What is the cellular connection in Cuba. Upon returning from Cuba, you can disable this service

The long-suffering option suffers again. True, this time not its parameters, but the area of ​​​​action:

From November 30, 2016, when staying in Turkmenistan, Cuba, Maldives, Andorra, Tunisia, Seychelles, when registering in satellite systems, on sea and aircraft the discount on the option "Zero without borders" will cease to operate, and the billing of calls and mobile internet(75 rubles for 40 KB) will be made according to the basic tariffs for international roaming.

The beauty! If vacationers in the Maldives, in terms of their financial capabilities, can still survive the absence of the NBG ...

That is, Tunisia traditionally remains a massive tourist destination for Russians, including middle-income and below. In Tunisia, the MTS Zero Without Borders option is needed like air conditioning in an African hotel room.

At the same time, let me remind you that the subscription fee for Zero Without Borders is now 95 rubles. per day (47.5 when connected for 10 days for bonuses).

"Free Journey"

From December 9, 2016, the cost of the option will be reduced to 190 rubles from today's 250 rubles, and the geography of its action will be expanded to 30 new directions.

Of course, speaking freely an hour a day (outgoing and incoming calls) in international roaming is very cool and showy, but the figure is 190 rubles. kind of bites too, doesn't it? For standard 12 days (average tour duration), MTS will charge you 2280 rubles for it. By God, you can always find something to spend this money on. Although... after all, now only "Free Journey" can save you from boredom in the Maldives...

"BIT Abroad"

For whom this option is needed - I do not understand at all. Unless for the oligarchs who do not want to bother with anything, including connecting to Wi-Fi or buying a local SIM card:

The line of options "BIT abroad" is the ability to access the Internet while traveling around the world at a fixed price of 300 rubles per day.

In fact, depending on the country of residence, the monthly fee per day for this Internet option will be 300-1200 rubles. But despite the decoding of the BIT - “ unlimited Internet from phone" for such money you will receive only... from 5 to 50 Mb of traffic. The exception is 14 countries where traffic is really unlimited, but after the first 100 MB, the speed is cut to 128 Kbps (for a fee of 400 rubles per day).

After the quota is exhausted, mobile Internet abroad will be blocked by MTS. For the removal of restrictions in a number of areas, you can use the "Turbo button", which from November 30, 2016 rises in price from 350 to 450 rubles.

Now all the hopes of the Cubans are directed to Venezuela, which finances the construction of an optical cable between its territory and Cuba. It is believed that this will lead to the acceleration and cheapening of the Cuban Internet.

In addition, Barack Obama recently signed a law that allows Cuba to connect to US optical cables that run close to its coast. True, the reaction of the Cuban government to this permission is still unknown.

A few months ago, Cubans were allowed free entry to cybercafes on hotel grounds. However, this news is unlikely to make them happier, since the Internet is sold in Cuba at the price of gold. One hour of connecting to the global network here costs an average of 6-10 CUC (convertible pesos), or $ 8-12, which is equivalent to the salary of an average worker for 15 days. Thus, 30 hours a month will cost one Cuban 180 CUC - the amount of his earnings for a year and a half. This is why, despite official permission, few people in Cuba can actually access the internet today. Unless on the "black" market, where 1 hour on the world wide web costs 2 convertible pesos, or in some post offices where there are computers, at a rate of $ 1.5 / hour.

In addition to sky-high prices, there is constant censorship and site filtering by the government in Cuba, as well as restrictions and strict surveillance of users.

Internet in Havana, Varadero and other cities

Most Havana residents connect to the Internet once a week at the United States Mission (SINA), whose office is located next to the Havana waterfront. Its employees provide the public with free and censorship-free navigation of the global web.
Other information-hungry Havanese are served by the embassies of the Netherlands, Sweden, Poland and the Czech Republic, which offer 2 free internet hours per week. Capitol of Havana, hosting the Ministry of Science, Technology and environment, provides a connection to the network, though not free, but still cheaper than in hotels or a cyber cafe: 5 CUC per hour.

Many hotels in Havana have access to the Internet and Wi-Fi. So, in Hotel Saratoga one hour online costs 10 CUC ($12), two hours - 15 CUC. Here you will also find 24-hour Wi-Fi. In total, the hotel has 3 computers available to tourists from 8 am to 5 pm. Although if you have your own laptop and a card purchased in advance at the hotel, you can connect to the Internet at any time.

At the Central Park Hotel, the cost of 1 hour on the network is 8 CUC ($ 10), 5 hours - 35 CUC ($ 40). Navigation speed ranges from 60 to 80 kilobytes.

Most fast internet you will find at the Meliá Cohiba. Its speed reaches 120 kilobytes. Using a state-owned computer costs 10 CUC / hour, and you will have to pay 12 CUC ($ 15) to work on your own laptop with a Wi-Fi connection.

In almost all hotels in Havana, prices for one hour of internet fluctuate between 8 and 10 CUC. Even though the navigation speed has improved a little in the last year, it is still not enough for downloading large files and videos. There are hotels in Old Havana where Internet access cards cost 6 CUC per hour, but the connection is very poor. In addition, they use software called Avila, which is rumored to be a spyware that copies user accounts or blog passwords.

Other hotels with internet connection and Wi-Fi in Havana - Chateau (Miramar), Montehabana (Miramar), Panorama (Miramar), Occidental Miramar, Sevilla Hotel (Old Havana), National (Vedado), Hotel Habana Libre (Vedado), Hotel Inglaterra (Old Havana), Hotel Nacional (Vedado).
In Varadero - Sandal Royal Hicacos and Barcelo Solymar, in Santiago - Melia Santiago, in Guardalavaca - Paradisus Rio de Oro, in Trinidad - Grand Hotel.
Internet access in Cuba is also possible at the offices of the telecommunications companies Etecsa and Citmatel, in the business centers of the Palco and Neptuno hotels, in the Gallery of Cities of the World in Havana (Galería Ciudades del Mundo).

Mobile 3G

Mobile phones with 3G generally work well in Cuba, except for the internet captcha, which sometimes gets caught and sometimes doesn't. Moreover, no one knows what it depends on. The best telecom operator is Cubacel. The only problem is the cost of calls and SMS.
Sending one message will cost you about 1 euro, and a minute of a telephone conversation - from 3 euros (depending on the Russian operator). As for roaming, it is better to turn it off altogether due to too high prices and a future invoice, which, upon returning home, can be much larger than usual ...

Cuba is an interesting country for tourism with reasonable prices, good beaches, beautiful nature and its own culture. Now this holiday destination is becoming more and more popular among Europeans and Russians, because there is everything you need to spend your vacation interesting and at the same time inexpensive. The topic of our article is the Internet in Cuba. At the moment, everything is not going smoothly with him, but it is already much better than it was before. Before the trip, tourists should take into account some of the nuances, and be prepared to spend money on this service. It cannot be said that it is affordable here. In addition, there are some features - we'll talk about them.

Internet in Cuba appeared relatively recently, only 7 years ago. In 2011, they just finished laying the cable from Venezuela. However, this service was not immediately available to the population - only government employees could use the Internet. After 2 years, more than a hundred Internet cafes were opened in Cuba, in which the cost of 60 minutes cost $ 4.5 (this is in 2013). Such cafes at that time were used only by wealthy Cubans and tourists. After all, the average salary in the country was $20 a month.

Mobile Internet appeared in the country only 4 years ago (in 2014), thanks to the state monopoly company ETECSA. The mobile operator began its work in 1994. In order to use the Internet, it was necessary to buy a card (for a certain time), for example, for 1 hour a person paid one and a half dollars. In 2014, such a concept as home and office Internet appeared. Office rates are more expensive ($150-250 per month). Home Internet cheaper, but hardly many Cubans could afford this service ($60 per month).

For those who need not only to have the Internet abroad, in particular in Cuba, but also to receive calls, SMS, we recommend connecting the GlobalSim tariff. The operator offers tourists affordable prices for voice services. Also worth noting is the large coverage area of ​​the SIM card and free Viber in 200 countries around the world.

Wi-Fi in Cuba: what should a tourist know?

Wi-Fi in Cuba can be found in parks, hotels and even in the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment. True, in all cases this service is paid, but the prices differ, more on that now. The most expensive option for a tourist is to buy an Internet card in the park. Resellers work in such places and offer to buy a card for $ 3 / hour, which is 2 times more expensive than the local mobile operator has set. However, many tourists are forced to overpay, because there are always queues at the ETECSA office, and in order to buy a card, you will have to stand for several hours, or even longer. Although in this case, an hour will cost one and a half dollars.

In the hotels of Havana and Varadero, tourists can access the Internet cheaper, the price of 1 hour is from 30 to 40 cents. This is definitely more profitable than buying a card from resellers. But there is another more affordable option - this is the Ministry. Here the Internet will cost 20 cents per hour.

A tourist should take into account not only the fact that the Internet in Cuba is only paid and bought using a card system, but also that its quality is not entirely satisfactory and depends on the area of ​​the city and the time of the day. Therefore, we recommend choosing more affordable options.

By the way, there is also a free option, but it is available only to locals. Although tourists can try their luck and go to the embassy of America, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Sweden or Poland. Here, every Cuban can use the Internet for free (up to 2 hours a week). Perhaps the traveler from another country will be lucky.

While abroad, it is important to have access to mobile communications and the Internet. They may be necessary for business or personal communication, will allow you to share new experiences. Before the trip, you need to connect and activate MTS roaming abroad and one of the profitable services for savings.

How to activate roaming abroad MTS

Access to mobile communications when traveling abroad will be provided by MTS after adding 2 services to its tariff:

  • "International and national roaming";
  • "International access".

When adding the 1st service, the 2nd one is automatically connected. You can connect them separately only in MTS stores or when contacting a call center.

Only if you have 2 options, while abroad, you can make outgoing calls and send SMS, including to Russia.

There are 3 ways to activate roaming services:

  • USSD command *111*2192# ;
  • in a mobile application;
  • through a call center;
  • at the MTS office.

When connecting, the following conditions must be met:

  • The subscriber must be an MTS client for at least six months. The amount of accruals for this period should be more than 650 rubles.
  • The subscriber is a client of MTS for more than a year, the amount of accruals for none of the 12 months of the last year should be equal to 0.

When adding international roaming services, the mobile number must be active and have a positive balance. Both options are connected for free and no money is charged for their maintenance.

If none of the above conditions is met, then it is recommended to activate the "Easy roaming" service.

MTS tariff for calls and Internet abroad. Smart Zabugorishche

Tariff "Smart Zabugorishche" is currently not possible to connect! Tariff archive. Use Zabugorishche service instead of this tariff.

MTS options for calls and Internet abroad

To establish mobile communications abroad, the subscriber must determine what to connect while in roaming, which MTS option will be most beneficial.

Option for roaming abroad "Zabugorishche" MTS

Option price from 320 rub/per day of use.

When connecting the Zabugorishche service to the tariffs Tariffishche, Smart Unlimited, My Unlimited, Our Smart, Smart, Smart+, Smart NonStop, X, Smart Top, "Ultra" MTS subscriber will be able to use roaming abroad at home rates. Within this service, one should distinguish between the “Popular countries” and “Other countries” options.

Popular countries: USA, Armenia, Abkhazia, Australia, Great Britain, Hungary, Greece, Germany, Denmark, Egypt, Italy, Israel, India, Spain, Canada, Qatar, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, UAE, Portugal, Romania, Turkey , Taiwan, Thailand, Ukraine, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Estonia, South Korea

  • Incoming calls.
  • Outgoing calls.
  • Internet.

The "Zabugorishche" option is connected by the number *111*771*1#. It is not necessary to turn it off when returning home. The fee for it is charged only when you are abroad.

Option "Zero without borders" MTS

A similar option to "Zabugorishche" is the service "Zero without Borders".

The cost of using the service is 125 rubles per day.

You can connect it:

  • on the territory of Russia by the number *444#;
  • MTS offers roaming abroad in 2018 by command *111*4444#

Option "Free travel" MTS

When using the "Free travel" option for all calls, communication during the first hour will be free, then a tariff of 10 rubles per minute is set. You should pay 190 rubles per day when using the "Free travel" option.

It is no longer possible to activate the service, it has become archived.

Outgoing calls from 19.9 rubles. abroad MTS

The cost of a call while abroad will be 19.9 rubles per minute if the subscriber enters *137* before dialing the number. This tariff is set only for the CIS countries, Europe and popular places visited by tourists. All other states are paid at the rate of 79 rubles per minute.

Options for MTS Internet abroad

It is important to have access to the Internet abroad. This will be of particular interest to the younger generation.

Internet option "Zabugorishche" MTS

When activating the Zabugorishche service, the subscriber will be able to use the Internet as part of a home package in countries that are popular with tourists.

Option price from 320 rub/per day of use.

Internet option "Bit Abroad" MTS

If a subscriber, going abroad, intends to actively use the Internet there, then for him MTS recommends connecting one of the following options to the main tariff:

  • "BIT abroad" is intended for social networks and Email. 100 Mb per day is provided at maximum speed and then unlimited at a speed of 128 kbps. The cost is 450 rubles per day. You can connect or disconnect *111*2222#
  • "Maxi BIT", in addition to the services included in the "BIT Abroad", it is possible to use maps and navigation. 200 Mb per day is provided at maximum speed and then unlimited at a speed of 128 kbps. The cost is 700 rubles per day. You can connect or disconnect *111*2223#

Internet option "SuperBit Abroad" MTS

Mobile communications in Cuba

There is one national mobile operator in Cuba - this is a company ETECSA, also known as Cubacel. One of Cubacel's offices is located in Terminal 3 of Havana Airport.
The official website of the Cuban mobile operator ETECSA:http://www.etecsa.cu

Conditions of provision and cost of cellular communication in Cuba with a local operator ETECSA (Cubacel)

1. The contract for cellular communication services is drawn up for 45 days. This is quite enough considering that the period of visa-free stay for Russian citizens in Cuba is 30 days.
2. The cellular communication standard valid in Cuba and supported by the operator ETECSA (Cubacel) is a standard GSM900 MHz. Be sure to consider this point if you are going to take your mobile device with you.
3. An initial fee to your account balance (sim card) is 10 CUC(1 CUC equals 1 USD).
4. The daily tariff payment is 3 CUC. Also available for rent mobile phone for 6 CUC if your phone does not support the GSM900 MHz standard.
5. The cost of one minute of conversation will be:
— international call to Russia, CIS, Europe: 1.8 CUC(incoming free)
- internal calls: from 0.10 CUC at night (23:00 - 6:59) up to 0.35 CUC afternoon (7:00 – 22:59)
- incoming calls: for free.
6. SMS cost:
— SMS international: 1 CUC
– SMS national: 0.09 CUC
- incoming SMS: for free.

The listed cell phone prices in Cuba are valid as of September 2014, current tariffs - .

In most cases, you can use cell phones that are used in Russia and support the GSM 900 standard. If you use cellular communications from Russian operators MTS, Beeline, Megafon, then there should be no problems using a Russian phone number in Cuba.

Mobile communications in Cuba are quite expensive, so local residents have developed a system of free communication using mobile communications: one call means that "I'm going home", two calls "lingering", three - "do not wait for me".

Internet in Cuba

Internet speed enough low throughout Cuba. You can get internet access at ETESCA points, in Internet cafes and hotels.

At ETESCA points, the cost of access is 4.5 CUC per hour, addresses of points can be found . Payment is made by prepaid cards for 30 minutes or 1 hour, valid for 30 days from the date of activation.

The cost of Internet access in an Internet cafe is from 6 to 12 CUC.

According to ETESCA, wireless wifi network available at the following hotels in Cuba:

  • Havana: Panorama, MH Occidental Miramar, Barceló Ciudad, Parque Central, Sevilla, Qartar San Felipe, Presidente.
  • Varadero (Matanzas): Solymar, Patriarca, Iberostar, Laguna, Velazco,
  • Villa Clara: Ensenacho.

Perhaps there are others, but this is not specified.

To pay for Wi-Fi, you need to buy a card for 1.5 or 100 hours. Connection cost approx. 5 CUC.

Check the tariffs for mobile Internet from your mobile operator in roaming before the trip - usually information about the cost of mobile Internet in roaming can be found on the website of your mobile operator.

Electricity in Cuba

Electricity in Cuba, like in many other countries in Central and South America, is adapted to the American power supply standard.

The standard mains voltage is 110 volts, and the sockets differ from the Russian and European standard, and do not fit the plugs of our electrical appliances - there are sockets with flat connectors.
In some hotels, the mains voltage may be 220 volts, or the hotel may provide the opportunity to connect an electrical appliance to a socket with this voltage.

As a rule, at low voltage, all computer and digital equipment that you bring from Russia will work in most cases. However, electrical appliances such as a hair dryer or an electric razor may not work - as lucky.

As electrical sockets in Cuba have flat connectors(US version), you will need an adapter. A simple adapter can be purchased locally if you are traveling without a universal adapter. The universal adapter fits almost all sockets in the world and can be purchased from Duty Free shops at airports or on board certain flights.
If you did not have an adapter with you, then you may be able to provide it at the front desk (reception) of your hotel.

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