Sculpting from polymer clay is an exciting activity for beginner sculptors. Polymer Clay: Techniques

IN Lately Handmade items are in high demand. Very popular modeling polymer clay and cold porcelain, such crafts with the help of master classes and even without tools can be obtained by any novice needlewoman. In order for the finished product to turn out to be of high quality, it is necessary to follow a certain technique and sequence of actions.

What is polymer clay

This substance was artificially created by a German woman, Fifi Rebinder, to create heads for dolls. handmade. Polymer clay for modeling has a specific herbal smell, contains plasticizers, which give it plasticity. When baked, they are absorbed, the mass hardens and can no longer change its shape. Polymer clay (or plastic) is of two types: self-hardening and thermoplastic.

The latter requires heat treatment, but anything can be molded from it - from small details to large figures. Self-hardening material dries naturally in the sun, it will take at least a day. If you have not heard about the properties of clay before, then you should know that after drying, the finished product decreases slightly in size, the surface is uneven, but it can be drilled and processed with a saw. This type of material is more suitable for sculpting dolls and other large crafts. Keep the mass in a closed container.

What can be molded from polymer clay

Sculpting from polymer clay opens up great scope for imagination. You can do anything from graceful jewelry to handmade dolls and figurines. Due to the unique properties of plastic, working with it is easy and simple. Some types of thermoplastics are able to imitate the properties of various natural materials: stone, wood, metal, fabric. It is better for beginners in modeling to start with simple techniques, techniques, gradually moving on to more complex ones.


Jewelry, jewelry, key chains, pendants, souvenirs, fridge magnets are often molded from plastic clay. Plastic is non-toxic, so it can be used in games with children. It is easy to teach a kid to make vegetables, fruits, simple flowers. More experienced needlewomen sculpt complex polymer clay items such as doll heads, arms and legs. The properties of the mass make it possible to make crafts as similar and realistic as possible.

Ideas for sculpting from polymer clay

Inspiration for creating polymer clay masterpieces can be drawn from various sources. There are special printed editions teaching such modeling. There you can find a lot useful information, step by step instructions and lots of craft options. Modern needlewomen find ideas for sculpting on the Internet, where there are photo / video instructions with detailed description actions.

How to sculpt with polymer clay

For creativity from polymer clay, special skills are not needed, because the mass is similar to plasticine. In the hands it becomes soft and pliable, ready to create any crafts. To make the product beautiful, have strength, choose high-quality material for creativity. There are many types of polymer clay: Sculpey, Cernit, Viva Pardo, Deco (Japanese), Kato Policlay, Sonnet, Profi, Flower (sold in sets) and others. Most of the decorations are made from Decoclay and Fimo clay.


Polymer clay tools can be purchased at any art and craft store. Some items can be replaced with improvised materials, but some special tools are indispensable. Before starting work, you need to prepare for the process. You will need:

  1. Large glass or plastic worktop.
  2. PVA glue. It is useful for joining thermoplastic parts together.
  3. Sharp knives, you can clerical.
  4. Sandpaper to eliminate roughness.
  5. A piece of suede fabric that adds shine to the finished product.
  6. Toothpicks, rolling pin.
  7. Cutters are special molds for cutting figures.
  8. Extruder, rolling pin.

Sculpting techniques

There are several popular techniques that are used in creating crafts from different types of plastic:

  1. Smooth transition. The method is to mix two different colors.
  2. Sausage (sape, cane, millefiori). Several layers of different polymer clay are combined, and then the mass rolls into a roll.
  3. "Kaleidoscope". Multi-layered, using the kaleidoscope technique, the pattern turns out to be symmetrical, multi-colored.
  4. Watercolor. Technique for a smooth transition of color when sculpting.
  5. Filigree. Complex, requires professional skills, patience.
  6. Salt technology. Salt is used in modeling to give texture to the creation.
  7. Mika-shift. Creates a 3D effect.
  8. Mokume Gane. It consists in layering several layers of plastic clay of different colors.

Some parts need to be glued together after firing, in order to avoid damage during baking. Use liquid or gel glue for this purpose, it is better if it fast action and will grab in 15-20 seconds. So you will have the opportunity to fit the parts as best as possible to each other. Do not apply glue in strips so that there are no smudges, do it in the form of separate droplets.


This process requires certain conditions to be met. The most important thing is to adhere to the baking temperature, which is indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. If this indicator is violated, the product may not bake or change color. It is better to bake the mass in the oven on a ceramic tile or a regular baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Small parts need to be pricked on a toothpick, placed on a foil ball, so they are better baked. Flat parts are laid on a flat surface.

Complex crafts can be baked in several stages, for example, if they are made using the filigree technique. Each stage lasts a certain amount of time (from 1 to 15 minutes), and the total duration of the process can take up to half an hour. It must also be remembered that in its raw form the material is not toxic, but during heat treatment it exudes an unpleasant, harmful odor. Observe safety precautions: ensure the ventilation of the room, remove food from the kitchen, wash the oven after firing.


Finished products are covered with a special varnish, which gives them a finished look. There are matte and glossy varnishes, they need to be chosen based on desired effect your craft. Many plastic manufacturers also make varnishes, so you can buy products of the same brand. It has a composition that will not fade over time and will not start to stick to your hands. Some needlewomen varnish their creations with water-based varnishes for wooden floors. The main thing is that they do not contain latex, which is incompatible with thermoplastics.

You can apply varnish with a brush, but it is better to “put on” the product on a toothpick and dip it into the liquid as a whole, scrolling it around its axis. So the substance is distributed evenly, its excess amount will drain. Next, a toothpick with a craft is inserted into a piece of foam (or other material), left to dry. If after a while a drop of varnish forms below, it must be carefully removed. It is necessary to cover crafts in several layers, drying each of them for a certain amount of time (indicated on the package), sometimes this time is several hours.


Working with any material, even food, has its own safety rules. If you decide to sculpt from plastic, observe the following precautions:

  1. After sculpting, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water, and it is better to work with rubber gloves.
  2. Do not burn the mass in the oven where you cook. If there is no other, and you are forced to do this, wash the oven thoroughly and ventilate well.
  3. Observe temperature regime baking, and if the material is burnt, be sure to ventilate the room and clean the oven.

Having prepared everything necessary materials, tools, you can start creating different masterpieces. Browse a few simple lessons modeling and start from the basics, moving on to complex crafts with the acquisition of certain skills. Over time, this exciting hobby can develop into small business, bringing a good regular income.


Polymer clay crafts for beginners

For those who have basic knowledge and start working with plastic for the first time, a simple master class on modeling a fridge magnet from polymer clay will help:

  1. Stock up on: self-hardening polymer clay in pink, yellow, white, green, lime colors, soft magnet, acrylic paints, glue, scissors, toothpick, beads.
  2. Roll up small balls from yellow, white, pink polymer clay, form a drop out of them, cut the thick edge with scissors into 4-5 parts.
  3. Flatten them, give relief with a toothpick. You will get flowers.
  4. Form droplets from a material of green shades, flatten them, make veins with a toothpick. These will be the leaves.
  5. We make buds: on a drop white color we push the strips, simulating unblown petals. We wrap the bottom of the workpiece with a piece of green mass.
  6. Paint the magnet with paint of a suitable shade and glue the resulting blanks on it, creating a composition. Complete it with decorative beads. Leave until completely dry.

New Year crafts

Great gift for New Year will become a magic ball made at home from polymer clay:

  1. Prepare: a small transparent jar of spices with a screw cap, plastic (white, black, red, pink, beige), glitter, glitter, glycerin, vodka, pin, glue.
  2. Roll up 2 white balls different size, put them on a pin (thin wire) to make a snowman.
  3. Make indentations for the eyes, insert 2 black balls there. Insert a carrot made of red plastic into the recess for the nose. Draw a smile.
  4. Roll 4 white balls, flatten 2 on one side - these are the legs. From the rest, make elongated droplets - these are hands. Assemble the snowman.
  5. From beige, pink polymer clay, roll out 2 thin long sausages. Twist them with a rope. Form a scarf and a snowman hat out of them. In the same way, we make a candy in the form of a hook (we use a red, white mass), insert it into the hand. We bake.
  6. Lubricate the lid of the jar from the inside with waterproof glue, put a snowman in the center, sprinkle sparkles around.
  7. Pour different medium-sized glitters into the jar, pour 1 tbsp. l. glycerin and vodka, add water, given that the snowman should still fit.
  8. Coat the thread of the lid with cream, screw it on, let it dry. Shake, flip.


As a decoration, try to make a simple “knitted” wrist bracelet that imitates real yarn:

  1. You will need: a base for a bracelet, plastic of the desired color, liquid gel plastic, an extruder, a knife.
  2. Put the plastic mass in the extruder, squeeze out. Take 2 strips, twist with a tourniquet. Do the same with the other two strips, twisting them in the other direction.
  3. Lubricate the surface of the base with gel, attach the first tourniquet, cut off the required length. Then attach the second tourniquet as tightly as possible to the first, cut off.
  4. You will get an imitation of knitting. Repeat the steps until you "knit" the entire bracelet. Do the same on the inside (optional). Bake.


Modeling toys with thermoplastics is a great pastime with children. Try this turtle:

  1. Stock up on a baked polymer mass (blue, light green, pink), a brush and 2 small black beads.
  2. From the blue color, make 4 large drops - this is the preparation of the legs.
  3. From a piece of light green plastic, form a blank in the form of a bell with a recess inside - this is the future shell.
  4. Place the legs next to the wide part down, put on the shell on top. With the brush handle, holding it vertically, make a recess in front of the future turtle - a place for the head.
  5. We form the head blank: roll a ball and a cylinder out of blue plastic, connect them. You should get a head on the neck. Attach it to the body.
  6. Roll up pink balls, flatten, stick to the shell - these are spots. Blind your eyes from beads. Bake the turtle.


According to such an understandable step-by-step master class, sculpting flowers from polymer clay is easy and simple:

  1. Prepare the following materials: white and blue thermoplastic, toothpick, 2 white beads, knife.
  2. Make 2 balls of different colors, connect, knead them until you get a marble pattern.
  3. Divide the resulting ball in half, fashion each half in the form of a flat plate with 1 elongated edge.
  4. Fold each into paper seed bags so that the elongated edge is at the top. Pin it, and straighten the free edges, as if the flower is opening. Bake, glue a bead in the middle.
  5. If, before firing, you first make a hole in the middle with a toothpick, then you can then insert the accessories and form earrings from the flowers.

Children's crafts

Children are very fond of cartoons, so they will be interested in the process of creating popular characters from polymer clay. Let's blind Krosh from Smeshariki:

  1. Prepare: plastic (white, mint, red), 2 black beads, a knife.
  2. Roll up a mint-colored ball - this is a blank for the head, separately prepare 6 more small pieces of mass.
  3. Take 2 small white pieces, roll up the same balls, press down, attach to the head close to each other - these are the whites of the eyes. Stick black beads to them - pupils.
  4. Roll up a small ball of red polymer clay, stick just below the eyes - this is the nose.
  5. Cut out Krosh's mouth with a knife, fill it with red, stick 2 small white teeth.

Today, thermoplastic is a very popular material in the world of needlework. Modeling from polymer clay used for making jewelry and small souvenirs.
We propose in this article to consider some of the most common thermoplastic modeling techniques based on the use of two or more colors.

1. Technique for creating a smooth color transition. This technique is achieved by mixing two or more colors of clay in different proportions.

The so-called watercolor technique makes it possible to achieve a particularly smooth color transition. When sculpting from thermoplastic, for example, beads in this technique, it is necessary to roll out three sheets of different colors. These sheets should be superimposed on each other and lightly rolled. When the plastic has completely cooled down, tear it into small pieces and stick around the beads with pieces.

2. Technique of sculpting flowers.

3. Quadrangle with a striped pattern.

4. When working with plastic in the filigree technique, the smallest pieces of clay are glued onto the workpiece, which form an openwork pattern. You will need a lot of patience and accuracy in order to create the desired pattern.

5. Rhombus from triangles.

6. Squeezing out of the syringe.

7. Sausage technique can also be found under the names cane, millefiori, сane, sausage. From the pieces laid out in layers in different combinations of plastics, a roll is rolled, when cut, on the cut, a pattern composed of different elements is obtained. With some skill, using this technique, you can get quite complex patterns from a large number elements.

8. Technique kaleidoscope for sausage technique - a finished plastic roll is pressed into a different geometric shape.

Finds more and more recognition among needlewomen. It has excellent plasticity, it is easy to work with it. Products obtained by firing a plastic clay mass are distinguished by high strength and aesthetic appeal. A wonderful hobby for modern girls is becoming such an activity as sculpting jewelry, figurines and decorative trifles from polymer clay.

Preparatory stage

When wondering how to use polymer clay, you first need to preparatory work. You will need special tools and materials: sharp knives and blades, sandpaper, suede patches, PVA glue, bowls. For work, it is necessary to allocate a flat surface of sufficient area.

There are many techniques for sculpting polymer clay. The choice of method depends on the type of product, the type of clay, as well as your own skills.

Modeling for beginners

Working with clay mass is similar to modeling from plasticine. If you are just starting to learn clay techniques, you need to learn how to sculpt simple elements that are the basics. Roll up the ball, rolling it on the work surface, holding one edge, form a drop. By bending the end of the drop, you can get a figure resembling a comma. With the help of a rounded tool, hollow shapes can be made from a drop. If you roll the ball between your palms, you get a sausage. It is easy to fashion sharp corners from it.

Cane technique

This type of technique involves laying out pieces of plastic in layers in a certain combination. Then a roll is made, which is cut into pieces. The cut of a separate piece has a lined pattern.

Salt technique

Performed using coarse salt. From clay you need to roll balls, or any other elements. Then each ball is rolled in salt and baked. After cooling, the salt must be washed off. You will get a fancy embossed surface.


Small pieces of multi-colored polymer clay are glued onto a workpiece of any shape. Patterns can be absolutely anything. There are entire catalogs with examples of drawings and ornaments. This technique requires perseverance.


Sausages of various sizes and colors are formed, which are given a certain shape: square, triangle, circle. Next, layers are laid out in a specific set of sausages. The resulting bar is cut into elements of the desired shape. An interesting pattern is formed on the sections.


A great idea on how to work with polymer clay and get smooth color transitions is to use the watercolor technique. Three strips of different colors are made from clay mass. When laying one on one, they must be slightly pressed. The resulting element is kept for some time, and then divided into pieces. These pieces stick around the blanks. As a rule, this technique is used to make beads or balls.

Heat treatment

Freshly molded products need heat treatment. Depending on the type of polymer clay, products are baked or boiled. Bake products in the oven, and cook in the microwave or on a conventional stove. The main thing is to observe the time and temperature conditions.

Security measures

The composition of clay includes a complex chemical compound - a plasticizer, due to which the clay mass is easily processed. Products during firing begin to release harmful compounds. The concentration of these compounds is low, but safety measures cannot be neglected. When firing or cooking products, the room should be well ventilated.

This technique is very similar to the previous one, only it involves giving various shapes to plastic sausages, pressing them in one way or another (square, triangular, etc.). As a result, a symmetrical pattern is obtained on the cut, most often geometric.

Works by master Yana Roberts Benzon in the "kaleidoscope" technique. Photo from the official website:

Mokume Gane technique

This technique is always with an element of surprise! Layers of clay are stacked on top of each other, alternating contrasting colors. The resulting layer is rolled out, cut in half, folded one half on top of the other and rolled out again. Then various stamps, tools and molds for cutting or texture mats are used: we press on the plastic with stamps, leave cuts with a blade, as well as with molds, traces of violence can be left both through and not completely. As a result, a certain pattern remains on a piece of plastic. Then, with a blade, it is necessary to cut sheets of clay from above. Each new slice opens a new drawing.

The work of Melanie Moore in the technique of "Mokume Gane". Official website:

Filigree technique

On the basis of plastic, a pattern is laid out with thin sausages.

Filigree technique by Jennifer Morris. Her Etsy shop:

The technique of "volumetric painting"

Also, on the basis of plasticity, the desired drawing is laid out in small pieces of different colors, be it a landscape or a portrait.

This photo shows my work in the technique of "volumetric painting".

In the next article, I will give a master class on creating a pendant with elements of the filigree technique. Stay with us!

about the author

I invite you to visit my studio! I am Tanya Emelyanova, a craftsman and creator, a mother of three beautiful girls, a sociologist who dreams of becoming a jeweler. I live in the suburbs, in the city of Vidnoe. In my spare time, I create polymer clay jewelry. In my works I want to reflect the miracle of the moment, I want to show it right here, right now! Show all the charm of every second, the value of this moment. Hence the name of my workshop

Clay is widely distributed in nature, it occurs at shallow depths, serves as a cheap type of mineral raw material in many types of industry, and is used in the national economy. It is also used in art. With its help, when creating a sculpture, layouts are made. Clay sculpting tools must first of all be comfortable to use and fully meet the requirements for processing this plastic and pliable material.


In the old days, craftsmen made lids, pots, jugs and other kitchen utensils from special types of clay. After firing, such dishes retained their shape, did not let water through and were quite strong.

The most suitable types of clay for modeling are plastic varieties of gray, gray-green and green varieties. They are used in modeling and creating sculptures. Masters initially make three-dimensional models from this material, followed by casting in plaster or bronze.

If the clay sculpture is fired, then such work is called terracotta, and if it is additionally covered with glaze, then it will already be majolica.


Refractory clays during firing can withstand temperatures above 1500 degrees without softening. They are used in the production of acid-resistant porcelain and faience products and in the manufacture of molds for metallurgical casting.

Low-melting varieties are used in the production of bricks and in the process of obtaining Portland cement. Bentonite types of clay are the least suitable for modeling. They are used in the purification of petroleum products, vegetable and lubricating oils, as well as in drilling wells.

Polymer clay

An artificially created material based on polyvinyl chloride with the addition of plasticizers, pigments and fillers is called thermoplastic.

The material is similar in appearance and properties to plasticine in the process of modeling, but it stains hands less, does not spread from excess heat of the palms. Some clay sculpting tools of this type are used only in this form. applied arts. For example, a special paste machine is used to roll out layers and mix different shades of material.

Polymer clay is produced by different manufacturers and is divided according to the method of hardening into two types:

  1. Self-hardening.
  2. Baked (thermoplastic).

Self-hardening polymer clay

A characteristic feature of such a material is that after molding it gains strength at room temperature in a day without additional heat treatment. Self-hardening polymer clay (plastic), after drying, has sufficient strength, holds its shape well, and is processed if some details need to be corrected. The surface in this case is soaked with water, after which the necessary adjustments are made.

This type of polymer clay is ideal in the process of creating dolls, especially elements of their clothes and accessories. Another important direction of its application is the creation of flower arrangements. Thin leaves, and especially flower petals with minimally thinned edges, look like life after giving the product a characteristic textured surface.

The required minimum for modeling should include a rolling pin so that layers can be rolled out, and convenient for cutting composition details from thin layers. Also, devices for imprinting shapes and extruding textural elements can be useful. When working with small parts, it is convenient to use stacks.

Baked polymer clay

Such material, when heated to a temperature of 110-130 degrees, acquires the properties of plastic. Finished products are not afraid of moisture, they can be bent without fear of breaking.

It is convenient to work with thermoplastic. It is a soft material, plastic, mixes well. After heat treatment, the surface acquires a velvety appearance. The set of tools for thermoplastic modeling is the same as for self-hardening clay. The material is used for the manufacture of dolls, souvenirs, small sculptures, flower arrangements, all kinds of jewelry.

Some manufacturers produce two types of thermoplastics: one is soft, which is more suitable for children's creativity; the other is a more rigid material that requires thorough kneading before modeling, but is also characterized by increased strength of the finished product.

Sculpting from polymer clay: tools and materials

The working surface is selected from ceramics or glass. To roll the source material into layers, use a rolling pin, rollers or a special pasta machine. An extruder with interchangeable nozzles extrudes simple or figured "sausages".

To give the surface a special look, stamps, texture sheets and brushes are used. Materials and tools for modeling are selected individually by each master. Molds are needed for molding repeating ones. For cutting out of the formation, boats are used. Stacks with different profiles are indispensable for sculpting small parts. Needles are used to make holes.

In some cases, foil may be useful to create a lightweight frame and save material. sandpaper You can grind finished products after heat treatment. keeps the material from drying out well.

Auxiliary tools for clay modeling are also needed. Pliers, round nose pliers and wire cutters are indispensable when working with wire to create fittings for future products. For cutting the formed layers, clerical cutters and sharp scissors are suitable.

Homemade fixtures and forms

Anyone can make the necessary tools for sculpting with their own hands. In some cases, you don’t even need to do anything, you can simply adapt an object that is suitable in shape for modeling, molding, extrusion or figured processing.

So, a kitchen noodle cutter can be used to create even strips from a rolled layer. you can extrude thin threads. Screw heads with grooves for a curly screwdriver can create decorative elements on the surface. It is convenient to make a texture in the form of a lattice with a sieve. You can use a piece of pumice to extrude, the effect of "salt texture" can be achieved using a hard toothbrush.

The right clay sculpting tools are everywhere, you just need to spot them. Cookie cutters, bottle caps, curly buttons - all can be used for molding, extrusion or stamping. A simple glass bottle can be used to roll the material, and a toothpick can be used instead of a stack for fine work.

Before starting work, you should take care of protecting the surface of the table on which you plan to do creative work. After separating a piece of plastic, it should be kneaded a little in your hands so that it warms up and acquires the necessary softness.

To get acquainted with the material, to get the first skills in working with a new type of raw material, as well as to master the tools, it is better to choose a simple model for clay modeling. Having rolled out a mashed piece of plastic on the work surface, you can try to cut something out of it, give the workpiece a different texture using molds, stencils or special texture sheets.

You can mold a small sculpture, try to make a simple composition in the form of a flower or other three-dimensional form. It is desirable to bring the first trial lesson to its logical conclusion. The self-hardening clay is simply dried and the thermoplastic needs to be baked.

To do this, the product is laid out on foil, parchment, or a plate and placed in an oven preheated to 110 degrees for the time required for baking, indicated in the clay instructions. After heat treatment, the model is cooled in the oven, removed, painted and varnished.

What is clay molding called?

Entrepreneurial people with creative potential can easily realize their talent with practical benefit by making and selling original beads, earrings, bracelets, as well as all kinds of souvenirs and various pleasant little things. The name of this type of creativity is determined by the technique of execution of the finished product.

Existing polymer clay modeling techniques are so diverse that they allow a beginner to choose an activity for any level of complexity. The name of a particular type of modeling is determined by the techniques and methods used in the manufacture of decorative elements. For a simple flower or a simple sculpture, one technology is used, multilayer filigree or millifiori in the creation of designer jewelry is a completely different specificity of the work.

Techniques for working with polymer clay

How many good craftsmen, how many unique products, so many techniques exist at the moment. Some are especially popular and can be taken as a basis by beginner sculptors.

The watercolor technique involves the use of contrasting layers of colored plastic rolled out in a pasta machine. In the "color transition" - on the contrary, smooth and blurry borders are used.

The "bargello" technique imitates Florentine embroidery, "mica shift" creates three-dimensional effects on a flat surface. Borrowed from Japanese gunsmiths, the “mokume-gene” technique combines the texture of wood and metal, and “imitation” creates a semblance of natural minerals, natural and precious stones.

"Filigree" and "millifiori" - techniques for drawing up a complex pattern from thin layers, threads or balls. This happens in the process of squeezing, stretching and rolling on the surface of a thin slice of a complex composition.

Surprisingly beautiful decorations are obtained as a result of the use of techniques: “kaleidoscope”, “multi-layer”, “through”, “salt”, “syringe”, “brain”, “image translation”.

In addition to the listed species? there is also puppet, sculptural and flower technology. They, in turn, have their own characteristics and varieties of modeling and molding techniques, installation subtleties constituent elements. Clay sculpting tools for each specific case are selected individually by the master.