International volunteering. Volunteering

Volunteering as an idea of ​​serving the community is as old a concept as “society”. In all ages who realized themselves in communication and helping their community. What do volunteers do today - we will consider in this article.

What is volunteering?

Volunteering is an activity that is aimed at providing gratuitous services to a person or group of people who are not relatives of a volunteer, without the expectation of a monetary reward. This formulation most accurately defines the meaning volunteering.

Unfortunately, at the moment there is no legal definition of the term “volunteer”. And very often this word is used in the most different situations. For example, volunteers are people who participate in government projects and receive monetary rewards for this. Many argue that it is not voluntary, but has the form of ordinary wage labor. According to the above wording, volunteers can be called workers who work in well-known enterprises without pay for the sake of gaining experience. However, such people are not considered volunteers.

Volunteering in Russia

AT Russian Federation originated in the late 1980s. Historians argue that the volunteer movement has always existed, it simply did not have an official name.

In Russia, volunteering is controlled by the highest authorities and regulated legislative acts. Yes, in 1995 The State Duma adopted a law on volunteering, which is called "On public associations". It defines the rights and opportunities of voluntary groups. In the same year, the law "On charitable activities and charities”, which also regulates the activities of volunteers.

On the this moment Russian government provides volunteers state support. Thus, tax and other benefits are provided for voluntary organizations.

Now volunteering is very popular and even fashionable. Volunteer organizations existing in Russia are mainly focused on young people who are not busy with family responsibilities and are permanent. Volunteer groups are most often organized at universities. Thus, volunteers of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to put into practice the acquired knowledge.

Problems of volunteering in Russia

AT recent times Volunteer activity in the Russian Federation is gaining new momentum. But, despite the positive trends, there are problems that hinder the development of volunteering. Thus, the current economic situation of the country makes it difficult to use unpaid labor. Even in Soviet times, volunteering had a voluntary-compulsory form. Participation in public works was mandatory for everyone. This approach violated the principle of voluntariness. For this reason, the majority of Russians have a negative attitude towards such activities and are in no hurry to sign up for volunteers in the Russian Federation.

Today it rests on young initiative people, in whose minds thoughts about support and assistance to those in need appear.

Areas of volunteer activity

Volunteers play an important role in the life of society. AT modern world There are many problems that cannot be solved without the help of volunteers. So, volunteering can be manifested in such main areas as:

  • AIDS prevention;
  • nature conservation and cleanliness environment;
  • prevention and control of smoking, alcohol and drug addiction;
  • assistance to the elderly, the disabled, orphans, the poor, migrants, refugees, the homeless and other people who need material and moral support;
  • improvement of streets, houses, green areas;
  • assistance to animals, maintenance of nature reserves and zoos;
  • conducting educational conversations with young people in order to prevent free sexual relations and teenage prostitution;
  • Internet volunteering, of which Wikipedia is an example;
  • assistance in organizing charity concerts and various festivals;
  • assistance to law enforcement agencies, doctors, rescuers; for example, conducting a survey of the population or searching for a person who got lost in an unfamiliar area;
  • technical support.

Principles of volunteering

Any volunteer activity is based on ideology. Various promotions, programs and all kinds of events are often accompanied by entourage. Usually volunteers wear clothes, hats with the symbols of a volunteer organization. You can also recognize a volunteer by badges. Such an ideology and adherence to principles makes the members of the organization feel their importance. Thus, volunteers must adhere to the following principles:

  1. Always respect the rights, dignity, national and cultural characteristics of other people.
  2. Propaganda healthy lifestyle life. Volunteers do not smoke or drink alcohol.
  3. Always show kindness. Do not use words and expressions that can offend or harm another person.
  4. Volunteering is a legitimate way to participate in society.
  5. A volunteer always has the right to choose.

Types of volunteering

There is a classification according to which the following types volunteer activities:

  1. In the direction of sports, virtual, environmental, construction, agricultural, concert, cultural, educational, office volunteering.
  2. At the location of the participant of the voluntary organization: city, non-resident and international volunteers.
  3. By types of services rendered and work performed: escort, transportation, communication with the blind and deaf and dumb, care for bedridden patients, meeting at the station or at the airport, servicing spectators, telephone duty.
  4. By event name: festival, Olympic and Paralympic volunteers.
  5. By the number of people involved: individual, joint or group volunteering.
  6. According to the volunteer's affiliation to the organization: school, church, corporate, university, organizing committee volunteers.
  7. Depending on the type of financing: self-sustaining and subsidized.

Forms of volunteering

There are the following forms of volunteering:

  1. Individual volunteer activity.
  2. Volunteering as part of a group of volunteers.
  3. Volunteering through a volunteer organization.

Why do people become volunteers?

People volunteer for different reasons. The main ones are:

  1. A noble idea - it reflects the principles and importance of the activity.
  2. Psychological need - many people want to do something useful for society. While participating in volunteer programs, they gain self-esteem and job satisfaction.
  3. The need for communication - for this reason, very often people look for work in voluntary organizations.
  4. Search for new opportunities and interests - volunteering is often associated with non-standard approaches and new areas of activity.
  5. Opportunity to earn - a lot of volunteers for the sake of financial enrichment. Although volunteering is considered gratuitous, the volunteer still receives something, whether it be moral pleasure or financial reward if required by the organization.
  6. Self-realization is an opportunity to improve your career. As a volunteer, you can make new connections and gain respect in the community. Also, during volunteering, you can develop new
  7. The desire to share own experience- people who survived financial crisis, alcoholism, drug addiction, can predict and help prevent situations that happened to them.
  8. Access to resources - as a rule, volunteers have the opportunity to travel a lot, use the Internet, books, etc.

Abroad is a great way to see the world, change the scenery and make a difference. They also have one more indisputable plus - participation in many of them does not require money.

What do volunteer programs give, and what are they?

There are a huge number of such programs in the world - from multifunctional ones, like the Peace Corps, to small one-time projects somewhere in Nepal or Peru. Anyone can become a volunteer abroad - there is always a program suitable for any combination of age / knowledge / preferences. According to their directions/characteristics, they can be divided into the following:

  1. Programs for participation in which you do not need to pay.
  2. Those for which you need to pay (we are not talking about the services of intermediary agencies, but directly about the programs themselves).
  3. abroad, in which the participant covers the cost of flights, meals, accommodation (all of the above or just something) at his own expense.
  4. Those where most of the costs are covered by the organization or host.

All this can be combined in various variations, in addition, volunteer programs abroad work in various fields and directions. Among them are educational projects, work in reserves, medical care, business and construction, and so on. Among the most famous are Au Pair, Work & Study in USA, Peace Corps and EVS volunteer programs.

Work & Study USA and Au Pair

A fairly large number of organizations are aimed at working with young people - Work & Study USA and Au Pair are among them. The latter allows you to spend from a few months to one or two years in another country, learning its language, living with a local family and helping with housework and children.

The program assumes that the participant receives free accommodation and meals, some pocket money, while he does not do any hard work and has a lot of free time, including days off weekly. Participation in the program is paid, or rather, you will have to pay for the services of the agency, in addition, you must pay for a visa and travel expenses to the country of destination and back.

Work & Study USA - summer program for students of universities and secondary special educational institutions, which allows you to travel to the US during the summer holidays for work and travel.

There are other programs with a similar name that exploit the idea of ​​work and study, such as Work & Study Canada or Work & Study Australia. Here, as in the case of an Au Pair, you need to pay for the program and travel expenses with a visa.


Volunteer programs and internships abroad are offered by AIESEC, an international youth organization that exists in many countries. It declares its goal to reveal the leadership and professional potential of young people.

AIESEC is fully administrated and run by students and alumni, and offers not only work experience in the organization itself, but also international internships in several areas and volunteer social programs around the world.

Work in various positions in AIESEC itself is not paid with money, however, the worker himself does not have to pay anything. But members of the organization have access to high-class trainings and training seminars for a purely nominal fee. Participation in AIESEC internships or volunteer projects also costs very little, especially compared to previous programs, however, the participant will have to pay for the visa and travel expenses themselves.

Peace Corps and EVS

The Peace Corps is an American organization that conducts volunteer programs abroad in many countries and corners of the world. Peace Corps is looking for the right person for correct operation, that is, almost any adult person has a chance to take part. However, 90% of positions in this organization require some kind of education or special knowledge.

Getting into the Peace Corps is not so easy, but for most jobs they promise funding at a level that roughly corresponds to the standard of living of the locals.

You can become a volunteer abroad with the help of EVS (European Volunteer Service) - part of the European Commission's Youth in Action project. They offer a wide variety of jobs and positions for periods ranging from two months to two years, and fund accommodation, meals, health insurance, and a member's visa. In addition, EVS covers 90% of travel expenses.

Lesser known and unofficial

Free volunteer programs abroad are not limited to this - there are also various projects, which are not widely known (for example, from the organization Lanta Animal Welfare, which takes care of dogs and cats in Thailand) and not even very official (like the assistant position in a small yoga center). Many opportunities for volunteering for every taste can be found on specialized sites.

We have prepared for you a list of volunteer programs around the world.
You can contact project organizers and help an important and necessary cause.

Volunteering programs in Russia

Location: Russia, Lake Baikal

The main goal of the GBT is the construction of ecological trails in the Baikal region. What is realized through the implementation of various projects.

The organization "Great Baikal Trail" (GBT) actively develops ecotourism, including its special type - "volunteer vacations".

During the creation of the project, residents of more than 30 countries of the world became its participants, more than 500 km of trails were reconstructed and built.

The average project duration is 14 days.

Participation in the project: Volunteers buy tickets on their own and come to the gathering place, pay the registration fee. The organizers provide all the necessary equipment (tents, awnings, tools, gloves, campfire equipment, first aid kit, repellents, etc.), prepare foremen and translators, and purchase food.

Ecomarathon "360 minutes"

Location: Lake Baikal, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Khakassia, Primorsky Territory

En+ Group's All-Russian Volunteer Ecological Marathon 360 Minutes grew out of the 360 ​​Minutes for Baikal campaign. In 2015, it turned into a full-fledged environmental marathon, which, in addition to garbage collection, also includes the improvement of the tourist environment, scientific and educational lectures, excursions, competitions, and the organization of information and educational programs.
Since 2016, the eco-marathon project has significantly expanded its scope and geography: volunteer events are held not only on the coast of Lake Baikal, but also in specially protected areas: in the Sikhote-Alin Reserve (Primorsky Territory), the Stolby Reserve (Krasnoyarsk Territory), the Khakassky » (Republic of Khakassia) and other protected areas.

Inventory (gloves, bags, shovels, etc.) and garbage disposal to an authorized landfill is provided by the organizer.

Expenses: round trip and 360 minutes of your time.

Location: Moscow region, Ruza district, village. Sumarokovo

The Garrison Association invites volunteers to take part in the creation of the Forpost Living History Park, a reconstruction of a medieval settlement from the second half of the 12th to the middle of the 13th century.

In the future, it is planned to hold events in the format of "living history" and experimental archeology (maneuvers, historical festivals, role-playing games and forums) without the usual red tape associated with the peculiarities of registering and coordinating such events.

Every weekend we come to the site and build, and build, and build)
People who are interested in getting acquainted with the technologies of building construction, housekeeping and agriculture in the Middle Ages are invited.

We fully provide the road from Moscow to the landfill and back, as well as three meals a day. Overnight in civilized houses, it is advisable to have sleeping bags with you. A bonus to the trip is the exchange of experience, good mood, evening gatherings by the fire and sincere conversations over a cup of coffee / tea / cocoa.

Discover wonderful world Middle Ages!

Expenses: travel to Moscow and back.


Location: Republic of Altai, Altai Reserve

The reserve does not have permanent volunteer projects, but they can always arise. In addition, in addition to physical assistance on the territory of the reserve, volunteer intellectual assistance is always needed (translations of texts into other foreign languages, graphic design, designing booklets, brochures and other electronic publications, maintaining the website and official pages of the reserve in social networks).

April - October
Baikal Nature Reserve: Baikalskaya bird ringing station

Location: Russia, Lake Baikal, Baikal Reserve

The Baikalskaya bird ringing station invites volunteers who study birds or are interested in them, as well as enthusiasts who want to help preserve the nature of the Baikal region.

People with ringing experience are engaged in birds - they take them out of the nets, ring them, measure them. Volunteers who have not worked with birds before are equipping the hospital, making the necessary furniture, painting, installing and repairing cobwebs and canvases of the fishing trap.

The length of stay of volunteers at the station varies, but there are minimum terms: for people with ringing experience - 2 weeks, for people who have not previously worked with birds - 1 month.

Expenses: travel there and back and meals at your own expense, accommodation is free.

Summer (June-July)

The Arctic Floating University is an innovative educational project, during which young scientists - researchers of the Arctic gain knowledge and skills in the real conditions of the northern seas. For the duration of the project, the research vessel of the Northern Roshydromet "Professor Molchanov" becomes a floating university - a ship that combines a unique laboratory for scientific research and a practical base for the training of research specialists. The expedition team has at its disposal three laboratories, equipment necessary for meteorological and oceanographic measurements, and, if necessary, it is possible to place additional equipment and mobile laboratories.

Students, graduate students, research workers of Russian and foreign scientific, scientific and educational institutions are invited to participate in the expedition.

Location: Crimea, Kerch Peninsula

The Archeology Foundation and the leadership of the East Bosporus Archaeological Expedition regularly recruit volunteers to participate in excavations. In the process of working with volunteers, there are experienced archaeologist instructors who not only answer all questions, but also teach the primary methods of archaeological excavations.
The program includes: lectures on archeology and the history of ancient monuments of the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory, sports grounds, a field cinema, beach holidays.

Minimum duration of participation: 1 week.

Expenses: travel there and back, contribution for household needs.

Volunteering in the “Reserved Baikal Region”

Location: Pribaikalsky National Park

Becoming a volunteer in a specially protected natural area is a great opportunity to combine the pleasant and interesting with the useful. In the "Reserved Baikal region" volunteers traditionally participate in the improvement of trails, the creation and repair of infrastructure for educational tourism, garbage collection, observe nature under the guidance of scientists, and even work with tourists - they conduct sociological research, tell visitors to protected areas about nature conservation and do a lot other important matters, contributing to the preservation of the unique natural heritage of the region.

In return, volunteers get the opportunity to get acquainted with the beautiful Baikal nature - the richest flora and fauna, admire the picturesque landscapes of the Baikal region, learn a lot about nature conservation and the work of specially protected natural areas and take with them valuable experience, a lot of vivid impressions, new knowledge and acquaintances.

Expenses: food and travel to Irkutsk and back.

Location: Republic of Altai, Shebalinsky district, with. Kamlak

Three groups of 10 people will be recruited: the first from June 17 to 26, the second from July 15 to 24 and the third from August 5 to 14, 2019. Age of volunteers from 23 years. In the botanical garden there are expositions with plants from the Altai Mountains, Europe, the Far East and North America. Works for 6 hours a day include weeding exhibits and collecting medicinal herbs. Saturday and Sunday are free days. Accommodation and meals are free.

Expenses: registration fee 1300 rubles, round trip travel. Details by e-mail: [email protected] and tel. 8-962-790-45-75 (researcher Maksim Borisovich Yamtyrov).

Location: Daursky Nature Reserve, Trans-Baikal Territory

Volunteers are invited to arrange the courtyard of the central estate of the reserve, install information boards on the territory and for other work. Accommodation at the cordon and in the hotel, excursions for assistants.

Expenses: travel there and back, food at your own expense.

Camps of the environmental education center “Zapovedniki”
Center website

Conditions for participation in volunteer programs in Russia: at least 18 years of age, motivation to “live and work in a team”, basic English. Accommodation, food, excursions are provided.

The Center works in constant close contact with many green areas of our country, which allows it to find interesting and important work for volunteers. Protected natural areas need the disinterested practical help of volunteers - after all, they perform the necessary work, for which employees often do not have enough strength, money, or time. During the years of work of the volunteer center, volunteer camps were organized in many natural areas in the Altai, the Urals, the Caucasus, Karelia, Siberia, Central Russia and other places. Very often, the entrance to these territories is closed to visitors, only volunteers are allowed to visit places untouched by civilization in order to help preserve the living heritage of our land with a good deed.

Expenses: Round-trip travel at participants' expense.

May - September
Volunteer camps of the Kenozero National Park
Location: Kenozero National Park, Arkhangelsk Region

Volunteer camp is not only a significant assistance to the protected area, but also an opportunity to get acquainted with interesting people, improve your foreign language, learn something new, see the unique natural and cultural heritage Russian North!

Accommodation, meals, excursion program for volunteers - at the expense of the Park.

Expenses: Volunteers pay their own fare to the railway station Plesetskaya (Plesetsky sector of the Park) or Nyandoma (Kargopol sector of the Park) and back.

Location: Kronotsky Nature Reserve, Kamchatka

Volunteers in the Kronotsky Reserve are involved in all areas of activity: security, scientific and environmental education. They help reserve researchers collect field materials, participate in repair and construction work at the cordons of the reserve and the South Kamchatka Federal Reserve, implement design projects, perform professional photo and video shooting in the protected area, and much more.

Duration of assistance: at least a month.

Expenses: round-trip flight to Kamchatka, food to go.

April – October 2019

Location: Nizhne-Svirsky State nature reserve, Leningrad region

Volunteer work: assistance to employees in the work of observing, trapping and ringing birds (ringing is directly carried out only by station employees), as well as various kinds of economic activity aimed at maintaining the stable functioning of the station (sewing bird traps, repairing traps and outbuildings, etc.).

Requirements: age from 18 years old, vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis.
Accommodation in houses with stove heating. Minimum term: at least 10 days.

Expenses: travel to the village of Kovkenitsy and back, 250 rubles. a day for food.

Location: Wrangel Island Nature Reserve, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug

It is almost impossible to get to Wrangel Island on your own, so this is a great opportunity to see the UNESCO World Heritage Site with your own eyes, as well as help preserve it for posterity. Volunteers are invited for a period of at least 2 months.

We need help in cleaning the territory, repairing hospitals and cordons, observing animals. You need to have food, overalls and a sleeping bag with you.

Expenses: travel there and back, food.

Volunteering in the Polistovsky Reserve

Location: Pskov region, pos. refugees

Volunteers are required for the spring/summer season. A range of useful activities: assistance to the staff of the reserve in conducting geobotanical descriptions and monitoring, conducting excursions for tourists, repairing ecopaths and garbage collection.

Accommodation - at the expense of the reserve, cooking yourself. During their stay, volunteers can visit the reserve’s excursions and author’s excursions of local residents for free, take part in master classes in traditional crafts, get acquainted with the amazing nature of raised bogs and the history of the Polistovsky region.

Expenses: travel back and forth, food.

Volunteer environmental education camp "Prosvet"
(cancelled in 2019)

Every year there is a new place, new jobs and volunteer friends who have already become family and friends.

In the first half of the day, volunteer work awaits the participants, and in the second - master classes, seminars, lectures, trainings, excursions and much more.

Participants can be adults, organized groups, including those with children (9+).

Expenses: registration fee, travel there and back at your own expense.

Volunteering in the Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve

Location: Moscow region, Serpukhov district, Danki township

Volunteers help clean up the territory, clear the pens of the bison nursery, plant young trees, and participate in accounting work.

Here you can not only find new friends and spend time in the fresh air, but also get acquainted with the unique places of the reserve that are not included in the excursion program.

Volunteer days are held in the reserve several times a month. For volunteers, a bus is provided from the railway station of Serpukhov to the reserve and back, and lunch in the fresh air.

Volunteering in the Russian Arctic National Park

Location: Russian Arctic National Park, Novaya Zemlya archipelago

Volunteer work here is not only a significant help to the protected area, but also an opportunity to meet interesting people, test yourself in the most severe climatic conditions, learn something new, and also see the unique natural and cultural heritage of the Russian Arctic.

Work for volunteers of the "Russian Arctic": repair, maintenance and construction work, liquidation environmental damage, organization of ecological trails, professional photo and video shooting in the protected area and much more.

Questionnaires are accepted all year round. Project duration: usually three summer months.

Expenses: transfer to Arkhangelsk/Murmansk. Delivery to the territory, accommodation and meals at the expense of the national park.

Volunteer on Valaam

The Volunteer to Valaam program is a three-week summer-autumn camp in which Russian and foreign volunteers participate.

The united forces of the volunteer movement are restoring Agriculture Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Monastery. All over 18s are welcome, bad habits and addictions healthy enough to do rural work.

Expenses: travel there and back.

May - October
Creative farm “Heavenly beavers” near Tarusa

Location: Kaluga region, Tarussky district.

You can take part in creating an eco-farm and creative space. Volunteers will be required to work 5-6 hours a day (Sunday is a day off): in the garden, at construction sites, collecting herbs for tea, preparing firewood, etc.

Accommodation in a guest house and tents in the forest on the banks of the river. Meals 3 times a day without fish and meat.

In addition to work, various joint activities - contact improvisation, massage, sauna, film screenings and much more. Here you can do everything that is interesting and that you have always wanted to try - whether it is a garden bed, a home-made table, a clay oven, an art installation or a short film about a dance in nature ...

Expenses: round trip.

Working with children in Valdai at a summer camp

Charity social organization The “Center for Curative Pedagogy” organizes and conducts a summer tent camp where children with autism are taught to communicate. Children combine outdoor recreation with developing activities and games with peers.

Volunteer assistance: work as counselors accompanying children, on duty and other very necessary and important things.

Project duration: from several days to several months.

August 2019
Summer volunteer camp "Baikal Coastal Service"

Location: Irkutsk region, Republic of Buryatia

"Baikal Coastal Service"(BBS) is an environmental, patrol and educational service operating on the coast of Lake Baikal during the active tourist season.

On the basis of the BBS, work is being carried out to improve the territory; a variety of cleansing, promotional and educational and research activities aimed at the long-term preservation of beauty and purity, as well as the prevention of violations in the field of nature management on the shores of the great lake.

Accommodation in a stationary tent camp on the picturesque coast, three meals a day, transfer from Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude, an extensive cultural and entertainment program. Limited number of seats.

Expenses: registration fee (depends on the period of participation), travel to the meeting point (Irkutsk or Ulan-Ude) and back.

Volunteer programs abroad

On the official website of Thailand's volunteer programs, you can choose a job to your liking: from agricultural work and animal care to teaching English.

Volunteering in Thailand is a great opportunity to get to know the country, its traditions, flora and fauna, and at the same time get a pleasing tan.

The duration of assistance is from 4 days to a year.

Expenses: round-trip flight, pocket money, the rest - depending on the project. Sometimes they even pay a little for the work.

Health&Help - Clinic at the End of the Earth in Guatemala and Nicaragua

The Health&Help project began as a dream of one person - doctor Victoria Valikova. The goal of the project is to open a free clinic in the town of Chuinakhtahuyup for residents who are deprived of any medical care.

Medical facilities are very far away. There is also no public transport: patients have to walk for half a day to get to the municipality, from where it takes several more hours to get to the hospital. The creators of the project want to change this and provide local residents with free qualified medical and surgical care. The population of the territory, including the adjacent villages, is 15 thousand people.

Citizens of Russia do not need a visa to Guatemala for up to 3 months. When planning a trip, be sure to bring a first aid kit with you for emergency treatment. In addition, it is recommended to check the availability of all scheduled vaccinations and vaccinations against hepatitis B. Prior to departure, it is necessary to vaccinate against hepatitis A, typhoid and rabies.

Length of stay - at least a month.

Expenses: Round-trip transportation, for everyone except (registered medical specialists, photographers / videographers, journalists, teachers, translators and construction workers) - $ 600 contribution for the purchase of drugs, supplies for the clinic and medical teams.

An international volunteer camp is 10-20 people from different parts of the world who together do something useful. Working time is usually 4-5 hours on weekdays. Average project time is 2-3 weeks.

Volunteers pay: a fee for participation in the project, a visa (the sending party draws up an invitation), insurance, travel to the place and an extra fee (if any). The host organization pays for food and accommodation for the volunteer (sometimes excursions and language lessons are additionally provided).

Volunteer organizations do not cooperate directly with individuals, so you can make a request through partners - non-profit organizations. The sending party and contributions are a guarantee that the volunteer will definitely come to the selected project.

You can choose the right program in the international system e-vet.
In Russia, at least 3 non-profit partner organizations will help you arrange your trip:

Volunteer Center "Chipmunk" (Moscow) - search form

Youth movement "SPHERE" ( Nizhny Novgorod) – search form

Photos provided by the project organizers

Volunteering as a kind of activity has been known since ancient times. It is not aimed at obtaining material benefits and focuses on helping those who need it. The law of the Russian Federation defines volunteers as individuals who carry out charitable activities free of charge. Volunteering is developed in the world, there are many programs that cover a wide range of tasks. Russians and residents of the CIS countries often participate in volunteer programs not only to provide voluntary assistance to those who need it, but also to travel abroad, travel and see the world.

Volunteering: benefit not only to people, but also to yourself

If you do not take into account the moral factor (voluntary assistance has always testified to a person with the best side), then participation in the volunteer program is a very successful and cheap way to travel abroad. It is also an opportunity to make new friends, deepen your knowledge of a foreign language and prove yourself in a socially important matter.

The first step is to visit the volunteer center. It is necessary to leave an application for participation in a particular project. Together with it, you must fill out a questionnaire in which you indicate all personal data. You also need to go through a short interview with the staff of the center, during which they will try to find out the purpose of the person's participation in the volunteer program. A big plus for the candidate will be friendliness, a disinterested attitude to duties, communication skills and a desire to work. The fact is that in many volunteer programs the number of vacancies is small, and the number of candidates simply rolls over. A big plus will be the knowledge of one of the most common foreign languages ​​​​(English, Spanish, German or French).

Is it possible to emigrate through volunteering?

Participation in a volunteer program can be considered as a way of immigration, since participants in international humanitarian missions are entitled to receive the status of a resident of the country in which they volunteer. As a rule, a residence permit is issued for the period of being part of this mission on the basis of an official letter from its leadership to the immigration service of the country. If the volunteer later wishes to remain in that state, then the period in the status of a temporary resident while working in a mission will be counted in the naturalization process.

As a way to move to another country, participation in the volunteer program is ideal for young people who have not yet accumulated enough funds and professional experience to emigrate in another way. This point can be attributed to the fact that some countries are extremely closed to foreigners. And it is much easier for a volunteer to get there if he is a member of a volunteer organization accredited in these states.

Paid and free volunteer programs abroad

Programs are paid and free. Paid ones provide for the purchase of tickets by a volunteer and payment for certain administrative services when processing documents, while only food and accommodation are free. The second type of volunteer programs assumes that all expenses are fully covered by the organizer, and the volunteer travels abroad absolutely free of charge.

The most popular volunteer programs abroad in 2019

Turtle Teams is a volunteer program whose main task is to save sea turtles and other endangered inhabitants of the deep sea. Participation in the program (Turtle Teams - its English name) implies that the volunteer must be familiar with diving and have certain skills and experience in scuba diving. Small groups of volunteers of this program are scattered across many countries of the world, which are washed by the seas and oceans.

Australia's Conservation Volunteers is an environmental conservation program. It operates in Australia. The scope of activities of voluntary conservationists is the Australian coast, the national parks of the Green Continent, as well as supporting ecotourism. A British version of this volunteer program has recently been created.

"Volunteer Helpers" is a program for volunteers who help people around the world with housekeeping, in hotel business, in the construction of social premises. The main supplier of orders in this case is the international exchange Help Exchange. The peculiarity of this program is the need to conclude preliminary agreements with hosts around the world so that they can prepare to receive volunteers.

"Volunteers in Sudan" - this is how the well-known international program Sudan Volunteer Program is most often called. If the applicant speaks English well, then the road to Sudan is open to him, where volunteers work who teach English to children and students of this exotic African country, and also strive to establish positive interethnic and cultural communication among the inhabitants of Sudan, where the issue of ethnic hatred has been acute for many years in a row. .

Accommodation conditions, of course, are not the most personal, but you won’t have to go far after work: sleep peacefully at school or university. Project participants pay only for the air ticket, the rest of the costs are covered. New teachers receive a small monthly stipend.

Marina Eroshkina

Volunteer programs 2019 in Russia

On the territory of Russia, the volunteer movement is only at the stage of active development, therefore there are not so many programs for participation. If in the countries of Western Europe and the USA the most popular projects are those related to charity, saving rare animals and helping the disadvantaged, for Russians, programs related to numerous domestic reserves are of the greatest interest.

In 2019, everyone can take part in the following volunteer projects:

  1. Volcanoes of Kamchatka Natural Park The program for volunteers runs from June to October 2019. The responsibilities of the program participants will include the arrangement of hiking trails and routes, educational activities and work with visitors. The organizers of the project will be especially pleased with volunteers who can take photos and videos at a professional level.

    To participate in this program, you must pass a safety briefing and the rules of conduct in the protected area. In addition, the volunteer must be of legal age and have health insurance.

  2. "Baikal Project" This volunteer program is organized in the format of a reality show from July to September 2019. Participants will recreate the project of the Great Tea Road on Lake Baikal, clean up tourist sites from garbage. All actions of volunteers will be recorded on cameras, at the end of the shift, each volunteer will receive a commemorative film about their participation in the project.

    Preference will be given to applicants who are in good physical condition (the program includes a lot of tracking), have experience in landscape design or who want to learn something new.

  3. Yugyd-Va National ParkOne of the largest natural reserves in the world, Yugyd-Va Park, located in Komi, organizes a special program for volunteers from all over the world from July to September. The responsibilities of the project participants will include cleaning tourist sites, collecting and separating garbage, building gazebos, installing information stands, and conducting sightseeing tours.

    Preference when accepting an application is given to organized groups (minimum 2 volunteers), persons who know how to use garden tools with building skills. Possession of skills in orienteering on the ground will be an advantage.

    For volunteers who are professionally skilled in photography and video shooting, a special tour will be organized around the reserve, associated with the creation of educational materials and information resources.

  4. Muravyovskiy park Muravyovskiy park attracts volunteers from all over the world throughout the year. The park needs the help of volunteers in cleaning and cleaning the park area from debris and pollution, caring for rare animals and birds, and cleaning fire lanes from leaves and deadwood. In addition, the park needs volunteers who are fluent in English and French. Their task will be to translate the park's promotional products into foreign languages ​​in order to attract tourists from all over the world.

    The park administration offers about a dozen different programs. When studying them, you need to pay attention to the requirements for candidates. Some will require a good knowledge of the biology and physiology of animals and birds.

Video: how to become a member of a volunteer program abroad and leave as a volunteer

"Appalachian Helpers" is a volunteer activity in the region of the same name mountains in America, where a large area from Georgia to Maine requires special care. The duties of volunteers include work as rangers, environmental assistance, construction of the necessary supporting infrastructure, planting trees.

"UN Volunteers" is a help in emergency situations in countries that have experienced natural disasters or ecological catastrophes. To participate in this program, you must have at least basic disaster relief skills, and experience in relevant organizations in your country of citizenship is welcome. This program is one of the most demanded, since many earthquakes, floods and other manifestations of the violence of the elements occur every year in the world.

Willingness to work in places remote and not the most comfortable at the UN is always welcome. Exotic lovers and altruists who want to help starving children in Africa, as it turns out, are not so few. But not everyone is clear on the reality. Everyday life and work in, say, the Central African Republic, South Sudan or other hotspots.

Nastya Krasilnikova

"Universal Volunteer" (Peace Corps) is a program that is somewhat similar to work in Soviet student construction teams. Its participants can work in any country in the world in the field of social construction, environmental protection, and provide assistance to healthcare workers of a certain state. No wonder the volunteers of this program are called universal.

Agrotourists (WWOOF) is an international volunteer program that provides volunteers from around the world with the opportunity to work in agriculture. Volunteers will be able to provide all possible assistance to farmers in depressed and environmentally problematic areas in 53 countries where this volunteer program is accredited.

EVS - European Volunteer Service, which is an international project funded by the European Commission. It is very popular among the youth of the CIS countries. Young people between the ages of 18 and 30 are eligible to participate in EVS volunteer programs. As a rule, 90% of the organizational costs are borne by the founder. Within the framework of this project, there is an opportunity to visit all the states of the European Union, as well as many African countries, Latin America and Asia. Volunteer programs have a wide focus, from participation in cultural events and media support, to assistance in work government organizations countries cooperating with EVS.

There are many other volunteer programs that are active all over the world. Their voluntary participants today are tens of thousands of people from all continents of the planet.

For some, volunteering is an opportunity to travel for the benefit of themselves and people, for some it is an opportunity for self-realization, and someone uses participation in a volunteer program to move to another country.

Video: volunteering in Europe

Conditions for applicants

For participants in international volunteer programs, there are several criteria that they must meet. First, the candidate must be of legal age. This is an indispensable condition for participation in any international program. Secondly, he must know English in basic level knowledge of other languages ​​is also welcome. Thirdly, the volunteer must not have bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction) and not carry an outstanding criminal record. For participants in humanitarian missions to provide assistance in emergency situations and natural disasters, there are several other conditions for participating in the volunteer program: good health, first aid skills and psychological stability in stressful situations. It is obligatory to have a valid passport and the absence of obstacles for opening a visa to a specific country where it is planned to engage in volunteer activities (for example, deportations in the recent past).

There is no official upper age limit for a volunteer. But as a general rule, candidates older than 30-32 are rarely approved for participation in programs. This rule does not apply when participating in UN humanitarian missions, where specialized experience is often required.

How to volunteer abroad

If there is a desire to become a volunteer, then you should choose the program of interest, visit the appropriate website and register on it. The second option would be to go to the nearest volunteer center, the address of which is indicated on the program website. In both the first and second cases, you should register by filling out the proposed application form, and also leave your contact details. It is advisable to write a motivation letter in which to talk about the reasons that prompted you to participate in this volunteer program.

In any case, it should be understood that the probability of rejection is high, since there are many candidates. At the same time, the volunteer organization is responsible for its participants, so the selection of candidates is taken very seriously.

Upon receipt of a positive response and after agreeing on all organizational moments(tickets, visas, time and method of departure, etc.) you should start packing your bags. It must be remembered that participation in many volunteer programs implies the independent issuance of visas and the purchase of tickets. Therefore, it is important to have enough money both for these activities and for the purchase of tickets home, which is important.

All information about future activities as part of a volunteer organization must be indicated in the contract that is concluded with the selected candidate. It is legally binding, so a breach of its terms can be challenged in court.

An official invitation from a volunteer organization includes a “green light” for applying for a visa on your own, if you present it to the consulate of the country you plan to travel to. Also for volunteers, many states issue free visas.

It should be remembered that volunteering is purely voluntary. Therefore, a volunteer can at any time refuse to fulfill the mission assigned to him (although, in this case, he will have to reimburse the funds spent on him by the organization). In the same way, an organization that has accepted a volunteer into its ranks may part with it at its own discretion.

Pitfalls of volunteering

Even such a noble activity as volunteering has its pitfalls. You should know them so as not to get into a mess (at the same time - abroad and without money for a ticket home).

Extremely important point when choosing a volunteer program is its reliability. It is desirable that some of the friends or acquaintances have already gone through the volunteer path in its composition and could thus confirm the reliability of the organization. There are cases when volunteers fall into labor slavery abroad, without the right and opportunity to return home. There are scammers operating in the CIS who, masquerading as official volunteer centers, actually supply abroad with free labor force. Do not fall for their bait - the first task of the volunteer.

When concluding an agreement with a volunteer organization, you should check the correctness of the data entered into it. No penalties disciplinary action etc. in the contract for a volunteer cannot be provided for by definition. It is also advisable to check all travel documents before leaving. The volunteer has the right to know all the necessary information about the type of future activity, the place and conditions where it will be carried out, as well as all the potential risks with which it is associated.

The basic principle of a volunteer: do no harm. More precisely, do not harm yourself or other people. Often there are cases when a person who has arrived as a volunteer begins to engage in activities that are by no means voluntary. This is severely suppressed by the organization itself, and then the unfortunate volunteer goes home. Sometimes a person cannot, for some reason, perform the duties assigned to him. He does not get along with the team, he cannot work, he is terribly afraid of any risks. In this case, the person has every right to interrupt his volunteer activities and go home.

Volunteers often have to work in difficult natural and climatic conditions. In Africa, it can be multiple infectious diseases, in mountainous areas - the danger of earthquakes, mudflows and avalanches. When communicating with marine life, there is a chance of becoming a victim of their aggression. There are many risks, and this should be understood even before registering on the official website of the organization or going to the volunteer center.

Volunteering is a state of mind. Not everyone can become one. At the same time, one can talk about participation in international volunteer projects as a very effective and inexpensive way to move abroad. After all, yesterday's volunteer can stay in the country he loves and someday become its citizen, since the process of naturalization was initiated precisely as part of a volunteer organization.

10 cool volunteer programs around the world

Sometimes there comes a moment when you want to drop everything and go to the ends of the world. Don't hold yourself back. Go rescue turtles in Thailand, teach Brazilian children, or sign up to volunteer at the UN. So you can see the world, learn foreign languages, find a bunch of new friends and, what can I say, make this world a little better.

We have collected for you ten real-life volunteer programs around the world. Accommodation and meals are almost everywhere free.

Teaching children in Thailand

Karenni Social Development Center invites volunteers to train young Karenni people living in northern Thailand. The task is to teach students of the social center English, ecology, international law and fundamental human rights. You will have to work for four hours from Monday to Friday. The center provides volunteers with free accommodation and three meals a day. You will live near the beach, so there should be no problems with leisure time left from work.

Requirements: English language Register here:

Helping children in Bolivia

Amanencer helps abandoned and orphaned children in Cochabamba, Bolivia. This is a Catholic organization, but you can become a volunteer here regardless of faith. Contract for a period of six months. You can do education, childcare, psychological and medical help - it all depends on your qualifications. If you love kids and want to do something good, then this option is for you.

Work on a farm anywhere in the world

The World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms organization helps to travel the world and learn about the cultures of different peoples. You will live in a family, and even with full board. You are only required to work on the farm for about four hours a day. Agree, picking pistachios in Israel is not the same thing as sitting your ass in a stuffy office. Relax, look at the world. The scheme is as follows: you choose a country, a farm where you would like to work, fill out an application and send it. The owner of the farm looks to see if everything suits him in you, and if everything is ok, he sends an invitation. Transport back and forth, as usual, is your own, and on the spot you will be met and surrounded by comfort and not particularly exhausting work.

Rescue turtles in Thailand

If you don’t see any special pedagogical abilities in yourself, but you still want to live in Thailand, then join environmental project Naucrates. You will save sea turtles. The tasks of volunteers include monitoring beaches, collecting and processing data. You will tell the locals that the turtles are endangered, and then train new volunteers. The duration of the volunteer contract is 9-12 weeks. This is the only program presented where you will have to pay for accommodation and meals.

Teaching children in Peru

The Santa Marta Foundation invites volunteers to its Training Center in Peru. This is where the Incas, Machu Picchu, Titicaca, that's all. The Santa Marta Center tries to help homeless children and children from poor families. You can teach them the language, hold culinary or computer courses, teach art or suggest some direction. Any initiative is welcome here. You will only have to spend money on a flight to Peru (we know that it is not cheap), and accommodation and meals will be provided.

Teach English in Honduras

Volunteer teachers from all over the world teach children from poor families at the bilingual Kofradia School near San Pedro Sela, the second largest city in Honduras. Lack of teaching experience is not a problem. The main thing is to have pedagogical abilities. In other words, love children and be able to captivate them with your ideas. In Honduras, such a distant country with a strange name, you will get an incomparable experience that will undoubtedly come in handy when you return home. By the way, knowledge of Spanish is not required, because all classes are held in English.

Teaching drawing to children from the Brazilian favelas

About 20 million people live in Sao Paulo, and most of the city's population lives in slums with beautiful name- favelas. These are shacks built with complete disregard for sanitary standards. MonteAzul strives to give children from the slums a decent education and the opportunity to subsequently escape from poverty. Volunteers from all over the world are welcome here. If you have some interesting skills or knowledge (music, drawing, exact sciences) that you can teach children, then this will be a plus. The work schedule is quite normal - from eight in the morning to five in the evening. This is a real opportunity to help poor kids and at the same time deeply study the culture and life of the Brazilians.

Volunteering in the Peace Corps

Volunteering in the Peace Corps is not suitable for someone who just wants to ride around the world, see others and show themselves off. It is worth signing up here if you really want to make the world a little better and are not afraid to overexert yourself. Because you will have to work on a par with ordinary employees of the organization. You can choose one of 75 countries around the world and feel free to go there. The areas of work are: agriculture, education, healthcare, ecology. It is not very difficult to get there, but upon returning home you will have a recommendation from a very respected world organization. They pay for airfare, full on-site provision, and even medical insurance. You will also receive a monthly stipend.

Rescue children in Mexico

Can you temporarily forget about your problems in order to solve other people's? Go to Mexico to teach orphans good, reasonable, eternal. NPH USA will help you channel your energy and connect with Latin American culture. To work with barefoot and grimy children, it is not necessary to have Teacher Education. The main thing is a great desire to help children, and the opportunity to go there for six months. If you don't want to go to Mexico, you can choose another South American country. By the way, volunteers can travel as a couple. We are sure that such an adventure will refresh your relationship.

Volunteering at the UN

Participation in the UN volunteer program is as serious as in the Peace Corps, but there are many more opportunities. You can choose from one hundred and thirty countries. Where haven't you been yet? Volunteers usually work from six months to a year. At this time, they also receive a scholarship, full board, health insurance and an awesome resume entry with a recommendation from the United Nations.

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