Personnel management in a tourism enterprise. Travel company personnel management




In this chapter:

8.1. The Role of Leadership in Efficiency

travel company management

8.3. Personnel planning

8.4. Recruitment

8.5. Evaluation and hiring

8.6. Movement and professional development of personnel

Personnel Management- this is a complex, purposeful impact on the team in order to provide optimal conditions for the creative, initiative, conscious work of its individual employees, aimed at achieving the goals of the enterprise.

8.1. The role of leadership

in ensuring efficiency

travel company management

As you know, the management of any enterprise includes two main aspects. The first aspect is the definition of the company's goals. Measures for their implementation are developed and, accordingly, the result is controlled. In this aspect, management is aimed at solving material and logical problems, organizing events at the enterprise and managing them.

The second aspect is the management of the enterprise, and, consequently, the management of people. Satisfying the needs of the company's employees is one of the most important goals, a guarantee of its effective work. Success in this business ensures the functioning of the enterprise, as well as the vital needs of its employees.

The first and second aspects of management are closely related, and therefore it makes no sense to oppose them or give preference to one of the two directions. Strategic management involves such management that the head of the enterprise must make the right material and logical decisions, on the one hand, and direct and stimulate the activities of his employees to achieve the goals and objectives of the company, on the other. Thus, the management of an enterprise also means the management (management) of people in the sense of influencing the attitudes of employees towards the achievement of goals. This factor is of particular importance in tourism enterprises, since the service (tourist product) is produced and provided in the presence of the guest. In this regard, the personnel of the tourism industry forms the most important strategic factor necessary for the effective operation of the enterprise.

The transition to market relations, the priority of quality issues and ensuring the competitiveness of the tourist product have changed the requirements for administrative and managerial workers, increased the importance of their creative attitude to work and high professionalism. This led to significant changes in the principles, methods and socio-psychological issues of personnel management, increased their role in the organization.

Without highly qualified, cultured, knowledgeable management personnel, profound qualitative changes in the field of management are inconceivable. This is due to the fact that from a pure administrator who blindly executed commands "from above", the manager travel company turns into a creative personality, whose activity is aimed at implementing the policy of motivation, which acquires decisive importance in the period of transition to market relations.

The policy of motivation in the context of the development of the collective organization of labor (lease teams, joint-stock companies, etc.) and the involvement of all employees in management is aimed at developing cooperation between the staff and the administration to achieve common goals. This encourages managerial workers to look for new forms of management, develop potential abilities, work efficiently, and treat the labor process creatively. The requirement for a creative attitude of managers to management led to an increase in their independence and responsibility for the work performed, their active participation in managerial decision-making and a direct interest in the results of collective work.

Human resource management is one of the most important areas in the activities of tourism organizations and is considered the main criterion for its economic success. And if earlier the main attention was paid to the development and improvement of technical progress, the introduction of advanced technologies and the modification of organizational structures, now the focus is on the human factor - in other words, the essence and effect of business is determined by people.

Thus, a key component of the business is personnel management. It creates a favorable environment in which labor potential is realized, abilities develop, people get satisfaction from the work performed and public recognition of their achievements. Therefore, in the field of personnel management, the emphasis is gradually shifting from technocratic approaches, which are strictly regulated by the content of the labor process, to a systematic approach, which is based on the long-term development of the labor potential of employees. The system that functioned during the period of administrative-command management weaned many managers from taking responsibility for decisions made, which could not but affect the level of economic thinking of managerial personnel. When selecting personnel, professionalism, as a rule, was not taken into account. Often, “convenient” managers were selected, and the ability to “knock out” resources was considered almost the most important quality of a leader. At that time, this was justified, since the higher organization, along with a full set of management directives, sent to the travel company and a leader selected by it, who acted as a representative of higher leadership bodies (including the party leadership) and in his activities focused mainly on following their instructions.

The ongoing changes in the economy will also transform approaches to human resource management. A new type of leaders appears, whose thinking and style of work correspond to a certain extent to the new tasks and conditions for the development of organizations. The role of personnel services who should be more actively involved in the process of preparing and implementing the organization's strategy in the direction of personnel management.

8.2. Department of Human Resources of a travel company

The Human Resources Department is a functional, or support, division of a tourism enterprise. This is due to the fact that its employees are involved in the creation of a tourist product not directly, but indirectly. As a rule, employees of the Human Resources (HR) department act as expert advisers to line managers when deciding on hiring and firing, appointment to a new position, referral for vocational training, salary increases, etc.

As the centralized tourism management system weakened, tourism firms began to face fundamentally new tasks related to human resource management. Solving these problems requires completely different skills and abilities than those that were sufficient for keeping records, compiling reports, organizing cultural events and keeping work books in the recent past. It is for this reason that today many employees of personnel services who have moved from previously functioning personnel departments cannot offer the management of a tourist enterprise an effective solution to problems related to personnel management. Therefore, a new profession appeared - “personnel manager”, i.e. personnel manager. HR managers is an independent group of professional specialists-managers, whose main goal is to increase the production, creative output and activity of the personnel, develop and implement a program for the development of the organization's personnel.

In the emerging market-type organizations, the problem arose of bridging the gap between the development of innovative strategies, the creation of new products and structures, on the one hand, and the identification of ways to manage human resources and develop labor potential, on the other. They play a special role in this personnel services. In terms of their functions, level of training, technical equipment and tools, it is not enough for personnel services, as it was before, only to issue orders for the enrollment of employees selected by a higher manager and store personnel information (work books). The task is to ensure that personnel services gradually turn into centers for the development and implementation of the strategy of labor organizations. This means that they must help grow the business by hiring high-skilled workers, planning their careers, evaluating performance, and improving wages. Personnel work is no longer seen as purely administrative, carried out independently of other managerial functions. Now we need to know the economic needs of the organization and, in this regard, consider the activities of the personnel service, integration with other structures. This should result in greater involvement of people in business, knowledge of their duties and responsibilities, development of labor potential, and a favorable psychological climate. A kind of infrastructure of interaction between line managers of different levels is being created, which promptly provides them with documentation when moving personnel and filling positions. The function of human resource management is changing - from passive assistance, the personnel service is moving to active participation in business decisions, which ultimately forms an appropriate consensus in the organization.

    formation of personnel of the organization (planning, selection and hiring, release, analysis of turnover, etc.);

    development of employees (professional orientation and retraining, certification and assessment of personnel, organization of career advancement);

    improvement of labor organization and its stimulation, creation of safe working conditions.

The organization should develop a strategy for managing human resources: the prospective guidelines for the use of personnel, its renewal and improvement, and the development of motivation are determined.

Taking into account changes in the personnel management system, four groups of factors are distinguished:

Technical and technological:

change in the structure and forms of employment: differentiation of personnel and the formation of " domestic markets labor";

revision of the organization of work with an emphasis on integrated work functions and group work; continuous professional development and retraining of personnel;

creation of complex systems of work quality management.


revision of the principles of employment, flexible, individual forms of work;

creation of a system of continuous education of personnel; orientation of the incentive system to entrepreneurship, innovation, participation in management decisions;

changing the leadership style and increasing the role of "corporate culture" in the management system; an integrated approach to the reproduction of human resources in the organization, the consolidation and development of key personnel.

Economic and socio-political:

accumulation of advanced international experience in personnel management;

creation of new forms of constructive cooperation between workers, trade unions and company administration; strengthening the interaction of personnel services with government agencies; politicization of labor management.

Development of control theory:

formation of a holistic "vision" of personnel management,

understanding of the role of the individual in providing effective work organizations;

increasing the analytical validity of decisions on the use of labor resources.

These factors can be used as the basis for a program that determines the role of personnel services in an organization.

The tasks of personnel services can be formulated as follows:

comprehensive business support; formation of a personnel forecasting policy, support for a creative attitude to business; ensuring a high level of professionalism and quality of expertise in personnel matters;

identifying problems in the field of the use of labor resources and attracting the attention of managers at various levels to them for making appropriate decisions;

creating conditions for highly productive work and supporting creativity and innovation; expanding the knowledge of the organization's managers in order to effectively use the potential of employees.

While maintaining the previous functions of personnel management services, careful development of methods for stimulating all participants in the labor process, a differentiated approach to labor potential in the development of principles and rules for working with personnel that are common to the organization are of particular importance.

In this regard, the issue of coordinating the activities of all structures of the organization, pursuing a unified personnel policy, and selecting managers capable of leading the most complex and responsible areas of work in the organization is particularly acute.

Theoretical foundations of personnel management. The concept of the structure of human resource management. Functions and methods of personnel management. Features of personnel management in the travel company Volna-Tour. Activity characteristics travel company Wave Tour. Features of the organizational structure of the personnel management service.

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Department of Management
"Human Resource Management in Tourism"
(course work)
in management

Tyumen, 2010


Chapter I. Personnel management is one of the main functions of enterprise management
1.1.Modern personnel management………………………………………………………………4p.
1.2. Staff motivation………………………………………………………………………………..9p.
1.3.Evaluation, certification, advanced training and career development of personnel……………...15p.
Chapter II. Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel management in Pasart LLC
2.1. Characteristics of the company's activities…………………………………………………………21s.
2.2. The role of motivation in improving staff performance…………………………22s.
2.3. Suggestions for stimulating the systempersonnel management in Pasart LLC…..27p.
Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………..29s. References……………………… …………………………… ……………………………….31s.


                  “All management ultimately comes down to stimulating the activity of other people”
                  Iacocca Lee
Personnel management and the organization of its work is recognized as one of the most important areas of the life of an enterprise, capable of multiplying its efficiency, and the very concept of "personnel management" is considered in a fairly wide range: from economic and statistical to philosophical and psychological.
In the 21st century, the success of any business organization is more dependent on its employees. A reflection of this in the field of science and education is the rapid development and wide dissemination of knowledge in the field of personnel management.
The relevance of this topic term paper associated with an increase in the role of personnel in modern production, fundamental changes in the content of labor caused by the use of new equipment, technologies and methods of production activity.
In the course work, the object of study is the staff of a travel company, labor relations and human behavior in the company. In accordance with the object of study, the goals and objectives are defined:
    Consider the essence of modern personnel management;
    To study staff motivation, existing theories and methods;
    Familiarize yourself with how the assessment, certification and advanced training of employees of travel agencies and hotels is carried out;
    How is the career growth of employees in the tourism industry;
. Analyze the effectiveness of personnel management in Pasart LLC.

Chapter I. Personnel management - one of the main functions of enterprise management

      Modern personnel management
The most efficient use of personnel (human capital of the enterprise) is the most important success factor in any field of activity. New ideas, technologies and equipment, the most favorable conditions do not allow to achieve sustainable success in work without a well-trained, balanced and cohesive staff. Adequate personnel management creates an environment in which labor potential is realized, abilities are developed; people get satisfaction from the work done and public recognition of their achievements.
The goal of personnel management is the ability to work with people, to select and evaluate them correctly, to achieve their interest in improving their qualifications.
The tourism product consists of two parts: tangible and intangible (Fig. 1.1).
material services Intangible Services
Hotel rooms, furniture, equipment, catering, vehicles etc. Service, atmosphere, friendliness, complicity, initiative, etc.
The ability to evaluate these two components tourism product
Real, lenses, comparable, commensurate with other accommodation facilities, transport, etc., the service-price ratio is clear to customers Abstract, subjective, there is no possibility of a preliminary assessment
Fig.1.1. Components of a tourism product
A similar approach to labor terminology is acceptable from the point of view of economic theory, according to which a product is defined as the result of human labor, economic activity, presented in a material form (material product), in a spiritual, informational form (intellectual product) or in the form of work performed and services, and from the position of marketing, where the term "product" combines the concepts of "goods" and "services".
An important feature of the tourism product, which distinguishes it primarily from industrial goods, is the wide participation of people in the production process, so the human factor has a strong influence on the uniformity and quality of the tourism product.
The standard defines the criteria by which the level of customer service and the activities of the travel agency staff are evaluated. Such criteria in hotels include, for example, the following:
    response time to a call about obtaining information or booking (15,20,30 seconds);
    time of registration at the accommodation service (there should be no queue);
    the time spent on providing a competitive service (for example, washing and cleaning the guest's belongings should take no more than a day);
    the appearance and availability of uniforms for hotel staff;
    knowledge of foreign languages ​​by staff.
At present, for qualified work in the field of hotel and tourist services, in addition to technological training, knowledge in the field of hotel and tourist business, appropriate psychological preparation is necessary. The personal qualities of an employee, his intuition, experience, ability, and ability to assess the situation from different angles, including from the point of view of clients, are becoming increasingly important.
A US study showed that if a customer is well served, they will tell five people about it. If he got a negative experience, he will tell ten people about it. Spreading positive experiences is more difficult, but a few negatives can ruin a lot of positives.
The staff of the tourism industry organization: registrar, waiter, concierge, maid, guide-interpreter accompanying groups, board-conductor, bus driver, travel agency manager, etc. - must do their job so that the client returns from the trip satisfied. The attitude, appearance and readiness of the staff to fulfill any request of the tourist form the overall impression of the trip.
Employees of hotels, transport companies, catering companies, etc., who receive tourists, provide services that, through their mediation, become part of the product. It is often quite difficult to differentiate the material part of the product of competing travel agencies and other organizations in the tourism industry: the number of rooms, airline services and other components may vary slightly in the price range and level of service. Differences are often associated with the fact that the staff of travel agencies serve tourists in different ways. Travel agency managers, hotel and transport company employees, catering staff, guides - translators must serve the tourist so that he becomes a regular customer. The income of the tourist organization depends on this: the more regular customers, the higher the profit. Studies have shown that a 5% increase in loyal customers can increase profits by up to 125%.
Personnel management includes the development of methods and procedures to provide quality service to tourists and aiming staff to meet customer expectations.
The personnel management system of a travel agency or other organization in the tourism industry consists of six interrelated subsystems: personnel policy, personnel selection, personnel assessment, personnel placement, personnel adaptation, personnel training (Table 1.1).
The system of work with the personnel of the organization in the field of tourism
Table 1.1
Personnel policy Recruitment Personel assessment Staff placement Staff adaptation Training
Leadership style Calculation of the need for personnel Personnel assessment methods Typical career models Probation
Professional onal preparation
Philosophy of the travel agency Professional recruitment Potential assessment
Service planning
noah career
Adaptation young specialists
Professional development
Work principles
with person-
Evaluation of the individual
Conditions and pay
Mentoring and con-
Retraining of personnel
Rules of the internal
Formation of a reserve
Personnel certification
Frame movement
human development resources
Postgraduate supplementary

Personnel policy determines the general line and fundamental guidelines in working with personnel for the long term, are formed by the state and the management of the tourist organization, and finds concrete expression in the administrative and moral norms of behavior of employees in the organization.
Recruitment consists in the formation of a reserve of personnel to fill job vacancies and should include procedures for calculating the needs of personnel by category of employees, establishing a list of professional requirements for them, methods of professional selection of personnel, as well as general principles for creating a reserve of personnel for vacant positions. Thus, the main goal of recruitment is to determine the totality of people who are able to take new positions in the near future, change their occupation, based on internal motivation, moral and material incentives.
Personel assessment is carried out to determine the compliance of the employee with the vacant or current position. When filling a vacant position, it is important to characterize the potential of the employee, i.e. his professional knowledge and skills, life and work experience, socio-psychological type of personality, level of general culture, state of health, working capacity and a number of other features. Potential assessment allows you to judge the prospect of using a person's abilities in a particular position. An analysis of the employee's compliance with the position held (certification) is necessary after a certain time has passed and is possible through a joint assessment of the creative potential and individual contribution, taking into account the results of work.
Staff placement should ensure the constant movement of personnel, taking into account the results of the assessment of the potential, individual contribution, planned career, age, terms of office and the availability of vacancies in the staffing of the travel agency or other organization of the tourism industry. The scientifically substantiated placement of personnel provides for: career planning, taking into account the vital interests of people; a rational combination of appointment, competitiveness and electivity, depending on the category of employees and the reserve of personnel; systematic promotion of employees depending on the results of the assessment; determining the terms of occupation of positions and the age of personnel; scientific organization of the workplace; determination of conditions and wages.
Staff adaptation- the process of adapting the team to the changing conditions of the external and internal environment of the organization of the tourism industry, and individual workers- to the workplace and workforce. The adaptation of workers also includes the organization probationary period, adaptation of young specialists, methods of counseling, development of human resources. Adaptation ends with the entry of employees into the position on a permanent basis.
Training aims to ensure compliance professional knowledge and skills of employees to the modern level of production of tourism products and management, which allows you to adjust the ratio between the number of personnel and its qualification structure.
The main tasks of the personnel service are to pursue an active personnel policy through an effective personnel management system and social processes, provide conditions for the initiative and creative activity of employees, taking into account their individual characteristics and professional skills, and create a set of material and social incentives together with the economic service.
To solve these problems, the personnel service performs the following functions:
    identifying the professional suitability of each employee for the position held, as well as creating the necessary conditions for the development of abilities and meeting the needs of each employee;
    formation and rational use of the qualitative potential of the organization, taking into account the prospects for its development;
    study of the socio-demographic and professional-qualification structure of personnel, forecasting its changes;
    introduction of a system of job and qualification growth in the presence of social guarantees;
    development of a system for filling positions and jobs, application of scientific methods for studying the business and professional qualities of employees in the selection, placement and planning of professional growth;
    certification of employees, analysis of its results, as well as the development of proposals for job relocation;
    organizational management of continuous education, training and retraining of personnel; planning this work taking into account the needs of the organization;
    forecasting, determining the current and future needs for personnel and sources of its satisfaction;
    carrying out work on the professional orientation of young people, the adaptation of young specialists in organizations, the development of measures to stabilize personnel;
    scientific - methodological and Information Support personnel work, the use of the achievements of sociological and psychological sciences in work with personnel;
    control over the execution of legislative acts, orders of the tourist organization on personnel policy;
    application modern methods personnel management using information technology;
    personnel accounting and reporting;
    strengthening discipline, creating a favorable climate in the team;
    development of proposals for measures of social protection of employees of the organization.
It should not be forgotten that when managing personnel, the personnel service (personnel service) must use a clear system of motivation and evaluation of each employee, therefore, a certain set of documents is required that corresponds to the functions of the personnel service. An approximate short list of functions and documents is given in Table 1.2.

Functions of the personnel service (personnel services)
and a list of applicable documents
Table 1.2

HR Functions List of applied documents
Selection for vacancies and recruitment
Setting requirements for the position; profession classifiers, basic and additional knowledge and skills; questionnaires (CV, company profiles, etc.); structured interviews, written tests; inquiries, references, recommendations
Assessment and certification of personnel Evaluation sheets; provisions (guidelines) on periodic assessment and certification
Personnel records and personal files staffing; staff regulations; representation; labor contract, personnel order
Career planning, formation of a reserve and work with a reserve Regulations on personnel reserve and regulations for working with it; an annual list of possible nominations of personnel in the most important areas of the organization's work
Personnel policy and the formation of the human capital of the organization Annual plan for advanced training and retraining of personnel; action plan to increase staff motivation
Formation of the organizational structure of management Regulations on the structural unit; job descriptions
Interaction with the external environment Labor Code Russian Federation, explanations and comments to it, other legislative and regulations, archiving rules, etc.

Thus, personnel management in market conditions is complex and multilateral, its study and adequate use is one of the most important components of successful organization management.

1.2. Staff motivation

Motivation to work and the associated state of organizational culture are significant success factors for any organization, especially organizations in the tourism industry, which to a large extent depend on the effectiveness of the relationship between service personnel and the client.
Although the quality of service is largely subjective, the customer's dissatisfaction with a trip or a hotel depends on the service as well. The main reason for whether a client returns to a tourism industry organization or not is the level of service. The first time the consumer can be lured by good advertising, a rich interior, but the second time he comes, as a rule, thanks to the professional work of the staff and the availability of quality service received earlier. A high level of motivation of employees of tourism organizations for their quality work is not only desirable from an organizational point of view, but is vital, since it directly affects the effectiveness of the organization.
The process of motivation can be divided into four main stages:

    the emergence of a need (hunger, thirst, desire to get an education, etc.);
    developing a strategy and finding ways to meet needs (buy groceries in a store or go to dinner at a restaurant, enter a university or do self-education, etc.);
    determination of tactics of activity and phased implementation of actions (quick or slow action, find means, determine the course of action, analyze alternatives, choose the right solution, etc.);
    Satisfying needs and receiving material or spiritual rewards.
There are many theories of motivation for human actions. An analysis of the theories, called content theories of motivation, are presented in Table 2.1.

The most famous content theories of motivation
Table 2.1

Name of the theory
Author of Theory
The content of the theory
Theory of Needs
A. Maslow Need groups have their own hierarchy. If one need is satisfied, another one takes its place. Needs of a higher level (recognition and respect, self-expression) begin to actively influence a person after, in general, the needs of a lower level (physiological, safety, belonging to a social group) are satisfied. Higher level needs can be satisfied in more ways than lower level needs.
Theory of existence connection and growth
K. Alderfer There are three groups of needs: existence, connection and growth, which are arranged hierarchically. The movement from one need to another goes down and up (in both directions): up, if the need of the lower level is not satisfied; down if a higher level need is not being met. In case of dissatisfaction with the needs of the upper level, the degree of action of the needs of the lower level increases, which switches the person's attention to this level.
The theory of acquired needs
D. McClel- Land
Human behavior is influenced by the needs of achievement, participation and domination. The need for achievement is manifested in the desire of a person to achieve his goals more effectively than he did before. To regulate the level of this need, it is important to conduct targeted training and organize work accordingly. The need for participation manifests itself as a desire for friendly relations with others. The management of the organization should regularly assess the level of this need among subordinates. The need for dominance is the desire of a person to control people, resources and processes occurring in his environment. People with this need are divided into two groups: the desire for power to solve group problems. For the success of a manager, the developed need for domination of the second type is of the greatest importance.
Theory of two factors
F. Herzberg Needs can be divided into two categories: factors of working conditions (work conditions, wages, interpersonal relationships) and motivating factors (success, promotion, recognition, a high degree of responsibility, career opportunities). Working conditions factors are related to the environment in which the work is carried out, and motivation is related to the nature and essence of the work. In the absence or insufficient manifestation of factors of working conditions, a person develops job dissatisfaction. However, if they are sufficient, then by themselves they do not cause job satisfaction and cannot motivate a person to work. In contrast, the absence or inadequacy of motivations does not lead to job dissatisfaction, but their presence fully arouses satisfaction and motivates employees to improve performance.

Each theory has its own characteristics, which made it possible for it to be widely recognized by theorists and practitioners. A characteristic feature of substantive theories of motivation is that they study the needs and give their classification, which allows drawing conclusions about the mechanism of human motivation. An analysis of content theories showed that the groups of needs identified in different theories quite definitely correspond to each other; each theory reflects a certain point of view on motivation, which is confirmed by empirical research. The data in Table 2.2 confirm the possibility of a joint consideration of theories of motivation from the point of view of not only science, but also practice, although such a comparison is rather conditional, since classifications are carried out on different grounds.

The ratio of groups of needs
in content theories of motivation
Table 2.2

A. Maslow's theory
Theory of K. Alderfer
Theory D. McClelland
Theory of F. Herzberg
The need for self-expression The need for growth Need for Achievement Motivating factors
The need for recognition and respect - - -
The need to belong to social group The need for communication The need for domination Working conditions factors
The Need for Security Need for Existence The Need for Participation -
Physiological Needs
- - -

Those who apply content theories recognize that higher-order needs play a significant role in motivating people: public acceptance, the possibility of growth, the ability to be realized, etc. This means that the labor activity of an individual is the higher, the greater the number of various needs a person can satisfy through labor.
In content theories of motivation, the needs are considered, the factors associated with them that determine the behavior of people. IN process theories motivation is presented in a different way. Table 2.3 describes process theories of motivation, which analyze how a person distributes efforts to achieve different goals and how he chooses a type of behavior. According to process theories, the existence of needs is not disputed, but it is believed that people's behavior is determined not only by them, but is also a function of the perception and expectations of the worker associated with this situation, and the possible consequences of the type of behavior he has chosen.

The most famous process theories of motivation
Table 2.3

Name of the theory Author of the theory The content of the theory
Justice theory S. Adams The main source of motivation in work is fair remuneration. People determine for themselves the ratio of the reward received and the effort expended and correlate it with the reward of other people doing similar work.
Expectancy Theory W. Vroom The motivation of an employee depends on what he expects to receive (expectations) from those things that are important to him as a reward for excellent work (behavior). When analyzing motivation to work, the following factors are important: labor costs - results; results - reward; valence (satisfaction with the reward). If the value of any of the three factors is small, then motivation will be weak, and labor results will be low.
Porter-Lawler theory L. Porter, E. Lawler There are five variables in the model: effort expended, perception, results obtained, remuneration, degree of satisfaction. The results achieved depend on the efforts made by the employee, his abilities and character, as well as on his awareness of his role. The level of effort expended will be determined by the value of the reward and the degree of confidence that that level of effort will in fact entail a well-defined level of reward. The model establishes the relationship between remuneration and results

The prerequisites for ensuring a sufficient level of motivation, according to H. Fenecold, are a guarantee of the safety of the workplace, fair wages, taking into account its complexity and the productivity achieved by the employee, publicity of decisions on personnel issues and involvement of employees in management.
Stimulation of the personnel of tourist organizations, taking into account their motivation, is aimed primarily at improving the quality of service for tourists, the growth of professional skills, as well as encouraging them to make proposals to improve the activities of the organization. To this end, organizations use incentives in the form of cash bonuses, gifts, free trips, professional skills competitions, training, and the possibility of promotion. To form the motivation of staff, more attention should be paid to the organization of the tourism industry to informing employees about the goals of the organization, its history, accepted methods and management style, structure, functions, tasks and responsibilities assigned to persons holding certain positions.
The results of a study of a number of organizations in the tourism industry, during which respondents were asked to indicate factors that are important to them when choosing a job, showed that one of the important ones is interest in work. This factor outstripped in importance such factors as wages, recognition of professional and personal dignity, moral and psychological climate in the team, security (Figure 2.4).
52% Interest in work
51% Labour Organization
48% Wage
46% Recognition of professional dignity
38% Fair evaluation of labor
33% Moral and psychological climate in the team
29% Opportunity for professional growth
25% Self-realization
22% goal setting
7% Security
Fig.2.4. List of factors (in descending order of their attractiveness) important for people when choosing a job
The list of motivating factors of labor activity for employees looks like this for employees (Fig. 2.5).
The desire to achieve high results, qualitatively solve problems
Personal professional goals
The need to perform well
Interest in work
Promotion Opportunity
Getting a higher salary
Control. Regular evaluation of performance
Recognition and approval from management
Possibility of gaining independence
Recognition from colleagues. Trying not to let them down
Good working conditions
The possibility of obtaining additional material or moral rewards
Possibility of disciplinary action

Fig 2.5. The list of motivating factors of the employee's labor activity

(in descending order of their value)
In order to ensure the effective work of personnel in a tourism organization, it is necessary to use various training programs to improve its qualification level, either financial reward or recognition of importance for the organization, promotion, obtaining greater powers, higher status.
1 .3. Evaluation, certification, advanced training and career growth of personnel

Any management always evaluates its employees according to the results achieved, potential, and prospects for further activities. Evaluation of labor makes it possible to solve a large number of personnel tasks, such as assessing the potential for promoting an employee to a more responsible and promising position, maintaining a sense of responsibility among employees and increasing the level of labor motivation, developing a training and development program for personnel, and reducing training costs.
In order to dismantle the system for evaluating the performance of employees, the organization should establish performance standards for each workplace.
In practice, three main types of assessments are used:

    current (everyday);
    periodic (episodic);
Most often, the object of evaluation is the results of work: their volume, quantity, efficiency, lack of complaints, complaints, etc. But the behavior of an employee can also be evaluated: how he relates to the case, how he works, how he builds relationships with clients, etc.
It must be remembered that any assessment is a comparison, so you need to be especially careful when choosing a comparison base.
The following are used for evaluation:
    interview results;
    accounting data (production, mode of operation);
    characteristics (descriptive, independent, written, oral);
    testing, exercises and assignments;
    comparison with samples (ideal position models, other best employees, ranking according to various criteria, ratings - in the case of distribution of benefits, benefits, etc.);
    business games;
Certification is the most technologically ordered type of assessment; it should be carried out at least once every three years, since it is during this time that new employees and young specialists adapt, and they can already be asked with all rigor.
For certification, by order of the head, a certifying commission, in which, in addition to the administration, representatives of public organizations, higher authorities, and outside specialists can be invited.
The commission works according to the schedule with each employee subject to certification. Documents are presented to the commission: the employee's report, his characteristics, other documents and materials, including reviews, reviews, publications, video materials, etc., after considering which, the commission conducts an interview with the employee.
The interview follows the following rules:
    no need to save time on certification and rush;
    you must be prepared to change your opinion about the employee during the certification;
    no need to argue during certification - this is not a place and not a reason for a showdown;
    it is not permissible to interrupt and interrupt the person being assessed, otherwise he will have good reasons to challenge the decision of the commission on the grounds that the commission treated him biasedly and did not listen.
Based on the results of the interview, the commission makes one of three possible decisions:
    the employee corresponds to the position;
    the employee does not correspond to the position;
    the employee corresponds to the position held, provided ... (advanced training on some issues, retraining, etc.).
An important element of work on personnel management in organizations of the tourism and hospitality industry is advanced training and retraining of personnel. To select the right strategy for this activity, it is necessary to diagnose the need for training and retraining of personnel. Diagnostic goals:
      clarification of the organization's development goals - clarification of the strategy (i.e. WHY to learn);
      determining what competencies need to be learned (i.e. WHAT to teach);
      identification of categories of employees who do not have the necessary competencies to achieve the goals (i.e. WHO to train);
      detection of problematic areas of the organization (express management diagnostics);
The following methods are used to collect information when identifying training needs:
    interviews or individual counseling sessions, usually with an HR manager;
    interviews with students;
    questionnaire or questionnaire;
    analysis of the structure, in particular, analysis of the text of job descriptions of students;
    "field research" (directly at the workplace).
The results of diagnosing the need for training can be:
    the most accurate development of training programs;
    changing the topic of training in accordance with the identified need.
One of the main problems of organizations in the tourism industry is the problem of motivation for promotion. D. Miner singled out two approaches to career development, involving the creation of special motivation systems. The first approach proceeds from the importance of hierarchical incentives, while the second approach proceeds from the priority of professional incentives.
Hierarchical Incentive Theory involves the formation and consolidation of employees: the desire to occupy high-ranking positions in the service hierarchy; the ability to assert their rights and fight for them, insist on their demands and ensure the implementation of their orders; desire to stand out from the background of both subordinates and managers; striving for administration. IN occupational incentive theory attention is focused on the formation of aspirations among employees: to acquire as much knowledge as possible; perform their work with minimal intervention from management; achieving recognition of colleagues in their field and the approval of this recognition; transferring your knowledge to others.
From the point of view of effective management of the organization of the tourism industry, the social typology of the employee's personality, which rests on three terms: "I want", "I know", "I can", is of particular importance.
“I want” reflects the material and moral needs of the individual, the internal motivation of a person and is the driving force behind his activity. These are natural social needs and motives in the pursuit of personal development and material well-being.
“I know” characterizes the mental potential of the employee in the form of accumulated hypotheses, models, schemes, theories, methods, sensations, ideas. Knowledge forms the informational experience of mankind, which is mastered by a specific person in the process of education.
“I know how” reflects the rational experience of a person in the form of a set of techniques, skills, methods, methods, technologies for carrying out activities.
Thus, when forming the organizational culture of the organization of the tourism industry, it is advisable to take into account eight types of employees classified according to three selected characteristics (Table 2.4.).

Types of employees depending on the ratio of "I want - I know - I can"
Table 2.4

Employee A Employee B Worker D Worker F
I want + I want + Want - Want -
I know + I know - I know + I know -
I can + I can + I can + I can +
Employee B Worker G Worker E Worker Z
I want + I want + Want - Want -
I know + I know - I know + I know -
I can - I can - I can - I can -
Note. "+" - yes, "-" - no.
The combination of the three named characteristics indicates different motivations and qualifications and implies the presence of a significant variety of productivity and quality of labor and, accordingly, the use of different incentives to work (Table 2.5).
Motivation of an employee depending on his belonging to a certain type
Table 2.5.
Worker Need level Incentives to work Motivation for promotion Labor results
BUT Tall Self-expression and moral encouragement High self-education; help from the organization High performance and quality
B Tall Moral encouragement and self-expression Need vocational education Average performance and quality
IN Medium or high Moral and financial incentive Training in the specialty; getting a good education

* Note. The uniqueness of the work is indicated on the date of publication, the current value may differ from the indicated one.

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Travel company personnel management

Personnel Management

Travel company personnel management

The success of the work of a travel company is ensured by the employees employed on it. That is why the modern concept of enterprise management involves the allocation of a large number of functional areas management activities the one that is associated with the management of the personnel component of production - the personnel of the enterprise.

It is quite natural that at every large tourist enterprise there is a need to determine the number of personnel, in an effective system of selection, hiring and placement of personnel, in ensuring their employment taking into account the interests of the company and the employee himself, in the system of remuneration for labor based on his motivation, taking into account individual problems of workers, improving their living conditions and recreation, etc.

Today, particular importance is attached to raising the level of work with personnel, putting this work on a solid scientific foundation, and using the experience gained over many years of domestic and foreign experience.

I believe that the main potential of a tourist enterprise lies in personnel. No matter how great ideas, latest technologies, the most favorable external conditions exist, it is impossible to achieve high activity without well-trained personnel. It is the people who do the work, provide the ideas, and allow the firm to exist.

Without people, there can be no organization; without qualified personnel, no organization can achieve its goals. Personnel management is associated with people and their relationships within the enterprise (organization).

Today, the main factors of competitiveness are the availability of labor force, the degree of its motivation, organizational structures and forms of work that determine the effectiveness of the use of personnel.

The success of leading Western firms in providing High Quality tourist product, its rapid renewal, reducing production costs and integrating the efforts of personnel are due to the fact that they have created highly effective personnel management systems. Of great importance for an effective personnel policy is the analysis of market characteristics work force. Intra-production features of the organization, such as the goals set for the development of the company, the trends in its management style, the specific nature of the tasks it solves, the specifics of work teams, etc., should also be taken into account to ensure the effectiveness of personnel policy.

These general trends should be taken into account in the domestic practice of personnel management of a tourist organization.



1. 1 Goals and objectives of personnel management

The formation of a personnel management system involves, first of all, the construction of a “tree of goals”, moreover, the goals of employees and the goals of the administration, ensuring their least inconsistency, identifying the role and place of personnel management in ensuring the main goals of a travel company.

The objectives of personnel management of an enterprise (organization) are:

* -increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in market conditions;

* -increasing the efficiency of production and labor, in particular, achieving maximum profit;

* - Ensuring high social efficiency of the functioning of the team.

Successful achievement of the set goals requires the solution of such tasks as:

* - ensuring the needs of the enterprise in the labor force in the required volumes and the required qualifications;

* -achieving a reasonable correlation between the organizational and technical structure of the production potential and the structure of the labor potential;

* - full and effective use of the potential of the employee and the production team as a whole;

* -providing conditions for highly productive work, a high level of organization, motivation, self-discipline, developing the employee's habit of interaction and cooperation;

* - fixing the employee at the enterprise, the formation of a stable team as a condition for the payback of funds spent on labor (attraction, development of personnel);

* - ensuring the realization of the desires, needs and interests of employees in relation to the content of work, promotion, etc.;

* - coordination of production and social tasks (balancing the interests of the enterprise and the interests of employees, economic and social efficiency);

* -improving the efficiency of personnel management, achieving management goals while reducing labor costs.

The effectiveness of personnel management, the most complete implementation of the goals set largely depends on the choice of options for building the enterprise's personnel management system, knowledge of the mechanism of its functioning, the choice of optimal technologies and methods of working with people.

1. 2. Personnel management functions

There are certain differences between goals and functions. The goal is the state that is being sought, and the function is the actual action.

The goals of the tourism organization are characterized by three features: they reflect the desired state in the future; they designate these conditions specifically and differ from individual goals in that they have a property that is mandatory for all employees of the enterprise; they are officially approved, and the management of the enterprise approves. Goals perform three functions: management, coordination and control.

Goals are the stimulus for behavior, so they drive behavior. They allow and stimulate mutual coordination of behavior and in this sense perform a coordinating function. Personnel management is carried out in the process of performing certain targeted actions and involves: determining the goals and main areas of work with personnel; determination of means, forms and methods for achieving the set goals; organization of work to implement the decisions made; coordination and control of the implementation of the planned activities; continuous improvement of the system of work with personnel (Fig. 1).

When the overall strategy of the organization is realized, it becomes possible to establish individual functions of personnel management that will be combined with this strategy. the best way.

The need to harmonize between the strategy of personnel management and the strategy of entrepreneurship covers the main functions of management and includes:

* -selection, hiring and formation of the organization's personnel for the best achievement of production goals;

* -assessment of personnel;

* - the best use of the potential of employees and their remuneration;

* -providing guarantees of social responsibility of organizations to each employee.

In practical terms, the following main functions of personnel management can be distinguished:

* -forecasting the situation on the labor market and in one's own team to take preventive measures;

* - analysis of the existing human resources potential and planning of its development taking into account the prospects;

* - motivation of personnel, assessment and training of personnel, assistance in adapting employees to innovations, creating socially comfortable conditions in the team, solving particular issues of psychological compatibility of employees, etc.

1. At the same time, the traditional tasks of administrative work with personnel are also preserved.

2. The functions of personnel management are very closely interconnected and together form a certain system of work with personnel, where the changes that occur in the composition of each of the functions necessitate the adjustment of all other associated functional tasks and responsibilities. For example, the widespread use of the contract form of hiring personnel in the world practice has led to a noticeable change functional duties.

3. Under such conditions of employment, naturally, the importance of functional duties increases; the range of duties within the framework of the functions of recruitment, employment, and material remuneration expands.

4. In the theory of personnel management, eight main functions are usually distinguished: needs planning, selection and hiring, development and orientation, promotion, evaluation and reward.

1. 3. Stages of the personnel management system

The personnel management system includes a number of stages: formation, use, stabilization and management itself (Fig. 2).

The formation (formation) of the organization's personnel is a special stage, during which the foundation of its innovative potential and prospects for further growth are laid. The deviation of the number of personnel from the scientifically substantiated need for it, both up and down, affects the level of labor potential. This means that both the shortage and the surplus of personnel equally negatively affect the labor potential. Lack of personnel leads to underutilization of production potential and excessive workload on workers.

Thus, the goal of forming the staff of a tourist organization is to minimize the reserve of unrealized opportunities, which is due to the discrepancy between the abilities to work and personal qualities potentially formed in the process of training with the possibilities of their use in the performance of specific types of work, potential and actual employment in quantitative and qualitative terms.

The stage of personnel formation is designed to solve the following tasks:

* - ensuring the optimal degree of loading of employees in order to fully use their labor potential and increase the efficiency of their work;

* -optimization of the structure of workers with different functional content of labor.

The basis for solving these problems can be based on the basic principles of the use of personnel in the organization:

Compliance of the number of employees with the volume of work performed;

Coordination of the employee with the degree of complexity of his labor functions;

The conditionality of the structure of the personnel of the enterprise objective factors production;

Maximum efficiency in the use of working time;

Creation of conditions for continuous professional development and expansion of the production profile of employees.

Considering the process of personnel management as an integral system, we can distinguish the main elements that implement the following functions:

-> organizational:

Awareness of the population about the recruitment and timing of recruitment;

The amount of funds allocated for personnel training and housing construction, etc.;

-> reproductive:

Providing the creation of educational and material base and staff development.

Personnel Management

Each of these subsystems can be represented both by a group of persons and by one person, depending on the scale of the tourist organization itself and the degree of development of personnel policy. The main purpose of this specialization is to clearly formulate the tasks and functions of management in general and individual administrators in particular; in a clear understanding of the mechanism of impact on labor resources.

1. 3. 1. Principles and structure of personnel management

Personnel management is based on the following assumptions:

1) 1) the need for a close connection between personnel planning and the development strategy of the organization (firm);

2) 2) quantitative assessment of the costs of working with personnel and their impact on economic indicators production;

5. Personnel management as a management function is designed to unite, coordinate, interconnect and integrate all other functions into a single whole.

6. This is achieved by the implementation of the principles of work with personnel, their interaction.

Ensuring job security for staff makes any firm more profitable and competitive, especially if a workforce stabilization strategy is used as a means to increase flexibility in personnel management, create conditions for close interaction of workers and retain their most qualified composition.

A schematic diagram of personnel management is given in Table 1.

8. Table 1.






Principles of selection and placement of personnel


Involvement of employees in management

at the grassroots level

Employee motivation and creative initiative

Terms of employment and dismissal

Ways to increase labor productivity

work crews

and their functions

Organizational culture of the firm

Training and professional development

Incentive pay systems


in a collective

The impact of personnel management on the activities of the company and its organization

The personnel management structure includes the following areas of activity:

Resource planning

Development of a plan to meet the needs for human resources and the necessary costs for this;

Recruitment - creation of a reserve of potential candidates for all positions;

Selection - evaluation of candidates for jobs and selection of the best from the reserve created during recruitment;

Determination of wages and compensation - development of a salary structure and benefits in order to attract, hire and retain staff;

Career guidance and adaptation - the introduction of hired workers into the organization and its divisions, the development of employees' understanding of what the organization expects from them and what kind of work in it receives a well-deserved assessment;

Training - development of training programs for personnel in order to effectively perform work and promote it;

Assessment of labor activity - development of methods for assessing labor activity and bringing it to the attention of the employee;

Promotion, demotion, transfer, dismissal - development of methods for moving employees to positions with greater or lesser responsibility, developing their professional experience by moving to other positions or areas of work, as well as procedures for terminating an employment contract;

Training of management personnel, promotion management - development of programs aimed at developing the abilities and improving the efficiency of work of management personnel;

Labor relations - negotiating the conclusion of collective agreements;

Employment - Development of Equal Employment Opportunity Programs.

1. 4. Control technology

In order to effectively manage, it is necessary to know the mechanism of functioning of the process under study, the whole system of factors causing its change, as well as the means of influencing these factors. Therefore, we can talk about a certain mechanism for the functioning of the personnel management system and about the use various tools impact on the employee, i.e. about a certain technology for working with personnel.

In its most general form, technology is a technique, skill or service used to make certain changes in any material. Sociologist Charles Perrow describes technology as a means of transforming raw materials - be they people, information, or physical materials - into desired products and services. Lewis Davies gives a broader concept of technology: "Technology is the combination of skilled skills, equipment, infrastructure, tools and, accordingly, the technical knowledge necessary to effect the desired transformations in material, information or people" .

Management influences on the object of management - the personnel of the enterprise - can be directed directly to the employee or to their totality as production cell, as well as factors of internal and external environment in which the labor process takes place. In the latter case, we can talk about an indirect impact on the control object.

There are several types of technologies:

* -multi-link, which refers to a series of interrelated tasks performed sequentially;

* -intermediary - the provision of services by some groups of people to others in solving specific problems;

* -individual - with a specification of techniques, skills and services in relation to an individual employee.

An example of the implementation of multi-link technologies in personnel management is the adoption of managerial decisions at each stage of the employee's working life in an organization (hiring, training, adaptation, direct labor activity, etc.) with their inherent specifics, corresponding tasks and methods of managerial influence.

Intermediary technologies are used during the interaction of the personnel department with managers structural divisions enterprises on the implementation of personnel policy, selection of personnel, their assessment, etc.

Individual technologies are largely focused on managing people's behavior in the course of work and are based on the use of labor motivation methods, social psychology and, above all, methods of regulating interpersonal relations, etc.

In personnel management, it is necessary to know what goals can be achieved with the help of certain means of influence, how and through what this influence is carried out.

The arsenal of means used here (methods, techniques for working with personnel, expressed in various organizational forms) is quite diverse:

* - personnel planning;

* -change management;

* -optimization of the number and structure of personnel, regulation of labor movements;

* -development of rules for the admission, placement and dismissal of employees;

* -structuring of work, their new layout, the formation of a new content of labor, job responsibilities;

* - management of personnel costs as a means of influencing the development of the employee's labor potential;

* -organization of labor as a means of creating an environment conducive to the maximum return of the performer in the process of work;

* -workload management, optimization of the working time structure;

* evaluation and control of activities;

* - policy of remuneration for work, its high results;

* -provision of social services as a means of motivation, stabilization of the team;

* - tariff agreements between the administration and the team;

* - socio-psychological methods (methods for eliminating conflict situations, ensuring interaction, etc.);

* -formation corporate culture and etc.

Some of these funds are organizational character(personnel planning, labor organization), others are related to the impact on the employee in order to change his motivation, behavior, mobilize his internal capabilities (reward system, evaluation, interaction, etc.).

1. 5. Personnel Marketing

Personnel marketing is a type of management activity aimed at determining and covering the need for personnel.

The task of personnel marketing (or "personnel marketing") is to control the situation in the labor market in order to effectively cover the need for personnel and thereby achieve the goals of the tourist organization.

Marketing activity in the field of personnel is a complex of interrelated stages for the formation and implementation of a personnel marketing plan. The general methodology of personnel marketing is based on the main provisions of the theory of "production" marketing.

10. The basis of the concept of personnel management of the organization is currently the growing role of the employee's personality, knowledge of his motivational attitudes, the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the tasks facing the organization.

External factors are understood as the conditions that the organization as a subject of management, as a rule, cannot change, but must take into account in order to correctly determine the qualitative and quantitative needs for personnel and the optimal sources to cover this need.

13. Figure 3. The main stages of marketing activities in the area

14. Staff.

The initial information for determining the directions of marketing activities, the formation of a personnel marketing plan and measures for its implementation is provided by an analysis of external and internal factors. Such analysis is the starting point of marketing activities.

The above factors in relation to the organization are external, that is, largely independent of its actions. They need to be considered as the external environment of the organization in the field of personnel marketing. Accounting for this environment allows you to avoid major mistakes in the development of marketing activities.

Internal factors are understood as those that are largely amenable to control by the organization.

Full and accurate accounting of all the above factors determines the level and features of the implementation of the main areas of marketing activities in the field of personnel. Personnel marketing is a set of measures for the selection of a specific “product” - personnel capable of ensuring the achievement of the goals and objectives of a tourist organization.

The main directions of personnel marketing can be defined by analogy with general (“industrial”) marketing. Such areas of personnel marketing are:

* -development of requirements for personnel; determination of the need for personnel;

* -calculation of planned costs for the acquisition and further use of personnel;

* - choice of ways to cover the need for personnel.

The development of requirements for personnel is based on staffing, current and prospective analysis of requirements for positions and jobs. The development of requirements for personnel consists in the formation of qualitative characteristics of personnel: abilities, motivations and properties.


2. 1. Personnel management

The art of management presupposes a good knowledge of individual and group psychology. When low-quality products are produced, it is not the abstract "workers" who are to blame, but a few specific people who are not motivated or trained enough. We must not forget that each employee is a person with its unique experiences and requests, the neglect of which can jeopardize the achievement of the organization's goals. People are central to any management model, including the situational approach.

In real life, in the behavior of each manager, there are common features inherent different styles management.

His success is decisively determined by the extent to which he takes into account the traditions of the team, the ability and readiness of subordinates to perform tasks, as well as his own potential, due to the level of education, work experience, psychological characteristics, etc. The manager’s tasks include developing a concept workforce management.

The main task in this area is his ability to create conditions for each employee to realize his potential, to arouse enthusiasm in people, and the desire to perform the tasks assigned to them in the best possible way. It is now generally accepted that success in business is almost entirely determined by the manager's ability to work with colleagues, his personal qualities, and his ability to effectively manage people.

It is especially important here: the manager's ability to organize the work of the team in an optimal way, the ability to communicate with each employee based on modern requirements and find in each case essential tool influence on a person in order to solve the problems.

The organization of the work of the team is based on the manager's ability to clearly allocate responsibilities between the employees of the travel company, to determine and set specific tasks, to reflect them in quantitative and quality parameters, to determine the time needed for practical implementation tasks, provide information base and necessary technical means, specify the sequence of tasks, based on their urgency and importance.

Modern management creates the prerequisites for solving all the most important problems. Among its features: improvement vocational training employees, establishing interaction between departments of the company, strengthening the role of teams of all parts of the company in solving everyday problems, expanding the strategic components in the work of company managers.

The most important principle of personnel management is to ensure the responsibility of each employee for the results of their work; each employee must know to whom he is subordinate and from whom he can receive orders.

The manager of a tourist company is called upon to accurately determine the ultimate goals of his work for each subordinate. It is important to describe in detail the mechanism and stages of their achievement. In this case, it is less necessary to give instructions related to private tasks, the employee shows more independence. The manager is obliged to ensure the development and application of clear instructions, instructions, the use of which allows you to act without additional explanations and very proactively.

Socio-economic and socio-psychological methods of personnel management must now clearly prevail over administrative ones. Management is directed to the implementation of cooperation between staff and administration in order to achieve the goals set for the firm. The principle of collegiality in management is increasingly being applied, when managers work in close contact with each other, are connected by bonds of cooperation, interdependence and mutual assistance.

The main thing in management is to encourage employees to develop their abilities for more intensive and productive work. The manager should not order his subordinates, but orient them to the problems facing the company, ranking them according to their importance, direct efforts, help reveal the abilities of people, concentrate them on the most important thing, form a group of like-minded people around him.

The latter is now of particular importance. In the context of the company, an important area of ​​the manager's activity, which determines the possibilities for achieving strategic success, is the creation and functioning of elastic, self-adjusting structures, which are usually referred to as a team. It's not just about a group of professionals.

The team is a carefully formed, well-managed, self-organizing team, quickly and efficiently responding to any changes in the market situation, solving all problems as a whole.

2. 2. The role of personnel planning in the enterprise

2. 2. 1. Organizational structure of the management service

enterprise personnel

Key issue for the vast majority Russian enterprises- personnel problem. Right now the time is coming when it is necessary to pay closer attention to the systematic training and, especially, retraining of qualified specialists. This will make it possible to respond faster and more efficiently to changes in the country and in the money market, to strengthen the elements of stability, solidity, representativeness, sober calculation, and the rejection of excessively risky speculative play in market activity. New conditions necessitate new approaches and new people. So far, there are very few Russian commercial firms that make training and continuous professional development of personnel a top priority. In most cases, in this matter, companies continue to live one day, focusing all their attention on solving current problems, not realizing that plugging holes will not secure the future, and its prospects remain in the fog. Without a doubt, the issue of personnel is of a strategic nature for large and successful firms as well as for small ones.

In the context of reforming the organizational structures of management in accordance with the requirements market economy at domestic enterprises there will be an increase in the role of personnel services, which is dictated by a number of objective circumstances:

- * First, the conditions in which the economy develops have changed radically. These changes are associated with the manifestation of a persistent shortage of labor resources over time. Therefore, the optimal distribution of jobs, the best use of personnel become internal reserves.

- * Secondly, the decrease in the number of employees should be compensated by the greater intensity of labor, and hence the greater qualification of the worker. In this regard, the responsibility of personnel services is increasing in choosing directions for the qualification growth of an employee, in organizing effective forms of training and stimulating their growth.

- * Thirdly, the restructuring of the personnel policy in the organization leads to the expansion of the functional duties of employees of personnel services, increasing their independence in solving personnel problems.

The noted circumstances lead to the fact that in a number of organizations there are already personnel management services. These new services are created, as a rule, on the basis of traditional ones: the personnel department, the department of labor organization and wages, the department of labor protection and safety, etc. The tasks of the new services are to implement the personnel policy and coordinate labor management activities in the organization. In this regard, they begin to expand the range of their functions and move from purely personnel issues to the development of incentives for labor activity, management of professional promotion, conflict prevention, studying the labor market, etc.

Day by day there are more and more organizations that realize that personnel management should be integrated into the overall system of leadership and strategic planning. This is not about changing the orientation of personnel services. On the contrary, the view is affirmed that the personnel service should determine the strategic direction of its own work which makes it an essential link in overall structure management. Accounting for these areas in practical work allows us to determine the possible organizational structure of the personnel management service of a large organization.

The Vice President for Human Resources reports directly to the heads (directors) of key services and departments, whose names to a greater or lesser extent correspond to the main elements of a modern personnel management system - selection, training and development, evaluation, compensation, etc. Directors and heads of departments supervise the work of compensation specialists, vocational training and development, etc.

2. 2. 2. Functions of the personnel service

In the practice of tourist organizations, a wide variety of approaches to the structuring of services are used, not to mention the different completeness of the set of functions performed.

The main trend is that, depending on the size of organizations, the composition of units will change: in small organizations, one unit can perform the functions of several, and in large organizations, the functions of each subsystem, as a rule, are performed by a separate unit.

The functional organization of the personnel service is presented in the Appendix.

2. 2. 4. The main directions of restructuring the work of personnel services in modern conditions


3. 1. Determining the need for staff

Determining the need for personnel is one of the most important areas of personnel marketing, which makes it possible to establish the qualitative and quantitative composition of personnel for a given period of time. Understanding the dynamics of factors that affect the organization's needs for personnel is the basis for planning human resources in tourism.

As can be seen from the foregoing, it is necessary to distinguish between qualitative and quantitative need for personnel. Both of these types of needs in the practice of headcount planning are calculated in unity and interrelation.

Qualitative need, i.e. the need for categories, professions, specialties, level qualification requirements to personnel, calculated on the basis of:

Requirements for positions and jobs specified in job descriptions or job descriptions;

The staffing table of the organization and its divisions, where the composition of positions is fixed;

Documentation regulating various organizational and managerial processes with the allocation of requirements for the professional and qualification composition of performers.

The calculation of the qualitative need for professions, specialties, etc. is accompanied by a simultaneous calculation of the number of personnel for each criterion of the qualitative need. The total need for personnel is found by summing up the quantitative need for individual qualitative criteria.

The qualitative need for specialists and managers can be determined through the consistent development of the following organizational documents:

Goal systems as the basis of the organizational structure of management;

General organizational structure, as well as organizational structures of departments;

staffing schedule;

Job descriptions (job descriptions) of specialists and managers. This type of document can be used as the basis for calculating the complexity of performing job functions.

The job description is created by the joint efforts of the line manager, who formulates the requirements for the employee, and the personnel manager, who documents these requirements.

A typical job description (job description) should have the following sections:

Characteristics of the organizational status of a position (workplace) - a place in the hierarchical system of an organization or unit, a pay group, etc.;

Description of work requirements for the contractor - knowledge, experience, abilities, character traits necessary for the specifics of the workplace, organizational skills, managerial qualities, etc.;

Rights, responsibilities, relationships of the workplace - given and received instructions, input and output information (and forms of its presentation), the nature of participation in the decision-making process, structural relationships with other jobs and departments.

As an addition to the job description, qualification cards and competency cards (ideal employee profile) can be used

1. The qualification card is detailed description qualification characteristics that an “ideal” employee should have. Since during the selection it is easier to determine qualification characteristics than the ability to perform official duties, then the qualification card greatly facilitates the process of selecting applicants for the position.

2. The shortcoming of the qualification card is the focus on the past merits of the applicant (education, experience, etc.) to the detriment of assessing his current potential for professional development.

The competency map is a description of the personal characteristics of the "ideal" employee, which is very important in tourism and hospitality. For example, focus on the guest, the ability to work in a group, assertiveness, originality of thinking, etc.

3. 1. 1. The problem of staff turnover in tourism

The main difficulty in determining the need for personnel in tourism and hospitality is a high turnover of personnel. The cost of employee turnover in the late 80s averaged $2,100 per hour (when paid by the hour).

This means that for a hotel with 100% turnover and 200 employees, this figure is $400,000. Today, the cost of employee turnover has become even higher.

Therefore, when determining the need for personnel, the staff turnover rate (F) is taken into account:

N is the average annual number of layoffs multiplied by 100;

M- average annual population personnel.

Obviously, it is wiser to deal with staff turnover than to leave everything as it is. For example, managers at La Quinta Motor Inns were able to reduce churn from 36% to 21% in a year using four ingenious workforce planning principles.

1. Personnel selection - orientation in hiring married couples.

2. Career Orientation - Each couple must complete an intensive 13 week course plus on-the-job training.

3. Stability - Couples may not request to be moved to another position until two years of employment have been completed.

4. Development and career - at La Quinta, great attention is paid to continuous improvement staff qualifications.

Studying the problem of staff turnover, we can come to the following conclusions:

1. There is more staff turnover among restaurant managers than among catering managers in accommodation facilities.

2. Assistant managers are more likely to change jobs than general managers.

3. General managers suffer more from depersonalization than their assistants.

4. The trend of employee turnover is higher among single people than among married people.

5. Men are less prone to this phenomenon than women.

6. Good attitude from general managers reduces turnover among their assistants.

Of course, you can retain good managers with the help of various factors, in addition to salary and material benefits. The main ones are:

* Opportunities for promotion,

* Interesting job.

* Increasing the responsibility of the manager.

* Good conditions work.

* Feeling of being a part of the whole.

* High appreciation of the need for the work performed by the manager.

* Work safety.

* good programs learning.

* Personalized company loyalty to the manager.

* Good team of employees.

* Advantages of additional benefits (pensions, paid holidays, tours, etc.).

* Geographic location.

* Comfortable spot work.

* Help in solving personal problems.

3. 1. 2. Methods for determining the need for personnel

Modern tourism organizations use the following methods to determine the need for staff.

The extrapolation method is the simplest and most commonly used

lyable. Its essence is the transfer of today's situation to the future. For example, the Globus travel agency in 1999 had five agents and a sales volume of $100,000. In 2000 strategic objective the firm has reached a sales volume of $140,000, therefore, two more agents will be required.

The beauty of the method lies in its simplicity. The main disadvantage is the inability to take into account changes in the development of the organization and the external environment. Therefore, this method is suitable for short-term planning in organizations with a stable organizational structure operating in a stable external environment, which is very rare in domestic tourism. Therefore, many firms use the adjusted extrapolation method.

The method takes into account changes in the ratio of factors that determine the number of employees - an increase in labor productivity, a decrease in staff turnover, an increase in occupied accommodation facilities, etc.

The method of expert assessments is based on the opinion of the heads of departments regarding the need for personnel. The HR manager collects, analyzes and summarizes their assessments. For this, group discussions, written reports, the Delphi method (multiple peer review) can be used.

The essence of the latter method is that the results of the initial expert assessment of the need for personnel are brought to the attention of all members of the expert group and are subjected to critical analysis. The generalized result of the second expert assessment is the forecast of the need for personnel.

The advantage of the method of expert assessments is the participation of line managers in personnel management planning. The disadvantage is the laboriousness of the process of collecting and processing expert opinions, as well as the subjectivity of the latter.

Computer models as a method for determining the need for personnel are a set of mathematical formulas that allow you to simultaneously use extrapolation methods, expert assessments, as well as information about the dynamics of all of the above factors that affect the need for labor.

Models make it possible to achieve the most accurate forecasts. The disadvantage of the method is the high price of models and the need for special skills to work with them.

3. 2. Search and selection of personnel

Top management has overall control over the HR policy and ultimate responsibility for its success. The methods and effectiveness of the search and selection of personnel are influenced by the policy of the management of the tourism organization regarding personnel, training and development of employees and an understanding of the importance of maintaining a good moral climate in the organization. The main task of the selection is to find such an employee who can solve the tasks assigned to him, contribute to the achievement of the strategic goal of the organization.

The main prerequisites that determine the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection of personnel are:

Setting clear goals for the organization;

Development of an effective organizational management structure to ensure the achievement of these goals;

The presence of personnel planning, which is the link between the goals of the organization and the organizational structure of management. HR planning is the foundation of the personnel policy, providing a systematic approach to the recruitment and selection of personnel.

Usually, when selecting candidates, not one method is used, but a whole range of different methods aimed at a comprehensive assessment of candidates.

An integrated screening system may include the methods shown in Table 2.

Table 2.




Standard form "Information about the candidate"


medical examination



Professional experience

Health status

Personal characteristics

Motivation, attitude to work

Communication qualities

Of course, it is hardly possible to find an ideal candidate. Therefore, job requirements should be realistic and allow for a certain degree of flexibility.

3. 2. 1. Sources of recruitment

Traditionally, the sources of recruitment are divided into external (candidates from the external environment of the organization) and internal (candidates from "their own home"). Both sources have both advantages and disadvantages.

Table 3





Greater choice of candidates

Bringing in new ideas, techniques, work experience.

A long period of adaptation of a beginner in a company, industry, the need for primary training

Decreased morale on the part of job applicants from the organization


The company knows the strengths and weaknesses of employees

Reducing the costs of the selection procedure

Opportunity to promote your own employees.

Familiarity leading to stagnation in the emergence of new ideas

Limited choice

"Nude" other positions

The following can be used as sources for searching for candidates in tourism and hospitality:

1. Promotion but service within the tourism organization.

2. Transfers from department to department.

3. Appointment of top managers from a special reserve of managers.

5. Self-revealed candidates looking for work in the industry.

6. Announcements in the mass media. information (media).

7. Graduates and senior students of colleges and universities in tourism.

8. public service employment

9. Private recruitment agencies.

Many experts advise using several sources at the same time: 1) always look for applicants within the company; 2) use at least two external sources.

3. 2. 2. Personnel selection procedure

The selection of personnel can be represented as follows:

Definition of selection rules

Primary selection

Interview with the HR manager

Information about the candidate

Interview with the head of the department


Conclusion of an employment agreement

Determining the selection rules makes it possible to clarify the main procedures for evaluating candidates, as well as to highlight the key positions for comparing applicants.

Primary selection begins with the analysis of the list and documents of candidates. Its goal is to weed out those who do not have the minimum set of characteristics required for the occupation. vacant position. Each organization has the right to establish its own requirements for applicants' documents.

The most common methods of primary selection are: analysis of personal data, testing, examination of handwriting.

Personal data analysis is the simplest, cheapest and quite effective method of primary selection. The disadvantage of the method is its focus on the past merits of the candidate, which does not allow highlighting the present and future potential of the employee. Most often for documenting personal data are used:

1) personal sheet for personnel records;

2) a resume-certificate listing the professional and moral characteristics of the candidate. If a personal personnel record sheet is focused more on identifying socially significant facts from the life of a candidate, then a resume-certificate is professional, as well as on previous work experience.

Testing is used both to determine the level of professional knowledge and to identify the moral qualities of applicants. The advantage of this method of primary selection is that the present, current competence of the candidate is assessed, taking into account the characteristics of the organization and the future position. The disadvantage is high costs, the need for third-party assistance in compiling and processing tests, the conditionality and limitations of tests that do not give a complete picture of the candidate. IN Lately testing is gaining more and more popularity among HR managers of large companies. For example, in the multinational company Mars, which focuses on recruiting the highest quality personnel, all candidates for leadership positions pass through three tests: a personality type test, an analytical ability test, and a logical thinking test [21].

Examination of handwriting has become particularly widespread in France. This method is a type of testing, but requires less effort. It is based on the theory that a person's handwriting is a reflection of personality. Such an assessment of candidates is very controversial and therefore the method is used as an additional and not decisive one.

After the initial selection, a list of candidates that most meet the requirements of the organization is compiled. All others are notified of the decision to discontinue consideration of their candidacies for the position sought.

At the next stage, the human resources department conducts an individual interview (interview) with the selected candidates. This is a very important stage and therefore many travel agencies pay great attention to it. For example, when selecting Swissair, candidates may be subject to a 5-6 hour interview. From dishwasher to auditor, all candidates applying for jobs at Guest Quarters hotels must complete four rounds of oral interviews.

It is important to understand that the interview is a two-way process. The HR manager must provide the candidate with the most objective and complete information about the organization in order to avoid hiring those whose expectations are at odds with the potential capabilities of the company. In addition, each organization, team has its own culture, values, rituals, behavioral style of employees. These ideological characteristics, positions may not coincide with the candidate and the management, the staff of the travel agency.

The most common type of interview is the one-on-one interview. However, other types are used today, when one HR manager meets with several candidates to observe their behavior in such a stressful situation. Or several representatives of the organization - for one candidate, which gives objectivity to the assessment and the quality of the interview.

The interview is completed only after the interviewer has received all the necessary information. To do this, it is enough to give standard non-verbal signals to end the conversation, for example, to offer to ask the last question.

Then thank the candidate and explain the procedure for further selection, as well as maintaining communication. The assessment of the candidate must be made immediately after the interview, otherwise the sharpness of perception, the atmosphere of the interview will be lost. The results of the interview are documented using special forms for evaluating candidates.

The next stage of selection is obtaining information about the candidate. Written recommendations from people who know the candidate for joint work and study are widespread. working together, studying, playing sports, etc. As a rule, such recommendations contain only positive feedback.

Therefore, a fair amount of subjectivity in such assessments is obvious. Making inquiries in the organizations indicated by the applicant will protect the firm from dishonest candidates who “overstated” their former position, or indicated a non-existent organization.

An interview with the head of the department is carried out in order to clarify professional quality candidate and assessment of how compatible the candidate and the staff of the company, department. In addition, the line manager provides the candidate with detailed information about his unit, vacant position and job responsibilities.

After this interview, a decision is made as to which candidate is best suited to the organization. But for the candidate himself, the selection does not end there.

The probationary period is the final exam for the candidate and the HR manager. It shows not only professional suitability candidate, but also the validity of the conclusions, conclusions made by the personnel manager, the validity of the forces and resources spent on the selection.

According to Art. 21, 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation by agreement of the parties at the conclusion employment contract(contract) a probationary period of up to three months, and in some cases, in agreement with the trade union - up to six can be established.

The procedure for evaluating the results of the probationary period must be clearly defined and communicated to the candidate. If the latter has not coped with his duties, then he is dismissed under Art. 23 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The conclusion of an employment agreement - an agreement (contract) crowns the process of personnel selection. It must be remembered that "an employee is the one who has concluded an employment contract with you, and not the one who simply provides services to you."

Employment agreement (contract) in accordance with Art. 18 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation must be concluded in writing. The conclusion of an agreement orally is a gross violation of labor legislation. When concluding an employment contract, it is necessary to comply with the form and content, established by law in Art. 17, 18 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

A contract is an agreement between an employee and an employer. It should cover issues related to your specialty, qualifications, position and rules. internal regulations. The employer, on the basis of a contract, must pay wages and ensure working conditions in accordance with the law and in accordance with the agreement of the parties (Article 15 of the Labor Code).

Unreasonable refusal to work is strictly prohibited (after all stages of verification). According to Art. 16 of the Labor Code, the employer must explain in writing the reason for this decision. The main assistant to the employee in this situation is the trade union (if you are a member of it).

"Term of the employment contract" - art. 17 Labor Code:

1) 1) for the duration of certain work

2) 2) For a fixed period (from 1 year to 5 years)

3) 3) For an indefinite period.

The conclusion of an employment contract takes place in writing. But if there is a trial, then you can prove that you are an employee of this enterprise without a contract. In the absence of an order, a written order is issued against receipt. Admission to work begins from the moment of actual admission to work

Effective personnel management has become one of the practical tasks, factors, and economic success. It is designed to provide a favorable environment in which labor potential is realized, personal abilities develop, people receive satisfaction from the work performed and public recognition of their achievements.

* Timely staffing of all tourist organizations becomes impossible without clear planning, development and implementation of personnel policy.

* Personnel planning is aimed both at meeting the needs of production, and at ensuring the interests of employees and society as a whole. Today it is necessary, to a greater extent than before, to look for opportunities to harmonize market conditions and the interests of the employee of the company.

16. Planning in personnel work is an integral part of enterprise management as a whole, involves tracking changes in the professional and qualification structure of personnel and is designed to identify trends in the development of the workforce, to determine in a timely manner the qualitative and quantitative requirements for it. All this significantly increases the efficiency of the use of human resources.

* The reliability and validity of the selection methods are the basis for the applicant's compliance with the requirements for the position. Underestimation of the choice of forms and methods of recruitment is the most common mistake of the management of travel companies.

* The growing role of personnel services and the radical restructuring of their activities are caused by fundamental changes in economic and social conditions in which enterprises currently operate.

* Personnel management services should be staffed with specialists who are able to successfully solve a wide range of issues of the enterprise and, together with other services, actively influence the efficiency of the enterprise.

* Foreign experience shows that the head of the personnel management service of the enterprise is endowed with broad powers, is a member of the board joint-stock company, firms and actively influences the policy of the enterprise.

The manager needs to know how to solve problems, how to skillfully and appropriately use the appropriate technologies and methods of personnel management. And if skillfulness implies the practical mastery of the relevant skills, then relevance is understood as the adequacy of the method used in the situation in the organization.

Personnel management should be carried out through the coordination of goals between employees and the manager. Unambiguous and clear goals, which, if possible, should be discussed and agreed with employees when drawing up plans for their activities, taking into account the abilities of employees when approving work goals, explaining the relationship between the goals of the employee, the goals of departments and the goals of the enterprise as a whole.

Item Description: "Personnel Management"

HR is a young profession. As a kind of managerial activity, it originated at the end of the last century. The advent of HR professionals trained in industrial sociology and psychology meant a real revolution in traditional forms of HR work. If before that personnel work was a function of line managers of various levels and ranks, as well as employees (and heads) of personnel services involved in accounting, control and administrative (administrative) activities, then the emergence of a managerial (staff) function related to ensuring the proper level of human resources organization, significantly expanded the range of tasks and increased the importance of this direction of management. It is with the advent of personnel management as a specialized staff activity in the system of modern management that the formation of personnel management is associated, which gradually integrates and transforms the established forms of personnel work. An important step in this process was the assimilation of ideas systems approach, the development of various models of the organization as a system - not only functioning, but also developing - on the basis of which a new approach was formed in personnel management - human resource management.

In the development of personnel management as professional activity Throughout the 20th century, periods associated with the advancement of fundamentally new ideas, doctrines and approaches to personnel work are quite clearly distinguished. In the period between the First and Second World Wars, referring mainly to the experience of the developed countries of the West, they usually talk about two main approaches to working with personnel: the doctrine scientific management, or scientific organization of labor; doctrine of human relations.

If the first doctrine focused on the use of methods for optimizing the organizational, technical and social components of production systems, then the second doctrine sought to reveal the importance of moral, psychological and socio-organizational factors in the effective functioning of the personnel of organizations.

It is much more difficult to give a one-dimensional classification for the approaches used in working with personnel in the second half of the 20th century. The emergence of many schools (including national ones) in the field of personnel management, the mutual exchange of experience make the unambiguous classification of these approaches very doubtful. Rather, we can talk about the paradigm orientation of the ongoing "tectonic" shifts in the dominant conceptual schemes of managerial thinking. Penetration of the ideas of humanistic psychology, examples of entrepreneurial heroism, maximum involvement of personnel in the affairs of the company, democratization of the style of organizational behavior and delegation of responsibility, quality of products, services and the working environment of personnel, investment in human capital, multifunctional worker and management teams - this is an incomplete list of the key characteristics mentioned above. changes. Their nature lies in the transformation of the forms of organizing joint activities in the 20th century.

In the evolution of the theory and practice of foreign personnel management, phases can be distinguished that are associated with the adaptation of both new management technologies and specific approaches to personnel work. A real revolution in personnel work was caused by the application of the ideas of a systematic approach to management after the Second World War. The formation of system management led to the emergence of fundamentally new technology personnel management - human resource management. This technology was incorporated into the strategic management system, and the personnel management function became the competence of the highest officials corporations. The nature of personnel policy has also changed: it has become more active and purposeful.

There are three main models of personnel management.

1) the personnel manager as a trustee of his employees, taking care of healthy working conditions and a favorable moral and psychological atmosphere at the enterprise. This paternalistic model goes back to the social reformist ideas of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. and found its organic embodiment in numerous variations of the doctrine of human relations. The job status of the HR manager in this model is rather low: it is a clerk trained in industrial sociology (or psychology) and helping line managers to implement an effective corporate employee policy; 2) HR manager as a specialist in labor agreements (contracts), including collective agreements. In large organizations that use mass low-skilled labor, it has a dual role: the implementation of administrative control over the observance of the terms of the employment contract by employees, accounting for job movements; regulation of labor relations in the process of negotiations with trade unions. The performance of these functions requires, as a rule, legal training, which provides the personnel manager with a fairly high status in the organization; 3) HR manager as an architect of the organization's human resources, playing a leading role in the development and implementation of the corporation's long-term strategy. Its mission is to ensure the organizational and professional coherence of the components of the corporation's personnel potential. He is part of its senior management and is trained in the new area of ​​management knowledge of human resource management.

The transformation of personnel management into human resource management is a transformation of personnel management, which has found its expression in the following main trends: in recent years, in developed countries, there has been a relative and absolute increase in the number of personnel officers; the status of this profession has increased: the heads of personnel services in most corporations have become members of the board and even on the board of directors; sharply increased attention to the level of professional training of personnel managers; in the face of growing competition (including for highly qualified personnel), the isolation of personnel policy from the overall business strategy had a detrimental effect on the success of the corporation as a whole.

We are talking about the consolidation around the management "vertical" of all the functions of personnel management, expressed in the emergence of a strategic level in human resource management. Instead of a rather fragmented structure of personnel management, which existed in the era of the dominance of the first and second models of personnel management, a management system is emerging that is primarily focused on the development of human capital. The mission of this system is, among other priority strategic goals of the corporation, to realize the key goals of its personnel policy.

The British specialist in the field of personnel management D. Guest believes that the personnel policy of a corporation should ensure: organizational integration - the top management of the organization and line managers accept a developed and well-coordinated human resource management strategy as “their own” and implement it in their operational activities, closely interacting with headquarters structures; a high level of responsibility of all employees of the corporation, which implies both identification with the basic values ​​of the organization, and persistent, proactive implementation of their goals in everyday practical work; functional - the variability of functional tasks, involving the rejection of the traditional, rigid distinction between various types works, as well as the widespread use of various forms of labor contracts - full, part-time and temporary employment, subcontracting, etc. - and structural - adaptation to continuous organizational change, social and cultural innovations - the flexibility of organizational and personnel potential; high quality of work and its results, working conditions - the working environment, the content of the work, job satisfaction, as well as the workforce itself.

These targets can be considered as a specification of the imperatives of joint creative activity in the practice of modern personnel management. Indeed, practically in each of the attitudes impulses are found not only social, but also cultural, individual and moral creativity. If the imperatives of joint creative activity are embodied in the life of modern (more precisely, postmodern) organizations, then organizational systems acquire completely unique features. In the ideology of management of the 90s. these - open to constant innovation - organizational systems have appeared, for the time being, in many respects metaphorical names - "global organizations", "organizations without borders", "learning organizations", organizations - "open book".


  1. V.V. Avdeev. Personnel Management. Team building technology. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2002. - 544 p.
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