Development of management decisions in tourism organizations. Organization and control of the implementation of management decisions

In the process of economic and financial activities of organizations, situations constantly arise when there is a need to choose one of several possible options for action. As a result of such a choice, a certain decision appears.

In order to correctly determine the effectiveness management decisions, it is necessary to carry out separate accounting of income and expenses trade organization in the context of individual commodity groups. However, in practice, maintaining such records is very difficult. As a result, it is advisable to use in the analysis the so-called specific qualitative indicators, namely, profit per 1 million rubles of commodity turnover, as well as distribution costs per 1 million rubles of commodity stocks.

The effectiveness of managerial decisions in a trade organization is manifested in a generalized way in a quantitative form as an increase in the volume of trade, an acceleration in the turnover of goods, a decrease in the amount of inventory.

The final financial and economic result of the implementation of management decisions is manifested in an increase in the income of a trade organization and in a decrease in its expenses.

Economic efficiency

Definition economic efficiency managerial decisions, as a result of the execution of which increased, and, consequently, increased, can be carried out according to the following formula:

Ef \u003d P * T \u003d P * (Tf - Tpl),

  • ef— economic efficiency (in thousand rubles);
  • P- profit per 1 million rubles of turnover (in thousand rubles);
  • T- increase in the value of trade (in million rubles);
  • tf- the actual turnover that takes place after the implementation of this management decision;
  • Tpl- planned turnover (or turnover for a comparable period before the implementation of this management decision).

In the example under consideration, the economic efficiency of making and executing a managerial decision is expressed in a decrease in the amount (sales expenses, or commercial expenses) attributable to the balance of goods. This leads to an increase in the amount of profit received. This efficiency can be determined by the following formula:

Ef \u003d IO * Z \u003d IO * (Z 2 - Z 1),

  • ef— economic efficiency of this management measure (in thousand rubles);
  • AND ABOUT- the value of distribution costs attributable to 1 million rubles of commodity stocks (in thousand rubles);
  • 3 - the size of the change (decrease) in commodity stocks (million, rubles);
  • 3 1 - the value of commodity stocks before the implementation of the management decision (measure) (million rubles);
  • 3 2 - the value of stocks of goods after the implementation of this management decision.

In addition, the economic efficiency of the implemented management decision affected the acceleration of turnover. This influence can be determined by the following formula:

Ef \u003d Io * Ob \u003d Io (Ob f - O pl),

  • ef— economic efficiency of the management decision (thousand rubles);
  • And about- simultaneous value of distribution costs (thousand rubles);
  • About- acceleration of the turnover of goods (in days);
  • About pl- turnover of goods before the implementation of a management decision (in days).
  • About f- turnover of goods after the implementation of a management decision (in days).

Methods of analysis of management decisions

Let us consider the procedure for applying the main methods and techniques of analysis in assessing the effectiveness of making and executing managerial decisions.

Comparison method makes it possible to evaluate the activities of the organization, identify deviations of the actual values ​​of indicators from the base values, establish the causes of these deviations and find reserves for further improvement of the organization's activities.

Index Method used in the analysis of complex phenomena, the individual elements of which cannot be measured. As relative indicators, they are necessary to assess the degree of fulfillment of planned targets, as well as to determine various phenomena and processes.

This method makes it possible to decompose the generalizing indicator into deviation factors.

balance method is to compare interrelated indicators of the organization's performance to identify the influence of individual factors, as well as to search for reserves to improve the organization's performance. At the same time, the relationship between individual indicators is expressed in the form of equality of the results obtained as a result of certain comparisons.

elimination method, which is a generalization of the methods of index, balance and chain substitutions, makes it possible to single out the influence of a single factor on the general indicator of the organization's performance, based on the assumption that the remaining factors acted under other equal conditions, i.e. as planned according to plan.

Graphic method is a way to visually illustrate the activities of the organization, as well as a way to determine a number of indicators and a way to formalize the results of the analysis.

Functional cost analysis(FSA) is a systematic research method used in accordance with the purpose of the object under study (processes, products) in order to increase the beneficial effect, that is, the return per unit of total costs for the life cycle of the object.

The most important feature of the functional cost analysis is to establish the appropriateness of the list of functions that the designed object must perform in certain specific conditions, or to check the need for the functions of an existing object.

Economic and mathematical methods of analysis are used to select the best options that determine management decisions in existing or planned economic conditions.

With the help of economic and mathematical methods of analysis, the following tasks can be solved:
  • assessment of the production plan developed using economic and mathematical methods;
  • optimization production program, its distribution between workshops and individual types of equipment;
  • optimization of the distribution of available production resources, cutting materials, as well as optimization of norms and standards of stocks and consumption of these resources;
  • optimization of the level of unification of individual components of the product, as well as technological equipment;
  • determination of the optimal size of the organization as a whole, as well as individual workshops and production sites;
  • establishing the optimal range of products;
  • determination of the most rational routes for intra-factory transport;
  • determination of the most rational terms of operation of equipment and its repairs;
  • comparative analysis of the economic efficiency of using a unit type of resources from the point of view of the optimal variant of a management decision;
  • determination of possible intra-production losses in connection with the adoption and implementation of the optimal solution.

Let's summarize this chapter. The effectiveness of the functioning of the organization to a very large extent depends on the quality of management decisions. This determines the importance of mastering all responsible employees administrative apparatus, and above all by the heads of organizations with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the development and implementation of optimal management decisions.

Development and adoption of a management decision is usually the choice of one of several alternatives. The need to make managerial decisions is determined by the conscious and purposeful nature of human activity. This need arises at all stages of the management process and is part of any management function.

The nature of managerial decisions being made is very much influenced by the completeness and reliability of information available on a given situation. Based on this, management decisions can be made both under conditions of certainty (deterministic decisions) and under conditions of risk or uncertainty (probabilistic decisions).

Management Decision Making Process- this is a cyclic sequence of actions of the subject of management aimed at resolving the problems of a given organization and consisting in analyzing the situation, generating alternative options and choosing the best option from them, and then implementing the chosen management decision.

The practice of preparing and executing managerial decisions gives numerous examples of errors at all levels of economic management. This is the result of many reasons, since the development of the economy consists of a large number of various situations requiring their permission.

The most important place among the reasons for the adoption and implementation of ineffective management decisions is ignorance or non-compliance with the technology for their development and organization of their implementation.

An important role is called upon to play a cybernetic approach to the development of managerial decisions, which has gained fame as a decision theory. It is based on the wide use of the mathematical apparatus and modern computer technology.

A managerial decision is the result of a specific management activities manager. A managerial decision is a choice that a leader must make in order to fulfill the responsibilities of his position. The purpose of such a decision is to ensure movement towards the tasks assigned to it. Therefore, the most effective management decision is the choice that will actually be implemented and will make the greatest contribution to the achievement of the ultimate goal.
Subject of adoption of SD- a person or group of persons (managers) who make decisions. Object of execution of the management decision The person or group of people in an organization who implements the decision. The purpose of the management decision- Ensuring movement towards the goals set for the organization. The more effective the solution, the greater the contribution it provides in moving towards the goals of the organization. Management methods: decision tree is a schematic representation of a decision-making problem. Brain attack undertaken by the group as an idea-generating process when all possible alternatives are considered from a critical point of view. Nominal group method restricts discussions or communication with each other to a certain limit. Members of the group are present at the meeting but act independently.

Classification of decisions based on the methods used to make them. Individual solutions. Consulting Solutions. Group Solutions. The manager consults with other people and chooses the best solution.

Classification of management decisions by the nature of the goals. Exist strategic decisions ( main tasks). Tactical decisions ( private tasks). O operational solutions ( urgent tasks).
● By zoom level. Decisions can be made at various levels: economic, covering several or all branches of the national economy; corporate, covering several enterprises; enterprise level; department level; department level; brigade level, etc.

● By content. The decisions made may relate to certain activities of the enterprise: economic, technical, social, organizational, etc. Economic decisions are associated with increasing the efficiency of production, improving the activities of the enterprise. Technical solutions taken to improve production technology. Social Solutions aimed at improving working conditions. Organizational decisions are aimed at improving the organization of work.

● By duration. Decisions can be made for a long period (5 or more years), being strategic in their essence. Decisions can also be medium-term - calculated for a year or a quarter; short-term, calculated for a month, a week and a day. Short-term decisions include current, operational decisions taken to resolve current, particular situations. The number of operational decisions made in the organization, as a rule, significantly exceeds the number of strategic decisions.

● According to the form. Decisions can be documented - in the form of a letter, diagram or drawing, and not documented (oral). Most decisions in the management apparatus are documented, however, small, insignificant decisions, as well as decisions made in emergency situations may or may not be documented.

● By degree of uniqueness. Decisions distinguish routine, optimal, rational, innovative.

35. Methods of personnel management. Personnel management is an activity aimed at providing the organization with high-quality personnel capable of performing the labor functions assigned to it and its optimal use. The process of effective use and development human resources enterprises to achieve the organizational and personal goals of the staff, through the use of economic, organizational and socio-psychological management methods.

Personnel management is divided into the following areas of activity: search operational work with personnel (including training and development of personnel, operational assessment of personnel, organization of work, management business communications, motivation and remuneration), strategic work with staff.

Methods: economic methods - techniques and methods of influencing performers with the help of a specific comparison of costs and results (material incentives and sanctions, c.p.) The following methods are economic:
technical and economic analysis; economic incentives; motivation of labor activity; wages; participation in profits and capital; participation in property;; organizational and administrative methods - methods of direct influence, which are mandatory, they are based on various instructions and instructions, acts in force in the organization; socio-psychological methods (motivation, moral encouragement, social planning). The socio-psychological methods include: socio-psychological analysis; creation of a creative atmosphere; participation of employees in management; social and moral stimulation; satisfaction of cultural and spiritual needs; creation of a normal psychological climate;
Human Resources Specialist - HR Manager (Human Resources Specialist). Enterprises sometimes delegate some of the functions of personnel management to specialized recruitment agencies. Personnel Management- part of management associated with the labor resources of the enterprise and their relations within the company. It is a special form of functional activity aimed at the most effective use the potential of employees to achieve the goals of the enterprise and their personal goals. The main objectives of personnel management are: meeting the needs of the enterprise in personnel; ensuring a rational placement, professional qualification and job promotion of personnel; effective use of the labor potential of the enterprise. The main principles of using the company's personnel are: compliance of the number of employees with the volume of work performed; compliance of the qualifications of the employee with the degree of complexity of his labor functions; conditionality of the personnel structure of the enterprise objective factors production; maximum efficiency in the use of working time; creating conditions for continuous improvement qualification and expansion of the production profile of workers. The development and movement of personnel is associated with the development and implementation personnel policy, including: planning, attracting, hiring and placing work force; professional education, training and retraining of workers; career planning, promotion and release of staff; working conditions and remuneration, creating a favorable psychological climate in the team. Work with personnel at the enterprise is carried out by all line managers, as well as some functional departments, services and individual specialists and managers: personnel department; labor department and wages; department of technical training; department of personnel management; HOT laboratories; managers (directors, managers) of personnel (personnel).

Question 36: Company resources and their classification. Enterprise in progress production activities uses a large number of resources: land, labor, financial, material, industrial, technological, mental.

All resources used in the production process can be classified:


By nature of use;

By way of reproduction;

With participation in production.

Resources are also divided into:

Natural (this includes land, water, forest, solar and wind energy, and others);

Economic (this includes funds and funds that are used in the production process: tractors, cars, production machines, combines and other mechanisms used in the production process).

According to the method of reproduction, the resources of the enterprise are divided into:

Restorative (resources that are capable of self-healing in the process of use, these include solar and wind energy, water resources);

Non-renewable (these are resources that are not restored in the process of use, they include material resources, land resources, production and other resources).

With participation in production, the resources of the enterprise are divided into:

Functional (these are the resources that are directly involved in the production process);

Reserved (these are resources that cannot be used for one reason or another).

Resources - this is everything that can be used by the company to achieve its goals, to meet its own needs and the needs of the subjects external environment.

With some simplification, which does not particularly affect understanding, we can say that resources- this is everything that is presented in the assets of the company's balance sheet. Those. resources include fixed assets and intangible assets, work in progress, inventories of materials and goods, cash, accounts receivable, etc.

To financial resources includes cash, accounts receivable, securities, financial investments, participation in authorized capital other organizations, etc. Their peculiarity is that they cannot be used (consumed) directly within the company. As well as cannot be created within the company. These resources are used and created when the company interacts with the external environment. (In order to spend money or buy securities, you need to spend business transaction involving some other company or organization.) Thus, financial resources reflect the relationship of the company with the external environment.K production resources include materials, labor resources, in-house works and services, finished products etc. The peculiarity of these resources is that they can be used (consumed) directly within the company and / or created within the company. in production processes or are the result of these processes.

Which of the resources - financial or production - are of the greatest importance to us? If we are talking about the success of the company in general, then we are equally interested in both financial and production resources. If we are talking about the success of work in terms of profitability, "cost", then, of course, we are primarily interested in production resources. (Remember? Costs are the cost of used production resources.) So let's take a closer look at production resources.

Resources Used- materials, fixed assets, labor resources, in-house works and services - are consumed within the company, i.e. do not go beyond it. Output Resources- work in progress, finished products, works and services outsourced - are sold (sold) to external customers i.e. go outside the company. (I must say that the same resource can refer to both used and external resources. For example, thermal energy can be used both within the company and provided to external consumers.) In turn, the resources used can be divided into primary and secondary resources.

Primary Resources- materials, labor resources, fuel, services and works from outside, etc. - enter the company from outside. secondary resources- internal production services, fixed assets created in-house, etc. - are created within the company on the basis of the use of primary resources. The activity of the company is a constant "circulation" of resources - financial resources turn into production, production - into financial, etc.

Question 37: technical and technological resources of the company. Technique is a combination of three elements: tools (machines and equipment), objects of labor (raw materials and materials) and technologies (methods and methods of influencing tools of labor on objects of labor to change their consumer properties).

Technology is a way of converting input elements (materials, raw materials, information, etc.) into initial ones (products, services). Technology is a way of direct influence of science on the sphere of production. An important characteristic of modern technologies is their ability to change. So, in the area information technologies changes occur even over several months.

Renowned American specialist in the field strategic management Igor Ansoff highlighted three types of technologies according to the level of their impermanence:

1) a stable technology that practically remains unchanged throughout life cycle demand (production of canned food and other traditional food products);

2) a fruitful technology that makes it possible to modify the products that are produced with its help, constantly improving their ability to meet the needs of consumers (flexible automated systems, rotary lines, which are used in mechanical engineering and which are capable of significant readjustment of the working part with an unchanged basis; computer technology, in particular software Microsoft office, each next version of which opens up more and more opportunities);

3) non-permanent (changeable) technology, in which new basic technologies are used for its manufacture throughout the life cycle of demand for a product (for example, televisions, remaining an indispensable attribute of housing, have survived several generations of basic technologies - from lamp to digital).

It is advisable to use a certain technology as long as it is suitable for the production of competitive products. In many cases, the basic sample of the product can be modified, improved, which contributes to the continuation of its life cycle, and, consequently, the period of use of the corresponding technology.

Development new technology largely determined by the capabilities of the technical base of the enterprise. Therefore, start technological change possible only by considering the capabilities of existing technology.

A process of systematic and targeted improvement production technologies and technological equipment characterizes the technical development of the enterprise and predetermines the state of its technical and technological base, on which the results of economic activity directly depend.

38. Financial resources of the enterprise. The financial resources of enterprises are a set of their own cash income and receipts from outside, intended to fulfill the financial obligations of the enterprise, finance current costs and costs associated with the development of production. Capital - part of the financial resources invested in production and generating income at the end of the turnover. Sources of formation of financial resources:

a) own (internal):


−profit from core activities;

− profit from other activities;

− proceeds from the sale of retired property, minus the costs of its sale;

− depreciation charges;

b) attracted on different terms (external):

−own attracted;

− borrowed funds;

− arriving in the order of redistribution;

− budget appropriations.

It should be remembered that not all profit remains at the disposal of the enterprise, part of it in the form of taxes and other tax payments goes to the budget. The profit remaining at the disposal of the enterprise is distributed for the purposes of accumulation and consumption. The profit allocated for accumulation is used for the development of production and contributes to the growth of the property of the enterprise. Profit directed to consumption is used to solve social problems.

Own attracted resources are the result of the investment of external investors as entrepreneurial capital.

Entrepreneurial capital is capital invested in authorized capital another enterprise for profit or participation in the management of the enterprise.

Loan capital (borrowed funds) is transferred to the enterprise for temporary use on the terms of payment and repayment in the form of bank loans,

Issued for different periods, funds of other enterprises in the form of promissory notes, bonded loans. Funds mobilized in the financial market include: funds from the sale of own shares, bonds, and other types of securities. Funds received in the order of redistribution consist of:

− insurance indemnity for occurred risks;

−financial resources coming from concerns, associations, parent companies;

−dividends and interest on securities of other issuers;

−budget subsidies.

Budget appropriations can be used both on an irrevocable and returnable basis. As a rule, they are allocated to finance government orders, individual investment programs or as a short-term state support enterprises whose production is of national importance.

Financial resources are used by the enterprise in the process of production and investment activities. They are in constant motion and arrive in cash only in the form of cash balances on the current account in a commercial bank and the cash desk of the enterprise. In addition to funds formed from profits, integral part equity enterprise is Extra capital, which, by its financial origin, has different sources of formation: share premium, i.e., funds received joint stock company- by the issuer when selling shares in excess of their nominal value; amounts of revaluation of non-current assets arising as a result of an increase in the value of property during its revaluation according to market value; exchange rate difference associated with the formation of the authorized capital, i.e. the difference between the ruble assessment of the debt of the founder (participant) on the contribution to the authorized capital

39. structure of information resources. According to the law of the Russian Federation: information resources are information recorded on a tangible medium and stored in information systems: libraries, archives, funds, other information systems. All information resources (IR) used at the enterprise are designed to support foreign economic and domestic economic activities. According to the source of acquisition, they are either external in relation to it, or internal (corporate). Foreign economic activity is provided by global (world) R&D, and domestic economic activity is provided by state (national) and regional ones.

Global (world) information resources
Before deciding on foreign economic activity, that is, the company's entry into the international market, the entrepreneur must collect information of the following nature: what is the structure and volume of the potential market; what are the specifics of the country, locality, climate, traditions, the attitude of buyers to a particular product; who are the competitors, their characteristics; what are the specifics of business methods in the country; what are the logistics, tariff, customs, tax conditions in the country under study; what are the laws on foreign economic activity in a given country, etc.

Global (world) information resources are available to everyone. They are divided into three groups: business information;
scientific and technical and special; consumer (mass) information.

In turn, business information is divided into: stock and financial: stock quotes, exchange rates, discount rates, commodity and capital markets; statistical information provided government organizations and private companies (economic and social statistics in the form of series of dynamics); commercial information on the areas of work of enterprises, firms about their financial condition, product prices, transactions, etc.

Information resources in the field of finance and foreign economic activity.
The largest resources: databases on the federal budget and budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the register of the passport of import transactions, the register of insurance companies (Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation); property register of the Russian Federation (Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation); cargo database customs declarations(State Customs Committee of Russia); database "Tax reporting", state. register of taxpayers (MNS); fund of licenses for banking and auditing activities (Bank of Russia), etc.

Regional information resources: information resources of subjects of the Russian Federation; information resources city; municipal information resources.

The information resource of an enterprise is understood as a set of own, acquired and supplied from outside data, recorded both on paper and electronic media.

Share corporate information resources: own; acquired (paid); received from the organization.

Forms of existence of corporate resources can be paper documents, electronic documents, databases, knowledge bases, websites, files of various nature (audio, video), etc.

In essence, information resources are the total amount of data and knowledge circulating in the enterprise, entering and leaving it, materialized on some medium.

The main properties of a management decision are that it (Fig. 1.4):

  • 1) always aimed at solving the problem;
  • 2) has the power to concentrate efforts on solving the problem. That is how it is perceived by the staff. Even if it is aimed, say, at the liquidation of a subdivision or its division into several subdivisions, it requires concentration of efforts on this action. A decision is a quantum of effort leading to change;
  • 3) relieves or reduces tension in people's activities. It answers the question: "What to do?";
  • 4) is an organizational factor joint activities, bears ordering and responsibility.

Rice. 1.4.

The main requirements for management decisions are presented in fig. 1.5.

Rice. 1.5.

Purposefulness of the decision, compliance with its purpose. Each decision must be specific and understandable in relation to the purpose of management. The goal answers the question: why is the decision made, what is its significance in the development of the organization, how does it lead to the achievement of the goal? The goal, as mentioned earlier, systematizes management decisions.

Targeting. This characteristic (property) answers the question: to whom is it intended, who, what links in the management system are the object of influence, who implements the decision and is responsible for its implementation?

Organizational clarity. The decision carries a certain organizational potential, sometimes it changes the organization of activities. At the same time, there should not be, and sometimes this happens, elements of disorganization. Let's remember the formula: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Does this formula occur in the implementation of some management decisions?

Concreteness. Vague, half-hearted solutions that have not been worked out for the problem and situation, general ones (such as "strengthen, multiply, pay attention") cannot be effective.

Timeliness. As a rule, decisions are made when the situation and the problem become clear. But the processes in which these problems are observed can become irreversible if the appropriate decision is not made in time. But what does “on time” mean, how is timeliness determined and measured? The maturity of the problem, the highest severity of its manifestation, the possibilities of its solution in this situation. All this can be established during the analysis. But the timeliness of a solution is not only a solution at the peak of the severity of the problem, at the maximum level of the risk of irreversibility. Timeliness differs from prematureness in that it takes into account not only the state of the problem, but also the conditions and possibilities for its solution. Clearly there is a range of success on the trajectory of consequences various kinds management decisions, i.e. cluster of timely management decisions.

Authority. This requirement reflects the perception of the decision by the organization (performer, group, socio-economic system, etc.) from the standpoint of performance, importance, responsibility. After all, the managerial decision is made not only by the manager, it is also made by the staff. And here it is important what powers are behind the managerial decision, how "strong" these powers are. Of course, a decision can also be of an informal type, but it must also be authoritative, only here the authority of the leader plays the role of authority, this is a kind of "informal authority".

Feasibility. It means having or giving necessary resources, taking into account the situation or the competent capabilities of personnel. Practice shows that solutions may be unfeasible or may be implemented only partially. Decisions reflect the possible or only the desirable. Often decisions can hide the secret intentions of the manager. For example, you can give the performer a deliberately impossible task (solution) in order to check his attitude to the case or to gain additional "argument" of his incompetence. This approach is sometimes used.

Controllability. Each of the decisions should include the possibility of monitoring its implementation. It depends on other characteristics - specificity, targeting, etc., but at the same time it can be a separate subject of analysis and evaluation. There are solutions in practice that are difficult to control or that do not provide for control.

Resource intensity. It is difficult to overestimate her. Different solutions require different resources (time, information, human, economic, technical, etc.) and in different amounts and proportions.

functional certainty. Any decision is implemented within the framework of certain management functions, therefore, as a characteristic of a management decision, one can also name the functions that it covers, how it "falls" on functional structure management system, whether it carries certainty about the answers to these questions. After all, the possibility is not ruled out that there is no function for implementing the solution in the control system. Then there are the difficulties of methodological and organizational nature, because management decisions are the main element of each management function: planning, organizing, coordinating, motivating and controlling, since their implementation also requires a decision.

Validity. During its development, such a period should be calculated. It can also be represented as a step-by-step implementation of the solution, when each step provides for a certain duration.

Responsibility system. In general, there is a permanent system of distribution of responsibility. A managerial decision can either fit into it, or require some adjustment or addition to it. It all depends on the type of decision, its importance, nature and content. This characteristic also makes it possible to evaluate the solution.

Technology development and practical implementation. It's an assessment of how it fits technology system management decision in common technology management and how rational it is in terms of the sequence of operations, saving time, using methods, technical means etc.

Argumentation. It reveals the necessity, usefulness of the decision, shows its timeliness and peculiarity, and also contributes to a better perception and understanding of the decision by the staff. Argumentation carries a charge of personnel activity. It is easier to execute a decision if it is clear why it was developed, if its meaning and purpose are clear.

Formulation. The formulation of the decision reflects the energy of the activity, the approach to the problem, the attitude towards the staff. After all, a decision is, among other things, a psychological act.

The main properties and basic requirements for making managerial decisions must be taken into account when developing and implementing managerial decisions.


Decision making is a specific, vital process of human activity aimed at choosing the best course of action.

Management decision - can be determined:

  • firstly, as a logical, emotional-psychological, organizational-legal and social process carried out by the subject of management (manager or collegiate body), the result of which is a project of any changes in the organization;
  • secondly, as the main “product” (result) of the labor of managers and specialists, which implements interrelated management functions and contains the setting of goals (tasks), justification of the means, methods and timing of their achievement;
  • thirdly, as the most important function of the manager and, at the same time, an integral part of the activities for the implementation of all other management functions (organization and control over the implementation of management decisions). Hence, the process of making and implementing decisions should be considered as a "cross-cutting" and one of the most important connecting processes in the management of the organization.
  • fourthly, as a process of establishing a connection between the existing and desired state of the system (organization), determined by the goals of management.

The quality of decisions, first of all, is determined by the effectiveness of management. Signs High Quality management decisions can serve: timeliness, reliability, validity, quantitative certainty, effectiveness, efficiency. In a broader social context, socio-psychological (for example, moral and psychological consequences, etc.) are included in the criteria for the quality of decisions.


The process of preparing and making a decision includes the following stages:

  • The first stage - setting the problem - consists in analyzing the situation, identifying the need for a solution and includes: knowledge and formulation of the problem; goal setting, definition of criteria for a successful solution. Knowledge of the problem is necessary condition its solution: if the problem does not exist for the one who makes the decision, then the decision will not take place.
  • Decision stage: once the criteria and factors limiting the decision are identified, the manager can begin to work on finding alternatives or possible courses of action to solve the problem.
  • The decision-making stage is carried out by the subject of management - the decision maker (DM), that is, the head or collegial body that makes management decisions. The pinnacle of the decision-making process is the choice of an alternative. At the same stage, the execution of the decision is carried out, incl. if necessary, its approval or approval.
  • The decision execution stage consists of organizing the implementation of the decision, monitoring and correction, which requires the coordination of the efforts of many people. The manager should strive to make the performers interested and motivated in the implementation of the solution in order to the best way use their abilities.

The factors influencing the process of preparing and making a decision include:

  • environment (external and internal environment) in which the decision is made
  • characteristic social group, the team to which the solution is directed,
  • features of the person making the decision (DM).

As can be seen from the above description, the need to study and practical application different methods of development and adoption of managerial decisions arises at the stage of formation of alternatives. Here, most of them are used, but they can be present at other stages. For example, scenario planning or brainstorming can be used to develop alternatives. Having received possible alternatives, we proceed to a comprehensive assessment of options using statistical and financial methods. Rejecting all alternatives that do not fit the relevant criteria, we can get two alternatives, between which it is extremely difficult to make a preference (due to the multicriteria of the problem). To select the final decision, we will use one of the expert methods, and if the decision-making time limits us, then we turn to our intuition.

In management practice, the decision-making process is largely unified, which allows you to make decisions quickly and without much cost. Examples of such general rules found throughout the organization. When communicating with clients, we are guided by prescriptive instructions for working with a client; in working with documents, decisions are based on office work instructions, i.e. we are everywhere surrounded by ready-made and verified solutions. Unified management rules is the result of managerial thought based on decision-making methods. Being significant, but secondary in relation to the method, the unification itself deserves special attention and consideration.

Organization of implementation of decisions

The implementation of a management decision is the most important function of management. Making a decision and not implementing it is the same as not making a decision at all.

The solution implementation block includes the following sub-stages:

  1. Development of a solution implementation plan.
  2. Selection of performers
  3. Bringing the decision to the performers
  4. Motivation.

Let us consider in more detail these types of activities of the manager in the implementation of management decisions.

  1. Solution Implementation Management is a planning process that allows you to solve problems associated with achieving the goals of the project at each stage.
    The development of a solution implementation plan includes the following actions:
    • The distribution of the implementation of the solution by executors in principle, i.e. by profession, skill level, The basis for the successful solution of many tasks related to planning is the team working on this project. The term “team” reflects the concept that the people working on the project achieve the common goals formulated during the task setting and planning.
    • For the team to work, you need:

      Set project tasks. With proper leadership, the team is an inexhaustible source of information and brainstorming in the decision-making process.

    • Distribution of the implementation of the solution by terms / time limits.
    • Combination of people and dates.
    • Administrative. If the decision is within the framework of the established powers, then there are conditions for the implementation of the decision, if there are no such powers, there are not enough, then additional powers are issued to fulfill the zeal of this employee / subdivisions /.
    • Resource, financial, material support.
  2. Resource needs. What resources are needed to implement the decision? What specific types of resources will be needed (eg man-hours, time, financial costs, etc.)? Which team member will be most skilled in using each of the required resources?

  3. The selection of performers requires knowledge of people. Sometimes not very quality solution with the right, successful selection by the performer, it leads to a positive outcome, and, conversely, a good solution with bad performers can fail.
    Team Leader Choice:
    • Studying the work of members of the labor collective and determining their potential.
      For this you need:
      1. learn everything you can about the abilities and character of each of the subordinates;
      2. establish the technical competence of the subordinate;
      3. determine the ability of subordinates to perform work and manage it;
      4. determine and use the character traits of subordinates as a certain style of behavior that has developed under the influence of life influences and upbringing, which expresses a person’s attitude to the world around him, to other people, to himself and to his work;
      5. to find out the possibility of performance by subordinates of the task;
      6. find out the potential opportunities for promotion of subordinates through the ranks.
    • Determining the expediency and conditions for the transfer of authority to subordinates. For this you need:
      1. examine the positive risk outcomes from the transfer of part of the power, i.e. it is necessary to determine what the manager will gain and lose from the transfer of part of his powers;
      2. to determine the point of view of a higher manager on these issues;
      3. determine the consequences of not transferring part of their powers to their subordinates;
      4. study the effect of delegation of authority on subordinates
  4. Bringing the decision to the performer.
    There are several ways to bring the decision to the performers:
    • in the prescribed manner: to his deputy, he to the head of the department, then to the head of the sector, etc. according to the management hierarchy;
    • the decision is transferred directly to the executor, bypassing the immediate supervisors;
    • by involving performers in the preparation of the decision, so that the performer can tune in advance to understand the importance of this decision.
  5. Motivation

Control is one of the most important functions of management.

Control - checking something - is the process of ensuring that the organization actually achieves the goal. The main task of control is to create conditions for the stability of a particular system.

Control is a function of management, and, therefore, manifests itself as a continuous management process. In this regard, any leader must arrange the matter in such a way that employees perceive the control procedure as a matter of course, which, in fact, has neither beginning nor end.

In all cases, three things are usually controlled:

  1. decision deadlines,
  2. the scope of the solution,
  3. essence - the content of the implementation of the decision. It happens that deadlines are met, but not fulfilled in terms of content, or, conversely, deadlines are violated for the sake of content, etc.

The methodological premises of control are that it is checked how the decision is carried out; how subordinates react to the decision; what is the essence of the deviation that is allowed by employees. In no case should one proceed from such a situation that absolutely everyone should be controlled. The leader must identify the reasons for the deviation, choose the method and method of correcting behavior and evaluate the actions of subordinates in a certain way.

Theoretically, there are three types of control:

  1. preventive (preliminary) - here human, material, financial resources are checked, their availability, their quality is assessed, etc.;
  2. current - carried out in the course of work on the implementation of the decision, the criminal record of adjusting the decision itself or the implementation process is specified;
  3. finishing (final) - carried out in the course of maintaining a slave after completion of work. Information based on the results of the implementation of the decision serves as the basis for future decisions and assessment of the reality of planned targets.

All management decisions can be divided into two types:

  • - traditional solutions that have repeatedly taken place before, in this case one of the already available alternatives should be chosen;
  • - non-traditional, non-standard management decisions, their development is associated with the search for new alternatives.

In this regard, traditional, typical, repetitive management decisions can be formalized, that is, they can be made and implemented according to a predetermined algorithm. Therefore, a formalized management decision is the result of a predetermined sequence of actions. For example, when a schedule is drawn up for the repair of machinery and equipment, they proceed from a standard that determines the ratio between the amount of equipment and the number of repair workers. So, if one hundred pieces of equipment work in the machine shop of a given organization, and the standard for its maintenance is 10 units per one repair worker, then ten repair workers should be kept in this shop. Further, if the issue of investing funds in securities is being decided, then a choice is made of their individual types based on which securities make it possible to obtain the maximum profit per invested capital.

As a result of the formalization of decision-making, the level of management efficiency increases by reducing the likelihood of making an error, as well as by saving time, since there is no need to develop this solution starting from scratch.

As a result, the management of the organization tries to formalize management decisions in case of those situations that are systematically repeated in the activities of this organization. Formalization of managerial decisions consists in the development of certain rules, instructions, standards that allow making and implementing a competent managerial decision.

Along with repetitive situations, there are also atypical situations that have not been encountered before and are not amenable to a formalized solution.

Most management decisions are between these two types, which makes it possible to use both formalized methods and the own initiative of the developers of these decisions when making these decisions.

The quality and effectiveness of managerial decisions are determined by the degree of validity of the methodology for solving problems, namely approaches, principles and methods.

Analysis of the management of organizations makes it possible to determine the need for different approaches.

The system management approach assumes that any system or object is considered as a set of interrelated components that has an output, that is, a goal, an input, a connection with the external environment, feedback. In such a system, "input" is transformed into "output".

In the context of using an integrated approach to enterprise management, it is necessary to take into account the technical, environmental, economic, organizational, social, psychological, political, demographic areas of management, as well as their interrelations.

If at least one of these areas is not taken into account, then a complete solution to this problem will not be achieved. Unfortunately, in reality, as a rule, an integrated approach is not observed. Thus, in the context of the construction of new enterprises and organizations, the solution of social problems is often delayed. This delays the commissioning of this facility or causes its partial use. Other examples can be cited. Thus, in the process of designing new equipment, insufficient attention is paid to its environmental friendliness, which leads to a non-competitive ability of this equipment.

The integration management approach involves the study and strengthening of the relationship between individual subsystems and elements of the management system, as well as between the stages of the life cycle of the management object, between individual levels of management vertically, and, finally, between individual management subjects horizontally.

The marketing management approach provides for the orientation of the control subsystem to the consumer in the conditions of solving any problems. Main criteria marketing approach are:

  • - improving the quality of the control object in accordance with the requirements of consumers;
  • - cost savings for the consumer by improving the quality;
  • - saving resources in own production due to factors of scale of production, scientific and technological progress, as well as the use of a scientifically based management system.

The functional approach of enterprise management is that any need is considered as a set of functions that should be carried out to satisfy it. After the functions are defined, several alternative objects are created to implement these functions. Then, one of these objects is selected, which requires a minimum of total costs during the life cycle of this object per unit of its useful effect.

The essence of the dynamic management approach lies in the fact that when it is applied, the management object is considered in its dialectical development, in its cause-and-effect relationships. Here, a subsequent retrospective analysis is carried out for the past 5-10 or more years, as well as a prospective (forecast) analysis. The reproductive approach of enterprise management focuses on the constant resumption of production of this type of product in order to meet market needs. At the same time, this type of product should have lower total costs per unit of useful effect than the best similar product for this market. The main elements of the reproduction approach are the following:

  • - the use of a leading comparison base when planning the renewal of this type of product;
  • - saving the amount of past, living and future labor during the life cycle of a given type of product per unit of its useful effect;
  • - consideration in the relationship of manufactured, designed and promising models of this type of product;
  • - proportional reproduction of the elements of the external environment (mainly the macro-environment of a given country and the infrastructure of a given region);
  • - integration of science and production in large organizations.

The process approach to managing an organization considers managerial functions in their relationship. The management process is total amount all functions, that is, it is a series of continuous interrelated actions. The normative management approach consists in establishing management standards for all its subsystems. These standards should be determined by the most important elements:

  • - target subsystem (it covers indicators of quality and resource intensity of products, market parameters, indicators of the organizational and technical level of production, indicators social development collective organization, indicators of environmental protection);
  • - supporting subsystem (standards for providing employees, as well as individual divisions of the organization with everything necessary for successful work, to fulfill their tasks, standards for the efficiency of use certain types resources for the organization as a whole);
  • - functional subsystem (standards for the quality of plans, organization of the management system, standards for the quality of accounting and control, standards for stimulating high-quality work).

The listed standards must meet the requirements of complexity, efficiency, and prospects.

As for the standards for the functioning of the elements of the external environment, the organization does not manage these standards, however, it must have a bank of these standards and strictly comply with them, especially legal and environmental standards.

The organization should also take part in the formation and development of the system of environmental standards.

The essence of the quantitative management approach is the transition from qualitative to quantitative assessments using mathematical and statistical methods, engineering calculations, expert assessments, point system and etc.

The administrative (directive) approach to enterprise management involves the regulation of functions, rights, obligations, standards of quality costs.

The main task of the behavioral approach to managing an organization is to increase the efficiency of the organization by improving the use of its labor resources. The use of behavioral science helps to improve the performance of both individual employees and the organization as a whole. The fact is that as a result of the application of behavioral science to the management of an organization, assistance is provided individual employees in the awareness of their capabilities and creative abilities, which ultimately leads to an increase in the efficiency of the organization.

The essence of the situational approach to enterprise management lies in the fact that the degree of suitability of individual management methods is determined by a specific situation.

Since there are many factors that affect the activities of the organization, both internally and externally, it is impossible to find any single the best way management. Effective in this particular situation will be the method that best suits the current situation.

These are the main approaches that determine the quality and effectiveness of management decisions.