Interactive presentations about winter for children. Presentation for senior preschool age "Winter-winter" presentation for a lesson on the world around (preparatory group) on the topic

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Plan. 1. We will talk about winter. 2. Let's play. 3. We will answer questions.

December January February Winter months

Not prickly, light blue Hanging in the bushes…. And her

It flies in a white flock And sparkles in flight It melts like a cool star In the palm of your hand and in your mouth. Snowfall

Icicle It grows upside down, It grows not in summer, but in winter. The sun will bake her, she will cry and die ...

Blizzard Who sweeps and gets angry in winter, Blows, howls and whirls, Makes a white bed? This is snow...

Hoarfrost, snowfall, icicles, snowstorms are winter natural phenomena.

bullfinch sparrow tit dove crow swallow starling Game "Wintering Birds."

The starling and the swallow are not wintering birds, they fly to warmer climes.

The game "Guess whose footprints?" Bird footprints Human footprints Beast footprints

The game "Name winter clothes". coat hat scarf dress felt boots mittens pants fur coat

What do you see in the picture? This is a winter forest. Frost on the trees. Sky is blue. Ground is covered with snow. The snow is white, fluffy, glistens in the sun. The weather is clear frosty.

What did we do? We played. Answered questions. We talked about winter phenomena of nature. Described the painting "Winter Forest."

Well done!!!

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presentation "Zimushka-winter"

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Oksana Nikolaevna Maryina
Presentation Zimushka - winter for children 4–5 years old

1 slide theme:Hello zimushka - winter! Compiled educator: Maryina Oksana Nikolaevna Kindergarten "Poplar"

2. slide image of a winter landscape,

3. slide riddles

The cold has come

Water turned to ice

Long-eared hare gray

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped roaring -

The bear went into hibernation in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does it happen?

(in winter)

What a beauty

It stands shining brightly

How beautifully decorated.

Tell me who is she?

(Christmas tree)

I wasn't raised

Blinded from the snow

Instead of a nose deftly

Got carrots in?


4. Question: How do we dress in winter?

ALGORITHM for dressing winter clothes

Hat, scarf, mittens, warm jacket (fur coat, warm winter boots, felt boots

5slide game "A lot or a little" - pictures of snowmen are shown

6, the slide game "A lot or a little" depicts pictures of bullfinches

7 slide game "A lot or a little" depicts pictures of titmouse

8 slide game: "Guess what's wrong?" there are pictures of the winter games and a picture of the summer game.

9 slide game: "Guess what's extra?" depicts pictures of animals in the forest in winter, and a birdhouse in summer

10. slide What do animals eat in the winter season? picture explaining what wild animals eat in winter

11. slide How do animals prepare for winter?

12 slide What animals sleep in winter, where and how?

13 slide How do people help animal birds in winter?

14 slide game: "Say kindly about winter"

WINTER - winter

SNOW - snowball

WOOD - tree

Christmas tree - Christmas tree

WIND - breeze

BIRD - bird

SLIDE - hill

sledge - sleigh

15 slide Children's winter fun

Children and adults make snowmen, go sledding, skiing. down the hill, playing snowballs.

16 slide Poems about the New Year!

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree

He lit the fires on her.

And the needles shine on it,

And on the branches - snow! V. Petrova

The girls stood in a circle

They got up and shut up.

Santa Claus lit the fires

On a tall tree.

Above the star

Beads in two rows.

Let the tree not go out

May it always burn! A. Barto

17 slide Thank you for your attention"

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Quiz for children of senior preschool age "Zimushka-Winter" Quiz for older kids preschool age"Zimushka-Winter" Purpose: generalization of ideas about winter. Objectives: Summarize.

What did winter bring with it?

Snow on the fields, Ice on the rivers. The wind is walking. When does it happen?

brought a lot of snow

Yes, winter brought a lot of snow clouds, covered everything around with snow.

What is snow for in winter?

snow will saturate the earth with water, purify the air, give it a rest. A man on such land will be able to grow a good harvest,

What color is the snowflake?

- What can you say about the size of snowflakes?

How have trees and shrubs changed?

stand naked, without leaves

they drop their leaves so that the branches do not break from the snow in winter.

Who suffers the most from the vagaries of winter?

the worst thing for animals and birds is not the cold, because the fur of animals becomes warmer in winter, and the fluff grows under the feathers of birds. The worst thing for them is hunger.

The fur-bearing animal lives in a hollow, He likes to sit there in warmth, Though the hollow is not at all a heating pad. Spends the winter there.

Where does the squirrel live? (in the hollow).

What animal is this? (wild).

What is a squirrel's coat like? (red, fluffy, warm)

What does a squirrel eat? (cones, nuts, mushrooms). The squirrel's winter fur is high, soft and fluffy, while the summer fur is stiffer, sparse, and short. The squirrel molts 2 times a year, with the exception of the tail, which molts once a year.

What kind of animal is this forest

He stood like a column under a pine tree.

And stands among the grass

Ears bigger than head?

It is difficult for a bunny in winter, hungry. He does not have a hole, he sleeps in the snow under a bush or under a tree. . He sleeps lightly, dozing half asleep with his eyes open, closing them only for a minute. Scary rabbit. He listens all the time to see if there is a wolf or a fox nearby. But the bunny is saved by wool. She is white as snow. He lurks under the tree in the snow - he is not visible. In winter, it feeds on the shoots and bark of various trees and shrubs.

Red cheat

hid under the tree.

The sly one is waiting for the hare.

What is her name?

Where does the fox live? (in the hole)

Who is the fox's kids? (foxes).

What kind of coat does a fox have? (warm, fluffy, ginger) Doesn't change color Doesn't prepare dwelling Doesn't store supplies

Day and night he roams the forest,

Day and night looking for prey,

He walks, he wanders in silence,

Ears are grey.

What color is the wolf's fur? (grey). In the summer? (also grey)

Why doesn't the wolf change color in winter? (he doesn't need to hide from anyone)

What is the name of the wolf's dwelling? (den). Doesn't build a house. Doesn't stock up for the winter.

The presentation is dedicated to winter, a cold but beautiful season that is famous for its snowy landscapes. Using the presentation, children will be able to learn the poem:

It's snowing, under white cotton wool

Streets and houses disappeared.

All the guys are happy with the snow -

Came back to us...

From this presentation, preschoolers will learn about the signs of winter:

  • It became cold.
  • It's frosty outside.
  • The nights are long and the days are short.
  • People put on warm winter clothes.
  • Children go sledding, skiing, skating, making snowmen, building snow fortresses, playing snowballs.

Also, children will be able to guess and learn riddles about winter:

It's been snowing for a month now
See you soon New Year,
All nature is in a snowy hibernation.
Tell me the season. Winter

To our house on New Year's Eve
Someone from the forest will come
All fluffy, in needles,
And the name of that guest is ... D e d M o r o z

Children reinforce knowledge about new year holiday, try to make sentences, a story from pictures.

New Year

Winter came. The holiday is approaching, the New Year People bring the Christmas tree to the house, dress it up New Year's toys, colorful balls, garlands, beads. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden come to the New Year's Tree. Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden come to the New Year's Tree. Det frost gives gifts to all children. The whole family gathers at the New Year's table to celebrate the New Year.



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It's snowing,

under white wool

Streets and houses disappeared.

All the guys are happy with the snow

Came back to us...


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signs of winter

The earth is covered with snow, and the rivers and lakes are covered with ice.

It became cold,

it's frosty outside.

Strong winds blow, blizzards and snowfalls are frequent.

The nights are long

And the days are short.

People put on warm winter clothes


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