IN 2. The concept and nature of management decision

2. Features of inventory management in a wholesale trade enterprise 6

1. Product management: concept, essence, content.

1.1 Basic concepts of commodity management.

Management - translated from in English, means control. Management is the organization of influences aimed at achieving goals. Management - sphere human activity and the corresponding field of knowledge, which includes, as a mandatory element, the management of people, social organizations or structures. As a science, management appeared 100 years ago.

In modern literature, there are several interpretations of management:

1) Management - a specific body of a functioning commercial enterprise.

2) B Lately in connection with the competition between the enterprises of Western Europe, the USA and Japan and the glut of markets in the style of management, management has changed. If earlier a successful manager was considered the one who reacts the fastest to changes in the market situation, now he is the one who creates new markets for his enterprise (that is, performs an active function), who changes the market, forms it. The main task of a modern manager is to first make the desired possible, and then real. This is where the definition of management comes in. Management is the activity of creating the profitability of an enterprise based on changing human, material and financial resources.

3) The enterprise is, first of all, people. People are the most important element production process. Management is the organization of the work of human employees.

4) Management is an integrative process by which professionally trained professionals form and manage organizations by setting goals and developing ways to achieve them. Disadvantages: the first three definitions reveal the very content of this type of human activity, and in a number of countries they do not talk about the features of management objects. The fourth definition is the most complete, but it does not talk about the features of the economies in which the enterprise operates, so another, more complete definition can be identified.

5) Management - this is the management of business enterprises operating in market conditions, consisting in planning activities, its organization, staff motivation, accounting and analysis, control and operational regulation, explaining the survival of a business enterprise and obtaining the maximum possible profit under these conditions, achieving a high level of profitability.

Abroad, the concept of management is used to refer to:

1) activities related to the management of people;

2) specialists professionally engaged in this activity; 3) units in the organization involved in leadership (administration);

4) a special area of ​​knowledge.

Management is one way to organize joint activities people in conditions market economy. Modern management is a method of leadership that allows the most humane way to direct intellectual and physical forces people to achieve some common goal. This method of leadership ensures the maximum satisfaction of the interests of individual people, provides the opportunity for the fullest use of the abilities and capabilities of each person, helps to realize oneself in work. Distinctive feature management is that it directs the work of teams towards the maximum satisfaction of social needs. Management contributes to the fact that the activities of any organization satisfy the needs of consumers to the maximum, do no harm to the public and, as far as possible, make a feasible contribution to solving national problems, and recently problems of world importance. characteristic feature management is also focused on continuous improvement, updating, solving not only current, but also future tasks. Management is a way of managing people, which makes it possible for organizations to quickly adapt to changing conditions. As an activity, we can say that management is business management in a market environment.

1.2 Product management functions

Management as a science focuses its efforts on explaining the nature of labor management, establishing links between cause and effect in it, identifying factors and conditions under which joint work becomes more useful and more efficient. In defining management as a science, the importance of streamlining knowledge about management is emphasized. They allow not only to manage current affairs in a timely and high-quality manner, but also to predict the development of events and, in accordance with this, develop an enterprise strategy. Any science consists of 2 subsystems: - organizational; - methodological (concept, accumulated knowledge about patterns).

The concept of management is very general and has a variety of applications. It brings together various principles, roles, activities and functions. At the same time, the dominant use of this term, which is based on the Anglo-American interpretation of this concept, suggests that it has 2 dimensions:

1) management as a functional concept covers the processes and functions that characterize the activities of the company (purchases, production, sales);

2) management as organizational concept characterizes the decision-making subjects, their role and activities (shop worker, foreman)

In general terms, the 1st approach dominates, explaining the tasks of the activity and the ongoing process. The 2nd approach deals with the role of managers at various organizational levels of management.

As a professionally carried out activity, management is a process that consists of individual elements.

The main functions of management are:

1) development and adoption of management decisions;

2) organization of implementation of decisions;

3) accounting and analysis of the implementation of decisions;

4) control over activities and results and regulation;

5) motivation of performers, aimed at increasing interest in the implementation of management decisions.

The main types of division of managerial labor: essence and content

Managerial work is the operations and work performed by administrative and managerial workers.

In control labor collective 3 types of managerial work can be distinguished:

1) heuristic work

2) administrative work

3) operator work.

1) is, first of all, the work of managers and specialists. It most fully reflects the nature of creative mental activity, its psychophysical essence. According to its content, it has 2 types of operations:

a) analytical

b) constructive.

A) consist in obtaining and perceiving the information necessary for making decisions. These include: consideration and study of various documents and literary sources; conducting oral interviews, surveys and direct observations; presentation of the results of the analysis in the relevant documents - certificates, reports, analytical reviews; statement or clarification of the diagnosis of the existing situation.

B) are associated with the preparation and adoption of various kinds of decisions. These operations differ depending on the content, nature and complexity of solutions, as well as on the corresponding methods of their individual and collective search.

2) - a specific type of mental labor, the functional purpose of which is the direct control of the actions and behavior of people in the process of their labor activity. The process of administrative work consists of the following organizational and administrative operations:

a) service and communication (transmission and reception of oral information through telephone conversations, bypassing workplaces, receiving employees and visitors, movement within the enterprise);

b) administrative (bringing decisions to performers by issuing oral orders, written orders, instructions, setting tasks for performers or approving personal work plans drawn up by them, oral instruction in the process of performing tasks and instructions, compiling and approving written instructions);

c) coordinating (coordination of the work of departments and services by holding meetings and meetings, drawing up a schedule for the implementation of work, indicating the performers and deadlines);

d) control and evaluation (control of the execution of orders, decisions of meetings, plans, tasks, assignments, evaluation of the work of units and performers, incentives and penalties).

3) - this is mainly the work of technical performers to perform stereotypical, repetitive operations necessary for information support production and management processes.

  1. Features of inventory management in a wholesale trade enterprise

Commodity stocks are part of the commodity supply, which is a set of commodity mass in the process of its movement from the sphere of production to the consumer.

Commodity stocks are formed at all stages of product distribution: in warehouses manufacturing enterprises, on the way, in wholesale and retail warehouses commodity enterprises. The need for the formation of commodity stocks is due to the following factors:

1) the time required to transport goods from the place of production to the place of sale, including the time for loading and unloading;

2) seasonal fluctuations in the production and consumption of goods;

3) discrepancy between production and trade assortment goods, which causes the need for sub-sorting, packaging and underworking;

4) features in the territorial location of production;

5) conditions for the transportation of goods, the distance between the supplier and

trading company;

6) links in the distribution of goods;

7) the possibility of storing goods.

Any product until the moment of sale belongs to the category of commodity stock.

From an economic point of view, this form of existence of goods is static (physically, it can be in motion). This circumstance means that the commodity stock is a momentary value. Commodity stocks change their size - they are gradually involved in the turnover, sold, cease to be stocks. But since commodity stocks are replaced by other consignments of goods, that is, they are regularly renewed, they are a constantly existing value, the size of which varies depending on specific economic conditions. The economic content of the commodity turnover process consists of the processes of circulation of goods, the change of the static form of the stock by the dynamic form of commodity circulation.

Commodity stocks of trading enterprises are classified according to:

1) location (in trade, industry,

2) timing (stocks at the beginning and end of the period);

3) units of measurement: absolute (in value and natural

expression) and relative (in days of turnover);

4) appointment;

5) current storage (to ensure the daily needs of enterprises);

6)seasonal appointment (to ensure uninterrupted trade in

periods of seasonal changes in supply or demand);

7) early delivery (to ensure uninterrupted trade in remote areas in the period between the delivery of goods);

8) targeted commodity stocks (for the implementation of certain targeted activities).

Maintaining the optimal proportion between the value of turnover and the size of commodity stocks is one of the important tasks of trade enterprises. Otherwise, due to a lack of stocks, difficulties arise with the commodity supply of the enterprise's turnover; excess stocks cause additional losses, an increase in the need for loans and an increase in the cost of paying interest on them, an increase in the cost of storing stocks, which together worsens the overall financial condition trading enterprises.

The purpose of inventory management is to find such a value,

which, on the one hand, minimizes the total costs of their maintaining and, with on the other hand, would be sufficient for successful work enterprises. The first step in the management process is to identify all the costs of bringing in and holding inventory.

2.1 Storage costs.

This broad category of costs includes costs for warehouse equipment and facilities, handling, insurance, as well as costs associated with petty theft, deterioration, obsolescence, depreciation, taxes, and wasted capital costs. Costs of this type generally increase in direct proportion to the average inventory size.

Costs for placing and fulfilling orders. Unlike storage costs, which are directly related to the average size of inventory, the costs of placing and fulfilling orders are, in most cases, fixed. For example, costs such as postage or long-distance telephone calls, equipment set-up, and batch acceptance are generally independent of the size of a single batch.

Losses associated with lack of stock (deficit). When an item runs out of stock, the order for that item either waits to be replenished or must be cancelled. In this case, sometimes it is not possible to achieve a reasonable balance, since it is often impossible to assess

lost profits, the consequences of losing customers and the amount of fines for late performance of the contract. Maximum Desired Headroom determines the level of inventory that is economically feasible in a given inventory management system.

Inventory Threshold is used to determine the time of issuing the next order.

current stock corresponds to the inventory level at any point in time. It can be the same as a maximum desired level, a threshold level, or a safety margin.

Warranty (or insurance) stock designed for continuous supply of consumers in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Goods turnover is one of the performance indicators economic activity trading enterprise. The acceleration of the time of circulation of goods is of great importance: it increases economic efficiency Total social production, being at the same time an important condition for increasing profitability trading activities enterprises. A slowdown, on the contrary, indicates a deterioration in its work.

  1. Types of inventory management systems

Operational decisions concerning the moment of placement and size of the order are implemented using the selected control system. There are many different types of control systems. They are implemented in conjunction with the demand forecasting block. In table. Figure 1 lists four main types of control systems: fixed and variable quantity ordering combined with a fixed or variable period between orders.

For example, the most common system (Q, R) orders a fixed quantity (Q) when the stock reaches the reorder point (R). When using the S, T rule, an order is placed every T time interval in the amount of the difference between the required set level (S) and the current quantity by the time the order arrives. Effective use any system requires the correct definition of parameters (Q, R, S, T).

Table 1

The main types of inventory management systems

Order size

order point

Fixed (Q)

Variable (S)

Variable (R)

Fixed (T)

Q - ordering a fixed quantity Q

S - order to stock level S

R - order at the moment of stock level R

T - place an order every T time period.

With variable demand and delivery time, either the Q, R or S, T system can be used.

Using the Optimal Order Quantity (EOQ) parameter, in a Q, R fixed order system, orders are placed when stock levels fall to the reorder point R. The reorder point is calculated as the average demand over the average delivery time plus safety stock.

One of the principles of the formation of the product range at the enterprise wholesale trade is to ensure its sustainability, which is especially important when it comes to goods daily demand. A stable assortment allows us to ensure an uninterrupted and rhythmic supply of retail trade enterprises, which are the main wholesale buyers.

And, finally, one of the important principles of the rational formation of the assortment of goods at a wholesale trade enterprise is to ensure the conditions for its profitable operation, which is especially important in a market economy.

The process of forming an assortment of goods in the warehouses of wholesale enterprises, taking into account the principles discussed above, consists, first of all, in determining the list of main groups and subgroups of goods sold. At the same time, it is necessary to proceed from the possibility of satisfying the requests of wholesale buyers, taking into account their specialization in the trade in relevant goods. If a wholesale enterprise supplies mainly retail trade enterprises goods of daily demand, then the assortment formed by him should, first of all, satisfy the requirements of this group of enterprises. An enterprise engaged in the sale of narrow assortment goods must take care of a sufficient depth of assortment within the relevant groups and names of goods, otherwise it will not be able to promote successful formation complexes and micro-complexes of goods in the department stores and specialized stores they serve. Therefore, the next stage in the formation of the assortment is to determine the number of varieties of goods sold for each item. It is clear that, while forming the assortment of goods, commercial services must constantly monitor the emergence of new goods on the market and involve them in the turnover. At the same time, they must take measures to exclude obsolete models from their product range, as well as products for which demand has sharply decreased.

The tool by which the regulation of the assortment of goods in the warehouses of wholesale enterprises is carried out is the assortment list. It includes a list of product names corresponding to the established breadth of the assortment, and the minimum required number of varieties of goods that must always be in stock.

Assortment lists are recommended to be developed for a year. If necessary, changes can be made throughout the year. They should provide for a group and intra-group structure, as well as basic (article, model, etc.) and additional (size, fullness, height, etc.) signs of product varieties. The development of assortment lists includes three stages.

At the first stage, a list of assortment items is determined. This takes into account the range of goods that passed through wholesalers in the reporting year, and the range of goods specified in the specifications for contracts for the supply of goods in the coming year.

At the second stage, the number of varieties of each product is calculated according to the main feature, i.e. their quantity is determined for each item of goods received during the year.

At the third, final stage, the number of varieties of each product for an irreducible assortment is determined, including such a quantity that must always be in stock and which can be offered to the buyer at any time.

With the help of the assortment list commercial service wholesale enterprise can exercise systematic control over the completeness and stability of the assortment of goods in warehouses and the supply of wholesale buyers of its target market with them.

Inventory management systems allow you to reduce investment capital, control transportation costs and customer service levels, and provide better inventory control. Even in small businesses, the presence personal computers enables the use of recommended control systems.

At computer system accurate inventory of each item is maintained, either the Q or T system is applied, demand is forecasted, and stock management performance reports are generated.

List of used literature:

  1. Commodity management, study guide

for students in the direction of preparation 100800.62 - Commodity science, Stavropol, 2014;

  1. Commodity management: textbook for applied bachelor's degree /

I. M. Lifits, F. A. Zhukova, M. A. Nikolaeva. - M .: Publishing house

A significant place in the theory of management is occupied by questions related to the ways to achieve the goals. How to influence people? What is the most effective way to influence this or that phenomenon? The answer to these questions is given by management methods.

Methods managements are ways of influencing people and phenomena to achieve a certain goal.

When choosing methods (methods) of control, the following requirements should be observed:

purposefulness - i.e. a clear understanding of the goal and movement towards it;

feasibility - i.e. the real achievability of the desired results;

consistency - i.e. taking into account the impact in the relationship of elements;

dynamism - i.e. ability to respond to changing situations;

efficiency - i.e. achieving maximum results at minimum cost.

Classification of methods is made on the basis of how and on what the impact occurs. In accordance with this, three types of methods are distinguished: administrative, economic and socio-psychological. Within each type, in turn, there are several independent types of methods. Thus, we can talk about three groups of methods. Let's consider separately the main ones.

Administrative methods of management - These are methods of managerial influence through official power.

Administrative management methods have their own specific characteristics and features. Consider these characteristics:

Mandatory. Administrative methods leave no choice to the subordinate. They directly affect the will of the performer;

Gratuitousness. Execution initially does not provide for promotion. Performance is seen as a natural phenomenon within the framework of professional activity;

Checkability. Administrative methods are necessarily accompanied by a certain system of control over the performance of professional duties and specific tasks;

Accuracy. Administrative methods require not the best, but strictly defined execution. After all, often the best seen can turn out to be bad within the framework of a common task.

For example, the engine shop, at its own discretion, produced 5% more engines than the task stipulated. But the bodies were produced exactly according to the instructions. Wheels and other equipment too. And where in this situation to put excess engines?

As already noted, there is a whole group of methods of administrative type. Within its framework, several types of administrative management methods can be distinguished:

    Organizational Methods. These include: regulatory; regulatory; instructing.

    Order methods. These are the ways operational management- orders, resolutions, orders, instructions.

3. disciplinary methods. These are various forms of punishment for improper performance: remarks, reprimands, warnings about misconduct, demotion, etc.

Economic methods of management - These are methods of control through material influence.

Material influence both on the whole organizations and on individual worker figuratively called "management of the ruble." There are three levels of application of economic methods of management: state, in-plant and personal. Let's take a look at these levels.

State level- these are economic ways of state influence on a separate enterprise (organization). The state, through its actions, can set certain financial and economic “rules of the game” both for an individual enterprise and for an entire industry or region. There are three most common tools of state influence on an enterprise: taxation, financing and government orders.

Taxation can be both regular and preferential. The latter consists in a reduced rate of taxes on a particular enterprise for a certain period. The state can completely exempt the enterprise from taxes: Adjustable tax rates are used by the state to stimulate or reduce the activity of the enterprise.

Often, temporary preferential taxation is used in relation to newly created enterprises. This gives them the opportunity to develop - "stand on their feet." Temporary exemption from taxes is very effective for attracting non-state investments to a country, region or industry, including foreign ones. The state creates "greenhouse conditions" in order to actively build up capacities in the "narrow" sections of its economy. Such a technique can significantly improve the investment attractiveness (investment climate) of a country, industry or region.

Financing from the state as a management tool can be implemented in two forms. The first is direct state (including gratuitous) subsidies to the enterprise. The second is preferential (at a reduced rate) bank loans to the enterprise. Usually state-owned banks act as such lenders. But they can also become commercial banks under the influence of the state.

The state order as a management tool is as follows. The state orders the company products in a certain volume and assortment. Thus, marketing and sales issues are resolved automatically. The state can afford to accept a high level of prices, to make an advance payment. As a rule, the state order is very beneficial for the enterprise. In fact, this is a form of state support for the latter.

The second level of application of economic methods of management - in-house. In fact, these are methods of economic management of the structural divisions of the enterprise - workshops, departments. The most popular model in the recent past in this context was the "economic calculation" model.

The cost accounting model established the boundaries of competence in the distribution of material resources between departments and the management of the enterprise as a whole. The guild had the right to keep a predetermined percentage at its disposal from the income and profit it received. The management and the staff of the workshop themselves made the decision - how to dispose of part of the earnings.

The cost accounting model also included other elements. The main ones are the following:

a) assigning resources to departments;

b) operational and economic independence of units;

c) leaving at the disposal of the divisions a part of the profits received;

d) economic sanctions for improper fulfillment of general plant obligations and tasks.

Attention should be paid to the last element of the cost accounting model. Cost accounting - not only "pluses" in the form of leaving part of the profits. These are the “minuses” in the form of sanctions in case of poor performance.

The third level of application of economic methods of management - personal. Its main tool is individual material incentives for staff. Ways of economic (financial) influence within the framework of incentives can be: salary increases, the establishment of allowances, bonuses, payments, benefits, etc. Fines, salary cuts, complete or partial deprivation of bonuses, etc. can be used as economic punishment.

Socio-psychological methods of management- these are ways of managing through social and psychological influence.

Social impact is aimed at the staff of the enterprise or its subdivisions. The psychological impact is individual. It is aimed at an individual employee on the basis of taking into account his psychological characteristics. Thus, socio-psychological methods have two levels of application - collective and individual.

Collective level- these are ways of managing the influence of an enterprise on its employees by providing them with certain social benefits. Types of social benefits can be:

a) Social infrastructure of the enterprise: kindergarten, clinic, dispensary, stadium, sports hall, recreation center, etc. Of course, for their employees, the prices in these social facilities are several times lower than in similar citywide ones;

b) Working conditions at the enterprise - modern premises, equipment, good lighting, low noise level, convenient tools, etc.;

c) Conditions for improving education and professional qualifications - the presence of training centers at the enterprise or the encouragement by the administration of distance learning in universities and technical schools;

d) Cooperation between the administration and trade unions in matters of upholding the interests of workers.

Thus, social benefits, being distributed through collective forms, reach individual workers. But there is also a direct impact on employees, bypassing the team. This is the psychological influence that we are approaching.

Individual level application of socio-psychological methods of management - these are ways of managerial influence of managers on the psychology of employees.

The use of psychological management methods implies a fairly deep knowledge on the part of managers of both general psychology and the inner world of each of their subordinates. Specific methods of influence that are effective in relation to one person may be completely inapplicable to another.

Individual approach to employees;

Psychological comfort of each employee;

Professional etiquette in relations between employees;

Psychological climate in the production team.

There can be many reasons for an employee to show his professional and human qualities as much as possible. Among the main ones is the psychological environment in which a person works. If it is emotionally constructive, high professional results can be expected from the employee. On the contrary, the atmosphere of oppression, dissatisfaction of employees will certainly have a negative impact on the results of work.

Commodity test, for students of humanitarian specialties studying the discipline "Commodity management", on the topic: "Basic concepts, objects and methods of commodity management." Correct answers are marked with a "+" symbol.

1. The subject of commodity management is.

  • +a) consumer value of goods;
  • -b) features and classifications of goods;
  • -c) the quantity and technology of production of goods;

2. The first stage in the development of commodity management is called.

  • -a) commodity-technological;
  • +b) product-descriptive;
  • -c) commodity-forming.

3. The product is.

  • +a) the product of a material activity created for sale;
  • -b) everything that is subject to mandatory certification;
  • +c) a means by which a particular need can be satisfied.

4. The object of commodity management is.

  • +a) goods;
  • -b) services;
  • -c) the life cycle of goods.

5. The product has properties.

  • +a) use value and value;
  • -b) anthropometric properties;
  • -c) economic properties.

6. Consumer cost is.

  • + a) the ability of a thing to satisfy any human need;
  • +b) material property, labor embodied in the commodity;
  • -c) commodity price basis.

7. The cost of goods is.

  • +a) embodied in a commodity social labor manufacturers;
  • -b) the ability of goods to meet social needs;
  • -c) a reflection of the ability of the goods to perform their essential functions.

8.Consumer value depending on the nature of consumption may be.

  • +a) individual and public;
  • -b) single and complex;
  • -c) generalized and complex;

9. Individual is called the use value of products of labor -

  • -a) produced for sale;
  • +b) produced for personal consumption;
  • -c) produced for profit;

10. The individual use value of the products of labor is formed.

  • + a) the natural properties of the products of labor;
  • +b) consumer properties of goods;
  • -c) quality indicators.

11. Goods have social use value -

  • -a) intended for mandatory certification;
  • +b) created to satisfy public consumers, for sale;
  • -c) released on new technologies.

12. Social use value can be.

  • + a) unified and collectively public;
  • -b) single and complex;
  • -c) singular and plural.

13. A single social use value is inherent.

  • -a) a unit of goods of a certain range;
  • -b) a unit of goods of a certain type, which is confirmed by mandatory certification;
  • + c) a unit of a certain type of product, it satisfies the needs of one person or family, is determined by the properties of this product and has a qualitative certainty.

14. The total social use value satisfies.

  • + a) the needs of a specific contingent of people or the whole society;
  • -b) the needs of a specific group of consumers;
  • -c) the needs of a particular person.

15. Goods have four fundamental characteristics.

  • + a) assortment, quality, quantity, cost;
  • -b) assortment, qualitative, quantitative, economic;
  • -c) assortment, quantitative, competitive, economic;

16. Commodity characteristics are called characteristics.

  • + a) assortment, qualitative, quantitative;
  • -b) assortment, quality, cost;
  • -c) assortment, quality, cost;

17. Products become a commodity -

  • -a) due to consumer properties;
  • -b) after the continuation of the certification procedure;
  • +c) after the acquisition of commodity characteristics;

18. It belongs to modern problems of commodity science.

  • +a) identification and falsification;
  • -b) identification and certification;
  • -c) identification and standardization.

19. "Eternal" problems of commodity management -

  • -a) identification and study of the general patterns of formation and manifestation of the use value of goods on present stage development of society;
  • +b) the study of new products and new consumer properties of already known products, taking into account the latest achievements in commodity science and related sciences;
  • -c) determination of the nomenclature of consumer properties and quality indicators of goods.

20. Commodity science is based on data.

  • -a) physics, philosophy, mathematics;
  • -b) physics, philosophy, history;
  • +c) physics, chemistry, biology.

21. The source of filling the market with goods are.

  • +a) domestic industrial and agricultural production,
  • import of goods;

    • +b) import of goods from Turkey, China;
    • -c) import of goods, updating the range of goods.

    22. Given the current situation in the Russian consumer market, they are becoming important.

    • + a) rational management of the assortment, commodity flows, ensuring the quality of goods and quantity at different stages of commodity circulation;
    • -b) determination of the nomenclature of consumer properties and quality indicators of goods;
    • -c) mandatory certification of goods.

    23. Assortment characteristic of goods is.

    • + a) a set of distinctive specific properties and characteristics of goods that determine their functional and / or social purpose;

    24. The qualitative characteristics of goods is.

    • +b) a set of intraspecific consumer properties that have the ability to satisfy a variety of needs;
    • -c) a set of certain intraspecific properties expressed in terms of physical quantities and units of their measurement.

    25. The quantitative characteristic of goods is.

    • -a) a set of distinctive specific properties and characteristics of goods that determine their functional and / or social purpose;
    • -b) a set of intraspecific consumer properties that have the ability to satisfy a variety of needs;
    • + c) a set of certain intraspecific properties expressed in terms of physical quantities and units of their measurement.

    26. The value of goods is the subject of study.

    • -a) merchandising;
    • +b) economics;
    • -c) commerce.

    27. Exchange value characterizes.

    • + a) a commodity in terms of its exchange as things for other things in appropriate definite proportions.
    • -b) the usefulness of the product, its ability to satisfy certain human needs
    • -c) the cost of raw materials, means of production.

There is only one way to do nothing and many ways to do something.

Ambrod Bierce (writer, USA)

The essence of management methods, their characteristics

Management϶ᴛᴏ creativity based on the application of methods.

Management method- a method associated with the specifics of the impact on the controlled object to achieve the goal.
It is worth noting that the features of the ϶ᴛᴏth impact distinguish management methods from each other (Table 4.1)

We note the fact that in modern conditions there is a transition from predominantly administrative-legal to economic methods of management.

All management methods are aimed at the social need of a person - recognition, respect, self-affirmation.

The highest need will be cognitive - self-expression, ϲʙᴏboda, personal development.

When choosing a management method, it is extremely important to consider:

  • the speed of achieving the goal;
  • the probability of achieving the goal;
  • relationships of subordination;
  • the personality of the controlled;
  • manager's identity;
  • economic independence;
  • team climate.

Table 4.1

a set of management methods and techniques based on the use of economic laws, interests and a system of interrelated economic indicators, norms and standards.

Economic methods are in keeping with the socio-economic nature of the enterprise and will be a means of developing production and exchange on a market basis.

The priority of economic methods in market conditions is explained by the fact that management relations are determined primarily by economic relations and ultimately lead to the management of interests through interests and through interests.

A distinctive feature of the current stage of development of economic methods of management is their focus on encouraging the activities of the enterprise, depending on its efficiency, saving resources (Table 4.2)

Table 4.2

The economic standards for the functioning of an enterprise include:

  • share of competitive products in specific markets;
  • profitability rates for specific types of products;
  • turnover of working capital;
  • labor productivity;
  • return on investment;
  • capital-labor ratio;
  • proportion of key workers in total strength working firms;
  • the level of automation of production and management, etc.

These standards should be developed based on the results marketing research, analysis and forecasting of the most important indicators of quality and resource intensity of the products of the enterprise and competitors, the organizational and technical level of production. Economic standards are included in the business plan and fall into the functional subsystem of the management system.

Below are some economic management methods used in the enterprise.

Commercial calculation

Commercial calculation synthesizes both management functions and economic levers, tools, and is aimed at comparing costs and results, ensuring the profitability of production.

Commercial calculation is associated with the goals of the enterprise in the field of:

  • distribution of investments;
  • location of production;
  • technology development;
  • personnel policy;
  • ensuring profitability and sales;
  • financing and lending;
  • capital structures, etc.

As part of the commercial calculation, due to the provision of operational independence to individual divisions, an intra-company calculation has arisen and is developing - a system of relationships within the enterprise (Table 4.3)

Table 4.3

Economic relations between individual divisions are built on the basis of transfer prices, which reflect the transfer of the product within the boundaries of the enterprise's ownership. In this case, the product will be a commodity only in form, without being one in essence. It must be remembered that such prices are set within the framework of the pricing policy pursued by management. Relationships within the framework of intracompany calculation are based on minimizing costs at all intermediate stages of the production of the final product. Legal relations between departments determine responsibility for the quality and quantity of products, delivery time.

Unlike economic calculation, which is aimed at fulfilling the plan, even if it was achieved at no less cost, commercial calculation implies the obligatory receipt of profit and a level of profitability sufficient to continue managing. Material published on http: // site
Otherwise, the enterprise goes bankrupt and is subject to liquidation as inefficient.

Pricing and Pricing

The central place among the levers of the economic mechanism of the enterprise belongs to prices and pricing.

We note the fact that in modern conditions the most common pricing method is based on the principle of "full costs", which involves setting the price level taking into account production costs plus the target rate of return.

Feature of the method: the value of costs is calculated not for the actual volume of production in a given period, but for a given volume of production, calculated at a standard or average load level production capacity(70 - 80%), taking into account the necessary renewal of products and the possibility of new competitors appearing in the industry. So the company takes into account fluctuations in market demand.

It is necessary to know the price structure, which will make it possible to judge the real economic results of the enterprise as a whole and its individual divisions, the competitiveness of products and the stability of the profits.


Do not forget that the most important instrument of financial policy is to provide all departments with the necessary financial resources.

The formation of financial resources occurs due to:

  • own and equivalent funds (profit, depreciation, proceeds from the sale of retired property);
  • mobilization in the financial market of funds (sale valuable papers, credit investments);
  • funds received in the order of redistribution (insurance compensation, dividends and interest on securities of other issuers, budget subsidies, etc.)


With the reform of the banking system, the development of a network of commercial banks, the redistribution of credit resources through the credit market plays an increasing role, in connection with which credit redistribution is increasingly decentralized.

With the development of the stock market, the role of credit as a source of increase own funds enterprises is expanding: the formation of income is carried out, among other sources, at the expense of interest on deposits, income from shares, bonds and other securities.

Credit contributes to the improvement of the consumer market.

Tax system

Russian enterprises pay different types taxes, some of them at the expense of gross income, others - directly from profits.

There is a sequence of payments established by law: first, indirect taxes (property tax, excises) are paid from income; then - all property taxes (on the property of an enterprise, land, transport, etc.) and duties and, finally, other taxes, the main one among which will be income tax.


Insurance covers the sphere of redistributive relations.

Insurance functions:

  • risky;
  • warning;
  • savings;
  • control.

Types of insurance differ depending on the object of insurance (Table 4.4)

Table 4.4


Marketing is a tool aimed at studying and taking into account the demand and requirements of the market for a more reasonable orientation of the production activities of enterprises towards the production of competitive products in predetermined volumes that meet certain technical and economic characteristics. Thus, marketing is a tool for regulating production and marketing, and hence market relations. The meaning of the action of the ϶ᴛᴏth mechanism: the consumer dictates the conditions on the market, the requirements for a particular product in terms of quantity and quality, and the manufacturer adapts to them, but not passively, but actively, by forming, in turn, certain needs.

Administrative and legal methods of management

Administrative and legal methods of managementa set of means of legal (legal and administrative) influence on people's relations in the production process.

In the conditions of market relations, these methods play an auxiliary role.

Administrative and legal methods are based on the following systems:

  • system of legislative acts of the country and region - federal (state) laws, decrees, resolutions, state standards, regulations, instructions, methods and other documents approved federal authorities for mandatory use throughout the country. The global goal of the ϶ᴛᴏ system is to improve the quality of life of the population;
  • a system of regulatory, directive and methodological documents of the enterprise and a higher organization that are mandatory for use. They include: standards, methods, regulations, instructions and similar documents of long-term use, as well as orders, instructions, instructions approved by the management of the enterprise (higher organization) and valid only at the enterprise. Mandatory attributes of normative and directive documents - the purpose of the document, the basis for development, the place of this purpose, references to scientific approaches and principles that must be observed when goal solving, consumer of information, norms and rules for their use, possible circle of performers, requirements for the quality of work, saving resources, sanctions, sources of information;
  • a system of plans, programs, tasks, since their failure can disrupt the stability of the work of the entire team;
  • operational management system (authority) This system includes:
  • orders: the head, orally or in writing, indicates to the subordinate what he should (should not) do under certain conditions;
  • promotion: a way of exercising power, when the emphasis is shifted from direct indications to initiatives, in which the leader is active. Orders and punishments can only be used as a last resort;
  • delegation of authority: the employee is entrusted with the independent solution of the problem and is assigned functional responsibility. The manager retains responsibility for general management, which cannot be delegated;
  • participation in management: the manager involves employees in solving current issues, giving them all the necessary powers and assigning responsibility to them. It is advisable to use where people are able and willing to work independently.

Administrative and legal methods of management are:

  • organizational impact (regulation and regulation);
  • administrative influence;
  • organizational and administrative influence.

The general scheme for the implementation of administrative and legal methods of management is shown in fig. 4.2.

Figure No. 4.2

Administrative impact determined by the amount of authority with which the leader is vested. The transfer of part of the authority to subordinates is a way to strengthen the power of the manager (Fig. 4.3)

Figure No. 4.3. Effective delegation of authority

Figure No. 4.4. Characteristics of organizational impact

Goals of administrative influence:

  • regulation of the boundaries of the activities of employees subordinate to the head;
  • setting tasks for performers;
  • control over the execution of tasks.

The effectiveness of organizational impact depends on the clarity of the drafting job descriptions, the correctness of the established norms and standards (Fig. 4.4)

Effectiveness administrative influence depends on the degree of completeness and ϲʙᴏ timeliness of information about the control object (Fig. 4.5)

Figure No. 4.5. Characteristics of the administrative impact

Figure No. 4.6. Characteristics of organizational and administrative impact

Organizational and distributional influence plays a special role (Fig. 4.6)

Thus, administrative and legal methods directly affect the scope of management, determining its immediate tasks and deadlines, giving an unambiguous solution to situations, taking the form of instructions and orders that are mandatory for implementation.

Socio-psychological methods of management

The success of any business is determined by how actively and consciously people participate in it. That is why socio-psychological methods of management aimed at managing socio-psychological processes in the team to achieve the set goal, while maintaining the health of employees and a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, compliance with the law and the requirements of regulations (Tab. 4.5)

The use of socio-psychological methods of management is based on social relations that arise in the production process and affect the final result of the enterprise.

It is known from sociological research that production teams successfully solve problems if there is a favorable "social climate" between team members, between leaders and the team.

The experience of foreign countries shows that partnership relations are more effective than relations based on administrative coercion. Wealth inequality can be anything, but at work, all employees must feel like partners.

The growth of social contradictions becomes an obstacle to the growth of labor productivity and living standards.

Sociological management methods are diverse (Fig. 4.7)

Mandatory conditions for creating a favorable social climate will be voluntariness, equality, responsibility, self-restraint and mutual concessions both between managers and the team, and within the work team.

Table 4.5

Figure No. 4.7. Sociological methods of management

Sources of sociological information:

  • statistical documentation;
  • statistical reference books;
  • collective discussion of problems;
  • observation;
  • questioning;
  • interview.

Management relations act as psychological relationships between people. Management of psychological processes involves taking into account the psychology of the team, manager, management, relationships between people.

Studies show that the result of production is largely predetermined by the selection of personnel, the impact on the psyche of the employee in order to increase labor productivity, the formation of a "new" employee.

Psychological management methods are presented in fig. 4.8.

Figure No. 4.8. Psychological methods of management

Socio-psychological methods are aimed at solving the following problems:

  • increasing the production and creative activity of the members of the labor collective;
  • formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate;
  • effective use of various forms of moral encouragement;
  • impact on the group self-consciousness of the collective.

Situations for discussion

1. It is necessary to develop measures to stabilize personnel at the enterprise. What management methods to use? Define activities.

2. An experiment was set up at one enterprise. A month later, the results were as follows: the machine was always in order, the worker began to help friends in the team, his shift output increased by 15%. Describe the essence of the experiment. What measures can be taken to achieve the described result?

3. When addressing the issues of professional development of personnel, is it advisable to train them abroad? Is it necessary to invite managers from abroad to work at Russian enterprises?

IN 1. Characteristics of the discipline

The methodological basis of product management is the quality management system— a management system for directing and controlling an organization with regard to quality.

The purpose of studying commodity management: the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, practical skills in the field of product management, experience in their use in professional activities, as well as the formation of the necessary competencies for undergraduate students.

The objectives of the study of commodity management:

  • mastering the basic concepts in the field of quality management;
  • study of goals, objectives, principles of quality management;
  • consideration of means, methods of quality management, including risk management and quality management in the sectors of the economy;
  • mastering the processes of forming and ensuring the quality of products and services in trade on various stages them life cycle;
  • study of the procedure for the development and certification of management systems in trade organizations.

Product management object- quality management systems for consumer goods and their distribution processes. In this regard, commodity management and commodity science operate with the same object.

Deviations of the fundamental characteristics of the goods (qualitative, assortment, quantitative and cost) from the specified (in regulations, standards, contracts) requirements create problematic situation. Analysis of the problem situation and the search for a way out of it can be carried out by methods of merchandising and quality management methods.

The subject of commodity management- management of the fundamental characteristics of the product at all stages of product distribution by means and methods of management as a condition for achieving customer satisfaction.

Subsection B.2 discusses the classical scheme management decision Problems.

Intersubject communications of commodity management with other educational disciplines. By previous links, commodity management is connected with a number of natural science and mathematical disciplines, as well as with general professional disciplines, such as "Standardization, metrology and conformity assessment", " Theoretical basis Commodity science". Knowledge of these disciplines is necessary for understanding and evaluating the fundamental characteristics of the product. The following disciplines include "Commodity management of homogeneous groups of goods".

IN 2. The concept and nature of management decision

Management decision is the result of analysis, forecasting, optimization, business case and selecting an alternative from a variety of options to achieve a particular management system goal. The impulse of a managerial decision is the need to reduce the severity or completely remove the problem, i.e. approximation in the future of the actual parameters of the object to the desired, predictive ones.

Decision-making, as well as the exchange of information, - component any managerial function. From the position of system analysis, the management process is, in essence, the process of solving the problems of the organization that arise as it functions.

Any control includes three successive stages.

  • 1. Determination of the state of the managed object (problem identification).
  • 2. Development and decision making.
  • 3. Implementation of the solution.

The development, adoption and implementation of decisions are a concentrated expression of the very essence of management.

As noted above, in relation to the problems of commodity science, the impetus for a managerial decision is the real or predicted discrepancies between the fundamental characteristics of the product and the established requirements.

On fig. B1 shows the mechanism for managing product quality based on the above triad of actions.

Rice. IN 1.

The "Quality Plan" block provides information on the established requirements. The carriers of the "quality plan" are technical regulations, national standards, specifications for specific products, standards of organizations and other regulatory and technological documents.

The "Information on the actual quality" block provides information on the results of product quality control during quality acceptance (tests, visual inspection).

Comparison of actual and planned quality ("Comparison" block) allows you to identify the problem, i.e. determine the nature of the deviation (defects appearance, discrepancy between the actual value of the indicator and the regulated value, etc.). These are the results of the first stage.

In the block "Development and implementation of measures to maintain quality" the reasons for the non-compliance are established. Development and decision-making are carried out by employees of various services of the manufacturer or seller.

Solution Implementation - this is a targeted impact on the factors and conditions that affect the quality. At the production stage, this is the impact on the factors that form quality (raw materials, technology, design, recipe) or quality conditions (for example, the parameters of the production base, staff qualifications). At the stage of circulation, this is the impact on factors that contribute to the preservation of quality (packaging, transportation, storage), and quality conditions (for example, the state of a trading warehouse, the qualifications of a trade worker).

  • Here and below, the designation of the literary source is given in square brackets. The list of sources is given in the "Literature" section.