Tiling business. Production of paving slabs

IN modern world, with the growth of people's well-being, more and more attention is paid to the decoration of patios, paths in gardens, areas adjacent to the building. Those who have sufficient financial resources, can afford to make them out of granite or marble.

But most people acquire paving slabs for these purposes. Therefore, a small manufacturing business paving slabs, with proper organization, will not only bring a certain income, but also flourish. In addition, the business can include not only the production of tiles, but also work on its laying. This will attract many more people who want to buy it from you.

How to start a business

Before you start formalizing and registering a paving slab business, you need to develop a business plan. What should be included in it?
  • First, you need to decide on the choice of technology for manufacturing tiles.
  • Then select the appropriate equipment, calculate the costs based on its cost, transportation costs for delivery and installation.
  • Next, calculate the amount of raw materials needed for the production of one batch of paving slabs and its cost.
  • Provide for how the finished product will be packaged and where it will be stored.
  • Based on this, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is determined.
  • It is also necessary to consider ways of implementing finished products and estimated income.
Let's take a closer look at each item in the business plan.

Types of paving slabs

There are several types of paving slabs, which have fundamental differences due to the choice of raw materials for their manufacture.
  1. Classic paving slabs. Concrete mixtures are used in its manufacture. It can have a different surface texture: smooth, Greek, Roman, parquet and scales, circles and a star, shagreen, etc. Such tiles are produced in several colors: blue, gray, green, red and yellow. The size of the tile is 315x315x40 mm.
  2. Polymer sand tiles (plastic). It is based on a mixture polymer materials and sand with various modulating additives. This is a durable and practical look, resistant to corrosion and other mechanical and chemical influences. It retains its color throughout the entire period of operation. Does not form sparks and cement dust, which allows it to be used for arranging floors in industrial premises and bathrooms.
  3. Relatively the new kind paving slabs - rubber. It is made from car tires crushed into crumbs, which makes this type of tile plastic. It is resistant to acids and alkalis, has elasticity, does not cause wear on shoes, and does not crumble even in severe frosts. This is an ideal option for equipping children's and sports grounds, the area around the pools. It has a slightly rough surface that gives good grip to the sole of the shoe, which prevents slipping.

Manufacturing technology

There are two technologies for the production of paving slabs:
  • Vibrocompression. Products obtained by semi-dry pressing have the accuracy of geometric dimensions, stability of operational parameters, high frost resistance and low (up to 5%) water absorption. The disadvantage of this method is the expensive equipment. The cheapest vibropress "Condor" (for small businesses) costs 250,000 rubles. Its power is 4.4 kW, productivity is 40 m² of paving slabs, 200x100x70 mm in size, per shift. Its package includes a vibropress with a Poisson matrix, a pumping station and a control panel. Racks and pallets must be purchased separately.
  • Vibrocasting. The tile obtained by this technology has high performance. It has a smooth, glossy surface. This is the best option for small businesses. The cost of equipment - from 27,000 rubles.
The technological process in both cases consists of the following steps:
  1. Preparation of relevant forms. Before use, each form must be lubricated with a special compound. It is better to use emulsol. It is applied in a thin layer, with a brush or by spraying. It is forbidden to lubricate them with compounds that contain petroleum products. Forms can be used without pre-lubrication. The only condition in this case is their treatment with an antistatic agent before the first use. After excavation finished tiles from the mold, it is washed with 7% hydrochloric acid solution.
  2. Preparation of the composition for filling. To do this, a mixture of sand with crushed stone, cement and filler, the required amount of water are placed in the concrete mixer. When preparing a colored single-layer tile, a dye is added. In the production of two-layer tiles, using two concrete mixers, the dye is used only in the second mixer.
  3. Formation and pouring of the prepared mixture into molds on a vibrating table, or compaction by means of a press vibrating impulses.
  4. Drying the product in natural conditions. To do this, the forms with the mixture are placed on special racks or left on the floor. When drying with hot steam, they are placed in special containers. To exclude excess moisture loss, the forms are covered with a film. Drying time from 15 to 24 hours.
  5. The removal of the finished tile from the molds is carried out on a special table with vibration. Forms with finished tiles are immersed in special baths with water heated to 50ºС for a couple of minutes. The polymers from which the molds are made expand and the tiles can be easily removed. After the molding process, the tiles are stacked on pallets, tied packing tape and closed with a stretch film or a special shrink film made of polyethylene.
  6. Transportation for storage or sale.

Necessary equipment

For the manufacture of paving slabs, the following equipment will be required:
  • Gravity type concrete mixer with V-belt and gear drive. For the production of single-layer tiles, one unit is enough. Making a two-layer tile will require two concrete mixers. The cost of one concrete mixer is from 10,000 rubles.
  • A molding vibrating table, with a vibration frequency of 80 Hz and a power consumption of 250 V, with dimensions of 180x80x80 cm, will cost 27 thousand rubles. About 17 thousand rubles will have to be spent on the purchase of a table for disbanding.
  • Packaging equipment, including strey film, metal or PP tape, as well as a device for tensioning and compressing staples. Its cost is from 3000 rubles.
  • To move the finished product to the storage location, you will need a hydraulic rokla, costing from 7,000 rubles.
  • Forms for filling the mixture, up to 200 pieces, at a price of 35 rubles or more per piece. They may be:
    1. rubber - up to 500 fills are used,
    2. plastic (PVC) - up to 250 fills;
    3. polyurethane - up to 100 fills.
  • During the drying period, the molds are covered with reinforced PVC film. Its cost is 45 rubles and more per linear meter.
  • Racks on which molds with curing tiles are installed.
  • Pallets (pallets) for transportation of finished products.

Raw materials for making tiles

The following raw materials are used for production:
  1. Cement brand M500 D-0 (without additives) or M400.
  2. Granite crushed stone (fraction size should not exceed 10 mm).
  3. Sand, the fineness modulus of which is less than 2. To prepare the mixture, 1 part of crushed stone and 3 parts of sand are taken.
  4. Mineral additives (dry):
    • Dispersant - added to the first layer. First, a solution is prepared, for the preparation of which 5 kg of dispersant is poured into 20 liters of hot (60ºС) water. For 50 kg of cement, one liter of the prepared solution is added.
    • Plasticizer - used in the preparation of the second layer of tiles. For this, 1 kg of plasticizer is diluted with 4 liters of hot water. For 50 kg of cement, ¼ of the prepared solution is taken. Both modifiers are added to the concrete mixer simultaneously with the main mix.
    • Dyes (pigment) are added to the mixture at the rate of 2 kg of dye per 50 kg of cement. Exceeding this norm reduces the frost resistance and strength of the finished tile.

Production cost and business profitability

To calculate the cost of 1 m², the following indicators are taken:
  1. The cost of renting a room.
  2. The cost of electricity and water supply.
  3. Costs for wages workers.
  4. The cost of one cubic meter of concrete, from which an average of 16 m² of tiles is obtained.
Suppose the cost of manufacturing one square meter of paving slabs amounted to:
  1. The cost of raw materials, including delivery - 110 rubles,
  2. Electricity - 1.30 rubles.
  3. Depreciation costs for the operation of the premises and equipment - 3 rubles.
  4. Salary - 9.5 rubles
  5. Taxes - 1.2 rubles.
Total: the cost of one m² of tiles was 125 rubles.

In a month, 8,000 m² of paving slabs were manufactured and sold at a conditional price of 300 rubles per square meter.

Income received - 2,400,000 rubles.
Spent on production - 1,000,000 rubles
Taxes paid - 400,000 rubles.
Net profit - 1,000,000 rubles.

Even if the tile is sold at a lower cost, production will still be profitable. Having a constant sales market, all costs for equipment, etc., will pay off quickly enough.

But you will have to take care of the sale of products. Various promotions will be required, including advertising booklets with product descriptions. The most effective of them is advertising on various Internet resources. Do not forget about the prospects. Since any business must constantly develop, and not stop at the achieved results.

The first stage in organizing a business for the production of paving slabs is to study the situation in your city and region in terms of demand for these products and competition. By bringing together the results of research into a single table, you can decide which type of tile you should focus on. Today the market offers clinker tiles made by vibrocasting and vibropressing.

Clinker production requires special types of clay and expensive firing equipment. This tile is of high quality, durability and many other advantages. Minus - high cost. A beginner with a small starting capital and lack of experience should not choose this direction. If you are a specialist in the production of clinker tiles and decide to start your own business, you have reliable information about the demand for these products, you have access to cheap and high-quality raw materials, draw up a business plan, attract investments and start organizing.

The technology of manufacturing paving stones by vibrocasting is characterized by comparative simplicity and the lowest cost. A reasonable compromise between durability and price makes this type of tile the most sought after.

The manufacturing technology by vibrocompression is more complex, which increases the cost of tiles.

Main risks

The main drawback of the direction is a serious dependence on the season. In autumn and winter, the number of orders is sharply reduced, since the laying of paving slabs is possible only under certain weather conditions. Consider making interior tiles during these periods.

There is an opinion that the technology of making paving stones is very simple and does not require special knowledge. Nuances known only to professionals are present in any production. If you are not an experienced specialist, be sure to invite such a person to work. The slightest deviations in the choice of raw materials or inaccuracies in the observance of technology will lead to a decrease in the quality of paving stones. Marriage may not be noticeable at first sight, but it will certainly affect the durability of paving slabs, its ability not to collapse under the influence of low temperatures.


It is advisable to start the search for premises from areas and industrial zones in which cheap raw material bases operate. This will save on the delivery of raw materials. The second landmark is a convenient transport interchange.

For the production of paving slabs, free production or warehouses. For small production (up to 100 m² per shift), the minimum area is about 80 m². The space requirements are as follows:

Tile manufacturing technology requires special temperature regime(+40…+45 °С permanently) for rooms equal in area to a workshop, for drying chambers and a warehouse. To do this, it should be possible to organize good heating and warm floors, insulate the walls. In the workshop, heating is also desirable, since here the air temperature should not fall below +15 °C.
- For uninterrupted operation of the equipment, a three-phase power supply that can withstand a voltage of 380 watts is required.
- Be sure to have cold water or the possibility of its supply and sewage, the presence of hot is also desirable.
- It is desirable to organize the area for a warehouse with a significant margin. In the event of an increase in production volumes or the presence of remnants of unsold products, you will not face the problem of finding a place to store finished tiles.
- Take into account the possible factor of manual loading and unloading of raw materials and finished paving stones. Try to organize the space in such a way that these processes take place with the least amount of time and effort.


Consider a set of mandatory equipment for the manufacture of paving slabs by vibrocasting.

  1. 2 concrete mixers. The price of one is 8-15 thousand rubles.
  2. Forms for filling. Polyurethane withstand 100 cycles, plastic - about 250, rubber - 500. The minimum price of molds for the manufacture of 1 m² is 250 rubles. Forms for the manufacture of gutters and borders, the minimum price for 1 m² is 200 rubles.
  3. vibrating table. The price is about 30 thousand rubles.
  4. Demoulding table. The price is about 17 thousand rubles.
  5. Racks for drying tiles in molds can be made independently from metal.
  6. Reinforced PVC film for covering moulds. The minimum price is 50 rubles per linear meter.
  7. Hydraulic rokla. The minimum price is 7 thousand rubles.
  8. Packing device. The minimum price is 4 thousand rubles.
  9. Pallets (pallets). The price is about 500 rubles. You can do it yourself.

The vibrocompression technology is based on the semi-dry compaction method concrete mix with low water and cement content by means of vibration. For the manufacture of paving slabs using this method, the following equipment is required:

  • vibropress. The price is 25 thousand-4 million rubles.
  • Technological pallets for vibrocompression. Price - 2-6 thousand rubles.

For the manufacture of clinker paving slabs, the following equipment is required:

  • extruder
  • Forming press. It is better to buy models of different types (tape, rotary, lever, vacuum).
  • Pre-drying chamber.
  • Tunnel kiln.

It is better to order a line for the production of clinker paving stones from manufacturers. In free sale, this equipment is extremely rare and very expensive. In the manufacture of a line to order, the price depends entirely on the characteristics of a particular production.

It is advisable to organize the delivery of paving stones to customers on their own. It is unprofitable to rent a vehicle for this purpose. Better buy your own freight car. This will provide customers best service and not depend on possible transport problems of raw material suppliers.


The most important employee in the production of paving slabs is an experienced craftsman who is fluent in manufacturing technology. The number of auxiliary workers depends on the volume of production. For the production of up to 100 m² per shift, a team of 4-5 people is enough.

Doing financial reporting small firm can be entrusted to an experienced part-time accountant.

Manufacturers of paving slabs that provide comprehensive services get a huge advantage over competitors. You can hire several employees to lay out paving stones at the client's site. This not only improves the chances of attracting more customers, but also minimizes losses in the event of downtime due to tile manufacturing techniques or lack of orders.

Documents and licenses

To open a workshop for the production of paving slabs, it is not necessary to obtain any licenses or certificates. It is enough to register an individual entrepreneur, issue permits in the fire department and pension fund(in the presence of hired employees).

If you plan to work with major customers and expand the company, it is better to form an LLC. More complex tax calculations and the registration process pay off with high investment opportunities, orders from legal entities, and reduced risks of losing personal property or funds in the event of bankruptcy.

It is also desirable to pass the voluntary certification procedure. The cost of the examination ranges from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. For buyers, the availability of documents confirming the conformity of the tiles state standards and its high quality often becomes a decisive factor in choosing a manufacturer.


Expensive advertising in the media is not affordable for a novice entrepreneur, and it does not bring much effect. Ordinary advertisements with information about the production and laying of paving stones will ensure a good flow of the first private customers. The best places for posting ads are cottage and holiday villages, railway stations, bus stops, shops.

Be sure to use the Internet. Place information about your company on local or regional advertising and information sites. This type of advertising allows minimal cost reach the maximum audience of potential customers. Be sure to post photos of completed orders, tell us about the technology of making tiles, the advantages of your products. Visualization and specificity will provide a lot of customers. Do not forget about the reviews of grateful customers. Only their presence can tip the scales in your favor when choosing between similar products and cost.

For the conclusion of contracts with large construction companies or others legal entities the owner of the company must personally visit the leaders and provide offer. Quality certificates, quality booklets with photos of product samples, favorable prices and description production capacity- everything will work to increase the chances of getting a large order.

Learn new technologies and implement them in production. If you master the manufacture of polymer, luminous, rubber or 3d tiles, an endless stream of customers will be provided.


Minimum start-up capital to enter the business of manufacturing paving slabs is about 500 thousand rubles (equipment + repair of premises + raw materials). You should have about 200 thousand rubles in reserve for current expenses in the first period before reaching normal profits.

The average cost of manufacturing 1 m² of paving stones by vibrocasting is 200-220 rubles. The selling price is 330-350 rubles per 1 m². it can be concluded that the profitability of the business is 50%. In the absence of downtime, payback can be achieved in a few months.

In this article:

Starting the production of paving slabs (paving stones) is much easier than, for example, setting up the production of food products or clothing. Why? Yes, because you do not need any special licenses to open such a business. You just open a private enterprise - and go ahead.

In fact, you don’t even need to be too meticulous about paving slab production technology. You can open such a business without having any skills in construction or related fields.

Paving slab production: business plan

Step 1: Certification

Finished products of such production do not need mandatory certification. However, certification is worth it. Buyers will be more willing to purchase a product that meets high quality standards and has a certificate confirming this. Fortunately, the necessary expertise will not cost too much: 100-300 dollars.

Step 2: Room

Any room is suitable for a workshop, for example, a warehouse or production areas. It is best if your production is located in an industrial area and has convenient access routes. The main condition is that the premises are located near cheap raw material bases (this way you will save on the delivery of raw materials, such as concrete).

Other characteristics of the premises:

  • The area of ​​the premises for a small production of paving slabs (up to 100 m 2 tiles per shift) should be at least 70-80 m 2. The larger the output, the larger the area should be;
  • An electrical network with a voltage of 380 W must be connected;
  • Cold water is provided (it is also desirable to have hot water);
  • It is desirable that the workshop be heated.

You will also need a separate heated room with warm floors, which will maintain a temperature of 40-45 ° all year round. Its dimensions should not be less than the room under the workshop. This room should be taken under the drying chamber, as well as a warehouse.

Total monthly rent for all premises: $500-1000 per month.

Step 3: Hardware

The description of the technology is quite capacious, therefore it is placed in a separate chapter.


Cheap non-automated equipment will cost many times less. However, when buying such inventory, you will have to put up with a number of restrictions:

  • Mostly manual labor;
  • Low quality products;
  • Small volumes of production;
  • Low energy efficiency of the equipment.

More expensive counterparts (both domestic and foreign) are almost always automated and guarantee production High Quality. They also allow you to increase productivity, provide low energy consumption and a number of other advantages.

There are 2 most common technologies for the production of paving slabs, paving stones:

  • vibrocompression;
  • Vibrocasting.

The use of each of these technologies will require the purchase of a different set of equipment. Moreover, each method is characterized by several levels of mechanization - from completely automated production before attracting workers to perform most of the manipulations. Let's consider each method in more detail.


With this method, a vibropress is used for the production of paving slabs. It happens like this:

  • With the help of a mixer, a concrete mixture is prepared;
  • The finished mixture is fed from the mixer to the vibropress using a conveyor;
  • The vibropress compresses the mixture, forming finished products - tile blocks;
  • Further, finished products are moved to special pallets or storage racks, where they are kept for 12 hours;
  • Finished products are packed and prepared for shipment to the buyer.

Often, all these procedures are performed by a single unit. It is a fully automated conveyor type line. At the same time, workers should only fill in the correct proportions of the ingredients necessary for mixing the mixture.

There are also less automated lines, where some stages of production are performed by people. They typically cost less than their fully automated counterparts, but product quality can suffer from these savings. Benefits of vibrocompression:

  • This method implies high labor productivity;
  • Products obtained by this method are more durable and frost-resistant;
  • They are designed in strict geometry;
  • Such products are more durable.


In fact, with this method, the only type of equipment is a vibrating table for the production of paving slabs. It can be an automated line with a conveyor and automatic knockout of finished products, or it can be very simple and inexpensive. According to this method, tiles are made as follows:

  • The finished mixture is poured into molds for the production of paving slabs;
  • Next, the forms are placed on the vibrating table;
  • The vibrating table is a special machine for the production of paving slabs. It has a vibrating surface, and forms are kept on it for a certain time;
  • Forms are removed from the vibrating table and stand in a warm room for 12 hours;
  • Finished products are knocked out of the casting molds. This is done in such a way that the products do not turn out with chips.

This technology can also be highly automated, but there are also options when all procedures, except for vibration treatment, are performed by workers. In this case, you, in fact, are producing paving slabs with your own hands.

Equipment for vibrocasting is cheaper than for vibropressing. Products obtained by this method can be of various configurations and sizes - everything depends only on the casting molds. It has a smoother surface and attractive appearance.

In other respects, the products obtained by this method lose in quality to pressed analogs (see "Advantages of vibrocompression"). For the price, the production of paving slabs by vibrocasting is slightly more expensive than by vibrocompression. This is due to the fact that concrete is consumed less economically.

The approximate cost of the equipment will be 3.000-10.000 dollars. In both vibrocasting and vibrocompression, you only need 3-5 workers to start production. They do not need any special skills or education. Monthly salary fund: 1.000-2.000 dollars.

Total starting capital: 5.000-14.000 dollars.

Alternative option

What is the fastest way to start the production of paving slabs? It is known that it takes several months to start such a business from scratch. In addition, it is often possible at first to break firewood due to inexperience. That is why you can buy the production of paving slabs. It is worth noting that the purchase is justified only if the purchased enterprise has a large production.

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of such a purchase. Let's start with pluses:

  • You can immediately start working. Production (and often marketing) of products is already well established. You can immediately start implementing all your fresh and bright ideas to improve your business;
  • You do not need to look for premises and equipment, everything is already done for you;
  • Experienced staff. When you buy a business, you buy the services of all its employees. You will almost certainly have to part with some of them, but there are those who will help you quickly get used to and understand the whole point of this business.


  • High price. Buying a business is much more expensive than starting the production and sale of paving slabs from scratch. In fact, you overpay for the so-called "goodwill". This English word denotes everything that cannot be measured in meters, kilograms or pieces. However, it includes everything that is critical for business - an established team, well-established relationships with suppliers and customers, a recognizable brand, etc. "Goodwill" cannot be measured, but it has its own price, which can often be higher than the price of all assets of the purchased production;
  • Underwater rocks. Have you thought about why the current owner decided to sell his successful business? It happens that the reason lies in the problems of production, which may not be obvious to a person from the outside. It turns out that you buy a company only to find that even more serious investments are required to correct the situation;
  • You can buy a paving slab factory and realize that everything is not organized there in the way that it should be organized in a good way. Low productivity, poor product quality, too high costs - all this most often depends on the wrong management decisions. Correcting the situation can be very costly. In the worst case, you just have to close the old plant and start from scratch.

These are just a few obvious disadvantages that lie on the surface. If you do not understand anything in the production of paving slabs and do not have experience in this area, you should be very careful about the possibility of buying a company.

Here, perhaps, is all you need to know about the production of paving slabs. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this, and your own small production will not require huge investments. If things go well, it might be wise to expand production. At the initial stage, you just have to trust your instincts and try your hand at business.

You can talk a lot about the imperfection of the world, in which at least once every ten years there are economic crises, or you can independently determine the direction of activity that will bring stable income regardless of the global financial situation. These activities include those in which people will always be interested. Including all activities related to decorating the interior space of an apartment or a country house, finishing the territory of a personal plot. For example, the production of paving slabs. The main component of future success in such a situation is the high-quality and original preparation of a business plan, on the basis of which successful and fruitful activities will be carried out in the future.

The competition in this market is quite high, but the demand for this finishing material is quite large. It is formed due to the ever-increasing rates of private suburban construction, the implementation of works on the improvement of the territories of urban and rural settlements, plain asphalt on the sidewalks of which often fit during the Moscow Olympics-80.

This type of business is recognized as one of the least expensive. To get started own production, will require from 100,000 US dollars.

Registration, taxes, certification

In any situation, you have to start with registration. For a small production at the first stages of activity, it is enough to register in the role. The production of paving slabs is convenient as a start-up with a minimum number of permits required for such work and a simple taxation scheme. Registration of the manufacturer as an individual entrepreneur makes it possible to choose 6%.

There is no mandatory certification for paving slabs. True, given the significant role that potential buyers give to his presence, the certificate can be ordered additionally. In such a situation, the finished samples in the certification service will be carefully checked for the level of moisture resistance, frost resistance, readiness to withstand mechanical stress and negative influence environment, including retaining color under constant exposure to direct sunlight. Due to the ease of manufacturing industrial batches of beautiful and original paving slabs, such a confirmation of high quality will be an additional argument for a potential buyer to choose our offer.

What is included in the business plan for the production of paving slabs?

An important basis for future success is a detailed assessment of the production options for this practical finishing material with selection options for buyers of lots.

Experienced producers recommend paying attention to the private sector in the early stages. It requires a small number of units of paving slabs in ordered batches. At the same time, the demand of the private sector for this material is high. Repair of garden paths can be done literally every year.

In addition, paving slabs are often in demand by representatives of local city organizations. When choosing a material that is reliable in operation, it is paving slabs that are ready to become at the same time an adornment of the territory of any locality and the basis for improving the comfort of all who live in it.

You will also need to accurately assess what equipment will be required from the first stages of activity. This will help you immediately determine the parameters of the costs that will be spent on its acquisition. Also, the business plan includes information on the amount of materials that will be required for the fast and high-quality execution of batches of any scale.

Production room

The ideal situation would be for a novice entrepreneur to have their own premises for organizing production. It can be quite compact.

All equipment can be easily accommodated in an area of ​​50 square meters. Of these, it is enough to allocate no more than 35 square meters for production. The remaining 15 square meters will be used for the storage of manufactured products.

You can rent the space you need. It is important that it meets the requirements fire safety and had a permanent connection to the power supply. Also in the room you will need to install a drying chamber.

Technologies for the manufacture of paving slabs

Today, there are two basic manufacturing technologies for this convenient and practical material.

In the case when it is planned to immediately start with the production of sufficiently large batches, it is recommended to use vibropressing technologies. This technology includes several basic stages of activity.

  • Preparation of concrete using a concrete mixer, from which, after preparing the mixture, the mass is placed in a vibropress, in its matrix.
  • The second stage is the work of vibrators and a punch, which make the material dense and send the material prepared for drying to a mold pallet, which is sent for drying.
  • At the third stage, future reliable and durable tiles are dried in a thermo-moist way, in the role of which ordinary hot water vapor can be used. To minimize the cost of performing a full range of works, pallets with products can be dried without the use of specialized steam plants- just indoors.

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Using vibrocasting technologies work is carried out differently.

  1. The concrete mixture is being prepared.
  2. The finished mixture is placed in molds located on the vibrating table.
  3. Forms are laid out on pallets.
  4. Forms are left in natural conditions for two days.
  5. Heating molds to 50-60 degrees Celsius and knocking out finished paving slabs from them.

This technology makes it possible to create models of an almost unique shape, which are especially convenient for decorating adjacent territories.

Equipment for the production of paving slabs

At the first stages of the work, you will need to purchase or rent:

  • a vibropress, the cost of which upon purchase is about 20,000 US dollars;
  • from 5 to 6 thousand US dollars upon purchase will be spent on the purchase of a concrete mixer;
  • the purchase of a punch will cost the owner of the new production 3 thousand.

The use of such technology options will allow the production of tiles by vibrocompression.

An alternative set of equipment will be the equipment used for the production of paving slabs with their own hands using vibrocasting technology. This kit includes:

  • vibrating table, the minimum cost of which is 4 thousand US dollars;
  • molds for the manufacture of paving slabs - from 1-8 US dollars per 1 mold;
  • $600 will cost a new entrepreneur a concrete mixer.

A convenient type of additional equipment will be a bath used for washing molds. Its average cost is 1-1.5 thousand US dollars.

To minimize costs at the initial stages of activity, it is recommended to purchase used equipment.

What staff will be required to do the job?

For a small production, all the works of which are located on a space of 50 square meters, it is enough to include 3 employees in the staff of the enterprise. One of them can additionally combine the functionality of a storekeeper and a driver. A convenient option that allows you to save money is the invitation of representatives of outsourcing companies to prepare tax, pension and accounting reports.

The cost of production of paving slabs

In the production of paving slabs, flat-cement concrete and a plasticizer are used. Cost of manufactured 1 cubic meter source material is 3,000 rubles. From it you can make up to 16 square meters of finished tiles. average cost production of one square meter of tiles is 150-170 rubles. It is necessary to add 50-70 rubles to it, which will be spent on electricity, wages for workers, rent of premises and other production needs. The selling price of a tile is much higher - at least from 230-300 rubles.

Profitability of production of paving slabs

If a new manufacturer quickly finds potential buyers, the profitability of paving slab production due to the use of inexpensive materials reaches 150%. This suggests that even with the purchase of a complete set of equipment, the purchase will be justified.

The manufacture of paving slabs is today recognized as one of the most successful options for starting your own business. successful business. Making paving slabs as a business will require financial costs at the initial stage, but will bring a high payback later.

Video: production of paving slabs

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The construction segment today is inferior in terms of the introduction of new technologies only to the telecommunications sector. Literally every day they talk about “new breakthroughs” and the emergence of new “unique” technologies. Such activity does not always correspond to real needs and even more real market opportunities. Practice shows that good old technologies remain not only in demand, but also give excellent chances to start your own business with little investment. The realities of small business in 2015 show rather illusory prospects construction market, but the question remains, what should construction teams do, how to look for an alternative to earn money?

The answer can be found in related areas, in the optimization of the business itself. As one of the alternatives (in truth, the option is good for organizing a new business), you can consider organizing the production of paving slabs using the vibrocasting method.

How much is it worth to be engaged in the production of paving slabs

The level of depreciation of fixed assets is not just high, but very high, this applies to all aspects, including sidewalks. If we talk about the roadway, those same roads, then the situation is no better, this question belongs to the sphere of interests of the "big" bosses, as a result, they are more or less repaired. A completely different situation develops with sidewalks, money for them is not particularly allocated, the specifics of their repair does not allow much acceleration. From practice, I can say for sure that from one square meter of the road you can "appropriate" 3-4 times more. Most sidewalk repairs in cities, small towns, private households are farmed out small business. What does this mean in practice?

At organization of a full cycle from production to laying of paving slabs, the business receives significant benefits in the form of:

  • - flexible pricing policy. The final price of the finished product will not include the price of an intermediary (as retail- 20-50%, the cost of the foreman's services - 20-30%). In fact, this means that tiles can be installed at a 50% discount without losing the average profitability.
  • - individual approach to the client. Selection of shape, color, it is possible to take into account individual characteristics site.
  • - a full range of services. If we take into account that for the mini-shop itself, raw materials (screenings, cement) will be purchased at wholesale prices from established suppliers, then de facto the client pays, and really gets everything at once at the best price.

By and large, it is precisely such a complex option that makes it possible to talk about the paving slab production business as an option for construction teams in reprofiling.

Do not forget about the profitability of the business, two main points:

  • - the production of pavement tiles has a profitability of 40-50% for wholesale sales and about 80-90% for retail sales;
  • - using the same equipment (with the exception of molds) it is possible to produce a very wide range of products, and not just tiles.
  • - profit from pavement laying also reaches 50%.

In total, due to the full cycle, it is realistic to obtain about 100% profitability, and due to the wide range of products, “smooth out” seasonal fluctuations in demand.

For example, for the period of the "winter season" to change their profile to the manufacture of concrete countertops, figures.

Technologies for the production of paving slabs

If we consider the market as a whole, we can distinguish three main technologies:

  1. Clinker tiles.
  2. vibrocasting
  3. Vibrocompression

Relatively clinker tiles, one thing can be said, expensive. Moreover, in all other respects, high-quality clinker products are better. Such products are made from clay, followed by firing at high temperatures. Such production is expensive to organize, requiring special permits, high-quality raw materials. It ends up being expensive. this technology goes into the area big business. According to their technology, they also have a lot of nuances, ranging from the availability of really high-quality raw materials (not every clay is suitable), to the need to maintain a constant technological cycle. Here, recently, a friend’s “light” was turned off for a couple of hours, so then for a week the frozen clay was “picked out”.

One more technology for the manufacture of paving slabs is vibrocompression. The method is undeniably good and has its advantages:

  • - Firstly, the opportunities for the widespread use of automatic processes. If you have money and desire, about 90% of all processes are done by machines.
  • - secondly, higher wear resistance.

True, there is a downside:

  • - Expensive equipment. Such a workshop cannot be called small, its organization will require quite a lot of money, as a result, it is necessary to immediately aim for large sales volumes.
  • - the cost of such products is higher than that of tiles made by vibrocasting.
  • - higher stability shows itself effectively only in cases of intense loads. For example, if you use tiles as paving stones on a road with heavy traffic (cars) or a very large flow of people.

Vibrocasting - in this version of the production of paving slabs, we are talking about traditional casting using a vibrating table, this option is suitable for a home business. The technology itself simply does not require any additional and especially special equipment, except for the table itself. In fact, the procedure is a chain:

Concrete (cement-sand mixture) is prepared in concrete mixers, consisting of:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • crushed granite fraction 5-10 mm;
  • plasticizer C-3;
  • air-entraining START additive;
  • pigment.

Ready concrete is laid out in forms on a vibrating table;

The mixture in the forms is given the required density on the vibrating table;

Forms with the solution are removed on the racks, covered with PVC film and kept for a day;

The molds with the solidified mixture are heated in a bath of warm water;

Stripping of products is carried out;

Tiles are laid on pallets, where a certain period of time is maintained until they are fully ready.


  • - low cost of the finished product;
  • - small initial investments;
  • - maximum business flexibility. Products can be made in small batches of any shape and color.


  • - high level of manual labor;
  • - Rigid binding of the volume of production to the area of ​​the workshop.

What equipment is needed

The total area for a small workshop should be about 60 square meters, plus premises for the final drying of paving slabs. The main condition is:

  • - Availability of electricity and water.
  • - heating. To obtain a strong product, it is imperative to observe the drying conditions, in cold periods it is necessary to “raise” the temperature, and to reduce it in hot weather. Drying too fast will result in loss of quality.

Among the equipment it is necessary to highlight

Concrete mixer - about 20,000 rubles.

Forms for pouring tiles. It must be emphasized that today there are four variations of forms on the market:

metal forms. The most expensive, from the pros the possibility of long-term use, from the minuses the cost.

Rubber, used up to 500 cycles.

Plastic - 250 cycles

Polyurethane - up to 100 production cycles.

Which forms to buy is a rhetorical question, practice shows that when choosing forms, one must be guided by one principle - rationality. Expensive more durable rubber or metal molds will work for popular molds. But in the manufacture of non-standard or one-time orders, it is worth buying cheap and short-lived plastic or polyurethane.

vibrating table. Its cost largely depends on the size, quality, and supplier. For the most part, you can make your own.

Demoulding table. Just an indispensable thing and helper, especially in conditions of seasonal intensity.

Bath for washing forms. All forms after the manufacture of tiles must be thoroughly cleaned, the "dirty" form is almost 100% defective.

Rokla hydraulic. Also, at first glance, a rather unnecessary thing, but when working with working volumes of a tile, its transportation and transportation without rokla is a tedious, time-consuming process of palletizing.

and activities

It is very difficult to calculate the real cost without having specifics about the region, the availability of a raw material base, it can even be said unrealistic. On average, the market profitability level of production is about 30-45%, while it varies significantly depending on the remoteness of the resource base, here it is the presence of cement plants, granite and sand pits. The closer, the cheaper the feedstock, the higher the level of profitability. One of the most significant factors for a small mini paving slab shop is the low dependence on fixed costs, which allows you to very quickly "freeze" production, just as quickly launch it, while not using significant financial resources.

Advertising and marketing of finished products

Very often, small businesses (especially if the business belongs to the category of home business) do not attach much importance to advertising and beautiful presentation of their product, this is perhaps one of the most common mistakes, as a result of low sales volumes at the beginning of the project. Subsequently, “popular rumor” with “word of mouth” do their job, but this happens later. And I would advise you to take product advertising seriously and offer the following options:

  • - first. Preparation of bright advertising booklets. Moreover, the booklets should contain high quality photos, a large selection of various forms (it can be taken from sites selling ready-made forms for paving slabs) and colors. The fact is that even a small order can always be saved and you can buy cheap molds made of plastic or polyurethane. Plus, the cost of a few thousand promotional brochures won't cost that much. When distributing brochures, the main thing is to choose the right place and contingent.
  • - second. Advertising in newspapers is obligatory, especially since you will have the opportunity to lay tiles. For a small workshop for paving slabs, you can rent a large banner, again, the main thing is to choose the right location.

Alternative and related activities

A small production of paving slabs has another significant advantage, these are the opportunities to expand the range of products and services offered, in particular:

  • - services in laying of a tile.
  • - production of fences, curbs, gutters.
  • - using almost the same set of equipment, you can make concrete garden figures or kitchen countertops, window sills, and even fountains.
  • - minor modernization and it is possible to arrange the production of cinder blocks, and if there is money, then foam concrete (you need to buy a high-speed concrete mixer).

The list can be continued, today there is a huge number of concrete products on the market, most of which can be produced at home, including paving slabs and paving stones.

Video example of the production of paving slabs with your own hands

DIY paving slabs

We organize a small mini workshop with our own hands for the production of paving slabs