Scenario New Year's theatrical performance for young children. Theatrical performance "Tales in the New Year

Scenario of the theatrical performance for children 6-10 years old "Hello, New Year!"

This material will be useful for teachers primary school, educators of extended day groups, teachers, organizers in extracurricular activities, methodologists, teachers additional education.
Theatrical performance prepared for the pupils of the House children's creativity aged 6 to 10 years. Contests, games and riddles are selected in such a way that it would be interesting for children of different ages.
Create a festive atmosphere of magic, mystery.
- Encourage children to create a holiday atmosphere around them,
- To instill in children a sense of collectivism, activity,
- Create a festive mood for all those present at the celebration.
Props for games (two mortars, two brooms, a pair of large pants, a pair of large paws, a pair of rooster heads on the head, multi-colored balls - snowballs, a sled, a ball of thread), recording songs for fairy-tale heroes and games.

Father Frost,
Snow Maiden,
baba yaga,
The children stand around the Christmas tree.
Music sounds. Baba Yaga appears.

Baba Yaga:
Uh, uh! Uh, uh!
I hear the childish spirit!
What kind of gathering is this?
Why merry laughter?
I will arrange a holiday for you ...
I'll beat everyone right now!
I am Baba Yaga, bone leg,
The jet broom quickly informed me.
I'll scare you all.
Wow! How evil am I!
What are you laughing at? Are you not afraid?
Ho-ro-sho... Then hold on!
(Running after the children).
Kikimora appears.

What Yaga, are you out of your mind?
That's how you scare all the kids.
Baba Yaga:
Well, let them go.
What is there to do then?
Every year the same thing.
(Sings) "A Christmas tree was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest...
Are you tired? Yes, be my will
I would have arranged such a grand celebration.
What holiday?
Baba Yaga:
Ah, here it is!
Here are fireworks
There are fireworks
Here is the rain of stars.
Great, let's have a rehearsal right now.
Baba Yaga:
If I wave my right hand, right side,
depicting fireworks, shout:
"Red, blue, green - boom!",
on the word "boom" - clap your hands over your head.
If left hand, left side,
depicting a salute, shout:
"Bang bang bang! bang bang bang!"
Both hands.
Baba Yaga:
Well, here is a completely different matter. It already looks like a holiday.
And now it will be even more like a holiday. Let's dance.

Dance "Opanki"
Baba Yaga:
Now let's see how you answer our questions.

Who with the biggest bag
Walking through the forest...
Maybe it's Cannibal?
- Not.
Who got up a little light today
And he carries a bag of sweets ...
Maybe it's your neighbor?
- Not.
Baba Yaga:
Who comes in the New Year
And on the Christmas tree will light up?
Will the electrician turn on the light for us?
- Not.
Who is this? Here is the question!
Well, of course…
- Father Frost.

Santa Claus enters to the music.

Father Frost:
Hello guys! (Guys answer).
Sounds dumb for now.
Come on, one more time.
Hello guys!
Now the answer is not bad.
Almost went deaf from him.
I was with you a year ago
Glad to see you all again.
I see, they have grown up, they have become big.
Did everyone recognize me?
Well, here you are, having fun.
And now it's even more fun. Let's dance.

The song "We will hang the balls."

Father Frost:
Well thank you guys! Made the old man happy.
Baba Yaga:
Grandfather Frost, but you didn’t treat the guys with anything.
Father Frost:
Don't forget Santa Claus
Bring a cart of gifts!
(Pulls out bag with papers in it)
Santa Claus, and who ate your gifts!
Father Frost:
Who ate? (looks). And it's true.
Yes, how is it? Who is it so disgraceful?
I'll have to get my magic mirror and look into it.
(Looks in the mirror) That's right, that's what I thought! Look at Baba Yaga. Do you recognize the ugly?
Baba Yaga:
And what do I know. My daughter, Yaguska.
Father Frost:
See? Sitting, eating children's gifts. Well, I'll deal with her now.
Baba Yaga:
Oh, what a misfortune, I'll run to save my daughter.
(Runs away)
Father Frost:
Come on, spin the staff,
Yaguska, show your children!

(Yaguska appears, eats sweets on the go, throws candy wrappers under the tree.
On a grand scale, he sits down under the tree and continues to eat with appetite, not paying attention to anyone.

Father Frost:
No, you look at her - she eats children's gifts, as if nothing had happened!
(Yaguska turns away in the opposite direction. Continues to chew)
Father Frost:
And aren't you ashamed? Left the children without gifts.
(Yaguska turns away again)
Father Frost:
You don't hear, do you? To whom do I speak?
Yaguska:(I finished everything, got up, suddenly grimaced and started screaming)
Mommy! Offended!

(Baba Yaga runs into the hall, closes Yaguska's mouth with a pacifier, she stops screaming)
Baba Yaga:
Who offends you, my sweet?
Who does not let you eat in peace, my skinny.
Yes, who spoiled your appetite, my pale little one?

(Yaguska loudly sucks a pacifier, pointing a finger either at Santa Claus or at the children).
Father Frost:
Skinny you say? Pale, you say? Lost your appetite? Do you know that your sweetie at the children ate all the presents?
Baba Yaga:
(stroking Yaguska on the head)
Cheers, sunshine!
(Santa Claus)
Well, my daughter ate some gifts. So what? I gave them to her!
Father Frost:
Oh, I thought to my daughter, how many children did she leave without gifts on New Year's Eve? And aren't you ashamed?
B aba yaga:
Is it embarrassing for me? And, tell me, Santa Claus, do you bring gifts to children every year?
Father Frost:
Baba Yaga:
Did you bring it to my daughter at least once?
Father Frost:
Baba Yaga:
You see, you say "Shameful." Who should be ashamed of this?
Do you think I'm not a mother? Do you think I don't have a heart?
Father Frost:
I don't know what to do?! Guys, maybe really, give Yaguska a gift and then Baba Yaga will no longer take someone else's?
(Santa Claus gives Yaguska a gift).
Thank you, Santa Claus.
Baba Yaga:
If it's good with me, then I'm good too!
Wait, daughter, don't eat the gift, let's play with the children.
Play, I love it.

(Running in a mortar, on broomsticks, in pants.)

(takes the gift)
Well, that's it, guys played enough. I'm going home to eat candy.
Father Frost:
Our tree is dressed up
Like a beautiful girl
In colorful toys
What miracles!
I'll ask you guys
Will you give me an answer?
But think first
"Yes" answer or "No".
Game "Yes" or "No".

Do colored icicles grow on the Christmas tree?
And the balls, painted stars?
Maybe orange oranges?
Funny and pink pigs?
Down pillows?
What about honey cakes?
Are the galoshes shiny?
Are the candies real?
Well guys! Everyone said!
All mysteries solved!

And now we will stand in a circle.
Let's take hands
And in a cheerful round dance
Let's go with the song.

Song "Little Christmas tree".
Baba Yaga:
Well, to sing songs, everyone can do it.
That's what I love, so UTB come up with all sorts of tests. I’ll guess riddles for you, if you don’t guess, then I’ll eat you.

white carrot
It has been growing all winter.
The sun warmed
I ate all the carrots.
He's at the children's masquerade
It flies in the air.
All of it, for fun,
Weave rings.
Baba Yaga:
Trees in white velvet
The whole city and the whole village.
The wind blows fleeting -
And all the velvet will fall.
Been on the shelf for a whole year
And now it hangs on the tree.
This is not a flashlight
And glass...
Oh, I also have a balloon. Yes, not one, but many multi-colored balls.
I love playing snowballs so much. Ah, do you love? Then catch!

Snowball game.
Santa Claus, children play with you, they entertain you.
Do you give them gifts?
Father Frost:
And, gifts, then Yaguska ate everything from me.
There was one more bag of gifts left in my ice chamber.
Guys, let's call my granddaughter, Snegurochka.
Wait, don't call. It’s hard for her to carry a bag alone, I run away and help.
(Runs away)
Father Frost:
Okay, run.
So the holiday has come to us,
This is very good.
To get rid of boredom
Baba Yaga:
Fall into a puddle!
Father Frost:
What are you? It's not pretty!
Baba Yaga:
But fun!
Father Frost:
OK. Let's try again.
Fur coat, hat, red nose -
Santa Claus is coming!
Starts to sing and dance
Baba Yaga:
Select gifts!
Father Frost:
Yes, how is it so?
Baba Yaga:
And so: "Well, where are you pulling the rake!
Give me a gift, you miser!"
Father Frost:
What are you, it's not okay!
Baba Yaga:
But it's difficult.
Father Frost:
Well, she completely confused me, Baba Yaga.
Guys, let's call the Snow Maiden.
Children: Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden enters to the music.
(on a sled carries a bag with gifts)

Snow Maiden:
Oh, how many children -
Both girls and boys!
Not afraid of winter threats
I'm not afraid of blizzards!
Granddaughter of Santa Claus
I'm called Snow Maiden!
Hello Grandpa!
Hello dear guys!
I brought you gifts.
Father Frost:
Hello granddaughter. We were waiting for you.
Snow Maiden:
Serpentine, like ribbons, lanterns, like balls.
Happy New Year girls, Happy New Year ... (boys)
And the lights on our Christmas tree will shine.
Happy New Year mommy, Happy New Year... (daddy)
Children will play near the Christmas tree in patties
Happy New Year grandfather, Happy New Year ... (grandmother)
Small and big, fat and skinny
Children and parents, in a word, are ours .. (spectators)
Without sadness and worries
Together we will meet ... (New Year).
Father Frost:
We've been waiting for this day for a long time
Haven't seen each other whole year.
Sing, ring under the tree
New Year's dance!

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Father Frost:
You sang the song amazingly
Very friendly and beautiful.
I just have to find out.
Do you like to dance?
Well, then the circle is wider!
Begin! Three four!

Dance "We, let's go right now ..."
Father Frost:
I see you are smart and brave kids.
Are you afraid of the cold?
Father Frost:
Well then hold on!
Whom I will catch up, I will freeze!

Freeze game.

Snow Maiden:
The Christmas tree has green needles
And from bottom to top
Beautiful toys.
Father Frost:
Lots of fun today
The song is friendly, ring.
Our Christmas tree is dear,
Light your fires!
(Christmas tree does not light up)
Father Frost:
He probably doesn't hear us. Doesn't ignite at all. But I really want everything to shine all around on a holiday, everything shone. Maybe you guys can help? Let's say together:
Shine, shine, tree!
Shine, shine bright!
Shine, shine, tree!
Shine, shine bright!
Father Frost:
Not sure why it doesn't light up?
Snow Maiden:
Grandpa, let's call Winter, let her help us.
Father Frost:
Zimushka-Winter, help!
Zimushka-Winter, help!

Winter enters to the music.

Did you invite me to the Christmas tree?
Here I am myself
With blizzard, snow, cold -
Russian Winter.
Are you afraid of me?
Did you snuggle up to the hot stove?
Have you complained to your mother?
Can I live with you?
Hello guys!
Hello parents!
I'm very glad to see you
This New Year's Eve!
I heard about your trouble, I will help you.
Let's say together:
One two Three
Our tree is on fire!
One two Three
Our tree is on fire!
(Lights are lit on the tree)

Snow Maiden:
Let no one get bored
Let everyone rejoice!
Let the tree shine
In all its glory!
The tree is glowing and sparkling!
Let's have fun, kids.
Santa Claus is calling you all
In the New Year's round dance!

Song kids - pencils.
I have a game for you;
I will start it now.
I will start, you continue.
Answer in unison!
All the people have fun -
This is a holiday…
(New Year)
He has a ruddy nose.
He himself is bearded.
Who is this?
(Father Frost)
That's right guys.
Outside, the frost is getting stronger,
The nose blushes, the cheeks burn,
We meet you here
(New Year)
Under the azure sky
Beautiful on a winter day
Congratulations on…
(New Year)
And we wish you happiness.
Father Frost:
Who is not afraid of frost
Does he fly like a bird on skates?
(Children answer).
Baba Yaga:
Which one of you is so good
Goes to sunbathe in galoshes?
(Children answer).
Father Frost:
Oh, you confuse children again.
Baba Yaga:
I do not confuse, but reveal the truth.
Father Frost:
Which of you keeps in order
Books, pens and notebooks?
(Children answer).
Baba Yaga:
Which of you has not washed
And left dirty?
(Children answer).
Baba Yaga:
There are, there are. Go on.
Father Frost:
Who home their lesson
Does it perform right on time?
(Children answer).
Baba Yaga:
Which one of you, say out loud
Catching flies in class?
(Children answer).
Father Frost:
Who, I want to know
Likes to sing and dance?
(Children answer).
Baba Yaga:
Who likes to play with me?
Do you all love? Then guess what year is coming according to the eastern calendar?
That's right, the year of the Rooster. Now let's check who we have the fastest, but dexterous.

Funny competitions around the Christmas tree.
(Running in chicken paws with the head of a rooster.)

Snow Maiden:
Grandpa, what do you think?
Who is more fun in the hall - girls or boys?
Father Frost:
And now we’ll check it, and for this we will divide it like this:
The guys will be freezing!
They will laugh: ha ha ha!
Snow Maiden:
And the girls are snowmen!
They will laugh: hee hee hee!
Father Frost:
Come on, frosty, try it! (laugh)
Snow Maiden:
And now the snowmen! (laugh)

Chat game "Hee-hee. Ha-ha!"

Father Frost:
And the naughty boys
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Snow Maiden:
And the girls are fun
Hee hee hee!
Hee hee hee!

Father Frost:
Laughed, laughed
All of you, right, from the heart.
Both girls and boys
Were very good!
In beautiful bright gold
The tree sparkles.
We have a happy holiday
How not to have fun!
We can continue the holiday.
You can sing and dance!
Santa Claus is tired of standing
Wants to dance the lady.
Father Frost:
Legs are shaking
They don't stand still.
Make way, honest people,
Santa Claus is dancing.
Dance "Lady".

Father Frost:
Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit, I'll sit,
I'll look at the kids
Let me listen to poetry.

Children recite poetry.

Snow Maiden:
The kids did a great job with all your tasks.
And now it's time... for what, grandfather?
Father Frost: Why, granddaughter?
Snow Maiden (addressing the guys):
Did Santa Claus play with children?
Children: Played!
Snow Maiden: Did you dance near the Christmas tree?
Snow Maiden:
Did you sing songs? Did you make the kids laugh?
Children: Yes!
Snow Maiden:
What else did he forget?
Children: Gifts!
Father Frost:
Oh, I've become old, I've forgotten! That is OK!
I've got magic ball.
There he is. Where the ball rolls, there are gifts for the guys.
With his staff, Santa Claus pushes the ball of rope to the children, the children kick it like a ball, the ball gradually unwinds, and when it becomes very small, Santa Claus pushes it out the door. There are already sledges on which there is a box with gifts. The rope behind the doors is tied to the sled. Santa Claus asks the children to pull the rope, and to the joyful cries the sledge enters the room. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden handing out gifts.

Brothers Tweedledee
Cheshire Cat
Evil queen
Father Frost
Snow Maiden

Music background. Alice on stage (is reading) and Nanny (knits socks).
Alice: Nanny, but the New Year is coming soon! Everyone writes letters to Santa Claus, I want too!
Nanny: Calm down, Alice, you are already an adult. It's time for you to know that Santa Claus does not exist - these are all fairy tales for children ... (Nanny falls asleep)

Musical beat.

Rabbit is running. Alice runs after him.
Alice: Rabbit, Rabbit, wait a minute!
Rabbit: I have no time, I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry ...
Alice: Where?
Rabbit: We're in big trouble in Wonderland. The New Year is already very close, but Santa Claus is gone. It is not in our kingdom. All in search, all in search!
The rabbit runs backstage.
Alice: I knew, I knew that Santa Claus exists. But if he disappeared, then there will be no New Year. I need to go look for him.

musical beat.

The Tweedledum brothers appear on the stage.
Alice: Who you are?
1st: We are brothers…
2nd: Tweedledee
Alice: What are you doing here?
1st: We are looking for Frost, ... Grandfather ..
2nd: Or vice versa!
Alice: I am also looking for Santa Claus, can you help me?
1st: May be.
2nd: Or vice versa!
1st: But first, you have to watch our dance.

Tweedledum dance (music background)

Alice: Dear Tweedledee, we need to turn left ...
1st: No, right!
2nd: Or vice versa…
Alice: I think to the left...
1st: To the right, or maybe to the left!
Run backstage
Alice: Well, there are two heads, but there is no sense in them. Where should I go next, what should I do?

musical beat

Voice from behind the scenes
Cat: Come here ... (appearance on stage)
Alice: Ouch! Cat, why are you so purple?
Cat: Because, I'm Cheshire!
Alice: You have such a big smile!
Cat: The wider the smile, the more cheery the cat!
Alice: Dear Cheshire Cat, tell me where should I go?
Cat: Basically it depends on where you want to go…
Alice A: But I don't know where I need to go. I would like to find Santa Claus. Maybe you saw him.
Cat: If you guess my riddles, I'll tell you where to find Santa Claus.

MYSTERIES from the Cheshire Cat.

On a musical background.
Cat: I don't know where Santa Claus is. But the fussy Rabbit and the strange Hatter must have seen him.
Alice: But where can I find them?
Cat: You don't have to look for them, here they are indicates)

Musical beat.

The Hatter and the Rabbit are on stage.
Hatter(to Alice): Would you like some cake?
Alice: What cake? We don't see him.
Rabbit: And he is not here.
Alice: It would not be polite to offer it ...
Hatter: It would be impolite not to say hello when we meet.
Rabbit: Exactly…
Alice (to Rabbit): And we've already met.
Rabbit: Yes Yes i remember…
Alice: Did you manage to find Santa Claus?
Rabbit: It's NO LONGER!
Alice: How not?
Hatter: But so - no. He was taken by the Evil Queen.
Alice: So we must help him. How would the New Year be without it? Who will give gifts to children?
Rabbit: So it would be polite to offer you help.
Hatter: And this means that you need to call his granddaughter Snegurochka. She will help us all.
Alice: Let's all get together (referring to children) and you guys help... (name) SNOW MAIDEN!

Musical beat.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys, hello Alice (referring to the guys) I see you are ready for the holiday.
Alice: Not certainly in that way. Unfortunately, there will be no New Year's holiday in Wonderland. And all because the Evil Queen took Santa Claus to her place.
Snow Maiden: There are many of us, we will definitely defeat the Evil Queen and find Santa Claus.
Alice: The Strange Hatter told me in secret that the Evil Queen does not like fun, laughter and perky songs. So, we need to sing a very cheerful New Year's song with you!
SONG "At the edge of the forest"(Spanish members of the Vocal-time pop song studio)

Musical beat. Queen on stage.

Queen: Why are you here singing, dancing, flapping and stomping. There will be a holiday in my kingdom only when I want it. But I do not want!!! (shouting)
Alice: You are very welcome, Your Evil Royal Majesty! From the inhabitants of Wonderland, we learned that you are hiding Santa Claus. After all, YOU want to deprive us all of the holiday!
Queen: HA-HA-HA! You made me laugh, girl. Yes, by the way, you will not have a holiday! Because I have never had any holidays, no Christmas tree, no gifts, and YOU don't need them either.
Snow Maiden: But after all, no one can cancel the New Year, not even YOU, the Evil Queen. We all have a holiday!
Queen(shouts angrily): NO-E-E-T! When I speak, Her Evil Royal Majesty, everyone must listen and be silent!!!
Alice: Well, I do not! We will not be silent, really, guys! Now we will arrange a funny jumble for the Evil Queen (referring to children). You clap your hands and you stomp your feet...
Snow Maiden: And you shout, Santa Claus, but louder ...
Musical background ("Merry jumble")
Queen: Like-cha-a-at! Unbearable boys and girls, bunnies and squirrels, how nasty, nasty you all are ....

Musical beat. Rabbit runs out

Rabbit: Meet, meet! Santa Claus himself has come to Wonderland!
Alice: That's great!
Evil queen: Quite the opposite.

Musical beat. Exit Santa Claus

Father Frost: Hello guys!
called? Here I got
Though a little delayed
You are good, yes only
Bored somehow, no fun
What happened to you here?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, we are so glad that you came .... Only the fabulous inhabitants of Wonderland were sure that the Evil Queen hid you.
Evil queen: Yes, imagine, I said that I hid this Santa Claus of yours, and you believed it ... Because I don’t like your holidays .... The same for me, merry fellows, YOU-YOU ... you don’t even know how to have fun properly.
Alice: I know what to do! We will invite all the fabulous residents of Wonderland to our holiday. Let's call them together. All together: Come to our holiday ... again, come to our holiday.
Father Frost: Are you guys sick, or did you eat little porridge?
Maybe they didn’t wake you up, or they caught a cold in your throat ...
You need to shout at the top of your voice what you whisper under your breath
Come on, let's piss off the Evil Queen.

All together: Come to us for a holiday.

musical beat- exit of fairy-tale heroes

Snow Maiden: Well, now, hold on, Your Evil Royal Majesty, there are many of us and we will arrange such fun ...
Queen: Yes, my ears are already curled up from your fun. I can't hear well... What are you whispering there....
Alice (referring to the Evil Queen): We are sometimes angry ...
Perhaps someone is afraid of us.
But is it possible to be angry now?
Let's have fun today!
Father Frost: Guys, why don't we have lights on the Christmas tree. Disorder.
Light up the tree,
Come on, turn on the lights
Fulfill all desires
Make all your dreams come true.

The lights on the tree are lit.

Snow Maiden: In that case, we invite all of you to the holiday, and have fun with us. Let's join in a round dance, celebrate the New Year with a song.
Grandfather Frost and fairy-tale heroes invite everyone to the New Year tree, to a round dance.
New Year's songs sound - "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", "Dance of little ducklings", etc.
Father Frost: I'll rest, while you
Sweat the old man
Alice: Let's warm up and do "Winter exercises".
Hands to heels and ears
On your knees and on your shoulders
To the sides, to the waist, up,
And now a funny laugh:
Ha ha ha, hee hee hee
How good are we.
Once - they clapped their hands,
Two - stamped their feet,
Three, four - pulled up,
Together they took hands.
Five - we finish the counting
We start dancing.
(Rock and roll dance)

Snow Maiden and Alice hold the game "Echo"

Snow Maiden: Come on, remember how the echo answers questions. What time is it?
Correct hour, hour...
So, you understand the rules of the game. We start playing. Just accompany your friendly responses by clapping your hands.
Get it together, kids! (ra-ra)
The game starts! (ra-ra)
Yes, do not spare your hands (lei-lei)
Hit your hands more fun (lei-lei)
What time is it now (hour-hour)
And it's not true, there will be two (two-two)
Think, think head (wah-wah)

Alice: How the rooster sings in the village (uh-uh)
Yes, not an owl, but a rooster (uh-uh)
Are you sure so (so-so)
But really how? (how how)
What is twice two? (two-two)
The head is spinning! (wah-wah)

Snow Maiden: Is it an ear or a nose? (nose-nose)
(leader holds his ear)
Or maybe some hay? (carriage-carriage)
Is it an elbow or an eye? (eye-eye)
(leader points to the elbow)

Alice: But this is what we have? (us-us)
(leader points to nose)
You are always good (yes-yes)
Or just sometimes (yeah yeah)
Not tired of answering (chat-chat)
Well done
Let me be quiet...
Snow Maiden: Are you tired of playing?
Means - a new game
Not an easy task.
It's time for you to get down to business
And show diligence.
Alice: After all, we now have in the program
Power Contest!
Hey guys come on
Play our games.
Which of you is daring and grip.
Come pull the rope.
Snow Maiden: We will have 2 teams, a team of fairy-tale heroes "Wonderland" and a team of guys "Well done-dared men"
So, who is rooting for the Wonderland team, and who is for the Daredevil team?

Music saver. Tug of war game

Santa Claus: You danced beautifully, sang and played,
Only poems were not read to me
Come on, line up
Let's all listen guys.
Congratulations from the children. Santa Claus and fairy tale characters distribute gifts.
Snow Maiden: You told poems, you congratulated Santa Claus, if you are not tired, then we will continue to have fun.
Alice: We invite you to a disco in Fairyland.

New Year's disco

Father Frost: Well, friends, it's time to say goodbye!
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart!
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids!
Snow Maiden: This is where the good story ends.
But let the holiday never end.
May all the smiles that were on their faces
Now they are turning into gifts.
Alice: And in parting we wish:
To keep everyone healthy
To love the holidays
It makes life so much more interesting
Incendiary, wonderful!
Rabbit: Have fun and rejoice
Sing songs and dance!
Hatter: If the mood is in order,
You will be lucky!
Cheshire Cat: Always try to be in shape,
Take care of yourself;
Tweedledum brothers: Do not mope, do not get sick,
Have a sense of humor!
Snow Maiden: We tried to entertain you.
But we say goodbye to the guests,
We say: See you soon!

Script Writer:
Taranko I.P. EE "GSAU", student club

Scenario of the children's theatrical program

« Christmas story or stealing a magic staff in broad daylight"


Father Frost

Snow Maiden




Before reading the script for the new year, I recommend looking for a gift in the online store of household appliances. There is a huge range of products here. Come in, choose!
Wonderful fairy tale

On a magical night

There each of us

Don't mind being.

There the Fairy will know

What do you dream about.

And everything will come true

What do you wish!

He is shrouded in mystery

Winter fairy forest.

And in it we will see

Not a few miracles.

Us a good fairy tale

Invites everyone.

And the door to magic

Santa Claus opens!


(Santa Claus comes out with a bag and a staff.

Sings the song "The Last Leaf of the Calendar" to the motive "A Christmas Tree was Born in the Forest")

D.M. (sings)

last page of the calendar

Stayed on the wall.

I have been working hard all year.

It's time for me to go!

I will travel hundreds of miles in a row,

So that on the night of the New Year

I put on a Christmas tree outfit

And got up in a round dance.

I will give gifts to children,

After all, there is no better me.

I don't want the best awards

What a joy for all children!

- I'm tired of something! But he has not yet congratulated all the forest dwellers on the New Year. It is necessary for squirrels, hares, foxes to give gifts.

Oh, I completely forgot! Here is the memory! I'm getting old, I'm getting old! We still need to get to the school children with the Snow Maiden! G-m, where is my granddaughter, the Snow Maiden?

(Calls the Snow Maiden. She does not respond)

- What to do? No Snow Maiden! And I still need to catch the animals! Okay, I'll write her a letter so that she doesn't worry!

(Santa Claus pretends to write a letter)

- That's better! The Snow Maiden will read the letter and find me. In the meantime, I'll go to the forest animals.

(Santa Claus leaves)


(The Snow Maiden comes out, sings a song to the tune “Ice Ceiling”)

1 verse

I'm a Snow Maiden girl!

I live in the wilderness of the forest.

My figurine will flash

And the painted tower

It costs one snowy

In the midst of gray winter

hung with icicles

With a crystal star


I will treat the elk

Gorbushka in the morning

With titmouse, hares

I'll play the game.

At the Christmas tree - miracles

Play forest people.

And the snow is a cheerful song

Crystal sings!

verse 2:

I'm fluttering around

among your friends.

patterned mitten

I'll brush the snow off the branches.

It's easy for me to dance here

Under the lace of birches

And loves her granddaughter

Squinting, Santa Claus.


Eyes shine bright

It's like heaven.

And curls golden

Braid to the waist.

They call me kindly

Under the sparkles of dawn.

I give bright smiles

And winter holidays.

Snow Maiden- Santa Claus, are you at home? (pause) Weird. Where is he? Where did you disappear to? (finds a letter, speaks in surprise) What is it? (Reading the letter aloud: )

“Dear granddaughter, I went to congratulate the forest dwellers on the New Year. I will wait for you in the forest clearing, near the Christmas tree, after sunset.

Oh, the sun will set soon. We need to hurry. And then grandfather will wait and worry. (Snow Maiden leaves )


(Santa Claus enters to the music)

D.M. - I walked around the forest animals, congratulated everyone: foxes, hares, wolf cubs, squirrels, all the birds. Looks like I haven't forgotten anyone!

(Walks near the Christmas tree, admires her outfit. Looks at the clock)

How the meadow spread!

Snow lies in white fluff.

It's too early for me to go to the guys,

And the clearing beckons to lie down.

Here, perhaps I will lie down,

Let me take a nap for an hour - another,

But I'll set the alarm

Wake me up my friend!

And here is the stump. I'll sit down and take a little nap. And I'm tired today! (Sits on a stump, snores. Puts a bag and a staff nearby)


(Baba Yaga and Leshy enter to the music. Leshy sings a song to the motive “Oh, this girl”)

Goblin — (sings)

I met my grandmother, crescent eyebrow,

There is a mole on the cheek and love in the eyes.

She broke my heart, took peace.

I met her, along with her and love

There is a mole on the cheek, a crescent-shaped eyebrow.

Ah, this mole drove me crazy,

She broke my heart, took peace.

Oh, this grandmother drove me crazy,

She broke my heart, took peace

B.Ya.- How tired of you, Leshy!

You ate all my bald patch.

Get yourself a comb

Get your hair done!

Hair in three rows

And those are not always combed!

I also found a fiance. Get yourself organized first!

Goblin- Grandma, the New Year will soon be,

The people will dress up.

Here, look, I'll dress up,

I will suit you as a suitor!

B.Ya.- Ouch! I'm dying of laughter now!

Look, this is fun!

I found my fiance!

Tell me, did you wash your face in the morning?

Here I am - beautiful, young,

I am Yagusya, no matter where!

I went to the bathhouse in the morning,

Curlers here twisted!

Goblin- Stop laughing at me!

Well, stop laughing!

And then with a stick I will give in the forehead,

There will be a lesson for you!

(Goblin grabs a magic staff and swings at Baba Yaga)

B.Ya.- What did he swing - then? Look - it's better what he grabbed by the stick. Well, this is the magic staff of Santa Claus!

Goblin- Well, the staff. And what? What difference does it make to me, how to warm you up?

B.Ya.- What are you, your stupid head! Yes, with this staff we can do such things! And them!

Goblin- Wow! Your truth, Yagusya! Look, there's a bag full of gifts!

B.Ya.- And he will fit! And then we are always with you without holidays and without gifts remain!

Goblin“Now I’ll conjure something for myself!” Nothing good comes from Santa Claus! I'll do something nasty to him! (Leshy waves his staff ) Shushara - mushara - scat!

(Tiger comes out to the song "My affectionate and gentle beast")

B.Ya.- What it is? What kind of animal? Well, here you go, fool! Copperfield is unfortunate! Focused!

Goblin- Yes, you wait to swear, Yaga! Let's find out what kind of miracle - Yudo came to us? (Turns to the tiger ) Hey, you, miracle - Yudo! Who are you?

Tiger- Hello! We've arrived! He conjured himself, and now he is also asking! The tiger is the symbol of 2010!

B.Ya.- Here's a present for the New Year, he himself granted!

Tiger- But - but, be careful, Yaga is a bone leg!

B.Ya. - Is that me?

Tiger- You are!

B.Ya.“That, tiger, something is wrong with your eyes!” Well, what kind of bone leg do I have? I'm just beautiful! Yaguska is young! Leshy, confirm!

Goblin- Of course, grandma, you're just beautiful!

B.Ya. - So - here it is!

(Baba Yaga sings a song from the movie

"New Year's adventures of Masha and Vitya")

B.Ya.(sings )

I like birds and fish

The merry trill of a brook.

And I can't live without a smile

Watch the flight of a moth Ah-ah-ah!

(Baba Yaga coughed. She takes an egg out of her pocket and drinks)

Tiger- Yes, you, Yagusenka - young, it's time for you to retire, warm your bones on the stove! (Laughs)

B.Ya.- Oh, you are a tiger - a tiger, huge eyes! Yes, I am the most enviable bride in our forest!

Goblin – (whispers to Baba Yaga) - Granny, let's lure this tiger to our side, deceive him! And without it, there will be no holiday!

B.Ya.- Well done, Leshy! All the same, your brain is still working. Not completely dumbfounded!

Goblin- Enough, Yagusya, do not offend me. I offered you an idea, and you call names!

B.Ya.- All right, all right, dear! I won't do it again!

Tiger- What are you whispering?

B.Ya. Yes, we are here to do a good deed!

Tiger- Which?

Goblin Do you see Santa Claus sleeping?

Tiger- I see!

B.Ya. So, he was tired from the road and dozed off. And before falling asleep, he asked us to take his bag with gifts and a magic staff to his granddaughter Snegurochka!

Goblin- Do me a favor, tiger cub, help grandfather! ( laughing)

B.Ya.- Yes, yes, take it - like all this to his granddaughter!

Tiger– Where does she live? I don't know!

Goblin And we will show you the way. Go straight. Don't turn anywhere. If you see a hut - go there and wait! The Snow Maiden lives there!

Tiger- Well, since such a thing, I agree to help Santa Claus!

B.Ya.- Do me a favor, my friend, help!

Tiger- What about Grandpa? Shall we leave it here?

Goblin- Don't worry! Go, and we will wake up grandpa and all together we will come there! (Baba Yaga and Leshy push the tiger)

Tiger- Okay, okay, I'm going!

B.Ya. - Are you still here? Go already, go!

(Tiger leaves)

Goblin- Grandma, what good fellows we are! And the staff and gifts were stolen! And the beast was outwitted!

B.Ya.- Yes, my dear, Leshy, with a magic staff we will arrange a holiday for ourselves! A real New Year's Eve!

Goblin- What kind of evil New Year's Eve? I do not understand!

B.Ya.- Here's a fool! This means you and I will collect all the evil spirits, and we will celebrate the New Year with friends! (laughing )

Together- The people will have fun!

Will Zlydnin new year!

(Laughing and walking away)


(Alarm clock rings, Santa Claus wakes up)

D.M. — Something I slept for a long time. Oh, where is my magic staff? And there is no bag with gifts! What? Who could take them?

D.M. - Trouble! Trouble has happened! (shouts, groans) Oh-oh-oh!!! Woe, woe is me!

(fairy enters to the music)

Fairy- Hello Dedushka Moroz! What happened? Why are you burning?

D.M.- Hello, good fairy! Yes, here I am, an old fool, with a hole in my head! I dozed off and left the magic staff and the bag of gifts unattended. A-ya-yay! Well, well, I missed it myself, I'll look for it myself.

Fairy- And where is your granddaughter, Snegurochka?

(music sounds, snow maiden appears)

Snow Maiden Grandpa, I finally found you! Why are you so sad? Did something happen?

(Santa Claus groans, sighs)

Fairy- They robbed your grandfather - a bag with gifts and a magic staff were taken away!

Snow Maiden- What to do, how to be? (crying)

D.M.- We need to look for robbers, otherwise we will not see a New Year tree or a holiday!

Fairy- Do not be sad, grandfather, do not cry Snow Maiden, I will help you in trouble, I will help you out! After all, I'm like a fairy fairy!

(Fairy says a spell)

Help forest animals,

Help forest birds,

Guess who stole

magic staff and gifts from Santa Claus?

Who is this villain and thief?

(Music sounds. A crow is heard croaking.

The crow speaks in the background)

Crows. Kar! Kar! That Santa Claus, agility - r - dropped nar - r - native good? The evil spirits of the forest seized your staff and bag - Leshy with Baba Yaga, and your guest, the tiger, helped them! Kar - r-r! Shame - r - r!

Snow Maiden“Ah, that’s who the villains are!” This is Baba Yaga with Leshy! And they also took the Tiger as an assistant!

D.M. “Here are the scoundrels, here are the ugly ones! Well, nothing, we'll show them, we'll punish them!

Fairy- Then it's time to go on the road, look for the evil spirits of the forest!

(Fairy, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden leave)


(Tiger comes out to the music, sees the hut)

Tiger“Here’s the magic hut. But it doesn't look like Santa Claus's house! Yes, and the Snow Maiden is not here! Where am I? Strange, strange!

(Baba Yaga and Leshy enter, sing to the motive of V. Serduchka's song

"And I'm only out of the cold")


Why, why are we evil,

Bad and nasty?

Why are we like this, you ask?

And we are the inhabitants of the forest, oh, the forest!


And we are angry at Frost,

For Santa Claus

Because it's on holiday

He doesn't call us with him!

Tiger- And here you are! Something I don’t understand, whose address did you give me?

Leshy and B.Ya. (together)- Whose, whose? Santa Claus, of course!

Tiger“Where is he himself?” And where is the Snow Maiden?

B.Ya."They'll be here soon, honey!"

Tiger"Something's not clean here!" I don't believe you! Are you saying you have a bad idea? And then I you!!!

Goblin- Look at him! Disengaged, you understand! Come on, stick here and get out of here!

Tiger - Look what you thought! Will not give it back!

(Leshy and Baba Yaga snatch his staff and bag from the Tiger,

Here they are, pigeons! Someone else's good will not be divided! Kar! Kar!

All caught, gentlemen!

Santa Claus is coming here!

He got mad at you!

It will turn into ice now!

(Goblin and Baba Yaga get scared, rush around the Christmas tree)

Tiger- Ah, scared! Now Santa Claus will show you!

B.Ya.- Goblin, what are you and I afraid of! After all, we have a magic staff - if we want - we will turn everyone into ice floes!

Goblin- Exactly! And if we want, we will send it to Koshchei in Egypt! Let them melt in the sand!

B.Ya.- And it’s better to go to Vodyanoy in the swamp! Let the New Year be celebrated with frogs! (Laughing)


(Santa Frost, Snow Maiden and Fairy enter to the music)

Fairy— Look! Here are the bastards! And a magic staff, and a bag with gifts - they all have it!

Snow Maiden- Yes, and the tiger was involved in this theft!

D.M. "Return everything immediately!" And then. . . .

B.Ya.- Something? You won't do anything to us!

The staff is magical with us!

Snow Maiden"Alright then, let's do it!" We will give you 2 riddles. Answer - the staff and your gifts, but if not - then you will return everything!

Fairy - Agree, agree!

Goblin We need to consult! (whispering with Baba Yaga)

Tiger- Grandfather Frost, Baba Yaga and Goblin deceived me, but I believed them! Helped them steal the staff and gifts!

Fairy- Don't worry, the Tiger is a tiger, a faithful friend! Have you acknowledged your guilt?

Tiger“Of course I did, forgive me!

Snow Maiden- Of course, we'll forgive you! And now we need to take the magical things from the villains!

B.Ya. Well, we agree to your terms! Make up your own riddles!

Goblin- Yes, yes, we will crack them like nuts!

Fairy- Then, listen carefully to the entertaining riddles!

So here's the first riddle:

"At-ate oak - oak,

I broke a tooth - a tooth!

Goblin- Well, it's simple. This is Baba Yaga! She missed the good fellow yesterday, so she began to gnaw at the oak from hunger. Now there goes the toothless!

(Baba Yaga gives Leshy a slap on the back of the head)

Fairy“No, my dears, you didn’t. The answer to this riddle is completely different and even the guys know it!

(Ask the children to guess this riddle)

B.Ya.- Okay, let's get the second riddle!

Snow Maiden- Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat,

Whoever undresses him sheds tears!

B.Ya. - Oh, so it's Leshy!

Goblin- Why is it me?

B.Ya.- Look at yourself in the mirror! Are you a grandfather?

Goblin- Well, grandfather!

B.Ya. Are you wearing a fur coat in winter and summer?

Goblin- Well, dressed!

B.Ya.- In a fur coat, looking at you is one passion, but if you take it off, you’ll cry for sure - skin and bones go alone!

Snow Maiden- No, sir, it's not right!

Leshy and B.Ya. (together)- How not right?

Snow Maiden- And you listen to what the guys will tell you!

(Asks the children to guess this riddle)

D.M.- Well, what, the evil spirits of the forest, finished playing? You didn't solve a single riddle! So give me my bag and staff, as agreed!

B.Ya.— Oh, morbid! But where did you see that it was possible to agree with evil spirits?

(Goblin and Baba Yaga laugh, tease)

Fairy- Ah, the inhabitants of the forest, you are not acting according to a fairy tale, not honestly, but if so ... .. (looking at Santa Claus )

D.M.- Look, Baba Yaga, who is flying in your mortar? Is Koshchei the Deathless from Egypt returning?

Leshy and B.Ya. (together)- Where?

(At this moment, the Fairy waves her magic wand, fabulous music is heard, everything goes in slow motion: Baba Yaga and Leshy back away from the bag and staff, and D.M. and Snegurochka approach them and take them away. As soon as the magical things are in the hands of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, the music stops, Baba Yaga and Goblin exchange glances,


B.Ya- Goblin, what happened to us?

Goblin- Yes, I did not understand myself, Yagus!

D.M.- Violent winds fly,

Pick up the forest evil,

Wrap it up, wrap it up

Take it away from here!

(Baba Yaga and Leshy spin to the music and fall)

Tiger"That's what you want, you bastards!"

Snow Maiden"Next time you'll know how to be rude!"

(Baba Yaga and Leshy get up, brush themselves off, groan)

B.Ya- Oh - oh - oh! I've broken all my bones!

Goblin- And I think I have a concussion!

D.M.- Well, will you still steal and misbehave?

Leshy and B.Ya. (together) - No no no! We promise we'll be good!

Fairy - And now, by my magical command,

Ask everyone for forgiveness!

Goblin Forgive us sinners!

B.Ya.- Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, Fairy, we will no longer behave like this!

Goblin“Now we regret that everything was set up like that!”

B.Ya.“Yes, and you too, Tiger Cub, forgive us for tricking you into our villainy!”

D.M. (referring to everyone) - Well, friends, will we forgive them?

Snow Maiden, Tiger, Fairy (together) - Forgive, forgive!

B.Ya- We wanted to celebrate the New Year alone with all the evil spirits!

Goblin- And now we understand: The best holiday is when everyone gathers together for it!

D.M. - Let laughter sound in our hall,

Let smiles shine!

All of you New Year's Eve today

Hearty congratulations!

Snow Maiden- Grandfather, what is a holiday without New Year's lights?

D.M.- Indeed, granddaughter! I have become old and completely forgot about the Christmas tree! Remind me of the magic words!

Fairy- Light up, Christmas tree, hundreds of lights!

You and I, elegant, will have more fun!

D.M.- Exactly! However, it’s hard for me to light a Christmas tree alone!

The guys always help me with everything!

So that the tree will shine with lights here,

Let the children from the audience help me in chorus!

All- One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!

(When the children shout the spell for the third time, the Fairy waves her magic wand, the Christmas tree lights up to fabulous music)

Tiger- Come on, together, kids, our Christmas tree - "Hurrah!"

D.M. - In multi-colored, New Year's

Light of holiday lights
Snow Maiden We congratulate today

All the assembled friends!


New joy for all!

Fairy(waving his wand )

Let them ring over this tree

Songs, music and laughter!

Goblin- Let there be a warm parting -

We'll just say "Goodbye!"

B.Ya. - There are no more beautiful words in the world:

All together- Happy New Year! With new happiness!


Snow Maiden(referring to children)

New Year at the gate

Let's stand together in a round dance!

Let's go around the Christmas tree

Let's sing a ringing song!

D.M. - We invite everyone to stand in a circle to our New Year tree - a beauty!

(Heroes invite children and become with them in a round dance)

Scenario prepared

methodologist for cultural and educational work

Kalchenko A.Yu.

Music sounds, Baba Yaga runs out onto the stage, “rushes” around the stage “back and forth”. Mumbles under his breath. Music background.
Baba Yaga - ... If only everything worked out ... If only these fools did not mix up anything ... Well, I'll show him ...
Baba Yaga's henchmen run out. The music is mixed.
Baba Yaga - So what? Everything worked out?
The henchmen nod in the affirmative.
Baba Yaga - Won't run away?
The henchmen shake their heads.
Baba Yaga - Well, excellent! Now let's go. You have to go to the bottom. Will wait.
Music sounds. Baba Yaga and the henchmen run away.

Music sounds. Santa Claus runs out onto the stage, “rushes” around the stage “back and forth”. The music is mixed.
Santa Claus is gone! My blood is gone! My granddaughter is adorable! Woe is what, what will happen now! My staff doesn’t work without my granddaughter, and now I can’t work miracles, which means there won’t be a holiday! Oh, and woe to me old! Whose evil tricks are these?! Good people, do you know what happened?!
Question to the audience, their answers.
Santa Claus - Oh, this is Baba Yaga's tricks! Well, I'll show her!
Shakes the staff. I remember that it doesn't work.
Santa Claus - Oh ... Yes, what can I show her then I can, without the power of a magic staff ... Well, nothing! There's still some magic left! Well, Yaga with your henchmen, come here while the bones are intact!

Santa Claus is standing on the stage. Music sounds. Noisily, as if under orders, Baba Yaga and her henchmen run out onto the stage. Santa Claus runs away. The music is mixed.
Bab Yaga - Oh, yes, Father Frost himself! Well, be healthy, dear - so that you get screwed! Long time no see! Did you miss it, or what happened?
The henchmen giggle.
Santa Claus - You don’t depict a meeting of old friends for me here! I'm on business! Didn't you Yagusya stole my granddaughter Snegurochka?! BUT?! well, tell me, otherwise I'll tell you right now !!!
Threaten with a staff.
Baba Yaga - Oh, what are you, what are you cute, do not rage! Well, I, I stole! It became boring old, so I decided to remember my youth! Eh, do you remember Morozushka, how was it before? I am with a broom, you are with a staff - along the ridge!
Baba Yaga grabs her back with a groan: "Oh!"
Baba Yaga - That's because they had fun!
Baba Yaga's henchmen giggle.
Santa Claus - Don't talk to me about your teeth! Speak to the point! Why did you steal your granddaughter?!
Baba Yaga - Well, why? And three wishes?
Santa Claus - I'll show you three wishes. Now how can I give you...
Waving a staff. He remembers that he does not work.
Santa Claus - ... Eh ... So an agreement ?! I give you three wishes, will you give me a Snow Maiden?

Baba Yaga - I want, Frost, a magic staff like yours!
Santa Claus - Yaga is completely crazy! Eh...
Bangs with a stick. Music sounds. The henchmen cover Baba Yaga with a cloth. The music is mixed, the fabric is lowered. Baba Yaga has a magic staff in her hand. Baba Yaga examines the staff.
Baba Yaga - Oh, and I'm beautiful, and now I'm also a sorceress!
Santa Claus - Bring back the Snow Maiden!
Baba Yaga - Yes, I remember! Snow Maiden, reckless child, appear!

Music sounds. In the background, henchmen are lifting up a cloth. The music is mixed, the fabric is lowered, behind it stands a girl in the clothes of the Snow Maiden, and under the dress is a biker outfit. The girl runs up to Santa Claus.
Girl - Oh, grandfather, dear! I'm looking for you everywhere!
Santa Claus - Snow Maiden, granddaughter, is that you?
Girl - Grandpa, I cleaned the house, cooked dinner, prepared for the test! I'm smart, right? Oh, grandfather, dear, I should buy books for college, otherwise the teacher said he wouldn’t let me on the threshold ...
Santa Claus - Granddaughter, dear, of course, of course ...
Santa Claus takes out a wad of money, gives half to the girl.
Santa Claus - Hold on...
Girl - Grandfather, my sweetie, well, you know what prices are now ...
The girl holds out her hand for the rest of the money.
Santa Claus - Oh, sometimes, it’s honestly better not to know. Anyway…
Gives away the rest of the money.
Santa Claus - The main thing is that the teacher does not swear.
The girl turns away from Santa Claus, counts the money. Addressing the audience.
Girl - That's lucky! What time already rolls!
Music sounds (bikers), the girl tears off the dress of the Snow Maiden, remains in a biker outfit. A noisy crowd in biker costumes “falls out” onto the stage, everyone dances (except for Santa Claus, Baba Yaga and her henchmen) (verse and chorus), then a cheerful crowd, with loud shouts, leaves the stage. The music is mixed. Santa Claus, clutching "by the heart", follows the crowd with his eyes.
Santa Claus - I ... I didn’t understand something ... What are you, Yaga, fooled me again, huh ?! Well, I'll show you!
Baba Yaga and the henchmen giggle.
Baba Yaga - Well, don't be angry old, you know what they say - trust and verify! Listen to the third wish!
Santa Claus frowns at Baba Yaga.
Baba Yaga - Wow! I want Grandfather to know all your spells, to control all the winds, so that every snowflake obeys me!
Santa Claus - Oh, this persuasion ... Get Yaga, my knowledge!
Bangs with a stick. Music sounds. The henchmen cover Baba Yaga with a cloth. The music is mixed, the fabric is lowered. Baba Yaga has a shock of tinsel on her head. Baba Yaga touches the tinsel on her head.
Baba Yaga - And a beauty, and a sorceress, and even a smart one!
Santa Claus - Turn your granddaughter!
Baba Yaga - Now, now! Well, the Snow Maiden, the painted beauty, appear!

Music sounds. In the background, henchmen are lifting up a cloth. The music is mixed, the fabric is lowered, behind it stands, with his back to the audience, in a wide beautiful cape to the floor, in a wig - a man depicting the Snow Maiden. Music sounds - the song of the Snow Maiden, the man slowly, with his back, approaches the edge of the stage. He turns to the chorus and everyone sees that this is not the Snow Maiden, but a parody of her. Santa Claus is horrified.
Santa Claus - Oh, you ... Zimushka-winter, what is this being done. Well, Yaga, take this shame away from you!
Man - And why immediately shame, grandfather! Maybe now my dream is coming true! And you - take it away ... You never understood me! Goodbye forever...!
Music sounds, the man "theatrically" runs away. Baba Yaga and the henchmen giggle.
Baba Yaga - Hey, Frost - red nose, what happened? Al Snegurochka is not the same again?
Santa Claus - No, you are definitely Yaga mocking me! It is rather not “not TA”, but “not THAT”! After all, you yourself know the rules of the agreement - you tell me, I tell you, and if something goes wrong, you can say goodbye to all this.
Points to her clothes and staff.
Baba Yaga - I remember everything, old! Why do I now you and your granddaughter. I am now a Snow Maiden and I can do anything! Take away!

Music sounds. In the background, henchmen are lifting up a cloth. The fabric is lowered, behind it stands, with its back to the audience, the bewitched Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden "wakes up", turns to the audience. The music is mixed, the granddaughter runs to Santa Claus.
Snow Maiden - Grandfather, dear! Again Baba Yaga outwitted me, again she played on my goodness! Locked up in a dungeon!
Santa Claus - Granddaughter, my little blood! How trustworthy are you!
Baba Yaga - So we met, my dears, now I’ll get even with you for everything! Now you will be one big snowdrift, in the midst of my winter forest!
Bangs with a stick. Music sounds. The sound cuts off abruptly. Nothing happens.
Baba Yaga - Don't understand?! Well, one more time...
Santa Claus - You, Yaga, no matter how hard you try, nothing will work out for you. My staff does not work without the Snow Maiden! And this means that the magic in you has not increased at all! As you said there - trust, but verify ?! She got herself hooked! Snowdrift you say? So be it!
Bangs with a stick. Music sounds. Baba Yaga and henchmen are covered with a white cloth - depicting a snowdrift. The music is mixed.
Santa Claus - Well, Snow Maiden, good has defeated evil again! That's the end of the tale, and whoever listened - well done. It's time for us to congratulate the granddaughter of our viewers!
Together - Happy New Year to all of you!!!
The final song “Happy New Year!” sounds, all participants go on stage. Fireworks.


Scenarios of fairy tales for the New Year

Everyone knows that the New Year is a fabulous holiday in which hopes and dreams come true. Children especially need fairy tales. So I want to believe in a fairy tale, in goodness, in justice. Our fairy tale scenarios for the New Year will help you have a fun holiday and sow goodness in the souls of people. always defeat the evil ones, let the children believe that it will be so in life.

For adults too funny scenarios theatrical fairy tales that will allow you to laugh heartily. They are designed for 2-3 or more actors. But there are scenes for 1 person, for example, speeches from the symbol of the year. It's cool when an old fairy tale is made in a modern manner.

Fairy tale script new way for the New Year - download from our site for free and use it to your health!

New Year's fairy tales 2019

Name Description Number of people Price Buy script*
1. Scenario of a modern fairy tale for children: "Peppa Pig and Despicable Me" Interactive, musical and entertainment program with modern cartoon characters… 27 people 299 rub In garbage
2. Scenario for the school: "Morozko" (for the Year of the Pig) A cool modern script based on Morozko, but with humor for high school students + music tracks ... 10 people 299 rub In garbage
3. Fairy tale for school in Japanese style: "Zayushkina hut" (in a new way) A comic New Year's fairy tale in a new way in Japanese style, for schoolchildren in grades 5-6 ... 10 people 199 rub In garbage
4. Alice at the New Year's ball at the Queen of Hearts (fairytale performance for children) An interesting musical New Year's fairy tale for the DC, the school in a new way ... 25 people 199 rub In garbage
5. Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale 2019: "In search of Santa Claus" A beautiful fairy tale play (musical) with headpieces, for a children's theater or school holiday year of the pig!... 16 people 199 rub In garbage
6. Scenario for the New Year for children junior school: “The Snow Queen” Musical fairy tale in a new way, beautiful presentations, for school, theater ... 29 people 199 rub In garbage
7. Scenario of a New Year's fairy tale for children: “For a New Year's dream or Keys from a fairy tale” A fun New Year's fairy tale for elementary and high school students ... 13 people 199 rub In garbage
8. Scenario for children in a rural recreation center: "A fairy tale with a happy ending" The script for the children's new year holiday in the village (or in the city - easy to adapt) ... 9 people 199 rub In garbage
9. Scenario of a fairy tale for children: “New Year's pig” + music tracks and presentation A fun New Year's fairy tale for children with the symbol of the year 2019 - a piglet ... 9 people 199 rub In garbage
10. Scenario of a fairy tale for children: “The Singing Piglet” + music tracks and presentation For the year of the pig, you can hold an interesting performance with the participation of the main character - a piglet ... 6 people 199 rub In garbage
11. Scenario of the play for children: "New Year's Trouble" The good and evil heroes of fairy tales got their roles mixed up, the Snow Maiden became harmful and evil, and Baba Yaga became kind and accommodating ... 11 people 199 rub In garbage

How to pay for the script?

*Click the "Add to Cart" button next to the selected fairy tale scenario. Leave your name, e-mail and phone number in the application. Pay with Visa&Mastercard or choose another method. After payment, we will send you the script by e-mail.

Tales for the New Year for children

These stories will delight the kids. different ages: nursery - 2-3 years old, preschool 4-6 years old, junior school - 7-9 years old, as well as middle school children who will be happy to participate in the play themselves.