Center for family planning and reproduction. Pregnancy Planning Family Planning Medical Center

The clinic has one of the best technological equipment among similar Moscow centers.

Medical staff specializes in providing qualified assistance:

  • Pregnant women with blood incompatibility by Rhesus and group in the future mother and fetus.
  • With premature birth.
  • Maintaining physiological (uncomplicated) gestation throughout the entire period (from the patient's admission to the department to delivery).

Clinic structure

The structure of the Perinatal Center at Sevastopolskaya, a multidisciplinary hospital, has been optimally developed, in which the following departments operate:

  • Generic.
  • pathology of pregnancy.
  • prenatal diagnosis.
  • Separate branch of the family planning center.
  • IVF department.
  • Resuscitation of newborns.
  • Neonatology.
  • Pediatric.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • General clinical (services are provided here in the therapeutic field, endocrinological, ophthalmological, neuropsychiatric, andrological).
  • Clinical and genetic.

The structure of the Family Planning Center in Sevastopol (CPC) includes offices:

  • Pathology of the cervix.
  • Miscarriage.
  • Barren marriage.
  • Densitometry.
  • Blood transfusions.

The obstetric division of the Planning Center on Sevastopolsky Prospekt is one of the largest maternity hospitals in Moscow. Every day, up to 60 births are accepted here.

6 buildings of the clinic are connected, forming a single medical complex equipped with innovative medical equipment, with the help of which highly qualified doctors deal with the most difficult cases and solve problems that other medical institutions cannot cope with. Outpatient appointments are actively conducted, day hospitals for obstetrics and gynecology are functioning (for 43 beds).

In 2016, a well-equipped gynecological short stay unit (SST) for 15 beds was opened. Minimally invasive surgical interventions are performed here, which require one day from the patient's admission to discharge, when there is no need for round-the-clock medical supervision.

The following procedures are carried out in the SPC:

  • Minor operations on the female reproductive organs.
  • Hardware biopsy of the neck.
  • Hysteroscopy with diagnostic curettage and without curettage.
  • Hysteroscopy with targeted biopsy and without biopsy.
  • Fertiloscopy is a minimally invasive option for studying the state of the reproductive organs without the use of anesthesia, without punctures of the abdominal wall, as in laparoscopy, without incisions in the peritoneum, as in abdominal operations.
  • Cervicoscopy - examination of the cervical canal using a hysteroscope.
  • The following methods of cervical treatment are used: marsupialization (surgical treatment of a cyst when it is impossible to strangle it), conization (cone-shaped removal of pathological sections of the cervical canal), excision (removal of the affected epithelium).
  • Removal of fibroids and polyps with a bipolar coagulator.
  • Ablation (removal of the mucous layer of the endometrium).
  • resection of the endometrium.

Of the diagnostic structures that the employees of the reproduction center in Sevastopol can boast of, they have their own endoscopic department, where, in addition to examinations, microsurgical operations and an IVF department are carried out. MRI, densitometry, a powerful clinical diagnostic laboratory work within the walls of the institution. There is a pathohistology department for studying the microstructure of biological material.

Features of work

TsPSiR on Sevastopol - a unique multidisciplinary medical institution. Within the walls of the clinic, medical and diagnostic procedures are carried out for those patients who are considered especially difficult.

Supervision of pregnancy is prescribed for women who have a serious obstetric pathology (fetoplacental insufficiency, fetal hypoxia), polyhydramnios or the presence of several fetuses. Thanks to many years of work, the staff of the institution managed to accumulate enough experience to carry out the most complex interventions. That is why many couples choose and trust this family planning and reproduction center. Feedback from thousands of happy parents is a clear confirmation of the high quality of the hospital's work.

In addition to caring for pregnant women, the fertility and family planning clinic on Sevastopolsky Prospekt offers its clients a wide range of services to overcome infertility of one or another genesis. Every day, the IVF department is visited by 160 patients, up to 30 different manipulations are performed, including high-tech ones.

Experienced doctors are ready to conduct:

  • In vitro fertilization (IVF).
  • Intracytoplasmic sperm injection into the oocyte (ICSI).
  • IVF + ICSI.
  • TEZA (biopsy of the testicles in order to obtain seminal fluid and biopsy).
  • MEZA (aspiration biopsy to obtain sperm from the epididymis).
  • Cryopreservation of germ cells of both women and men.

IVF, the cost of which is high, can be performed free of charge in the CSP with appropriate quotas.

Treatment at the family planning center in Sevastopol has been carried out for 18 years. During this time a rich practical experience work with patients diagnosed with infertility, more than 17 thousand IVF procedures were performed, of which 40% were successful.

Contact Information

The official website of the clinic is, here you can find the working hours of each department of the Center for Psychological and Social Rehabilitation at Sevastopol, its branches, the time of visiting the intensive care unit for premature and newborns, as well as resuscitation.

To make an appointment with any specialist of the TsPSiR in Sevastopol, you can call the registry of the corresponding department, the automatic round-the-clock information service, non-residents - at hotline or fill out an online form on the center's website.

The financial part of the question

On the pages of the site you can learn more about the center of family planning and reproduction in Sevastopol. Prices for certain interventions and procedures are listed in a separate section "Paid Services". An approximate price list is displayed here, with the help of which you can find out what prices the CPS&R offers for its work.

For detailed information, it is better to contact the contact phone. For those people who choose the services of the center of reproduction and family planning, the prices may even surprise you a little. It is worth knowing that when the highest quality services provided, the cost of the latter remains within reasonable limits. Comparing similar indicators in different clinics, you can be pleasantly surprised. For example, the cost of IVF at the Center for Social Development and Rehabilitation on Sevastopolsky Prospekt is in most cases cheaper than at other institutions. This is due to an individual approach to each specific case and maximum optimization of the efforts expended in relation to each clinical situation. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to significantly reduce costs. The situation is similar with other services of the CPS&R. Pregnancy management, the price for which can vary within different limits, here does not exceed the minimum amounts in similar clinics.

Many infertile couples try to get to the doctors of the family planning and reproduction center in Sevastopol. Prices (IVF and other ART) in private clinics are sometimes very high. Since this institution remains public, there is the concept of quotas for this type of service. Thanks to them, patients can hope for a free passage of the corresponding procedure. This is more preferable for most people than paying the full cost of IVF in Moscow. In the Planning Center on Sevastopolsky they give hope and confidence to their clients.

Personnel policy

The clinic employs only highly professional specialists in their field. They have more than one year of fruitful work behind them. Almost personally with each of them can be found on the official website.

  • Full name of the staff;
  • position held;
  • doctor's qualifications;
  • scientific degree and category (if any).

Openness and accessibility of information allows clients to know exactly with whom they will communicate and cooperate. This gives confidence in a productive dialogue.

Clinic advantages

Summing up, we can focus on several critical details, because of which many clients choose this particular medical institution:

  • Great practice.
  • Highly professional staff.
  • Innovative equipment.
  • High performance statistics.
  • In the reproduction center at Sevastopol, prices are affordable.
  • Prices for services will pleasantly surprise everyone.
  • Responsiveness of doctors and other employees.

These and other small details make the clinic one of the leaders in its segment. Thanks to this approach, the administration of the institution constantly maintains an increased demand for medical services. The organization of the reproduction center on Sevastopol Avenue is one of the examples of successful work at affordable prices for the relevant services.

Other reproduction centers

Clinic "AltraVita"

  • official site site
  • Moscow city, st. Nagornaya, 4A

Clinic "Vita IVF"

  • official website
  • Astana city, T. Ryskulov street, house 8, 2nd floor (1st Perinatal Center)

Reproductive Health Clinic "SM-Clinic"

  • official site
  • Moscow, Raskova lane, 14/22

Medical Center for the treatment of infertility "Embryo"

  • official site
  • Moscow city, st. Novatorov, house 3.

Center for Human Reproduction and Genetics

  • official website
  • Moscow, North-Eastern district, house 46/2 on Butyrskaya street.


The Center for Family Planning and Reproduction is a unique medical institution that provides highly qualified multidisciplinary assistance to gynecological patients and pregnant women. Six buildings of the Center, connected to each other, represent a single obstetric and gynecological complex, the largest in Russia. In terms of equipment and breadth of application of modern medical technologies it is one of the best institutions in the capital. The hospital bed capacity is 250 beds.

The TsPSiR maintains a normal pregnancy and childbirth, and also provides obstetric care to patients with premature birth, with blood diseases, with group and Rh incompatibility of the blood of the mother and fetus.

The center includes an obstetric hospital, a gynecological department, a consultative and diagnostic department, a prenatal diagnostics department, an IVF department, a blood transfusion department, and a clinical diagnostic laboratory.

More than 8,000 births take place in the maternity ward of the TsPSiR annually. Births in the TsPSiR take place in individual maternity wards, equipped with modern equipment for safe and gentle delivery. TsPSiR employees carry out daily operations caesarean section in patients with severe obstetric and extragenital pathology, both on a planned and emergency basis.

The departments of the Center are equipped the latest equipment enabling the treatment of patients on modern level. Such, for example, as an angiographic apparatus for embolization of the uterine arteries, a magnetic resonance tomograph, combined with a focused ultrasound unit, for non-surgical non-invasive treatment of uterine fibroids.

The in vitro fertilization department uses the following types assisted reproductive technologies: artificial insemination with the husband's or donor's sperm, in vitro fertilization, microinjection of a single spermatozoon into the cytoplasm of the egg.

Clinical bases of scientific and educational institutions

The Center for Family Planning and Reproduction (TsPSiR) is the clinical base of scientific and educational medical institutions.

SBEE HPE "Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov":

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Pediatrics

GBOU VO "Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov":

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine

Official website of the TsPSiR


  • Obstetric department
  • Gynecological Department
  • Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
  • Department of resuscitation and intensive care
  • Operations department
  • Department of Fetal Surgery
  • Antenatal department
  • Ancestral department
  • Postpartum department
  • Department of Endoscopy
  • X-ray department

Diagnosis and treatment of infertility, planning and management of pregnancy, effective contraception are the leading directions of the Reproduction Center at the MZhTs on Taganka. The clinic is the scientific base of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, PMSMU. Sechenov, and its staff is made up of the best specialists in Moscow.

Each patient or couple who applied to the Family Planning Center can count on an individual approach, confidentiality and maximum interest on the part of our doctors in restoring their reproductive health.

Price list for family planning clinic services

  • from 2 000 R Male infertility treatment (specialist appointment)
  • from 2 000 R Treatment of female infertility (specialist appointment)
  • 4 000 R 7 000 R Artificial insemination with husband's sperm
  • 5 000 R Postcoital test (Shuvarsky test)
  • 5 000 R Kurzrock-Miller test
  • 2 000 R Initial consultation with a hirudotherapist
  • 1 500 R Hirudotherapy (up to 3 leeches)

Who should contact the center of reproduction and family planning

We are happy to help couples who are responsible for family planning and wish to conceive a healthy child. All types of genetic, hematological, immunological and hormonal studies are available at the MLC, which will help eliminate the risk of obstetric and intrauterine pathologies.

Our doctors are waiting for patients suffering from primary and secondary infertility of various origins. We are ready to provide competent support for pregnancy, including multiple and complicated ones, as well as to choose the best method of contraception.


obstetrician-gynecologist, specialist in clinical hemostasiology, professor, doctor of medical sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, vice-president Russian Society obstetricians-gynecologists, Honorary Professor of the University of Vienna (Austria)


What services does the family planning clinic offer?

ILC has a powerful diagnostic and clinical base for the successful resolution of problems:

  • male infertility - anatomical, endocrine, associated with inflammation, sexual and ejaculatory disorders;
  • female infertility caused by endometriosis, adhesions, acquired pathologies of the uterus and diseases of the immune system;
  • pregnancy pathologies - recurrent miscarriage, preeclampsia, eclampsia, placental insufficiency, caused by hereditary factors.

Available at our Family Planning Center

  • safe, innovative methods of contraception - installation of progestin and copper-containing intrauterine devices, Essure hysteroscopic sterilization and individual selection of oral contraceptives;
  • preparation and support of pregnancy in patients of different age groups;
  • extensive prenatal diagnostics at all stages of gestation;
  • wide range of hardware and laboratory research for future parents;
  • preparation for IVF;
  • classes at the School of Motherhood.

About the doctors of the family planning institute

The medical staff of the Reproduction Center at the MZHTS has not changed for more than 20 years - these are the best specialists in Moscow and the region: obstetricians-gynecologists and urologists-andrologists with solid practical experience, hemostasiologists, qualified geneticists, endocrinologists and uzists.

Doctors deal with family planning issues in our Center the highest category. Most of them have the degree of candidates and doctors of medical sciences - Evgeny Rafailovich Petreykov, Tatyana Vladimirovna Kuznetsova and others.

Why you should apply to the MJC

The Women's Medical Center on Zemlyanoy Val is a clinic that will help you overcome the problem of infertility, prepare for conception and eliminate risk factors for pregnancy pathologies. And in the future - plan the time of appearance and the number of members of your family using reliable methods of contraception.

Make an appointment with us right now, do not put off the happiness of being parents and take care of the health of your children!

As part of the Center:

modern obstetric hospital (maternity hospital for 190 beds);

gynecological hospital for 60 beds;

consultative and diagnostic department;

clinical diagnostic laboratory.

obstetric hospital The center is one of the largest maternity hospitals in Moscow, where more than 8,000 births take place annually. The maternity hospital is specialized in providing obstetric care to patients with preterm birth, with group and Rh (Rh) incompatibility of the blood of the mother and fetus, as well as patients with blood diseases.

A powerful consultative and diagnostic department(KDO), in which highly qualified personnel and modern technology are concentrated. In the consultative and diagnostic department, more than 150,000 patients receive consultations annually. The main tasks of the consultative and diagnostic department are:

Family planning;

Preparation for pregnancy and childbirth;

Medical genetic counseling;

Management of pregnancy in various pathologies of the mother and fetus;

Application of assisted reproductive technologies;

Comprehensive examination of patients with various gynecological pathologies

Preparation for surgical methods of treatment

One of the most difficult tasks solved in BDO is to determine the cause of hereditary and external factors that affect the development of the fetus, and timely diagnosis of severe malformations incompatible with life. These issues are dealt with in the departments of functional and prenatal diagnostics.

AT gynecological department all types of gynecological operations are performed by endoscopic methods. There is a possibility of using a modern angiographic method for the treatment of uterine fibroids - embolization of the uterine arteries in the TsPSiR. This method also used for massive obstetric bleeding.

The Family Planning and Reproduction Center has a unique department of in vitro fertilization, which uses the latest achievements of world science in the treatment of infertility caused by both male and female factors.

The Center has blood transfusion department, designed for the preparation of 700 liters of whole donor blood per year. The department carries out blood preparation and preparation of preparations (erythrocyte mass, plasma) and their storage in special treatment.

In all operations with a high risk of bleeding, the technique of hardware reinfusion of autologous blood with a cell-saver device is used. The combination of hardware reinfusion with transfusion of prepared blood products allows, in most cases, to compensate for surgical blood loss. And specially prepared packages with fresh frozen autoplasma and autoerythromass allow minimizing transfusions of donor blood components.

The Center organized department of magnetic resonance imaging and densitometry room equipped with a modern device that allows both timely detection of bone mineral density loss and body composition research, which is very important for the competent selection of sports training, who want to reduce excess weight and gain muscle mass.