Presentation on the topic of the electronic document management system case. Presentation electronic document management

Workflow automation involves the use of a special software for working with documents and participation of electronic documents in the information exchange system. At the same time, documents created during the functioning of the organization are necessarily registered and stored in a single information space. Collective work with documents is provided, that is, several employees consistently work on each of them in accordance with their functional duties.

Mountains of waste paper, long search required document, losses, duplicate documents, delays in sending and receiving, personnel errors are not a complete list of problems that arise when the document flow is poorly organized. All this can greatly slow down, and in exceptional cases completely paralyze the work of the enterprise.

Workflow automation tools The software used to automate workflow can be roughly divided into four categories: Workflow systems. Systems of collective work of users on documents. Systems designed for storage and retrieval of documents. Email systems.

workflow systems. Main features: the methodology takes into account the "human factor"; as the addressee, not the names of specific employees are used, but their positions (roles); the created process map statically checks itself for closure: the document cannot be sent to “nowhere” or stop for no reason; a clear execution control system, when a certain amount of time is allotted to perform a certain operation, and the system itself, at your choice, determines penalties for the offending employee and the system's reaction to such a violation;

at the workplace, the end user operates with terms familiar to their industry; authorized access to information, the system administrator sees only the state of the process (“started”, “waiting for activation”, “completed”); phased implementation - automation can be started from any department or division, and if necessary, add new employees to the map, and re-create the process; the system has an open interface to support existing applications.

Efficient document management is a must effective management enterprise. Document flow is extremely important for the proper organization of financial and management accounting.

Automation of document flow. Basic concepts

Documents are the main information resources of any organization, working with them requires proper formulation. Documents provide informational support for the adoption management decisions at all levels and accompany all business processes.

Document management is a continuous process of document movement, objectively reflecting the activities of the organization and allowing it to be managed promptly.

Workflow systems store documents, keep their history, ensure their movement through the organization, and allow you to track the execution of those business processes to which these documents are related.

In an organization where a document management system has been implemented, a document is a basic management tool. There are no just decisions, instructions or orders here - there are documents containing these same orders, decisions, instructions, etc.: all management in the organization is carried out through documents.

Any document in the document management system is supplied (represented) with a “card” similar to a library one. Typically, a specific set of fields in such a card is tied to the type of document.

The storage of an electronic document management system can be imagined as a database containing information on the fields of cards and some storage for the documents themselves.

A term that unambiguously corresponds to the domestic "document flow" is not available in the Western computer dictionary.

In the literature, one can find the following correspondences between the term "document flow" and Western terms:

DMS (Document Management Systems) - in the Russian-language literature for this term there is a more accurate translation - Archives of documents;

DocFlow document routing systems;

Workflow systems. More precisely, this term is translated as "Automation systems business processes", or "Management Support Systems"

Therefore, in the Russian-language literature, "document flow" includes both the routing of documents and the automation of the process of movement of documents and the archiving of documents.

The main tasks solved by document management systems

ensuring more effective management through automatic control of implementation, transparency of the organization's activities at all levels;

maintaining a quality control system that meets international standards;

supporting effective accumulation, management and access to information and knowledge. Ensuring personnel flexibility due to greater formalization of the activities of each employee and the possibility of storing the entire history of his activities;

recording the activities of the enterprise as a whole (internal internal investigations, analysis of the activities of divisions, identification of "hot spots" in activities);

optimization of business processes and automation of the mechanism for their implementation and control;

exclusion or maximum possible reduction in the circulation of paper documents in the enterprise. Saving resources by reducing the cost of managing the flow of documents in the organization;

eliminating the need or significantly simplifying and reducing the cost of storing paper documents due to the availability of an operational electronic archive.

There are estimates that up to 90% of employees' time is spent on the so-called supporting functions, namely, on finding the documents necessary for work. This problem is exacerbated when sharing documents, when you need to find documents created by another employee, and finally, it becomes almost impossible if the organization is geographically distributed.

Implementation of EDMS allows:

increase the manageability of the enterprise (this is a top-level manager’s tool, and, first of all, it is the EDMS that makes life easier for him)

reduction of information search time

strictly regulate and control business processes

increase security when working with documents (EDMS systems allow, by separating access, to ensure the protection of documents from unauthorized access)

restore the entire history of actions with documents, since all transactions with documents are recorded

Typical Workflow Tasks

1. Digitization and registration of incoming documents.

2. Submission of documents for review.

3. Creating tasks for subordinates and monitoring their execution.

3. Coordination of the draft of the new document.

4. Search for documents on a specific topic.

5. Create a report.

6. Construction business processes for the most typical situations of document flow (payment of invoices, business trips, consideration of an application for vacation, etc.)

General system requirements

electronic document management


It is desirable that the document management system could support both five and five thousand users, and the ability of the system to increase its capacity was determined only by the capacity of the corresponding hardware.

This requirement can be met by supporting industrial database servers produced by companies such as MS SQL, which exist on almost all possible software and hardware platforms, providing the widest range of performance.


The main problems when working with documents arise in geographically distributed organizations, so the architecture of document management systems must support the interaction of distributed sites. Moreover, distributed sites can be combined with the most diverse communication channels in terms of speed and quality. Also, the system architecture must support interaction with remote users. It is also desirable to use the architecture of a "thin client" (almost all data processing is on the server), capable of working in networks with a relatively low throughput about 200 kbps.

An example of a thin client is a browser-based computer used to run web applications.

Electronic Document Management System - Electronic Document Management: The "Electronic Document Management" module provides for the creation, storage, search, and modification of various unstructured documents (Microsoft Word texts, spreadsheets Microsoft Excel, Visio and CorelDraw drawings, sounds, videos, etc.). One of the basic concepts used in the DIRECTUM system is an electronic document. Each electronic document consists of text (content electronic document) and a card - a form containing a set of attributes describing the document (author, document type, creation date, correspondent, etc.) that can be used to search and group electronic documents. To organize the storage of documents, folders are used, in which links to electronic documents and other folders are placed. Each document can have an unlimited number of versions, while versions of the same document can be in different formats (for example, DOC and PDF). Each type of document (agreements, invoices, etc.) has its own life cycle, which automatically changes the state of the document while working with it. UdSU 2010 Shirokov V.A. CMIT. eleven.

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Electronic document management systems (EDMS) "DELO"

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The best "Deed" - for the best companies!

The best system electronic document management "DELO" has established itself as the most reliable and proven EDMS on Russian market. Sophisticated and complete functionality for managing information and workflow. End-to-end automation of the workflow of geographically distributed companies, the ability to build free routes for the movement of documents, a reliable electronic archive and secure workflow using ES, integration with other systems, compliance with legislative and regulatory and methodological requirements, as well as requirements information security- favorably distinguishes "DELO" from other systems.

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"Leader in the Russian market of EDMS and ECM systems"

The electronic document management system "DELO" is a reliable and convenient system, tested by time and users. EDMS "DELO" allows you to solve the problem of automating work with documents of companies of various sizes and fields of activity, supports paper, mixed document management, which allows you to smoothly switch to electronic document management with minimal financial and material costs. EDMS "DELO" allows you to optimize the business processes of the organization and automate the work with documents. "DELO" is used by more than 6,000 organizations, 500,000 users throughout Russia and the CIS countries.

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Workflow automation

EDMS "DELO" is a system focused on automation of workflow (from document creation to transfer to archival storage) with the possibility of end-to-end automation of workflow of geographically distributed companies, supporting integration with existing information systems enterprises. The system is focused on the automation of related document-oriented processes (financial, contractual document management, automation domestic business processes, work with citizens' appeals, provision of public services, etc.), with the possibility of organizing a legally significant document flow of the company.

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Advantages of EDMS "DELO"

The DELO system is an effective solution for automating document and information management. By implementing the EDMS "DELO", you get a convenient tool for improving the efficiency of the company by reducing the time for processing and searching for documents, discussing and agreeing, monitoring the execution of instructions, and improving the executive discipline of employees.

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Public services and appeals of citizens

Subsystem for the provision of public and municipal services based on the EDMS "DELO" allows you to translate into electronic form the process of providing state and municipal services at all levels - federal, regional and municipal. This is ensured by integration with the "Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services" (EPGU) through the System of Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction (SMEV). Also, the "DELO" system provides for integration with the AS "Appeal of Citizens".

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Reliable electronic archive of documents

The system provides convenient means for organizing the storage of paper and electronic documents (documents attached to the RK, draft documents and instructions). Executed documents in the system can be “written off to files” to form the archive fund of the organization in the future. EDMS "DELO" provides automation of the main tasks of the operational storage of documents and cases: support for the nomenclature of cases adopted in the organization; mechanism for writing off a document in a case; formation and review of the inventory of documents written off to the case; support for working with multi-volume cases; automatic recalculation of pages in a file (volume).

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Integration with other information systems

The presence of an open API-interface provides the possibility of integrating the DELO system with any information systems and business programs used by the customer organization. Example: integration of leading systems in the respective markets - electronic document management systems "DELO" and automated system accounting 1C.

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System requirements

The DELO system is designed to work with the following DBMS: MS SQL Server 2008 (Standart Edition, Enterprise Edition, Express Edition with Advanced Services*) MS SQL Server 2012 SP1 (Standart Edition, Business Intelligence, Enterprise Edition, Express Edition with Advanced Services*) MS SQL Server 2014 (Standart Edition, Business Intelligence, Enterprise Edition, Express Edition with Advanced Services*) Oracle 10g release (and later) Oracle 11g release (and later) Oracle 12c release (and later)

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The best "Deed" - for the best companies!

The best electronic document management system "DELO" has established itself as the most reliable and proven EDMS on the Russian market. Sophisticated and complete functionality for managing information and workflow. End-to-end automation of the workflow of geographically distributed companies, the ability to build free routes for the movement of documents, a reliable electronic archive and secure workflow using ES, integration with other systems, compliance with legislative and regulatory and methodological requirements, as well as information security requirements - distinguishes "DELO" from other systems.

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  • slide 4

    "Leader in the Russian market of EDMS and ECM systems"

    The electronic document management system "DELO" is a reliable and convenient system, tested by time and users. EDMS "DELO" allows you to solve the problem of automating work with documents of companies of various sizes and fields of activity, supports paper, mixed document management, which allows you to smoothly switch to electronic document management with minimal financial and material costs. EDMS "DELO" allows you to optimize the business processes of the organization and automate the work with documents. "DELO" is used by more than 6,000 organizations, 500,000 users throughout Russia and the CIS countries.

    slide 5

    Workflow automation

    EDMS "DELO" is a system focused on automation of workflow (from document creation to transfer to archival storage) with the possibility of end-to-end automation of workflow of geographically distributed companies, supporting integration with existing enterprise information systems. The system is focused on the automation of related document-oriented processes (financial, contractual document flow, automation of internal business processes, work with citizens' appeals, provision of public services, etc.), with the possibility of organizing a legally significant document flow of the company.

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    Advantages of EDMS "DELO"

    The DELO system is an effective solution for automating document and information management. By implementing the EDMS "DELO", you get a convenient tool for improving the efficiency of the company by reducing the time for processing and searching for documents, discussing and agreeing, monitoring the execution of instructions, and improving the executive discipline of employees.

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    Public services and appeals of citizens

    The subsystem for the provision of state and municipal services based on the EDMS "DELO" allows you to convert the process of providing state and municipal services at all levels - federal, regional and municipal - into electronic form. This is ensured by integration with the "Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services" (EPGU) through the System of Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction (SMEV). Also, the "DELO" system provides for integration with the AS "Appeal of Citizens".

    Slide 8

    Reliable electronic archive of documents

    The system provides convenient means for organizing the storage of paper and electronic documents (documents attached to the RK, draft documents and instructions). Executed documents in the system can be “written off to files” to form the archive fund of the organization in the future. EDMS "DELO" provides automation of the main tasks of the operational storage of documents and cases: support for the nomenclature of cases adopted in the organization; mechanism for writing off a document in a case; formation and review of the inventory of documents written off to the case; support for working with multi-volume cases; automatic recalculation of pages in a file (volume).

    Slide 9

    Integration with other information systems

    The presence of an open API-interface provides the possibility of integrating the DELO system with any information systems and business programs used by the customer organization. Example: integration of leading systems in the respective markets - the electronic document management system "DELO" and the automated accounting system 1C.

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    System requirements

    The DELO system is designed to work with the following DBMS: MS SQL Server 2008 (Standart Edition, Enterprise Edition, Express Edition with Advanced Services*) MS SQL Server 2012 SP1 (Standart Edition, Business Intelligence, Enterprise Edition, Express Edition with Advanced Services*) MS SQL Server 2014 (Standart Edition, Business Intelligence, Enterprise Edition, Express Edition with Advanced Services*) Oracle 10g release (and later) Oracle 11g release (and later) Oracle 12c release (and later)