Training specialist in targeted advertising. How to learn how to set up advertising campaigns for results for business (CPA, CPO and ROI) and get large customers in targeted advertising? Why doesn't the course start?

The highest degree of knowledge of the material is when you can talk about complex things easily and interestingly. It is for this that I appreciate Nikolai Smirnov as a lecturer and teacher.
When you listen to his lessons, analytics and targeting do not seem like something incredibly complicated, with their formulas, data, an endless number of abbreviations. It is as if you are drinking tea and in between times you are listening to an interesting book that a friend is reading aloud.
All lessons are arranged logically, step by step, with a bunch of useful information from many years of personal experience. It is important that Nikolay gives not only a base, but also new chips, with which the work will immediately go more productive.

If you go to the course from scratch, you can be sure: you will be given a card, directed along the target path, and at the same time supported good advice at the initial stages of work.
And experienced targetologists and social media specialists will once again line up information in a logical chain, learn something new and get +1 experience from an excellent specialist.

Daria Samoilova

SMM manager Netology

This course differs from others in the relevance of information. For example, lukalike was still in beta testing at the time of my passage, but there is a special lesson in the course dedicated to this setting. This is very pleasing, since in most of these courses and trainings the information is very outdated.

Also, I liked that the course reveals life hacks for working with advanced services for working with target audience(parsers). Indeed, if everything is set up correctly, then targeting is much easier.

Well, this course ends with a section on automation from HiConversion. This automation is indispensable if you have a project a large number of campaigns and ads. This is the future of targeting as the competition grows and the need for automation services grows too.

Tigran Gevorgyan


Completed a course on setting up and automating targeted advertising from Hiconversion. I recommend it to everyone who wants to tighten their gears.

On the course, first of all I wanted to understand the operation of the platform, but in the end I also figured out the structure of the auction, closed the gaps in the analytics. It came to an understanding that it is necessary to take into account all the user's touches before the conversion in order to correctly evaluate the spent and distribute subsequent budgets.

Beglov Timur


I created this blog to share useful videos, articles, tips and notes on traveling and making money online. Once I was inspired by blogs, videos and books of people living by their own rules. Thanks to them, I found strength in myself and completely changed own life. Now I want to do my part and help other people change their lives...

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Students from a gated community asked for a list of books to read in order to learn Zen in the art of writing cool texts. I would not call myself a super specialist in this direction, but I can generate tons of traffic with the help of promo posts. Today I was just preparing slides and collecting statistics. Purely with the help of them, we collected an email database of 30,000 people with average cost only 38 rubles per lead...

Targeted advertising on VKontakte is rightfully very popular among advertisers. Its capabilities after the advent of retargeting have become truly impressive. Experienced advertisers work wonders in extracting traffic from this source. But for beginners, as a rule, this tool does not favor and quickly eats up the entire already modest budget.

How to avoid common mistakes? How to properly set up an advertising campaign? How to use the potential of targeting to its full potential? I found answers to these questions here...

A step-by-step method for setting up targeted advertising on VKontakte

  • Website:
  • Year: 2014
  • Format: video
  • Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Price: 2990 rubles.


I'll tell you a secret right away. This is not the only course this topic. On the net you can find free and paid cases, manuals and trainings on advertising on VKontakte. But some of them cannot even be called “suitable”, not to mention “useful” and “high-quality”.

If you manage to find something really worthy of comparison with Alexey's course, then be sure to give a link in the comments. I have nothing to give as an example yet, although I know a lot of similar materials.

Why doesn't the course start?

From unnecessary theory, from a description of the interface of the advertising account and its capabilities. The product is primarily designed for those who want to improve their existing skills in targeting, and not to acquire the first experience.

Therefore, spend an hour of your time to study the interface on your own, create 2-3 test ads, play around with all the settings, turn off the first 100-200 rubles for the sake of interest, look at the result, and only then proceed to study the material.

I guarantee that digestibility will be many times better, because you will immediately see all your mistakes and, in the process of learning, draw up a clear plan to improve the advertising campaign.

What is inside

Everything you really need to know about targeting, from Az to Izhitsa.

Alexey paid attention to almost every aspect of setting up an advertising campaign.

Told about:

  • for whom this type of advertising will be really effective;
  • how to approach the creation of campaigns, depending on the specifics of the advertised object;
  • how to correctly compose the text of the ad and choose a “catchy” image;
  • when to send people directly to the landing page, and when to send them to the community first;
  • how to use settings by gender, age, marital status and geography;
  • what pitfalls are hidden in such seemingly understandable parameters as interests, “travelers” and browsers.


The author once and for all resolved the "eternal confrontation" - CPC vs. CPM - explaining when to use each of the payment options. He talked about his strategy for setting prices and told the "golden rules" of targeting.


In order for us to increase the effectiveness of advertising, Alexey gave recommendations on the proper management of commercial communities. Did not bypass such important questions like retargeting and using UTM tags for more detailed analytics. He talked about ways to optimize CTR.


No, of course, this is not some kind of unique testing system, but on the contrary, it is quite simple and understandable, and that is why it is very effective.


I love case studies because they put theory into practice. Alexey generously shares his experience for a whole hour, analyzing in detail the successful and "modest" advertising campaigns for big brands thematic events, online stores, arbitrage for physical goods and games, promotion of infobusiness. All this with examples of creatives, settings and end results.

In addition to showing how to create ads, the case studies can also serve as a good benchmark against which to compare your results for advertisers with little experience in targeting.

What is your evidence?

It is very easy to verify Alexey's expertise on your own. Start by reading his public on VKontakte - "". I am sure that already in it you will find more useful information than in the rest of the Runet.

Few? Then watch the recording of the free webinar and at the same time evaluate the manner and quality of the presentation of the material, as well as the depth of the author's practical knowledge.