How to open a pizza delivery business plan. How to open a pizzeria from scratch? Step-by-step instruction

Nowadays, starting your own pizza delivery business is a profitable business. This is due to the following reasons. First, the popularity of pizza among the population. Secondly, this is due to a change in the culture of consumption. Today, most people prefer not to cook at home, but to use ready-to-cook or freshly prepared food. These factors are also reflected in the rather fast payback period of the pizza delivery business, which is 16 months. The break-even point falls on the 3rd month of operation.

To organize delivery, you will need to rent a room for a production facility. The area of ​​the room is 35 m2. You will also need to hire 15 employees.

The range of delivery will be represented by various pizzas 28, 32 and 42 cm. The average number of orders per month is 960 pieces. The average cost of pizza is 700 rubles, related products 150 rubles. Given these factors, the financial performance of the project will be as follows:

Amount of initial investment - 893 000 rubles

Monthly profit - 80 000 rubles

Payback period - 16 months

Breakeven point - 3 months

Profitability of sales - 15%

2. Description of the business, product or service

Today, home delivery of food is very popular and the demand for these services is growing. This is evidenced by market statistics, as well as the changed culture of consumption. These factors open up great prospects for starting this business.

The main service and products of the enterprise will be pizza delivery only. Creation of premises for guests of the institution is not expected. This will significantly save on the start and increase the profitability of the business.

The premises will be located in various production workshops. It is better to choose premises in city canteens or other catering establishments. The advantage of this location will be the availability of all necessary communications, as well as the premises will meet all sanitary and fire requirements. It also saves a lot on repairs. Also, when starting production, you will need to obtain permission to enter from the Sanitary-Epidemiological and Fire Service.

The minimum area of ​​the room should be 35 m2.

Also, for the production and delivery of pizza, the following equipment will be required:

  • pizza oven
  • dough mixer
  • dough sheeter
  • Iron pizza table
  • flour sifter
  • Dough divider
  • cheese grater
  • Slicer
  • vegetable cutter
  • Cash register
  • Backpacks for carrying food
  • Refrigeration equipment

In addition, for a quick pizza delivery, you will need to purchase two cars.

According to a preliminary analysis, the average check will be from 600 to 1,000 rubles. The number of orders can also vary, but on average it will be 990 pieces per month.

As the business grows, you can expand the range of pizzas, as well as offer other products for delivery.

Also, when starting a business, be sure to study the regulatory framework.

3. Description of the market

The success of a pizza delivery service is determined by two factors. One is product quality, the other is delivery speed.

The main target audience can be both individuals and legal entities. The former will account for the largest share of monthly sales. People are more likely to order home delivery in the evenings. Also, people can place orders to their office.

Another important group of clients are legal entities. This segment will mainly make large orders dedicated to some event, for example, a corporate party.

Taking into account consumer preferences and providing quality service for these two segments, your business will be able to get regular customers, increase its market share and recoup the investment.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

The payroll calculation for 24 months, taking into account the bonus part and insurance premiums, is presented in the financial model.

Everyone at least once looked in the direction of the culinary business - profitability clouds the eyes of future businessmen. At the same time, the business of opening a pizzeria is popular. Depending on the competition in the market, you can decide on the format of the case, and then draw up a step-by-step plan with an expense item.

Is it worth it to open a pizzeria?

As a rule, even if you live in a small town, there are pizzerias, and they are "monopolists" in their own way: a small network opens, which expands over time and takes the lion's share of the market. But it is important to understand that over time, heavily advertised brands get bored, and besides, they can significantly lose quality, so a new promising pizzeria with proper marketing has a good chance of being promoted.

Even if the monopoly pizzeria is on everyone's lips and, let's say, remains on top in terms of product quality, no one has canceled your opportunity to act as a "breath of fresh air" through additional promotions, advertising or mobility in the "pizza on wheels" format. All in your hands!

Pizzeria Format

It is important to analyze the options for opening a pizzeria, and there are enough of them for any "purse":

  • Arrange pizza delivery . You can cook it at home, of course, word of mouth works perfectly, and if you have a good assortment for home conditions, your own zest or novelty, then, taking into account the resulting profit, you will be able to discover new horizons in this business.
  • Pizza on wheels or moving van . In such a van, you can sell whole pizzas, as well as slices. In any case, this is a profitable business, as you can change your location and attend the most cash places in a day!
  • not very popular in the CIS countries. Outwardly, it resembles a roll, although it is a wrapped pizza that will be easy to eat on the go. If you are looking for something original for your establishment, then Kono Pizza is the perfect option.

  • Kiosk pizzeria (pizza shop, food court) in a large hypermarket or shopping center, or a “prefix” to a culinary or canteen or cafe - all these are also quite profitable business products, but you need to have time to “seize” a place in the sun. Or choose it in advance during construction.
  • small pizzeria , for example, for 15 seats with an equipped kitchen - this is already a costly business, not only due to rent, but also due to equipment. But if you have a starting capital of a million, it is quite possible to start.
  • - the most expensive option that requires considerable investments, since in addition to rent and wages, the purchase of equipment, additional cost items for delivery, support service, etc. are added. As a rule, delivery is free of charge, which is a big plus in an advertising company, but a minus regarding an expense item.

So if you want to start a business, but there is not enough capital for a pizzeria, delay the delivery. You can even start with a small pizza on wheels, win over customers, gain experience and gradually expand.

Activity registration

You can register your activity as an LLC or an individual entrepreneur (if delivery or a small initial production is expected). It will help to choose between IP and LLC. The tax regime that meets your expectations in this business vein is, but the OSNOs will be more costly.

In addition to registering with the tax office, you will need the following documents:

  • A permit document from Rospotrebnadzor, which the entire catering business faces;
  • Permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire service on the safety of the premises and the possibility of its operation for industrial purposes of cooking;
  • Documents on the agreed removal and disposal of organic waste;
  • Contracts for the provision of laundry and dry cleaning services;
  • Contract for disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

If you are planning a production with pizza delivery, then you must have an agreement on the disinfection of vehicles at the disposal of the pizzeria.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Pizza is perhaps one of the most beloved and widespread dishes all over the world, including our country. This originally Italian invention in the classic version is a round open flatbread, which is topped with tomatoes and melted cheese (in professional language, such a filling is called "topping"). And it is cheese (traditionally mozzarella) that is considered the main ingredient of pizza.

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In general, the catering business is a very profitable direction today, and a pizzeria is a promising and profitable idea for your own business. Despite the rather high level of competition in this area, new players have every chance to push out more experienced establishments if they comply with several conditions, which we will discuss below.

Russian pizza market

In the domestic pizza market, experts distinguish three main segments: frozen pizza, chilled pizza, and pizza served in cafes, restaurants or with home delivery. In certain European countries (eg UK, France, Germany) frozen and chilled pizzas are in the highest demand. However, in our country, these types of products are not very popular among consumers and are insignificantly represented in retail sales. First of all, this applies to chilled pizza. This can be partly explained by the insufficiently prompt delivery of pizza to stores even in large cities, as well as the lack of refrigerators for storing it. But there is another reason for the decline in the popularity of "semi-finished" pizza in frozen and chilled form. This is due to the loss or deterioration of part of the taste during the thermal processing of the product. Most consumers prefer freshly prepared pizza (in the classic version, such pizza is recommended to be eaten within fifteen minutes after its preparation, but this is not always possible).

Another feature of this segment of the fast food market is relatively high competition. If you are just going to open your own pizzeria, then you need to carefully study both direct competitors throughout the city and in the region you have chosen, in particular (direct competitors include specialized establishments - pizzerias with a delivery service), and indirect competitors (these are any catering points where pizza is served or even just a menu of the same price category as yours).

The average increase in the pizza market, prepared in a restaurant and served fresh, reaches 25-27% per year. Its volume was estimated in 2013 at over $200 million. Even the unfavorable economic situation is not an obstacle to the development of this segment. Pizza is considered a tasty and, most importantly, affordable dish that is suitable both for friendly gatherings or for a quick dinner in the family circle, and as a lunch at the office (when one pizza is ordered for several people at once).

Currently, freshly prepared pizza can be ordered both in various cafes and restaurants, and in specially equipped pizzerias. Only in our capital, the number of establishments of the latter type exceeds 400 points, and less than a third of them carry out pizza delivery. Despite the high level of competition, this market is still far from being saturated: none of the large companies yet occupies more than 5% of the market. For this reason, new players have every chance to find their niche. Moreover, the segment of fast food pizzerias with their own delivery service is more attractive for investment than other types of catering establishments. According to various experts, this market is less than 50% occupied in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and less than 30% in other cities.

Types of pizzerias

Even in such a seemingly limited segment, various formats of establishments are represented. Such a unique dish as pizza, despite its low cost, is in great demand among a completely different target audience. It is equally in demand among visitors to catering chains and expensive restaurants. One of the most promising areas of this business is the delivery of freshly prepared pizza. Before proceeding with the consideration of the organizational aspects of opening such a business, it is necessary to understand the existing formats of pizzerias, since the size of your investments directly depends on the chosen format.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The most expensive, but at the same time the most cost-effective version of a pizzeria is a full-fledged Italian restaurant with a predominance of various types of pizza on the menu. The main expenses in this case are the rent of premises, the purchase of furniture for the hall and kitchen, kitchen equipment. The payback period of such a project is estimated at least one year. The range of the restaurant, of course, will be much wider than the usual pizzeria. Italian dishes are in constant demand among our compatriots, the competition in this niche is not very high, so the Italian restaurant has every chance not only to survive in the market, but also to form a circle of regular customers. The premises will require from 300 thousand rubles (subject to rent), at least 200 thousand rubles will be spent on equipment and about the same amount for wages to the staff of the institution.

Fast food pizzeria- This is also a restaurant, but more budgetary in terms of prices and specializing mainly in pizza. The competition in this segment is higher, but the cost of opening such an institution will be noticeably lower. To open such a pizzeria, a small area is required (for example, it may be only part of the trading floor). Accordingly, the cost of rent, repairs, the purchase of furniture and equipment, as well as wages for maintenance personnel are reduced. It will take from 15-20 thousand rubles a month to rent a room or part of it, and from 100 thousand rubles for equipment. Such an institution can bring its owner from 100 thousand rubles a month, and it will be able to reach the level of self-sufficiency in about one and a half to two years after opening.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The most inexpensive investment project - This is a pizza delivery company. without the possibility of eating the latter directly at the point of sale. The level of competition here is the highest, but we still suggest that a novice entrepreneur choose this option, since it does not require large investments and is highly profitable. The costs at the initial stage of work will be significantly lower than in the other two options. The main savings come from rent and wages for employees. A small pizzeria without a hall will require 1-2 chefs, as well as couriers to deliver pizza to customers. The cost of the premises will be from 10 thousand rubles a month, for kitchen equipment - from 100 thousand rubles. The income of such a pizzeria is on average 100 thousand rubles per month, but the payback period can reach two years.

The size of the average check in a pizzeria with pizza delivery ranges from 250-300 rubles, and in stationary establishments it can reach up to 700-1000 rubles. The profitability of this type of business is 30-75%. The profitability of a stationary pizzeria is estimated at 30-70%, and the profitability of outbound pizza trade is estimated at 60-75%.

Documents for opening a pizzeria

To open your own restaurant for the manufacture and delivery of pizza, certain documents will be required:

  1. Premises lease agreement;
  2. A copy of the design conclusion for catering facilities (or the project itself, if the conclusion was not issued);
  3. Calculation of the amount of food waste depending on the capacity of the enterprise;
  4. Permission on the possibility of placement;
  5. A copy of the BTI floor plan with an explication for the catering facility;
  6. A copy of the general plan of the territory;
  7. Communication schemes (ventilation, water supply, sewerage);
  8. Scheme of arrangement of technological equipment;
  9. Copies of valid contracts with the water utility, passports for existing ventilation units and air conditioning systems;
  10. The act of revision, cleaning and disinfection of ventilation, sewerage systems, checks of heating and refrigeration equipment in the catering unit
  11. Contract for the maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems, including disinfection;
  12. Measurements of radioactivity on the ground and in the building (if the pizzeria is located in a new building);
  13. Certificates for finishing and building materials for the dining room;
  14. Copies of bacteriological and chemical analysis of drinking water;
  15. A copy of the certificate of state registration of a public catering enterprise;
  16. Copy of the charter of the enterprise;
  17. A copy of the tax registration certificate;
  18. Bank details (in full), certified by the "live" signature of the director and a "wet" seal;
  19. Copies of orders on the appointment of persons responsible for the PC (production control);
  20. Certificate or certificate of completion of the training of the responsible person in conducting production control at the facility;
  21. Assortment list of products;
  22. Copies of contracts for the disposal of waste: MSW, food, mercury-containing and fluorescent lamps;
  23. Copies of contracts for the supply of food and food raw materials
  24. A copy of the contract for carrying out deratization, disinfestation and disinfection works (+license);
  25. A copy of the contract for the laundry of overalls (with a copy of the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion of the laundry);
  26. A copy of the contract for periodic medical examinations (+ license);
  27. Program of laboratory and production control over compliance with sanitary legislation;
  28. Contract for production control with an accredited laboratory (license + accreditation + sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the laboratory center);
  29. Analyzes of food products for bacteriological and chemical indicators
  30. Laboratory studies on the microclimate, noise and illumination of workplaces in a catering enterprise;
  31. Sanitary passport for the facility (issued at the disinfection service);
  32. Sanitary passport for a grocery car with a monthly mark on the disinfection of vehicles);
  33. Decorated consumer corner (registered book of complaints and suggestions, Federal Law 52 of March 30, 1999 "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population", "San. Rules for the organization of public catering and additions to them", "San. Rules for the implementation of the production control plan" , "Hygienic requirements for the shelf life of food products", "Law on the protection of consumer rights", etc.);
  34. marriage journal;
  35. Journal of accounting and expenditure of disinfectants with an approved calculation, as well as a journal of examination of employees;
  36. Issued medical books for employees;
  37. If you are also going to sell alcohol and tobacco products, then it is necessary to issue a sanitary and epidemiological certificate for alcohol consumption at the place of sale, and then a fire certificate and appropriate licenses.

Selection and equipment of premises for a pizzeria

Among the main factors that significantly hinder the development of the pizzeria market in Moscow, experts call the lack of space. A suitable premise on the secondary market turns out to be too expensive. Large companies (especially foreign chains) resort to "friendly takeover" tactics. They are looking for a cafe that turns out to be unprofitable and invites its owner to join their network, becoming one of the franchisees. This option is beneficial, as a rule, for both parties. The cafe, having acquired a specialization and a brand, becomes a profitable enterprise, and the network of pizzerias expands.

In other cities, the situation with the area under rent is somewhat better, but most investors still consider sleeping areas rather than the city center to open an establishment. So they save even more on rent. At the same time, for a pizzeria that does not involve eating pizza right at the point of sale, the location is not so important, since it delivers orders throughout the city.

Ready-made ideas for your business

However, the choice of a sleeping area where you open your establishment should also be approached wisely. Preference should be given to a large residential microdistrict of the city, since, first of all, you will serve it, and not the whole city as a whole. This geographic “specialization” allows you to outperform your competitors by offering the fastest delivery at the lowest cost to residents in your area. Do not forget about traffic jams, which greatly overshadow the life of couriers. Pizza delivery to the other end of the city during rush hour can take several hours, which does not please customers at all, who receive a dish that has long cooled down and is already unnecessary to them.

The second most popular place for a pizzeria is the office center, that is, the district of the city where the largest number of offices and banks are located. Traffic in such an area may be lower than in the center, however, the establishments located there serve, first of all, their employees. If the largest number of orders in pizzerias in a residential area falls in the evening, then when the establishment is located in the business center of the city, the first wave of visitors is observed at lunchtime, and the second in the evening, when employees of nearby offices are heading home. It is worth noting that it makes sense to open a fast-food pizzeria near the offices, where you can have a quiet lunch at lunchtime. Pizza to go in this case is not so in demand.

A pizzeria can also be opened at a cafe or restaurant that does not have a narrow specialization. It looks like a hall for lovers of Italian cuisine and pizza in particular. Such halls are also opened in cafes or even canteens that operate on the principle of self-service, and in classic restaurants where visitors are served by waiters. A mixture of such formats is also possible: for example, a pizzeria operates as a self-service fast food establishment, but one hall inside it is a restaurant type, or vice versa. This format has taken root only in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Other regions are characterized by a clearer division of establishments by type and form of service. Restaurants offer a wider range of dishes and alcoholic drinks. The value of the average check here is 40-45% higher than in a self-service establishment.

Pizza making equipment

The assortment of a small pizzeria is from 5-6 types of pizza. However, experienced entrepreneurs are advised to expand it to at least 10-12 types. Although excessive variety is also not recommended - ten species are enough to satisfy demand. The number of types of pizza directly depends on the season. In summer, the demand for pizza falls, respectively, manufacturers significantly reduce their range. In the cold season, on the contrary, pizza becomes very popular, and pizzerias introduce additional items into their assortment.

Equipment is one of the biggest expense items for an establishment that makes and delivers pizza. Unlike renting, saving on these costs is not worth it. Imported equipment used for making pizza has no cheap analogues of domestic production. For example, large pizzerias for pizza baking use American-made conveyor types. According to manufacturers, the product cooked on such equipment is of the highest quality, which is unattainable when using cheaper ovens. In fact, for a small pizzeria, equipment of European and domestic production, including used ones, will do just fine. However, when choosing a model, be sure to consult with experts. The main disadvantage of such furnaces is the difficulty in finding spare parts. Non-new equipment can fail quite quickly, and finding spare parts and a master who will repair it will take time. All this leads to long production downtime and, as a result, to your financial losses.

Small pizzerias buy more than one production line, which is inappropriate given their budget and rented area, but collect everything they need from ovens, stoves, dough mixers and dough molders of various manufacturers and different conditions. Of course, with such equipment, you can’t make the kitchen open, putting it on public display, as some restaurants do. But for a pizzeria that works with a delivery service, this is not relevant.

Of course, real Italian pizza is traditionally baked in wood-fired ovens, but few people use this technology in our country. Domestic pizzerias prefer to work with modern electric ovens. However, even with the same equipment and seemingly the same recipes, the taste of pizza can vary significantly depending on the manufacturer. The reason for this lies in the ingredients that are used to prepare the dish. Someone even orders flour in Italy, arguing that you cannot cook authentic Italian pizza with domestic flour. However, the use of foreign raw materials is associated with high costs. Your customers will prefer pizza, which may not be appreciated by gourmets, but will be tasty and affordable.

But with only pizza, even a specialized establishment will not last long, even if you make, in addition to the classic options, less familiar and traditional ones (for example, underpants, focaccia, white or black pizza, conopizza, etc.). To increase profitability, it is also necessary to add a standard set of dishes to its assortment: appetizers, salads, perhaps also first and second courses, various variations on the theme of fast food (for example, familiar hamburgers, but unusual for most consumers of high quality), etc. .

Organization of pizza delivery

The organization of pizza delivery to customers at home is a headache for all pizzerias. Pizza delivery is carried out by both companies that work only on order, and stationary pizzerias, for which this is an additional income. Delivery is considered as a fairly promising line of business. It is overshadowed only by the time spent on the road from the pizzeria to the consumer. In a large city, this can take up to an hour and a half. During this time, pizza, despite the most modern types of packaging, manages to lose some of its taste. Large companies open additional points in different areas: in the main kitchen they prepare semi-finished products, and at additional points they bake pizza and pass it on to couriers for delivery. The profitability of the pizza delivery service is lower than that of stationary pizzerias. However, this format is popular primarily because of the lower investment required to open it.

Each company solves the issue with a long wait for an order by customers in its own way. Someone delivers pizza only in the evening and at night, when there are no more traffic jams, someone is trying to use the latest technologies, but so far without success. Recall that the experiment of the Dodo Pizza pizzeria in Syktyvkar with the delivery of pizza on a drone (quadcopter) ended with an injunction and a fine of 50 thousand rubles for air cargo transportation without a license. Delivery of orders strictly at a certain time is also not the best option. During the day, orders to the pizzeria come from offices, and in the evening pizza is delivered to the apartments. Working predominantly in one area or nearby areas can be justified, but only if the number of orders here is sufficient. Most orders, according to the observations of entrepreneurs, come by phone, and the rest (25-30%) - via the Internet, so you should take care of your own website.

Secrets of a successful pizzeria

The average monthly profit of a stationary pizzeria in the capital is estimated at $7,500-8,000. Companies delivering their own pizza earn a little less - $5,000. In the regions, these amounts will, of course, be less. If you want your institution to succeed, then you should follow a few simple conditions. First of all, take care to purchase all the necessary equipment, as well as quality ingredients.

However, without qualified staff, getting the perfect pizza is unlikely to succeed. Fortunately, pizza delivery companies find it easier to find suitable workers than stationary pizzerias, since the latter have much higher requirements for chefs. To work in your bakery, you can recruit graduates of culinary schools who, for a certain time, undergo training, pass certification and can start working. Finally, do not forget about advertising. If stationary pizzerias can afford to invest in promotion one-time at the first stage of their work, then pizza delivery companies have to constantly advertise their products. The most effective advertising for such establishments is the targeted mailing of promotional materials.

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How to open a pizzeria from scratch? Step-by-step instruction

Pizza, fast food, Japanese cuisine - without these dishes it is hard to imagine the everyday life of a modern city dweller. All new cafes, bars, restaurants open here and there, it seems that they instantly grow out of the ground, like mushrooms after rain. Every year the market of public catering establishments grows by 25%. This figure scares aspiring businessmen who want to try their hand at the restaurant business. However, fear is not always justified. For example, among cafe-pizzerias there are no clear leaders, major players, as, say, among fast food establishments. To the market of pizzerias for new players - the entrance is free.

Opening a pizzeria: is it profitable and where to start the process?

If you decide that you want to open a pizzeria from scratch, the first thing to do is determine what type of establishment it will be. The following options are possible: restaurant, cafe, pizza shop, pizza delivery.

Italian restaurant - the most complex and expensive project. It is costly in terms of renting, buying or building premises, equipping halls, and acquiring special equipment. The menu of the Italian restaurant includes a wide range of dishes, a large number of varieties of pizza. You will have to spend a lot of time and effort to create a menu and find trusted reliable suppliers, you will need to issue a license to sell alcoholic beverages, look for an unsurpassed chef (ideally, of course, Italian) and impeccable administrators and waiters. But the successful solution of these issues will pay you back handsomely. This market is not as saturated as the cafe and bistro market, where you can quickly grab a few slices of pizza. There are good chances to find your circle of regular visitors. In addition, the payback of the business comes on average in 1 year.

Cafe-pizzeria - Requires much less financial investment. Demand for establishments of this type is huge, but the competition is great. You can build or rent a small room, a hall in a shopping center, open a summer cafe - there are many good options. Does not require a large number of personnel. But in this case, an extremely rigorous analysis of the market of competitors is necessary. The average payback period is 1.5 years.

Pizza shop (pizzeria-kiosk) - a popular direction that is developing by leaps and bounds. This is a small room, which consists only of a kitchen and a product distribution area. There may not be a hall for visitors at all, or only 2-3 tables will be placed in it - for those who want to have a bite to eat on the spot or are waiting for an order to be issued. In such establishments, pizza is prepared right in front of the buyer's eyes - in 15–20 minutes, or they take orders by phone or the Internet.

Pizza delivery - can be an independent type of business or combined with other types of pizzerias. The easiest option to organize, but it is also the least profitable of all. Requires a well-designed advertising campaign. After all, visitors will not be able to get acquainted with the institution with their own eyes, advertising is required in the media, in entrances, elevators, attracting promoters, etc.

The first pizzeria was opened in Naples in 1738 and was called Antica.

Currently, there are about 500 stationary pizzerias in Moscow. The average payback for a pizzeria of any type is 1.5–2 years. With a competent organization, the business is profitable, the main thing is to approach its organization wisely, consult with knowledgeable people, turn to specialists.

We create a business plan for a pizzeria

Starting to develop your own concept, remember: the desire to realize the ideal model of the institution in your mind is not the best idea. As they say - the taste and color ... First of all, it is worth analyzing your financial capabilities, then assessing the demand and preferences of the mass consumer, and only then compare it with your desires and ideas.

A pizzeria business plan is necessary not only for you personally to detail your idea and find approaches to its implementation, but also to provide it to investors, partners, banks - if you ask for their help.

Here are the main points that should be written in any business plan:

  • The name of the institution, its main idea.
  • The target audience.
  • Desired location.
  • Design project.
  • Staff staff.
  • Pizzeria menu.
  • Advertising campaign.
  • Estimated opening costs.
  • Expected financial performance.
  • Expected payback period.

It should be noted that if you are drawing up a pizzeria business plan for yourself, it makes sense to describe in detail exactly how many and what kind of employees you will need, what equipment, furniture and utensils and in what quantity, what documents you will have to draw up. If a business plan needs to be presented to investors or creditors, one should dwell in more detail on financial and legal aspects, provide figures, statistics, and substantiate one's own forecasts.

Selecting and refurbishing

Usually, the selection and renovation of the premises is started after the idea, style and audience of the pizzeria are determined. However, this is another common rookie mistake. Picking up a room can be much more difficult than coming up with the concept of a cafe. Sometimes you have to adjust your initial ideas in accordance with the characteristics of the premises that you managed to find / buy / rent. Consider which option suits you best. Buying a property is a large one-time investment that is not available to every entrepreneur. But since about 40% of all monthly costs are spent on rent, you should clearly determine which type of property will be more profitable and affordable for you. Also, remember: a lease term of more than one year requires state registration with the City Registration Office.

The choice of the location of the institution depends on your concept. It is more profitable to open restaurants in the central areas of the city, and cozy small cafes will appeal to families, students, and office workers. So pizzerias will be in demand in residential areas, near educational institutions, business centers.

When choosing a room, it is important to consider not only its location, traffic, but also compliance internal design standards . So, a large kitchen is needed, divided into several workshops, a room for storing personal belongings of staff, a separate toilet room for employees. An important feature - electrical power of the room . For example, to put in an institution with a footage of 200-300 square meters. m a complete set of professional equipment, power supply should be at least 30–40 kW. It also needs to be taken into account How ventilated is the room? . The ventilation system must necessarily go to the roof, placing a pizzeria in the basement is unacceptable. If the pizzeria will be located in a residential building , then the room should have entrances and emergency exits isolated from the residential part of the building, have increased sound insulation. Other requirements for the institution can be found in the relevant SNiPs and GOSTs.

After you have chosen a room where you can open a pizzeria from scratch, you should decide on the design: engineering and technological, develop a design project, think over the exterior design of the establishment, signboard.

Choosing equipment

Equipment, furniture and utensils are selected based on the type and specifics of the pizzeria. For clarity, here is a list of equipment needed to open a small cafe-pizzeria, designed for 20 visitors, and indicate its cost.

Table. Equipment for a pizzeria


Quantity (piece)

Cost, rub.)

pizza oven

dough mixer

dough sheeter

Refrigeration cabinet

Refrigeration chest

Refrigerated display cabinet

coffee machine


Bar refrigerated cabinet

A set of tableware, cutlery

For 20 persons

Staff form

For 10 persons

Tables, sofas, chairs for the hall

For 20 persons

In today's competition among pizzerias, it is important to provide the customer with maximum convenience for the purchase of the product. Gone are the days when it was enough just to open a classic establishment, put tables and chairs, and customers began to walk literally "jambs". It is not easy for new players to enter the market today. Almost every major city has more than one intracity network and many federal players. Nevertheless, experts predict a bright future for catering and fast food in particular. According to Rosstat, the fast food sector, despite all the crisis phenomena, is growing by an average of 17% per year.

Step by step plan to open a pizzeria

One of the available options for a successful start today is the opening of the so-called mini pizzeria near the house. Such establishments earn in three main areas: 1. Stationary pizzeria - went in, ordered, ate 2. Pizza delivery - called, ordered, brought 3. Takeaway pizza - went in, ordered, took away. The restaurant menu includes all the same well-known dishes and drinks: 25 - 30 types of pizzas, pastas, salads, soups, business lunches, fruit drinks, kvass, beer, lemonade, iced tea and coffee. The main clients of the institution: local residents, bachelors (25 - 40 years old), working class, youth and students, women under 35 years old (who have no time to cook), employees of nearby offices. Such pizzerias are focused primarily on a specific residential area of ​​the city. “A pizzeria near the house will have a number of advantages over a traditional establishment located somewhere in the city center,” says Maxim Seryakov, Marketing Director of Pizza Time. For a businessman, this is, above all, an inexpensive rent. For example, the price tag for renting in a large shopping center will be 2-3 times higher than renting a room on the ground floor of a residential building in a residential area of ​​the city. The difference can be 50 - 100 thousand rubles. Such savings in the initial stages can literally save the business. For consumers, the benefits are even greater:

  1. Hot pizza is always "at hand". It's like going for bread - a pizzeria is within walking distance.
  2. Delivery speed. Due to the proximity to the client's home, the delivery time for fresh pizza is only 15 - 40 minutes, taking into account the time for preparing the product.
  3. The price of pizza "at home" is always lower than in traditional establishments. And this is logical - the cost of renting the premises is lower, which means less fixed costs and cost. As a result, the price tag is reduced by 15 - 25%, which has a positive effect on the growth in demand for the product.

With sufficiently large opportunities, mini-pizzerias require much smaller investments - about 1.5 million rubles. Net profit after reaching the design capacity is 150 - 200 thousand rubles. Investment pays off with proper organization for 14 - 16 months.

Organizational issues The first thing to start with opening a business is to find a suitable premises. This is very important, because 80% of success depends on it. The best option are buildings located on the first line of houses with convenient access roads and parking. In this case, the presence of only one sign above the entrance to the premises will bring the lion's share of customers. And, accordingly, it will save a significant part of advertising funds. The minimum floor space is 65 sq. m. A big plus is the presence in the immediate vicinity of public transport stops, universities, shops, boutiques, office buildings. It is also recommended to be located as close as possible to large areas of new buildings. As a rule, much more young people live here, and these are the main customers of pizzerias.

The second point is the presence of communications. The room must have hot and cold water supply, good ventilation and an emergency exit. For optimal operation of the equipment in the room, sufficient electrical power must be supplied. The rent for a practically finished object will be at least 50,000 rubles. per month. The third important point is the recipe of dishes and technology. It will take a lot of money to develop a unique pizza recipe. To do this, it is worth attracting an experienced technologist and chef. The product must be 100% tasty and of stable quality. Because for the majority of customers it will not be so important what your establishment looks like and where it is located if it cooks delicious and extremely appetizing pizza.

Developing an effective advertising campaign is another of the most important tasks when opening a profitable pizzeria, one of the main specializations of which is pizza delivery. In this sense, the most reliable tool for promotion is the Internet. A bunch of your own website + contextual advertising gives a tremendous effect. To prove these words, just take a look at the statistics of Yandex search queries. So, the phrase "pizza delivery" for October 2018. Moscow residents searched more than 46,000 times

And this, mind you, only in Yandex search. Don't forget that there is also Google. On average, about 2,300 Muscovites try to find pizza delivery via the Internet every day. And these are the most direct customers. The cost of creating a quality resource, with a decent budget for contextual advertising, will be at least 200,000 rubles. But, believe me, this is a worthwhile investment. Especially when it comes to a large city.

How much money do you need to open a pizzeria

A pizzeria is not the cheapest project. It will be necessary to allocate significant funds for repairs, design, purchase of equipment, furniture, business registration, and advertising. If you carry out the calculation, the estimated costs will look like this:

Total - 1,575,000 rubles.

How much can you earn by opening a pizzeria

First, let's calculate the costs. The average bill of a pizzeria near the house is about 450 rubles. Of this amount, 32% are ingredients (144 rubles), 2% are delivery costs (9 rubles), 3% of the proceeds go to the administrator (13.5 rubles). The cost of one order is: 144 + 9 + 13.5 = 166.5 rubles. Profit from one order is: average bill - cost = 450 - 166.5 = 283.5 rub. Fixed costs are made up of:

Total - 329 000 rub. per month or 10 966 rubles. in a day. The break-even point of the pizzeria is reached at: 329,000 rubles. (fixed costs) / 283.5 rubles. (profit from 1 order) = 1160 orders per month or 38 orders per day. Everything else is a plus. So, to earn 200 000r. per month "clean" must fulfill 61 orders per day. This is more than a real number.

Pitfalls of business - popular mistakes of beginners

  1. You should not overpay for renting a room - high rent will eat up the bulk of the profits. Take a little more time and pick up a less expensive item.
  2. Do not pay staff too much wages, believe me, this is not the main "motivator" of responsible work. Pay exactly as much as the labor market in your city requires.
  3. Spend more time on a young project - a hired manager with a large salary will not take care of the project the way you do.
  4. Implement controls to control the theft of proceeds. Fire dishonest employees without hesitation. And even if for this you have to change more than a dozen people.
  5. Build relationships with the tenants of the building (if the pizzeria is located on the first floor of an apartment building). Any complaints to Rospotrebnadzor can adversely affect the future of the establishment. And the extra hatred of the main customers will be useless.
  6. Conduct purchasing, sales and marketing analytics. Analyze successes and failures, develop the project and never stop developing.

How to choose business equipment

To open a pizzeria, you will need to purchase refrigerators, a dough kneading machine, a proofing cabinet, a cutting table, a chopper, tables and utensils for the hall, and kitchen utensils. You can buy everything you need directly from supplier companies, which will not only help you choose devices of the appropriate power, but also install it. Many vendors provide free equipment maintenance, which is extremely beneficial when starting a business.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

  • 52 - supply of catering products (for home delivery of pizza);
  • 40 - production and sale of snacks, drinks for consumption on the spot;
  • 30 - activities of restaurants and cafes;

What documents are needed to open a business

To open a pizzeria, registration of an individual entrepreneur is required. In addition, you will need:

  • Obtain the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor on the compliance of the premises with sanitary standards;
  • Draw up and approve a production control program;
  • Conclude contracts for planned disinfection of the premises;

Which taxation system to choose

Several taxation systems are suitable for registering a pizzeria:

  • UTII - the most profitable option for a novice businessman;
  • STS with the payment of 15% of the net income of the establishment - ideal for small establishments.