Open a construction business. How to open a construction company from scratch step by step instructions and how to implement them

The construction business is one of the most profitable in Russia. This is not the first year that the so-called "construction boom" has been going on and it will last for more than one decade. Not only residential buildings are being built, but also municipal buildings, factories, shopping centers. Even a young company can win a tender for the construction of a facility and earn a lot of money from it. You can find out how to participate in tenders.

Where to begin?

The first thing you need to do to open a company - determine the direction of work. Today allocate the following types construction companies:

  1. Architectural and design firm . Such a company is exclusively engaged in the design and execution of projects. For such firms, not only experienced, but also talented employees are important.
  2. General contractors . They are engaged in both redecorating the apartment and building large residential complexes. Opening requires powerful equipment and a large staff.
  3. Subcontractors-specialists . They are engaged in a certain list of works or perform construction work on a small scale. It is best to start a business with the opening of just such a company. For its work, only a small team of specialists is needed.
  4. Subcontractors-suppliers . Mainly engaged in the supply construction equipment and materials.

It is best to start as a specialist subcontractor. Then you can gradually expand the business.

Team Recruitment

First of all, a construction company should consist of specialists with specialized education. Diplomas, work books - all this is taken into account when joining the SRO.

To get started, you need to assemble a small team, which will include:

  • mason;
  • plumber;
  • an electrician;
  • painter-plasterer;
  • tiler-finisher;
  • high-altitude installer (if necessary).

At the same time, it is important that at least half of the employees have diplomas of special education, work experience of at least about 2-5 years.

A high-altitude fitter must have a work permit and pass a medical examination. An electrician must also have the same medical board and a certificate of admission to work with a class mark.

The main requirements that must be presented to employees:

  1. Having work experience;
  2. good faith;
  3. Ability to complete assigned tasks within the given time frame.

After you have orders and start making money, you can gradually hire employees with little or no work experience.

Company registration

After you have more or less formed a team, you can start registering an enterprise. This includes:

  1. Registration as . It is best to register as an LLC, as this will allow you to work for legal entities and government agencies. Registration will cost from 10,000 to 25,000 rubles.
  2. Building permit. You can get it by contacting the authorities local government. It is issued with the participation of the head municipality and chief architect of the city or district.
  3. Joining the SRO - a self-regulatory organization.

In the article we understand whether it is so difficult to open a construction organization and what nuances to take into account when choosing a direction of work. Find out what documents are needed to start your business from scratch, when you need SRO approval and other important aspects.

How to start a construction company

Decide in which area you want to provide services: building design, construction of structures, repair work or laying engineering networks.

There are 3 main areas construction works:

  • Repair and construction of roads. This is a sought-after niche, but opening such a company requires a lot of money, some of which falls on equipment. In addition, repair and construction work is tightly controlled by government agencies.
  • Construction of industrial buildings. It also requires significant investment a large number permissions.
  • Construction and renovation of real estate. The simplest of the presented directions. You can build different types of structures: from garages to residential buildings. For buildings above 3 floors, it is necessary to obtain the status of SRO (self-regulatory organization).

The choice of a niche depends on how much investment you need at the first stage and in the future to promote your business. If you do not have a specialized education and great experience work in the construction industry, choose services for the reconstruction and repair of premises.

What documents are needed to open a construction company

When creating a business from scratch, you need to register with the tax office and choose a legal form. If you plan to only repair work choose IP. For large-scale construction (buildings with a height of 3 floors or more), an LLC will be required.

To register as an individual entrepreneur you will need:

  • Extract from the Unified State. register of entrepreneurs (EGRIP)
  • Registration number- IP identifier (OGRNIP)
  • Certificate of registration with the tax service
  • Document on issuing codes from Rosstat
  • Pension fund registration data

When registering an LLC, almost the same set of documents is needed. The main difference is that all information is submitted from a legal entity.

Your next course of action:

  • Order a seal of your company and contract forms for the provision of construction and repair services
  • Register stamp and letterhead
  • Open a bank account and deposit authorized capital
  • For large construction company- submit an application to the SRO

How much investment will be required when opening a construction company from scratch

On average, you will have to spend from 10’000’000 - 12’000’000 ₽. The return on investment depends on the demand for services in the market in a particular region, quantity, competitors, competent advertising and a number of other factors.

  • Monthly rent of premises for an office and a warehouse for equipment and consumables.
  • Purchase of tools, equipment, its maintenance.
  • Employee salaries. Depending on the line of business, you will need design engineers, workers, an accountant, a secretary, etc. Part of the staff can be hired on an outsourcing basis.
  • Promotion and advertising. You can not do without a website where information about services, prices and other important materials will be published. In order for users to find you, it needs to be promoted and advertised in search engines.

Don't want to spend time creating and promoting construction organization? pay attention to ready business. These are companies that have been on the market for several years. They have regular customers and an established reputation.

Here's how to open construction company what is needed for this, what equipment, as well as finished example business plan for its opening.

At all times, construction has been and will be the most promising type of service provision, because. few of ordinary people he can build a house himself, renovate an apartment, change pipes, because it requires special skills, knowledge and professionalism.

In this article, we will consider the plan itself, as well as the basic information that is associated with the opening of repair and construction companies and their subsequent successful activities.

Business plan - example

We present you a free ready-made example sample business plan construction company to open a small repair and construction organization, consisting of 11 people, including the director.

We note right away that in your case, the costs, of course, can be significantly different, because. it all depends on the volume of services you provide, their types, as well as the number of orders and the amount of work.

Do not forget that many construction companies and firms very often use the services of leasing companies that provide special equipment, construction equipment and personnel for rent, so in which case you can easily increase your staff at any time by doing the same , but read about this below in the paragraph "Special equipment, equipment and leasing".

How to open a construction firm/company?

So, consider the information on how to open a construction company (company) in detail.

In fact, the process of opening this company is no different from any other. The key points for an LLC consist of the following points:

  1. Name of the organization - construction company;
  2. Location of the company;
  3. Authorized capital;
  4. The founders (participants) of the society.

Based on the above, you will need the following documents:

  • Copies of founders' passports and/or information about legal entities ah, who are the founders (name, location, OGRN, OKPO, TIN);
  • Information about the address of the location of the registered legal entity, i.e. you;
  • Information about the main activities of the construction company;
  • Information on the amount and method of formation of the authorized capital.

It would be easiest to contact law firms, because registration services are not expensive - around 3,000 rubles, but you can do everything yourself by paying the state duty and standing in line for a while.

But there are, of course, differences, or rather one thing - this is the need to have a special permit for certain types of work by construction companies (organizations), but read about this in the paragraph “SRO and other permits”.

Fields of activity - services rendered

So, what types of activities can your construction company - organization. There are the following areas:

  • Industrial engineering.
  • Civil engineering.
  • Road construction.

Each of them includes the following services:

  • Construction (turnkey or not) of buildings, residential buildings, warehouses, baths, garages, etc. The term "turnkey" means that you will build a complete facility with a roof, utilities, etc. elements.
  • Repair, installation, dismantling.
  • Additional services of a construction company. There are three of them:
    • Leasing of your equipment and personnel;
    • Education. If there are specialists in your company, you can provide training services for personnel of other companies. Often, when selling any equipment, these services are required.
    • Sale of goods: building materials, projects, building equipment. Moreover, when selling projects, for example, country houses, as a rule, they again turn to your construction company for their implementation, i.e. you will build them.

SRO and other permits

Many people think that the registration of an SRO or some other permission is required to open any repair and construction company and firm. In fact, this is far from the case. We list all the main types of "licenses" and the moments when they are required:

  • SRO(short for Self-Regulatory Organizations). Strictly speaking, SRO is not a license and not even a permit and admission, but the very status of a construction company (firm), on the basis of which some types of services that are associated with great risks are allowed. SRO is not required if you will build: buildings with a height of no more than three floors; block residential buildings in which the number of residential blocks does not exceed ten; buildings with an area of ​​less than 1500 sq.m.; objects of individual housing construction, which are intended for the residence of one family. Those. For an ordinary company, an SRO is not needed at all.
  • Building permit. Without it, nothing can be built anywhere. This permit is issued to construction firms and organizations by local governments with the participation of the head of the municipality and the chief architect of the district (city). The cost to get it is minimal.
  • License for the design of buildings and structures. Necessary for the activities of legal entities and entrepreneurs who do not have a legal education in order to provide design services.
  • License for engineering surveys during construction. This is a permit for engineering work in construction and design.

Special machinery, equipment and leasing

Here we will analyze not the cost of special equipment and equipment for construction and installation work, but a service thanks to which you can significantly reduce your costs for the purchase of all of the above and its maintenance.

So, leasing is, in its own words, rent by use. In this case, you will rent, although you can do this additionally. This service is simply necessary if your construction company lacks any equipment to carry out any work. You can rent everything from an excavator to a drill.

Not a single construction company can provide itself with all the necessary equipment, because it will be unprofitable for it. Some companies and organizations have this equipment in their staff, but, as a rule, its quantity is minimal. Besides, why buy an excavator and hire an excavator operator if you need them a couple of times a year? Therefore, before opening, think carefully about what you will need all the time. Usually this is the most minimal tool, without which no construction can do.

Options for cooperation and search for orders

If we talk about large-scale construction projects, then they are usually carried out with the participation of construction contractors. Those. one large organization- a company that has all the organizational skills, first participates in the tender, wins it and then hires other companies to cooperate in the construction of this facility. At the same time, some construction company builds the foundation, another conducts communications, and someone supplies windows and mounts them, etc. Those. having such a contractor as a friend will be very profitable business. But who knows, maybe you yourself will become one.

As for private construction (garages, baths, private houses), then it would be an excellent option to advertise or cooperate with outlets building materials. Do not forget about the Internet and, of course, advertising in the territories of villages, towns, etc.

We hope that this article on how to open a construction company and its business plan will help you start your own business.

The construction business in Russia is gaining momentum. Construction works are in great demand in the market. The need for housing among the population is growing, cities are getting upset, apartments are being sold, suburban residential complexes and villages are also in great interest and demand among Russians. The volume is increasing construction of commercial and industrial real estate in our country. We also note that the profitability of a construction company with experience is quite real up to 60%, and sometimes up to 100%. The payback period for the initial investment is one year on average.

So, where to start building your highly profitable construction business?

Let's start with the fact that a construction company is a serious enterprise, and before organizing it, accurate calculations are required, including calculations of risks and investments. As in any business, there is serious competition in the construction business (both among small and among large companies). But we all know that healthy competition improves the quality of services in the market.

Choosing the direction of the construction company

When creating a construction company from scratch, you should define a circle potential clients, choose a niche, such as finishing work for apartments or offices, or low-rise construction. There are construction companies that carry out construction, repair of premises, on a turnkey basis, there are specialized companies that repair roads or repair roofs.

Business registration

The work of any company begins with the registration of a legal entity with the tax authority at the location of such a person.
Register as individual entrepreneur is the simplest procedure requiring a minimum package of documents and low costs. To register Companies with limited liability more time and documents will be required, depending on the number of founders of the future Society. Many entrepreneurs prefer to entrust the registration of a company to competent lawyers who will prepare the documents correctly and explain all the legal nuances related to the organization of a construction company.

Joining the SRO

Important point organization of a construction company - SRO. Self-regulatory organization Builders gives permission for most of the repair and construction work associated with risks. AT unified register SROs have published a list of such organizations (can be found on the Internet on the official resource), the choice of SROs by each construction company is made independently.

The following documents are required to join the SRO:

1. Certificate of registration with the tax OGRN, as well as TIN and KPP
2. Charter of the company
3. Diplomas of secondary technical education and higher education engineering staff, certificates of completion of advanced training courses. Copies work books, labor agreements and contracts. For some workers, a certificate with a clearance group will be required.
4. Certificate of ownership of the office, or lease agreement for it
5. Decision on the appointment of the head of the company, if the founder of the company is one - a protocol on the appointment of the head. Order on the appointment of a leader
6. Extract from a single state register legal entities - Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The list is not exhaustive, some SROs may request additional documents.

For the construction of houses, baths, other buildings, the area of ​​​​which does not exceed 1500 square meters. m., repair and finishing works, as well as for the installation of light enclosing structures, entry into the SRO is not required.

How to come up with a name for a construction company

There are different approaches to choosing a name, for example, you can take into account and use the specifics of the company's chosen industry in the name, so that the name is "talking" and makes it clear what the company does. Someone chooses a name without reference to the profile of activity, something sonorous and memorable. There are opinions that it is necessary to promote a personal brand, and the name is made up of derived names and surnames of business owners.

When choosing a company name, you should understand who your target audience, and target the name to the group of consumers who will be interested in your services.

One of simple ways come up with the name of a construction company, this is to conduct a survey among future employees. Thus, you can collect a lot of interesting options and choose from them the name you like for the company.

How to write a business plan for a construction company

A business plan is the foundation for a good start for any business. To business plan you need to take it very responsibly, carefully think through all the stages and prescribe them. The better this work is done, the greater the chances for the success and prosperity of the future company.

In a good business plan for a construction company, the following points must be taken into account: recruitment, customer search, material costs and expected profit. More about these steps:

Recruitment for the company

The right selection of employees in a construction company plays a very important role. The reputation of a construction company often depends directly on its staff. When recruiting employees in a company, it should be remembered that it should consist of qualified and responsible specialists. You should not recruit people from the street without a recommendation, or such candidates should be given clear probation period work.

Finding clients for a construction company

One of the easiest and most affordable ways to get customers is place ads about your services on free bulletin boards on the Internet. Can do email newsletter by sending out offers with services to a potential audience of the company's customers. Do not forget about such an old and proven method of advertising as word of mouth. A grateful client will recommend the company to his friends if your work is done with high quality and on time. You can also motivate your customers nice bonuses for good reviews, such as free cleaning or removal of construction debris after repairs.

Everything is online. Now all self-respecting companies have their own websites, as well as pages in social networks with "live" reviews with photos and videos of the work performed. Customers, for the most part, before placing an order with a construction company, collect information on the Internet, get acquainted with the cost of services, read reviews about the company. So the cost of the site can pay off pretty quickly.

Worth paying attention to state auctions and tenders large companies to choose a service provider - in fact, this is a very large sales market for construction work, in this case, you should understand the conditions for participation and registration at specialized sites where tenders are held.

How much money do you need to open a construction company

When drawing up a business plan for a construction company, it often turns out that among the most expensive parts at the organization stage are the costs of obtaining an SRO permit, the material and technical part, and the fund wages workers.

The main investments when opening a construction company:

Large equipment, such as trucks, tractors, bulldozers, can be leased or leased, which will significantly reduce costs at the initial stage. construction tool can also be rented.

How much can you earn in a construction company

Much will depend on the chosen direction of activity. If we take average indicators, then the profitability of a construction company in Russia is 10-15%. The income of a not very large construction company is on average in the country from 1.6 to 2.5 million rubles.

Advantages of the construction business

There are many more pros in the construction business than cons. The advantages include:

  • Construction topics are always relevant, and real estate is only growing in price;
  • Relatively low risks of “losing everything”;
  • In a stable company, there is a constant amount of work;
  • Many construction companies with a competent approach are already profitable in the first year.

Cons of the construction business

  • Opening a construction company often requires tangible investments, a lot of investments;
  • New player in the market construction services will have to face competition from reputable companies and low-cost workers from the CIS countries in the construction services market;
  • You may have to face legal problems, for example - obtaining permission to build in certain areas.

It is possible to start a construction business from scratch. After all, every second owner of a large construction site started this way, and if they succeeded, then you will succeed too!

Read more: Sublease of apartments as a business. How to organize?

How to organize a construction company from scratch?

Market economy introduces significant changes not only in economic activity most enterprises, but also on the very perception of life by a modern person.

For many of us, it is no longer enough to simply have Good work with a stable income, but I want to open my own own business company. A business started and built from scratch with your own hands - here cherished dream truly entrepreneurial people.

In the present conditions, one of the most cost-effective and promising species business is considered to be construction. If you have chosen this type of commerce, then you need to know where to start. Building bussiness, this will help to avoid many typical mistakes that most novice entrepreneurs tend to make.

Features of the construction business

Like any modern commercial enterprise, the presented business is divided into several main categories, these are:
- the sphere of civil engineering;
- road construction;
- industrial construction of buildings.

Services of a construction company can be divided into two types:

Basic services, including such types of work as: the construction of residential buildings, garages, baths, warehouses, and so on, on a turnkey basis, and: installation, dismantling, repair of apartments and other premises;
- Additional services- leasing of personnel and equipment, sale of building materials, training of personnel from other companies.

To start a construction business from scratch you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

Writing a clear business plan;
- execution of all registration documentation;
- collection of permits;
- purchase of inventory, equipment, machinery;
- recruitment of qualified personnel;
- search for regular and new customers.

For successful commercial activity in the chosen direction, you will need to draw up good business plan. This is necessary not only for organizing a company, but also in order to get a loan from a bank.

It usually contains everything you need to know about the liabilities and assets of your firm, as well as what methods will be chosen to increase profits. With the help of a business plan, you will accurately calculate the payback and profitability construction company business.

Pros and cons of the construction business

The main advantage of engaging in the presented view entrepreneurial activity- this is an opportunity to get a good profit, though after a certain period. On average, the profitability of the construction business ranges from 50 to 70%.

Among all types of private entrepreneurial activity, this result is called the most impressive. It is also worth noting that the presented type of commercial activity pays off on average within one year.

To start a construction business from scratch be sure to own large financial resources. Also important is the ability to attract qualified and conscientious personnel and possession of sound knowledge in the chosen specialty.

However, as in any other commercial activity, you may encounter some pitfalls and problems. The most typical of them are the following:

1) A significant decrease in profits can cause problems such as difficulty in entering the market. A positive factor will be hiring employees who already have experience in this field, they will contribute to the fact that your company will have a good reputation in the market, you will not need to spend additional money on advertising. Also, hiring employees with experience is a great opportunity to avoid forced price cuts;

2) A company that has recently registered and is just entering a wide market may have serious problems obtaining a loan from large banking organizations. The fact is that banks doubt the stability and prospects of a young company. You can only convince them otherwise if you have a well-written business plan and significant assets;

3) When opening a construction company from scratch, be prepared for a high level of competition in the presented business area. To be successful, you must provide your customers with a good advantage over your competitors.

The financial component of construction activities

In order for your company to actively develop for a long time, you need to learn how to properly manage your accounting, without the correct calculation of profits and expenses it will be impossible to maintain stable development and make wise investments. What can we say about attracting new customers, and so on.

It should be noted that one of the important conditions for the organization of the construction business is the implementation of permanent large financial investments, delaying money at the stages of construction that has not yet been completed. Compliance with these conditions will allow a novice entrepreneur to make a good profit after some time.

There is the following list of main attachments:
- purchase of construction equipment;
- purchase of special equipment;
- transport taxes, advertising activities, taxes;
- lease of office and industrial premises.

One of the ways to reduce financial costs is not to purchase special equipment in the property, but to rent it. Usually, a significant part of the funds from start-up entrepreneurs goes to the promotion of the company and investments in advertising activities.

Good decision- is to create an Internet site for your company, which will provide a complete catalog of services, projects, price list, and so on. Investments in the site and advertising are among the most important.

Collection of necessary documentation

Each construction company must have the following set of documents:
- certificate of state registration;
- certificate of registration with the tax authorities;
- the charter of the enterprise;
- seal;
- statistical codes;
- decision on the formation of the enterprise.
Licensing of the company includes the collection of the following documents:
- building permit - issued by the local government and the chief architect;
- license for engineering work;
- license for the design of structures and buildings.


If you decide to organize your construction business from scratch, then you cannot do without hiring qualified and conscientious personnel. The reputation of the company, its performance and profitability will largely depend on this factor.

Depending on the specific conditions of doing business, the list of personnel may vary significantly, but usually it includes the following items:
- Purchasing Manager;
- designer;
- HR inspector;
- architect;
- foreman;
- lawyer;
- accountant.

If you plan to open a small finishing company, then the minimum number of people in one team is 4 people. Accordingly, they should include an electrician, a painter, a plasterer, and a carpenter. An important point is that in order to obtain a license in state institutions, at least more than half of the registered employees must have a higher education in construction.

To increase productivity, be sure to provide your workers with all the necessary set of construction equipment and inventory. They must be in good condition and regularly technical inspections and comply with safety standards and requirements. It is best to give your preference to an expensive, but high-quality tool than to purchase a cheap low-quality inventory.

How to attract new customers

For the successful development of any modern commercial enterprise it is imperative to be able not only to win your group of regular customers, but also to attract new customers. The implementation of this task will significantly expand the capabilities of your company, and reach a new level of development.

For start-up entrepreneurs, the following ways to find clients are suitable:
- Creation of own base of potential clients;
- the beginning of independent development of the site in order to further sell real estate on the market. You can start selling at any stage of construction - both at the initial and final stages;
- a good way to attract new customers is to receive orders after winning a government tender.

If you don't know how to open a construction business, then the presented material should definitely help you with this.

If you follow all the above recommendations and the proposed algorithm of actions, then the start of this type of entrepreneurial activity should not cause any obstacles and difficulties. It is worth remembering that success comes only to businessmen who are strong-willed and able to strive to obtain new information.