Business Idea Generator. System for creating successful projects” Andrey Sednev

What do you think is the best area for generating new business ideas?

This is going to sound trite, but the best place is in your own head! Are you still reading? Fine. It's about generating business ideas. Not to be confused with finding alternative ways to grow your small business idea.

You will see how a significant proportion of Internet entrepreneurs involved in the sale of books or software have succeeded in this business. This review will show you how it is possible to follow their path.

It works like nothing else in business!

Finding something unique that allows you to create success on your own and profit from Internet users is quite a difficult job, but this path is the only reliable, capable long time receive money on the global web. Believe me!

If you're like most people who don't get fresh business ideas while watching television, then let's start with a little research.

What do people prefer to buy online?

  • Software - 29%;
  • Books - 17%;
  • Music - 16%;
  • PC and accessories/peripherals - 16%;
  • Tourist vouchers - 10%
  • Other - 12%

What is better to choose from the first three leaders in the statistics?

Naturally, each product can be sold as a real product (as if you go to a store and buy a product in a box) or as a virtual product.

The most popular economic myth about the Internet is that “real” and virtual products do not sell the same. In fact, goods are effectively sold on the Internet and at the same time allow you to save your personal time and relieve headaches at the stage of launching an electronic practical product and its subsequent promotion.

In this situation, there can be only one “but”: a small business is not able to sell its goods at a competitive price - in most cases, the price is regulated on the basis of general supply and demand considerations. But your product, whatever it may be, is already at the initial stage able to compete with the products of other entrepreneurs, since the costs in the Internet business are reduced to zero. You set the price yourself.

Let's look at a number of advantages of electronic goods:

  • minimal costs in the production and sale of products that are affordable even for small businesses;
  • no problems with the material and production base;
  • no problems with the shipment of goods and their storage;
  • fewer problems means fewer assistants in your business, which means fewer problems;

The idea of ​​a small business based on the Internet - the sale of goods is preferred by everyone, and is easy to implement, since this idea can be created simply without leaving home and without spending a large number of Money.

Thus, selling virtual goods is a path that can be successfully followed if you are a small business, but what needs to be done?

Matching your business idea with key human needs.

The very first thing you need to understand is the need to form the idea of ​​your business, based on the basic needs of a person. For example, safety is a necessary human need, and therefore Insurance companies have always been out of competition, they guarantee the safety of everyone. In other words, these companies give people what they want - ingeniously and simply.

The following is a list of basic human needs, which are divided into primary or immediate needs (underlined) and secondary:

  1. travel and active recreation;
  2. the beauty;
  3. confession;
  4. self control;
  5. education;
  6. sport;
  7. food;
  8. independence;
  9. friendship;
  10. health;
  11. personal hygiene;
  12. independence;
  13. need for information;
  14. awareness;
  15. the need for free time;
  16. love;
  17. money;
  18. opportunities;
  19. private life;
  20. protection/shelter;
  21. rest;
  22. security;
  23. self-respect;
  24. stability;
  25. social status;
  26. time;
  27. water.

You probably think that satisfying a customer's urgent need is the perfect solution in the formula "Business idea" = profit? But actually it is not.

The majority of Internet users belong to the wealthiest part of the middle class. With the exception of the need for health care, the basic basic human needs are easily met. Before you have the opportunity to sell your product, you first need to convince a potential buyer that your product is superior in quality and performance to others.

For potential clients your product can be a better buy than what other manufacturers offer or what they currently use to meet their needs. People generally easily change the life around them, if it concerns their primary needs.

How about a free course in elementary Internet marketing?

Fundamental rules

What is needed for a successful small business idea?

That which satisfies the conditions of the following rules:

First of all - quality.

This is the most important rule of any business. good product always sells well. Bad products will make you regret the lost work time. There should be no compromise here. The main thing is to get it right before you want to do anything.


Either your product is unique or it needs to be presented in a unique way.

There must be a need for the product.

Often entrepreneurs in small businesses make the mistake of trying to create artificial demand for their new product. The truth is that creating demand for your product is a very costly undertaking. That's why The Coca-Cola Company can afford it, but you are no exception.

The only difference is financial side Business: The Coca-Cola Company has millions to spend on marketing programs. Whereas for small businesses, the main thing is to direct finances to the already existing and already satisfying demand.

The idea should be easy to apply.

Don't expect your potential client to download any additional software or software extensions (plugins) in order to immediately use it in their work. In most cases, they won't do this.

The idea must be legitimate.

Always remember that the Internet is an international network. Is your product or idea legal in all countries? I do not want to force you to read the commercial laws of all countries in the world. The main thing is to create a leading, original and authentic product or idea - then you will be safe.

The idea must be believable.

For example, if you have a book as a product, then you need to open the table of contents and the first chapter for official free reading. Or if you are dealing with software, you can offer a free trial of the product for a limited time, etc.

Your idea should create a business cycle that will not end at a certain stage of business development. This is really necessary: ​​if there is such an opportunity, then feel free to add a big plus to your business.

Finding the essence of your product or service

Before you greedily get down to business, keep in mind that I can cram a lot of useful things into a web page. If you seriously want to succeed in online business, then let's discuss and review one of the materials "Ways to Make a Profit on the Internet". Such a direct view of the information, by downloading it from a link, will help save a lot of your time and money in the future.

Okay, now let's take a quick look at the steps:

The work of creating your business idea through secondary human needs is described above. Try to choose exactly the need of the person that matches your competence - or better yet, the one that really interests you.

For example, I would choose independence, since that is exactly what I can offer people, giving them some of the skills and knowledge they need to start running a small business on the Internet.

Now let's clarify all this, but do not rush to take your place in the business just yet. Rely on my advice, as it actually works.

From independence in the broad sense of the word, I came to my own small business. But still, this is a rough concept: you have to find your field of activity, the one in which we will become number one. I want to offer an experience, instead of a set of recommendations for Internet entrepreneurs, which can be understood quite broadly.

Experience I can offer in the form of e-commerce experiments. If needed, I can test everything (from software demos to selling items on eBay) and I can report many findings, etc. to you. etc.

Don't stop half way. If your business idea is defined in a broad sense of the word, then you will not be able to compete competently. And then you will waste a lot of time, trying and improving the idea, one way or another, but not bringing anything revolutionary new. The best idea for a small business is to become a kind of laser beam in your business niche.

Niche, place, sphere! All this is very important.

So I'm going to "sell" my experience to a small business. The next step is to choose the desired form of presentation or proposal of the idea / product.


I probably shouldn't have considered software as a commodity, since software downloads and software are a fairly broad concept. To be honest, I don't have fantastic knowledge of software, and I don't want to have trouble defining software.

Electronic editions of books

This type of sales has become the most popular Internet product. Of course, it is very difficult to create your own business here by repeating what was created, but based on my experience, I know that it is possible.

Complete freedom on your website

Why not? People love quality free data transfer. Traffic needs to be created appropriately so that you can make money from it by selling space for advertising banners. Personally, I do not consider myself a fan of this technology, but there are people who say that it is effective.

You may also believe that the limit on the information presented from the book with large quantity"Links" can generally reduce interest in the site in general. But still with this technology I had success. In fact, you are now on such a page. This page (and others) is what we call the "puzzle" in the Ways to Get Money Online that I mentioned above.

Limited access

A very effective way to sell information online is to post password protected information on your website. This method is not so complicated. back side of this method lies in the fact that in fact people do not receive the “product” in full, which is a minus in the process of perceiving value.


Sending products by e-mail today is a good option for a business idea. You can, for example, create a separate technology for working with e-mail during the creation of a business plan, product development, promotion, etc. There is only one omission here - people already receive a huge amount of unnecessary mail, the so-called spam.

So there is a chance that your email will be filtered into the “Doubtful” folder before reaching direct potential customers. Sending emails with a product offering can cause a lot of problems, which can only improve when someone decides to finalize the structure after all. Email. Hey, this could be a great small business idea too! This is certainly a gigantic task, but the person who can undertake it will become a billionaire.

Choose your price.

What is the competition?

Is it possible to achieve tangible success without reducing the level of profitability?

Try to find your item or products using Yahoo! and run through the search result looking for a few competitors.

What is the most important segment of your business that you will spare no effort in? How much is a regular client of your site willing to pay: $20 or $200? Do not stop half way and do not confuse the moment of getting happiness from your business and the stage of setting a price for your products.

The high price speaks only about the perception of the merits of the product. Experiment until you find a limit where sales start to decrease. Also keep in mind that your products must exceed customer expectations.

What is the average age and income level of your client? Young people usually buy on impulse, with some impulse, but at the same time they are able to spend a small amount of money.

Too high a price leaves the door open for your competitors to offer something similar at a lower cost.

A low price means a lot of sales, and a lot of sales doesn't always mean a big profit: for example, you sell 10 pieces of your product for $5, while 7 pieces sell for $10. The main idea of ​​the policy low prices is that if you provide good quality products, you will be able to acquire a large number of customers, which in turn will help create a good word for your business.

Test your product on your site first before you spend a significant amount of time and money developing (manufacturing) the product.

Describe the product in detail. Ask site visitors to set their own price for which they would be willing to pay for the product.

When your product is finally ready to launch, give a few free copies of the product to users who are willing to sign up to test the version of the product. In exchange for providing a product for free, they must, for example, agree to complete a questionnaire after using the product for a month.


Regardless of what you are selling, you must create your site online. Of course, I can analyze this concept in detail, but I think it will be superfluous here, since the Internet is rich in information on this topic.

Every person who works for hire at least once thought, “Should I create my own business?” And it seems that everything is fine with motivation, there is a desire, I realized for myself a long time ago, but a number of doubts arise ...

  • Wherever you look, all the spheres around are occupied
  • It's not clear where to start
  • No good idea to start a business

Just at the mere thought of your own business, a bunch of “NOTs” arise in your head. And as for evil at this moment, a huge number of friends, acquaintances and relatives “pour fuel on the fire”

  • "All entrepreneurs are thieves"
  • “In our country, honest people do NOT do business”
  • "I'd rather go to normal work stable income"
  • "You'll burn out and be in debt for the rest of your life"

There are only horror stories around, but if you look around, then a huge number of people earn 50,000, 100,000, 500,000 rubles a month on their own business, and legally! The main thing is the right direction, desire and action We will talk about the first one.

Money is under your feet. Right now... This minute. Just until you know how to take them!

Every day you pass by a dozen business ideas for hundreds of thousands of rubles in monthly income. All you need to start noticing and implementing them is a simple technology for generating business ideas.

This is exactly what we will talk about at the practical seminar “Generation of ideas for creating own business”, aimed primarily at creating an entrepreneurial thinking model for each participant.

What will happen at the seminar?

Each participant will master the technology of generating business ideas, which will allow you to find an idea in the coming days that will charge you, motivate you and, most importantly, bring you real money.

Detailed program of the seminar

  • Key Criteria for a Successful Business Idea
  • Top 5 mistakes when starting a business
  • TOP 3 mistakes of novice entrepreneurs
  • Most main skill start-up entrepreneur
  • Basic idea generation techniques for starting a business without any cash investments
  • Technique "CPR". The basis for creating any business / li>
  • Hobbusiness technique or how to create a business and have fun
  • The principle of generating ideas in advertising business
  • Business creation technology social networks
  • The principle of "Nishing"
  • Technique "Quick earnings in a short time"
  • Practical examples already implemented business ideas
  • Got an idea what to do next?

In addition, in the live broadcast mode, you, together with the coach and other participants, will generate business ideas and immediately prescribe the first steps for their implementation!

Who is the coach?

CEO of B2B Systems Formerly – Executive Director consulting company and co-founder construction company My labor activity started at the age of 14 Opened his first business at the age of 19 At the age of 18 he went from Sales Representative to Head of Sales Department Over 6 years of sales experience Author of the books “99 Sales Tools” and “Increasing Sales in wholesale business”, the total circulation of which amounted to more than 100,000 copies Author of articles in business magazines Lecturer in State University Management (GUU city of Moscow)

Reviews of Sergey's seminars

I will say right away that I thought seven hours of casts would not last (somehow too much at night), but they just flew by unnoticed, although not very noticeable for my development. I have not yet created sales departments personally, but I saw on the example of my comrades that there are so many deep-sea stones on which they could not find a solution. It seems to me that the main task in a small business is not to be stolen, and the first one who can do this is Meng. on prod., because he personally knows the clients, and in general knows a lot of things, so for me the first part of the cast, and especially the structure of the OP, seemed very real (just take it and do it). Now I'll just list what I need:

1. All recruitment questions, from ads to probationary periods. (for me it was a dense forest)
2. Issues of training sales personnel, selection of a leader from them and its development.
3. Staff Motivation - I have specifically seen that non-monetary motivation can be very real and motivating.
4. The sales funnel was completely dismantled, the examples are excellent. Scripts and models for attracting sales have become clear and they also only need to be implemented.

And I also really liked a large number of examples, which is probably why I completely forgot about sleep.
Thanks to Sergey for the event.

The webinar was very helpful for me. Hope I can put it into practice. It's great that it was compact and well built.

Twice created a sales department that brought losses. Now I'm learning again so as not to repeat the same mistakes. The main mistake, probably, was that she recruited full-cycle managers and loaded everyone with information "to the eyeballs".

At the same time, personal qualities were not taken into account, but only the desire to do this work was taken into account.

During the seminar, it was very important for me to divide into 3 stages and characterize the psychological characteristics of a person for each stage.

Marina Pozdeeva
LLC "Tonika"
8 800 500 6585 (free)

Good day, Sergey!

Thank you very much for the webnar - "Building a Sales Department"!

I liked it very much, i.e. on the topic and without water + in an accessible language!)))

What he noted for himself:
1. plan for creating a sales department + the need to draw up a funnel.
2. learned about the structures of 3-stage, 2-stage and combined (never heard of this before). You are the first one to talk about it.
Looking forward to more of your webinars!


The cost of participation is 2700 rubles

Thank you Sergey for understandable and accessible presentation information. The value for me was not concrete examples working business ideas (although they are good), and a simple understanding that there are thousands of thousands of such ideas, and, as you correctly noted, they lie right under our feet, it is important to just THINK and look for solutions, direct your resources to generating ideas. I really liked the technique of perceiving ordinary things that you encounter every day, from the point of view of building a business. An example with bus guides in Kyiv is indicative. In general, I got what I expected. There is a lot of work ahead.

Karpunin Nikolay
*****[email protected]

Good evening Sergey!
I express my deep gratitude for the webinar "generation of business ideas".
I can describe this webinar as “why you came, you got it” without extra water but with due attention to important details.
Became visible ways to search for and implement projects that bring good profits and, at the same time, provide non-illusory benefits to society.
Having missed this event, I guess I would have to wander into the unknown for a long time. among many business ideas that were not obvious at first.
Thanks for the valuable knowledge!

Fomichev Anton
*****[email protected]

Sergey, good evening again.
I decided to write as soon as the training ended.

Impressions about this training:
These were some of the most valuable and truly worthwhile parting words. for those who have already morally decided to take a step towards creating their own business, but in reality are in some indecision for various reasons.

After the training, there is a real rethinking of one's life experience., conducting it under the prism of the information received. And this process began during the training.

The effectiveness of this training is "on the face" - in these 3 hours I sketched more ideas for business than in 3 years !!!
At least 12-13 working ideas on how to make money, the implementation of which can be started tomorrow.

All further steps are already, so to speak, a matter of technology!

Once again, Sergey, thank you very much for the training!

Sincerely, Mikhail.
*****[email protected]

During the webinar, brain activity began immediately to generate business ideas. Why I attended this webinar. I never thought about the skill of counting other people's money. A very cool skill if developed. I really liked the "really want" principle. Now the ideas are in my head, but I really want to sleep

Trichev Dima
*****[email protected]

I liked that ideas were considered with a little sad investment. All my questions were answered. In general, the seminar charged with the desire to start a business!

Vladimir Harutyunyan
*****[email protected]

Andrey Sednev

Business idea generator. Creation system successful projects

© LLC Publishing house "Piter", 2015

© 2013 by Andrii Sedniev

© Translation into Russian LLC Publishing house "Peter", 2015

© Edition in Russian, designed by Piter Publishing House LLC, 2015

* * *


This book is dedicated to Elena, my beloved wife and partner, who fills every day of my life with meaning. Thank you for supporting me throughout the development of the Business Idea Factory system and for inspiring me when I needed it the most. Without you, this book probably would never have seen the light of day.

I also want to dedicate this book to all my former students who went through the Business Idea Factory system. Your success inspires me to get better and better every day.


Imagine that you were born in the 16th century. Your social position and your fate would be largely determined by the status of your family. If you wanted to succeed, then you certainly had to be born in the family of a king, a bishop, or a wealthy merchant. Fortunately, those days are long gone.

We live in the age of ideas. Companies thrive on brilliant ideas and fail for lack of them. Successful companies such as Microsoft, Walmart, Apple, Honda did not become successful because the families of their founders made a fortune and had a high social status but because there were ideas behind them.

Imagine what your life could be like if you multiplied the quality and quantity of your business ideas. You could start a business that will change the world. You could change the lives of millions and leave a mark on history. You could make every day fun and exciting.

In 1968, George Land and Beat Yarman asked 1,600 five-year-olds to take the Creativity Test, which is used by NASA to assess the creativity of engineers and scientists. They later offered the same test to children aged 10 to 15. The results obtained showed that at the age of five, 98% of children show brilliant creative abilities, at the age of ten - 30%, and at the age of 15 - only 10%. The same test was given to a group of adults, of whom only 2% demonstrated genius.

Children have tremendous creativity, but when they start school, their creativity is greatly reduced. There they are taught that there is only one answer to every question, and they are required to stick to conventional wisdom. The difference between geniuses and most of us is that they have managed not to lose their childhood creativity.

But there is one great news: you can significantly improve your ability to generate successful business ideas. Over the past 10 years, I have studied the techniques used by the world's top scientists, entrepreneurs, leaders, and inventors. I have collected and carefully analyzed every bit of wisdom that can increase the quantity and quality of business ideas. The result is the Business Idea Factory system, which is incredibly simple and efficient.

When my students and I started using this system, the quantity and quality of our business ideas increased hundreds of times. Many after reading this book have significantly increased the profits from already existing business, founded new businesses and became more successful. I promise you that if you take the techniques in this book seriously and start applying them today, your life will change for the better. There is hardly anything that can compare with that exciting moment when a brilliant idea is born in your head. Are you ready to build your own business idea factory? Then let's start.

Creative thinking versus analytical

Activate the speed of your thinking

Scientists have conducted numerous studies comparing the work of the right (subconscious) and left (conscious) hemispheres of the brain. The results confirmed that our creative right brain is at least 2 million times faster than our analytical left brain, which is responsible for judgment, self-control and internal dialogue. It makes sure that we weigh everything we want to say and evaluate everything we want to do. The right hemisphere is responsible for generating new creative ideas.

Charles Limb conducted a study at Johns Hopkins University in which jazz and rap musicians were asked to perform an impromptu composition. While they played, Charles measured the activity of different parts of the brain. During improvisation, the hemisphere responsible for analytical thinking and judgment showed much less activity.

The right hemisphere is responsible for everything related to creative activity and can process a huge amount of information in a few seconds. Consciousness not only does not help us generate business ideas, but actually prevents the subconscious mind from doing this work, blocking it. To be world-class at generating business ideas, you must learn to turn off your analytical brain and put your subconscious mind to work.

Avoid any activity that activates the left brain. When thinking about a problem, remember the three rules: no judgment, no criticism, no internal monologues.

Walt Disney strategy

Walt Disney is rightfully considered one of the most creative people of the 20th century. Using his skills in generating successful business ideas, he created one of the largest media conglomerates in the world. The fantastic ideas of Walt Disney seemed crazy and impossible at first glance. In contemplating how to bring these fantasies to life, he went through three stages of thinking: the dreamer, the realist, and the critic.

dreamer generates creative ideas. This is a limitless field for imagination that can take you anywhere. Imagine that you have a magic wand. The dreamer has cats that can fly, houses made of ice cream, TVs that dance, and they have legs. At this stage, your goal is to create and record as more ideas and the crazier they are, the better. Then you will have more than once the opportunity to weigh all your ideas, but, having become a dreamer, turn off the analytical hemisphere.

The realist answers the question: "How to bring this idea to life?" At this stage, you decide how to adapt or modify the idea so that it sells on the market. Even if you later discard it, you first need to think about how it can be implemented and how it can be combined with your other ideas. Every idea has the right to exist before being criticized.

Behind every successful (and unsuccessful) business is an entrepreneur (or potential entrepreneur) with a business idea. And although new business ideas are useful for any business, whether new or existing, in this article we will still pay more attention to how to choose an idea for a small business. Please pay attention - here we will consider the principles and methods of generating small business ideas rather than offer ready business ideas. That is, we will try to answer the following questions:

  • What are the main criteria that a small business idea should satisfy?
  • How to test a small business idea for relevance?

So let's go...

Small business ideas - how to choose?

Where do small business ideas come from?

There is a business idea tool developed by Creative Consultancy The Director's Bureau called . It can be used as a basis for generating small business ideas. It works in such a way that it gives not quite compatible combinations of three words, as a result of which business ideas are born. But this tool can only be used to spark creativity, to give an idea for reflection - it does not offer ready-made solutions.

So how do you choose a small business idea from scratch?

The generator is a good thing, maybe, but it's not for us. And even if I started the paragraph with them, to be honest, I am opposed to “generating fundamentally new business ideas.” Especially for small businesses. Good business ideas are just copied. Yes, yes, a new business idea can be simply copied. And even better this way :-). Because you know for sure that it will work. You just need to bring your own view, a new thought, your own zest, as I like to say.

Very often, the new is the well-forgotten old. The generation of new business ideas is a new look and transformation of existing ones. It is not necessary to invent completely new things - they are far from always the key to success, believe me. Even more, 95% of fundamentally new business projects fail. We just heard about successful ones, and therefore the impression that, having come up with something new, you will definitely succeed. No, it's not like that, friends. I think so. Opening a real business with real idea small business, such as a cafe or an online bedding store, you are closer to success than if you came up with "invisible socks", say. They just don't have buyers. And how do you know what will happen?

All these are just some of the prerequisites for getting a good business idea for a small business. Where to start generating a business idea from scratch:

  • Education and knowledge;
  • Hobby;
  • Passion.

Let's talk a little about each of these points.

1. The combination of our knowledge gained in the general environment, the education system and our informal activities in the form of hobbies and passions can lead you to a good business idea for starting a small business.

Look for ideas for future business in the area where you have certain knowledge. If you have the knowledge, it will come in handy later on when doing business tasks. You will be interested in doing this! If there is no knowledge, and for some reason you will be engaged in activities that are not entirely clear to you, then you risk not getting the desired results. And this, to put it mildly.

2. Business should be interesting to you, it should entertain you like a hobby. The perfect idea for your small business - if you were willing to do it for free. Then success is half guaranteed, believe me. This, of course, is not always the case, but the interest should be in any way. If not, there is a risk that you will simply get tired of the business, because. no drive to do it. Business in such cases is doomed in advance.

3. Your business idea must evoke desire and passion. If you do not have a strong passion and desire, you can give up very quickly. Passion is a very strong positive feeling. It will give you a lot of energy to solve business problems. And this will be very helpful for you.

Therefore, remember: each business idea for starting a small business from scratch must be considered in terms of knowledge, passion and hobby. This will help you choose the best business idea for you.

What are the main criteria that a small business idea should satisfy?

We have already said that the initial criteria are knowledge, hobbies and passion. If you have found a business idea that meets these three criteria, move on to the second step. At this stage, you should analyze whether this business idea solves some problem. But before we start the analysis, it's good if we write down all the business ideas from the first step in our business idea book. So as not to get lost :-).

So, in order for someone to buy something, this “something” must satisfy some need, solve some problem. Otherwise, why would anyone buy anything? Sorry for the tautology. For example, you might buy a car for several reasons:

  • The need for transport. If there is a need only for transport, you can buy a cheap car that will only perform the functions of a vehicle.
  • Need for prestige. You want a nice new car that gets noticed by others. In this case, you want to buy a car that costs more and looks nice and noticeable. Thus, you, in principle, solve both needs at once.
  • Business need. You need vehicle to solve business problems. Accordingly, you will choose a car that can solve those very tasks (it can be a taxi, a truck, etc.).

So, when thinking about the business idea and the business as a whole, you should consider whether the product and/or service is a solution to some problem or whether it meets any needs of future potential customers, and how it does it.

Every business should be a tool or a means to satisfy a need or solve a problem of potential customers. Without this, the business cannot exist. And as much as the need or problem that the business solves is big, so big is the potential of the business. The greater the desire or "suffering" of potential customers, the greater the business potential.

How to test a business idea for relevance?

So, the third stage of creating a small business idea is checking for relevance. You are convinced that your business idea solves a problem. This is good. But will such a service or product be in demand? Maybe people do not know that they have such a problem, or they do not perceive it as such. Just because you think it exists doesn't mean that everyone thinks so. This is your opinion.

Therefore, it is imperative check the small business idea for relevance. gives a short list of ways to do this:

  • Ask relatives, friends, acquaintances ... Tell them certain situation, ask if they see this as a problem and how they would solve it. Then offer your solution - see how they will react. The main thing is to clarify whether they are ready to SPEND MONEY on this.
  • Communicate. With different people, as often as possible. Fortunately, today it is simple - the Internet provides such an opportunity. Communicate in social networks, forums, different communities. Share your idea and let others have their say. Listen and absorb. Do not get annoyed if you are disagreed or criticized. In fact, it can help you a lot, it will tell you about various pitfalls. And no one will steal your idea, don't be afraid of it :).
  • The best option is to offer trial products to the market. And it doesn’t matter that you don’t even have a product or that you haven’t fully developed a service. Main on this stage, to understand whether the market needs it, whether your business idea is working. You can advertise on the Internet or even in your entryway, for example. It's very inexpensive and even free. And see if there is demand. Let you not sell anything (although this is also possible), your task here is different. There will be responses - it means that there is a potential for starting a small business according to your idea. Then you will have to work even harder and bring your idea to the final product, and then to the buyers.


  1. You must know how to implement a business idea.
  2. The realization of a business idea should entertain you. You must have a passion for your small business idea. She must be of interest to you.
  3. A business idea must solve problems or meet the needs of potential customers. The bigger the problem or need, the bigger the business potential.
  4. The business idea must be in demand.

Business idea generator. System for creating successful projects Andrey Sednev

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Title: Business Idea Generator. System for creating successful projects
Author: Andrey Sednev
Year: 2013
Genre: Foreign business literature, Foreign psychology, Creative, ideas, Psychological trainings, Self-development, personal growth, Business performance

About the book “Business Idea Generator. System for creating successful projects” Andrey Sednev

We live in an age of ideas that make companies prosper or fail. From the book, you will learn that it is possible to significantly increase the quality and quantity of business ideas produced, while making every day exciting and exciting.

The basis of the author's methodology is the techniques used by the best scientists, entrepreneurs, leaders and inventors in the world. As a result, you will learn about a system that is incredibly simple and effective. If you regularly train your creative thinking, then in a year you can become a world-class idea generator. This skill will bring success to your business and adventure into your life.

From the book you will learn:

How to program your mind;

How to build connections and combine ideas;

Where do you get inspiration for ideas?

How to apply visualization;

How to filter and implement ideas;

The publication is addressed to representatives of creative and non-creative professions, to everyone who wants to increase their own creativity, learn how to create successful business ideas and make money on it.

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