Regional platform of the program “smart guy. Preparing for the final of the smart guy, finalizing the idea

Hello! I would like to talk about the UMNIK program, aimed at obtaining a grant from the Assistance Fund, about our development of a safe and simple CNC machine INZHIR and where we are going.

A little about the UMNIK program

UMNIK is a competition aimed at obtaining a grant from the Foundation for the Promotion of Small Enterprises. If your project passes, you will receive a grant in the amount of 500,000 rubles for 2 years to implement your idea. In the first year they give 200,000 rubles, the next - 250,000 rubles, and at the end of the second year another 50,000 rubles for their own expenses. Your idea must be scientific and innovative in one way or another, and most importantly, it must be commercializable. Anyone between the ages of 18 and 30 inclusive can participate in the project. The competition itself takes place in 2 stages. Semi-final and final. At the same time, the final is held in the regional center once a year. There are a lot of semi-finals. At the same time, they are held not only in person, but also in absentia. If your project did not pass the semi-final in one place, then you can safely go to another place for the next semi-final and perform there. There are no restrictions in this regard.

Preparing for the semi-final. Idea development

A few weeks before the semi-finals of the UMNIK program, I first learned about the UMNIK program. I was pleasantly surprised that this is generally practiced in our country. The idea of ​​the project at that time hovered in the air, but had not yet been voiced. At that time, I had several developments. After a detailed analysis of each of them, I decided to try to promote the idea of ​​developing a milling
CNC machine for self-assembly "INZHIR".

How did I come to this? About half a year before that, after reading and watching videos about CNC machines, I got excited about creating one of them. At the beginning, I was convinced that if there are budget restrictions, then such a miracle can be made from plywood on the knee. The result was so disgusting that I even forgot to take a picture of it. So quickly my first CNC turned into a small hanging cabinet.

For the second CNC machine, it was decided to significantly expand the budget. Then I received a solid increased scholarship at the university, so she was to become the main sponsor of the project. Having calculated everything, it turned out that at such a pace it would take about half a year to create the machine I had conceived. Every month, the necessary components were ordered from China and bought in local stores. After 4 months, almost all the main parts of the future machine were assembled in a heap on the table. Began a long and painful assembly process. Before that, I had not done anything like this, so during the assembly process, just a sea of ​​\u200b\u200berrors was made, due to which the project budget almost doubled. Still, I was pleased with the result. When you first launch a project of this magnitude, you experience a real pleasure from his first work. After testing all the main features, I set a small relief to be processed. It was processed for several hours, and all this time I just sat there and watched the process. I couldn't believe I was capable of creating something like this. At that moment, for me, the first flight into space of a man was not even close to what I had done.

Over time, the understanding came that many things could have been done differently. The machine was made according to a standard design from the Internet, and it was already very typical. Quite a lot of questions were raised by the existing software. I will tell about all the disadvantages of modern desktop CNC machines some other time. There are too many of them. Let me just say that in our project we tried to eliminate many of the shortcomings of existing CNC machines.

But something pulled me away. Let's return to the idea of ​​the project for UMNIK. It was decided to develop a desktop budget CNC machine. At the same time, they wanted to make it in the form of a “assemble it yourself” kit, which would reduce the cost of the final product. A few days before the semi-final, which took place at my university, the presentation of the project was completely ready. There was then a project only at the level of the idea. Nothing has really been done yet, and I was very worried about this. I thought that just space projects with super prototypes would come to the semifinals. The reality turned out to be a little different.

Semi-finals of the UMNIK program

Everything was well organized. Only 15 people participated. When the experts began to come, we were a little surprised by their number. Their total number slightly exceeded the number of participants in the semi-finals. And this seemed strange to me. I don't know, maybe it was different in other semi-finals in other places. But that's how it went for us. I spoke about halfway through, so I had the opportunity to listen to the other speakers. As it turned out, I worried about the development of the project for nothing. Almost all participants developed their project to the level of an idea. There were, of course, really worthwhile developments, but they were a minority. I performed quite badly then, but, surprisingly, it was enough to reach the final.

I forgot to tell you about the performance procedure. 5 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions. At first it seemed to me terribly small. After all, they were going to give us 500,000 rubles. Do they really not want to understand our ideas in more detail? But as the project progressed and further preparations were made for the final, I realized that 5 minutes for a performance is even a lot. You can safely keep within 4 minutes, or even less. Definitely, you need to prepare very thoroughly for the presentation, but you need to prepare much more thoroughly for answering questions. It depends on how well you answer the questions of experts. further fate your project. It should be said right away that the level of the semi-final and the final of UMNIKA differed enormously. The experts of the semi-finals were mostly university professors. Everyone was good in their area. The questions they asked were mostly technical in nature. The business model of the project, marketing and financial plans at that time were of no interest to anyone at all. Everyone looked almost only at the novelty and innovativeness of the project. In the final, everything was completely different.

Preparing for the UMNIK final, finalizing the idea

After winning the semi-finals, I realized that if I don’t develop and create a prototype of the conceived CNC machine, then I won’t move further. At that time, there were about 5 months left before the final. A lot - you say, but in fact it is not. Prototyping required Money and detailed project development. As soon as money appeared to promote the project, the necessary components were ordered. When I sat down to develop the machine, I realized that the idea of ​​​​creating a cheap CNC constructor is absolutely not relevant. Maybe I could sell a few copies to garage engineers and electronics, but no more. The quality of the products made on the “assembly yourself” type machine would leave much to be desired. There were many more disadvantages of this development. First of all, I would not be able to eliminate the shortcomings inherent in all existing desktop machines. They would certainly accompany my project.

I will not describe the procedure for developing and further creating a prototype of a CNC machine, because This story can be counted as advertising.

After creating the prototype, there were a few weeks left before the final. It was decided to write a business plan for the project, although according to the terms of UMNIK, it is needed only after the completion of the program (in two years). I have never written a business plan before. A sea of ​​documentation was studied and a whole bunch of training videos were watched. In general, we approached writing a business plan very seriously. It was ready within a week. In the process of writing, we figured out a lot of issues related to the further organization of production. We also saw the first real numbers, although they are close. We analyzed the market, set the pricing policy, made financial and marketing plans. I’ll tell you right away that the fact that we wrote a business plan for the project in advance was a HUGE plus at the UMNIK final.

The rest of the week was spent creating and preparing for the presentation. A few days before the final, it became known that an exhibition of project prototypes would be held before the start of the performances. We have prepared very thoroughly for it. Made an information board. We sawed small gifts for the listeners. We made interesting badges out of wood.

UMNIK final, exhibition of project prototypes

The start of the exhibition was scheduled for 12 noon. Performances start at 13:30. We were already there at 10 o'clock. This was due not only to the fact that “the sooner the better”, but also to the fact that we had to spend a lot of time organizing an exhibition of our project. We also easily parked closer to the entrance and chose a better place for the presentation of our project. In total, 7 teams participated in the exhibition. We looked the most respectable of all, not only because we occupied the most places, but also because we prepared much more thoroughly for the exhibition and for the UMNIK final as a whole.

During the exhibition, we were approached by many potential investors. The essence of the project was described in detail to everyone and the performance of the machine prototype was demonstrated. Also, thanks to the exhibition, the organizers and experts became interested in us. One of the experts (who later happened to be in our section) became very interested in our development. During the conversation, he gave us some interesting ideas, for which we are very grateful to him.

I was lucky again and I was playing around the middle, so there was an opportunity to listen to the performances of other teams. Almost all the experts in my section were heads large companies region. First of all, they quickly understood the innovativeness of the project. If the project was interesting new technology or development, then they moved on to the commercial part of the project. 80% of the experts' questions were about the organization of production and commercialization of the project. Questions about the pricing policy, financial and marketing part were asked for almost every project. Many were blown away by this, because they simply were not ready for such a detailed analysis. In our section, we are the only ones who have developed a business plan for the project. Before the start of the presentation, each member of the jury was given a copy of the business plan. In it, they immediately found answers to most of their questions. In general, I answered the questions quite well, but the presentation failed a little. Interestingly, before the presentation, I was not worried at all, but when I went out to speak, the excitement overtook me. This, of course, is not good, but speaking at such events will gradually add experience to this issue. At the end of the presentation, 3 experts became interested in the development and asked to leave them a business plan for the project.

In general, the final for our project went very well. First of all, we declared ourselves to potential investors. Whether we won a grant or not, unfortunately, will be known only in mid-December. After the finals, the experts compiled a list of participants recommended for a grant. And they didn't even tell us about it. This list will be sent to Moscow, and there, after the meeting, the names of the winners will already be known. So look forward to!

I forgot to say that many teams did not even rework their presentations from the semi-final to the final. Their projects were only realized to the level of an idea. And every year, many such projects receive a grant to turn the idea into the final product. So if you have interesting idea, and you will also work it out well, then be sure to participate in this conference. Chances are high that you will receive a grant next year!

What's next?

The UMNIK final was held on November 10. After that, in a week, we fully prepared the project for submission to Boomstarter. We didn’t have to describe the project from scratch because we had not only a business plan, but also experience in participating in UMNIK. The project is currently being moderated. The official launch is scheduled for next week.

Summing up: UMNIK is the necessary beginning for every startup that is desirable to go through, because you will not only understand your own project in detail, but if you win, you will receive initial investments for further promotion.

"UMNIK" - a program of the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small enterprise forms in science and technology. The main objective of the program is to identify and educate personnel reserve innovative entrepreneurs in Russia. It was one of the first to enable young scientists aged 18 to 28 to present their developments and receive funding with the possibility of their further commercialization. The abbreviation "UMNIK" stands for "Participant of the youth scientific and innovative competition."

The UMNIK program has been carried out by the Assistance Fund since 2007. During this time, the competition has become a really real opportunity for young scientists to develop their innovative product, organize its production and ensure its entry into the market.

The selection of winners takes place in two stages. The first, qualifying round of UMNIK is held twice a year (in spring and autumn) both in the capital and in the regions on the basis of youth scientific and practical schools, research project competitions, conferences, exhibitions at specialized institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, universities, business incubators and other venues accredited by the organizers. More detailed information information about upcoming qualifying events can be found on the website of the Assistance Fund. Based on the results of the first stage, the expert commission selects projects for oral presentation in the final, which determines about ten winners in each direction.

The UMNIK program includes five areas:

  • Information Technology
  • Medicine of the future
  • Modern materials and technologies for their creation
  • New devices and hardware complexes
  • Biotechnology

The winners of the competition receive funding for their project in the amount of 200,000 rubles with the possibility of a one-year extension. The winners of the UMNIK program cannot participate in the competition again. After the successful completion of the project, the young scientist has the opportunity to apply for participation in the UMNIK for START program, which gives him the opportunity to receive funding in the amount of up to 6 million rubles for three years.

Of the most successful projects that received the support of the fund, it is worth noting the development of Alexander Berveno, who became the winner of UMNIK back in 2007. A post-graduate student of the Institute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanochemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences has designed a setup that makes it possible to reduce the cost of the process of obtaining sorbents based on carbon fibers for gas separation from a mixture by a factor of 2–3. Alexander's development made it possible to solve an important environmental problem - to utilize methane. After the completion of the UMNIK project, the installation passed an examination at the Kuzbass Technopark, and an agreement was signed with the State Corporation Rosnano. In 2011, Alexander won the START competition and since 2012 has become a resident of the Skolkovo Foundation.

Seven years after the first UMNIK, we can say that the program has established itself as an excellent chance for young scientists to prove themselves, demonstrate their ideas and developments and receive, albeit small by today's standards, but money that is so necessary in the early stages of developing science-intensive technologies.

Participation in the UMNIK program

To participate in the program, you need to choose the direction most suitable for your project, fill out the registration form and send it to the UMNIK coordinator in the organizing committee of the scientific event, where the selection round will be held in the near future. After your project is included in the list of participants, you will receive an email with the address of the activated account on the site where you need to upload a description of the project in the form of abstracts and a presentation. The qualifying round can take place in absentia and then the performance before the commission takes place directly in the final.

The description of the project includes such items as the purpose of the project, relevance, knowledge intensity, novelty, prospects for the commercialization of R&D results, protection of intellectual property, and a project implementation plan. It should be noted right away that the more capaciously and accurately all the provisions in the theses are formulated, the better. When compiling an application, the organizers of UMNIK advise using the words "innovation", "invention" as rarely as possible. It is also recommended to focus on the applied significance of the project, since, first of all, the competition involves the creation of the final product, and not fundamental research. When describing the novelty of a development, the expressions “absolute novelty”, “no analogues”, “breakthrough technology” should be avoided.

Young scientists are often hampered by the point of commercialization. It is proposed to present the results of the assessment and the size of the market, the potential consumer, the presence of risks and measures to reduce them, the presence of competitors, the calculation of the cost of the product and the products of competitors. If this item is formulated clearly and precisely, albeit not very detailed, then the commission rarely asks for something extra and does not focus on economic terms. We publish recommendations for filling in this section, presented on the website of the Technopark of the Novosibirsk Academgorodok:

Commercializability of scientific and technical results

Application area

In this section, you need to give an idea of ​​the scope of your product (service), where it will or may be in demand.

The volume of off-budget investments or own funds, sources and forms of their receipt, distribution by cost items by years of implementation

Sources of funds and forms of their receipt (depending on the project option) are discussed in detail in the Project Data section.

The situation in the domestic and foreign markets, existing analogues, the contingent of buyers, the estimated volume of the solvent market

First of all, it is necessary to prove that there is a market, that is, there are buyers, sellers, demand. Estimate the market size (in rubles, in foreign currency if the market is foreign)

Tell us about your closest competitors, their products, their characteristics, compare them with the products of your enterprise (clearly make it in the form of a table). Give information about how saturated the market is with this product, what prevails supply or demand.

Answer the questions: Who will buy? Why will they buy?

What will make you prefer the products of your company, rather than existing analogues? Show what proportion potential consumers(%) (with an indication of their solvent potential - in rubles) is ready to buy the products of your enterprise.

If the market is foreign, you need to prove the possibility of entering domestic products into it.

Estimated price and cost (per unit of production), planned profit per unit of product, implementation plan

The cost of production is the costs of an enterprise or organization for the production and sale of products, expressed in monetary terms. Here it is necessary to indicate all the costs that are associated with the creation, production and sale of products (including all activities related to the promotion of products on the market). When determining the price of products, remember that it should be higher than the cost (which is natural), and the profit should be enough (in the case of self-development) to compensate for the company's investment in the project. When determining the maximum and minimum profit per unit of product, it must be borne in mind that for many types of products, in practice, there is a lower limit of the interval between the price of products and the cost, below which production is unprofitable.

It must be remembered that in certain market segments (sales of medical equipment, medicines) it is almost impossible for a small business to enter the market and gain a foothold on its own, therefore, if this is your case, indicate a “solid” partner who can “bring” your company’s products to market. Open the mechanism of your cooperation.

Product Certification Requirements

Quality control may include:

  • availability of technology regulations;
  • availability of a product certificate;
  • availability of a certificate of conformity 9001:2008 for processes;
  • availability of a QMS (quality management system), confirmed by a certificate.

See which of the above is possible to create (develop) as part of the organization of production at your enterprise.

Currently, statistical methods of quality control are widely used; physical and chemical methods of product quality control are also used.

The description of the project is being completed calendar plan, which needs to be taken seriously, since it is he who will largely determine what you will write in interim and annual reports. The schedule items should indicate an action (for example: research, development) and should not repeat each other. Also, work not related to the project should not be included in the calendar plan (for example: documentation approval, patenting, marketing).

After reaching the final, the contestants are tasked with convincingly speaking to the experts with the presentation of their project. The speech should last no more than 5-6 minutes, followed by questions from the commission. The presentation should clearly reflect the main ideas of the project, the slides should go sequentially and in accordance with the logic of the product presentation. Effects and animation should be kept to a minimum. It is not recommended to overload the slides with text, especially if it duplicates your report. We hope that our recommendations will help you win.

Number of participants and winners under the UMNIK program*

* Statistics provided by the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere.

UMNIK program(Participant of the Youth Scientific and Innovation Competition) is held by the Innovation Promotion Foundation to support innovative ideas of young people aged 18 to 30 years.

The program involves the provision of a federal grant in the amount of 500,000 rubles for 2 years to develop their idea.

The main criteria for receiving a grant:

  • Scientific novelty. The proposed idea must be new, formulated for the first time by the contestant himself. The project should reflect the scientific research that resulted in the idea, as well as the conditions necessary for its implementation.
  • The relevance of the idea. The idea formulated in the project must be relevant to the solution contemporary problems and tasks both in a separate region and in Russia as a whole.
  • The technical significance of a product or technology. The idea formulated in the project must be technically significant, i.e. should have a decisive influence on modern technology and technology
  • A plan to turn an idea into a final product, i.e. from the initial stage (idea) to the finished product (workable technology)
  • The prospect of commercialization of research results. A potential product must be able to be introduced to the market, industrial applicability and a specific consumer.
  • Assessment of your capabilities. The criterion makes it clear whether the participant correctly represents the ways and means of protecting his rights, determines the desire to create his own enterprise, and also allows him to assess the future of the project.
  • Passion for an idea. The personality of the speaker and the quality of the performance big role in a positive perception of the project as a whole.

To participate in the UMNIK program, the project must take place in one of the following priority areas:

    Digital technologies,

    Medicine and health technologies,

    New materials and chemical technologies,

    New appliances and smart production technologies,


    Resource-saving energy

The competition takes place in three stages:


Applicants form applications for a grant, prepare a presentation. In preparation for the semi-finals, demo days are being held at the university's business incubator project activities with the involvement of program experts. During the demo days, the participant can improve his project both in essence and in terms of its presentation to the jury.

Regional final.

The final takes place once a year in person. All participants who have successfully passed the semi-final stage within the framework of the final defense present their projects to the regional expert jury. Based on the results of the final, the jury prepares a rating list of participants according to the criteria and sends it to the Innovation Promotion Fund.

Confirmation of the list of winners.

2-3 months after the regional final, the Innovation Promotion Foundation, based on the results of the final and examination of applications, forms a list of winners who will receive a grant of 500,000 rubles.

Based on the results of two years of work on the project, the participant must register his intellectual property rights, prepare a business plan for the developed project, apply for the Start program of the Innovation Promotion Fund, or open a small innovative enterprise.

You can get more detailed information on the official website of the foundation:

You can ask all your questions in the SSU business incubator. Pitirim Sorokin via email

1.1. This Regulation establishes the procedure and conditions for the provision of federal state budget institution"Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere" (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) grants to individuals to ensure the implementation of scientific research work (hereinafter referred to as R&D) as part of the implementation of innovative projects.

1.2. In the context of these Regulations, innovative projects (hereinafter referred to as the innovative project) are understood as a set of measures aimed at achieving an economic effect for the implementation of innovations, including the commercialization of scientific and (or) scientific and technical results (in accordance with federal law dated August 23, 1996 No. 127-FZ).

1.3. The purpose of the UMNIK program (hereinafter referred to as the Program) is to support young scientists who seek to realize themselves through innovative activity, and stimulating the mass participation of young people in scientific, technical and innovative activities, as well as stimulating young scientists and specialists to create small innovative enterprises necessary for the commercialization of the results of scientific developments.

1.4. Financial support is provided in the form of a gratuitous and non-refundable subsidy in cash (hereinafter referred to as the grant), allocated for conducting research, to applicants selected based on the results of the competition (hereinafter referred to as the competition).

1.5. Within the framework of the Program, projects are selected in the following thematic areas:

  • H1. Digital technologies;
  • H2. Medicine and technologies of health saving;
  • H3. New materials and chemical technologies;
  • H4. New instruments and intelligent manufacturing technologies;
  • H5. Biotechnology;
  • H6. Resource-saving energy.

2. Participants of the competition and requirements for the information provided

2.1. Can take part in the competition individuals, from 18 to 30 years old inclusive, who are citizens of the Russian Federation and have not previously won the Program. Each project is submitted and submitted by one individual.

2.2. Registration and submission of applications is carried out on the Internet in a specialized system at the address (hereinafter referred to as the System).

2.3. Personal data, technical information about the project are entered into the System, the potential for commercialization is described, and a presentation of the project is attached in ppt (pptx) or pdf format. All attached documents must be legible, scanned in color and saved in pdf format. Documents must be scanned as a whole, not page by page - one file must contain one complete document. The file name must match the title of the document. Applications received on paper are not considered and are not returned to the Applicant.

2.4. All sections of the application in the System must be completed. The name of R&D should begin with the word "Development" and include in its composition a mention of a potential object of commercialization (product, service or technology).

2.5. When submitting an application, one of the events accredited by the Foundation is selected, within the framework of which the applicant plans to pass the full-time / absentee semi-final selection. The list of accredited events and their dates are published at referred to as the Fund's website) and in the System.

2.6. Other mandatory requirements:

  • the applicant must not violate the copyright and other rights of third parties; there must be the consent of the copyright holders, if any, for the submission of materials to the Fund and their use by the Fund for examination and for publication;
  • the applicant must provide reliable information contained in the documents provided as part of the application;
  • the applicant must not have previously concluded agreements on the Fund's Programs;
  • the declared project, in accordance with the Charter of the Fund, must be aimed at the implementation of civil technology and must not contain information constituting a state secret or classified as protected in accordance with the law Russian Federation other restricted information.

2.7. In cases of violation of the requirements specified in clause 2.6, the Fund reserves the right to reject the application for the competition and terminate the financing of the project, regardless of the stage of its implementation, while simultaneously demanding from the grant recipient the funds paid to him in the prescribed manner.

3. Terms of participation in the competition and funding procedure

3.1. The amount of the grant provided by the Foundation is 500,000 (Five hundred thousand) rubles.

3.2. The term for the implementation of R&D is no more than 24 months from the date of conclusion of the contract (agreement) on the provision of a grant (hereinafter referred to as the contract). This period may be reduced, but not more than up to 12 months, in case the grantee performs all the work stipulated by the contract, achieves the stated indicators and complies with the requirements of the competition. In case of technical problems during R&D, the need to additional research and trials, as well as due to circumstances force majeure making it impossible to timely fulfill obligations under the contract, a change in the timing of the work can be agreed upon by the Foundation, provided that the grantee provides a justification for the reasons for the postponement.

3.3. Grants to the winners of the Program are provided in 2 stages in accordance with the calendar plan for the implementation of research, provided for by the contract.

3.4. Grant funding is provided for the implementation of research.

3.5. Grants are provided within the limits of the subsidies provided to the Fund from the federal budget.

3.6. The transfer of grant funds to the grant recipient is carried out to a personal settlement account opened with a credit institution.

3.7. The received funds of the grant, in case of their use not for the intended purpose, shall be returned to the Fund.

3.8. Based on the results of the research work, the grantee should achieve the following results:

  • an application for registration of rights to the results of intellectual activity (hereinafter referred to as RIA) created as part of the implementation of research has been submitted;
  • a business plan for an innovative project was developed in accordance with the requirements of Appendix No. 1;
  • a pre-acceleration program was completed on the basis of an enterprise included in the register of pre-accelerators accredited by the Foundation, in order to study the prospects for the commercial use of research results;
  • the development of the project in terms of the commercialization of the results of research has been ensured (an application has been submitted to the START program; or a small innovative enterprise (hereinafter referred to as SIE) has been registered in accordance with No. from equity participation applicant more than 50%; or a license agreement has been signed on the transfer of rights to RIA, created as part of the implementation of R&D, for a fee).

3.9. In case of failure to achieve the planned results of the implementation of research, specified in clause 3.8 of these Regulations, or violation of the terms of the contract, the Foundation has the right to demand the return of the grant funds.

4. Procedure for consideration of applications

4.1. Formal selection:

  • a) is carried out after submitting an application in the System for one of the semi-final events accredited by the Fund;
  • b) after the deadline for accepting applications, the regional representative of the Fund or the curator of the Program in the organization conducting the selection (hereinafter referred to as the Representative) checks the submitted applications on formal grounds. Applications that do not comply with paragraph 2 of these Regulations are removed from further consideration;
  • c) applications that have passed the selection on formal grounds are allowed for further consideration.

4.2. Semi-final selection:

  • a) is carried out in full-time/correspondence format on the basis of semi-final events accredited by the Fund;
  • b) the evaluation of the application is carried out by experts of the accredited semi-final event according to the criterion "Scientific and technical level of the product underlying the project", established by Appendix No. 2;
  • c) based on the results of an expert assessment in the System, rating points are assigned to applicants, and a list of applications recommended for further consideration is determined.

4.3. Correspondence examination:

  • a) applications recommended based on the results of the semi-final event are sent for anonymized scientific and technical expertise;
  • b) conducting an impersonal examination is provided with the involvement of experts accredited by the Foundation for conducting an examination;
  • c) the assessment is carried out according to the criterion "Scientific and technical level of the product underlying the project", established by Appendix No. 2;
  • d) based on the results of an impersonal scientific and technical expertise, the System generates a list of applications recommended for participation in the final event.

4.4. Final selection:

  • a) is carried out in person on the basis of the final events accredited by the Fund;
  • b) evaluation of applications is carried out by members (at least 5 people) of the regional expert jury (hereinafter - RJ) according to the criteria "Prospects for the commercialization of the project" and "Qualification of the applicant", established in Appendix No. 2;
  • c) the composition of the REJ is formed taking into account the recommendations of the management of the body executive power subject of the Russian Federation (or the management of the organization conducting the selection) and is approved by the Foundation;
  • d) REM may include representatives of the business community of the region, representatives of the executive authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and Representatives;
  • e) it is recommended to hold the final event with the participation of the Foundation staff and representatives of the scientific community of the region (without the right to vote);
  • f) based on the results of the final event, a protocol is drawn up with recommendations for summarizing the results, which is signed by the chairman of the REJ or his deputy. A member of the RJ who does not agree with the decision made may express his dissenting opinion in writing and submit it to the chairman of the RJ. The dissenting opinion is attached to the relevant protocol in the form of an annex. The selection results are also entered into the System;
  • g) the protocol of the REJ is advisory in nature and is sent for approval to the Foundation.

4.5. Results Validation:

  • a) Applications recommended by REJ based on the results of the final event are considered by the competition committee of the Foundation;
  • b) The Competition Committee of the Fund, taking into account the recommendations of the REJ and other factors, forms the final recommendations on financing the selected applications. Recommendations of the competition commission are drawn up in the protocol of consideration of applications and sent for approval to the Directorate of the Fund;
  • c) the final results of the competition are approved by the Directorate of the Fund;
  • d) the results of the competition are posted on the website of the Fund no later than ten days from the date of signing by the Directorate of the Fund of the protocol on approval of the results of the competition. Representatives provide additional information to the approved winners in their region (organization).

5. Procedure and conditions for financing projects

The R&D stipulated by the agreement is carried out by the grant recipient in accordance with the terms of reference and schedule, which are integral parts of the agreement.

5.2. The grant recipient must:

  • to carry out R&D in a quality and timely manner;
  • timely submit to the Fund reports on the completed stages of work and R&D as a whole in accordance with the deadlines specified in the calendar plan for the implementation of work; documents confirming that he has performed all the actions necessary to recognize him and obtain rights to the results of scientific and technical activities;
  • to ensure the intended use of the funds received for the financial support of R&D through subsidies provided to the Fund from the federal budget.

5.3. The research grant is provided under the following conditions:

5.4. The contract is considered executed after the Fund approves the final scientific and technical report on the implementation of R&D and signing the final Act on the implementation of R&D.

5.5. The grantee is responsible for the intended use of the grant and the accuracy of reporting data.
In case of misuse of funds, the Foundation has the right to require the grantee to return the grant in the amount of misuse.

5.6. In case of non-fulfillment by the grantee of the next stage of work, as well as in the absence (delay for more than 3 months without good reason) a final report for all actions completed up to the time of termination work contracts, the Fund has the right to demand from the grantee the return of the grant in the amount actually transferred funds under contract.

5.7. The Fund has the right to check the progress of work and the intended use of the grant.
The Foundation exercises control over the progress of work and the targeted use of the grant both by the Foundation's own efforts and with the involvement of a specialized monitoring organization.
The grantee undertakes to provide the necessary documentation related to the works under the contract and to create the necessary conditions for smooth checks targeted spending grant funds.

5.8. In case of impossibility to obtain the expected results and/or it is found that it is not expedient to continue the work, the grant recipient undertakes to immediately inform the Foundation about this and submit a report on the completed research.

5.9. The contract may be terminated early by mutual agreement of the parties or by a court decision on the grounds provided for by civil law.
The Foundation may terminate the agreement unilaterally and terminate the provision of grant funds in the event of a significant violation by the grantee of the terms of the agreement: lack of reports on the work performed; if it is revealed that the grantee is unable to achieve the results envisaged by the project and / or due to the inexpediency of further continuation of work, misuse of the grant funds, as well as violation by the grantee of other obligations assumed.

5.10. The grantee in the process of fulfilling the contract is obliged to take the measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation to recognize him and obtain rights to the results of scientific and technical activities - to apply for patents, for state registration results of intellectual activity, introduce a secrecy regime with respect to the relevant information and take other similar measures.

5.11. The grant recipient is obliged to provide a link to the Foundation's support in information, reference and promotional materials (including user manuals, Internet sites, exhibition brochures) on products created using the results of research conducted under the contract.

6. The procedure for concluding an agreement with the winner of the competition

6.1. Conclusion of contracts for research with the winners of the competition is carried out with individuals (hereinafter referred to as grant recipients). The age of the grantee at the time of conclusion of the contract with the Foundation must be no more than 30 years.

6.2. The contract must contain the following information:

  • a) the intended purpose of the grant and its amount;
  • b) technical task for the implementation of research;
  • c) cost estimate for the implementation of research;
  • d) calendar plan for the implementation of research;
  • e) conditions for the transfer of the grant;
  • f) the procedure, deadlines for submitting a report on the implementation of research and a list of attached documents;
  • g) other provisions.

Samples of the contract with annexes and reporting documentation are presented in Appendix No. 3.

6.3. In the case of performing R&D using the material and technical base of a university or an innovative company, the applicant must provide a signed Agreement with the university or innovative company on the procedure for interaction or distribution of rights to the created intellectual property in accordance with the established model (Appendix No. 4). The Foundation has the right to refuse to sign an agreement with a grant recipient in the absence of an agreement with a university or an innovative company.

6.4. Documents for the conclusion of the contract are prepared by the grant recipients in AS "Fond-M" by filling in all forms and attaching the required documents in electronic form.
Competition Winner within 30 calendar days from the moment of publication of the results of the competition on the Fund's website, must place the documents in AS "Fond-M", sending the contract for approval and receiving the status "Submitted" in AS "Fond-M".
The winner of the tender must agree on the documents for drawing up the contract and provide the Fund with the original signed contract with all the annexes indicated therein no later than 60 calendar days from the date of posting the results of the tender.

6.5. In cases of violation of clause 6.4. The Fund has the right to refuse the winner of the tender to conclude an agreement.

6.6. After the contract and annexes are agreed upon by the monitoring center of the respective region, the employees of the Program group and the employees of the project financing department, the paper documents are sent for approval to the Fund's management. After approval of the contract, one hard copy is handed over to the contractor, the second hard copy is handed over to the project finance department for the transfer of funds under the contract.

Application No. 1

Requirements for the structure and content of the business plan of an innovative project

  • 1) Title page:
    - includes the full name of the grantee, address, contact details, project name.
  • 2) Content:
    - consists of a list of what is included in the business plan, and allows each expert to quickly find the information he needs.
  • 3) Summary of the business plan:
    - the main purpose and essence of the proposed project;
    - the stage of development of the project at the time of drawing up the business plan;
    - evidence of profitability;
    - the composition of specific activities that need to be implemented within the framework of the project;
    - funds required for the implementation of the project;
    - key factors success.
  • 4) Brief description of the innovative idea underlying the project:
    - description of the problem and justification of the need to solve it;
    - main goals and objectives;
    - description of the innovative idea;
    - a mechanism for implementing an innovative idea;
    - requirements for resource support of an innovative idea;
    - grade economic efficiency innovative idea.
  • 5) Description of the products planned for production:
    - Name of product;
    - Purpose and scope;
    - prospects for the release of products in a particular market;
    - the possibility of substitution, including import substitution;
    - short description and main technical, economic and consumer characteristics;
    - competitiveness of products;
    - opportunities to increase competitiveness;
    - Availability or need for licensing of production;
    - readiness degree;
    - safety and environmental friendliness.
  • 6) Market analysis:
    - market size;
    - market growth rates, demand development phase;
    - total production capacity;
    - the level of satisfaction of demand;
    - the nature of the industry;
    - sales dynamics of analogues for the last 5 years in Russia, the CIS, in the world;
    - industry development forecasts (from independent sources);
    - main and potential competitors (names and addresses of firms - the main producers of goods, their strengths and weak sides);
    - the level of profitability of the industry.
  • 7) Marketing plan:
    - final consumers (existing and potential);
    - the level of satisfaction of demand, its nature (uniform or seasonal);
    - features of the market segment;
    - competitive advantages goods (services) of competitors and the enterprise implementing the project;
    - planned market share;
    - patent situation, the ability for competitors to produce relevant products without violating the applicant's patent rights;
    - substantiation of the price of products;
    - marketing organization.
  • 8) Financial plan.
    The section includes data on the amount of project financing, indicating sources and financial results project implementation. Indicators financial plan are given for the 1st year of the project implementation in a monthly breakdown, for the 2nd - quarterly, for the 3rd and subsequent years, annual estimates are given. The main sections of the financial plan are the plan of income and expenses, and the plan of cash receipts and payments.
  • 9) Applications.
    The appendix provides justification for certain provisions of the business plan, statistical data, copies of documents, calculations of indicators and other reference data.

The specified structure of the business plan of the project is recommended. When developing specific project the composition and content of the sections may vary depending on the scale and nature of the planned business, the current stage of readiness, and growth prospects. The volume of the business plan is at least 20 pages.

Application No. 2




1) Criterion "Scientific and technical level of the product underlying the project"

Criteria indicators The content of the indicator
1.1 The relevance of the proposed project The value of the idea formulated in the project is assessed for solving modern problems and tasks, both in a separate region and in Russia as a whole.
1.2 Evaluation of the scientific and technical novelty of the product The level of scientific and technical novelty of the development underlying the created product is assessed.
1.3 Assessing the feasibility of R&D results The presence, validity and sufficiency of the proposed methods and methods for solving problems to obtain the required quality and specifications research results. The conformity of the declared volume of the necessary scientific works the complexity of the problem being solved, as well as the applicant’s scientific background on the subject of research

2) Criterion "Prospects for the commercialization of the project"

3) Criteria "Qualifications of the applicant"

Download the regulation on the UMNIK program (DOC, 118 KB)

The agreement (Agreement) on the provision of a grant for the implementation of research can be signed with the winner not older than 30 years.
NTI winners do not need to perform in person
criterion for evaluating applications at the semi-final selection and absentee examination
criterion for evaluating applications at the final selection