How to make money on March 8 ideas. How to make money from scratch trading flowers for the holidays

A friend of mine started with this mini. There is such a day in the year - March 8th. On this day, half the country like crazy buy flowers, alcohol and sweets. And the other part of the people thinks how to make money on it.

It is extremely difficult not to sell flowers on this day.

A few days before the holiday, you need to find flower shops on the Internet. Draw a rough map of the city. Determine where there are "empty" places. There will most likely be no empty places at all, you need to choose places where there are fewer flower shops, there will certainly be queues, and people really don’t like to stand in lines ... It’s also worth looking at places with high traffic: close large supermarkets, in the city center, near the markets.

When the seats are selected, you need to see them with your own eyes, try on where you can stand. In almost every city there are "illegal mini markets", places where some people just stand regularly without any licenses and fees. trading place. Most often, these are grandmothers: they sell clothes, seeds, flowers, honey ... Give preference to just such places, people in this area have already developed the habit of “buying here”.

Determine how much money you are willing to put into this business.

Select at least 10 flower shops, call them and find out at what price they are ready to give you flowers if you immediately take a batch from them for the amount of money available to you. Here it is worth being impudent, asking to throw off even more. Even if they refuse to shell out more, they certainly won't change their minds about selling at the regular price. Remember, they are actually very interested in selling as much as possible.

Then you need to find a small table that will serve as your counter. On day X we go to the intended place. From lunch to sunset there will be hands-on sales training.

The average retail price of a bouquet of flowers in Moscow is 500-1000 rubles. Let's say you manage to sell 10 bouquets with a markup of 100 rubles. Then your daily income will be 10,000 rubles. How much do you earn per day now?

You can dedicate your plans to friends who are also interested in the topic “own business”.

Together you can buy more flowers, which means you get big discount at the supplier. Earned money can go to other business projects.

The special charm of this real business the idea is that one person will definitely be happy that day, it is a win-win. Either you will be satisfied with calculating the profit, or in the evening fill up your soulmate with unsold goods!

On the eve of the eighth of March, men are divided into two categories. One of them frantically thinks what to give to her beloved, wife, daughter, sister, mother, and the other half is looking for ways to make money on this holiday. Known fact - for a couple of public holidays you can break a good profit, especially if you know what to do. How to make money on one holiday that covers the entire population of our country? We will suggest some business ideas for making money on a holiday like March 8th.


Like it or not, you can’t do without flowers. Regardless of what the gift will be, a man must give a flower (at least one). Such is the female psychology and you can not argue with that. So it turns out that the flower business on this day is considered not only the most popular, but also the most profitable. Income from such a business can be up to 300% of the funds spent. So where to start? First, you need to find a supplier. Enough in any major city a large number of wholesalers who are ready to bring the goods to your home (depending on the volume). What happens? We buy tulips for 15-20 rubles (with a large wholesale) and sell for 60-100 rubles. a piece? Profit in person.

Tip: organize several points of sale. And in order to save on sellers and rent, then offer work to grandmothers and rent a place in the market. And not expensive and help grandmothers earn some extra money.

Gift Baskets

Another common type of gift. They are bought by work colleagues, friends, and those who just want to please. It is not difficult to make such sets yourself, it is enough to collect an assortment of goods, gift wrapping and a little imagination. It is important to follow a few rules: creativity in design, the theme must match the items in the set. So, for example, shower gel will not be combined with a pack of beautiful tea, no matter how expensive they are.

What sets can be made of: it can be sweets and coffee, or tea, hygiene items, hygiene products (shower gel, body milk), dishes, or kitchen utensils, cosmetics, jewelry and ... in general, everything without what our woman can not do.

You can sell these products via the Internet (through groups in social networks) or rent a small point in the local market, where, as a rule, there is high traffic.

Bouquets of toys

A relatively young business, the result of which quickly won the hearts of women of any age. Bouquets can be made not only from toys, but also sweets and even balloons. This option is especially beneficial for those who have a rich imagination and can make such bouquets themselves. The main thing here is to create harmony, for example, hares, large kittens will look very vulgar and ridiculous in a small bouquet. By the way, you can show a little creativity and make a bouquet from a combination of small toys and sweets.

Profit: The cost of one bouquet varies around 600-700 rubles. (minimum price of a good bouquet with 5-6 toys). The cost of small toys is not very expensive. At wholesale warehouses, or ordering via the Internet from China, the price of such a toy starts at 15-20 rubles. per piece, or even less. Of course, you will also need additional paraphernalia in the form of paper, artificial flowers, etc., but all this can be bought for a very low prices, a final result offer the buyer at a decent price.

The sale of bouquets is also possible through the Internet, a rented place on the market or agree with the seller, for example, fresh flowers, and sell the bouquets through him. There is no need to be afraid of rejection. Fresh flowers are always out of competition. And you can combine business. We have already written about fresh flowers above, so you can attach several of these bouquets to them.


Every year, interest in manual labor increases and is valued much more than standard souvenirs from the store. If you have a small gift and you have a mass interesting ideas, then you can do business on souvenirs handmade. They are also, without exception, like all women. Small souvenirs are very popular among companies that congratulate their employees on the holiday every year, regardless of their activities.

Fridge magnets handmade.

The theme is known, it remains only to buy various accessories, glue and sit in the evenings, collect magnets. Particularly interesting are magnets using spices (star anise), coffee beans, cinnamon sticks, etc. such a magnet will not only please the eye, but also give a subtle aroma in the kitchen. The cost of work is low, and you can sell with a higher markup. Manual labor is highly valued. Don't forget about another plus manual labor: each product is unique and excludes repetitions.

Whatever your business idea, you yourself should like it, and only then the profit will not be long in coming. Good luck!

Peculiarities flower business or how much you can earn selling flowers on March 8

Until March 8, there is not much time left when you need to buy a basket of fresh flowers. Flower sellers are looking forward to this day, because Women's Day (and even September 1) whole year feeds. One flower brings 200-300 percent profit. We decided to trace the whole flower path this business: from a greenhouse or an overseas lawn to a cold Moscow counter. Where do roses and tulips come from in our flower markets? What kind of profit do sellers have? And how much, for example, a beginner in this business can earn on March 8 if he decides to resell the roses bought at the wholesale base.

I did not count on sky-high profits - I would like to return my own, well, at least to earn a cup of Americano with milk. So I thought modestly, going to the flower base to buy a dozen popular flowers at a penny price and resell them near the nearest metro station.

Trade streak

The retail sale of flowers is considered one of the most profitable businesses in Russia. According to unofficial statistics, the flower turnover on domestic market is about $2 billion a year. Wholesalers, who on ordinary days receive 80-100 thousand rubles of profit, can earn up to 4-5 million rubles on hot three or four March days.

My appetites were much more modest. I planned to spend 250 re on flowers - this is how much a package of 10 roses costs at a wholesale flower base. It was scary to buy more - after all, my business is illegal.

- Mmmm, have you decided to trade? yourself?- there was a catch in the voice of the saleswoman at the base.

- No, I’ll hire a person, I’ll put it near the metro,- I immediately went backwards. Well, we don’t have a trading vein in our family!

At the saleswoman, she not only was, but beat with a key. Feeling that she smelled like a wholesale purchase, she skillfully began to promote the client.

- We give roses 50 cm long for 44 rubles apiece. They are Dutch, high-quality, will stand for a long time. Bush goes for 39 and 49 rubles - these flowers are for everybody,- the girl chattered. - There are tulips - all for 29 rubles, only Moscow ones have 25 pieces in a package, and Dutch ones - 29. I advise you to take imported ones, they last longer and bloom more slowly.

Flower business: Bet on roses

In flower tents, such beauty is at odds with a 100% cheat: roses are already sold there for 100 (or even 130) rubles apiece, and tulips - for 40–60. And no one makes special secrets from where the flowers come from. Take, for example, Moscow tulips.

If the wholesaler informs the local state farm of ornamental crops about his intention to purchase the desired flower in autumn or early winter (no later than January), when the flower is still “at the bulbous stage”, its price will be 12-15 rubles per piece (depending on the variety). At the beginning of the year, it will grow by 2–3 rubles, and on the eve of holidays, such as March 8, flowers from the manufacturer will fly away with a bang for 20–25 rubles. But even such a price enables the reseller to make a 100% markup in order to bring it up to the market average - 50 rubles apiece. And on the eve of March 8, they will be torn off by 70 with their hands.

However, I decided to bet on roses. For 25 rubles apiece, I could only buy short roses, 40 cm long. The flowers came from Holland, although the label showed Kenya as the country of origin.

With them, I went to a lively place - to the nearest metro. Competitors were there at every turn - my modest bouquet was filled with five flower tents at once with their variety, and two more shops with real florists. Aunts with bouquets, however, did not stand - the time had not yet come. I went to their vacant places with my modest roses.

- Can I stand next to you?- Politely asked the boy in camouflage, selling bath accessories.

He was already in a hurry:

- What do you need? You don't look like a merchant. They walk around with trunks, but where are your flowers?

I say, I decided to make money on coffee.

- So do not suffer in vain! I'll buy you coffee at least now in a nearby tent for 15 rubles.

That's how we met. Vasily turned out to be unromantic, but very practical. He had everything at this point. From him, I learned that if the party is large, dealers pay 5 rubles per flower, that the local police are not dangerous, and you need to be afraid of district raids.

- Stay close and no one will touch you, - summed up Vasily. - Recently there was a check, the "leftists" have already been shuged. You have an hour. Can you manage?

I can manage, but how can I sell these damn roses?!

Failed marketing ploy in the flower business

"Attention! Stock! One flower - 40 rubles, a bouquet of three - for 100! “Buy roses, only from the greenhouse!”

I instantly changed slogans, but people only looked sideways and were not going to buy.

In a fit of despair, I even tried to give away the entire ill-fated bouquet at face value - 25 rubles apiece. Many were asked, no one took it.

After half an hour of trampling, I studied every crack in the petals, counted all the thorns on the stems, and the more I looked at my treasure, the more I realized that the word “roses” did not fit my flowers at all. "Roses" - still all right. Well, they didn't grow up. A saleswoman from a neighboring flower tent generally dubbed them "Kenyan garbage." Explained:

- At the base they sell regrading. What is not quoted at auctions in Holland is bought up for pennies by resellers and brought to us. This non-standard and clogged flower base. But are they flowers?

The lady florist from the store turned out to be more economically savvy. Skeptically looking at the bouquet, she said that my choice was an unsuccessful marketing ploy:

-Dealers have the most popular flowers - roses with a long stem and a bud the size of a fist, so you can make money on them. At an auction in Holland, such flowers cost about 14-16 rubles, the retail price for them starts from 100 rubles apiece, before the holiday on March 8, sellers usually still wind up 20%.

According to her, the formula of the flower business is as follows: the initial cost of the flower plus the customs markup to enter the party on legal grounds, then wholesalers add 20–30% to the price, but even after that, the seller may well lay a 100% profit. Golden flowers are coming!

I thought like this: everyone who could have already earned on my rose - and, without regretting at all, I gave flowers away.

Chronicle of the Flower Wars

  • February 2012. In Moscow, an angry buyer, having quarreled with a flower seller, threw an object that looked like a bomb into the store. Luckily, it was only a dummy made from 14 batteries screwed onto a cell phone.
  • August 2011. In Belorechensk (Krasnodar Territory), a 38-year-old flower shop salesman was shot in the head.
  • December 2010 In Perm, an attack was made on a saleswoman in the Flowers pavilion. The woman was taken to the hospital with stab wounds.
  • March 2003 In Tomsk, the owner of the largest flower shop in the region was killed.
  • June 2000 40-year-old network owner shot dead in Moscow flower shops on Leninsky Prospekt Alexey Kachkov.
  • Load chrysanthemums by wagons

    Flowers, although they are perishable goods, but in refrigerators they can even wait a month for their finest hour. That is why wholesalers are preparing in advance for the March bread days. So, more than 100 flower trucks pass through one customs post on hot February days, each of which can fit tons of cargo.

    - Where do flower trucks arrive at the customs posts of the Moscow region?

    Basically, commodity consignments follow from the Republic of Lithuania, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Czech Republic. This is explained by the fact that trade takes place on international markets, and therefore consignments are often completed in the Baltic warehouses. But at the same time, the countries of origin of flowers are the Netherlands, Ecuador, Colombia and Kenya - they occupy a leading position. A small percentage of goods come from Turkey, Israel, Ethiopia and some African countries.

    We are not in control domestic market and we cannot say how much flower production is left in Moscow, and how much went to the regions.

    Flowers arrive in uniform batches throughout the year. Although they are considered perishable goods, they are stored in refrigerators for a long time. However, we still note a slight increase in clearance volumes in late January - early February and, as a rule, August. These outbursts are quite understandable.

    - And what are the largest batches passed through the customs department?

    According to one declaration, we usually issue about 2-3 tons of flower products, which are transported by one truck. It usually contains a groupage cargo: bush roses, and piece roses, and greens for making bouquets, flowers in pots can also be transported there. The color names are also different. In addition to popular roses, chrysanthemums, orchids, gladioli, and other flowers are also brought. In one consignment, for example, there can be up to 100 thousand pieces of roses.

    - And in what cases is a biased search still carried out?

    Only if there is a violation of the law. For example, when employees suspect that the declaration contains false information. If, say, expensive flowers are transported with less valuable varieties, but at the same time they indicate that cheap roses make up 80% of the batch, expensive roses - 20%, but in fact everything is exactly the opposite. It happens that the declaration contains false information about the country of origin of goods in order to avoid prohibitions and restrictions established by law.

    - What is the punishment for violators?

    The most common punishment, according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, is from half to three times the value of a consignment, with or without confiscation. From the beginning of 2011 to the present, 100 cases of administrative offenses have been initiated and fines have been imposed in the amount of 4 million 476 thousand rubles.


    Tatyana Mikhalkova, President charitable foundation"Russian with silhouette":

    My discovery is mimosa. Yes, these worn, vulgar flowers that have been sold near the metro all their lives. But when I saw mimosa blossoms in Spain, in Italy (and there are just kilometers of these flowers), I literally fell in love with them.

    Olga Krasko, actress:

    I myself grow flowers in my country house, and my greatest pride is clematis. Huge, curly, crawling: One of those famous flowers that can be used to cover gazebos.

    Angelina Vovk, TV presenter:

    Traditionally, since Soviet times, the most festive flowers are tulips. On March 8, I give preference to them. I love pink, yellow, white - so that there is a palette of the most delicate shades.

    Galina Polskikh, actress:

    Jasmine. Very delicate flowers; when they bloom, they have an insanely pleasant smell. True, they do not last long, but nevertheless I manage to enjoy them.


    Everything is serious in Holland

    More than 80% of the flowers bought and sold worldwide go through an auction in Aalsmeer (near Amsterdam). This does not mean at all that all flowers are grown in Holland. The best roses come to the auction from Ecuador, Colombia, Ethiopia and Kenya, irises and carnations from Spain, Turkey and Israel. Israel also supplies greenery to decorate bouquets, and Turkey also supplies gerberas. But the highest quality tulips are still grown by little Holland.

    More than 20 million flowers and plants pass through the auction every day. In just four hours of the exchange's operation, 12 million roses are sold. The main product ends by 09.00. At the signal of the operator on the electronic display, reminiscent of a clock face (and there are several of them in one hall), a light bulb lights up at the “100” mark, indicating the maximum price for one flower. At this time, samples of the offered goods are moving around the hall on a special conveyor. The lights turn on and off, moving from "100" to "1". Bidding always starts at the highest price and it falls quickly.

    According to this scheme, up to 1.5 thousand transactions are made in one hour, information about which is immediately entered into the computer. In addition, in recent years, the system electronic trading. It makes it possible to conduct remote trading, that is, to buy in real time and have equal rights with ordinary auction players, without being physically present at it.

    Every year, on March 8, we celebrate International Women's Day. This century-old holiday is marked by the achievements of women in the political, economic and social areas. But today this holiday does not carry political convictions, but correlates with the Day of Spring, Women's Beauty, Love and Attention. Traditionally, on March 8, it is customary for women to give flowers. After all, flowers are a symbol of love and respect. Most often, women are given tulips on this day. It is tulips that are considered a kind of symbols of the coming spring.

    But not only the beautiful half of humanity is waiting for this holiday, experienced entrepreneurs are also eagerly preparing for the spring holiday. After all, on this day you can make good money selling flowers.

    On the eve of the holiday on March 8 Reconomica tells you all the secrets of selling tulips. We interviewed Oksana Frolova, who not only accepts congratulations on this day, but also helps others to please their loved ones. A woman is selling tulips. From her story you will not only learn a lot useful information about tulips, but you can organize your own small business and earn a good amount in just 3 days.

    Businessmen look forward to March 8 holiday

    There is very little time left before this wonderful holiday.

    On the eve of March 8, millions of men rush in search of flowers for their lovely ladies. Moreover, not only men buy flowers on March 8, women also buy them willingly: as a gift for mom, grandmother, girlfriend or employee. Experienced entrepreneurs are looking forward to this holiday all year long.

    There is a saying - one day feeds the year. It is appropriate here, especially for flower sellers.

    If you have never worked with flowers, your main profession is a plumber or a nurse, nothing prevents you from taking a day off from work for 3 days and earning some extra money. You can earn extra money here in different ways.

    Earnings can be from 1500 rubles. up to 100,000 rubles (more is possible, but there are already big risks and investments), and this is all in three days. Even a student can earn here, I think a student will need 3,000-5,000 rubles.

    Flower sellers and suppliers are preparing for cooperation

    Florists are preparing for this holiday in advance, renting additional warehouses, because they have to buy dozens of times more flowers than on ordinary days. We closely monitor wholesale prices for flowers, greenery and packaging from suppliers. There are many wholesale flower suppliers now, the prices are different for everyone. You should not buy flowers in bulk from the first supplier you come across, you need to ask the price.

    Tulips in stock

    Wholesale suppliers are also waiting for this holiday all year round, the price of flowers is raised, sometimes two or three times more expensive than usual. Therefore, florists buy large batches of flowers in advance, the most greedy and enterprising ones take flowers a month in advance. They keep them in their warehouses until the holiday. The quality and freshness of such flowers leave much to be desired, but the buyer is satisfied with the price, such flowers are usually cheaper.

    When to buy and how to store flowers

    It is more rational to buy a batch of flowers two weeks before the holiday. This is the golden mean. The price has not yet had time to take off much, but already a little more expensive than usual. Flowers can be safely stored in a warehouse for two weeks, the warehouse must be cold.

    The most optimal temperature in the warehouse is + 5 ºС, 10 ºС of heat is the maximum temperature. If the temperature is higher, the flowers will lose their quality and freshness.

    There is another secret. Flowers should be stored all this time without water. Yes, without water! All flowers are individually wrapped.

    Roses are packed in cardboard packaging, chrysanthemums are packed in cellophane packaging. The packaging must not be removed!

    You just need to carefully fold, not just put, but fold the packages with flowers, if the storage space allows, then it is better not to stack the packages with flowers on top of each other. Store in a dark cool place. Three days before the holiday, the flowers must be put in water. The most important thing here is to cut the legs of the flowers! If you don't, your flowers won't last even two hours! The leg of any flower is clogged from the air, if you do not cut it and simply put it in water, the flower will not be able to drink water and will die. There is a secret here too!

    Legs must be trimmed properly.

    In roses, the legs are cut with a knife or secateurs at an angle of 45 degrees. In chrysanthemums, it is better to break the leg, rather than cut it. So the chrysanthemum drinks water better, retains its freshness and beauty longer.

    Well, now about the most important thing.

    Do I need an IP to sell tulips by March 8

    Here you can do without registration IP. It is not necessary to register an IP for three days. There are two options for selling tulips on March 8: legal and not quite legal. Let's consider everything in order.

    Illegal sales method

    To do this, you need to buy a batch of tulips in bulk. And just sell them. You can sell anywhere. You can stand near any shopping center or in any other passable place. But here you may have problems with the law, any police officer can ask you for documents for trading, but you do not have them.

    There will be an administrative penalty, a fine

    As a rule, a warning is issued for the first time, and a fine can range from 500 rubles to 2,500 rubles. Some people are happy with it, some not so much.

    You can also collect an order for tulips in advance, this can be done through your employees, friends and acquaintances. You can order a certain number of flowers. You will count everything, but when you take orders, it is better to take an advance payment so that the customer does not refuse the order, and you do not lose money.

    So, the order is ready. You just have to buy tulips in bulk, collect and breed orders. Tulips are packed by 20 pieces in a pack. Based on the order you have collected, buy as many packs.

    If you need 100 tulips, buy 5 packs. Color can be different, can be all the same. Here I will make a reservation, 100 pcs. tulips for the wholesale base - this is not wholesale, the price may be slightly overpriced.

    Some bases sell wholesale tulips, wholesale starts from 500-1000 pieces. Find out everything in advance and discuss with the supplier.

    Legal way to make money

    You need to take a trade permit from the administration, on such holidays a trade permit (for three days) is given free of charge. As a rule, by March 8, the administration has already scheduled such sales points for flowers in advance. You need to choose the best, passable place. But this must be done in a month, or even two, otherwise all the best places will be sorted out.

    There is another secret. How to quickly and 100% get permission to trade from the administration. You can also conclude a short-term lease agreement with any shopping center or store, they conclude such agreements, provide a platform for trading, but this is not free.

    Can be rented outlet in a big store.

    The cost of such a lease is different everywhere, somewhere around 1000 rubles / day, somewhere around 3000 rubles / day.

    As I said, everything needs to be discussed in advance and look for the best option for yourself. So, having decided on the place of trade, found a flower supplier, what to do next? And then - earn!

    How to choose good tulips, how to store until the holiday

    Tulips in a cold room without water can lie for two to three weeks. Storage temperature +4, but not higher than 7ºС. When choosing tulips, you need to listen to them. Yes, just listen.

    Good, fresh tulips crunch, when you press a little on a pack of tulips, a crunch is immediately heard. If there is no crunch, the flowers are not fresh, they cannot be stored for a long time.

    Tulips are also stored without water, before selling, you need to trim the legs, put on the water. Tulip drinks quickly, two hours is enough, he will drink enough water and will look great, as if he had just been cut.

    The main thing is that before putting tulips into the water, you can not remove the packaging, it can be removed when the tulip is completely drunk, it becomes strong and hard.

    Tulips are very sensitive to light and become soft when stored. If you do not follow all the rules, the tulip will be uneven, it will take the shape of the letter “C”. And no one will buy crooked and bent tulips from you.

    The most popular varieties of tulips

    The variety of tulips also plays an important role. There are many sorts.

    My favorite varieties are: Strong Gold (yellow), Lalibella (orange), Kung Fu (pink), Barcelona (lilac).

    These are proven, reliable varieties.

    You can choose any other variety, but in advance, learn more about tulip varieties from knowledgeable people, read on the Internet or elsewhere.

    What else do you need to make money on Women's Day

    You have chosen a place for sale, bought flowers. What else is needed? Need packaging. The packaging isn't cheap. You don't need to buy a lot of packages.

    • Enough to buy a few rolls " micas” is a transparent package. It costs approximately 150-250 rubles. per roll. Approximately 1000 tulips need 2-3 rolls.
    • Need ribbon Also, don't buy too much. Enough 2-3 rolls of different colors. The cost of the tape is 35-50 rubles. per roll. One roll of tape is enough for 1000 tulips.
    • Also for sale ready-made packaging for tulips, these are bags in the form of little bags. They are sold in packs, 100 pieces in a pack. The cost of one bag is 3.5 rubles to 7 rubles.
    • Will need more scissors, stapler, vases(you can use small buckets where you will put tulips).

    We make an "aquarium" for flowers

    If you will be selling tulips on the street, you may need a crate (among "florists" is called "aquarium" for flowers). This is a kind of showcase. It will not be possible to do without it if there is negative weather on March 8.

    This is a small structure, it can be made of plywood or cardboard, three sides of which are completely closed, and one side is glass (so that people can see your flowers). There must be doors so that you can get flowers. If it is very cold, this showcase can be heated with ordinary candles, 3-4 pieces will be enough. You will need a thermometer to monitor the temperature. Tulips can not be heated if the temperature is at least 0ºС, if it is lower, the flowers will freeze.

    Also, tulips can be sold from the car, where they will be warm and comfortable, but for this they will need bright signboard so that people can see you and understand that you are selling tulips.

    How much can you earn selling tulips on March 8

    I will give some calculations, examples.

    The wholesale price for tulips is different: from 25 rubles. up to 45 rubles Retail price for tulips from 60 rubles. up to 100 rubles As always, we take the golden mean.

    We take 100 tulips × 35 rubles. = 3500 rubles. + packaging 200 rubles. + ribbon 50 rubles. = 3750 rubles. (this is an investment)

    We sell 100 tulips for 70 rubles, we get - 7000 rubles.

    Net profit - 3250 rubles.

    Not bad, for example, for a student, 100 tulips can be sold in one hour.

    We take 500 tulips × 35 rubles. = 17500 rubles. + packing (2 rolls) 400 rub. + ribbon 100 rubles. = 18,000 rubles. (investments).

    We sell tulips for 70 rubles, we get - 35,000 rubles.

    Profit 35,000 - 18,000 \u003d 17,000 rubles.

    Good. We earned the average salary of a nurse in 3 days.

    We take 2000 tulips × 35 rubles. = 70,000 rubles. + packaging 800 rubles. + ribbon 200 rubles. = 71,000 rubles.

    We sell: 2000 × 70 = 140,000 rubles.

    Profit: 140,000 - 71,000 \u003d 69,000 rubles.

    Fine. Earn 69,000 rubles in 3 days. is a good income.

    How much you can earn is up to you. How many tulips you want to buy in bulk is your desire. You can really make money.

    Finally, I can give you one more piece of advice. There are a lot of people who want to earn extra money by March 8 on flowers. Sell ​​your flowers no cheaper and no more expensive than your competitors.

    All these days, keep the price, do not lower it. To earn as much as possible and sell all the flowers without a trace, you need to keep the price until March 8, before lunch. After 14:00, the price must be reduced until the sale is complete.

    From one point of sale, you can freely sell 2000-4000 pieces. tulips.

    If you are a beginner and have never encountered flowers, don't risk it. Start small: 300-500 pcs. tulips are also a good start. Wish you luck!

    Selling tulips on March 8 is a great way to earn decent money in just a few days. But in order for this business venture to meet your expectations, you need to properly prepare for it. The most important thing is to buy quality flowers from a reliable supplier, but no less important is to properly organize their sale.

    Especially for beginners in this business, we have compiled a list of recommendations based on personal experience. And here you can buy tulips in bulk for your business at the most attractive price.

    When to start selling and how much can you earn?

    It should be understood that holiday bouquets are bought not only for soulmates and relatives, but also for colleagues or partners. This creates 2 waves of demand.

    The first of them falls on March 5-6, when flowers are bought mainly by organizations to congratulate employees.

    The second wave - March 6-8 - these days account for the main peak of sales. It would be more correct to start selling flowers in advance already on the 5th or 6th. We also recommend that you contact various offices and organizations in advance and offer them to buy flowers for the holiday.

    Approximate daily sales volumes for one machine:

    • 6.03. – average cost flower 60 rubles, actually sell about 350 tulips.
    • 7.03. - the price increases to 70 rubles, and the number of tulips sold is up to 500-700 pieces.
    • March 8 is the peak of sales, at which the price rises to 80 rubles per piece, and up to 800 tulips can be sold per day.

    In general, selling tulips from a car makes it possible to earn up to 80 thousand rubles in 3-4 days. These figures will depend not only on the quality of the purchased tulips, but also on the place of sale. Consider in detail all the stages of preparation for the sale of flowers.

    Choose a place of sale

    The choice of a place for your point should be approached especially responsibly. Choose crowded areas with high traffic. It can be areas near the metro station, crowded streets or intersections.

    Important! Do not sell flowers on private property such as parking lots shopping centers or adjacent store areas.

    AT pre-holiday days there is a lot of competition for the sale of flowers, so you need to take a place as early as possible - already at 5-6 in the morning.

    How to properly store flowers

    For your sales to be successful, flowers must be presentable. Here are some tips to help ensure it and keep it for a long time:

    • Our company "SibTulpan" stores tulips in special thermal boxes with thickened walls. And we recommend that you buy flowers only in such a package. It will protect fragile plants from the cold, will long time keep warm air inside.
    • If you picked up a batch of flowers on the eve of sales, leave them overnight on the balcony, or in any other room with a moderate temperature (from 0 to +15 degrees Celsius). At the same time, the box should not be left in a draft or near heating appliances.
    • In the process of selling, try to maintain in the car temperature regime about +25 degrees. Even taking into account the ingress of cold air into the cabin, this will be the best option for the preservation of plants.

    Preparing flowers for sale

    • Before you start trading, the flowers need to be sent for 5 hours for sipping. To do this, simply place their stems in water. Important! They must be in the dark. As a result of watering, the stems should grow by several centimeters and become elastic, and the buds should turn into a more saturated color.
    • If the tulip stands in the water in a lighted room, it will quickly begin to open, and then also reach for the light source. This will lead to the fact that the stem will begin to bend, and the tulip itself will lose its attractiveness to potential buyers. People usually choose resilient, unopened tulips.
    • Try to draw as much attention to the car as possible. Decorate it with holiday banners or balloons. So you will be seen from afar, and you will also stand out from the competition better.
    • If possible, sell flowers with a partner. This will make your life much easier. The flow of customers can be very large, and you simply will not have time to wrap flowers or form bouquets alone. Be sure to bring thermoses with warm tea, warm clothes. Do not forget the tools for wrapping flowers: newspapers, scissors, a stapler, tape, possibly bright wrapping paper and ribbons.

    Now you know how to sell tulips from a car correctly and how to organize this business at all stages!