Computer operator by profession. Functional duties of a computer operator

Profession computer operator

The work of a computer operator or, as they often say, a PC operator is directly related to the input of various data into a computer. It can be both textual and graphical information. The operator is instructed to compile tables, group information into catalogs and not only - the complexity of the work and the range of responsibilities depend on the requirements of a particular company.

The profession has gained relevance recently. Before the advent of computers, it was not necessary. Then all the information was stored in folders, recorded in notebooks, and complex calculations were carried out by scientists. Now no one bothers familiar professors to calculate any formulas - there are computers and computer operators. ...

The profession of a computer operator is not taken seriously by many. Although the benefits of the work of this professional are sometimes more significant than from the managerial link. Managers do not know how to repair equipment, work with "tricky" software products. They use the information provided by the operator in in electronic format, when making important business decisions - for example, reports or diagrams.

The PC operator must know where to look for the necessary information in local network, also accounting programs, Word, Excel, the basics of document management, be able to type blindly. He will have to work with office equipment - scanner, printer, fax and fix light breakdowns. It is not enough to be able to quickly type texts, you need to be able to build complex graphs and tables, work with databases.

This profession has several significant disadvantages - vision deteriorates from prolonged work at the computer, and a curvature of the spine threatens. It is required to be constantly focused and attentive when entering data, since one incorrectly entered digit can lead to unpleasant consequences. Such work is suitable for those whose working capacity and attentiveness do not fall even from monotonous work within 8 working hours.

The specialty "PC Operator" can be obtained at the school. But employers do not require a diploma, but knowledge. A diploma is not yet an indicator of knowledge in the field information technologies, you can be with a computer on "you" without it. There are also numerous courses for operators, where you can get basic knowledge of MS Office programs, the Internet.

Electronic computers have firmly entered our lives. Not a single sphere of human life can do without them. In a matter of minutes, they perform operations that would have taken many years under previous methods.

In 1641, B. Pascal invented a mechanical machine for arithmetic calculations. The idea of ​​creating the first computer belongs to the English mathematician C. Babbage, who invented and designed in 1833 the world's first model of a mechanical "analytical" machine.

The first computer, the main elements of which were vacuum tubes, was released only in 1946.

The idea of ​​creating digital computers belongs to the American mathematician von Neumann. These were the first generation machines, which were distinguished by their huge size. With the advent of each new generation, their resources, capabilities (memory capacity, performance) grew, dimensions decreased, and maintenance was simplified.

A special group is made up of personal computers (PCs). In foreign literature, and since the 1980s in domestic literature, the term "personal computer" is used to refer to a computer. Perhaps no other area is subject to such rapid changes as computer technology. One generation of computers incredible speed replaced by another, more perfect one. Therefore, the requirements for the computer operator (PC - personal computer) are increasing every year.

The work of a computer operator or, as they often say, a PC operator is directly related to the input of various data into a computer. It can be both textual and graphical information. The operator is instructed to compile tables, group information into catalogs and not only - the complexity of the work and the range of duties depends on the requirements of a particular company.

The profession of a computer operator has gained relevance recently. Before the advent of computers, it was not necessary. Then all the information was stored in folders, recorded in notebooks, and complex calculations were carried out by scientists. Now no one bothers familiar professors to calculate any formulas - there are computers and computer operators. ...

The profession of a computer operator is not taken seriously by many. Although the benefits of the work of this professional are sometimes more significant than from the managerial link. Managers do not know how to repair equipment, work with "tricky" software products. They use the information provided by the operator electronically to make important business decisions, such as reports or diagrams.

The PC operator must know where to look for the necessary information on the local network, as well as accounting programs, Word, Excel, the basics of document management, and be able to type blindly. He will have to work with office equipment - a scanner, printer, fax and fix light breakdowns. It is not enough to be able to quickly type texts, you need to be able to build complex graphs and tables, work with databases.

This profession has several significant disadvantages - vision deteriorates from prolonged work at the computer, and a curvature of the spine threatens. It is required to be constantly focused and attentive when entering data, since one incorrectly entered digit can lead to unpleasant consequences. Such work is suitable for those whose working capacity and attentiveness do not fall even from monotonous work within 8 working hours.

The specialty "PC Operator" can be obtained at the school. But employers do not require a diploma, but knowledge. A diploma is not yet an indicator of knowledge in the field of information technology, you can be with a computer on "you" even without it. There are also numerous courses for operators, where you can get basic knowledge of MS Office programs, the Internet.

The profession of a PC operator is mainly related to working on a computer. The specialist must know the computer well, be diligent, prone to monotonous work and be able to concentrate his attention on the work being done for a long time.

The PC operator is engaged in typing, processing information, compiling tables, formatting documents, entering information into a database, making calculations, etc.

Places of work

The specialist is in demand in any organization that works with large volumes of information and needs the services of an operator. The fields of activity are different:

  • trade;
  • transport and logistic;
  • banking;
  • the medicine;
  • construction;
  • and many other industries.

History of the profession

The profession of a PC operator (formerly a computer) appeared immediately after the advent of the computer. Prior to that, all information was stored in folders, records were made in notebooks and special accounting books, calculations were made by scientists or extras. In the 1950s, the American mathematician Neumann created the first electronic computer in America. A specialist working at a computer was called a computer operator.

Responsibilities of the PC Operator

The duties of a PC operator include:

  • database maintenance;
  • information processing - messages Email, client applications, correspondence, invoices, invoices and other documents;
  • record keeping and archiving;
  • work with office equipment (fax, copier, printer, etc.);
  • preparation and presentation of reports.

Sometimes the duties of a PC operator may include:

  • entering barcodes into the system;
  • receiving telephone calls;
  • entering information on the site.

PC operator requirements

The requirements for the PC operator are quite small:

  • PC knowledge: 1C, Microsoft Excel‚ Word, Outlook;
  • perseverance and attentiveness;
  • sometimes education is required.

Sample resume for computer operator

How to become a PC Operator

To apply for a PC operator position higher education not required. All you need is a solid knowledge of computer programs. PC operator skills can be obtained at specialized courses or on your own.

PC operator salary

Mostly wage PC operator consists of a fixed salary, which ranges from 8 to 30 thousand rubles per month. The average salary of a PC operator is 20 thousand rubles per month.

The computer operator must know:

Orders, instructions, orders, instructions and other normative and administrative
documents regulating the work of the computer operator;

Rules for the operation of computers and the maintenance of a copier;

Rules for processing documents, including business documentation using standard forms;

Rules of spelling and punctuation;

Rules for conducting office work;

Software (rules for working with Windows, Microsoft Office etc.)

Means of computer technology, communications and communications;

Work culture and ethics of business communication;

Fundamentals of legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation;

The company's charter, staffing, internal labor regulations;

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and
fire protection.

The staff computer operator is subject to

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management regarding its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for improvement to management
related to the duties of this job description.

3.3. Communicate with employees of all departments.

3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from employees
other divisions of the company information and documents necessary to fulfill their official duties.

3.5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of its
duties and rights.

"Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers", purpose and content of ETKS

The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers consists of tariff and qualification characteristics containing the characteristics of the main types of work by professions of workers, depending on their complexity, and corresponding to them tariff categories, as well as the requirements for the professional knowledge and skills of workers.

Characteristics of the profession "Operator of electronic computers": according to ETKS.

Conducting the process of processing information on electronic computers according to work instructions from the control panel. Entering information into electronic computers
machine (computer) from technical media and communication channels and its output from the machine. Transmission via communication channels of the calculated data received on the machines for subsequent operations. Preparation of technical storage media on data preparation devices.

Recording, reading and rewriting information from one type of media to another. Control of technical data carriers. Ensuring that the computational process is carried out in accordance with the work programs. Computer monitoring. Establishing the causes of failures in the process of processing information. A record of the use of machine time and noticed defects in the operation of machines in the machine time log. Registration of the results of the work performed.

Must know: the device of the computer control panel and its rules technical operation; basics of programming in the volume of secondary specialized or general education and course preparation; work instructions and other information processing guidance; technical information carriers, codes used on computers, the structure of output tables for detecting failures during computer operation.

Responsibilities of the computer operator, according to " All-Russian classifier occupations”, give examples of professions included in this basic group.

Computer maintenance technicians and operators carry out standard software Computers, maintenance and control over the operation of computer technology, means of receiving and transmitting information, participate in the improvement of data processing systems.

Their responsibilities include:

Operation and control over the work of electronic computers;

Organization and efficient execution of computational operations;

Preparation of computer equipment for work, drawing up information processing schemes, programs and algorithms for solving problems;

Carrying out maintenance, test checks, preventive inspections, adjustments, adjustments and current repair equipment;

Keeping records of the volume of work performed, the use of machine time, noticed defects in the operation of machines;

Fulfillment of related duties;

Management of other employees.

Examples of professions included in this basic group:

Technician (computer maintenance) Computer operator

Profession Operator of computers and electronic computers, characteristics of work and duties, in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Mineral Resources of the Russian Federation "On approval of tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide professions of workers."

Conducting the process of processing information on electronic computers according to work instructions from the control panel. Entering information into electronic computers (computers) from technical media and communication channels and outputting it from machines. Transmission via communication channels of the calculated data received on the machines for subsequent operations. Processing of primary documents on computers various types by summing up the indicators of reports with hem and lining tables, calculations according to engineering and design calculations.

Issuing invoices and compiling statements, tables, summaries, reports in a mechanized way, with the output of information on punched tape. Control of calculations, reconciliation of discrepancies according to the primary document. Preparing the machine for work, installing a control bus or flowchart for this job. Introduction of punching, verification, duplication, reproduction and tabulation of punched cards. Reading and punching holes in the encoded information contained in punched cards, based on graphic marks.

Checking the correctness of the transfer of information from primary documents to punched cards "to light" and counting control and the correctness of the transfer of incorrectly punched punched cards with the correction of the corresponding indicators and results in the tabulagram.

Control of tabulagrams compiled in a mechanized way, by comparing their final data with control numbers; carrying out selective balancing with a mark on the margins of tabulagrams; recording the verified results of tabulagrams in the log of control numbers; design and release of verified tabulagrams. Setting up the machine according to simple switching schemes and independent implementation of simple re-switching. Installation of a throughput ruler, stops and tabulation plates for multiple passes of punched cards. Work with mathematical reference books, tables. Registration of the accompanying document and work order for the work performed.

Must know:

Technical and operational characteristics of computers;

The device of the control panel and the rules for the technical operation of the computer;

Guidance materials that determine the sequence and content of the operations of the technological process;

Valid ciphers and codes;

Methods for carrying out calculations and computational work, control of technical information carriers;

Switching basics and simple block diagrams for setting up machines;

Forms of source and issued documents;

Fundamentals of programming in the volume of secondary specialized or general education and course preparation.

The impact of PC on human health;

- Headache and eye pain;

Fatigue, dizziness;

Violation of night sleep;

Sleepiness during the day;

Mood change;

Increased irritability;


Decreased intellectual abilities, memory impairment;

Tension of the skin of the forehead and head;

Hair loss;

Muscle pain;

Pain in the heart, uneven heartbeat, shortness of breath;

Decreased sexual activity.

Safety instructions, basic provisions, purpose;

1.1. This instruction applies to the following employees of the gymnasium:

1.2. While working with a PC, the operator may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful factors:

a) physical:

Low frequency electric and magnetic fields;

elevated temperature;

Air ionization;

Dangerous voltage in the electrical network;

b) chemical:

Harmful chemical substances emitted during the operation of printers and copiers;

c) psychophysiological:

Strain of vision and attention;

Intellectual and emotional stress;

Long-term static loads and monotony of labor.

1.3. Persons allowed to work with a PC:

At least 18 years of age who have passed the mandatory pre-employment and annual medical examinations in the manner and terms established by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Russia and the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of Russia, and do not have medical contraindications for working with PC and VDT;

Trained in the principles of working with computer technology And special education work on a PC using specific software;

Passed an introductory briefing on electrical safety with the assignment of the 1st qualification group;

Familiarized with the operating instructions for office equipment used at the workplace (PC itself, printers, scanners, uninterruptible power supplies, etc.). 1.4. Women are not allowed to work with the PC from the time of pregnancy and during the period of breastfeeding.

Scope and procedure for applying the safety instructions;

This instruction applies to the following employees of the gymnasium:

Programmers engaged in the development, testing and debugging of programs on a PC;

PC users (employees who combine the work of a PC operator with their main job).
The workers listed above are referred to as operators.

Read the instructions in your computer lab. What points could be added to the instructions, what points do you consider superfluous;

I believe that in our instructions there are no extra items and there is no need to add.

Requirements for personnel operating computer facilities and peripheral equipment;

Only specially trained personnel not younger than 18 years of age, fit for health reasons and qualifications to perform the specified work, are allowed to independently operate electrical equipment.

Electrical safety requirement;

1. It is necessary to constantly monitor the good condition of electrical wiring, switches, socket outlets, with which the equipment is connected to the network. If a malfunction is detected, immediately turn off the power to the electrical equipment, notify the administration. Continuation of work is possible only after the malfunction has been eliminated.

2.In order to avoid damage to the insulation of wires and the occurrence of short circuits, it is not allowed:

a) hang something on the wires;

b) paint over and whitewash cords and wires;

c) lay wires and cords behind the batteries of the heating system;

d) pull the plug out of the socket by the cord, force must be applied to the body of the plug.

3. To rule out injury electric shock prohibited:

a) often turn on and off the computer unnecessarily;

b) touch the screen and the back side of the computer blocks;

c) work with the equipment with wet hands;

d) work with the equipment in case of violation of the integrity of the case, insulation of wires, faulty indication of power on, with signs of electrical voltage on the case.

e) place foreign objects on the equipment.

5. To avoid electric shock, when using electrical appliances, do not simultaneously touch any pipelines, radiators, metal structures connected to the ground.

6. If a broken wire is found, it is necessary to immediately inform the administration about this, take measures to exclude people from contact with it. Touching the wire is life-threatening.

7. Rescue of the victim in case of electric shock mainly depends on the speed of his release from the action of the current.

In the event of a fire hazard or fire, the personnel must immediately take the necessary measures to eliminate it, at the same time notify the administration about the fire.

Features of the power supply of the system unit;

All components of the system unit receive electricity from the power supply. The PC power supply is a self-contained node located at the top of the system unit. Safety regulations do not prohibit opening the system unit, for example, when installing additional internal devices or upgrading them, but this does not apply to the power supply. The computer power supply is a source of increased fire hazard, so it can only be opened and repaired in specialized workshops.

The power supply has a built-in fan and ventilation holes. In this regard, dust will inevitably accumulate in it, which can cause a short circuit. It is recommended to periodically (once or twice a year) use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from the power supply through the ventilation holes without opening the system unit. It is especially important to perform this operation before each transportation or tilting of the system unit.

video system requirements;

In the past, the monitor was considered mainly as a source of harmful radiation, primarily affecting the eyes. Today, this approach is considered insufficient. In addition to harmful electromagnetic radiation (which is reduced to a relatively safe level on modern monitors), image quality parameters must be taken into account, and they are determined not only by the monitor, but also by the video adapter, that is, the entire video system as a whole.

job requirements;

The requirements for the workplace include requirements for the desktop, seat (chair, armchair), Rests for arms and legs. Despite the apparent simplicity, it is extremely difficult to ensure the correct placement of the elements of a computer system and the correct fit of the user. A complete solution to the problem requires additional costs, comparable in value to the cost of individual components of a computer system, therefore, both in the bit and in production, these requirements are often neglected.

Despite the fact that schoolchildren spend relatively little time in a computer lab, teaching them proper occupational hygiene by a worthy example is very important so that useful skills are fixed for life.

This is not just a hygiene requirement, but a methodology requirement:

1. The monitor should be installed directly in front of the user and not require head or body rotation.

2. The desktop and seat should be of such height that the user's eye level is slightly above the center of the monitor. The monitor screen should be viewed from top to bottom, and not vice versa. Even short-term work with a monitor set too high leads to fatigue of the cervical spine.

3. If correct installation monitor in relation to eye level, it turns out that the user's feet cannot rest freely on the floor, a footrest, preferably inclined, should be installed. If the legs do not have reliable support, this will certainly lead to a violation of posture and fatigue of the spine. It is convenient when computer furniture (desk and office chair) have means for height adjustment. In this case, it is easier to achieve the optimal position.

4. The keyboard should be located at such a height that the fingers are located on it freely, without tension, and the angle between the shoulder and forearm is 100 ° - 110 °. When using ordinary school desks, it is almost impossible to achieve the correct "position of both the monitor and the keyboard at the same time. For work, it is recommended to use special computer tables with retractable shelves for the keyboard. If there is no such shelf and the keyboard is located on the same table as the monitor, the use of a footrest becomes almost inevitable, especially when children work with a computer.

5. When working with the keyboard for a long time, fatigue of the tendons of the wrist joint is possible. known to be severe Occupational Illness- carpal tunnel syndrome associated with the wrong position of the hands on the keyboard. In order to avoid excessive stress on the hand, it is desirable to provide a work chair with armrests, the height of which, measured from the floor, coincides with the height of the keyboard.

6. When working with the mouse, the hand should not be in weight. The elbow of the hand, or at least the wrist, must be firmly supported. If it is difficult to foresee the necessary arrangement of the desktop and chair, it is recommended to use a mouse pad with a special support roller. It is not uncommon when, in search of support for the hand (usually the right one), the monitor is placed to the side of the user (respectively, to the left), so that it works half-turn, resting the elbow or wrist of the right hand on the table. This approach is not allowed. The monitor must be directly in front of the user.

Fire safety requirement;

It is forbidden to have flammable substances in the workplace.

In the premises it is prohibited:

a) light a fire

b) turn on electrical equipment if the room smells of gas;

c) smoke;

d) dry something on heaters;

e) close the ventilation openings in electrical equipment

Sources of ignition are:

a) a spark when discharging static electricity

b) sparks from electrical equipment

c) sparks from impact and friction

d) open flame

In the event of a fire hazard or fire, the personnel must immediately take the necessary measures to eliminate it, at the same time notify the administration about the fire.

Premises with electrical equipment must be equipped with fire extinguishers of the OU-2 or OUB-3 type.

Labor protection requirements when working on a PC;

The maximum working time at the computer should not exceed 6 hours per shift.

It is necessary to take a break from working at the computer for 10 minutes every 45 minutes.

The duration of continuous work at the computer without a regulated break should not exceed 1 hour.

Computer operator and who is a computer operator. The computer operator is at a stage above the advanced PC user. Because this is already a profession that gives its owner proper computer skills. In other words, a personal computer is the main tool of a specialist's work. The computer operator is a master whose duties include working with information and data. The vacancy itself, as a rule, is called "computer operator" or "PC operator".

In contact with


Computer operator and his duties

In order to work as a computer master, it is not enough to be a skilled user of a personal computer. To work in this specialty, you must have experience with most operating systems and databases. In addition, the specialist must understand the basics of document management, accounting and personnel work.

Using the acquired skills, a computer specialist enters data, monitors the correctness of its display, compiles various tables, fills out journals, statements, etc.

Accurate duties PC specialist are determined by the employer in accordance with the requirements of the enterprise. These requirements must be specified in the job description.

Basic requirements for a PC operator

There are usually no significant requirements for the education of a specialist. For employment in the vast majority of companies, general secondary or secondary specialized education is enough, but with experience work in some databases and programs, for example:

  • office programs (Microsoft Office);
  • graphic editors (Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, Paint).

Also, some enterprises may require knowledge in English or the basics of programming, the basics of system administration.

Job description of the computer operator

As mentioned earlier, duties are determined by the employer, but it is still possible to determine a list of requirements for an employee that are typical for most enterprises. Some large enterprises with high staff turnover have their own training courses. These courses can be both paid and free, and upon completion, the specialist receives a certain rank. As a rule, on paid courses give more valuable information and, accordingly, a higher rank with which you can work with higher wages.

workers duties PC Specialist:

Some organizations (for example, the media) may need to work with graphic information.

The working rights of a computer specialist are directly related to his duties, since their purpose is to simplify the performance of his duties by an employee. to the chief officials rights This specialist can include:

  • the right to access work information related to the performance of official duties;
  • the right to contacts with other services of the organization within the framework of the functions performed;
  • right to workplace that meets all the requirements of safety and labor legislation.

These rights should also be spelled out in the instructions. The instruction simplifies the labor process.

Where do they teach

To obtain the profession of a PC operator, you must graduate from a vocational school and obtain the specialty “processing master”. digital information". You can also take computer operator courses. But you can also improve your level and qualifications by taking courses. It is recommended that you regularly attend advanced courses. With the increase discharge salary increases accordingly.

Demand for the profession of computer operator

Nowadays it is very difficult to find an enterprise that does not have computers and office equipment. Most of the production processes are automated and computerized. A qualified computer specialist can find a job in any field. In the presence of great experience and a good education, it won't take long to find a job.

For example:

The profession of a computer operator: the pros and cons

The profession of a PC master is quite prestigious, with it you can get a job in most enterprises. And also given profession can become a starting point in the career of an IT specialist and designer.

Any profession has both pluses and minuses. The work of the computer master is no exception.

From long work The computer causes irreparable harm to a person. All human organs suffer. Sits down from bad monitors vision. The cardiovascular system, spine and pelvic bones suffer from constant being in a fixed position. To reduce the harmful effects of the computer, you need to get up and stretch regularly, as well as do eye exercises.

Profession computer operator: salary

The income of computer professionals varies greatly. It can be both extremely low and quite worthy. This largely depends on the experience and skills of specialists, but, of course, partly depends on the organization. This profession has ranks. The higher the category of a computer operator, the correspondingly higher the salary.

Previously, the profession of an operator of electronic computers was included in the " Qualification guide professions of workers who are set monthly salaries. This document outlined the qualification requirements for this profession. As of 2017, the computer operator is included in the "Qualification Handbook of Occupations of Workers Not Included in the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook of Works and Occupations of Workers who are Set Monthly Salaries."

Having received the profession of a computer master, a person will always be in demand in the global labor market.