Business plan articles in magazines. How to open your own glossy magazine: pitfalls

Magazine business plan


2. Market analysis

5. Production plan

6. Organizational plan

7. Long-term development, risks, exit strategies

8. Financial analysis



For the effective conduct of business in the field of production and services, it is necessary to develop and use methods of business planning and investment analysis. Accurate planning is important integral part successful business. Each firm starting its activity must determine the need for financial, material, labor and intellectual resources and be able to calculate the effectiveness of their use in the process. An important task in this business is to attract investment. To do this, it is necessary to argue and justify the design of projects that require investment. It is very important to formalize all thoughts and plans on this matter as a solid document - a business plan (translated from English as a "business plan").

A business plan (BP) is a document that describes all aspects of a future commercial project, analyzes the problems that it may face, and also determines how to solve them.

BP - required in market conditions a tool for technical, financial, managerial justification of the case, including relationships with business partners. It would not be an exaggeration to call a business plan the basis for managing not only a commercial project, but also the enterprise itself. The business plan gives management the opportunity to look at own enterprise as if from the side.

An investment BP is a time-limited, purposeful change in a separate system with established requirements for the quality of results, a framework for the possible expenditure of funds and resources, and a specific organization for development and implementation.

BP allows you to objectively evaluate entrepreneurial activity and is the main document on the basis of which investors give money. Its official goal is the desired result of activity. The BP is based on the following tasks:

Clarify legal aspects, regulations, restrictions on the requirements of municipal authorities;

Conduct an analysis of the situational plan social conditions and demographic composition of the population;

Explore the prospects for the development of a future market for products in order to produce only what can be sold;

Estimate the costs that will be necessary for the release and sale of products and compare them with selling prices in order to determine the potential profit;

discover possible problems and obstacles and propose measures to minimize project risks;

Define criteria and indicators by which it will be possible to regularly determine whether the business is going up or down;

Form a plan for financing and organizing the operation of the facility;

Determine the conditions, forms, terms of business development;

Determine indicators of economic, commercial and budgetary efficiency of the project.

A well-composed BP testifies to the high culture of the company and is part of its corporate identity. Dl

When compiling such a BP, it is necessary to display the resolution of such strategic and thematic tasks as:

Organizational, managerial and financial and economic assessment of the current state of the company;

Identification of potential opportunities for the activities of the enterprise while focusing on strengths and not hiding the weak;

Formation of investment and project goals of this activity for the project period.

For practical implementation business planning as a process, it is important to follow the fundamental principles:

Flexibility, which provides for adaptation to changes in the environment;

Continuity, assuming a "rolling" nature of planning

Communication, i.e. coordination and integration of efforts;

Iterativeness, which provides for the creative nature of planning and the repeated processing of an already drawn up plan;

Multivariance, allowing you to choose the best of the alternative possibilities to achieve the goal;

Participation, i.e. involvement in the planning process of all possible participants future organization;

Adequate reflection of real problems and self-assessment in the planning process;

The internal function of the BP is not only to warn entrepreneurs and investors about possible difficulties and risk areas, but also in identifying their causes and determining best ways their elimination. The BP of the project is focused on investors, creditors, partners, and therefore involves an objective comprehensive assessment of products in a competitive environment.

The BP is also an external document, that is, it is used when establishing “expanding contacts with partners, applying to a bank for a loan. The BP must convince the potential investor that a serious organization has a coherent and realistic program to bring the entrepreneurial idea to life. In world practice, BP accounts for a significant share of the total flow of business information. Western venture firms receive hundreds of BPs a year. They are requested by commercial banks, industrial companies, individual investors.

Russian entrepreneurs do not always correctly assess the meaning and purpose of BP, do not pay enough attention to it, which is a big

To become viable and profitable, a business needs planning.

Turning to the disclosure of the choice of the topic of business planning, it should be noted that it is not accidental. First of all, the choice is based on the relevance of this problem during the period of rapid development of small and medium-sized businesses, and achieving profitability and profitability in these areas is possible only with a professional approach to planning. In Russia, the area of ​​planning has not been fully mastered, and the more people who are competent in the process of compiling a business plan appear, the more progressive the business will develop.

The purpose of the business project is to evaluate the performance of the enterprise, develop measures for the use of identified reserves, increase stability, obtain commercial results, and increase market share.

1. Resume

This project provides for the appearance and functioning during the first year in the journal "Ecology of Entrepreneurship".

The purposes of creating a journal are:

· promoting the development of socially responsible business in the city and region;

· consulting economic and legal assistance to businesses in the field of environmental friendliness of projects;

· involvement of business representatives in an active discussion of environmental issues and "environmentally responsible business";

· providing the reader with an unbiased assessment of the main trends in the development of environmentally oriented sectors of the economy;

· explaining the economic attractiveness of environmentally friendly solutions and approaches.

It is difficult to overestimate the relevance of environmental issues for society. The environmental problem is equally relevant for all countries, regardless of their degree of development and wealth. Environmental programs began to play an independent role in the activities of multilateral financial institutions. The journal will be financed from the budget of one of the environmental organizations in Finland. Abroad, they perfectly understand the relevance of this issue not only for a single country, but for the whole world, so the editorial office already has start-up capital.

Since there are no similar projects in Russia, our publication is distinguished by the high quality of printing, materials and illustrations, and a magazine of this type is in demand by modern leaders, then investment attractiveness project is obvious.

The environmental friendliness of the business is the basis of its modern image and commercial success, so it is also quite willing to get involved in the implementation of these projects.

At present, the position of socially responsible business is gaining more and more popularity: by participating in improving the country's ecology, entrepreneurs can do much more for the healthy future of the country and its inhabitants.

The audience is managers who strive for leadership and win, who are ready to improve and replenish their own knowledge base, who understand that it is possible to conquer the market today only by focusing on quality, that environmental friendliness of production is one of the main factors for sustainable business development. PR specialists of enterprises who are interested in talking about the environmental responsibility of the enterprise. Also, the truth about the environmental cost of many enterprises creates a negative public opinion about this enterprise and its leaders, and often forces people to take concrete measures. The magazine helps professionals enter into a dialogue with the public and try to jointly work out a set of measures to improve the situation.

Mission - to form in Russia a new business environment, the fundamentals of which are Social responsibility business, environmentally friendly production and solutions. There has never been such a publication in the city, and perhaps in the country. Unlike existing newspapers and magazines, Ecology of Business will not only cover the problems of environmental friendliness of business, but will also widely involve entrepreneurs themselves in their speeches. To this end, it is planned to conclude contracts with several heads of small enterprises and entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity for the provision information services editions. The attractiveness of the new edition will also be achieved by the distribution system, which provides for targeted delivery of the journal during the first six months of the editorial work. At present, the Founders of Ecology of Business have a database of 25,000 potential readers (heads of enterprises, ecologists, PR specialists at large factories). The composition of persons in the database is constantly monitored and supplemented.

Thus, already the initial circulation (without retail sales) will be about 20,000 copies.

In this regard, in order to ensure the sustainable work of the editorial office, an initial 100% budget financing in the amount of two million rubles is expected. It is planned to bring Ecology of Business to the level of 75% budget funding by the end of 2005.


Format: A4.
Circulation: 20,000 copies.
Paper: glossy.
Printing: full color
Volume: 35 pages + cover
Packing: cellophane or cardboard box.
Frequency: monthly.
Distribution: targeted distribution, distribution at exhibitions on special exhibition stands, later - retail sales The attractiveness of the publication will be facilitated by the fact that, along with environmental information, the reader will find practical economic advice in it.

Legal field and others.

It is planned to regularly conduct environmental ratings of enterprises. Level environmental safety The activities of enterprises will be assessed according to the following criteria:
- The level of environmental friendliness of activities (the impact of various actions of the company on the environment, the use of environmentally friendly materials and procedures within its business);
- The level of environmental management (the attitude of the company's management to environmental safety issues and its readiness to comply with environmental safety rules and monitor the state of environment);
- Openness of the company to the environmental problem and readiness for dialogue with organizations dealing with environmental safety issues (including non-governmental and government organizations).

Bioeconomic direction of the journal - covers and analyzes environmental problems through the prism of interaction and mutually beneficial cooperation between ecology and economy. This includes publications that promote good practices in rational use of the environment, advocating for ecological justification economic projects, any economic activity.

It is worth mentioning such forms of work as: environmental analysis, environmental monitoring (systematic observation of natural objects), compiling a dossier on environmental issues.

The publication will contain high-quality illustrations provided by a foreign environmental organization; we involve professional environmental journalists who have specially trained abroad in the project. The quality of printing and paper is the highest.

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MS Word Volume: 36 pages

Business plan

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    Magazine business plan

    Good business plan, found some useful information. I hope it will be of use to me in the future. Thank you for the business plan.

    Alex, thanks for the feedback. We urge you not to stop studying the business plan. Go ahead, develop your project, look for investors. And your magazine will come out in that popularity. We wish you success.

    Magazine business plan

    If it wasn't for your business plan, I'd be in trouble, that's for sure. The problem is that I have no experience in business activities, and I would fall down at the first difficulties. But with the help of this document, I figured everything out pretty quickly.

    Andrei, we agree with you, but a business plan is also used by experienced businessmen, because without careful planning, you can go to the desired result for a long time. Now do not stop there and implement your business idea. We wish you success.

    Magazine business plan

    Good business plan, found some useful information for myself. I don’t know if it will be useful to me in the future, but for now I rely on it. I hope things go faster with his help.

    Zhanna, a business plan is one of the important primary documents, you should not neglect it. Excessive self-confidence has led many aspiring businessmen to failure. When instructions for action are at hand, it is really easier to work and many issues are resolved much faster. We hope that everything will work out for you. Good luck to you.

The main thing about the business plan of the magazine

Thousands of glossy publications flooded the counters of kiosks and shops, and what most amazes the sophisticated reader is the abundance of advertising on the pages of magazines. Willy-nilly, it seems that the owners large enterprises and companies simply have nowhere to place their advertisements. This is where the seditious thought creeps in: why not create your own profitable business- a mega-popular magazine, from the pages of which the faces of celebrities will look at the reader, and inviting advertising collages will unobtrusively remind you of the need to change an old car or buy another necklace with diamonds.

But fantasies are fantasies, and opening an advertising magazine or an ordinary glossy print publication may well be crowned with success. Of course, only if you are well versed in this particular type of business. To get started you will need original idea which, oddly enough, should not be rushed to be implemented. First of all, you need to adequately assess your financial capabilities. There is nothing more offensive than to get involved in the work, and in the middle of the way to understand that there will definitely not be enough money to implement the cherished idea.

Exit to circulation

In a business like publishing your own magazine, it is important to clearly calculate each step, and armed with a calculator for greater accuracy. Even a limited edition edition will require an impressive amount from you. Try to make a sample estimate for the preparation of the magazine, and you will understand that several tens of thousands of rubles are not enough here.

So printing one issue of the magazine, based on the circulation of 5 thousand copies, will cost about 150 thousand rubles. But in order to print a magazine, it must first be filled with useful content, that is, pay for the work of journalists, editors, proofreaders, typesetters, and many other employees. Wages will result in a rather impressive amount - 200-250 thousand rubles per month. As a result, in order to open, register and print a magazine, a businessman needs to have initial capital, which is at least half a million rubles.

When compiling a business project for a magazine, it is necessary to proceed from these figures, which will allow you to determine the approximate cost of advertising placed in your print publication. But the business of issuing advertisements may not bring the expected results, because there is no guarantee that the owners of companies and enterprises will rush to you with offers to pay for advertising. Therefore, it makes sense to think about additional services, for example, to open a business such as an electronic version of a glossy magazine. The cost of advertising on the Internet may be lower, but this will attract the interest of new customers to your publication.

How successful your project will be, only time will tell. But a professional magazine business plan will allow you to shorten the tedious waiting period, with which it will be much easier for you to develop a marketing strategy, come up with an original concept for the magazine and calculate your real opportunities.

Ready-made magazine business plan from scratch with examples of opening calculations

In stock Magazine business plan 5 15

Saint Petersburg State University service and economy

Department: "Public Relations"

Business plan

magazine "SPORTforYOU"

Editor-in-Chief: Pavel Kurbatov

Compiled by: Volkova Olesya

Mikhailushkina Anna

St. Petersburg

2. Description of edition

3. Location

4. Products and services

5. Sales market

6. Competition

7. Production plan

8. Marketing

9. Financial plan

Purpose of the business plan:

Creation of a new sports magazine "SPORTforYOU" and ensuring its profitability. The magazine will tell about the highest achievements in sports, about the great athletes of our time and those who stood at the origins of sports, about the history of various sports. On the national kinds of sports of countries.

In our magazine you will learn a lot from the world of sports, the latest news from all over the world. About new records in the world of sports, about the most ridiculous acts of sports celebrities, about their personal lives and not only that. Also, various promotions will be held in our magazine, and the winners will be awarded free tickets to the central sporting events taking place in your city.

1. Create a competitive magazine but domestic market.

2. Create a profitable financial model.

3. Carry out a number of marketing activities.

“SPORTforYOU” magazine is a 50-page color magazine with a circulation of 50,000 copies. The average retail price is 45 rubles.

Start-up capital is 6,000,000 rubles. of which 70% equity, and 30% from sponsors: a network of sports stores "Sport master" which in return receives the right to place its advertising on the inside of the magazine cover for free.

The annual marketing budget is 1,336,500 rubles. Of these, 590,000 rubles. go to advertising 200464 on marketing research.

2. Description of edition

The magazine employs 10 people. All of them have higher education, half of them had practice abroad. It's highly qualified creative team consists of purposeful, inquisitive people who love their work. Who are fluent in several languages.

1. chief editor.

2. journalists-5

4. designer

5. Concealer

6. accountant

"SPORTforYOU" magazine is a new competitive magazine with talented journalists who love their work. The editorial office is equipped with everything for the comfortable and successful work of employees, each employee has a personal computer with free access to the Internet, the editorial office has 10 computers, 2 copiers, 2 fax machines, laser printer and 2 scanners.

3. Location

The office is located in the Olympia business center at the address: St. Petersburg, Pravdy st., 17. There is a large car park on the roof of the office. The editors own 6 spacious, bright, comfortable offices, equipped with everything necessary for work, a photo studio, and a banquet hall.

4. Products and services

The magazine is designed to cover various news in the world of sports; for this, readers are offered the following headings:

1 "Best Athlete of the Month" - a rubric dedicated to the best athlete of the past month. Which tells about his success in sports.

2 "Nevsky Sport" - this section is dedicated to St. Petersburg teams in various sports.

4. “The Curiosity of the Month” - the most curious events that happened to sports stars.

5. “From history” - this section will tell the reader how and where this or that sport originated. And about outstanding athletes, how they started their sports careers.

The site on the Internet will contain the most interesting from the magazine of the current issue. So on the page you can find useful information, a guest book and a forum so that guests can communicate with each other and express their opinion.

5. Sales market

Target audience - people over the age of 18 who are interested in sports and everything connected with it. The territory of distribution of the magazine is St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, in the future it is planned to increase the volume of the magazine by two, and expand the geography of the publishing house.

The magazine will be sold at retail, the distributors are retail chains <Союзпечать>, <Роспечать>, <1-ая полоса>.

6. Competition

At the moment, there are many magazines with a sports theme, such as the magazine "My Football". The main advantage of the SPORTforYOU magazine is that it covers different kinds sports from different angles, and the magazine “My Football” has a narrow focus, this magazine is only about football and football players. It is supposed to hold a presentation, as well as a number of marketing events with the participation of famous athletes. With extensive fundraising mass media.

7. Production plan

The journal is published once a month and the editors have enough time to prepare materials. But the editors follow a clear cycle.

2. Correction on the 16th-17th.

3. Modeling on the 18th-19th.

4. Sending to the printing house on the 20th.

5. Admission to retail sale 1st of every month.

6. Discussion (at the editorial meeting) on ​​the 1st.

8. Marketing

Marketing campaign goals:

2. Organize a subscription to the magazine.

3. Attract as many readers as possible.

The annual budget for marketing is 1,336,500 rubles. There will be 2 campaigns annually, in spring and autumn.

1. First marketing campaign (spring):

The first marketing campaign is due to the release of the first "pilot" issue. The presentation of the pilot issue will take place at the Parkinn Hotel. 2 halls for 2 hours

Room rental 10,000 rubles.

Equipment rental 5,000 rubles.

Buffet for 50 people 30 000 rub. (300 drinks, 300 snacks)

Participation of a star 100,000 rubles.

Gifts for guests and readers 3,000 rubles.

Key chains 100 pcs. 30 rub.

TOTAL: 148,000 rubles.

Total (spring): 370,000 rubles.

Total spring total expenditures amounted to

370,000 + 148,000 = 518,000 rubles

2. Second Campaign (Autumn).

To increase the audience and sales volume. Competitions and a number of events will be held:

1. For the best chant in support of FC Zenit.

2. Photo contest “SPORT for YOU”

4. Buffet for guests and winners of competitions.

The second campaign will take place in the business center. 20 winners of competitions will be invited to the buffet table.

Costs for prizes in the competition for the best chant.

1st place: season ticket for the 2008-2009 football season. 10 000 rub.

2nd place: Ticket to the central sporting event. 1 500 rub.

3rd place: Attributes (scarf, hat, flag) of your favorite team. 1 000 rub.

Total: 12,500 rubles.

Costs for prizes in the Miss “SPORTforYOU” contest:

1st place digital camera 10 000 rub.

2nd place photo on the cover of the magazine.

3rd place annual subscription to the magazine 540 rubles.

Total: 10,540 rubles.

Total: 220,000 rubles.

Costs for awarding the winners of competitions and a buffet table.

Rent 10 000 rub.

Leading 10 000 rub.

Buffet for 80 people 45 000 rub.

Participation of stars 300,000 rubles.

Gifts for all guests:

Pen with company logo 1000 pcs. 5 rub. 5 000 rub.

Total fall costs are:

12,500 + 10,540 + 220,000 + 375,000 = 618,040 rubles.

The cost of two marketing campaigns:

518,000 + 618,000 = 1,136,040 rubles

Marketing research costs 200,464.

Total: 518,000 + 618,000 + 200,464 = 1336,500

9. Financial plan

Magazine “SPORTforYOU”: 50 page full color magazine.

Planned profitability 20%

Periodicity: monthly magazine

Circulation: 50,000 copies.

Price: 45 rubles.

Income from the sale of circulation:

45*50 000 =2 250 000

1. Publishing:

Paper 80,000 rubles. per ton.

2 pp. A3 -1000 copies. = 5 kg.

50 pages * 50,000 copies = 6 250 kg.

6 250 kg.* 80 000 rub. = 500,000 rubles.

2. Printing houses (40% of the circulation sale)

2,250,000 * 0.4 \u003d 900,000 rubles.

3. Distribution (35% of the circulation sale)

RUB 2,250,000 * 0.35 = 787,500 rubles

4. Fee (1000 for 1 page)

1,000 * 40 pages = 40,000 rubles

Total publishing expenses:

RUB 500,000 + 900 000 rub. + 787,500 + 40,000 = 2,227,500 rubles.

5. Editorial (25% of publishing)

2 227 500* 0.25= 556 875 rub.

6. Total of all expenses.

2,227,500 + 556,875 = 2,784,375 rubles

2,784,375 is more than 2,250,000, hence overrun.

Profitability (20%)

Profitability = profit / cost

Profit \u003d profitability * cost price

2 784 375 * 0.2 = 556 875

Income must be: 2,784,375 + 556,875 = 3,341,250

Strip area A3 (800 sq. cm) 150 rubles. for 1 sq. cm.

800 sq. see * 150 rub. = 120,000 rubles.

120,000 * 10 pages = 1,200,000 rubles

1,200,000 + 2,250,000 = 3,450,000 rubles

Profit: 3,450,000 - 2,784,375 = 665,625 rubles.

RUB 665,625 – 556,875 = 108,750 (surplus profit to the salary fund)

A person should always receive information about the world around him. Internet, television, radio, newspapers and magazines. The business idea of ​​​​opening a magazine is good, it can bring you a good income in the future. Develop your magazine business plan.

When writing this document, you need to take into account the many variables that affect your business. The magazine's business plan will play the role of a step-by-step guide.

A business plan magazine is essential in raising capital. Whether it is investors or a bank loan, you need a business plan for the operation of the enterprise. Only after viewing it, you can get financial assistance from the outside. I offer you a magazine business plan template.

General section

This part of the magazine's business plan will describe your business in general. What are you planning to do, a brief mechanism for implementing the plan. The main sources of income and spending are described. Write this section last, when the main figures of the financial section are already ready.

Enterprise descriptions

This business plan is a magazine that will deal with advertising. The specific topic of the journal will not be specified. You need to define the theme you want to work with. Pay attention to the number of the target audience, the ease of processing information, the number of its streams.

I propose to open a magazine for 60 - 100 A4 printed pages. This is a magazine for 30 - 50 sheets, of which 50% is advertising, and the rest is content on the chosen topic. When registering, it is better to choose the type of advertising magazine, then you can place more advertisements. If you choose another form, then by law advertising can only take up 40% of the total information.

Market analysis

The purpose of this part of the business plan of the magazine is to determine with target audience and the number of competitors on the topic. You also need to calculate the circulation of your competitors and places of sale, if possible.

Sales section

At this point in the development of a business plan, you already know its subject matter. Engage in sales planning, advertising. The first two print runs (pilot) will be free, this is done in order to attract the attention of readers and get a first positive impression. New product will buy with caution, because there are many alternatives. Moreover, alternatives have been on the market for a long time and they are known by sight. You need to show your presence in the market in this way.

Production plan

Now let's move on to the most difficult section. You need to plan how many workers you will need, what equipment to purchase for them.

Finding a location will be a top priority. You need to find an office that will have several large rooms that can accommodate employees. You need to have several separate rooms for different departments of the magazine. Due to the nature of the operation of each section, an appropriate environment is required. You will need a room up to 100 square meters.

Recruitment will play the most important role. It doesn’t matter what quality the paper will be if a boring and uninteresting text is written on it. You will need an editor-in-chief who will be responsible for the information component. Two staff correspondents, as well as an unlimited number of freelancers. Literary editor who will be responsible for all incoming text. The proofreader can be full-time or come only to check the final material. Two designers who will deal with the design of all articles in the issue. Transport driver necessary documents and others. The head of the sales department, who will manage all the streaming contracts, is often experienced people who already have their own circle of acquaintances and it will not be very difficult for them to promote the magazine in the media. Such a person can be hired, lured away, or raised in your own editorial office, for this you need either money or time. Two pop sales managers who will bring clients, advertisers, their main income is the percentage of transactions.

Purchasing office equipment is not cheap. Every employee needs to buy a computer. Designers need pretty strong machines to work with designs and images. You will also need a variety of office equipment and equipment. Also, the office needs to be equipped for the convenience of work. Don't skimp on this section. You can buy used equipment, as young magazines do, but it does not help to stay on the market. They don't survive in the market. It is better not to spare money in the future, it will save your business.

In this material:

The publishing business does not lose its relevance even in the age of the Internet. Many Russians still prefer printed materials. Why not make money on it? The business plan of the magazine will help the entrepreneur to start his own business.

Description of the business idea and its relevance

More than 13,000 publishing houses, newspapers and magazines, are registered with the Ministry of Press. Most of them are small and narrow-profile publications. Of these, only 300 are regularly published.

Such statistics may seem disappointing. Indeed, the competition in the market of printed products is very high. Small publishers are being squeezed out by larger ones, some of which work under license from foreign magazines.

However, several new monthly magazines enter the market every year and manage to find their place in the sun and become profitable.

Sources of income for a glossy magazine:

  1. Paid subscriptions. The reader pays for the content published on the pages of the magazine.
  2. Placement of advertising. Ad blocks occupy up to 30%. Large companies are ready to pay decently for their brand to be advertised on the pages of the publication.

How to open your magazine?

Subject selection

The choice of topic is one of the most important and crucial moments on which the future of the journal depends.

Criteria for choosing a topic:

  1. Interest. The theme should please the owner of the journal. This will ensure his involvement in the organization of the business.
  2. Knowledge of the topic. It makes no sense to open a magazine on an unfamiliar topic. It is unlikely that such publications will be able to compete with other, larger editions.
  3. Content submission. In what style the articles will be published, what materials they are decorated with.
  4. Periodicity. How often will new issues be released - once a week, a month, six months.

The target audience

The target audience is potential buyers. Not a single business is launched without an analysis of the target audience.

Target audience analysis includes:

  1. Determining the number of potential readers. For example, if the topic is narrow, it will be of interest to a small segment of the target audience, few will subscribe. On the other hand, popular topics are already taken, it is more difficult to break through.
  2. Gender, age. What audience is the content aimed at? For example, women read magazines more readily than men. Selling printed matter to them is much easier.
  3. Purchasing power. If the target audience does not have money, it is unlikely that it will subscribe to a glossy magazine. On the other hand, even with children's magazine can earn high profits.

CA analysis is carried out marketing agencies. They help the entrepreneur to draw up a portrait of a potential buyer - to determine his interests, purchasing power and everything you need to know to start your own business.

Market analysis

Actual data is provided after the order (see at the end of the article)

Competition for Russian market of printed products is very high, so without market analysis - nowhere.

Market analysis will include:

  1. Demand Offer. How in demand are magazines on the chosen subject, how much competition among publishers is.
  2. Studying competitors. A comprehensive analysis of all journals that deal with the chosen subject is required. The study of competitors provides important information, on the basis of which you create your own unique, higher-quality product.
  3. General market conditions. How popular is printed matter now and how much will it be in demand in the future.

The analysis should show how the market will react to the appearance of a new product.

Possible risks

The publishing business is too risky. This is also evidenced by statistics: out of 13,000 publications registered in Russia, only 300 are published regularly.

  1. The magazine will not be read. All niches are already occupied. To on New Product Note that it will take time.
  2. Unprofessional team. Assemble a team good authors, editors and designers - not easy. Incompetent employees can slow down the development of the project.
  3. Long payback. Advertisers will cooperate with the publication only after it becomes popular.
  4. The project will not pay for itself.

organizational plan

Activity registration

IMPORTANT: According to the Mass Media Law, all printed editions must be registered with Federal Service in the field of communications information technologies and mass communications.

For this, an application is submitted to Roskomnadzor.

The statement states:

  1. Information about the founder or founders.
  2. Name of the journal.
  3. subject or specialization.
  4. The language in which the content is published.
  5. Distribution form.
  6. Frequency of new releases.
  7. Editorial address.

The following documents are attached to the application:

  1. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - for legal entities or a copy of the passport - for individuals.
  2. The layout of the future magazine.
  3. Check state duty. The amount of the fee is 9,000 rubles. For erotic magazines - 80,000 rubles.

Documents can be sent by mail or brought to Roskomnadzor on your own.

Delivery address - Moscow, Kitaygorodsky proezd, 7, building 2.

Editorial Office Rental

The reader does not care where the office of the publication is located. Therefore, the choice must be made on the basis of economic considerations. It is not necessary to immediately rent an expensive office - at the initial stage there will be enough space in which employees can work comfortably.

In addition, the office must have Internet - it makes no sense to rent a room in which there is either no Internet or it cannot be installed.

Buying or renting equipment

If you can save on office rent, then you don’t need to save on equipment - it’s important for a glossy magazine high quality print.

The minimum cost for the purchase of professional printing equipment is 2,000,000 rubles.

An alternative option is to conclude a contract with a printing house or rent it.

Additionally, you will need office equipment - computers, telephone, printers, fax machines and furniture.

Formation of staff

A professional team is one of the success criteria.

To start the magazine you will need:

  • authors of articles;
  • editors;
  • proofreaders;
  • designers;
  • marketers;
  • typesetters;
  • accountant.

Article authors and editors should specialize in the topics they work with. Their task is to create unique and interesting content, after reading which the reader will have a desire to buy the next issue. There are few such specialists, they will have to be looked for.

Marketing and Advertising

It makes no sense to enter the publishing business without advertising. Preparation of materials for printing should be accompanied by a strong advertising campaign. How else would a potential reader know about the existence of a new magazine?

The marketing strategy is developed based on the subject and specifics of the journal. For example, automotive magazines are best sold at gas stations and other places visited by motorists. If this is a business theme - in large business centers.

Selling through kiosks makes sense only after the publication becomes popular and recognizable.

  • TV advertising;
  • the Internet - social media, placement of banners on thematic sites, forums;
  • printed publications;
  • promotional articles in the media;
  • mail advertising;
  • billboards;
  • announcements in transport;
  • affiliate marketing.

Financial plan

Actual figures are provided after ordering a business plan

Investment in the project

Initial investment:

  • purchase of equipment - 2 million rubles;
  • paperwork - 10 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of office furniture - 40 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - from 300 thousand rubles.

The more and more often the circulation - the more investments.

Current expenses

Monthly costs:

  • office rent - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • utilities - from 5 thousand rubles;
  • maintenance of employees - from 150 thousand rubles;
  • payment of taxes.

ATTENTION! The cost of renting an office and maintaining employees may vary depending on the region.


Profitability depends on the success of the sale of printed products.

Income depends on:

  • publication topics;
  • circulation;
  • solvency of the audience;
  • presence/absence of advertisers.

Log profit

The average cost of a glossy magazine in Russia is 250 rubles. With a circulation of 5 thousand copies, earnings from sales will amount to 1.25 million rubles. But this is impure income, it must be taken away from the cost of printing, salaries of employees, office rent and other expenses.

Net monthly income under such conditions is about 300 thousand rubles.

The income of a glossy magazine directly depends on the subject, readership, marketing strategy and implementation methods. Only with a competent approach to the organization of this business, it can become profitable. To achieve this indicator, you need to be one step ahead of your competitors.

Order a business plan

Investments: Investments 250,000 - 500,000 ₽

Generation of Leaders is the first business school for children, where acting entrepreneurs share their experience in an accessible way and share the secrets of their success. The school was founded in 2015 by two current successful entrepreneurs Sayan Galsandorzhiev and Sergey Brykov. Both of them led the community of young entrepreneurs in the Republic of Buryatia for a long time. They are specialists-experts in building a business from “0”.…

Investments: Investments 450,000 - 600,000 ₽

The STEFANIA international modeling school is only one of the world brands belonging to PINYAGIN CORPORATION, founded thanks to the creativity of Oleg and Natalia Pinyagin. The company has branches in Moscow, Spain, Italy, London, China. Four brands of children's and teenage clothing: STEFANIA and STEFANIA BOYS - a luxurious wardrobe for the most sophisticated natures, De Salitto - Italian chic with a developed…

Investments: Investments 2 500 000 - 4 000 000 ₽

Sound Media Kids is a school-studio for the creative development of children from 1.5 to 16 years old. Included in the group of companies "Sound Media". Founder - music producer - Tatyana Tur. Founded in 2014, Sound Media Kids Studio School is a one-stop supplier educational programs and methods, where training is built as in higher educational institution, and the children studying in it - ...

Investments: Investments 250,000 - 700,000 ₽

Smart School is a dynamically developing network educational centers preparation for the Unified State Examination and the OGE in Russia. The Smart School franchise was developed by Yuri Spivak, the founder of one of the most successful USE preparation schools I Want to Know. During his work, Yuri has gone from a tutor to an owner USE courses and OGE with a turnover of 30,000,000 rubles. About him…

Investments: Investments 1 700 000 - 4 000 000 ₽

Ballet from 2 years old is an innovative product on the market educational services. 20 own branches in Moscow and Moscow region. The only school in the world with a professional ballet floor - a shock-absorbing system that reduces the load on the joints and ligaments, designed for baby weight. Today, the number of people who want to study ballet exceeds the number of places in the branches of the Ballet from 2 years old chain.…

Investments: Investments 1 300 000 - 2 000 000 ₽

NEW AND READY ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS - ATTRACTION "ROBOT GOALKEEPER". Many people learned what a Goalkeeper Robot is during the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Even the President himself took a penalty kick, and the reports were in all the media. Now you can buy our system and start a profitable entertainment business. Install the “Robot Goalkeeper” attraction in places…

Investments: 258,000 - 675,000 rubles.

Franchise of services of movers and handymen - profit from 200,000 rubles. per month. You do not need goods, expensive office and equipment. No business experience required. Business model operating since 2007, more than 250 branches in the Russian Federation and the CIS. Read the description and learn EVERYTHING about this business in 5 minutes. right now. Why over 250 partners in…

Investments: Investments from 2,900,000 rubles.

City of Beauty is one of the most large networks beauty salons in Europe. To date, 26 full-service hairdressing salons operate under our brand, and we are not going to stop there. City of Beauty is a dynamically developing company, one of the best in its segment, which supports existing trends in the beauty industry and creates…

Investments: Investments from 1,100,000 rubles.

The SUN Studio brand has been managed by the Swiss company IQDEMY since 2008. Then the first own projects of art centers appeared in Novosibirsk, Moscow, Sochi and Hong Kong. Later there were studios with equity participation in Paris, Dubai, New York, Guangzhou. For 7 years of development of the franchise network, we have become true professionals in our field. Over 100 open studios in 25 countries of the world this is a few ...

Investments: Investments from 800,000

The CITILAB laboratory today is THIS: 7 largest modern diagnostic laboratory complexes equipped with equipment manufactured by world leaders in the field of laboratory equipment and analytical technologies; more than 250 medical offices in 110 cities from Kaliningrad to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk; about 1800 species laboratory research– standard and unique tests and complexes; more than 150,000 patients monthly. Franchise Description Efficient and…

Investments: Investments 65,000 - 130,000 rubles.

School of vocal Vocal Work- professional education vocals, voice training, voice development and creative abilities development trainings. The school was founded by vocalist Tanya Panova from the SUNDali group. Our coaching staff are professional vocalists with extensive experience in performing on stage. Coaches are trained in international vocal schools using the latest methods, and also develop their own methods based on many years of…