Creating an image and consulting stylists image makers. Organization of advertising and formation of the image of the make-up studio Open an image studio

Hello dear readers!

Today we have an amazing woman visiting us in the “Success Stories” section Oksana Bolbot, mother of a 3.5-year-old daughter, head of the image studio "Wardroberehab».

From the interview you will learn:

  • how parents, wanting the best, lead away from true aspirations;
  • who is a regional expert and how the profession of a political scientist is connected with work on the image;
  • high reward and cosmic emptiness in the soul;
  • how to open an image studio on maternity leave;
  • how to create a business on maternity leave, because practically without investments;
  • what is the difference between the profession of a stylist and the profession of an image maker;
  • wardrobe analysis online, as one of the areas of work;
  • how to organize the stable work of the image studio during your annual absence;
  • which will help you not be afraid of anything and achieve success in your business.

To listen to the recording, click on play (triangle)

Text version of the interview

Olga: Hello!With you Strugovshchikova Olga, the project "Mom's career". And today our guest in the Success Stories section is Oksana Bolbot, mother of a 3.5-year-old daughter, head of the WardrobeRehab image studio.

Hello Oksana!

Oksana: Olga, good afternoon! Hello dear girls!

Olga: My first question, which I ask everyone who comes to visit this section, is related to childhood memories. Tell me, please, what did you want to be when you were a little girl?

Oksana: Imagine, Olga, I dreamed of designing clothes and dressing people beautifully.

Olga: Wow!

From a regional expert to an image maker

Oksana: My parents didn't understand where I got it from. Since my mother is a speech therapist, and my father worked in the construction industry. But I was sure that I would dress people beautifully.

Oksana: Of course not. Then it's just not interesting to live! In my family, as in many families, parents dreamed of a better life for their child. Therefore, at the moment when I graduated from school, the specialty of a lawyer was fashionable. My parents dreamed of seeing me as a lawyer. I entered three faculties in Omsk State University. I myself am from Omsk. Entered the Faculty of Journalism, History and Law. I was lucky, I entered with a medal and it was easier for me to cover a large number of specialties and faculties. My specialty was rare at that time - regional studies. This is a political scientist, a person who understands the economic and political development of the region and helps it develop further. Do you understand how my career as a stylist began?

Olga: Unexpectedly!

Oksana: When I entered, my parents gave me the opportunity to make an independent choice of faculty. It so happened that I said: “Mom, I definitely can’t be. I'm not interested. I want a more humanitarian specialty. A philologist is a specialty, as it seemed to me, too serious. As a result, I chose regional studies. In my third year of university, I went to Moscow to speak at a linguistic conference on English language at Peoples' Friendship University. It so happened that I successfully performed and I was offered to transfer to the Faculty of Political Science.

And that was the beginning of my career, in terms of working on the image. First, I worked on the images of the candidates. I worked in State Duma. Worked on communication strategies. I consciously came to what I would like to do.

Then there was a whole series of formations. I went to London, studied stylistics. There I studied at the London School of PR, was engaged in communications. For a long time she worked with businessmen, formed communication strategy behavior and visual accompaniment: how a person should speak in front of cameras, how he should speak, how he should look, what gestures should be, etc. It was a very interesting job.

Olga: Yes, I agree.

Oksana: Yes. But unfortunately, I no longer belong to myself. There was a big problem and tragedy: at the age of 30, I suddenly realized that from the point of view of my career, everything is fine, but from the point of view of my personal life, it will probably never happen. Work replaced everything. And as soon as I realized this, I met my future husband. It's been such a wonderful story.

Cosmic emptiness in the soul and the understanding that I am doing the wrong thing

Olga: It's interesting, after all, at what point I wanted to work not with politicians, but with ordinary women, to help them find their own style.

Oksana: I had a very interesting story. I received a very large professional award based on the results of the most difficult project. I did not know that this project would be put up for competition and the market would appreciate it so highly. For me it was an explosion of consciousness: everyone congratulated me, they were very happy for me, and I looked at the figurine and realized that I had a cosmic void in my soul, I am absolutely not interested in either receiving this award or being proud that I have it. Those. It didn't motivate me at all.
I took a break and went on vacation and realized that if suddenly someday I have a family and a child, then I won’t even be able to really explain what I do. And at that moment it became important for me. And then, apparently, I matured, I wanted to help specific people, not to engage in ambitious, expensive projects, to watch and read the news that there is such and such a project, this star went somewhere, and then say: “Do you know, between other than that, it's my job." I wanted to work with real people, real problems, solve them and see a real response. And that is why I began to understand that I had always dreamed of doing my own business, I began to understand that the time has come when I can start my own business. This is how the idea of ​​the studio was born.

How to open an image studio? - Go on maternity leave :)

Olga: What were the first steps? I can imagine how difficult and scary it was.

Oksana: The first step was unusual. I do not advise anyone to go this way. I got pregnant. I got married, began to understand that I was already married and would soon be a mother. At the same time, I had time pressure at work, a huge number of business trips, a whole bunch of projects. And suddenly, 2 months after I began to stay at home, I was in the sphere of comfort, a state arose, as if I had been stunned, I suddenly became orphaned, I don’t know what happened, but something very bad. I began to miss the volume of work that I had. And I understood that I already wanted to and could return to work.

When you start something new, you think that you must have some investments or investors, you must have connections, have a business education. I had a whole bunch of ideas about how things should start right. Therefore, while I was thinking about finding investors, my stomach was actively growing. At 9 months of pregnancy, literally a few weeks before the birth, on my maternity money, I had a small amount of 15 thousand rubles, I opened a studio.

I suddenly just realized that I need to live here and now, that if I put it off for another year, I will never open it. Because I really wanted to be a good mother, while I had a wild fear that I would later regret very much if I did not do what I loved. On the one hand, you want to be in a family with a child, but at the same time you understand that you love your job so much that you can’t be without it. So I opened an image studio. And I think it was the right decision.

The studio is literally across the street from the house. We still don’t have a nanny, but at the same time I managed to make sure that the child goes to the kindergarten and I see this garden from the window, I see how my daughter walks and at the same time I work. And I really liked that I was next to her, in her life, but at the same time I am doing what I love. You see, I live in paradise!

Olga: This is an example that many readers of my site aspire to. An example that continues in a positive way! Thank you so much for your candid, in-depth account of yourself. I listened. Very interesting and your experiences are revealing. According to my observations, while working with my clients, it is pregnancy, the birth of a child, the birth of 2 children that turns many women towards their favorite work. These events are like a point of no return, that if not now, then it will be more and more difficult later.

Oksana: Absolutely right! You know, every child gives the mother incredible strength. With worries, insomnia, mommy problems, a child gives incredible energy that you can really direct to the implementation of your business without serious efforts. I often get asked questions, how did it happen that things went so well for you. I do not know. I felt like I was doing the right thing at the right time. Therefore, I strongly advise girls who are in such an expectation of change to act, not to wait for better times. They never come, you know?

I absolutely agree and tell my clients the same thing. No need to wait until the end of the decree, when the child is born, until he goes to Kindergarten. You managed to start your own business without global investments.

Oksana: Yes. I think that the specifics of my work affected here. Because my business is my head, I guess. Not every business you can start without money. But if you can start without money, you have to start.

Olga: Your example that you can start without global investment is illustrative. We can say that what you are doing now is connected with your calling, personal mission, favorite work, such high categories.

Oksana: I have an interesting condition. I often see girls who can't find themselves. After such meetings, and we try to help in this as well, I often think, why am I so lucky in my life? I was not looking for myself, I knew what I should do in life. I now understand that this is something rare, but there was a sense of purpose. Perhaps this is a feature of my character. In this regard, yes, I would like to do this business for the rest of my life.

Olga: Great!

Oksana: And moreover, I want to transfer my business to my daughter, if she wants to.

Olga: So that it doesn’t work out the same way as with your mother, who wanted the best for you.

Oksana: Exactly!

Professions stylist and image maker. What is the difference?

Olga: How do you define yourself: stylist, image maker?

Oksana: Each of these directions has its own essence. This is not the same thing - a stylist and an image maker.

When we talk about image maker , this is a person who creates, perhaps, an artificial picture of the world, an artificial image and creates all the symbols of this image and transfers them to a person. Suppose a simple person can make the image of a star, if necessary. We are doing this as well.

StilisT - this is a person who, as a rule, works at photo shoots, when a fairy tale, story, plot, photo session is transmitted within one frame. A certain style is performed there - baroque, rococo, avant-garde, anything. The work of a stylist is work at the intersection of art history, art history, and art. If we are talking about a stylist with a capital letter, then there is a lot of intellectual work and creativity in his work.

BUT image maker , in my opinion, these are certain schemes that you already know how to fit on each person in a certain way.

I started with image-making, and now we are more likely to approach the topic of style. But we have our own approach. And in the studio we work not as stylists-shoppers, for example. We don't just do shopping, we only do wardrobe. I use my experience, I help form the core of the image, help a woman open up, achieve her goals and help a woman see herself, understand why such styles, why such colors, how they respond in the soul. This is pretty deep work.

Therefore, for example, when I started working, I often followed the requests of the audience. Girls came and said that they came only for. We, of course, went forward. At first, we took on any work, we really wanted our project to develop. But then, over time, I realized that you need to educate your audience, to form a certain culture.

Over the 3 years of the project's existence, incredible clients have gathered! My project already lives outside of me! Therefore, if we talk in general about our approach to work, then we do not just advise, we train, we give a skill and this is our key goal. A girl comes to us for a color consultation, we do not just tell her how to wear these colors in her particular case, with her character, but she also works it out. And this approach applies to any block of work.

At one point, I realized that I am interested in helping a woman find freedom in finding herself. And then we build very close relationships, I am friends with many clients, very close relationships are established. It happens when a client becomes our employee and helps in different things. It's incredible!

Is it difficult to manage the team of an image studio?

Olga: I listen to you and understand that our activities intersect. You help people find themselves in your own ways, and I use mine and the mission is the same. And how many employees are there in the image studio today?

Oksana: We have a two-tier company system. A fairly large number of people work for us on a freelance basis. We order designs from different designers. Many issues are resolved through outsourcing. There are 7 people who work directly in the studio.

Olga: That is, you manage a fairly large team.

Oksana: I had a difficult moment. I went to Mexico for a year. My husband is a diplomat. The issue with our departure was decided suddenly, literally 2 weeks before departure. I was in a panic. Many said that we would not be able to continue working. And I'm glad that there was a departure for a year. First, the girls in the studio became very independent. Secondly, the studio itself began to live its own life, really its own life. I set a certain idea, format of work, atmosphere, and now I see that it lives, develops, and changes. It's incredible!

Therefore, yes, I am the leader, but at the same time we work on a partnership basis. Each team member is an important link and component. Therefore, for example, very often a person who does not coincide with us in terms of values, and in terms of the format, approach of work, he will not be able to stay with us for a long time. The girls are all professionals in their field, with a clear position, with their own style of counseling. I wanted to form a serious team and I am going in this direction.

Now there are other issues. It becomes difficult to manage and develop the project and consult. I can't do without advice! I don’t want to do business in its purest form in order to look at the same sales funnels, increase the number of customers, etc. These are all important points, but I understand that this destroys my soul. This is a difficult question.

Online style advice

Olga: The same thing happens to me. Indeed, I really like consulting, conducting trainings, and everything else, as an opportunity to create a financial flow, is not only a pleasure. Your image studio is located in Moscow. But there is also a representation on the Internet. When did the idea to go online come about? How is it possible to advise girls on the Internet without seeing them in person? What features online work?

Oksana: When I opened the studio, we immediately started working on the Internet. When I had a large number of consultations in my schedule, I realized that I was not able to be mobile, I already had a very large belly, 9 months pregnant. My husband told me not to go anywhere, so as not to give birth in the subway.

I was sitting at home and I had an idea for my clients to develop a step-by-step wardrobe analysis, which is sorted out under my guidance, but at the same time I may not be physically present. For 3 months of the existence of this wardrobe analysis system in LiveJournal, about 1000 people began to read us. Provided that I was not engaged in promotion at all, I became a mother, I had no time for that. The fact that a large number of people began to read us was a confirmation for me that I intuitively chose the right direction, the guardian angel indicated to me that I needed to move on.

At the same time, we began to develop platforms. Now there is a lot of activity in the studio and there is not enough time for the venues, this is my task now, there are many plans for their development. Therefore, the Internet is with the same philosophy, with the same people. There is one feature on the Internet - it lives 24 hours a day and does not tolerate a long silence. A person writes and expects a reaction right there, but each of us has a family, children, and it is physically difficult to do it on our own. It's good that there are girls who help with.

Olga, come visit us. We will be happy that you will get acquainted with our project. Learn how to choose the right wardrobe, not everyone knows how to do it.

Sincere and inspiring wishes from the guest

Olga: I am very inspired by our communication. Thank you very much! Before saying goodbye, I want to ask you to leave a wish to our readers, perhaps in terms of finding yourself, your destiny, how not to be afraid of difficulties.

Oksana: Dear girls, I have some key messages for you! Believe in yourself! Remember that that you are alone and only you live your life. It is very important to return to the starting point, to yourself. Around you a huge number of people who have plans for you. Someone would like to see you not as you really are. But you see, a happy woman will give 1000 times more than a woman who follows the lead of the whole world. Of course, there are people whose opinion must be taken into account, but listen to yourself, if this is not discordant with you. Everything will work out then. Because your serious attitude will change a lot, your fullness becomes a different format.

Please don't be afraid of anything. During my journey, I understand that only movement creates movement. Only when we do something, even if small step every day, after some time there will be a very good result. If we are afraid to do something, in 20-30 years it may suddenly turn out that the opportunities that opened up before you were missed and only because you simply did not want to do it for real. If you need moral support or a fairy kick, then we are ready to provide it to you, write to us.

And don't give up. Business, in my opinion, is a set of consistent actions. Take action! Not the fact that it will work the first time. It is important to hear the signals from your target audience and take them into account. But at the same time, if you intuitively feel that the idea that you are living now has the right to exist, spend your time and energy on making it appear. You understand that this is a global process. Business is not being a mother of a child, but of an organization. When your case first lies, then crawls, then gets up, then starts to destroy everything, etc. etc. Nevertheless, act, go towards the dream, everything is real!

Olga: Thank you! I won't add anything more. I will say that I was very glad to get to know you better! I'm just delighted with our acquaintance!

Oksana: Thanks! Come visit, chat, drink tea. We will be waiting with great pleasure!

Oksana Bolbot shared her success story on how to open an image studio on maternity leave.

image consulting consultant, creator of the well-known Wardrobe Rehab wardrobe dismantling project.

In the profession since 1999.

Graduate of the course in the history of fashion, style and image-making of the Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design (London), Studio for the development of creative abilities L.M. Popova, London School of PR.
Author of more than 10 trainings on image, style and PR technologies.
Teacher of the school of stylists "Persona".

Interviewed by:

Psychologist helping mothers find their favorite job, author of the project "Mom's Career"

I express my gratitude to Inna Akhremenko for her help in preparing and arranging the interview.


If you want to find a job that you will like and bring the desired income, then. To get free access to the course, enter your name and e-mail in the form below.

Image studio Mia-Donna provides image and style services. Your new image will allow you to feel confident in any situation. With the help of the advice of an image maker, you will learn how to choose clothes according to individual characteristics figures, combine elements of the wardrobe, combine colors and accessories, skillfully focus on external merits.

Your finished image

Create image:

  • Purposefully form an image that affects the psycho-emotional state.
  • Make an impression on others.
  • Find self-expression through clothes, manners, jewelry, denoting your uniqueness.

The new fashionable style will be convincing only in harmony with the worldview, natural temperament and lifestyle.

Components of the image:

We position ourselves in society with the help of clothes, gadgets, accessories, gestures, confident look and other significant little things. The subconscious mind instantly reads information about a person, so your image matters:

  • dimensional - perception by other people in the first 15 seconds. Of course, this is the appearance, the details of the toilet, the image as a whole;
  • kinetic - facial expressions, movements, manners, posture;
  • verbal - presenting oneself through speech, timbre, intonation and diction;
  • embodied or corporate - your business card, like a published article or baked pies with your own hands;
  • mental - worldview, actions and the ratio of words and deeds.

The costume model, color and design of accessories is the language in which we communicate with the world.

The successful image of a modern person is due to a complex creative approach to creating a spectacular appearance, aimed at determining social status, supported by manners, behavior, level of education and an impeccable wardrobe. professional work image makers allows you to admire the perfection created.

How to create your image?

The desire for change is a natural emotional and aesthetic need of a person. In order to harmonize the appearance with the internal state, determine for yourself:

  • the effect of the end result;
  • model a new image;
  • designate solutions;
  • choose a new credo or slogan to accompany the process;
  • find a source of creative inspiration;
  • support yourself psychologically - come up with a beautiful legend.

If you decide to radically change, you should:

  • Carefully analyze the appearance.
  • Determine the type and proportions of the figure and face, color type. This can be done based on information from ladies' magazines.
  • Visit a stylist - he will help to correctly create an image.
  • Spend your leisure time shopping. Clothing, chosen wisely and with taste, is a bonus to the hairstyle and appearance.

Individuality is determined by the little things

It is expressed through accessories in the composition of new ensembles of wardrobe elements or a successful “cocktail” of several styles.

Desire, motivation in the search for a new style will certainly be crowned with success.

Explore our services in detail.

You can find all prices for image creation services

The image of a beauty salon is created by everyone: marketers, advertisers, designers, but not least - the head himself, stylists, administrator.

What tasks can a positive image of a beauty salon solve?

  1. Maintaining the prestige level of the salon, which is facilitated by the creation of a unique corporate identity.
  2. Effective promotion of the services offered through thoughtful advertising and marketing activities. A positive image and the right image make it easier to include new services in the price list, as customers already have a certain level of loyalty.
  3. Creation of conditions for high competitiveness of the salon. IN modern conditions competition often comes down to comparing customers with the formed image of different companies.

The corporate image creates the right impression for visitors. Its "planning" is determined by the corporate strategy and the tasks that face the management of the salon. Images of a beauty salon can be very diverse: conservative; creative; innovative; small mobile office or a respectable network; studio with a wide range of services or a specialized institution.

In addition, the task may be to create an image of the availability of services for a wide range of visitors, or, conversely, to give the salon an exclusivity. Each positioning option, with the right approach, can be quite effective.

Positioning issues also include the choice of suppliers and other enterprises participating in the established service delivery system.

beauty salon image structure

1. The image of the service provided in the salon. An idea about the features of the service in a particular salon, which make it unique, different from similar procedures in other establishments.

2. Image of visitors. Here it is important to take into account issues such as social status, lifestyle, habits and preferences of customers.

3. Internal image of the beauty industry establishment. This element of the structure of the overall image includes the representation of employees and staff about the salon. In this case, employees are not only an element that contributes to increasing competitiveness, but also as a channel of information about the salon. In matters of forming the internal image of a beauty salon, an important role is played by the microclimate in the team, collective ethics and culture.

4. Image of owners and managers. Each individual image of executives and founders matters. It consists of appearance, social status, actions, features of non-verbal behavior, moral values ​​and intentions.

5. Image of employees. In this case, we are not talking about a personal, but about a collective image of the attendants. The image of specialists and employees is created in the process of direct contacts with visitors. In the course of such contacts, each specialist is perceived by the visitor as the “face” of the salon, therefore, by the level of one employee, they can judge the staff of the institution as a whole.

6. Visual image. This element of the overall image structure expresses the idea of ​​the institution, which is formed on the basis of visual information regarding the interior of the salon, its external design, shop windows, signboards, corporate identity elements, and also regarding the appearance of the attendants.

7. Social image. This concept includes the impression created by the representatives of society about the role of the beauty industry in the socio-cultural and economic life.

8. Business image. The business image of a company is a representation of it as a subject commercial activities. This element has two components:

  • business reputation (honesty and compliance with ethical business practices);
  • business activity (number of regular customers, revenue volumes, flexible approach to pricing, modern equipment, etc.).

Formation of the image of a beauty salon

1. Setting goals for creating an image.

2. Determining the image of the consumer (socio-demographic position, age, main activity, etc.).

3. Formation of an image concept (principles, values ​​that are inherent in the salon and are important for its customers).

4. Analysis of the resources of the beauty industry object, which are necessary to create a certain image.

5. Creation, implementation and strengthening of the formed image in the minds of consumers.

6. Analysis of the actually formed image, control over the implementation of the planned action program.

The creation of a certain image should be carried out according to the planned master plan, which includes four main parts.

  1. Foundation formation.
  2. Creation of an external image.
  3. Creation of an internal image.
  4. Creating an abstract image.

The purpose of each part of the master plan is to solve problems in three directions.

  1. Ensuring a sufficient level of professionalism in working with the client.
  2. Strengthening a positive image successful institution, which motivates visitors to come to the salon and trust you.
  3. Creation of emotional connections with consumers of services.

The master plan makes it possible to build a solid base for the formation of the external and internal image of beauty establishments.

The external and internal image (tangible) is the representation obtained on the basis of what he saw, heard, felt during a visit to the salon, as well as the result and effect of the procedures.

An abstract (intangible) image refers to the reaction of visitors to the service and atmosphere in a beauty salon. Here, the emotional state and attitude of the staff to their work plays a more important role. An abstract image is an equally important element in overall structure positive image of the beauty salon. Its formation lies entirely on service personnel and his ability to connect emotionally with visitors.

The internal image is understood as the atmosphere inside the institution and the team, which can be expressed as devotion to one's company.

In matters of the external image, a special role is played by public opinion, which is created in the process of promotions, interactions with the media. mass media and society.

To form a positive image is a more voluminous task in comparison with effective advertising. This requires an integrated approach and a multi-stage plan of interrelated and interdependent activities. The maximum effectiveness of the implementation of such a plan can be achieved if all its sections are worked out. Under such conditions, the master plan is guaranteed to help to adequately assess the situation and change it in the right direction.

Opinion practitioner

Olga Dubrovina, Head of SERVICE PLUS

Unfortunately, the desire to sell a service or product at any cost is not uncommon. At the same time, it does not take into account at all whether the client of the salon needs it or not. Empty promises are not only useless, but also harmful to the image of the salon, because a deceived client is a lost client. The people who have been duped will spread the word about the low level of service in the salon around the world. The salon business thrives when a base of satisfied and loyal customers has been created, and positive word of mouth works for the image and influx of customers into the beauty salon. Therefore, the course of honesty and decency - required condition beauty salon success.

What tools can be used in shaping the image of a beauty salon

  1. Corporate identity is the base and main tool in creating the image of a beauty salon.
  2. Visual elements (window design, packaging, staff uniforms and other techniques)
  3. The presence of a recognizable element in various interior layouts and advertising, as well as the use of corporate colors.
  4. Verbal elements are a thoughtful style that is focused on the needs of visitors.
  5. Advertising media - the choice of advertising media that ensures a positive attitude from customers.
  6. Promotions and PR events that help establish closer ties with society in general, and consumers in particular.

Opinion practitioner

Eva Katz, founder of the agency social promotions Tokki and managing partner of 5 o "click" online sales agency

For the beauty industry, social media is a source of repeat sales. In them, you can offer promotions, work with an existing audience, and sell services to them. Social networks can create the image of your salon, set the tone. For example, in my practice, only with the help of social networks, we were able to attract a whole new section of a new young audience to a sports club and create an image for an institution that no one could have dreamed of. Correct positioning in in social networks opens up a lot of possibilities. "Correct" is the key word.

The principles of forming the image of a beauty salon

Principle 1. Where to start.

A business project for a beauty salon is always drawn up based on its concept and the range of services provided. In the salon business, there are five types price category clients: VIP level, luxury, prestige, business and economy class. Each level implies not only the client base, but also the list of services, the area of ​​​​the premises, the number of jobs and the location of the salon. The concept of a beauty salon is its focus on a specific service sector. Conventionally, it can be a fashion salon that provides hairdressing, pedicure, manicure and solarium services. SPA salons specializing in relaxation services are thalassotherapy, massage, aromatherapy and light therapy, as well as salons with a medical direction, these are correction and rejuvenation of the face and body, and cellulite treatment. Most often, the owners of beauty salons try to provide their customers with as many services as possible from different areas of service.

Principle 2. Location.

The location of the salon is the main component for its successful development. Attendance, profitability and income depend on the chosen location, so a VIP-level institution can be located in the city center or in an elite area. The main components of such a salon are high prices and an elite level of service. For a residential area, such a salon will be unprofitable; an institution with affordable prices and a standard set of services will take root here more: haircut-coloring, pedicure-manicure, beautician and solarium. In elite areas, the range of services can be expanded and, accordingly, slightly increase prices. Inexpensive beauty salons are usually located on the thoroughfare streets, not far from office and shopping centers. Visitors to such establishments are usually people with a busy work schedule, who can during a break or after labor day run for any service. Therefore, it is very important to take into account the location of the salon and the category of the population living in the area.

Principle 3. Pricing policy.

The cost of services is the main indicator of the level of the salon. Prices for services filter customers and build a customer base. The main thing here is that the ratio of price and quality always corresponds to the level of the institution. Already after the first visit, the client will feel how this salon justifies its status.

Principle 4. Corporate identity.

The corporate identity is determined after the concept of the salon, its name and level have already been chosen. After that, they develop a design project for the salon: corporate color, logo shape, clothing for staff, design pages on the site and the interior of the room. This also includes accompanying design - lighting, music, smell, beautifully designed price list, booklets, showcase - everything that can affect the impression and mood of the client.

Principle 5. Musical accompaniment in a beauty salon.

Musical arrangements, like smells, have a great influence on the client's experience. It depends on them how much the client can relax during the procedure, enjoy it, especially if these are the services of a cosmetologist or masseur. When carrying out other procedures, these factors should also be taken into account, because clients come to the salon not only for a service, but also to relieve psychological or emotional stress. When choosing music, you need to focus on the classical or jazz repertoire, as well as special music for relaxation.

Principle 6. Design of the institution.

The interior of the salon is his image, he should already have the client, starting with the open door. Beautiful design, soft and comfortable furniture, modern equipment, friendly staff, cleanliness and comfort - all this affects the first impression of the salon. A welcoming interior always inspires confidence in customers.

Principle 7. Personnel.

After the client's first impression was formed by the influence of a beautiful and inviting interior, the second criterion in evaluating the salon is the level of service. A pleasant atmosphere in a beauty salon depends on friendly staff. You can only attract loyal customers with good and quality service. To do this, you need to provide services, taking into account the wishes of customers, be aware of fashion trends, be well versed in new products, know new technologies in your industry, be able to correctly select care products and be a qualified specialist. Any specialist in a beauty salon should be somewhat of a psychologist, since many clients come with their own problems, which they often share with the master. Therefore, here you need to be tactful and delicate in communication. To earn the trust of a client means to get a regular visitor to a beauty salon. Each client, leaving the beauty salon, should feel beautiful and happy, this is what the main objective masters. By following all the rules, you can be sure that next time your client will not come alone.

What else in a beauty salon affects the image

The name of the beauty salon

They say, whatever you call a yacht, it will float. This saying also applies to beauty salons. The name you choose for your salon will determine its success. The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a name is the correspondence of the concept of the salon, taking into account its interior. The second is simplicity and ease of pronunciation and memorization.

You should not associate the name of the salon with the name of its owner, use long words and special terms. A salon called "Beauty Clinic" can scare away a client with its alleged purely medical specialization. In addition, an institution with such a name should be large-scale with a full range of dermatological and cosmetic procedures. The services of a hairdresser and a manicurist will be inappropriate here. The name of the beauty salon should emphasize its image.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the name of the salon will appear in brochures, booklets and announcements. It should immediately attract attention, be beautiful and at the same time easy to remember. The next factor in the title is its artistic design. With this, it is best to contact a typographic design studio, where you will be offered several options with sketches for a salon sign and booklet design.

beauty salon slogan

The slogan for a beauty salon reflects its goals and objectives, this is the motto of the company. The slogan should encourage action not only for employees, but also for prospective customers. Just a few words can form a definite opinion about the institution, its products and services. Basic requirements for the slogan:

  • brevity and conciseness;
  • induce a positive attitude;
  • the absence of negative prefixes -not- and -ni-;
  • should be easy to remember;
  • match the profile of a beauty salon;
  • have an impact on a specific target audience;
  • generate interest in products and services.

It is very good when the name of the salon is in harmony with the slogan. An excellent example is L'Oreal and Wella, whose slogan is on everyone's lips - "You are great" or "You deserve it." In both cases, the fact of the possibility of achieving perfection is stated if this prestigious product is used.

Beauty salon logo

If the salon has its own logo, then it belongs to a certain caste in its professional field. In most cases, the logo can easily determine the scope of the company. The main requirements for a logo are recognizability, aesthetics, memorability, originality and the ability to easily reproduce. The logo defines the character of the company, its seriousness and professionalism.

Brand colors of the beauty salon

The color scheme plays big role in the design of a beauty salon. It affects the emotional perception and feeling of not only the client, but also the working staff. I must say that calm, warm and not bright colors should prevail in a beauty salon. This is especially true for SPA salons, whose activities are aimed at providing the services of a massage therapist, cosmetologist and all anti-stress procedures. Here you need to use a pale color scheme of green, blue or sand shades. More juicy tones can be used in beauty salons focused on nail service and hairdressing services. Bright and saturated colors are suitable only for children's and youth hairdressing salons.

It is good if the color scheme of the interior matches the color scheme of the signboard and promotional products. I must say that pale pastel colors on promotional printed matter look unfavorable. In this case, you need to resort to some key points in the design and use them for advertising purposes.

The color scheme of the beauty salon also affects the choice of furniture and decor. Some colors or shades exclude or oblige to design a stylized interior. Cold colors and minimalist style exclude the use of floral decorations. Also, certain requirements are imposed on the oriental, classical or thematic style.

The organization of advertising is the most important component in the marketing policy of the enterprise. Specialists identify economic and communicative goals of advertising. The former are directly aimed at the purchase of a product or service, the latter are indirectly aimed at this.

TO economic goals advertisements include: support for the sale of goods; formation of a need for a given type of product (or service); motivation to purchase goods of a particular company; stimulation of demand for the provided service; announcement of discounts, price reductions; reducing the time for launching a new product (or service) on the market; encouraging potential buyers to attend a master class, exhibition, etc.; presentation of new product properties, new design.

Communication goals include: familiarization of consumers with new service, new brand, new firm; increasing the level of awareness of the service; informing consumers (for example, about price changes); changing the image of the company's products in a certain direction (modernization, new design); maintaining the integrity of the company's products; prompting the desire to follow the example of those buyers who have already purchased the advertised products, etc.

"Public Relations" - promoting the establishment of mutual understanding and goodwill between the individual, organization and other people, groups of people, groups of people and society as a whole through the dissemination of explanatory material, the development of exchange (information) and the assessment of public reaction. Key task"public relations" is to overcome the "barrier of distrust" to the service provided and the company.

In the field of "public relations", the management will carry out the following activities:

  • - study of public opinion, public attitudes and expectations, recommendations of the necessary measures to form opinions and meet expectations. Each guest will be asked to complete a Comment Cart;
  • - establishing and maintaining two-way communication based on truth and full awareness;
  • - prevention of conflicts and misunderstandings, as well as the formation of respect for the wishes of the client;
  • - formation of a friendly relationship with staff, with suppliers;
  • - attraction of qualified workers;
  • - advertising services;

During the development of the make-up studio, competitive advertising will be used, which is aimed at characterizing its differences and stimulating consumers to visit this enterprise. Advertising consists in the development of appropriate promotional materials, the choice of distribution channels and the actual conduct of the advertising campaign.

  • - advertising in print media;
  • - advertising from TV;
  • - advertising on the radio;
  • - outdoor (external) advertising;
  • - the Internet.

But we must not forget that each advertising medium has its own advantages and disadvantages:

1. Magazines (in particular, professional ones) are one of the most effective means transmission advertising message due to the high level of selectivity. Magazines are especially good for image advertising.


longer life expectancy compared to newspaper advertising,

high printing quality

publication prestige,

opportunity to demonstrate product samples,

high level of selectivity of target groups.


small runs,

low efficiency in changing the layout,

high training costs

high cost of accommodation

2. Television advertising is the most selling, mass and most versatile means of advertising that affects a wide audience. Since television advertising has low selectivity, it is suitable for advertising goods or services in general demand.


simultaneous visual and sound impact,

ensuring a high degree of viewer involvement,

thematic programs make it possible to choose the target audience,

strong psychological impact (due to the personal nature of the appeal to the viewer),


the high cost of making a television commercial,

the negative attitude of viewers to the interruption of programs for commercial breaks.


omnipresence and publicity,

tariffs are relatively low, which is attractive for small firms,


lack of visibility

the lifetime of a radio message does not exceed the duration of its transmission,

low concentration: people listen to the radio while doing other things,

listeners often switch to other radio stations.


a high degree of focus on the target audience (up to a specific recipient),

the use of various means of influence (video, sound, special effects),

facilitated control over contacts with the audience,

the possibility of interactive contact and its low cost.


limited audience only to Internet users,

lack of qualified specialists.

The magazine "KOSMETIK international" is the first cosmetics magazine in Russia, glossy magazine, published monthly, talks about the latest innovations in cosmetic products. The magazine covers the most interesting city events related to the beauty industry;

Magazine "Choose" - a guide to entertainment and cultural life metropolis, a reference guide, the first assistant in the quality organization of recreation and leisure.

Booklet printing will be ordered to advertise the enterprise. The purpose of booklets is to convey information to the end user in an intelligible and colorful way. They are used for promotional and informational purposes. The booklets will contain information about the company, the services provided, the logo, Contact Information, graphic materials.

Radio advertising is economical and simple, and the rates for radio advertising are much lower than for other types of advertising. Regional radio advertising will be used to advertise the enterprise. Output 5 times a day on 3 radio stations:

  • - radio station Borneo Voronezh;
  • - radio station Europe Plus Voronezh;
  • - radio station Russian radio.

Outdoor advertising is a great way to attract customers. Outdoor advertising is not only easy to catch the eye and easy to remember. She is efficient and able to serve up-to-date information. Outdoor and outdoor advertising will be presented in the form of an illuminated signboard and a panel structure. Also for outdoor advertising billboards, banners, light boxes installed near the institution will be used.

The Internet has become one of the most powerful tools by which businesses acquire their customers. Advertising in global network has become a constant companion of success, and the target audience networks - educated people with average and above average incomes - the most grateful audience. Advertising of the Lifestyle Beauty and Health Center will be placed on city specialized or news sites:

  • - "Voronezh 36on" - Voronezh City Internet Portal;
  • - "Voronezh-Country of Beauty" - a women's online magazine, a portal dedicated to beauty and beauty salons;
  • - "Nightparty" - an online catalog of clubs, bars, restaurants in Voronezh, reviews, photos.

A list of e-mail addresses of clients will be created and mailing lists will be periodically arranged with surveys about what they like about the organization of work and what does not suit them. Based on these data, appropriate changes will be made. Information about holding various events, information about discounts and discount programs will be sent out, as well as congratulations for all holidays.

The projected enterprise will widely use a discount program and a differentiated system of discounts for regular guests. Issuance of personalized discount cards- a good move to create a database of your guests and use it for mailing information, birthday greetings.

Another not unimportant service is the attraction of well-known wedding salons.

Creation of the image of the company is the creation of the most positive and modern image of the enterprise that meets the requirements and level of the consumer.

The main elements of the image include: service culture; culture of design and territorial location; image of employees and their qualifications; advertising.

The first impression of the enterprise is reinforced by a business card and an employee badge. The strict style of the card emphasizes solidity and solidity, creates the impression of ease of communication.

Quite a few important point the image is the external attractiveness of its employees and especially the leader, in addition, such an important point as service and professional customer service cannot be missed, therefore, the appropriate managers will conduct the correct selection of personnel. The logo of Elite vmzazha studio also forms certain emotions and associations among customers.

The work on creating an image is complex, it includes several stages: the formation of an individual style concept, wardrobe analysis, shopping support and assistance from a stylist, a case with visual selections by style, consultation with a stylist on make-up and hair, and more...

I adhere to the postulate “it is better to be than to seem”, although as a professional image maker-stylist I can do it in such a way as to “seem” too. I work with people for whom it is important not to betray themselves, but to express themselves outwardly in the most complete and interesting way. External prettiness is good, but not in itself, but together with the "stuffing". Clients appreciate me for the fact that I make their "stuffing" beautiful.

If you want to get comprehensive information about your style, see what elements make up your individual style, what items of clothing and accessories can best express your personal idea, get acquainted with the options for suitable hairstyles and makeup, and also get visual examples of sets - this service is for you.

Basic wardrobe- this is not only a social portrait of a person, in a sense it can be considered an autobiography or a collection of self-portraits. A self-portrait is what the artist thinks about himself, about who he is. By shaping your wardrobe, you create a story about social status, preferences, hobbies and much more.

When the work with the stylist has come to an end, you may have a question: “What next? Will you be able to support me later?” Of course yes. For this we offer you subscription service. An image maker's consultation will always be at hand.

Many of our clients, before working with us, assessed shopping as a tedious and time-consuming process, and even “could not stand it”. Professional image consultants of the agency "Turkenich Style" will show you that shopping with a stylist can rightfully become an exciting affair that leaves only pleasant emotions in your memory.

At the heart of a harmonious image there is always a personality with its own values, aspirations, and beliefs. Clothing and behavior is a consequence, it is what we see from the outside.

The day has come when you have made the decision to change. Together with a personal image maker, you have created your new image, changed your wardrobe, makeup, hairstyle and even body language. But how to evaluate all these changes, look at your new "I" and make sure that you have achieved a result?

Some believe that men rarely turn to a stylist, but this opinion is erroneous. We have been successfully working with male clients for a long time, most of which are business owners or managers, as well as middle and senior managers. For them, the goals and objectives of interaction with the stylist-image maker are quite obvious, which greatly simplifies the task.

Consultation and assistance of a stylist to create an image

Someone will say: "I myself can find suitable clothes for myself, I have everything in order with taste, why do I need a stylist ?!" Yes, such people are not our clients… For the time being. But there are others who do not lag behind the trends of the times, appreciate the quality in everything, who are not alien to perfectionism. And also those who, for a number of reasons, are faced with the need to improve some aspects of their personal image.

If you are viewing this page, then you are one of them.

  • You value yourself as a unique person and want to find a harmonious continuation of your "I" in clothes.
  • You want to reach new heights in any areas: personal, professional, social.
  • You like to devote time to your loved one, but perhaps it is time that you lack.
  • You want to shift the worries about your image, appearance and wardrobe on the shoulders of professionals.
  • You need to carefully prepare for any event.

Natalia Turkenich and her assistants are happy to help you with this, while observing the principles of professional ethics:

  • confidentiality,
  • careful and delicate attitude to the appearance of the client,
  • priority of the client's interests.

The image agency "Turkenich Style" offers you the program "Transformation. Individual style ", which will allow you to solve these problems, we recommend starting with it work on personal style.

If it’s not enough for you to just look amazing, we are also happy to offer you a range of additional services.

  • "Tripping. Beautiful posture!
  • "Good manners"

The team of professional image and style consultants of the Turkenich Style agency will help you solve any tasks related to creating or changing your personal image. Especially for you, we have developed, as a result of which you will look amazing and feel the strength to reach new heights.

The fashion world is fickle, trends change each other every season. If you want to always be fashionable and stylish at the same time (which is not the same thing), but at the same time you do not have time to follow the trends and you do not have time to understand all the nuances, consultation with an image maker-stylist is exactly what you need. The advice of a professional will eliminate the risk of extra items in your wardrobe.

A style and image consultant will create for you, which you can easily use to achieve your personal and professional goals. As a result of working with an image consultant, you will free your closet from unnecessary things, learn how to combine wardrobe items with each other and navigate current trends. Your wardrobe will suit your personality and the requirements of different dress codes.

Change of image affects all aspects of appearance

This applies to clothes, accessories, hairstyles and makeup, gait and manners. The choice of hairstyle and hair color should meet the needs of the client and emphasize natural virtues, without conflicting with the general concept of style. Therefore, our program "Transfiguration" includes consultations of stylists, makeup artists and hairdressers.

External changes in your image will invariably lead to qualitative changes in your life. But if this is not enough for you, then together we can work on other aspects of your personal image. The Turkenich Style agency provides a range of additional services:

  • "Tripping. Beautiful posture!
  • "Good manners"

Image agency Natalia Turkenich is ready to provide you with a high level of professionalism, our image consultants will be happy to help you achieve the most ambitious goals!