Commercial offer to reduce prices example. How to draw up a commercial offer (KP): samples and templates

To conclude a profitable deal for your business, you need to interest a potential partner. It is convenient to do this in writing - compose offer about cooperation.

Prove the benefits of cooperation

A businessman must convince a partner that cooperation will bring refutable benefits to both. It should also be explained under what circumstances he will receive it.

When compiling a commercial offer (CP), one should take into account the status of the enterprise and listen to the recommendations of experienced marketers.

Of course, promoted companies with well-known brands (Mercedes, Gazprom, Coca-Cola, etc.) do not need to make efforts and excel in every possible way to convince a representative of a particular company to cooperate with them. In this case, it is enough to issue a letter with a summary of the advantages of your product or service.

For other businessmen, it is very important to observe some subtleties in order for this proposal to have the desired effect.

Important components included in the commercial offer

When drawing up a document on cooperation, it is necessary to adhere to standard requirements.

  • Use letterhead.
  • Compose a competent appeal to the representative of the company.
  • Select original title.
  • Briefly state the essence of the proposal.
  • Encourage your counterparty to take action.
  • Provide current contacts.
  • Show courtesy in the form of advance thanks.

Use of forms

KP can be drawn up on a regular sheet of paper, this is quite acceptable. However, the use of letterhead with the company logo will become a kind of advertising element of your company and will eloquently complement the content of the letter.

Welcome text

An important part is the appeal to a potential client. Its compilation must be taken seriously and understand who and how to contact. For example, by name and patronymic it is permissible to address in such cases:

  • when the offer is sent after a preliminary telephone conversation with a potential partner;
  • The CP is addressed to the target consumer, to whom an individual approach can be applied.

original title

The title is required as an advertising effect, it should contain the main concept of the CP. When applying to a government agency, a creative headline is optional. You can also refuse it if the company is already sufficiently advertised.

If the proposal comes from budget organization, the proposal is formulated according to the established pattern, in which creativity is not required. Such a letter is of a standard nature and does not require initiative from its originator, its form remains within the accepted rules.

The essence of the proposal should be stated meaningfully, but concisely: a short story about the company, the offered goods, services, work or mutually beneficial cooperation.

Main body of the document

How to motivate a customer to take action

To force to agree to cooperate, one should not use pressure. Such an approach will only alienate the recipient of the letter, and hope for cooperation will be lost forever. It is much more effective to make a tempting offer by providing some kind of encouragement or reward. For example, a discount for a timely response.

Contact details

You should write not only a phone number, but also an email address so that the client has the physical opportunity to respond to a proposal for cooperation.

Thank the recipient of the email in advance for taking the time to read it. However, when it comes to personal business proposal, gratitude is accepted by default.

Learn from mistakes

To make the perfect commercial offer, you should always listen to the advice of professionals. But there is another old proven method - to learn from the mistakes of others. In practice, there are various errors, we list some of them.

Complicated syntactic forms

To formulate a CP, it is not necessary to build phrases that are too correct, with a complete meaning. Short sentences with unsaid thoughts, interjections have a more effective effect on a person. The presentation should have a living language, not dry conclusions.

Too short

The opinion that an extremely short text limited to one page is needed can be called a stereotype. And this is far from what can give the desired result. The best thing to do when writing a letter with a commercial proposal is to forget about the recommendations in terms of length, especially when there is something interesting to talk about. You can find many samples of such letters and see how meaningful and able to hook them.


Usually the same mistakes are repeated when they talk about a similar product or service in exactly the same phrases as a competitor does. It is necessary not only to describe and praise your product, but to prove that it is in this company that it is the best and indispensable. Here it is appropriate to be eloquent in order to draw attention to the exclusivity of the product. What follows is the disclosure of the essence - why it will be more profitable to cooperate with this company.

Enumeration of merits

A simple story about the merits of the company's products will not lead to anything. Any praise requires proof: why this particular product is the best and most profitable. For this, reviews of those who used this service or product are perfectly used, and these should be either well-known personalities (movie stars, sports stars, pop stars), or well-known representatives of companies with a positive image.

No less effective interesting story that happened to a customer who became a user of a particular product or service. At the end of the story, be sure to talk about the results of its use, preferably in numbers. If cooperation is meant, then indicate how much profit the partner received.

Everyone is the same

The biggest mistake can be the wrong approach to sending the same offer to several customers without focusing on individuality. Such a proposal loses weight and, as a rule, remains unrealized. A client who can become a potential partner should feel that this offer is addressed to him, this will flatter him to some extent and make him respond.

Photo gallery: examples of successful commercial offers

A quotation with the correct subheadings A quotation with a good document structure A quotation with a concise statement of the benefits of the service A quotation describing the benefits of cooperation

Commercial letter to a foreign partner

When compiling a commercial offer letter, a foreign client should follow a standard structure and form. The CP should begin with an appeal, a catchy, captivating title. This is followed by a clear statement of the essence of the proposal, its benefits and ends with conclusions and contact details. If there is no English-speaking manager on staff, such services can be provided by a translator or copywriter with knowledge of English.

Sample commercial proposal in English

The need for a cover letter

The cover letter contains the principles of cooperation in a concise manner. Escort is used to reduce the volume of the main sentence.

Escort is compiled at the request of the sender, however, there must be a clear structure and compliance with the requirements of the basics of office work.

First of all, you need to address the addressee and greet him. If it is sent after a previous phone call, it is advisable to apply with the name and patronymic.

Case example

“Hello, dear Stepan Vasilyevich!”

or “Good afternoon, welcome to the company…”

"Domosed LLC makes you an offer of the widest range of kitchen accessories at the manufacturer's price."

Report attached documents:

"We invite you to familiarize yourself with the advantageous offer of discounts."

Encourage a decision:

“Would you like to cooperate with us? Contact the address ... ".

Escort Sample

Hello, dear Maria Semyonovna!

My name is Dmitry Pavlovich. I am the chief manager of the supply and sales department of Mobile LLC, we spoke with you by phone on Wednesday at 11.40. At your request, we send information about the payment system.

Mobile has a wide range of Vehicle for various purposes (cars, passenger cars, trucks) and a flexible payment system at affordable prices:

  1. Cash and non-cash types of payment.
  2. For payment within 12 months with a down payment of 10% of the cost.

Our offer is complemented by an invitation to an exhibition and sale of our products, where discounts that are beneficial to you are offered. The event starts at 12.00 12.08.2016. Our address: Moscow, st. Timiryazev, 45.

For all questions, please call: (325) 503–23–45.

Sincerely, Chief Manager of the Supply and Sales Department of Mobile LLC.

Sending an offer

The commercial offer can be delivered in person or by regular mail. However, these traditional forms of communication are considered somewhat obsolete. The most modern and efficient way of sending is, of course, e-mail.

For all its popularity, not everyone knows about the intricacies of the process of sending an email. Firstly, it is important to use the PDF format, it is more versatile and well adapted for different versions. Secondly, it must be taken into account that such an offer is sent exclusively from the person with whom preliminary agreements were made.

Equally important is the subject of the letter, in no case should you send “without a subject”. It should sound something like this: "Proposal for cooperation in the supply of sporting goods."

So, you need to follow the following sequence:

  1. fill in the email address;
  2. attach the main document in PDF format;
  3. formulate the subject of the letter;
  4. write a small accompanying text in the body of the letter.

waiting for an answer

Novice managers often doubt whether to call back a counterparty after sending an offer. Experienced professionals will always take matters into their own hands. Immediately after sending, it is advisable to call and ask if the letter has reached, and after what time you can ask about the partner’s decision. Further behavior will be prompted by the situation itself. The main thing is not to be intrusive, not to bother and not to be imposed. However, do not forget about the goal and still try to convince the client to become a partner.

At present, only the lazy will not be able to cope with the task of compiling a commercial offer. However, to achieve the signing of a cooperation contract is already a matter of professionalism: the ability to negotiate, to have a culture of speech and business writing skills.

Today I will try to present you 7 basic writing rules that will help you not to end up with your appeal in the "basket".

I will try to answer such exciting questions:

How not to be among hundreds of unread letters?

How to attract and keep attention to a commercial offer?

How to influence the action of a potential client?

In addition to studying the 7 rules, it will be useful to read the article to avoid possible mistakes when creating a CP.

Rule number 1. Respect for a potential client.

Any appeal must begin with the data of the person to whom it is sent. Take the trouble to learn how to correctly write the position, company name and initials of the person to whom this document is intended.

The famous American psychologist Dale Carnegie says the following about this: “A person’s name is the sweetest and most important sound for him in any language.”

Therefore, your every commercial offer must be personalized.

The standard call looks like this:


PJSC "Pilgrim"

Mr. Sidorov A.N.”

  1. If you were unable to find out the position of the person to whom you are addressing the appeal, you have the opportunity to use the standard wording - “head”.
  2. PrJSC, LLC, JSC, PE - this is the official legal name companies. By specifying the wrong form of ownership, most likely, you will end up in the "basket".
  3. The surname, name and patronymic of the head is the most important thing in your appeal. Pay attention to the correct spelling and declension of the surname. If there is any doubt, and there is no way to clarify, the best option would be to completely abandon writing the full name. However, I am sure that the secretary of any company will be happy to help you with these questions.

Another common mistake is to leave space for the last name (“_______”). I guarantee you that the reader of your commercial offer will immediately get the impression that this is another mass mailing.

Rule number 2. Refuse the banal formulation "Dear".

This appeal takes us back to the distant times of the Soviet Union. I suggest you be more original. Address, for example, like this: "dear." Even better, if you invent a personal, individual and unlike other appeal. And then a potential client is guaranteed to stop looking at your commercial appeal.

Rule number 3. Be equal with the client.

Many are accustomed to begin their appeal with the words: "Allow me to suggest..."and end with "Sorry to bother you».

This is very controversial issue. However, my professional, tested and subjective opinion suggests that both are interested in a certain commercial offer. You are not a beggar at a bus stop. You offer a product or service that your customer needs. You are on an equal footing.

The key to success is "partnership", which can only be "on an equal footing".

Rule number 4. The magic of the headline.

The first impression of your sales letter will be formed thanks to competent handling and an attractive headline. It is the headline that will either hold the reader's attention, or send the letter to the ill-fated "basket".

The title should be:

- intriguing;

— presenting benefits;

- concise.

For example:

Do you still have to spend over $100 a month on office equipment maintenance?”

Or this option:

“Dear Alexander Nikolaevich!

Do you want to know an easy way to save $1,200 a year?”

Believe me, the businessman will not miss the opportunity to find out options for possible savings. Company directors are always interested in cost optimization.

Rule number 5. Pay more attention to the client than to yourself.

"We" is the keyword used in most sales pitches.

However, psychologists say that a person is too egocentric to read or listen about someone for a long time. Any person is interested in what he will have, not what you can.

This is how a person works, well, it will not be interesting for him to read about your successes and achievements. Therefore, put more emphasis on - "You". This is guaranteed to keep the reader's attention on your sales pitch.

The following formulas always work effectively:

- You will feel it.

You will be able to receive.

- You will save.

- Protect yourself from.

Rule #6: Talk about the benefits, not the benefits.

Most commercial offers are filled with a wide range of benefits that promise the buyer. However, let's take a look at these benefits:

wide range of;

— loyal prices;

great experience work;

— system of discounts.

All these benefits mean absolutely nothing. They will fit the description of any product or service and any company.

The most important thing, in my opinion, is to move away from banality and standard templates. Your sales pitch should talk about the specific benefits that the potential customer will receive.

If you want to talk about your rich experience. Consider how this experience will benefit the client:

For example: "You can trust us with even the most non-standard work and be sure of their quality performance.

Feel the difference? I think it's obvious.

Rule number 7. Less words, more essence.

The optimal volume of your commercial offer is the size of one, maximum two A4 pages. You should state the maximum of useful and constructive information on one sheet.

In this case, I advise you to focus on numbers. They always look convincing. If you are offering financial benefits, please include amounts, percentages, differences.

Here's a good example for you:

"Our years of experience"

"We have been on the market for 5 years"

Agree that the second option is much more convincing.

And a bit more practical advice:

- Use short and concise sentences.

- Use small paragraphs.

- Insert bullets, highlights and lists.

An effective structure of your commercial proposal should look like this:

1. Appeal and intriguing part.

2. Description of the existing problem.

3. Your suggestions for solving existing problems.

4. Emphasis on benefits.

5. Specific argumentation, expressed in numbers.

6. The price of your product or service.

7. Arguments in defense of such a price.

Only 7 rules on how to correctly draw up a commercial proposal so that it attracts the attention of the customer:

1. How to prevent your commercial offer from falling into the bin in the first moment

In a few minutes you will know perhaps the easiest and fast way drawing up an effective commercial offer (CP). Agree, after reading the first sentence, you realized that drawing up a working CP is easy and fast. And you immediately moved on to the second sentence. Here is the essence of this rule: the very first phrase should catch the reader and encourage you to read the next one. And so with each phrase. Move on.

It is easier to sell "eye to eye" than by text. The seller has the opportunity to pull the sleeve of the departing buyer and try to correct the situation. The text CP does not have such an opportunity. It should hit the target the first time. Otherwise, it will simply be thrown out.

Video - how to write a selling commercial offer:

When it comes to e-mail distribution, then the very subject of the letter should force you to open the letter. If the CP is sent by regular mail in an envelope, then the catchy phrase should be on the envelope! Bold type and in the most prominent place.

Now look at the work of colleagues. Most of them send a quotation and write something like "KP_253_Paper bags_art.25819-2_Scarlet Sails". Send and immediately call this client.

And if you write like this: Paper bags at the best price inside the letter. Open the letter and check". This subject line sounds more intriguing. Checked more than once: in most cases, the client will open this letter and call back himself. Unless, of course, the content of the letter matches the catchy subject of the e-mail.

2. A modern version of Aristotle's formula

Aristotle is the greatest orator. He taught people such as Napoleon, Lenin and Hitler to conduct a dialogue with the masses. And they knew how to convince people. Here is how a modern version of a penetrating and persuasive speech sounds according to Aristotle's formula:

  • Problem.
  • Promise.
  • Proof.
  • Price.

Compose each of your commercial proposals exactly according to this scheme. Success is guaranteed.

Now decryption.

Persuading someone to buy something name the problem which, in your opinion, torments the buyer. It is not necessary now to say that such a problem does not exist. She is. Otherwise, the client would not have requested a quotation. Otherwise, the idea would not have appeared to make a newsletter with an offer to purchase a product. Every product solves a problem. It just needs to be found and conveyed to the buyer.

Then promise that your product (or service) solves this problem easily, quickly, effortlessly, free, expensive, original, stylish. It doesn't matter how. The main thing is that it is beneficial for the client. Show the customer the benefit of purchasing the product. A benefit is an attractive solution to a previously voiced problem for the client.

Then prove in any reasonable way, that your product will solve this problem. For proof, use the product features that solve the problem.

An example of how to correctly draw up a commercial proposal using the Aristotle formula:

  • Your heels are constantly itchy. Tired of taking off your shoes and scratching them every time?
  • We will help you get rid of this problem forever. The price and simplicity of the solution will pleasantly surprise you. You no longer have to take off your shoes every time your heels itch!
  • Buy carded heel insoles now. Warranty 3 years. Are available.
  • The price is 1652 rubles for a pair of insoles. Today and tomorrow 8% discount.

3. Sell to a customer the way you would sell to your mom.

Imagine your client mentally in front of you and write to him alone, and not to a whole impersonal mass of people. Many do not take this into account, especially on the Internet. Read almost any About Us section. What will you see? An array of cold text directed to space, not to you. By the way, we will discuss the “About us” section a little lower and in more detail.

“Be simple and people will reach out to you.” The meaning of this wisdom is clear to everyone. Remember your purchase of the most expensive thing. The sales manager spoke to you plain language. This applies to buying trousers and buying a BMW. Everything is always sold in the simplest terms.

Of course, you shouldn’t stoop to the level of a second grader, but you need to understand that the people who read your CP are all so different. Therefore, first think about how to write a commercial offer in simple and understandable words for any adult. Try to avoid abstruse terms that you often don’t understand yourself (and you are a salesman!), and incomprehensible speech turns.

Video - how to make an effective commercial offer:

There is a great welcome. If you want to get into the soul of a client, start writing a CP with the words " Dear Mom”, and end with the words “I kiss you.”

Write a CV as if you were offering to buy something for your mom. Care for the client in this case will flow from every word. This increases the credibility of your CP.

4. Don't sell product features. Sell ​​Benefit From These Features

A dry enumeration of product characteristics to a client can rarely say anything. Most of the time, he doesn't even care about them. The exception is, perhaps, the sale of equipment. But even here it is important not only to convey the list of parameters, for example, of a machine, but also to be sure to tell what benefit this gives the client.

For example, iron. Characteristic: power 2500 W. So what?

And so: “A 2500 W iron is optimal for a family of five. This power allows you to quickly heat up and quickly smooth out any creases.” Agree, it's also better and clearer. It is immediately clear that this iron is for a large crowd of people. In this way, by connecting the figurative thinking of the client, we reported both the characteristics of the product and the benefits of it.

Always specify the specific benefits that the customer will receive from purchasing the product.

This concept is well confirmed by almost every section "About us" on the websites of companies. What they write there: “team of professionals”, “individual approach”, etc. What is the benefit in all these stamps for the client? None. Therefore, many of this section immediately close and leave the site.

Or you can write like this: “Our sellers are experts in their field. They will quickly find the most comfortable carding insoles for you at the best price. Tell us when and where to bring it all, and we will arrive exactly at the appointed time! Our delivery department works like clockwork. We think only of you. This is our individual approach to everyone.”

5. How to contact? To "you" or to "you" ... Or to "you"

These are the standards. If the offer is addressed to more than one person, then write " you". If the CP is personal, then contact " You».

But there are often cases when it is very desirable to apply to " you". This can increase the credibility of your commercial offer hundreds of times, and, therefore, increase the chance of a sale. Well, for example.

When it comes to some personal and intimate goods. Let's say cosmetics. Refer to the buyer (hmm, maybe to the buyer, anything can happen ...) to "you". Advise and recommend to her, like a girlfriend to a girlfriend. In most cases this works well.

Video - how to formulate a commercial offer so that everyone understands it and does not refuse the deal:

Or, let's say, a cream to increase what men are so proud of. You should not treat a man who is already tormented by complexes like a surgeon with a scalpel in his hand: “hey you, lie down on the couch, now I will increase it, it doesn’t hurt, be patient.” It is better to recommend such a miracle remedy in a friendly way, turning to “you”. As they say, without undue advertising. This approach will unload the psyche and make the buyer more relaxed and significantly increase the credibility of the CP.

The main thing, if you decide to “poke”, weigh everything carefully and mentally imagine a typical buyer of goods in front of you.

6. What size should the quotation be? Long, medium or short

Here the following dogma has a very strong influence on the situation: the more expensive the product, the longer the CP should be. Basically, it often works. But not always.

If you think hard about the size of the CP and stand at a crossroads, then just read “Rule No. 2” again. Do as it says, without thinking about the length of the text, and your CP will convince many customers to make a purchase.

“The text is like a woman's skirt.

It should be long enough to cover the essentials,

but short enough to be interesting."

This is a very wise saying from one of the geniuses of writing the most effective sales proposals. This person is quite popular, so you can easily find out his name yourself.

7. Mandatory text formatting. One more chance that the commercial offer won't end up in the bin right away.

Pick up a thick book. Scroll through it. If one is not at hand, then remember how you do it. Cover first, that's where the catchy headline should be! Then you start turning the sheets. And you will always linger on the page that stands out from the general mass of text.

It can have anything on it. A photo, just one word, a blank sheet, a title, a table, anything but what the eye clings to. A person will always look for something to cling to in the mass of text. So let the client cling to those words that will hook him.

Having hooked on at least something, a person will begin to read from this place and further. After reading everything, he naturally wants to see what happened at the beginning. And climb to the beginning. And there's a catchy headline. And then there's the first sentence, the second, and so on. To the very place where he began to read.

Therefore, in the text of the commercial offer be sure to make lists, highlight subheadings. Focus on something very important by highlighting the text in a frame.


Statistics has been confirming it with thousands of studies for more than a decade ... Although, why these studies. Just watch yourself and you will notice the following. First we run through the entire text. Then we cling to visual bumps (lists, headings and highlights). And then we move our eyes to the very end.

Therefore, feel free to put at the end of the CP those words that, in your opinion, will work as efficiently as possible. It could be anything. The main thing is that the client is at least the first to get in touch with you after reading the CP. And you didn’t set yourself a reminder on the computer like: “On the 29th, I sent the CP to him for insoles with a carding mechanism, if there is silence, you need to contact.”

When a client is interested in a KP, he will definitely contact himself.

The word can warm, inspire and save,

Make happy and ram the ice.

The word can bring us thousands of troubles,

Insult and ruthlessly hurt.

And so let's say sternly:

“So that there are no unnecessary troubles in life

You have to think, guys, over every word,

For there are no weightless words in the world!

E. Asadov

Video - how to write a commercial offer:

The search for business partners is necessary, as ideas or projects may arise that will bring many new opportunities. But it often happens that the leader large enterprise or firms do not have enough time to meet with potential partners, and they ask to send them a commercial offer (PO).

Why offer services

You should know how to write a commercial offer correctly, since the success of the transaction may depend on its content. Often you want to include as much information as possible about your company or service in a CP, but too much text can repel a potential partner or client. It is necessary to make a proposal so that the person who reads it becomes interested and wants to continue cooperation.

Knowing how to write a sales pitch is important for both newbies and those with more experience. It does not matter whether you are the owner of a large company or a novice entrepreneur, well-written proposals are needed by everyone.

How to write such letters

The main questions that arise when compiling a CP relate to where to start writing, what information to include and how to finish. Sample commercial proposals provide an opportunity to eliminate errors.

Basic Rules

  1. First of all, you need to define the market segment.
  2. It is important to specify the CP - to write what type of cooperation will be discussed.
  3. You should try to interest from the first lines of the one to whom the offer is addressed.
  4. Be sure to describe the benefits of the company.
  5. It is important to state in simple language, without fanaticism, the main ideas of the commercial offer. It should be borne in mind that the person who will read the text does not have sufficient knowledge about the specifics of the proposed product or service. Information must be made available. It is also not recommended to use phrases advertising nature, since such an approach can be repulsive.
  6. Should not be indicated possible risks better to leave them unattended.
  7. The text should be written in a business style, but at the same time it is simple, it is also recommended to exclude bright emotional coloring.
  8. No matter how much you want to include maximum information in the text of the letter, you should highlight only the main points, and present the rest of the data as an announcement.
  9. It is necessary to consider answers to possible questions of the client and his doubts.

What you need to do before writing a CP

First of all, you need to make a list of those to whom these proposals will be sent. If there is confidence in the failure of some organizations, then you should not waste time on them. Although, as practice shows, cooperation can be achieved with almost any company.

It is necessary to compile a list of organizations that need the proposed product or service, as well as specify what exactly the company can provide them.

An important point is that it is necessary to draw up two proposals, separately for the manager and for the specialist. You should think about where to highlight what points, since the leader is the person who makes decisions, and the specialist is the performer who will carry out the task. Therefore, for the latter, it is necessary to highlight those points that will simplify his work in further cooperation (for example, draw up a quotation for the supply of something). And for the manager, development prospects and cost savings will be most significant.

Also, before writing a commercial proposal, it is recommended to practice - to make several sample letters for different companies. In each of them, you should indicate the activities of the company and how you can help it. For example, in a CP from an insurance broker to a large insurer, you can use the following words:

Dear leader!

In the current economic situation, it is necessary to increase sales volumes. Your company is a leader in this service sector. There is always a need to attract new customers. Our brokerage agency is ready to help you. We want to sell your insurance products to our customers. The specialists of our agency will give competent advice in the field of insurance.

We will always answer the phone.

Sincerely, the name and position of the employee.

How to start writing

It is recommended to start making the right commercial offer directly from the point. It is necessary to understand that in addition to this offer, the company to which it is sent receives a lot of similar letters. Therefore, it is not necessary to delve into the content, it is recommended to reveal the essence of the commercial proposal from the first phrases and indicate its goals. In no case should you start a letter with hackneyed phrases, be original!

Before writing a proposal, it is worth doing an analysis of the company for which it is being made, identifying needs. For example, you can call and talk with a company representative, while talking, remember a few phrases that will be included in the announcement of the commercial offer. That is, if the head of the company says that he wants to increase office sales, then it is recommended to write in the KP announcement that your activity will increase office sales.

If it is not possible to talk with the head of the company, you can go to the official website, as a rule, the main areas of activity and prospects for its development are reflected there.

KP writing style

First of all, you need to draw the attention of the client to his problem, and then offer a solution to it. The development of a commercial proposal involves the use of simple proposals that are easily and quickly perceived. If it seemed to you that this or that phrase is superfluous, then it is better to remove it.

It is necessary that the text be alive, it is recommended to add specifics to it - indicate specific numbers, name existing partners. You can also specify the subtleties of production or the specifics of the work. Explain how a process is being optimized. It is not necessary to go deep and describe the entire production system. It will be enough to highlight a couple of working moments.


On our site you could already read about. The ability to write correct and effective commercial proposals is very important in any business. We can say that with the help of a commercial offer there is a certain form of communication between the company and its real or potential partners, suppliers, customers.

When developing a commercial proposal, attention should be paid to both its design and structure, as well as content. A quality commercial proposal should not contain too much text. Ideally, it will take no more than 2-3 pages (in some cases, depending on the specifics of the industry, the document can reach 10-15 pages). And if we are talking about a “cold” commercial offer, then its size should not exceed one page of text at all, otherwise it will simply not be read.

As you can see, in order to invest in the limitations of the optimal size of a commercial proposal, and express its essence to the maximum, you need to spend a lot of time and effort on developing the content of this document. If you need to make a commercial offer, and you are doing it for the first time, then you cannot do without templates, samples and examples. On the Internet, you can find a huge variety of ready-made examples commercial proposals that can be taken as a basis.

Some templates are almost ready-made commercial offers. All you need to do is just fill out a ready-made form, entering the name of your company and the type of services provided on the form. However, regardless of how exactly you will create your commercial proposal (use a ready-made form or write from scratch), you must always remember that a commercial proposal is very important document in your activities, which can, figuratively speaking, predetermine the fate of your business.

Drawing up a commercial offer

So, first you need to determine to whom you will send a commercial offer. Depending on this, its structure will change slightly. Commercial offers can be personalized, that is, written for certain specific people (or firms), or non-personalized, that is, designed for a wide audience.

However, even if you are interested in the second type of commercial offer, you must make it for a specific target audience. That is, your the target audience These are the people who might be interested in your product or service. For example, the target audience of products for children is young parents, and for small business lending services, respectively, start-up entrepreneurs.

What is the purpose of any commercial offer? Definitely selling a product or service. Therefore, all efforts in compiling a commercial offer should be aimed at making the recipient interested, inducing in him the desire to make a purchase. Therefore, from the very first lines that your potential client reads, a commercial offer should arouse interest and force them to at least read to the end. And if the recipient of the commercial offer has read it to the end, it means that he is interested. And if he is interested, then there is a chance that he will want to become your client or partner.

We have already written in more detail about the structure of the commercial offer (the link can be found at the beginning of the article), we briefly recall that this document should consist of at least three components: introduction, body text and conclusion. That is, your commercial offer must be consistent and structured.

Examples of commercial offers

Below are some examples of commercial proposals for the provision of various kinds services. As you can see, these examples contain all the basic elements of an effective commercial proposal: at the very beginning there is a short phrase that attracts attention, the main essence of the commercial proposal is stated briefly and concisely, and images, various colors and fonts are used.

Non-personalized commercial offers

They are also called "cold" commercial offers, that is, they are sent to everyone potential clients services. Examples below ( click on image to view in full resolution):

How to make an offer online?

To date, there are many online services that work so that you can quickly, efficiently and easily make an effective commercial offer. According to user reviews, one of the best services is QuoteRoller. Previously, this service had only an English-language interface, which for some was a barrier to its full use. However, QuoteRoller already exists in Russian. On this QuoteRoller site, by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page, you can register, and then start compiling your commercial offer by following simple instructions.

In addition to this, there are other online services drafting commercial offers, for example, Moffer. This service is also quite popular and easy to use.