Another product was broken in the check. View Full Version

It is paradoxical, but true: in modern supermarkets there are much more and more sophisticated ways of deception than in the markets, which at all times were famous for their body kits and short cuts.

The other day I bought several packs of cottage cheese of the same brand in a chain store, but with a different percentage of fat content. Usually I check the check without leaving the cash register, but the store was already closing, and I began to study the check, having already left it. It turned out that the cashier punched through all the packs of cottage cheese at the highest price, although each pack with a lower fat content cost 10 rubles less. The amount of the calculation is small, but the unpleasant aftertaste remained.

Rospotrebnadzor said that in this situation, the buyer is obliged to return his money. And even if the store is closed, you need to save the receipt and the goods and contact the administrator the next morning. The store is completely to blame here, which is obliged to reimburse the illegally withheld amount. In my case, the cashier, most likely, was just tired after a whole day of work and unconsciously did not sort the goods. But in most cases, commercial enterprises quite consciously deceive buyers. What are the most common methods of cheating?

double price

This is perhaps one of the most common ways of cheating. One price is indicated on the price tag, and a much higher one appears on the check. Store employees explain this phenomenon by the fact that they simply do not have time to change price tags. Like, the goods have already arrived at a new price and their cost has been put into the cash register, but the price tag from the old batch has remained.

This is a clear violation of consumer rights. Article 10 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" states that the manufacturer (executor, seller) is obliged to provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information about goods (works, services) in a timely manner, ensuring the possibility of their correct choice, including information about the price and conditions for purchasing goods . The fact that sellers do not have time to change price tags is only their problem. The buyer has the right to purchase the goods at the price that he sees on the shelf. If there is a discrepancy between the value of the goods on the price tag and in the check, you must immediately indicate this to the cashier and demand a refund of the overpayment. If the cashier refuses, call the chief administrator or director of the store. Often stores meet the requirements of the buyer. If a peaceful outcome of the situation is impossible and the store representatives refuse to sell the goods at the price indicated in the price tag, the consumer has the right to state his claims in the Feedback and Suggestions Book. Within five days, the store administration is obliged to consider the complaint and send a response on the measures taken. If the answer does not satisfy, it is necessary to write a statement to Rospotrebnadzor. But in order for the supervisory authority to initiate an administrative case against the store, evidence is needed. This is a check, photos of the price tag, testimonies.

Extra items in the check

Often, more units of one product can break through than a person wanted to buy. For example, not three chocolates, but five. Or a product appears in the check that the buyer did not even plan to take from the shelf. The trick here is this. The cashier puts a sheet with the code of some product next to him and, while the buyer puts the collected goods on the tape, quietly passes the scanner over this sheet. When such tricks are quickly discovered, cashiers usually say that there was a malfunction in the computer program, so the information about the purchase of the goods of the previous buyer was copied to your receipt.

What to do? The problem is solved only at the checkout. If the extra goods were found in the cash register already at home, alas, it is unrealistic to prove that fewer goods were purchased or something was not purchased at all.

Double payment for one item

Sometimes cashiers punch the same product several times. Quite often this happens if a person has accumulated a lot of purchases. The calculation is that the buyer will not carefully check the meter check or forget how many and what goods he has collected.

What to do? Noticing that one product is broken five times, you must immediately demand a refund or provide a paid product. You need to do this again before leaving the store. Having already returned from home, it will not work to demand satisfaction.

Substitution of commodity codes

Usually the barcode of the product is read by the scanner, but sometimes the cashier drives it in manually. It is at this moment that fraud manifests itself: the cashier can enter the code of a more expensive product than the one that the person wants to buy. For example, instead of a sausage code of 200 rubles per kilogram, it will break for 600.

What to do? If there is a receipt and goods, the buyer may demand a refund even a few days after the purchase.

Automatic price increase

This phenomenon is not frequent, but nevertheless. It works again when buying a significant amount of goods. The program, with which the barcode of the product is scanned, is programmed with a task so that when a certain amount is dialed (for example, from 500 rubles and more), the price of the next product increases automatically. Accordingly, the larger the purchase (or more items of goods), the more extra money they will take.

In most cases, commercial enterprises deliberately deceive buyers.

What to do? Unfortunately, it is this trick that often provides stores with illegal proceeds. In order to understand that they took too much at the checkout, you must independently recalculate the purchase amount on the calculator. Very few people are willing to do this. But if you still have suspicions, you should not be lazy, count all the houses and return to the store with a receipt and the entire set of products. And already deal with the administration, where did the overpriced amount in the check come from.

Do I have to pay for a broken item?

Surely everyone at least once, but faced with an unpleasant situation: they touched a fragile product in a store or it fell out of their hands and crashed. Many stores require payment for damaged goods. Are they right?

As explained in Rospotrebnadzor, they are right. Until the buyer has paid for the goods, he is not its owner. Accordingly, according to the Civil Code, "harm caused to the person or property of a citizen, as well as harm caused to the property of a legal entity, is subject to compensation in full by the person who caused the harm." The same applies to the Federal Retail Regulations. If a person categorically does not agree to compensate for the damage caused to the store, a protocol on an administrative offense can be drawn up against him and the case is referred to the court. True, stores rarely resort to such measures, since the cost of a broken product, as a rule, is not commensurate with legal costs.

But there are cases when the buyer is not obliged to pay for the damaged item:

if there are narrow aisles in the sales area that do not meet the standards, or these aisles are filled with boxes, "hills" of goods and it is very easy to touch the products displayed on the shelves;

if the product is unstable on the rack and, having taken one can, the buyer destroyed the "entire structure";

if the store has a wet floor and a person has damaged the product by slipping;

if the product is broken, falling from the tape at the checkout.

Help "RG"

The maximum that a trader can face today for a body kit and a shortchange is a fine of 3,000 to 5,000 rubles, depending on the value of the goods, if an individual is involved, and from 20,000 to 50,000 if a legal entity.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Komissarova, Dean of the Higher School of Marketing and Business Development, Higher School of Economics:

Deception and body kit existed at all times. In order not to fall for the tricks of sellers, you should always double-check the cost of purchases in the check. Do not be lazy to recalculate, at least approximately, the amount spent. And most importantly, shop smarter. It is better to go to the store more often and buy the most necessary goods than to collect mountains of products and face overpayment.

Fooled? Don't be stupid!
We catch and punish deceivers from supermarkets

Warmth, light, pleasant smells and relaxing music... Sometimes we find ourselves in a supermarket, like in a good fairy tale. A comfortable environment built by an army of "caring" merchandisers makes us let our guard down. And a full basket of unnecessary products, believe me, is not the worst consequence of their labors.

After all, inducing us to unmotivated spontaneous purchases, based on a complex of psychological tricks, is an easy prank compared to real deception in the form of double price tags or extra sausages in the check ...

We decided to discuss with experts the most common ways to deceive customers in supermarkets, figure out how not to fall for these tricks and punish offenders. Olga K. helped us with examples - she worked in the well-known grocery chain in Barnaul for more than eight years.

Check receipts!

Situation 1. Come to the checkout, they break through the products for you, and then it turns out that the price of a chocolate bar at the cashier is displayed as 40-00, although the price tag was 33-50 (in fact, you were tempted to buy cheapness). Are you indignant, but hear in response that the store simply did not have time to change the price tag?

What to do? Such actions are violations of consumer rights and trade rules, for which a fine is imposed, and quite substantial - up to one hundred minimum wages. From a legal point of view, the price tag is an agreement between the buyer and the store, so if you notice this and there is a desire to restore justice, you need to call the store administrator and, referring to the law (Article 426 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Article 10 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" ), demand to sell the goods at the price of the price tag.

And if you have already paid for the goods, return the difference in price, because excuses like “we haven’t managed to change the price tag yet” are not your concern. Do not be too lazy to strike a couple of sentences in the complaint book. For you, this is a couple of minutes spent, and an unscrupulous store (after all, this is often the case, and the price tags that they “forgot” to change hang for months) to explain for each entry, and if complaints are received often, verification is ensured.

Situation 2. We bought a whole mountain of goods in the supermarket. And at home, after checking the check, they found that instead of two packs of powder, they struck you four, and instead of three curds - six.

What to do? Advice, although a little late, but it will come in handy in the future: check the check right there, in the store - you can move away from the cash register, skipping the next customer, stand close and spend an extra minute so as not to spend an extra, no, not a penny, and sometimes very tangible amount. And also - during the purchase, follow what the seller breaks through on the checkout screen facing the buyer - the quantity of the goods and its price are displayed there.

Calculate the discount!

Situation 3. You, as usual, took an already packaged piece of your favorite inexpensive cheese from the counter, and at the checkout it turned out that he pulled out 500 rubles.

What to do? Apparently, the cheese had a barcode labeled with the price of a more expensive product. Always look at what is written on the price tag. Often in the store they are confused intentionally.

Situation 4. We bought groceries for a week at the supermarket. And only at home they noticed that the check contained a bottle of beer for 100 rubles, which you did not buy.

What to do? Cashiers sometimes break through goods that you didn’t take at all (we won’t argue now - this happens because of “parking” or malicious intent - it certainly happens this way and that). Return to the store because of 100 rubles. no one will - that's the calculation (if we are talking about intent). The advice is the same - check the check without going far from the cash register.

Situation 5. You see a product on the counter (for example, tea) marked "10% discount when buying 10 packs." However, when calculating, it turned out that you were thrown off only 8%.

What to do? The difference in the amount is small, but they promised exactly a 10 percent discount. Do not be too lazy to calculate exactly how many rubles you should save, and demand to reduce the purchase price by this amount.

Don't pay for water!

Situation 6. Bought 1.5 kg of frozen fish or chicken. And at home, after defrosting, the product thawed, and its weight decreased to 950 g. You paid almost half of the money for ice.

What to do? If you buy frozen foods (meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, berries), choose those that do not have an ice layer on them. And save money and get a better product - after all, a thick ice crust means that the product has been defrosted and frozen again more than once, and no useful substances have been preserved in it.

Situation 7. Often on cheap vegetables and fruits, laid out in a packaged form, there is a price from a more expensive product. If there are ten types of apples on the counter, it's hard to understand at what price you chose the package. And they also like to weigh them together with a substrate and a thick film, and preferably on the day the goods arrive, until they have shrunk and lost weight. What to do? It is better to choose vegetables and fruits on your own and give them to the seller so that he weighs them in front of you. He can also clarify which variety of apples you have chosen, and how much it costs. When you are weighing something, pay attention to the scales - zeros should be lit on them. Well, is it worth reminding you to read the composition of the products indicated on the package and the expiration date?

P.S. Surely someone will think: I will make a scandal because of a couple (tens, hundreds) of rubles! It's petty! For someone, a couple of hundred is not money, but for someone, even two rubles is a lot. But the point is not even that, but that we are being deceived: arrogantly and cynically.

And most importantly - with impunity, and all because we ourselves allow it - by our unwillingness to spend a couple of minutes on a refund, a couple more - on an entry in the complaint book, and a couple more - on a call to Rospotrebnadzor ... Until we reconsider our view of our rights , the view of us as an inexhaustible and uncomplaining source of profit will not change either.

On July 17, 2009, at 18:30 in the Magnit store (Novoorsk, Orenburg region), I purchased Beseda tea, in the amount of 1 pc., However, the cashier checked this drink in the amount of 2 pcs. And this is not the first and not the last case of deception of customers in this store ...

"Lenta" in Saratov. On 04/2/2010, cashier Lyudmila Makarova checked an extra product in the check - Lowenbrau Original beer, 4 pieces, which I did not buy. The check was already examined at home. Summary - check the check without leaving the cash register. The sediment remained unpleasant.

I live in Rostov on Don. 02/09/2010 I went to the Auchan hypermarket on Observatornaya Street. I came home, looked at the check, and the cashier Komova Victoria punched me 2 extra packs of cottage cheese. So, gentlemen, check your checks without leaving the cash register - the cashiers are not honest.

From the editor: In these situations, the law is exclusively on the side of the consumer, but not without the good faith and conflict-free nature of the seller. Correctly, all deceived buyers advise: check receipts without leaving the cash register. For example, if it’s really quite by accident that three yogurts are punched at the checkout, instead of two, it’s easy enough to figure it out. You can also require the store administrator to check the inventory balances. The seller will find extra packs of yogurt. However, if the cashier has already hidden them, then it will be quite difficult to prove anything.

2 way to cheat

Another good and often practiced way of shorting buyers is wrong product barcode . The cashier swipes the product under the checkout scanner and the computer reads the price. Sometimes the cashier manually drives in barcodes. Any experienced cashier is well versed in commodity codes and, depending on the situation, will easily fill in the code of an expensive or cheap product. And the cashier knows very well one or two numbers, which he replaces, scoring the wrong product.

The same "tricks" can be shown by the salespeople of the trading floor when they weigh the goods in the vegetable or meat department and stick the price tags. For example, the seller measures the sausage "Tender" as more expensive ham or white cabbage is evaluated as Beijing cabbage.

Feedback from our

Shopped on 05/11/2010 at 15:00 in the Noginsk supermarket "OK". The bill turned out to be 11800 with a discount of 500 rubles. on the loyalty card. Cashier Julia Popukalova punched us 1.26 kg of apricots, which we did not take, at the price ATTENTION!!! 888 rub. per kilo. Total overpayment - 1000 rubles. more than. Found out only the next day. Moral: be careful. Don't trust anyone. Check receipts without leaving the cash register.

In a large hypermarket in Novosibirsk, the cashier punched me a Biscuit cake worth more than 900 rubles (this is more than 7 kilograms), although I didn’t buy it in principle and would have noticed such a large sweet and expensive cake in my basket. On the other hand, dietary cracker cookies, worth 47 rubles, were not broken. Apparently, the barcodes of these similar products differed by one digit, which the cashier took advantage of. The total amount of the check is more than 6 thousand rubles, the forgery was found only at home. It seems that this is the policy of the company.

From the editor: Manipulation with codes is a fairly noticeable deception, sellers rarely take risks. Most often, code spoofing is an unintentional deception of unskilled employees. Therefore, it will not be difficult to find out and deal with the canopy in the presence of a check.

3 way to cheat

A well-thought-out and brazen way to deceive customers - different prices at the window and at the checkout . The atmosphere in the supermarket is always aimed at provoking impulse buying. And it is unlikely that any of the consumers will deal with confusing price tags or independently compare the article numbers and product codes. It is spontaneous purchases, the price tag for which you did not find or did not begin to look for, that subsequently surprise you with their true value.

Another trick is regrading. For example, in a box with new potatoes or porcini mushrooms, there are last year's potatoes or champignons, which belong to a completely different price category.

According to the law, Rospotrebnadzor must monitor the availability and reliability of price tags in supermarkets. But, often, during audits, the department checks only the number of price tags and names of goods on the showcase. The numbers match - everything is fine. And the location of the price tags, compliance with the layout of the goods is the problem of the seller, and hence the consumer. An attentive buyer will definitely find a price tag that indicates the exact name of the product, article and price.

Feedback from our

In the store "Magnet" Kazan on the street. Cr. Kokshayskaya very often there are violations about price tags. One price hangs in the hall, and at the checkout it goes much higher. I bought pears "Conference" - in the hall there are 2 price tags of 60 rubles. and 44 rubles. They punch through the checkout, and there are already 68 rubles ... I tell the sellers, they answer that they did not have time to change the price tag, and the time is already past 12:00.

On August 21, 2009 I went to the Perekrestok store in St. Petersburg on the street. Efimova, 2. On the price tag "Sausages Bavarian" produced by "Pit-product" was the price of 213 rubles, and at the checkout they struck 250.90. After clarifying with the seller, they explained to me that I can get money for them and return the goods, but in the computer they have a price of 250.90. It's a shame, you expect one thing, but it turns out another. And also with champagne, the price tag was 69 rubles, and they knocked out 110 at the box office. And this is often the case with champagne. And often the price tag is not very complete information, and the price tag is not where it should be.

04/16/2010 was in the "Carousel" on the Bucharest St. Petersburg. I bought an avocado for 19 rubles. I waited 30 minutes at the 11th checkout while the cashier served three customers. I was very surprised that I didn’t buy anything, but I spent a lot of money. I came home and found that the avocados were counted for 94 rubles 50 kopecks PER PIECE! Outright fraud! Be carefull!

From the editor: This situation is the most difficult from a legal point of view. If the total amount of purchases turned out to be much higher than expected, immediately check the receipt. Without leaving the cash register, call the store manager, go with him to the window, check the prices with the receipt. Sometimes, in order to return the goods, the price of which did not suit you, you have to be intrusive and persistent, to prove the store's guilt by any means - the testimony of witnesses, photographic fixation. Or go to court.

4 way to cheat

Body kit in supermarkets possible, despite the most accurate electronic scales. Consumers often forget that some types of products, such as fruits and vegetables, as well as sausages and water-weighted meats, dry out quickly. That is why the products are packed in bags and nets in advance and stick a price tag with weight and price. Supermarkets deliberately deceive consumers by packaging products in a pad or plastic container that weighs 8-10 grams. So, buying, for example, a kilogram of Victoria or red caviar, the consumer is forced to pay for the packaging at the price of a delicacy.

It is enough just to approach the publicly available scales and outweigh the goods in order to reveal the shortfall.

15.12.2010, 16:19

I bought pants and a sweater for my child here the other day in the JJ store. The cost of the entire purchase was to be 1500 r. At the checkout, they told me the figure in 2000r. I gave it away without a doubt - well, it happens that they forgot to change the price tag: 009:.
The cashier girl put things in a bag for a very long time, counted the change for a very long time, and at the same time went to another cashier to exchange money. As a result, I put everything in a bag and threw a check there, with the words - I will put the check in a bag for you.
I took the package, went from the store. Then I decided to look at the check, and there was an extra position - semi-overalls ... Of course, I returned, the money was returned to me.
But I might not have checked the check. Or you could check it out at home.
Is this normal now?
In general, I advise everyone to always check receipts.

15.12.2010, 17:24

15.12.2010, 17:53

I gave it away without a doubt - well, it happens that they forgot to change the price tag: 009:.

Why are you so? They forgot to change - they sell for as much as it is written.

15.12.2010, 17:55

15.12.2010, 18:37

and they punished me like that, now I check without leaving the cash register, otherwise I went to the table, returned, it turns out I hid it.

Elvira and Alice

15.12.2010, 18:51

15.12.2010, 18:59

"Check money and checks without leaving the cash desk" for 7 years of life in the USSR, this slogan became familiar, and since modern trade is stuck in the scoop, this slogan will not lose its relevance for another 50 years.
that's right!

15.12.2010, 19:11

And not only in Russia this happens, if anything;)

15.12.2010, 19:56

The cost of the entire purchase was to be 1500 r. At the checkout, they told me the figure in 2000r. I gave it away without a doubt - well, it happens that they forgot to change the price tag: 009:.

Twenty-five again...

15.12.2010, 20:19

twenty-five again...
no, well, the rich have their own quirks, of course :))
What wealth are we talking about? 2000 r. For trousers and a sweater, the price is quite normal. It happens when a sale, for example, ends, and the price tags have not changed yet...

15.12.2010, 20:21

The author, there was the same situation in the Sopot grocery store near the Primorskaya metro station.
The girl simply punched through the second package of salad (like "Capital", expensive)
Having shipped the purchases to the next table, I noticed that it was a little expensive. Told her. She calmly returned the shortage, but did not plan to apologize.:015::(
No, well, in grocery stores, I still admit that there are a lot of goods there, you can accidentally skip twice.
But in clothing stores ... I didn’t think that this was possible.
If I give two things to the checkout, there are two barcodes on the price tags, respectively. Where does the third barcode come from?

15.12.2010, 20:21

well, if they are not changed, this is the problem of the one who did not change, and not the buyer: 010:

15.12.2010, 20:26

To be honest, I didn’t really remember the price tags when choosing. I remembered that the amount should not have been very large, in the region of 1500, and therefore did not become indignant at the checkout. Well, anything can happen. I thought maybe I mixed it up with other pants that were cheaper. I took the more expensive ones.
Yes, that's not the point.
The fact is that the cashier can easily punch an extra position into the check like this.

15.12.2010, 20:29

15.12.2010, 20:44

15.12.2010, 20:59

I’m also one of those who don’t check. I don’t even count at home, I don’t count the change either. I’ve probably been deceived many times already.
here I am too ... Probably deceived many times, especially with my luck ... One consolation, if so, then I don’t know about it.

Although I usually buy in Okey, in large quantities of products, I try to check the check for especially large amounts, but sometimes I can’t count the small ones, for example, all the juice for a child !!!


15.12.2010, 21:12

And in the Violet pharmacy they punched me extra porridge, I saw it right away because the amount was embarrassing, and the girl tells me, oh by chance, but you don’t want to take another porridge, otherwise the product is non-refundable in the pharmacy, and I can’t return the money to you , I say no, I don’t need another porridge (the price tag in the pharmacy is not the cheapest), she was nervous for about 15 minutes, thought what to do somewhere, and then gave me money with a psycho, saying that she was forced out of her give me pockets, it's generally normal ....: 010:

Matilda Jabowski

15.12.2010, 21:13

I would grab the saleswoman by the scruff and call the cops

Were there already precedents?:065:

16.12.2010, 00:24

I was pierced in the sportsmaster by sandals 2 times: 015:
but then we didn’t notice (we bought for vacation and bought a lot of things at once) we saw only at home. it was a shame, since then I always check

16.12.2010, 00:37

Once at Fox kids they counted me instead of 1500-2200. Since I always count the total amount of purchases, the question arose immediately. the girl hesitated at the cash register for a long time, then she started to make a return and figured out for a long time what was overshot - the amount turned out to be some kind of curve, but it didn’t fit. It turned out that she punched two things twice. Meanwhile, there were only 4 things. You need to be able to break through 6 things instead of 4....

16.12.2010, 01:01

16.12.2010, 01:10

Interestingly, is the cashier trying for himself personally or is it that they all share the profit?

16.12.2010, 01:18

How much I watch the scanners they shoot, they can easily grab it by accident 2 times. Follow carefully and you will be happy.
Both you and the cashier need to check.
Anyone can make a mistake, both in one direction and in the other.
And the store will fly for extra goods and you are uncomfortable.
It is possible to accidentally break through one thing twice.

16.12.2010, 01:22

How much I watch the scanners they shoot, they can easily grab it by accident 2 times. Follow carefully and you will be happy.
Both you and the cashier need to check.
Anyone can make a mistake, both in one direction and in the other.
And the store will fly for extra goods and you are uncomfortable.
Exactly! It's just been different for me lately. Either a package of shrimp will not be broken, then a bottle of wine, ice cream (well, this is a trifle, of course, but a fact!). But when I return and explain the situation, I get the feeling that the cashiers are not very happy about this... Why? okay, shrimp, but wine - 700r. almost was, are they really so generous. :016:


16.12.2010, 01:48

but to me, on the contrary, they pierced cognac for 870 in the Carousel, and with such an air they gave it away, as if I had stolen it .......... I also tell the cashier where you are punching the cognac, they didn’t even take alcohol that day, she told me later after the check she answered, like I thought that you were talking to your husband about cognac ...... we waited for half an hour at the information point, then another 15 minutes the cashier was running around ..... I wonder where to write, or do not care?

16.12.2010, 01:59

No, well, in grocery stores, I still admit that there are a lot of goods there, you can accidentally skip twice.
-and at the same time smile with the smile of an imbecile ...: 020:

16.12.2010, 02:01

The sale ends, for example, and the price tags have not changed yet...

So use your right to buy at the price on the price tag;)

16.12.2010, 02:07

It is possible to accidentally break through one thing twice.
But how can you accidentally break through a semi-overalls to trousers and a sweater?

They have fallen off tags lying around there, they sometimes cling.
Look closely at the check.

21.12.2010, 14:11

Usually I don’t have problems with purchases, but I notice that before the holidays, cashiers begin to cheat slowly - perhaps in the hope that not everyone checks receipts in the pre-holiday turmoil.
Yesterday I buy, among other things, 2 ice creams at 12.90. On the check:
**** 2х12.90=25.80
**** 1х12.90=12.90
The cashier pressed two, scanned the code on the ice cream, and then, seeing that I was buried in the bag, packing products, she brought one through the scanner again. And I always check checks: 004:, well, just out of principle, right behind the cash register.
I looked it over, I ask: "Why do I have 3 ice creams in my check, if I took 2?" She didn't even say, "Oh, I made a mistake!" and did not even ask to show how much of what is in the package. I looked at the check and returned 12.90:101:.

21.12.2010, 14:53

My mother recently went to Pyaterochka to buy little things: bread, milk, cheese, etc. and took 2 Tema curds for her grandson. In total, there were 300 rubles worth of purchases, 700 were punched at the checkout. Mom looks that there are simply no purchases for such an amount, she immediately looks at the check, and the cashier punched each curd for 200 rubles: 112 :. Mom then asks what it is opposite the curds for the price is so crazy, to which the cashier, looking into his eyes, says that this is the product code. It’s good that mom didn’t slow down and called the administrator, to which she immediately began to apologize and returned the money. Mom asked the cashier to apologize, who had been working for several days, and impudently lied about the price, but she decided to keep silent: 065 :. I regret that I was not around: 015:, I would have demanded a complaint book, rolled up a complaint. It is necessary to write complaints. These books are actually checked: 040:.

21.12.2010, 15:10

in general, Carousels and Okei sometimes sin with this .. 6 cans instead of 5, extra sausage, extra juice, it’s not clear what else .... I always check .....
in the ocean very often it’s like this with used beer, a pack of 4 and they break through 6:015: it happened a couple of times, the money was returned of course, after a complaint to the information point it seems to have stopped

Lyaski Masyaski

21.12.2010, 15:20

twenty-five again...
no, well, the rich have their own quirks, of course :))

Plusanu, and if you were told 5000 would you also give without a doubt? Well, think about the price tags forgot to change ....

21.12.2010, 16:07

plus, and if you were told 5000, would you also give without a doubt? well, think about the price tags forgot to change ....
There is a difference - 500 r. or 3000?
They told me the amount, I admit that children's pants with a sweater can cost 2000 rubles, so I gave it away.

21.12.2010, 16:09

They have fallen off tags lying around there, they sometimes cling.
Look closely at the check.
Yes, now I always look at checks.

23.12.2010, 02:23

in general, Carousels and Okei sometimes sin with this .. 6 cans instead of 5, extra sausage, extra juice, it’s not clear what else .... I always check .....


23.12.2010, 03:25

What wealth are we talking about? 2000 r. For trousers and a sweater, the price is quite normal. It happens when a sale, for example, ends, and the price tags have not changed yet...

:046::046: what does it mean it happens?..what is written, according to that you need to buy..but not what the sellers say...

And about the extra goods, I think that in this way the sellers reduce the shortage of goods during the rediscount ... after all, they steal a lot in stores, but they calculate from the sellers ... at least 1 ice cream and then less ... and if there are two of them, etc. d ... and there are so many such inattentive buyers ... the author did not immediately pay attention to 500 re, but they will pay a lot for 20?
there, at least by the name, you can quickly scan the check ..
but in Ikea I haven’t succeeded yet: 010:

Visiting a fairy tale!