Okvad supply of thermal energy.

Modern society is no longer conceivable without modern machines, without the comfort they provide. Therefore, many entrepreneurs began to appear who provide various services to the population.

Activities in Russia are very extensive and allow you to engage in a variety of activities. This includes production, trade, and specialized services. Highly specialized works, which are necessary for industrial facilities, are especially in demand. One of these is services for the production and transmission of hot water and steam.

In the unified classification system OKVED 2 - 35.30.2. What services are provided by this code by narrow specialists?

"Steam" services to the population

Household services are indispensable in developing modern society. The population simply cannot imagine how to live without hot water and steam heating in the winter cold. It has become so much a part of modern life that it is an integral part of society.

Boiler houses, nuclear and thermal power plants, industrial blocks of stations, all these facilities need hot water and steam supply.

Therefore, the activities of many organizations are based on the provision of these services. After all, any breakdown and failure of the system can lead to unforeseen consequences.

The detail of enterprises according to OKVED 35.30 includes the following services:

  • Distribution and supply of steam and hot water to heating networks, various power plants.
  • Distribution and production of chilled air.
  • Ice making for Food Industry, and for technical, for cooling purposes.
  • Redistribution of cold water for equipment cooling.

All these services are provided industrial enterprisesnuclear power plants, steam boilers, which in turn heat houses, supply water to high-rise buildings.

Naturally, not every merchant will be able to register this activity. This requires additional permits, equipment. And, as a rule, large industrial enterprises are engaged in this activity.

And they use in their work, in addition to the main type associated with the supply of steam, hot water, additional ones of a narrower specialization.

Subtypes of the main code

The main classification code primarily relates to section D - supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning. The section is very extensive and includes different groups and subgroups. If you refer to the code - 35.30, it contains several subgroups, each of which provides certain specialized services.

For example, a company may provide services specifically for the production of steam and hot water - 35.30.1. Or you can combine all subgroups and provide more advanced services:

  • Steam transfer.
  • Steam distribution.
  • Ensuring the operability of boiler houses and heating networks.
  • As well as the sale of steam and hot water to the population.

OKVED ( All-Russian classifier species economic activity) is used for state registration individual entrepreneurs(IP) and legal entities.

In 2015, the OKVED reference book OK 029-2001 (NACE rev. 1) with deciphering the codes is used. It was adopted by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated November 06, 2001 No. 454-st. On January 1, 2016, OKVED 2 (version OK 029-2014 (NACE rev. 2)), approved by the order of Rosstandart of January 31, 2014 No. 14-st.

OKVED structure

The reference book consists of 17 sections marked with Latin letters (A-Q) and 16 subsections (CA, CB, DA-DN). They are broken down into smaller classes, subclasses, groups, subgroups, and species, presented as two to six Arabic numerals separated by dots.

The code for grouping types of economic activity has the following structure:

  • XX - class;
  • XX.X - subclass;
  • XX.XX - group;
  • XX.XX.X - subgroup;
  • XX.XX.XX - view.

Selection of OKVED codes

During registration new organization there is a question of selection of types of economic activity. It is important to know that all of them are selected strictly according to OKVED codes.

To find the right code, you first need to decide on the scope of the organization (for example, textile production), then find the necessary section or subsection (for example, DB). Further delve into the class, subclass, group, subgroup and type until a specific type of economic activity is determined.

  • The selection of the code does not depend on the form of ownership of the organization: they are identical for IP, LLC, CJSC.
  • The selected code must consist of at least 4 digits, i.e. be the name of a group (XX.XX), subgroup (XX.XX.X) or species (XX.XX.XX).
  • AT founding documents you can specify an unlimited number of codes (preferably no more than 20 pieces).
  • When registering, one main code (of the core activity of the organization) and additional ones (non-core occupations or activities in the near future) are indicated.
  • When choosing types of economic activity, it should be remembered that some of them require licensing.
  • At any time, you can make changes to the list of codes (add or remove).


To facilitate the selection of the type of economic activity, a search is organized by name or by code. It is also possible to add positions of interest to those saved for further viewing or printing codes with decryption.

If we consider different kinds entrepreneurial activity, it can be difficult to determine its belonging to any category, especially when viewed from the point of view of a novice entrepreneur. But a close examination of the Classifier economic types allows you to decide on the solution to this issue, as well as select a code suitable for registering activities. This year, entrepreneurs use OKVED-2, thermal energy in it is allocated to a special area and has various types and subspecies.

The developers went to the creation of the latest edition of the classifier long time. Its first version, published in 2001, was used quite actively by entrepreneurs, but had some flaws, and over time entrepreneurial activity is expanding and changing, which has led to the need to revise the existing one, as well as to create new classifier, which will put entrepreneurship on the shelves in a more modern format.

It is this, operating and modern, that is recognized last edition OKVED-2, which was completed in 2014. This resource has been introduced into the operation of entrepreneurial facilities for two years and, finally, has been recognized as the main operating resource for existing entrepreneurs and those who are just starting their work.

So, this resource will be used to determine the code of a certain type of entrepreneurship when registering new entrepreneurs. In addition, during the transition period, that is, during 2017, entrepreneurs already registered under the old codes have the right to submit application documents and change entries in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the EGRIP, after this period the change will become an obligation, accompanied by the payment of state duty.

The place of thermal energy in the classifier

So, various directions in modern entrepreneurship, they have found their distribution between sections by industry, as well as between classes and groups according to the belonging of entrepreneurship to a certain type.

The supply of thermal energy in OKVED-2 is designated as the distribution of steam, as well as hot water, and we will consider the belonging of this area to a specific code in stages:

  • 30.3 - this is the direct distribution of steam, as well as hot water, that is, its supply to the consumer.
  • 30 - this group includes activities aimed at the production of steam or water at high temperatures, as well as the processes of their distribution and transmission.
  • 35 - class, which contains activities for the production of electrics, heat power, as well as air conditioning.
  • Section D - which includes steam production, as well as hot water and electricity, plus air conditioning.

It is this interpretation of thermal power engineering that awaits an entrepreneur who has chosen this type of activity for himself.

Thermal energy as a type of business

It should be noted that such a code will be understood as the production of thermal energy from any source, which can be a thermal power plant, nuclear, boiler house, etc. In addition, this code also implies cooling water in order to reduce any temperatures, as well as industrial and food ice. I must say that such entrepreneurship is very reasonable, and its profitability increases many times with the onset of the heating season. Most manifestations of this type of entrepreneurship are already occupied by both private and some state structures, but in the process of modernizing society, the emergence of self-government communities, the provision of such services by entrepreneurs may begin to gain momentum in relation to consumer demand.

Is it possible to do without code

Many entrepreneurs about to pass state registration, lost their feet in search of the necessary code. For such entrepreneurs, it must be said that the registration process cannot go through without specifying a certain OKVED, since it is with the help of this combination of numbers that the regulatory authorities find out what niche of the business market you are going to occupy, and on the basis of this information they analyze the compliance of the business object with all the requirements requirements.

In addition, when creating an organization or when hiring individual entrepreneurs, you will need to register with the Social Insurance Fund, which is necessarily accompanied by a process of confirming the type of activity, as well as assigning a certain rate at which you will have to pay an insurance premium for employees. The connection between the interest rate, the risk class, and the OKVED code is direct, and one cannot exist without the other.

So, the OKVED code is an important part of the organization of the entrepreneurial process. It will be necessary to resolve the issue of belonging of an entrepreneurial object to a certain type of activity even when registering with government bodies, which cannot take place without specifying the corresponding code. Thermal energy supplies are understood by OKVED-2 under the code 35.30.3, the first four digits of which will be indicated in the registration documents.