Formation of reporting and accounting documents.

1C: Library - a program for automating libraries

How to buy "1C: Library 8"

1C: Library - given software is designed to automate the accounting of library workflows. Software purchases can be made through our company. To do this, you need to leave a request through the form feedback and our specialists will promptly contact you and provide all the information on this software solution.

Prices for the program "1C: Library 8"

"1C: Library 8" and "1C: Library PROF" have a fixed price for software and licenses in accordance with the 1C licensing policy. You can find the prices for the software solution and additional licenses in the table

Also, in the cost of the program, we include 2 hours of work by our installation and initial setup specialist. software solution"1C: Library" and a preferential subscription of ITS PROF for 3 months.

Description of the configuration "1C: Library 8"

So, now the most, perhaps, important information is information about the functionality of the program and its purpose. Software "1C: Library" can be used to account for libraries of virtually any purpose and type:

  • universal libraries - municipal, regional, regional
  • educational institutions - kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities
  • industry - libraries of enterprises, companies, factories, hospitals, institutes, military units
  • special - musical, theatrical, libraries, museums and academies of arts, etc.
  • private (home) libraries

The software product "1C: Library 8" processes the following information flows (accounting directions):


  • formation and execution of orders to publishing houses and book-selling companies
  • automatic double check
  • registration of receipts of book copies/documents, assignment to them unique number using a barcode system


  • description of any types of publications, including documents in electronic form (in any electronic formats), video, audio, cartographic publications, etc.
  • the functionality includes automatic indexing, which ensures proper performance for quick search on any elements of the bibliographic description
  • use of graphic materials (images of title pages, artifacts, pages of written text, etc.)
  • support for the national communication format RUSMARC and compliance approved standards and technology
  • export/import in MARC formats

Fund accounting and storage:

  • professional approach to accounting and storage of library documents of all formats
  • ensuring fund movement processes
  • summary and individual accounting of publications both for the total fund of the library and for separately rendered specialized funds, taking into account the specifics of the stored documents
  • flexibility in setting indicators for documents: it is possible not only to enter mandatory details of documents, but also to add various optional indicators to reflect all the specifics of the fund

Reader Service:

  • separation of access to sections of the library fund for various groups readers
  • barcoding applications for quick identification of readers
  • library diary

Reader's virtual office:

  • the possibility of granting access to the reader to the electronic catalog of publications / documents, quick search for any elements of the bibliographic description
  • formation of an electronic application at the request of the reader
  • checking for a free physical instance of a library document
  • remote access reader to your form
  • notification of the reader about completed orders and his debts

Formation of reporting and accounting documents:

  • inventory book
  • Fund verification sheet
  • Lots of physical copies of publications
  • Book lending
  • Book availability
  • Statistical report

Publication date:

June 18, 2012

Firm "1C" announces the release of 06/18/2012 "1C: Library of electronic documents 8.2", providing the exchange electronic documents in applied solutions developed on the platform "1C:Enterprise 8.2".

1C:Electronic Documents Library 8.2 is a special configuration designed for embedding the functionality of electronic document exchange into various application solutions developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform.

After integrating "1C: Library of Electronic Documents 8.2" into the application solution, users of the application solution will be able to partially or completely refuse to exchange documents in paper form with counterparties and switch to the exchange of electronic documents, which will allow:

· speed up the process of registration and processing of documents in companies;

· reduce manual input and reduce the number of errors on the receiving side;

· reduce the cost of consumables and mail delivery services.

When exchanging electronic documents, an electronic digital signature is used. This gives legal significance to electronic documents and allows exchange participants to refuse to duplicate information on paper, including exchanging electronic invoices in accordance withorder of the Ministry of Finance of Russiadated 25.04.2011 No. 50nas part of the 1C-Taxcom solution, for more details see.

Everything necessary for the exchange of electronic documents is built into the interfaces of application solutions that are familiar to users. The library supports working with configurations that work in managed and normal modes.

You can get acquainted with the functionality of the exchange of electronic documents in standard configurations in which "1C: Library of electronic documents 8.2" is already built in:

· "1C: Trade Management 8", edition 11, starting from version 11.0.8;

· "1C: Management manufacturing plant 8", revision 1.3, starting from version 1.3.25;

· "1C: Integrated Automation 8", edition 1.1, starting from version 1.1.21;

· "1C: Accounting 8", edition 2.0, starting from version 2.0.35;

· "1C: Accounting 8 CORP", starting from version 2.0.35.


"1C: Library of Electronic Documents 8.2" is distributed as a configuration for the "1C: Enterprise 8.2" platform as part of information technology support (1C: ITS). Documentation for the "Library of Electronic Documents" configuration is also published as part of 1C:ITS, contains ready-made text for user documentation and technology for embedding into application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform.

To use the Library of Electronic Documents, you need the 1C:Enterprise platform version 8.2.15 or higher.

The distribution kit of "Electronic Documents Library" version 1.0.4 can be obtained by registered users of the "1C:Enterprise 8" system who have current contract 1C:ITS, as part of the July issue of 1C:ITS for 2012, including on its .1 c website. ru , as well as on the user support site

The order of registration on the site its .1 c . en see page .


1C Company allows the use of "1C: Library of Electronic Documents 8.2" for solving their own automation tasks to registered users of the "1C: Enterprise 8" PROF version, who have a valid 1C: ITS agreement, at no additional charge.

When replicating application solutions that use "1C: Library of Electronic Documents 8.2", the copyright of the company "1C" to the system "1C: Enterprise 8" must be respected. In particular, the use of such application solutions is allowed only if the user has legally acquired the main distribution of "1C:Enterprise 8". Information that the circulation solution was developed using "1C: Electronic Documents Library 8.2" should be reflected:

· on the main web page describing this application solution;

· in the application solution documentation in the introduction or on the pages before the introduction;

· in press releases and information messages accompanying the release of a new solution.

At the same time, the use of an application solution developed using "1C: Electronic Documents Library 8.2" is possible without a 1C: ITS agreement, provided that the following conditions are met simultaneously:

· the right holder of the applied solution does not require binding contract 1C:ITS;

· the user does not independently modify the applied solution using "1C: Electronic Documents Library 8.2".


Support for "1C: Library of Electronic Documents 8.2" is carried out only if the user has a valid 1C: ITS agreement issued for the main distribution of "1C: Enterprise 8" PROF version.

User support includes:

· services 1C consulting lines by phone and e-mail,

receiving new versions of the "Electronic Documents Library" on ITS disks and on the user support site,

· access to the user support site,

· access to the knowledge base of the technical support department.

When contacting the 1C consulting line, you must specify registration number the main delivery of "1C:Enterprise 8" of the PROF version, for which the 1C:ITS contract is issued.


The library allows you to organize the exchange with counterparties of both structured electronic documents (XML files that can be parsed and downloaded as data in the recipient's information base) and arbitrary electronic documents that are difficult to formalize, for example, a sales contract or a reconciliation act.

For electronic documents, the optional possibility of using an electronic digital signature (EDS) is implemented - this option is necessary to give legal significance to electronic documents on economic transactions between counterparties, for example, for "TORG-12", "Act of completed work" or "Invoice". The system allows using encryption of electronic documents when exchanging via open data transmission channels.

The exchange of electronic documents in the library can be divided into three stages:

· exchange setup,

· formation and sending of outgoing electronic documents,

· receiving and processing incoming electronic documents.

Setting up the exchange of electronic documents

For the exchange of electronic documents with EDS and / or encryption, the library has the ability to configure Common parameters cryptography (parameters of a third-party software, which directly performs cryptographic operations for the formation / verification of EDS, encryption / decryption of data), configure the signature certificates that are planned to be used in the work. In the settings of the signing certificate, you can specify the 1C:Enterprise 8 user who will have access to this certificate in the system, specify which organization and what types of electronic documents can be signed with this certificate, check the possibility of using a cryptography certificate at a specific user workplace.

The library allows you to exchange electronic documents both directly between counterparties and through an operator electronic document management(hereinafter referred to as the EDI operator) - the Taxcom company, as part of the 1C-Taxcom joint solution, see below.information letter No. 15101 dated 04.05.2012 . According to the legislation, the exchange of electronic invoices between counterparties provides for the mandatory participation of a third party - an EDF operator, see below.order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 25.04.2011 No. 50n.

To use the direct exchange of electronic documents between counterparties, the system provides for an "Agreement on the use of electronic documents", which specifies the individual parameters of the interaction of the parties (types of electronic documents that will be exchanged, whether digital signature and encryption will be used, as well as the method of exchange). The system supports direct exchange through the public directory and by e-mail.

When exchanging electronic documents through an EDI operator, an "Agreement on the use of electronic documents" is introduced with the method of exchange "Through an EDI operator (Taxcom)". To connect a new participant-counterparty to the exchange, the system implements the exchange of invitations through the EDF service operator. An exchange through an EDF operator is possible only when using an EDS.

Formation and sending of outgoing electronic documents

For the formation and sending of electronic documents in the library, a group of commands "ED" (electronic documents) is provided. The commands of this group are built into the forms and lists of documents of the applied solution (for both outgoing and incoming) and allow the user to perform all operations on working with electronic documents in a few mouse clicks.

For electronic documents, the system maintains statuses that describe the stages of the document exchange cycle. The system automatically controls the compliance of document data information base and outgoing electronic document, prompts the user, using the state mechanism, the next necessary action to work with the electronic document.

The library has a separate workplace for signing electronic documents, which allows the responsible person of the organization to view all relevant electronic documents submitted for signature, sign them or reject them. The form supports group signing of electronic documents, it is possible to work with several signature certificates.

Before sending, the system automatically packs electronic documents into transport containers (zip-files) and transfers them to them via the configured communication channels. Sending and receiving sessions of electronic documents can be initiated either by an interactive user command or by configured scheduled tasks that are performed at a specified frequency.

The library maintains an archive of electronic documents, which allows you to view the contents of any generated or received electronic document, track its status, and check the installed digital signatures. The content of the electronic document is displayed as printed form accounting document, which allows the user to visually evaluate it.

From the form for viewing an electronic document, the system allows you to save the electronic document and the installed EDS to a directory on a disk, while the files of the electronic document and EDS files will be uploaded separately, as well as print the contents of the electronic document along with the list of EDS with which the document was signed. These capabilities may be needed to transfer an electronic document to external authorities.

Receipt and processing of incoming electronic documents

After receiving the shipping container, the system will automatically generate a notification of the delivery of the data package and immediately send it to the sender of the original electronic document, if the EDS on the notification is not required. Next, the system will unpack the received container and, based on the data of the electronic document, will create an unposted application solution document. The further scenario of working with such an infobase document is no different from the usual one, except that most of the document details are already filled in automatically.Upon receipt new version an electronic document previously uploaded to the infobase, the system binds it to an existing infobase document without refilling it automatically (filling in is possible only by an interactive user action).

The library has the ability to view the entire list of electronic documents associated with the application solution document. The list displays the statuses of electronic documents, the time of their appointment, the ability to view the contents of an electronic document or perform the next available action with it.

In the view form, the user can control the contents of the electronic document in the usual printed form of the accounting document, sign it or reject it, indicating the reason for the refusal to sign. At the moment of rejection, the system will automatically create an electronic document-clarification and immediately send it to the sender of the original electronic document, if the EDS is not required for clarification. If the user signed the received electronic document, the system will automatically pack the necessary data of the response signature into the shipping container and put it in the queue for sending. The direct sending of the recipient's response will occur during the next session of sending and receiving electronic documents.

1C Company announces the release of 18.06.2012 "1C: Electronic Documents Libraries 8.2", which provides the exchange of electronic documents in application solutions developed on the "1C: Enterprise 8.2" platform.

1C:Electronic Documents Library 8.2 is a special configuration designed for embedding the functionality of electronic document exchange into various application solutions developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform.

After integrating "1C: Library of Electronic Documents 8.2" into the application solution, users of the application solution will be able to partially or completely refuse to exchange documents in paper form with counterparties and switch to the exchange of electronic documents, which will allow:

  • speed up the process of registration and processing of documents in companies;
  • reduce manual input and reduce the number of errors on the receiving side;
  • reduce the cost of consumables and mail delivery services.

Everything necessary for the exchange of electronic documents is built into the interfaces of application solutions that are familiar to users. The library supports working with configurations that work in managed and normal modes.

You can get acquainted with the functionality of the exchange of electronic documents in standard configurations in which "1C: Library of electronic documents 8.2" is already built in:

  • "1C: Trade Management 8", edition 11, starting from version 11.0.8;
  • "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8", edition 1.3, starting from version 1.3.25;
  • "1C: Integrated Automation 8", edition 1.1, starting from version 1.1.21;
  • "1C: Accounting 8", edition 2.0, starting from version 2.0.35;
  • "1C: Accounting 8 CORP", starting from version 2.0.35.


"1C: Library of Electronic Documents 8.2" is distributed as a configuration for the "1C: Enterprise 8.2" platform as part of information technology support (1C: ITS). Documentation for the "Library of Electronic Documents" configuration is also published as part of 1C:ITS, contains ready-made text for user documentation and technology for embedding into application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform.

To use the Library of Electronic Documents, you need the 1C:Enterprise platform version 8.2.15 or higher.

For the registration procedure on website, see .


1C Company allows the use of "1C: Library of Electronic Documents 8.2" for solving their own automation tasks to registered users of the "1C: Enterprise 8" PROF version, who have a valid 1C: ITS agreement, at no additional charge.

When replicating application solutions that use "1C: Library of Electronic Documents 8.2", the copyright of the company "1C" to the system "1C: Enterprise 8" must be respected. In particular, the use of such application solutions is allowed only if the user has a legally acquired main distribution of 1C:Enterprise 8. Information that the circulation solution was developed using "1C: Electronic Documents Library 8.2" should be reflected:

  • on the main web page describing this application solution;
  • in the application solution documentation in the introduction or on the pages before the introduction;
  • in press releases and announcements accompanying the release of a new solution.

At the same time, the use of an application solution developed using "1C: Electronic Documents Library 8.2" is possible without a 1C: ITS agreement, provided that the following conditions are met simultaneously:

  • the right holder of the applied solution does not require a binding contract 1C:ITS;
  • the user does not independently modify the applied solution using "1C: Electronic Documents Library 8.2".


Support for "1C: Library of Electronic Documents 8.2" is carried out only if the user has a valid 1C: ITS agreement issued for the main distribution of "1C: Enterprise 8" PROF version.

User support includes:

  • services of a line of consultations of firm "1C" by phone and e-mail,
  • obtaining new versions of the "Electronic Documents Library" on ITS disks and on the user support site,
  • access to the materials of the user support site,
  • access to the knowledge base of the technical support department.

When contacting the 1C consulting line, you must indicate the registration number of the main delivery "1C: Enterprise 8" of the PROF version, for which the 1C: ITS agreement is drawn up.


The library allows you to organize the exchange with counterparties of both structured electronic documents (XML files that can be parsed and downloaded as data in the recipient's information base) and arbitrary electronic documents that are difficult to formalize, for example, a sales contract or a reconciliation act.

For electronic documents, the optional possibility of using an electronic digital signature (EDS) is implemented - this option is necessary to give legal significance to electronic documents on economic transactions between counterparties, for example, for "TORG-12", "Act of completed work" or "Invoice". The system allows using encryption of electronic documents when exchanging via open data transmission channels.

The exchange of electronic documents in the library can be divided into three stages:

  • exchange setting,
  • formation and sending of outgoing electronic documents,
  • receiving and processing incoming electronic documents.

Setting up the exchange of electronic documents

For the exchange of electronic documents with EDS and/or encryption, the library has the ability to configure general cryptography parameters (parameters are set for third-party software that directly performs cryptographic operations to generate/verify EDS, encrypt/decrypt data), configure signature certificates that are planned to be used in work . In the settings of the signing certificate, you can specify the 1C:Enterprise 8 user who will have access to this certificate in the system, specify which organization and what types of electronic documents can be signed with this certificate, check the possibility of using a cryptography certificate at a specific user workplace.

The library allows you to exchange electronic documents both directly between counterparties and through the operator of electronic document management (hereinafter referred to as the EDI operator) - the Taxcom company, as part of the 1C-Taxcom joint solution, see information letter No. 15101 dated 05/04/2012. According to the legislation, the exchange of electronic invoices between counterparties provides for the mandatory participation of a third party - an EDF operator, see order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 04.25.2011 No. 50n.

To use the direct exchange of electronic documents between counterparties, the system provides for an "Agreement on the use of electronic documents", which specifies the individual parameters of the interaction of the parties (types of electronic documents that will be exchanged, whether digital signature and encryption will be used, as well as the method of exchange). The system supports direct exchange through the public directory and by e-mail.

When exchanging electronic documents through an EDI operator, an "Agreement on the use of electronic documents" is introduced with the method of exchange "Through an EDI operator (Taxcom)". To connect a new participant-counterparty to the exchange, the system implements the exchange of invitations through the EDF service operator. An exchange through an EDF operator is possible only when using an EDS.

Formation and sending of outgoing electronic documents

For the formation and sending of electronic documents in the library, a group of commands "ED" (electronic documents) is provided. The commands of this group are built into the forms and lists of documents of the applied solution (for both outgoing and incoming) and allow the user to perform all operations on working with electronic documents in a few mouse clicks.

For electronic documents, the system maintains statuses that describe the stages of the document exchange cycle. The system automatically controls the correspondence of the data of the infobase document and the outgoing electronic document, prompts the user using the state mechanism for the next necessary action to work with the electronic document.

The library has a separate workplace for signing electronic documents, which allows the responsible person of the organization to view all current electronic documents submitted for signature, sign them or reject them. The form supports group signing of electronic documents, it is possible to work with several signature certificates.

Before sending, the system automatically packs electronic documents into transport containers (zip-files) and transfers them to them via the configured communication channels. Sending and receiving sessions of electronic documents can be initiated either by an interactive user command or by configured scheduled tasks that are performed at a specified frequency.

The library maintains an archive of electronic documents, which allows you to view the contents of any generated or received electronic document, track its status, and check the installed digital signatures. The content of an electronic document is displayed in the form of a printed form of an accounting document, which allows the user to visually evaluate it.

From the form for viewing an electronic document, the system allows you to save the electronic document and the installed EDS to a directory on a disk, while the files of the electronic document and EDS files will be uploaded separately, as well as print the contents of the electronic document along with the list of EDS with which the document was signed. These capabilities may be needed to transfer an electronic document to external authorities.

Receipt and processing of incoming electronic documents

After receiving the shipping container, the system will automatically generate a notification of the delivery of the data package and immediately send it to the sender of the original electronic document, if the EDS on the notification is not required. Next, the system will unpack the received container and, based on the data of the electronic document, will create an unposted application solution document. The further scenario of working with such an infobase document is no different from the usual one, except that most of the document details are already filled in automatically. Upon receipt of a new version of an electronic document that was previously uploaded to the infobase, the system links it to an existing infobase document without refilling it automatically (filling in is possible only by an interactive user action).

The library has the ability to view the entire list of electronic documents associated with the application solution document. The list displays the statuses of electronic documents, the time of their appointment, the ability to view the contents of an electronic document or perform the next available action with it.

In the view form, the user can control the contents of the electronic document in the usual printed form of the accounting document, sign it or reject it, indicating the reason for the refusal to sign. At the moment of rejection, the system will automatically create an electronic document-clarification and immediately send it to the sender of the original electronic document, if the EDS is not required for clarification. If the user signed the received electronic document, the system will automatically pack the necessary data of the response signature into the shipping container and put it in the queue for sending. The direct sending of the recipient's response will occur during the next session of sending and receiving electronic documents.

Home Standard Libraries

1C: Library of electronic documents 8

1C:Electronic Documents Library 8 is a special configuration designed for embedding the electronic document exchange functionality into various application solutions developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

After integrating "1C: Library of Electronic Documents 8" into the application solution, users of the application solution will be able to partially or completely refuse to exchange documents in paper form with counterparties and switch to the exchange of electronic documents, which will allow:

  • speed up the process of registration and processing of documents in companies;
  • reduce manual input and reduce the number of errors on the receiving side;
  • reduce the cost of consumables and mail delivery services.

Everything necessary for the exchange of electronic documents is built into the interfaces of application solutions that are familiar to users. The library supports working with configurations that work in managed and normal modes.

The library allows you to organize the exchange with counterparties of both structured electronic documents (XML files that can be parsed and downloaded as data in the recipient's information base) and arbitrary electronic documents that are difficult to formalize, for example, a sales contract or a reconciliation act.

For electronic documents, the optional possibility of using an electronic digital signature (EDS) is implemented - this option is necessary to give legal significance to electronic documents on business transactions between counterparties, for example, for "TORG-12", "Act of completed work" or "Invoice". The system allows using encryption of electronic documents when exchanging via open data transmission channels.

The exchange of electronic documents in the library can be divided into three stages:

  • exchange setting,
  • formation and sending of outgoing electronic documents,
  • receiving and processing incoming electronic documents.

How to get the library

The library is available to registered users of the products of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system of the PROF version if they have a valid 1C:ITS contract, on the user support site or on the site

1C - EDO is a 1C solution that provides the exchange of legally significant documents, electronic invoices and other electronic documents directly from 1C: Enterprise, without using other programs through one of the electronic document management operators (EDO) that support 1C-EDO technology .

The use of electronic document management "1C-EDO" allows you to exchange legally significant documents in in electronic format over the Internet in seconds.


Easier than a paper document

You can create, sign and send an electronic document with the click of a button - it's easier than a paper document.

All documents

You can exchange not only invoices, but also all other documents - invoices, acts, invoices, orders, etc.

Delivery Guarantee

EDF operators supporting the 1C-EDO technology guarantee the delivery of an electronic document to the addressee in accordance with the requirements of regulations governing the activities of electronic document management operators.

Incoming documents are generated automatically

Incoming documents in the 1C information base are generated automatically on the basis of electronic documents - all that remains is to post them.

Any number of users

The system works with any number of users who have electronic signature certificates.


The exchange of electronic documents is organically integrated into the internal document flow regulations.

Answer to the request of the Federal Tax Service

Electronic documents can be conveniently sent to the Federal Tax Service in response to a request using the 1C-Reporting service.

EDS certificate available

To sign electronic documents, a qualified electronic signature certificate (ES) issued by any certification center accredited by the Ministry of Communications of Russia can be used.


Accelerating the exchange of documents with your counterparties (75% reduction in time).

Cost reduction

Reducing the cost of document management (labor, paper, cartridges, storage space for documents, etc.), since all documents are generated and sent electronically (general cost reduction of the enterprise by 2%).

Quick Entry

Reducing the time for entering incoming documents into the information system.

Reducing the number of errors

Reduction of errors associated with the human factor due to automatic generation of documents.

More efficient

There is no need to maintain a paper archive, documents are not lost, as they are stored electronically.

Organizational advantages of "1C-EDO"

Refusal to "manually" enter data from received documents into 1C.

Automatic filling of journals and registers of incoming/outgoing electronic documents.

Automatic comparison of seller and buyer items.

To start the exchange of electronic documents, it is enough to send an invitation to the counterparty directly from 1C:Enterprise and receive confirmation from him.

It is possible to exchange with firms that use other accounting programs (not 1C).

You can use an ES certificate issued by any certification authority accredited by the Russian Ministry of Communications. In particular, you can use a certificate obtained using the 1C:Signature product or when connecting to the 1C-Reporting service. For users of ITS PROF "1C: Signature" and "1C-Reporting" are provided on a preferential basis.

The ability to create multiple EDF participant accounts with different EDF operators, and then set up exchanges with different counterparties under different accounts.

The possibility of exchanging electronic documents between counterparties-users of 1C-EDO, if they are connected through different EDF operators (roaming).

Technical advantages of 1C-EDO in comparison with other solutions

The ability to exchange electronic documents is built directly into standard 1C solutions and does not require integration and uploading of sent and received documents into external modules, which means that the task of integrating the 1C-EDO solution with the accounting system has already been solved in advance for many counterparties using 1C software.

The solution also works in client-server mode - any number of certificates and users with signing rights are supported.

Access control is used: the function of preparing and signing documents can be separated.

The manager can sign electronic signature immediately a group of documents selected using a flexible filter system.

The invitation of counterparties to the exchange is implemented directly in the 1C accounting system.

Mechanisms for working with electronic documents (storage, search, filtering by types, statuses, mass signing) are also integrated directly into PP 1C.

The archive of electronic documents is a part of the 1C:Enterprise program. Thus, in the course of standard procedures for backing up an infobase, you can create a backup copy of an electronic archive.

Programs in which the service is implemented

You can work with 1C-EDO in the following 1C:Enterprise programs:

  • 1C: Accounting 8, ed. 2.0
  • 1C: Trade Management 8, ed. 10.3
  • 1C:Manufacturing enterprise management 8
  • 1C: Complex automation 8

The composition of applied solutions, including 1C-EDO, is planned to be expanded.

Also, users have the opportunity to embed the 1C-EDO functionality into other configurations on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform on their own or with the help of 1C partners. To do this, 1C has published a distribution kit for the solution 1C: Library of Electronic Documents 8 (see information issue No. 15245).

Users of non-standard 1C: Enterprise programs that do not support EDI functionality (for example, 1C industry solutions or programs with individual modifications) are given the opportunity to work with 1C-EDO using a special simple program "1C: EDI Client 8", ed. 2.0.

Outgoing documents

After you create and run required document, for example, a consignment note or an act of completion, it remains only to send it to the counterparty. This can be done by clicking on the "sign and send" button in the same section of the program. After sending, the register of outgoing electronic documents will be generated automatically. Thus, you will save yourself the trouble of printing, signing and stamping this document.

Incoming Documents

Incoming documents in your database will be generated automatically. To do this, you will simply need to click the "get answers" button after your counterparty sends you the documents. The incoming act or waybill can be previewed, and then approve or reject the document. If approved, the program will automatically send confirmation to the sender of the document, so you do not have to print it and send it by mail.

Exchange of other documents

The service for the exchange of electronic documents in 1C also allows you to exchange other documents. Together with a set of documents on the transaction, you can send explanatory note or an agreement to be signed with an electronic signature.

A set of documents signed on both sides: by you and your counterparty, will be considered the original, will have legal significance and does not need to be duplicated on paper.

Terms of receipt

To connect and use "1C-EDO" you need
  • be a registered user of 1C programs;
  • register the program in Personal account» this portal;
  • have a valid information technology support agreement (1C:ITS) with a 1C partner.

The right to the 1C-EDO product is granted to users on the basis of a license agreement with a 1C partner.

reference Information

  • You can read about how to become a registered user in the 1C: ITS information system
  • Information about registration of the program is available in the "Personal Account" of this portal
  • Choose a partner for registration of 1C: ITS and support


A trial license for 1C-EDO is included in 1C:ITS of the PROF level in the following scope:

  • free connection;
  • free sending of 100 sets of documents per month;
  • the cost of sending a set of documents, starting from 101 sets - 10 rubles. per set, for details, see the tariffs of "1C-EDO" in the information release of the company "1C" No. 19598.

For users of 1C:ITS of the TECHNO level "1C-EDO" is available on the following terms:

  • free connection;
  • free receipt of any number of documents;
  • free sending of 50 sets of documents per month;
  • the cost of sending a set of documents, starting from 51 sets - 10 rubles. per set.

Reference Information:


  • Users can receive technical support on the use of the electronic document exchange functionality in 1C:Enterprise 8 programs from a 1C service partner.
  • Also, for questions about working in 1C programs with the functionality of registration in 1C-EDO and the exchange of electronic documents, you can contact the 1C-EDO User Support Center through the following channels:
  • through 1C-Bukhfon, 1C-EDO Support service (for more information about 1C-Bukhfon technology, see,
  • single free federal number 8-800-333-93-13,
  • Email [email protected].