What is needed to open a second hand department. Own business: how to open "Second-hand"

  • Where to begin?
  • The documents
  • room
  • Recruitment
  • Advertising
  • Summing up

Currently, prices are rising for absolutely everything, including clothing. It can be especially expensive for those who need to update their wardrobe, and at least for several days in a row wear something for a shift. However, some people have been able to find a solution to this problem by buying clothes from second-hand shops. Moreover, these stores are intended not only for those who cannot afford expensive clothes from ordinary stores, but also for those who want to buy clothes from famous brands, since such things can often be found here. Therefore, it is safe to say that such a business will be relevant for customers of different walks of life. Below we will tell you how to open a second-hand store from scratch, what documents are needed for this, where to find suppliers and, last but not least, what kind of staff to select.

Where to begin?

Before opening a store, the first step is to find clothing suppliers, because. This is what your business will be based on. The purchase of goods for second-hand is usually carried out by weight. Most often, such clothes are sold in large bags, which can contain both high-quality items and rags that can only be used for washing floors. Quality items will help you recoup the money spent and earn money, but in order not to get a pig in a poke and not buy just rags, you can make purchases from trusted suppliers. There are even special firms that sell clothes from Europe. Although here you can buy goods more expensive, but in terms of the amount of marriage, this option is more attractive. Also, from companies you can find much more high-quality and worthwhile goods for your own second-hand.

Another option is to buy clothes of famous brands, but outdated. It will be new and unworn. In addition, it will be able to attract more young people to your store. As a cost, this option will cost you the most, but you can also sell such clothes at a good price.

If you know foreign language and already have experience with foreign companies, you can try to buy goods for second hand directly from factories in Europe. To do this, you need the Internet, thanks to which you can find a suitable supplier, contact him and agree on the possibility of cooperation. In this case, you can buy goods at the lowest price, but you will have to pay for delivery and, moreover, accompany the goods personally for the first few times. If you are ready for this mechanism of work, think about opening a second-hand store according to this scheme.

The documents

After you decide where to buy goods for your own second-hand, you need to proceed to the collection of documents for opening a store. To register this business, you will need to open an individual entrepreneur and select a form of taxation (we recommend UTII). You will also have to obtain permission from the SES and the fire inspectorate.

Separately, it should be said about such a document as the certificate of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. Its presence is mandatory. As a rule, this certificate is issued by the factory (supplier) and is valid for three years. Additional licensing of second-hand before opening is not necessary.


It is best to open a second-hand store in a room no larger than 40 square meters. If you take a larger room, then you will have too high rental costs. In addition, in the initial stages, you need to earn more customers.

You will also need a suitable storage facility for imported goods before they go on sale. Bags of clothes should definitely not be in the main store area, as this may not appeal to your customers.

Pay special attention to the hygiene of the room, regularly dusting and airing it to get rid of the peculiar smell. One more important point in relation to the organization of this business, you should not call the store simply “second-hand”. For some people, this name may cause prejudice. Think of something else, but in the name or in the description of the store you can mention that these clothes are from Europe. Helpful Hints About, how to name a company, we have provided in the corresponding article.

We draw your attention to the fact that the opening of a second-hand store next to grocery stores prohibited by sanitary standards, so consider this nuance before organizing a business.

Be sure to sort the goods by creating several departments. These can be shoe departments, as well as men's, women's and children's departments, where clothes of the corresponding categories will be located.


Do not immediately hire a lot of sellers. In order to open a small second hand from scratch, one person is enough for you to help. In the future, if you decide to expand or things go up, then hire more people. If you need a mover this profession can be combined with the profession of a security guard. Let one worker, naturally a man, perform these two duties. It is important for your secondhand sellers to be accommodating, friendly, communicative and able to provide needed help your customers in choosing a product.


To give a reputation in the eyes of your customers, you need advertising. For this you can use local printed editions. It will not be out of place even for second-hand to open an online store where you can place the best and highest quality clothes. In addition, promotions and discounts will be a good way to attract people to your store, where, for example, stale models will be 25 or 50 percent off.

It also does not hurt to create a group on a social network and send out an invitation to the residents of the city. Advertising of the best things, as well as news about the upcoming delivery of clothes, will attract new customers and will be a convenient source of information for a regular audience.

Summing up

The last thing I would like to talk about is how much it costs to open a second-hand store and what is the profitability of this business idea. To evaluate the initial investment and profitability of the store, be sure to draw up a business plan with calculations. Now we will roughly calculate the investments and profits for 2019.

You will have to spend about 50 thousand rubles (average price) on renting a small room. Equipment (computer, table, chairs, dressing rooms and hangers) will cost at least another 50 thousand rubles. The salary of the staff is at least 25 thousand for the seller and the same amount for the security guard-loader, which is another 50 thousand rubles. It is recommended to spend at least 300 thousand rubles on the first batch of goods (but you can do less, it all depends on the budget). The rest of the expenses - registration of individual entrepreneurs, advertising, etc. will cost up to 50 thousand rubles. In total, you can open a second-hand store with initial investment no more than 500 thousand rubles. The approximate net profit per month will be about 80 thousand, in total, the business will pay off in six months. As you can see, the payback of the store is quite attractive, so undoubtedly, if you correctly assess the demand and competition, this business idea will be quite promising!

More detailed second hand business plan you can download from our partners!

You can also learn some secrets of success by watching the video:

That's all I wanted to tell you about how to open a second-hand store from scratch. We hope our step-by-step instruction with advice, she helped you find out where it is better to buy goods, where to start a business and what documents are needed for this!

Every business project opened during a crisis represents an unprecedented risk. Demand for goods and services has fallen by more than 30%, and many businesses are being tested for strength.

However, even in a difficult economic environment, there are types of entrepreneurship that are popular and in demand in any financial situation. For example, a person always needs food, medicine and clothing, regardless of the state of the country's economy. The less money people have, the more popular they are. consignment shops and second hand. Below is a step-by-step guide to launching a successful second-hand store, as well as cost and payback calculations.

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With lower incomes, shoppers are forced to save on clothing, but the habit of wearing good branded items does not go anywhere. And if the client cannot afford a high-quality new thing, he will go to second-hand. With a professional promotion in used clothing outlets, you should expect an increase in the number of visitors. If we talk about well-known brands, then it is worth paying the attention of buyers to the possibility of wearing clothes for a long time while maintaining its presentation, beautiful appearance, custom design, natural materials.

When forming the assortment, it should be taken into account that 2/3 of the buyers of your store are women who buy clothes for themselves and their families, so you need to focus on their taste and wishes.

In order for an entrepreneur to realize the size of future income by opening a used clothing store, special attention should be paid to drawing up a business plan. If you can’t do this calculation yourself, you can use the service consulting company, which has the experience and specialists necessary to draw up the document.

As a mission for business, they indicate “the ability to supply the population with high-quality branded clothing at low prices". Inexpensive European clothing for all segments of the population is your main competitive advantage to attract buyers: residents with low and average incomes, families with children, students, pensioners, people with a large figure, etc.

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Opening a clothing store from abroad is especially profitable in regional centers, regions and districts where people with a stable but low income live, not far from higher educational institutions or student hostels. Second hand profits are potentially higher than other stores. Moreover, you can start selling any type of clothing. The main thing is that it undergoes the necessary processing and pre-sale preparation.

Store categories

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In second-hand, you can buy things in the following categories:

  • Elite things. This group includes clothes of famous brands, the remains of collections of popular designers and fashion designers. In Russia, unsold designer clothes are not sold at bargain prices, so branded items are bought as high-quality second-hand goods abroad. Often, expensive clothing stores buy this category of second-hand, filling their assortment at minimum purchase prices.
  • used clothes. Russian second-hand stores sell just such a category of clothing. Compressed items are purchased in large bags by weight. The category of clothing can be selected in advance by season, type, degree of wear, gender.

By purchasing the cheapest items for resale, you run the risk of big amount marriage, which you can only sell as rags. It is more profitable to resell second-hand clothes of the average price range with minimal wear.

Used clothes are brought in big bags

Getting Started: Required Documents

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To open a legal store, you need to register entity and issue a package of permits.

Individual entrepreneurship with a tax payment of 6% of turnover is issued by those who cannot document the costs of purchasing and delivering goods. Over time, when an entrepreneur can establish supply chains for high-quality clothing, the taxation system can be changed and 15% of profits (revenues-expenses) can be paid to the state.

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If it is important for the owner to withdraw money from the company’s account at any time for launching a business or for his own needs, it is more profitable to issue an IP. But at the same time, the entrepreneur is responsible for the activities of the company with all his property. In order not to be responsible for the activities of the enterprise with property, a businessman has the right to form an LLC with similar taxation systems. However, it will be possible to withdraw money for personal needs only after paying all taxes.

In addition to opening an individual entrepreneur or LLC, an entrepreneur needs to draw up the following documents:

  • business certificate;
  • trade permit;
  • a document confirming registration with the tax authorities;
  • permission to use retail space;
  • journal of income and expenses (with a simplified system, 15% of income minus expenses);
  • cash documents;
  • commercial lease agreement, etc.

It is important to obtain from foreign used clothing suppliers:

  • certificate of sanitization for items admitted for sale;
  • invoices for the delivery of goods;
  • certificate of sanitary examination.

Choosing a place for a store

As with the opening of any trading enterprise, the attendance of a secondary clothing store depends on the right location.

However, this business has its own peculiarities. For example, there is no need to open points near railway stations or central markets, since many residents do not talk about buying used clothes and are embarrassed to go to such stores in places where they can meet acquaintances. The store can have good attendance in the small courtyards of the sleeping areas, in the empty premises of the old ateliers of the central streets of the city. However, signs and signs to the store should be enough so that anyone can turn off the road and find it without difficulty.

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The ideal place for second-hand is a sleeping area

To launch a trial store, it is enough to rent a small room of 30–40 m², in which to place a storage room, a room for staff and the trading floor itself with a cash register.

Organization of deliveries

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Wholesalers receive goods from Europe directly from used clothing factories in large bales of 100–150 kg, after which they are packaged in small bales of 25–30 kg and sold to private traders and second-hand shops.

At the initial stage of launching a project, it is enough to find a wholesaler who supplies quality goods. When the business takes off, you can find direct suppliers abroad. Moreover, the quality of clothing often depends on the country that supplies it. The sellers of the goods noticed that the clothes from Germany were not of the best quality, and even large sizes. But things from France, on the contrary, have less wear and tear and are made of natural materials. The best clothes come from England - there are a lot of stylish things in the bales that have not been worn at all. Of the minuses of direct deliveries is that it is impossible to view the contents of the bags.

Don't order things over the phone. After you have found the contacts of suitable suppliers, it is better to visit their warehouses on your own, where you can make trial purchases of clothes of different categories.

Before you buy a product, you need to understand the categories of European second-hand:

  1. Cream. The most expensive wear-free clothing category, sorted into groups based on several features, containing high-value branded items.
  2. Suite. This category includes absolutely new or minimally worn (about 5%) clothes of well-known brands with an average cost.
  3. Extra. This is the same crazy clothes, but with a greater degree of wear (about 10%).

Unworn branded items of the "Cream" category - the best and most expensive product

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  • 1 grade. Quality clothing with minimal wear.
  • 2 grade. Things with little marriage or a high degree of wear.
  • 3 grade. Rags - things that can no longer be worn.


When the goods arrive at the store, the bales with things must be weighed, then the quality goods should be sorted from the rags. What you attribute to rags, most likely, will not be able to be sold - it will be a loss that must be covered by selling good things.

After that, an assessment of the degree of deterioration of each item is carried out, on the basis of which the price is set. In this case, special attention is paid to the condition of the fabric in the places of the armpits, on the collars, elbows, sleeves. After sorting things are grouped by price categories with a fixed price tag, for example, "Everything for 300 rubles." New or branded clothes are evaluated individually. Items with a small marriage are placed in the "sale" with a 50% discount.

Some second-hand European clothing stores sell goods by weight. However, with such trading, it is necessary to monitor the observance of a margin of at least 100–150% for a quality product.

Shop equipment

The building must first of all be light so that the buyer can clearly see the thing he likes. It should contain a fitting room with a large mirror so that the buyer can try on the item here. All goods, regardless of their location, must be freely accessible.

Entering the trading floor, the buyer must first see expensive and high-quality items that are sold at high prices. To select the top seasonal clothes hung in the foreground, it is important to place mirrors in the retail space. You will also have to purchase racks for clothes, shelves, a large number of hangers, several mannequins. At the entrance to the hall there are boxes for storing bags while the client is in the store, and at the exit there is a table for packing goods.

So that visitors do not associate worn-out things with dirty ones, it is important to keep the trading floor in perfect cleanliness. Otherwise, buyers who want to buy expensive things will not be attracted.


The requirements for personnel and their qualifications are similar to those of a regular clothing store.

Enough for a small shop:

  • 4 consultants;
  • merchandiser-sorter;
  • manager;
  • 1 cleaner.

Sellers are important to hire experienced, willing and able to sell. To stimulate them, they often set a salary and a bonus on the amount received for the items sold. It is important to monitor how sellers serve customers, how polite and attentive they are. Your advertising can only attract customers, and quality service will help keep them.


When selling clothes that have already been in use, it is important to focus on quality and brand. Stylish things that are in excellent condition are put on showcases. The same things are photographed and posted on the site or in in social networks to attract more customers online. At the same time, it is important to update the information in time so that the products on the site correspond to the real ones in the store, otherwise the trust of customers will be lost, and promotion efforts will be in vain.

When selling clothes, the seasonality factor is important. With the beginning of the season, for example, a summer product can be sold at a maximum price, then the demand for it falls and fades until the next year. To speed up the turnover, they organize sales, make discounts, “3 for the price of 2” promotions, etc.

Also, do not forget about the "dead" periods when people go on vacation or celebrate holidays. During these months, the turnover falls, so the delivery time of the goods can be increased.

Cost calculation and payback forecast

According to the reviews of the owners of similar stores, some of the goods are sold at prices with a minimum margin. The other one is bought up by the population with a margin of 100-150%. If an entrepreneur manages to establish a supply chain for quality items and attract a large number of regular customers, the business will go uphill.

Table: monthly expenses

Additionally, you will have to pay taxes - 6% of turnover + mandatory payments or 15% of the amount of income minus expenses, depending on the taxation system that the entrepreneur chooses.

If we take into account the average mark-up of 100%, in order for the business to go “to zero”, its turnover must be at least 480-500 thousand, of which half is the cost of the delivered goods. If the daily revenue of the outlet is more than 16 thousand rubles, the business is considered to break even.

Starting investments

To successfully launch the project, you need to have an amount of 500 thousand -1 mln rubles (including advertising and signage) necessary to promote the business for a period of 6 months, and for the business to start generating income - about 3-3.5 ml working capital.

Payback forecast and expected profit

If the entrepreneur manages to find a supplier of high-quality European clothing, preferably from England, Italy or France, and also choose good room for the store, the outlet will be able to promote and recoup the costs of launching the project within a year. Small shops bring their owner about 50-70 thousand rubles. monthly profit, promoted business 150–200.

When the labor market is calm and Good work almost impossible to find, the question arises of opening your own business. However, you should not believe the tempting offers that this is possible without your own capital invested - it will be required in any case. First of all, you need to decide on the finances that can be allocated for organizing a business, and, starting from this figure, look for a worthy occupation.

If an amount not exceeding several thousand dollars is available, you should pay attention to the business associated with the sale of second-hand clothes. This business does not require special expenses. The main expenditure part will be rent and salaries of sellers. However, like any business, the trade in this type of clothing has its pitfalls.

Preliminary preparation

First of all, you need to understand what second-hand stores sell. They sell clothes coming from Europe and America. As a rule, these are already used things. On the territory of these states, there are special points where you can rent or sell old things for a small amount. As a rule, after updating the wardrobe, people get rid of old things.

After collection, worn clothes are sent for processing, which takes place at high temperature and using various antibacterial agents. Heavily worn items are sent for recycling. Wearable items are sent to suppliers.

When choosing a product, the rule applies: the farther the country, the better goods. The highest quality clothing comes from England, and the closer the country is to Russia, the lower the quality of the goods supplied. Deliveries can be divided into two types with a different assortment: original and sorted.


In this case, the supplier packs things after processing, without sorting them. The bag can contain both new things and rags. It all depends on the honesty of the seller. However, fashionable and exclusive pieces are often found in such parties. Bags can be from 50 to 200 kg;


Goods of this type after processing arrive at sorting points. When purchasing sorted things, their purpose is known in advance. This makes the task easier if you know what assortment is needed. In this case, the goods are usually packed in 30 kg bags. Things are sorted into different categories:

  • Seasonal;
  • age;
  • Quality;
  • gender;
  • Typical.

To begin with, it is better to choose a mixed form of trading. You need to decide which product will be most in demand in your point of sale, and already in the course of work to carry out the adjustment of the assortment.
When determining the quantity of goods, you can start from the size of the store. Approximately 20 kg per m2 of room area is needed. For starters, it's better to take more of the original. And, of course, it should be noted that every week you need to update the product.

  • Glavstockekondtorg;
  • Mix Europe;
  • Holland trading house.

You can independently reach foreign partners - a trip to the Baltics would be optimal. Perhaps this method will be somewhat cheaper, but you should always remember that final result will depend on the integrity of the supplier.

In any case, in the initial phase, until the relationship with the seller is established, it is necessary to carefully check all the delivered goods. It is better to pay after receiving.

Necessary package of documents for opening a store

After preliminary research, you can proceed to the formalization of your labor activity. To do this, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur and register with the tax office.

At the same time, it is necessary to determine the taxation system. For clothing stores, two systems are most acceptable, from which you need to choose the best one for yourself:

  • USN. Simplified taxation system, which involves the payment of only one tax for an individual entrepreneur. It can be an interest rate on income or on the difference between income and expenses;
  • ENVD. A single tax on imputed income is applicable for certain activities. It is taken from the estimated income and does not depend on the revenue.

To determine the system, you need to work out the structure of your business in detail. The economic feasibility of the chosen system depends on each nuance of the activity. To make the right decision, it is best to contact the experts. They can also help with paperwork.

At the next stage, you need to find a room for the store, and conclude a lease agreement. Obtaining permits for trade and operation of the store, completes the process of registration of basic documents.

However, the specifics of trading in second-hand goods requires additional documents:

  • The conclusion of a sanitary and epidemic station for the premises of the store, as well as it is required to conclude contracts for disinfection and deratization;
  • Rospotrebnadzor permission;
  • Program of sanitary and industrial control;
  • Agreement for the export of solid waste.

It must be remembered that any violation of financial or environmental requirements will entail big money problems. Therefore, the paperwork should be treated very carefully.

The choice of premises for trade

You need to start by choosing a trading area. The store does not have to be located on the main streets. Dormitory areas are perfect, where the entire population is mainly concentrated. It should also be remembered that it is forbidden to open second-hand shops in the same area as groceries.

When choosing a room, you need to pay attention to how many people pass near it during the day, whether there are bus stops nearby. Some people are embarrassed to visit such stores, so some distance from crowded places can attract additional customers. But at the same time, signs are installed that attract attention and indicate the way.

The room does not require special refinement. You can make an ordinary cosmetic repair. Of the equipment, first of all, you will need tubes that are attached to the walls. Hangers with clothes are hung on them. At least two fitting rooms are required. Also need a counter and cash register. With a large assortment, shelves and racks may be needed.

When choosing a room, you should not stop at areas less than 40 m². A small store area will make the business unprofitable. For a large turnover, you need to have a large number cheap goods - only this will contribute to a good profit.

Selection of staff in the store

It is best to start this business as a family business. In this case, there will be no need for hired employees. One person can deal with deliveries and accounting. And the second is to be in the store and sell goods. When expanding the business, you can attract relatives. In this case, it is not necessary to control the sellers.

If it is necessary to select sellers, preference should be given to sociable people with experience in trading. At the same time, do not give up probationary period to know better business qualities applicant. If financial questions cause difficulties, it is better to invite an accountant.

Advertising company or how to attract customers?

It is also advisable to order business cards for the store and distribute them to customers. In addition, it is necessary to cover the nearest houses and distribute print advertising in mailboxes. With the expansion of the business and its successful development, you can connect the radio and the press.

To promote your business, it is good to create a page on the Internet or use social networks. IN modern world this is a very efficient method.

Which one to buy? Our article will help you choose the most profitable option.

To open a clothing store, carefully study the article.

How to choose a seller? Job description described b will help you determine the rights and obligations of the parties.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a second-hand store

Consider the main stages and approximate costs when opening a second-hand store. All costs will depend on the region of residence, the taxation system, the method of paperwork and many other nuances. Preparation of all documentation. It's hard to give any numbers here.

It all depends on whether the documents will be drawn up independently or professionals will do it. In the first case, you can save a lot.

  • Room rental. There are many factors that affect the cost of rent. On average, this is 50,000 rubles per month for a room of 50 m?;
  • Equipment. These are one-time expenses, in the case of a second-hand store, there is no need for a large amount. Therefore, 50,000 rubles should be enough;
  • Salary. When using hired labor, the cost of two salesmen per month will be approximately 50,000 rubles;
  • Product. For the first purchase of goods, about 150,000 rubles are needed. For repeated purchases, a quarter of the initial amount is enough;
  • The monthly revenue of such a store can be about 300,000 rubles. A second hand store can pay for itself within a year.

However, when opening a case, it should be remembered that all possible risks when doing business, they fall on the owner. Therefore, the success of the undertaking will depend on:

  • Professional skills of an entrepreneur;
  • Business qualities of the store owner;
  • Successful development of trade.
  • The decision must be made on an individual basis after weighing the pros and cons.

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There is not a single person left who does not know what second-hand is. But how to open a second-hand store and where does an entrepreneur start? Today we will analyze this question in more detail and find out where to start, bypassing the "pitfalls" by briefly examining different CIS countries.

About relevance

Second Hand establishments are increasingly in demand among residents of the regions due to the intensification of the crisis situation in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the post-Soviet space.

The seller offers to buy clothes that were previously worn by another person, but no longer needed by him. Used clothes cost a lot less, but often look nice, and some models are even branded.

Opening a second-hand store will certainly be cost-effective, especially if there are no competitive stores around. The buyers will be the middle class, who dream of buying just good clothes without overpaying stores for a brand.

Young people, pensioners, as well as parents who are not ready to buy expensive clothes for a child will come, so it is necessary to select clothes that will suit these groups of people. Also, don't expect very large sums of money.

Choice of concept

If you are not familiar with the formats of such stores, they look like this:

  1. Priced - the most frequent sale option in second-hand, causing more confidence in the product from buyers. The goods are on long hangers and are divided into different thematic sectors (children's, sportswear, pants, etc.). The seller individually assigns his own markup for each item (from 300% and above). Sometimes there is a separate area with things at one specific price, where the least selling things are located.
  2. Weighted - things are located on shelves or directly in boxes, less often - on hangers. The price is determined per kilogram of things, for which the seller has special scales. Buyers trust their quality less, but due to the lower cost of the product, it is also relevant. Often, a price reduction scheme is used during the week. For example, the delivery of goods is carried out on Monday, when the cost of things is the highest (again 300% markup). Every day the price decreases, and on Sunday the clothes can be bought almost at their cost price.
  3. Mixed - many entrepreneurs prefer this particular format. Casual clothes are also sold on hangers and have their own price, while, for example, baby clothes, sports t-shirts and other cheaper items are sold by weighing.


You must first register your business. Suitable legal form for this is Individual entrepreneur.

When choosing a taxation system, stop at UTII, as a last resort, the simplified tax system. It will also be important to obtain permits from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station and the fire service, but you do not need to make a license. You will also need a cash register, and it must be registered separately in tax office. The last moment will be the SES Certificate.

Looking for a reliable supplier

A novice entrepreneur initially enters into an agreement with one or two wholesalers in the region, because this option is good for starting a business from a financial point of view. An example step-by-step instruction looks like this:

  • Look for someone who is experienced in this market with about 5-7 years of experience.
  • If in the list of his goods there are clothes from the most different countries- you are extremely lucky, as this will increase your assortment and popularity with buyers.
  • Keep track of discounts, and also try to buy more goods, getting a discount for wholesale.
  • Try to understand current trends and make sure that the supplier has the latest fashion items.
  • Compare prices and assortment from different suppliers, finally compiling an even base.

There is also the option of purchasing branded, but outdated items from official representatives. The variety of products and their quality will bring you extremely pleasant reviews from customers, as a result of which word of mouth will play. Already untwisted in the case of knowledge of English, you will be able to purchase goods from Europe on your own without intermediaries.

Here are some tips for shopping in own store:

  1. When receiving bags of goods, weigh each one right on the spot, checking the weight with the data recorded on the invoice.
  2. Transport only bags sewn with thick threads so as not to lose the goods.
  3. Buy goods with the expectation that at least about ten kilos of things should fit in the retail area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe store per square meter.
  4. Agree with the supplier that you want to check not only the weight, but also the contents of the bags, returning low-quality goods back.
  5. Look specifically at the wear and tear and not the quality of the materials, and only then on the relevance, from a fashionable and seasonal point of view.
  6. Particularly thorough checks are required in the areas of the inner side of the thigh and knees in trousers, the abdomen in skirts, underarms with cuffs and collars in shirts and blouses.

If you still get a defective product, it can be resold as a rag. Their purchases of rags are carried out by car washes, oil cleaning factories, as well as some similar services.

We are looking for a room

To open your own second-hand store, you need to choose a suitable institution. Pay attention to the area - it should be at least forty square meters.

It is worth looking for a room in the city center only in a small regional town; in larger regional centers, a second-hand store will still pay for itself.

It is not necessary to do repairs, but this will help attract more buyers, especially if the design style is successful and original. When choosing a room, carefully weigh its pros and cons: spaciousness, the presence of natural light, the need for cosmetic repairs, the convenience of layout and, of course, the rent.

Making a comfortable layout

Each store uses advice on a sales-friendly layout. For example, a large hand, like any supermarket, should have lockers for visitors, where they can leave things.

For a small establishment, this will be superfluous, but you can’t forget about fitting rooms. The minimum number of fitting rooms is two, and each should be equipped with a mirror, a mat, several hooks, and preferably its own lighting.

You will probably need shelving for other things and shoes, as well as areas with boxes for things by weight. The area for the seller must also be comfortable. In addition to the checkout, there will be scales and a packing table, a return or hold area.

According to sanitary standards, it is necessary to ventilate the room daily, conduct it wet cleaning, wash windows and shelves, and sometimes even clean up the area adjacent to the store. Opening a business means starting to take responsibility for your project, and therefore it is important to follow all the instructions of the authorities.

We select personnel

The staff will need a set of vacancies as for a regular store: an administrator or director, several salespeople and a cleaner. At first, it is worth taking on the functions of leadership: this will help you not to spend money on another person and independently control the progress of your project, learn latest news about business.

At first, two sellers will also handle the work of the store - one must find at the checkout, weighing and packing goods, the second to help customers and monitor the state of things in trading floor. Also, sellers must perform the following functions:

  • Place goods in the hall before the opening of the store.
  • Monitor the safety of things and their accounting.
  • Track which product is sold most popular, take into account all the "I want" from buyers for the next delivery of goods.

In addition, the state may have a special person involved in PR secondhand in social networks and the Internet. This will allow you to create your own online store of goods.

We calculate the costs

Expense line Amount of expenses, thousand rubles
1 Initial rent for two months 100 – 150
2 Repair (cosmetic) 20
3 Furniture 50
4 Public Utilities 10
5 Paperwork 5
6 Purchase of goods 150
7 Wage seller 20 x 2
8 cleaning lady salary 10
9 Marketing Campaign 15
10 taxes 30
11 Unexpected expenses 10
Total: 440

Keep in mind that you need to enter monthly expenses, which will include rent and utility fee, salaries to employees, additional purchase of new goods and payment of taxes.

Video: second-hand - how to open a store?

Is the business profitable?

The last thing that interests the readers of our article is whether it is profitable to open a second-hand store in your city? You need to understand that this business is seasonal, so the profit for the month will change every time. On average, after the payment of all expenses, the owner is left with about 70 thousand rubles per month for the sale.

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