Scenarios of the day of knowledge for the holiday line. Scenarios of the day of knowledge for the holiday line Scenario of the original line on September 1 of the year

Preparation for the start of a new school year at school begins with the choice of a scenario. Indeed, on September 1, a line is held, on the Day of Knowledge, solemn events are held throughout the country, they mark the beginning of a new academic year. Also, rulers are often carried out in preschool institutions.

Today it is fashionable to arrange some kind of unusual format for a gala day: someone goes on an excursion, others buy concert tickets in an organized manner. But it is the usual classic line for September 1 in 2017 that remains the most relevant and sought-after form for this important holiday in the life of every student. Do not lament about the fact that back to school, again on September 1st. Think it won't be long and school years rush very quickly, and the memories of them always remain the kindest and brightest.

The script for the lineup is being prepared on September 1, 2017-2018 in advance so that each participant receives their words in time and can rehearse their roles. If the majority of schoolchildren are guests of the line, then someone has to take on the function of organizers and presenters. We hope that this script from our article will help you spend the Day of Knowledge in a fun, relaxed and simply beautiful way within the walls of your favorite school.

The music sounds under which the leading lines (two presenters) enter the stage

First: Good afternoon, students!

Second: Good afternoon, dear parents!

First: Good afternoon to all, both teachers and guests.

Second: No wonder we gathered at school today, today is a big holiday, what?

All together: The first of September, Knowledge Day.

First: Within the walls of our beloved school, autumn has gathered us again. In a couple of hours, the first bell will ring, which we will tell teachers, students, and parents that the new school year has begun.

Second: School weekdays begin again, but there is still a little time left before them, but for now we have a festive hour. We want to congratulate everyone who gathered today on the holiday.

First: We invite all classes and their class teachers to the solemn line.

Second: For students of the eleventh grade in last time The first bell for the lesson will sound this September.

First: But there are also first-graders for whom, on the contrary, the first bell for the lesson will sound today for the first time. For the first time, they will walk along the corridors of the school like real schoolchildren.

Second: All classes are assembled, which means that the solemn line in honor of the Day of Knowledge can be considered open.

First: Again and again we hear the main song of our country. It sounds both in the south and in the north, under it the heart of every citizen knocks loudly.

Second: This song sings about the glory of the people and the glory of the Fatherland, let pride only grow from year to year.

Turn on the anthem Russian Federation(in order not to tighten the ruler, you can listen to the first verse and chorus).

First: The school can be called a ship on which students and teachers sail through the land of knowledge. The captain of the ship, of course, is the director of the school. He wants to give the floor on this solemn day for every schoolchild and teacher.

The director delivers a congratulatory speech, reads out the order on the beginning of the new academic year 2017-2018.

Second: Welcoming speech is given to the class teacher of grades 1 and 11. If a representative of the local administration is present on the line, then the floor is given to him too.

First: After these speeches, we can safely say that a new academic year has begun in our vast country. First-graders prepared for this event with particular care and trepidation, because this is their first line. Therefore, we offer to watch their performance and give the first-graders the floor.

Performance by first-graders (poems are given that can be printed and distributed to first-graders with good diction and memory, so that they read them on the ruler. Do not forget that the child needs time to learn four lines, so be sure to write out the ruler script for September 1, 2017 in advance and distribute their words to everyone).

First: Thank you, our dear first graders. It was beautiful and very on topic, I even wanted to feel that thrill from the first call again!

Second: The first grade is the first stage of school life and, many believe. That it is the most difficult, but at the same time the most beautiful. However, the time has come to pay attention to those who have already moved to the last step and will finish school this year.

First: Dear our eleventh graders. For you, this is both a sad and a happy holiday. Because it's your last school year. From all of us and from teachers, please accept wishes with your head held high to go this way and find your calling in life.

Second: Your school life is only one year away, for good or for bad. Do not be very upset, because the foundation of friendship, knowledge and independently, victories and defeats for all this year has been laid and, we hope, you were able to draw the right conclusions.

First: School is life itself for every child and teenager. We would like to wish the students of grade 11 that this year be happy, intense and eventful, but at the same time you do not stop enjoying everything that happens.

First: Many thanks to everyone who helped organize this lineup and make the holiday today. Now we invite everyone to listen to the first training bell this year and after it go to the classroom for Classroom hour. Good luck guys. May this year bring many good things!

This is how the script for the line on September 1 may look like; if necessary, you can supplement it with poems, songs and music. But practice shows that it is better not to tighten the line in order to maintain the concentration of attention of students and guests.

Scenario line of the first of September - Knowledge Day at school

Of interest to head teachers educational work, organizers, class teachers of the eleventh and first grades.
The scenario is of interest to the organizers, head teachers for educational work, class teachers of the graduating classes.
Target: organization of the solemn beginning of the academic year;
- to congratulate first-graders on the beginning of the first academic year, to arouse interest in the school;
- create a festive mood for all those present;

First call 2017

Presenter 1
The day is sunny and bright
Light as feathers, clouds,
Autumn distributes its gifts,
And she is a little worried.

Lead 2
The school year comes into its own,
The first leaf is spinning in the sky,
School opens doors again
And the bell is calling us at the desks.

Lead 2
The holiday must begin solemnly:
The anthem of our Motherland will sound!

national anthem is played

Presenter 1
Again September calls everyone
Laughter is heard in the school yard again
Summer rushed by like a ghost, like a dream,
Knowledge we open the season.

Lead 2
Presentation tonight
New and varied knowledge
First consultation of the season
For the fulfillment of desires.

Presenter 1
So, we start the school year,
Hurry forward to new victories,
Discoveries and achievements are waiting for us -
Of this we have no doubt!

Lead 2
And besides, today we have
Many came to school for the first time!

Presenter 1
I think we all need to support them,
Let's greet them with applause!

Graduates lead first graders to the line to the music

Lead 2
School, attention, stand still,
It's time to raise the flag of our knowledge!

To the solemn music they carry out and raise the banner of the school

Presenter 1
Who is in charge at school, of course, we know
We all involuntarily imitate him (her),

Lead 2
He is wise and kind, well educated...
You guessed it, the director has a word.

A word from the school principal

Lead 2
We accept newcomers to our family,
We wish them all great success

Presenter 1
Of course, we will give them a word now,
And in a year we will look at them ...

Word to first graders
I woke up very early
I quickly got up from the couch
Washed, dressed up,
Wow, I got there just in time!

Well, I'm not only books,
I took my monkey
To not get bored at school
Together we will answer.

I consulted with my mother
So that the school itself, itself
It was interesting
To immediately captivate.

I came here with a bouquet
I've been preparing all summer
Letters, maybe I forgot
But I honestly taught them!

Dad told me yesterday
That you have a big gym
I love physical education
And I'll set a record.

Little me, everyone keeps saying
But I'm not a bastard,
I'll tell you without fuss:
I am with the computer on "you".

Let the size not forty-five,
I'm also not in the tenth,
Wait a little,
I will outgrow anyone.

Parted with kindergarten
Bargained with dad for a long time,
If I go to school
What can I find under my pillow?

I'm worried about my grandfather
I will tell you a secret:
The school is full of trouble -
Who will he play football with?

My whole family knows:
I slept in the summer -
Found the correct approach:
Enough for the whole year.

I promise you honestly:
I will wake up myself
And do the lessons too -
I will be stricter with myself.

Lead 2
For such performance
The guys are rewarded!

Eleventh-graders in chef's hats take out a loaf for each class

Just in time for the first lesson
We baked a loaf
Caravan, caravan,
Be brave, don't yawn!

First graders take a piece of finely chopped part from the loaf in advance

Presenter 1
Everyone eats a piece of bread
To keep the sky clear
To make learning easy
To go far!

Lead 2
One bread and many "I":
You are now one family!
You do not quarrel, everyone is friends,
Share the difficulties for everyone

Presenter 1
Joy is also in half,
And listen to the words
By what we tell you now:

Good luck! And good time!

Eleventh-graders give their gifts, bring in a “wish tree”, from which each first-grader tears off a leaf with a wish

Eleventh graders

1 Fulfillment of desires
Everyone can guess

2 Even the secrets of the universe
At school you can learn

1 Someone wants to be a model

2 Someone become an astronaut

1 Who is the multiplication table
At 12 wants to know?

2 Everything is possible in our school
You just need to wish

1 Everyone is free in their desires
Become the best in studies!

Presenter 1
You have been congratulated for so long
Are you guys tired? (Not!)
Stop standing still
Dance we will dance together

Eleventh graders lead the kids in a circle and dance with them “Dance of the Little Ducklings”

Lead 2
Treasury of knowledge opens
She is richer than gold treasures,
And let no one doubt this:
We can't go through life without them!

Song to the tune "Big Secret for a Small Company"

It's no secret that without knowledge you are simply a beggar,
You will not sell and you will not buy them,
Everyone needs knowledge and no less than food,
We are like kittens without them, we are blind.

Etc. Known to everyone, without knowing
There can be no recognition
As well as popularity, and success will not come,
So, be sure to learn, you are friends, consciously,
We invite everyone to the magical world of knowledge.

Physics textbook appears

Physics Textbook
Looks like there's a holiday here?
According to my theory, it happens
Get to the show in time…

A confused Volka appears with flowers that he hides behind his back.

Volka? I do not hide my surprise!

Sorry - these are flowers for you ...
Well, for this ... for beauty ...

Physics viewers
I don't understand what he wants...
Did he learn the law?

I ... I tried ... I got to the 13th page ...

You're confusing something, I'm not a picture book, they don't leaf through me, they teach me!

Volka bewildered
Hottabych appears

Oh, photon of my radiation, what has darkened your forehead? Look how cheerful faces are around, and you are sad!

Volka sighing
You would have my problems, I would have looked, how would you have fun.

Open yourself to the wise Hottab ibn Daud, O joule of my energy!

I'm not your joule. I have a re-examination in physics, but the textbook does not recognize me ... Wait, why did you suddenly start talking like that? Have you been to school again?

Do not scold me, O volt of my tension, I just looked into the textbook, and now I am eager to continue my acquaintance with it and improve my knowledge of esteemed Physics (bows towards the textbook). Maybe I can help your trouble if you open up to me.

Okay, listen.

Song to the melody "Wizard - half-educated"

She has a law pointing to physics,
This ... well, that ... Pendant,
Or maybe Newton
He invented it for us.
Or maybe it's Om
Only thing is,
I only heard about him
But somehow it didn't.

Etc. The formulas are too complicated
Truths Impossible
I tried to learn
But not strong enough! Yes Yes Yes!
I suffered with them day and night,
But I can't figure it out
If you can't help me
I don't like white light!

Oh pascal of my pressure, your problem is easily solved: you just need to make friends with the textbook, and the great genie, the teacher of the venerable Physics bows to the teacher will be pleased with you.

Volka incredulously
And that's it? But he doesn't want to be friends with me! You know, Hottabych, the process would be much faster if I had a friend who could be relied on for advice, unlike you...

This is not difficult breaks a hair, Dunno appears

Hey buddy, guess what?
What is my name?


Everyone knows me because I know everything!

Listen, do you really know everything?


And physics?


And math?

No problem!

Now let's check unfolds a poster with the formula Well, solve an example!

This is me easy!

Song to the melody "Or maybe a crow"

Or maybe add?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
Maybe multiply?
Maybe remove the brackets?
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Well give me some advice!

Or maybe extract the root?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
And raise everything to a power?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Or maybe an integral?
And get an answer?

Hottabych, whom did you slip me? I can do it myself!

Forgive the old genie, O derivative of my function!

tears a hair, Harry Potter appears

And who is this?

Harry Potter
I am Harry Potter, mage and wizard bows

Another! I have enough of Hottabych! Tell me that you can do anything!

Harry Potter
Certainly can.

And who taught you?

Harry Potter

I wish I had such friends! Could you introduce me to them?

Harry Potter
Please! conjures, textbooks and a ballerina appear

These are friends?

Harry Potter
The best! They keep treasures of knowledge and willingly share with everyone who wants to be friends with them.

textbooks are presented


I am the keeper of knowledge of literature,
Treasury of world culture,
I can bring up spirituality in you,
Help become wiser and nobler!

We will teach you the secrets of the universe,
Let us give knowledge of the basic laws,


To be able to describe everything with a formula,
Penetrated into the essence of Mother Earth!

I will reveal secrets to you,
Believe me, it's very interesting
And I will even teach you miracles -
Everything that I can do myself!

English language
Do you speak English? Know? We will teach!
Moreover, we won’t torture you by cramming at all,

Their spreche deutsch, and you will speak,
Stronger only with us you are friends!

Presenter 1 refers to the ballerina
And you?

And I'm called choreography
And I'm not afraid of hypodynamia
Movement - life, health, mood -
I will teach you dance with inspiration!

The choreography shows simple movements, first-graders and eleventh-graders repeat them to the music, all the characters dance with them

Harry Potter
Well, Volka, do you like such friends?

Still would!

Harry Potter
What about you guys?

Let's be friends!

sing textbooks, Volka, Harry Potter

Song to a melody from the Bremen Town Musicians "Our carpet is a flower meadow"

In our life, knowledge is the basis,
We can convince anyone!
It is simply impossible to live without knowledge,
It is not difficult for you to get them from us!
It is not difficult for you to get them from us.

We wanted to convince you together,
What a diligent study you need!
And then you are not afraid of obstacles,
Knowledge will help, if necessary,
Knowledge will help, if necessary,

Presenter 1
The school year starts
How much new knowledge he brings!

Lead 2
So you guys try
And do it with great enthusiasm!

Presenter 1
Well, you all deserve it
Let the true school bell ring

Lead 2
The elders just didn’t finish everything,
And the kids are waiting for the first lesson!

The last call is given: a first grader, who is led by the hand by an eleventh grader, and a first grader with an eleventh grader. They come out from one point and go around the ruler along the perimeter in opposite directions. At the end of the circle against the backdrop of a school song they are followed by first-graders with eleventh-graders, then all other classes

It is possible to continue the first lesson for first-graders in the assembly hall with these fairy-tale characters

Scenario line September 1, 2017-2018 academic year



Good morning, dear guests, teachers, dear parents!

Host 2:

Good - not only because of the clear weather, but above all because of the good that it brings us.

Indeed, today is the day of the beginning of studies, new meetings with a huge world of knowledge that teachers are ready to open to us.


Good mood to you and to those who came here for the first time, and to those who have lived so many interesting and useful years in our school.

Host 2:

Good luck to all guests and participants of our holiday!

Presenter 1

Here comes September! And with him you are in the courtyard of our beloved school.

Lead 2

Look around. Next to you are teachers and friends that you probably missed.

Presenter 1

Take a closer look. Friends have changed. They matured exactly 1 year in three months, because you moved to the next class.

Lead 2

And today begins for us New Year, The new school year. And it is with this that we congratulate all of you, dear children.

We wish you success in your studies! Let your classes remain the same friendly, because together it will be easier to solve problems.


September has come, summer is over,

The holiday of knowledge, study, marks has come.


Children, parents, teachers,

Happy holiday, friends!

Presenter 1:

A solemn and exciting moment is coming at our holiday. After all
now it will include those who came for the first time in the first class. Let's get them
We will greet and invite Oksana Evgenievna Tonkikh with our first teacher.

(Grade 1 enters with music).

The song "School years" sounds

Presenter 1: Tatyana Vasilievna! Teaching and student team "Main secondary school village of Amgun"back to topthe new 2017-2018 academic year is ready. Allow the holiday solemn line dedicated to the Day Knowledge is considered open.

Director: The line dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year is considered open!

Host 2:

Russia! Russia!

The state is great!

Native, powerful and many-sided!

You are the source of inspiration and life!

And the native school is your island!

Let the heart beat louder

The anthem of our great Russia sounds!

Presenter 1

School! Attention!

During the performance of the national anthem of Russia, stand still!

The anthem of Russia is being performed

Host 2:

The situation is not new

And quite understandable

If the director took the floor,

All in complete silence.

Looking forward to every time

What will he tell us now?

The floor for greetings is given to the director of the school Gainislamova Tatyana Vasilievna.


Hello school!
You are not just a building
You are like home to us.
Daily in the morning for a date
We are getting ready for you!


Hello school! About you with excitement
We write awkward poems. . .
Replenishment comes every year
And graduates are leaving. . .


There are various holidays throughout the year.

And today is your holiday.

First graders go for the first time

To your friendly school class.


Yesterday only you were told "baby"

Sometimes called "prankster"

Today you are sitting at the desk,
And your name is First Grader.


Today is not just Knowledge Day, today is the birthday of the new academic year.

Host 2:

I have a surprise for you

Now 1st class will perform here

What's the surprise?

And the fact that without such guys is impossible,

They, you will see for yourself,

They want to study only "excellent".

Performance of first graders

1. Who said that there are questions, (Boldyreva Milena)
Unbearable for us?
No wonder this fall

We are in first grade.

We, going to this holiday,
We know: this is our holiday!
After all, today is a first grader -
The most important character.

Everyone around was so happy -
It's me and you at school today!

And they jumped for joy

Even the price of flowers!

2. How many joyful, cheerful (Timofeev Nikolai)
Faces everywhere - look!

Personally, the principal of the school

Smiled three times!

3. Now the first school bell will ring, (Kulikov)

The teacher will start the first lesson with us,

Show us the school, show us the class

He will tell his story about the life of the country.

And you, our mothers, do not dare to roar!

Loom under the windows, make a loud noise.

So that we are not ashamed of you at school,

After all, the school charter is for everyone ...

And for you!

4. Admire us all, (Kristina Odokienko)

And remember us.

We promise the best

Will be at school...

All: First class!

5. I dreamed about books today (Dove Sophia)

They walked in formation, lay down in a briefcase,

Pencils in a notebook

They wrote: “It's okay!

We are clean, tidy, new,

We are ready to study!”

6. We are now very big, (Vlada Proyavchenko)

We came to school.

And now no one will say

That we are babies.

Stay home dolls

I'm going to school

No time to play now

7. A lot of different new knowledge (Grishinkova Vera)
Bring us a lesson

And we are ready to learn

Like no one before us could!

The school needs to know
Knew our names -
Will write from a class magazine
Their history is it!

We want the Knowledge Day
From now on it has become our day!

"Good luck" wish us, Well, we won't let you down!


Dear kids! Put your ears on top!

Now the luminaries of all school sciences will turn to you.

Masters of control and essays.

Professors for passing tests and exams.

Inventors newest species cribs.

The oldest students in the school are ninth graders.

And I'm happy to give them the floor.

Presentation by ninth graders.

1 Dear first graders! Today is the happiest day of your life!

Today you came to us just as boys and girls.

And in just a few minutes you will become students of our school.

And we, as her oldest students, want to give you some advice!

2 We are a little older than you,

And burning with desire

Give you orders

And our wishes!

3 "Gnawing" science for later

You don't leave.

Then there is soup with a cat!

Read more!

4. So that conversations “on the carpet”

Were very rare

Don't fight in the yard

Do not "pull" the neighbor!

5 Be polite to everyone

Don't be rude to elders

All quickly for a change

Don't rush!

6 Love physical education -

Useful in life

Adjust the shape

Pump up your muscles.

7. And you all need to remember:

The strength of the mind is more important!

Faith, friendship - that's what is sacred!

With them you are stronger.

8. Smile more often

Laugh out loud.

Respond to misfortune

By my kindness.

9. Well, bolder on a long journey

School, interesting!

Don't forget on the road

Home, friends and a song!

10. Dear our first class,
We give this command:

Wake up early in the morning

Wash well

In order not to yawn at school,

Do not peck at the desk with your nose.

Train yourself to be in order.

Don't play hide and seek with things.

Treasure every book

Keep your briefcase clean.

Dress neatly

To be pleasant to watch.

Don't giggle in class.

Don't move the table back and forth.

Don't tease, don't be arrogant.

Try to help everyone at school.

Take care of our school

And love your teachers!

That's all our advice.

They are wiser and easier.

You, my friend, do not forget them.

Start your school journey!

Graduates give gifts and flowers to first-graders

Host 2:

Special congratulations, thanks,

We want to dedicate warm lines

Those who school, study and children

He gave most of his life in the world.

Presenter 1

We know that wisdom, patience, experience

They will help in any circumstances of life.

We have learned from you and will continue to learn

And we promise to work hard!

Presenter 1

We welcome the kindest...

Lead 2

The most responsive...

Presenter 1

The most understanding...

Lead 2

The fairest...

Presenters 1 and 2

our dear teachers.

Presenter 1

Teachers are like us

And they are always waiting for the holidays, too,

But they manage to rest

And again inspired to go.

Lead 2

We wish happiness to our school,

Her native teachers!

Flowers that are more tender and more beautiful than all,

Let me present to you.

Presenter 1

May you have more joy

Tenderness, love, flowers, kindness.

Well, we will try to grow so

To never upset you.

Lead 2 : It's time for the school meeting.

May our dreams come true.

Presenter 1

We ask all students today:
At school, be the host, not the guest.
There are many schools, but this one is like an undiscovered planet for you,
Which you will have to know!
Love, cherish, keep longer.

So, the solemn moment comes.
A moment of attention!
Freeze, student!
Now it will ring out, your first call,
You will be invited to the first lesson.

Presenter 1: The right to give a call is provided by ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


We wish you only success in the new academic year, guys!

Bon Voyage!

Presenter 1: About our school we can say:

She has good mood!

Enviable past!

And a great future!

Host 2:

According to our tradition, the youngest students enter the school first.- 1st grade, and high school students lead them to classes.

(taking by the hand - they leave, music sounds)


On this solemn line, dedicated to the holiday The first call and the Day of Knowledge is declared closed.



Hello, dear teachers, dear parents, students and guests of our solemn line dedicated to September 1! It's a beautiful day! And not only because of the good weather, but mainly because you radiate real warmth. The new school year starts today!

The day is sunny and bright
Light as feathers, clouds,
Autumn distributes its gifts,
And she is a little worried.
The school year comes into its own,
The first leaf is spinning in the sky,
School opens doors again
And the bell is calling us at the desks.

It is not the first year on September 1 that we gather near our native school to hear the solemn and exciting first bell. After a long summer separation, we are glad to see the familiar faces of teachers and classmates, but today there are new faces on our line - these are first-graders and their parents who came to see their children into a new school life for them and introduce them to a new school family.

Meet 1 "A" class, accompanied by the class teacher Pirogova Natalia Nikolaevna and 1 "B" class, accompanied by the class teacher Ivanova Nelli Nikolaevna.

MUSIC 1 (First Grader)

The holiday must begin solemnly:
The anthem of our Motherland will sound!
The solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared open


Now the whole school is here!

Let's start the holiday!

And of course it's time

Give the first word to the director!

The floor is given to the director of the Sukhov school Balabina Alla Grigoryevna.

The guests who came to our holiday today also remember their school years with pleasure. How worried they were when they crossed the threshold of the school for the first time, how they got deuces and fives, how they were friends, how they fell in love for the first time.

The guests of honor are:


2. Head of Sukhovsky's administration rural settlement Kovalev Sergey Nikolaevich.


4. Head of the Sukhov rural house of culture Tarasova Alla Andreevna.

Greetings from the head of the district addresses _______________________________

On the line among the students of our school, very adult faces are visible - these are those who last come on September 1 to the walls of their native school, who will hear the trill of the school bell announcing the beginning of the school year for the last time. The beauty and pride of our school are our 11th graders!

(Poems grade 11)

And today for the first time

I'm going to eleventh grade!

Bring flowers to teachers

Hello to all my friends!

And again the song: "Teach at school"

How not to feel sad here involuntarily?

I matured and grew up here

Here they know my whole enthusiasm,

Successes, the prowess of childhood

They left their white mark.

My last year of study

Comprehend school knowledge code.

Just one more year of school

And we say goodbye to her

Tests or trials will begin,

Because we are getting older.

And standing at the finish line,

I already miss school...

Kovalev Sergey Nikolaevich addresses with words of greeting.

All fabulous miracles are full,
Always stirring the heart
There is one country in the world
The country is in a wonderful childhood.

(Poems 1 and 11 grade)

First grader:

Tell me, uncle, it's not for nothing

You are from the educational frenzy

Become steadfast like a soldier?

First, a satchel behind your back,

Then a backpack, of course,

And there are textbooks in it.

Tell us, comrade uncle,

How did you spend all nine years

Without defeats and victories?


Yes, there were people in our time,

Not like the current tribe, We were awarded with diplomas,

Gifts, however, were not handed over,

And they did not give nominal hours;

Was on a tight budget!

First grader:

And how to study at school, scary?


Yes, sometimes, like in hand-to-hand combat!

That's physics - such a thing,

Terribly wise science

I can't even count all the formulas in it!

(Cheat sheet, thank God, there is!)

First grader:

My aunt-student told me,

That the school has a magic table,

And the room... the chemical room!

There are reagents in the boxes,

And there are explosions in the classroom.

Tell me, uncle, is it true or not?


Yes, it's true ... There are test tubes, flasks.

Not knowing the cases, do not poke your nose, Otherwise it will explode ... and immediately on the forehead -

You will find the answer to your question.

First grader:

Yes, difficult years await us ...

Attention school! Attention guests!

Attention school people!

Our little, sweet, native first grader

Solemn march goes.

(Poems grade 1)

1st one-two,

All: three or four!

1st Three-four!

all: One-two!

1st Who walks together in a row?

all: First graders detachment!

1st Why are we going here?

All: When we get there, then we'll understand!

Vedas: Detachment, wait, one, two!

Sponges, lower eyebrows, why did you come to report!

We came here for business

very important for everyone!

speak boldly from the stage

And be successful for everyone!

Look, I'm a first grader today

I'm wearing a festive dress today,

Lace collar

And heeled shoes!

We don't know how to study

When to sit down, when to get up!

May not sleep at night

to wake up in the morning?

Is it possible in a notebook with chalk

Write instead of a pen?

It's better to be humble or bold

Shut up or scream?

We don't know anything yet

But we want to learn!

Let's not be late for the lesson

Don't sleep for no reason!

I woke up very early

I quickly got up from the couch

Washed, dressed up,

Wow, I got there just in time!

Little me, everyone keeps saying

But I'm not a bastard,

I'll tell you without fuss:

I am with the computer on "you".

My whole family knows:

I slept in the summer -

Found the correct approach:

Enough for the whole year.

We all have fun today

Finally a dream come true

Mom and dad this morning

They brought me here!

I'm a very smart boy

I already read books

And I can become a scientist!

Wonderful days have come

We go to first class

And a lot of interesting

Let's find out for the first time.

Who got up early today?

Did you run to school quickly?

Well, of course it's me!

And my family is with me.

Boast, mommy will not,

I promise firmly

What will be proud soon

Me all my relatives.

We went to kindergarten

We had little trouble.

And now we've grown up

Everything has become the opposite.

More recently

We went to kindergarten.

We slept and ate a lot.

Grew up for new desks.

Dad sighs: “Not ready!”

Mom drinks valocordin -

Like they have school today

Go by yourself for the first time!

We came to our school

Spacious, bright home

Where there are many happy days

We'll do it together!

We will remember forever

This day is wonderful.

There is no better school for us.

Hello school, hello!

The whole house walked like a walker,

The first grader is in it now.

You know that, friends

Responsible Mission!

Let's play sports

In order not to get sick often,

So that our teacher,

You didn't have to blush for us!

Dad cleaned my shoes

And the grandfather stroked the suit.

I have to as a first grader

Be well-dressed!

Hello school! First time

We cross your threshold.

Be exemplary in everything

We promise today!

Daddy said yesterday

That you have a big gym

I love physical education

And I'll set a record.

I have books in my portfolio

I have a bouquet in my hands.

All the familiar boys

They stare in surprise.

Proudly I look at everyone

This school holiday

Kids - well, just laugh!

I'm a first grader!

We are first graders.

All around are looking after us,

They say: "Charming!"

We agree, no doubt.

We proudly walk to school

This sultry September.

And seriously we say:

We follow science!

Well, I'm not only books,

I took my monkey

To not get bored at school

Together we will answer.

We are all called babies

Mothers are somewhere near us.

Eleven years will pass

We will become an adult people!

Can't wait to open the Primer.

Drink, call, be bold, come on!

It's time for us to join the team,

And develop all around

It's a pity to part with childhood,

But it's time for us to take up the mind.

Let's say together now:


Hello, hello class 1!

By tradition, on September 1, we always honor excellent students. They are the pride of our school.

The floor is given to the deputy director of the school for educational work Puchkova Svetlana Alexandrovna.

MUSIC 3 (certificates)

(Poems grade 11)

We remember that cheerful call,

What rang to us for the first time,

When they came to school with flowers

In your best first class.

As the teacher met at the door,

Our faithful friend for many days,

And the noisy family is big

New girlfriends and friends!

Sitting down at the desk carefully

So as not to crush the new form,

We flipped through the primers together,

Opened a blank notebook.

No matter how many roads in life,

No matter how many meetings, partings,

We will not forget the school bell

Happy years spent with you.

For us with a call that will ring out just about,

The final year is about to begin.

School, last, farewell ....

And for us it means!

There will be other challenges in life.

Then each of us will decide.

MUSIC 4 (Song Dasha and Vika)

We congratulate you, dear first-graders, on this memorable day in your life and wish you that our school will become your second home. Today you will hear a lot of congratulations and warm words, and now grade 11 is addressing you with parting words

You have a holiday today

Our favorite first grader.

Will you sit at the desk

Light, clean and pleasant.

Well, my friend, do not let us down! Take the baton!

Be friends with each other, dream together

And be prepared for those who are weak to defend.

And in difficult times, do not leave your friends,

Learn to be heroes from childhood.

(give gifts to 1st class)

Dear kids, today a new page of life is opening for you. Today you will meet your first teacher, who, believe me, will become a ray of sunshine for you, illuminating the path to knowledge, the wisdom of life.

The floor is given to the first teachers Ivanova Nelli Nikolaevna and Pirogova Natalia Nikolaevna.

In the flower beds asters of all colors,
Like stars, they flaunt
And on my students
Parents admire.

The turn has come to tell you, parental mandate. On behalf of all parents of first-graders, Balakhnicheva Nadezhda Georgievna and Dzyubuk Valeria Vladimirovna will say a parting word to the heroes of our holiday.

(Poems grade 11)

Teachers are like us

And they are always waiting for the holidays, too,

But they manage to rest

And again inspired to go.

We wish happiness to our school,

Her native teachers!

Flowers that are more tender and more beautiful than all,

Let me present to you.

MUSIC 5 (Flowers for teachers)

(Poems of first graders.)

But before our lesson,
Let's fly the balls
Let's let go. Let's say to this world
That we are always moving forward!

My ball, my pot-bellied friend,
Fly higher than everyone else.
After school, if not soon,
Banks will be all mine.

Sharik, be my astronaut,
So don't let me down!

I want to sing beautifully
Little ball, come on!

Take off the balloons to the white clouds.
Let all colorful dreams come true.


How good are the balloons...
Look, a blue ball soars up,
to make alumni's dreams come true.
And the yellow ball, like a ray of sunshine,
First graders' hopes skyrocketed.
Look, the green ball sparkles above your head,
a magical bird hovering over the earth,
you make your dreams come true!
Fly around the world, a red ball,
fly bolder without touching the roofs.
Carry with you the hopes of our teachers
on all his students.

MUSIC 6 (song Ksyusha balls)

Call, call! Call, call!

Native, cheerful, sonorous!

Hurry everyone to the lesson

With its loud sound!

Ring, call! Ring, call!

Fill up with a ringing trill!

We are going to the holiday of knowledge,

Open the door for us!

The right to give the first bell is given to the 11th grade student Denis Pasechnik and the 1st grade student Zyuzina Anastasia.

MUSIC 7 (call)

On this solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, we declare closed. We wish everyone success in the new academic year, strong friendship, many joyful and unforgettable moments of school life!

Start at 10.00

Before the start of the line, songs on the school theme are played.


Presenter 1:

Early September morning
Festive and cheerful
We're doing the right thing
The door opening the school.

There is no greater holiday
More solemn and brighter
Early September morning
You have grown older today.

Host 2:

September 1! Hello, Dear friends! Hello teachers, parents and guests. We are glad to welcome you to our holiday. Today is Knowledge Day!

Presenter 1:

The solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge is declared open. To the anthem of the Russian Federation stand still!

Russian anthem (minus - 1 verse + chorus)

Presenter 1: Welcoming speech is given to the director of the school Tatyana Vladimirovna Khanzhina

(melody exit)

(director's speech)

The director introduces the guests. The word for greeting is given by the director to the guests.

Presenter 1: The first day of autumn traditionally becomes the first day of the new school year. Behind is the summer, rest and entertainment, ahead are the lessons, the work of the soul and mind, creative searches, new achievements.

Host 2: What do we expect from the new academic year? What plans are we making? Probably every student thinks about this today.

It costs one piece. On the table are a dictionary, a ruler, a map, a soccer ball, boots, a mathematics textbook.

(the music of "Fixies" sounds, Dim-Dimych comes out)

Dim-Dimych (with an empty briefcase): Well, well, September has already arrived, it's time to get ready for school. What do you need to take with you and put in your briefcase: a dictionary (thinks, scratches his head) - I take it? I don't take it. I take the ruler, I don’t take it (also puts it aside). I take boots, of course, I take them (puts them in a briefcase). I take contour cards, I do not take them. I take the soccer ball, for sure, I take it (also puts it in the briefcase).

(Fixies music sounds, Simka comes out)

Simka: Hello, Dim-Dimych, what are you doing?

Dim-Dimych : Don't you see? I'm going to school.

Simka: Why didn't you put a dictionary and a ruler in your briefcase?

Dim-Dimych : And this year I will not study at a regular school, I will go to a sports school. Don't you know that the 2018 FIFA World Cup will be held? And our team is not complete yet!

Simka: Who does not know about the championship! A sports school is good, but you also need to study in a regular school. Life will be difficult without knowledge.

Dim-Dimych : What do you need to become a famous football player? Receive and pass, throw from the side, shoot a penalty, beat on the heel, take the ball off your head, play a square ...

Simka: Oh oh oh,What are you saying? (grabs his head) I'm sure that school knowledge will not be superfluous even for a football player.

Dim-Dimych : And you try, prove it.

Simka: What to do? How to convince Dim - Dimych? Thought: you need to call De soul!

(the music of "Fixies" sounds, Dedus comes out)

Grandfather: Hello Simka! Hello Dim-Dimych, hello guys! Well, what's your problem here?

Simka: Dim-Dimych says that a modern teenager does not need a regular school, can you imagine? He wants to become a famous football player. And he says that knowledge is not needed for this. But it's not like that.

grandfather : Yes, Simka, you're right! Here, Dim-Dimych, tell me, what is the most important thing in playing football?

Dim - Dimych A: Score a goal, of course!

Grandfather: And how will you give the ball, that is, the physical body, acceleration in order for it to hit the goal?

Dim-Dimych : (thinks) I'll hit him.

grandfather : And how do you know which trajectory it will roll? BUT? That, my friend, is what physics will teach you.

Dim-Dimych : Yesaaaaaa (thinking).

Grandfather: According to the rules of the game of football, the area of ​​​​the field on which the game takes place must be of a certain size (answer: 7140 meters squared), what do you know?

Dim-Dimych : Not.

grandfather Q: What is the size of the football goal? (answer: seven and three by two and four). So, and this, although elementary, is mathematics, you need to know it. And when football was born, do you know at least in what country it was?

Dim-Dimych : No (lowers head).

grandfather : In Great Britain in 1863. And this is the science of history and geography. Shall we continue?.......

Dim-Dimych: Stop! Stop! Stop! Okay, I agree with you. Convinced! Perhaps, after all, I will not take boots and a ball to school, but I will put the necessary map, textbook and ruler. They will definitely come in handy for me.

Simka: Now I believe, Dim-Dimych, that you will be both a diligent student and a successful athlete.

(referring to the guys)

Guys, do you know other sports that, like football, use a ball to play? Name them!

(answer: basketball, volleyball, bandy, field hockey, water polo, handball, pushball, tennis, table tennis, baseball, cricket, rounders, golf, bowling, rhythmic gymnastics).

grandfather : Guys, tell me, do you know how many players are in the football team? (answer: 11 players). And how many players are on the basketball and hockey team (answer: no more than 6).

Dim-Dimych : Well done boys! You already know a lot. But to know even more, the school opens its hospitable doors for you. See the doors? Come in! Here you will be taught!

grandfather : And I heard that now even first-graders know how smart and talented!

Dim-Dimych: I really want to see!

grandfather : Oh sure. Look! We invite our first-graders to come up to us. Bolder, bolder! Let's give them a round of applause!

Exit of first graders (song about first graders)

Hello golden autumn!

Hello school!

He calls us, without stopping,

The whole crowd is cheerful.

Me and funny friends

Far away on a school ship

Let's sail on the sea of ​​knowledge

To an uncharted land.

We want to travel around the world

Pass the whole universe.

Wish us success

And happy journey!

Will be at school not to laziness,

There I am new country

Deeds and knowledge and skills

I will start the journey.

We will remember forever

This day is wonderful.

There is no better school for this.

Hello school, hello!

(music for the care of first graders)

Presenter 1 : Dear first graders! During the years of study, much experienced here will be forgotten, but the day of joining our large school family will remain forever in your life, in your hearts.

Lead 2 : Be honest, hardworking, never leave a friend in trouble, take care of the honor of the school. Love school, do everything to make it even better!

(high school students leave to the music)

On the road, girls, on the road, boys!

Walk boldly along the ladder of knowledge.

Wonderful meetings and good books

There will be steps on it.

On this ladder you will be able soon

Reach the inaccessible sea depth,

Go underground, climb mountains,

And even reach the moon.

There will be steep steps on the ladder,

But the cherished route has been verified exactly,

To make friends with an amazing miracle,

Which is called Knowledge!

Being the first is good, but not the most important thing.

The main thing is to grow up as a worthy citizen, to be a good student at school, a true friend and value school friendship!

The main thing is to learn to help others: the strong to the weak, the older to the younger. We cannot do without mutual assistance.

(music sounds for the care of 11th graders)


(music)A word from the school principal

there is a presentation of memorable souvenirs of high school students to first graders

a song performed by a vocal group

Presenter 1 :

A minute - a magic call will be poured,

And we will cross the school threshold,

Through the school years, many years long,

Carry, friends, its ringing, its light!

Lead 2 : The right to give the first call is granted to a student of grade 11a Scherin Dmitryand student 1 "A" class Taratynova Agata.

(bell rings)

Lead 2 : And now we invite first graders to school, to their new classes, and our high school students will help them with this. With the start of the school year!

Presenter 1: This concludes our solemn line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge. Happy holiday to you! See you soon!

(music plays)