are applying for an accountant job. That is, write only to the point. Also indicate the methods, technologies, principles of work that you own.

Personal qualities

It does not need to indicate that you love children or are a very responsive person. Your potential boss is not interested. He will be more interested in your qualities such as attentiveness, composure, decision-making skills, communication skills, punctuality, and the ability to analyze.

The list of these qualities should also correspond to the position for which you are applying. That is, if you want to get a job as a designer, then write about your creativity and creative approach to any task, if the project manager - then communication skills, the ability to organize the workflow, exactingness, etc.

additional information

You can write what foreign languages ​​​​you speak (just write immediately and the level of knowledge), indicate the presence of a driver's license and category. If you have some prestigious diploma that is not directly related to your position, but you really want to talk about it, then you can write about it here.

Interests and hobbies

This can either be taken out as a separate paragraph, or not done, but added to “ additional information". But it’s worth saying at least a couple of words about hobbies, as this will make it clear that you interesting person and you have something to talk about. Do you like skiing, reading English literature or breeding parrots - write about it, but very briefly, literally in one line. It's still not the best main information in the summary, so it should take up a minimum of space.

This item is also optional, but it is very good if it is. Please provide the names and contact details of your former bosses so that a potential employer can call them and personally make sure that all the information written in the resume about your skills and professional qualities is true. Of course, before that, it is worth warning former leaders that they may receive such a call.

In fact, such questions are rarely called, but the fact that you were able to freely provide the phone numbers of your former employers will significantly increase the level of trust in you. This means that you are not afraid that a potential employer may actually call and ask about what kind of employee you are.

Writing a resume is only the first step on the way to your dream job. Next, you will have an equally important event - an interview. Read about how not to flunk it.

Before you write your own resume, you will probably need a ready-made example of a resume for a job. To help you in this simple but important matter, we have devoted today's article to sample resumes for jobs that are relevant in 2019.

To interest the employer in your candidacy, you first need to draw up good summary. In general, now, probably, no one goes to interviews without a resume. But it's one thing when a resume is compiled in haste and looks absolutely unpresentable, and quite another thing is a resume of high quality and thoughtful. The employer, looking through such a resume, will immediately understand that this candidate approached the preparation of this document with all responsibility, which means that he can potentially be a good employee. At the very least, he will significantly “win” in the eyes of the employer from the applicant who made his resume on a “blunder”.

Requirements and recommendations for writing a resume change from year to year, as the labor market does not stand still. If you want to create an up-to-date resume, then it is better to focus on examples and samples from 2019. There are a lot of ready-made resume examples on the Internet. In this article, I tried to collect 2019 resume samples for the most different professions— from a sales consultant to a lawyer.

Job Resume: 2019 Samples

I want to note right away that a resume can be written in different ways. Therefore, do not panic if you see a lot of different resume templates and do not know which one to use. Recommendations are just recommendations, not laws. Be guided by common sense.

Here are some well-designed resumes for different professions. Sample resume for an accountant:

Client Relationship Manager Resume Sample:

Sample lawyer resume:

Here is an example resume for English language:

When compiling a resume, do not forget one of its main rules: the resume should emphasize your advantages and subtly hide your shortcomings. Therefore, if you are proud of your rich professional experience, describe it unobtrusively in your resume. If you have certificates and awards related to the desired position, write about them. And about those areas in which you have nothing to brag about, it is better not to write at all than to write at least something.

Download templates and samples of resumes by specialties

Next, I suggest you download ready-made examples summary for the most current professions. All files are in Word format, so you can use them as templates for your resume, removing unnecessary information and filling in the lines with your data.

Sample resume for a job 2019 free download form in word


In order for employers to consider you for a job, your resume is usually required. Below you can download various resume options: regular, with photo, without formatting, in English. You can download everything and choose the most suitable or convenient form. All samples for filling in word (doc) format.

General definition of the term Resume (source: Wikipedia):
Summary(from French résumé or lat. Curriculum vitae - “course of life”, biography, pronounced curiculum vitae, often shortened to CV) - a document containing information about skills, work experience, education and other relevant information usually required when considering candidates for employment. A biography, that is, a CV, differs from a resume in volume and, as a rule, is written by candidates for high positions. It provides more detailed information about yourself, your education and qualifications than in a resume.

Resume structure
A resume usually consists of several sections, the information in each of which is designed to summary acquaint potential employer with all the information about the candidate, necessary for his employment. The summary should not include information that has nothing to do with the proposed work. Your resume should include only the information that will best describe you.

There is no single standard form, form or resume template.
A resume is drawn up in any form and usually contains the following information:
- year of birth (age);
- contact phone numbers (home and/or work), e-mail.
- Purpose and / or desired position, what kind of work you are looking for.
- Information about your education:
- date of commencement of studies - date of graduation;
- the name of the institution;
- faculty / specialty, qualification.
- Work experience (in reverse chronological order, i.e. starting from the last place of work):
- date of commencement and completion of work;
- name of the organization (field of its activity; m.b. a brief description of);
- your position;
- number of subordinates (if any);
- description of your duties, powers, level of responsibility;
- examples of concrete achievements.
- Additional education- courses, seminars, internships, etc.
- Additional skills (computer skills, degree of knowledge of foreign languages, availability of a car, driver's license, typing, etc.).
- Your advantages (you can indicate several of your own at the end of the resume) personality traits that distinguish you from others and help you achieve the desired results in your work).

Sometimes resumes also include information about memberships in professional associations, scientific publications, and copyright patents. You can also include information about your hobbies in your resume, it is better if these are active hobbies (for example, sports, tourism, dancing). Do not include information about desired level wages. It is better to indicate this in a cover letter to the resume (Eng. Cover Letter). Here you can give any additional explanations to the resume. IN different countries The structure of a resume, or CV, may vary. IN Lately Internet resumes filled out according to a certain template and posted on specialized sites have become widespread. recruiting agencies. There are also professional services, offering the preparation of "competent" resumes. Another type of resume, which is not yet common, is a video resume, which is a short video in which the candidate talks about himself, his skills, etc. And just like in the case of an Internet resume, there are specialized sites for them, on which they can be posted, and the companies that record and host them. A source: Wikipedia.

Also, recently it has become quite convenient to store your resume "in the cloud" - on servers that can be accessed around the clock from any part of the world, for example, on specialized sites, for example, Head Hunter (Head Hunter) The service is convenient because there you can fill out your resume in the specified fields. In addition, you can also search for employers and vacancies that interest you. You can also set up auto-search so that vacancies are automatically selected according to the specified conditions by title, minimum salary, work schedule, etc. At the same time, the site has very flexible visibility settings for your resume. For example, if you want your resume to be visible only to the companies where you sent it as a response to a vacancy, this can be easily set in the settings and it will no longer be visible to anyone, according to the site description.However, at the same time, many vacancies can still be found on specialized professional forums, on the websites of the company itself, etc., and such vacancies may not be published on such job search sites. In such cases, the resume template options presented above may well come in handy.

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For many, writing a resume is what you need to look at, download a standard sample for free to create your own counterpart. But it should cause respect in the employer, a desire to get to know the author, this is not a single site, a template can give. Therefore, there should always be an individual approach to writing a resume, and if you still don’t want to delve into the rules for writing it, then this article will help you avoid mistakes when creating a document from a sample.

The principles of writing a resume for work examples of ready-made 2016 we suggest considering:

The drafting of a document must follow certain rules (therefore, even if you decide to download it or see an example, double-check everything, and not just change your last name and date of birth):

1. Structured - a mandatory item of the example and template. So the format must follow a certain clear sequence.

2. Selectivity - before compiling a sample, you need to determine its purpose, that is, you need to know exactly what kind of job seeker wants to get a job, then analyze the experience, choose from it exactly what you need to get the job you want, everything else that is common should not be present in summary. For example, if a person wants to get the position of a manager, then you need to indicate the experience in the relevant positions in the last few years, and indicate the entire work biography, starting with how he started as a storekeeper or electrician, is not worth it - the employer will not appreciate it. It is important to decide and indicate in the resume one specialty that is a priority, position, the phrases “for any job”, “in any department” are unacceptable.

3. Objectivity - an important component of a resume for a job, which you will download or take as an example. Remember that a person should easily substantiate, prove everything that is indicated in the resume. Any specified skill can be easily checked, if the applicant for the position of a personnel manager indicates that he knows the computer in depth, but it turns out that the information is not true, then this will not help the device, all the more in-depth knowledge is not required in this case. If you want to get into the police, you do not need to describe the sporting achievements that you had in childhood, if you are already not up to them.

When applying for a job, the employer asks applicants for a resume to fully understand your professional skills. Many people have a question about how to correctly write a resume (do not confuse a resume and a questionnaire, these are completely different documents).

In the article we will consider detailed structure design and learn how to write a resume correctly. At the end of the article I will attach several samples of the template template relevant for 2019 year which you can download for free.

A resume is a document with a brief self-presentation in writing. Containing work experience, professional skills and abilities, achievements and personal qualities.

When writing a resume, you can include information about your hobbies (hobbies) sports, reading books, programming, but keep in mind that you should not include information that has nothing to do with the position of interest.

Ready-made resume examples for work sample 2019

How to write a resume for a job - sample 2019

70% of success depends on the competent creation of a document, you should not be treated negligently, adhering to a clear structure and following certain rules will increase the chance of getting a position of interest.

Rule #1 Brevity

Do not make a long footcloth, the resume should fit on one maximum of two pages. Indicate only information that is of interest to the employer and is directly related to the position for which you are applying.

Rule #2 Literacy

Be sure to check it carefully after writing your resume. spelling mistakes. Resume with big amount errors most often end up in the trash.

Rule #3 Honesty

Write only true information. Focus on your achievements and merits in which you are 100% sure, if you are not sure, it is better to remove this information. Deception can bring a lot of negative emotions.

Structure and design

The resume structure is divided into several blocks:

  • Personal data and contacts
  • Purpose of the resume
  • Education
  • Work experience and responsibilities
  • Additional skills and knowledge
  • additional information

Personal data and contacts

In personal information, we write height, weight, hair color, just kidding, we write down the full name (full name), year of birth, address and contacts for communication, photo. We get the result:

Purpose of the resume

We indicate the position for which you are applying, with the correct wording, the result will be:


If you received several educations, then we write in order, disclosing the information as much as possible, there should not be abbreviations.

Work experience and responsibilities

In this paragraph, he prescribes his entire working biography in chronological order, starting from the most recent place of work. This is a very important section of the resume, it will help the employer to form an idea of ​​professional skills.

Be sure to remember and indicate the significant achievements that you have achieved in previous places of work, this will positively affect you. When writing achievements, use the following form:

  • Raised the percentage of sales
  • Completed the annual plan
  • Reduced costs

Never write in the past tense

  • Raised
  • Performed
  • Reduced

Additional skills and knowledge

All completed courses, seminars, trainings, knowledge of computer programs, knowledge foreign languages having a driver's license.

additional information

IN this section You can provide information that was not provided above.

  • Willingness to travel
  • Desired salary level (in some cases it is better not to specify)
  • When are you ready to start working?
  • Contacts of previous employers (for reference)

IN end result we get a ready-made well-written resume for a job, which can be sent not only by e-mail employer, but post it on free online boards such as Avito in some cases, the resume is supplemented by a cover letter.

In no case do not leave personal information that contains the series and passport number!

CV mistakes

There are several basic mistakes due to which the applicant does not receive a response.

Error #1 Wrong document format

In my opinion, it is best to use the .doc format for a resume, in the role of the file name, write the last name and position. For more attractive appearance, resumes can be saved in PDF format, but not all programs support this format.

Error #2 Too much/too little information.

Once again, the resume should fit on one maximum of two pages. The main purpose of the resume is so that the employer can determine in a couple of minutes whether the open vacancy is suitable.

Error #3 Lack of a specific goal

If you do not specify what position you are applying for, then the resume in most cases will not receive any response.

Error #4 Wrong contact information

A typo or carelessness can be a fatal mistake, even if the decision is positive, the employer will not be able to contact you.

Error #5 Fake information

Large organizations have their own security service, which will not be difficult to collect the information they are interested in and verify the information provided.