Presentation on mixed economic system. Presentation "Mixed economic system" on economics - project, report

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Sections: Economy


  • implement primary control and correction of knowledge on the topic “Economic systems - planned and market economy”;
  • introduce students to the main characteristics of a mixed economic system;
  • complete the study of the topic “Types of economic systems”;
  • to promote the formation of skills of practical independent research activities of students, in order to prepare for the unified state exam.

A prerequisite for the lesson is:

  1. Lesson two within the framework of the topic “Economic systems”.
  2. Equipment - PC, multimedia projector;
  3. Author's presentation a teacher who helps to activate the attention of students, creating a problem situation in the lesson, allows you to make the stages of the lesson more logical, helps students in summing up the lesson;
  4. Documents for research:
    A) text for checking homework
    B) text No. 1 “The Chinese leadership went to ...”
    C) text No. 2 “In modern conditions, the most ...”
    D) Text No. 3 “The State and the Mixed Economy”.

The main focus of the lesson.

Activity approach. Preparing students for passing the exam, solving tasks of type “C”. An analysis of the mistakes made in the exam allows us to determine that most of all students find it difficult to work with tasks of this particular type, in particular, they experience difficulties when working with sources of social information. To organize such work, it is necessary to familiarize students with the rules for working with text in advance and provide them with a kind of “Reminders” - instructions for working with text.

Basic methods.

Problem-based learning method - through the contradiction between the known and the unknown, practical methods, control method, research method, when working with texts.

The main types of mental activity in the lesson:

The approach of B. Bloom (Taxonomy) “High-Level Thinking Skills” is used.

Knowledge - define, name, select.

Understanding - explain, interpret, compare.

Usage classify, use in practice, operate.

Analysis- analyze, compare, identify differences.

Forms of organization: independent research activity of students.

Usage CORs:

The need to use DER is explained by the activity approach, interactivity, visibility, the possibility of self-control, optimization of the scientific organization of labor (the pace of the lesson is much higher).

Expected results.

As a result of studying the topic, students should form a view:

  • about the main types of economic systems;
  • about the main characteristics of these systems;
  • about basic economic concepts;

Further development:

  • research skills;
  • ability to plan their activities;
  • skills independent work with historical sources;
  • the ability to highlight the main thing, to find cause-and-effect relationships;
  • skills comparative analysis;
  • autonomy in formulating conclusions.


  • volitional qualities of the personality;
  • diligence and perseverance;
  • ability to self-organization;
  • purposefulness.

Lesson equipment:

  • PC, multimedia projector, teacher presentation ( Appendix 2).
  • Documents for research ( Appendix 1).
  • Reference notes students ( Appendix 1).

Information block lesson:

mixed economic system is a way of organizing economic life in which land and capital are privately owned, although there is limited state ownership of some of the economic resources. The distribution of limited resources is carried out both by markets and with the participation of the state.

The main features of a mixed economy.

  1. Form of ownership: private property ® state;
  2. Method of coordination (management): through markets and with the help of the state.

Additional characteristics (signs) of a mixed economic system: a developed market, economic freedom, and therefore diverse entrepreneurial activities of broad sections of the able-bodied population and an active regulatory role of the state with a wide range of economic functions. This allows you to realize the possibilities of a market economy to improve production efficiency. And through state regulation, to orient the country towards the rational and fuller use of limited resources, the use of safe technologies and the conservation environment. A sufficiently long period of functioning of various models of a mixed economy shows that a state-regulated market economy is able to ensure the economic and scientific and technological development of the country and provide sufficiently high social guarantees to its citizens. But even it is not immune from economic downturns and crises, and therefore contemporary politics is not limited to supporting the poorest segments of the population, but is clearly aimed at economic growth and orients the active part of the population towards highly productive work, mobility and the ability to quickly adapt to changing conditions.

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Mixed economic system

A mixed economic system is a way of organizing economic life that combines elements of a market and command economy, in which land and capital are predominantly privately owned, and the distribution of limited resources is carried out both by markets and with significant state participation.

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We can say that a mixed economy is a market economy in which the state plays an active role.

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Applied to modern conditions a mixed economy appears in the following enlarged forms: a mixed economy of developing (especially underdeveloped) countries, in which "mixing" is caused by a low level of development and the presence of backward economic forms; mixed economy of developed countries (developed mixed economy).

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The mixed economy has a multisectoral, multistructural character. Private property, which forms the framework of a market economy, coexists and interacts with state property, the property of non-profit organizations, and collective and cooperative forms of ownership. On the basis of various forms of ownership, there are Various types economy and entrepreneurship, various sectors and ways of life are formed national economy.

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The main sectors in developed countries are the private sector, which includes the modes of medium, large and small businesses, the monopoly-oligarchic structure; state, municipal cooperative and family sectors, sector of non-profit organizations: Each sector occupies its own niche in the economy, depending on how effectively it satisfies a particular need of society,

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Mixing of the economy characterizes not only the presence of various structural elements in its composition, but also the formation of specific forms of their combination in the real economy. Examples of this are public-private joint-stock enterprises, contract agreements government agencies with private companies social partnership etc.

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Scales of socialization of production Prevailing form of ownership Socialization and nationalization of part of the economy on a national and international scale Economic activity based on collective private and state ownership

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Incentive for productive labor The main principle of production Regulation of the economy Competition Factorial income The principle of matching supply and demand Active state regulation of the national economy to stimulate consumer demand and supply, prevent crises and unemployment, etc. There is

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Shadow economy Coordination Only for goods prohibited by the state market mechanism and government regulation.

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Pricing Wages Social guarantees Flexible prices Established in the process of competition with the balance of supply and demand in the labor market, but the state sets the minimum wage Establishment of public and private social insurance and social security funds

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Today, a mixed economy is an integral system that is an adequate form of a modern developed society. The elements that form it are based on such a level of productive forces and on such trends in socio-economic development that objectively require the addition of the market with state regulation, private business initiative - social guarantees, as well as inclusion in economic structure societies of post-industrial beginnings. A mixed economy is not a conglomerate, although it is inferior to "pure" systems in terms of the degree of homogeneity of its constituent elements.

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