Requirements for the organization of catering establishments. Organization of the work of a hot shop at a catering establishment Requirements for design, implementation and storage

Organization of the work of the hot shop

The hot shop is the main shop of a public catering enterprise, in which the technological process of cooking is completed: heat treatment of products and semi-finished products, cooking of broth, preparation of sauces, side dishes, second courses, as well as heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes. In addition, the workshop prepares hot drinks and bakes flour confectionery products (patties, pies, kulebyaki, etc.) for clear broths. From the hot shop, ready-made meals go directly to the distribution rooms for sale to the consumer. The hot shop occupies a central place in the public catering enterprise and must have a convenient connection with the preparation shops with storage facilities and a convenient interconnection with the cold shop, distributing and trading floor, washing utensils.

Dishes made in a hot shop are distinguished by the following main features:

According to the type of raw materials used - from potatoes, vegetables and mushrooms; from cereals; legumes and pasta; from eggs and cottage cheese; from fish and seafood; from poultry, game, rabbit, etc.;

According to the method of culinary products - boiled, poached, stewed, fried, baked;

By the nature of consumption - soups, main courses, side dishes, drinks, etc.;

By appointment - for dietary, school meals, etc .;

By consistency - liquid, semi-liquid, thick, puree-like, viscous, crumbly.

The production program of the hot shop is compiled on the basis of the range of dishes sold through the trading floor, the range of culinary products sold through the buffet and retail chain enterprises (culinary shops, trays).

Organization of the work of the cold shop.

Cold shops are organized at enterprises with a shop structure of production (in restaurants, canteens, cafes, etc.).

Cold shops are designed for preparing, portioning and decorating cold dishes and snacks. The assortment of cold dishes depends on the type of enterprise of its class.

The production program of the cold shop is compiled on the basis of the range of dishes sold through the trading floor, culinary shops, and is also sent to buffets and other branches.

When organizing a cold shop, it is necessary to take into account its features: the products of the shop after the manufacture of portioning are not subjected to secondary heat treatment, therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary rules when organizing the production process, and for cooks - the rules of personal hygiene; cold dishes should be produced in such quantities that can be sold in a short time. Salads and vinaigrettes are stored independently in refrigerated cabinets at a temperature of 2-60 C for more than 6 hours. Salads and vinaigrettes should be refilled immediately before the holiday, it is not allowed to sell products left over from the previous day: salads, vinaigrettes, jellies, aspic dishes and other especially perishable cold dishes, as well as compotes and drinks of our own production. The cold shop should be equipped with a sufficient amount of cold equipment.

Meat and fish shop..

The meat shop processes meat (pork, beef, lamb, game and poultry), and also produces various types of semi-finished products (portions, small and large pieces, cutlet masses, minced meat blanks). The technological process of processing raw materials consists of several stages. Meat supplied in carcasses, half carcasses or quarters is usually chilled or frozen, so at the first stage it is defrosted, that is, defrosted. This is followed by surface cleaning and washing followed by drying, carried out in baths with running water or suspended using brushes. After that, the meat is cut, deboned, trimmed, cut in portions and semi-finished products are made. In the fish shop, respectively, the primary processing of fish takes place and semi-finished products are made. The raw materials entering such a workshop are first defrosted / thawed (for certain types of fish, scalding is additionally used to facilitate further processing), after which cleaning, gutting and washing are carried out, then cutting and directly preparing fish semi-finished products. For such workshops, the following technological equipment is used: refrigerators and low-temperature chambers, washing baths and pools, production tables, electric saws, meat grinders, meat mixers, etc.

In small canteens, cafes and restaurants, combined meat-fish fish-meat workshops operate.

Confectionary shop can be both an independent unit and be part of some other food production. For example, many restaurants have their own pastry shops. The confectionery shop produces a range of confectionery, bakery and culinary products. Placement of confectionery shops in basements and semi-basements is not allowed. The structure of the confectionery shop usually includes several divisions. In particular, dough mixing, dough cutting, baking, cooling, product finishing, preparation of creams, minced meat. As well as washing for eggs, containers, dishes and forwarding department. The confectionery shop is designed in such a way that the sequence of rooms corresponds to the sequence of operations performed in the shop. Moreover, in such a way that there is no intersection of oncoming flows. The main technological processes in the manufacture of confectionery products are as follows: storage of raw materials and their preparation, preparation of semi-finished products, decoration, preparation of various syrups, creams, etc. In cases where the enterprise uses confectionery products with butter cream, a separate room for washing eggs is required. In this room, an ovoscope, bathtubs are installed. In this case, the eggs are washed first in a disinfectant solution, then in a solution, then in soda and then under running water. Accordingly, each process takes place in a separate bath. A dough mixer for kneading dough is used in relatively large workshops, while smaller ones use universal drives. Again, depending on the size of the workshop, a special dough divider may be used for the dividing operation, and in smaller workshops, the procedure may also be carried out manually. In the section of the workshop where fillings and minced meats are prepared, the main production equipment is stoves, meat grinders, as well as mashing machines. Baking of confectionery products is carried out in confectionery and baking cabinets and ovens. Registration of confectionery products is carried out on production tables, which are used only for these purposes. Moreover, at large confectionery enterprises, separate production facilities can be allocated for design work. Registration is one of the final stages of production. After it, the products can be transferred to cold stores, to packaging or to an expedition, for which mobile tables or racks should be provided, which are located nearby. In the expedition, in case of unloading confectionery products through open doors, these places must be equipped with thermal curtains to prevent cold air from entering the premises of the expedition at the appropriate time of the year. Sanitary norms and rules, according to which confectionery shops are designed, impose additional requirements on production facilities. In particular, such as: The walls of industrial premises must be covered with tiles or other materials that allow regular wet cleaning. In this case, the walls must be covered with these materials to a height of at least 1.75 m. Above the panels, the ceilings and walls must be whitewashed or painted with water-based paint. At the same time, painting must be carried out regularly - at least twice a year or even more often - if necessary.

For the production of products or the performance of one or another stage of the technological process, the following workshops are organized at the enterprise:

Harvesting (vegetable, meat and fish);

Pre-cooking (hot, cold);

Specialized (confectionery).

Technological lines are organized in each workshop. A production line is a production site equipped with the necessary equipment for a specific technological process.

In addition to the production workshops, there are auxiliary facilities: washing tableware, washing and pantry containers, etc.

The ratio of individual divisions of the enterprise (shops, departments, ancillary facilities) determine the structure of production. At this enterprise, a workshopless structure has been established, in which, in order to distinguish between various technological processes by types of processed raw materials and methods of culinary processing, workshops are allocated conditionally.

An important factor in the success of workshops is the proper organization of jobs. At an enterprise with a non-shop structure of production, universal workplaces are organized, where several heterogeneous technological operations are carried out. Each production workshop organizes several jobs located along the technological process. Each workplace must be provided with a sufficient number of tools, inventory and utensils. Dishes and utensils are selected in accordance with equipment standards.

The next factor of successful work in the workshop is the proper organization of the work of the workers in the workshop. The main requirements for the organization of labor in production include:

Proper preparation of the production program, taking into account the specifics of the manufactured products, the production capacity of the workshop, the number and qualifications of employees;

Clear distribution of responsibilities between employees in accordance with their qualifications and production building;

Correct accounting of the movement of products and timely reporting on the work done.

The optimum temperature in the blank and cold shops is 16-18°C, and in the hot shop 23-25°C. Relative air humidity in workshops is 60-70%. These microclimatic conditions in the cafe are created by supply and exhaust ventilation. The workshops must provide natural

lighting, so as not to reduce the fatigue of workers and to prevent injuries. Production facilities have hot and cold water supply to washing - bathtubs, electric boilers, digesters. Sewerage ensures the removal of wastewater during the operation of bathtubs, digesters.

In the vegetable shop, the primary processing of vegetables and the manufacture of vegetable semi-finished products for their own production and pre-cooking enterprises (branches), culinary shops and small retail trade are carried out.

In modern specialized vegetable workshops located at large enterprises or at vegetable bases (vegetable stores) and designed to supply both public catering establishments and retail chains, the production of an expanded range of products can be organized: production lines for packaging potatoes and vegetables in bags can operate , a line for the production of peeled sulphated potatoes, a line for the preparation of potato and vegetable cutlets, fried crispy and side dishes, a line for the preparation of salads and vinaigrettes.

Features of processing vegetables of various types dictate the need for the use of special equipment, which is selected depending on the capacity of the enterprise.

The purpose of the meat shop is the production of semi-finished products from beef, pork, lamb, poultry and game. At enterprises with a large volume of production, supplying other catering enterprises with meat semi-finished products, a separate room is allocated for the meat workshop.

At enterprises of small capacity with a complete production cycle, processing of meat and fish can be carried out in one room, subject to the obligatory observance of the requirements of the sanitary regime.

Meat often comes to catering establishments frozen. Therefore, the first operation of the technological process of meat processing is defrosting, i.e. thawing. For this, special chambers and defrosters are used, where the carcasses are stored in a suspended state at a positive temperature.

Thawed carcasses are transported to the workshop along overhead tracks. In the workshop, the carcasses are washed with warm water: at large enterprises - with a brush-shower in a special room, at small ones - in baths with herbal brushes. Dry the carcasses using a fan or cotton cloth.

The next operation - cutting the carcass into parts - is carried out using a band or circular saw. At small enterprises, carcasses are divided into parts on a cutting table (a round block of hard wood) with a butcher's ax and a knife - a cutter. A large knife - a cutter is used for cutting the bones of lamb, poultry, game, small bones and meat for stews are chopped.

The meat is then deboned, trimmed and cut into portions. These operations are carried out on production tables with covers made of stainless steel, duralumin or marble.

Meat deboning - cutting the pulp and removing it from the bone - is done using large and small boning knives. Cleaning meat and cutting it into portions - with the help of large, medium and small knives (chef's troika). At the same time, large pieces are cut with a large knife, small pieces are cut with a medium one and the fillet is removed, separate parts of the carcass are cleaned with a small one and some other operations are performed. Sliced ​​pieces of meat are loosened with a ripper RM-1 or a chopper.

For the preparation of minced meat at large enterprises, meat grinders, cutters, meat mixers with an individual drive are used; on small ones - universal drives with interchangeable mechanisms or use desktop meat grinders.

For the processing of poultry, game and hide, large enterprises allocate a special room with a scorched forge, and small ones are assigned special jobs.

In the fish shop, the primary processing of fish and the manufacture of fish semi-finished products are carried out. The technological process of processing fish includes the following operations: thawing frozen fish, soaking salted fish, cleaning from scales, gutting and washing, cutting, preparing semi-finished products and storing them.

Thaw fish in duralumin or carbon steel (tinned) baths with two compartments in running or periodically replaced water. Fish are unloaded from the baths with wire scoops. Flounder, mending, sturgeon fish are scalded to facilitate further processing. For this purpose, hot water is supplied to the baths and a grate with handles is used. Large sturgeon fish are thawed on metal racks with a tray below at room temperature. To clean fish from scales, use a mechanical fish scaler or manual scrapers.

Gutting the fish with small chef's knives on special tables with a chute, back and sides. Heads, tails and fins are also cut off here. Tails and heads are cut off with a medium chef's knife on cutting boards, fins are cut off with scissors. After gutting, the fish is washed in a tub with two compartments and placed on baking sheets.

The preparation of fish semi-finished products is carried out on a separate table, where cutting boards, a set of chef's three knives, spices, and scales should be located. At small enterprises, a meat grinder is used to prepare minced fish, at large enterprises, a universal drive with a set of mechanisms is used. Fish semi-finished products are stored in a chilled state for no more than 12 hours, fish mass - 6 hours.

As noted, at small and medium-sized enterprises, the processing of meat and fish can be carried out in one room - meat - fish shop. The main requirement for organizing the work of such a workshop is to ensure the separate processing of meat and fish products and the separate storage of semi-finished products from meat and fish. Equipment, inventory, containers, tools must be separate and properly marked.

In the hot shop, the technological process of cooking is completed. Here, heat treatment of various products is carried out, semi-finished products are brought to readiness, first, second and sweet dishes are prepared, products for cold dishes are prepared, and confectionery products are baked.

The hot shop is equipped with stoves, cooking pots with cold and hot water supply, ovens, electric frying pans, refrigerators, racks, production tables, etc. At large enterprises, hot shops can have two sections: soup - for cooking first courses and sauce - for production of second courses, side dishes, sauces.

In the soup section, the preparation of first courses begins with the boiling of broths. At the workplace of the cook there should be desktop scales, a set of chef's three knives, cutting boards. For cutting, chopping, rubbing vegetables, they use a universal drive with special mechanisms, a mashing machine, for browning vegetables - electric frying pans, for supplying hot water - continuous boilers. In addition, at the workplace of a cook preparing soups, a refrigerated metal rack with spices and seasonings (slide) is arranged. When organizing jobs for cooks in the hot shop of modern public catering enterprises, sectional equipment is used using the linear principle of its placement. All thermal sectional equipment is installed in line with one-way service. The depth of sectional equipment should not exceed 1 m.

Depending on the capacity of the enterprise, the size of the kitchen and its layout, various options for arranging sectional equipment are used. In small kitchens, heating equipment is placed along the walls with local ventilation exhausts. Parallel to the line of thermal equipment, a line of production tables is placed. In larger kitchens, several jobs are allocated for cooks preparing soups, second courses, and in accordance with this, equipment is placed around the perimeter of the room, against the wall, etc. It is recommended to install certain types of heating equipment parallel to each other.

Great advantages in organizing the workplaces of cooks preparing second courses are provided by the use of sectional equipment with a linear arrangement. In order for all thermal equipment to be used strictly for its intended purpose, the main course preparation lines are composed of the following sections: a stove with a continuous frying surface, stoves with burners, deep fryers, a special oven. The heating line is complemented by food warmers for storing side dishes, second courses, production tables with a built-in bathtub and a refrigerated container.

The purpose of the cold shop is the preparation of cold dishes and snacks from meat, fish, vegetables and other products, as well as sweet dishes and sandwiches. When locating a cold shop, its convenient connection with the kitchen, where the products for the cold shop are thermally processed, and with the blank shops, from where the products are supplied to the cold shop, which are then sold without heat treatment, should be provided. Products from the cold shop are sold to consumers in tableware, so the washing room should be located in close proximity to the cold shop.

The main operations carried out in the workshop are cutting prepared products, portioning and serving cold dishes and snacks. In accordance with this, the workplaces of cooks are organized, appropriate equipment, inventory, and tools are used.

Due to the fact that dishes and cold snacks are prepared in the workshop not only from semi-finished products that have undergone heat treatment, but also from raw products, it is important to distinguish between jobs for the manufacture of products from various types of raw materials. The products of the workshop are mostly perishable, so refrigeration equipment is required - cabinets of sufficient capacity and refrigerators with additional shelves-grids for short-term storage of cooked products, a low-temperature counter and an ice maker.

The main equipment of the cold shop is a universal drive with a set of interchangeable mechanisms, as well as a ham-sausage cutter, a butter divider, a vegetable cutting machine, production tables with slides, cooled containers and a refrigerator.

For cleaning and cutting products manually, special devices and tools are used - egg cutters, apple cutters, notches, etc.

The purpose of the confectionery shop is the production of flour confectionery and culinary products. The products of the confectionery shop are supplied for sale not only to the main enterprise, but also to culinary shops, home kitchens, buffets, and pre-cooking enterprises.

The structure of the workshop includes dough mixing. dough cutting, baking, cooling departments, rooms for finishing products, for preparing minced meat, washing for eggs, dishes, containers, expedition. In addition, restaurants provide a pantry and a refrigerated chamber for a daily supply of raw materials, a pantry for finished products, a refrigerated chamber for finished products, a refrigerated chamber for semi-finished products, in which puff pastry is cooled, washing equipment and sterilization of pastry bags.

The layout of the premises of the confectionery shop should correspond to the sequence of operations of the technological process and exclude the possibility of oncoming flows of raw materials and finished products.

The technological process of preparing confectionery products consists of the following operations: sifting flour and preparing (kneading, fermenting) dough, cutting (shaping) products, baking, decorating (finishing) confectionery products, preparing syrups, creams, sweets, whipped proteins.

The confectionery shop should have its own washing department for washing dishes and equipment. In a bathroom with two or three compartments, the dishes are washed with soda, then rinsed with a 2% bleach solution. It is especially important to monitor the cleanliness of pastry bags and tubes, as even the slightest residue of cream can lead to bacterial contamination. Therefore, this inventory is processed in an autoclave, then rinsed in a bath of clean water.


In market conditions, catering was one of the first industries to take the path of transformation. The organizational and legal forms of the enterprise have changed, private small enterprises have appeared. The network of canteens at industrial enterprises, student and school canteens has expanded, food processing plants have appeared.

The successful operation of the enterprise is ensured by the production of products and services that meet the needs of consumers. Public catering is an industry where the basis is formed by enterprises that are united by the unity of forms of organization of production, customer service, but differ in types and specialization. The significance of the development of public catering is that:

Provides workers with hot meals during the working day;

- due to the rational use of technology, raw materials, materials, it saves social labor;

Allows children and educational institutions to balance a balanced diet.

More attention is paid to the mechanization of processes, the use of modern equipment, production automation, the use of high-performance equipment, especially in the centralized production of semi-finished products.

It is necessary to mechanize small enterprises, where the share of manual labor occupies a large percentage. In recent years, a lot of small-capacity equipment has been produced.

Public catering is the most important link in the system of economic and social relations and is a branch of the national economy, which is based on enterprises characterized by the unity of forms of organization of production and customer service and differing in types and specializations.

Catering enterprises perform three main tasks:

production of culinary products;

sale of culinary products;

organization of its consumption.

Development of public catering:

provides significant savings in social labor due to a more rational use of raw materials and materials;

Provides workers and employees with hot food during the working day, which increases their efficiency and maintains health.

Allows you to organize a balanced diet.

Despite the existing constraining factors for the development of public catering, consumer demand for products manufactured by public catering enterprises is gradually increasing.

Creating the necessary conditions to meet the needs of people in good nutrition at the place of work, study, residence and recreation, improving the quality of service and providing additional services by public catering enterprises are the most important socio-economic tasks of the state. Of paramount importance in this regard is a set of measures aimed at the rational organization of a network of public catering enterprises, the construction of new enterprises and the reconstruction of existing ones, the introduction of advanced technologies and forms of service.

I consider the relevance of my analytical work “Organization of the work of a hot shop in POP” to be that public catering enterprises receive raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Raw materials are products from which culinary products are produced according to the scheme: processing of raw materials - cooking - sale. In order to carry out the entire process of processing, preparation and release of finished products, it is necessary to properly organize the work of production, especially the hot shop in accordance with the requirements. The hot shop is the main shop where the technological process of cooking is completed. In addition, hot drinks are prepared here and various dough products are baked. From the hot shop, the dishes are sold to the consumer.

Therefore, in my work, all covering issues of this topic are covered and an analysis is made on the Continental restaurant.


The main task of the organization of production is to create conditions for the effective conduct of the technological process of cooking.

1.1 POP production structure

In public catering, there are three forms of organization of production:

Manufacture of products from processing of raw materials to cooking and its sale;

Preparation of products from semi-finished products and its implementation;

organization of food consumption with little preparation for sale.

In other words, according to the nature of the organization of production, enterprises with a complete and incomplete technological cycle are distinguished.

At enterprises with a complete technological process, the processing of products begins with the receipt and storage of raw materials and ends with the sale of finished products. At enterprises with an incomplete technological process, thanks to the centralized receipt of semi-finished products, they are only prepared and sold.

The premises of catering establishments, depending on the type of enterprise, its capacity, the nature of production and the form of service, are combined into functional groups.

At public catering enterprises operating on raw materials, all premises are combined into the following functional groups: for receiving and storing food; for mechanical culinary processing of raw materials and production of semi-finished products; for the production of culinary and confectionery products (flour products); for consumers; office, household and technical.

At public catering enterprises operating on culinary semi-finished products (pre-cooking enterprises), the premises are combined into the following functional groups: for receiving and storing food and semi-finished products; for cold processing of semi-finished products and processing of herbs, fruits, berries and vegetables supplied to enterprises in the form of raw materials, as well as pickles; for the production of culinary and flour products; for consumers; office, household and technical.

The composition of production facilities depends on the type of enterprise, its capacity, the nature of the production process (works on raw materials or semi-finished products) and the form of service.

The production facilities of enterprises operating on raw materials include;

1 hot and cold workshop,

2 meat,

3 bird,

4 fish,

5 vegetable,

6 a room for flour products or a confectionery shop,

7 washing tableware and kitchen utensils,

8 room for cutting bread,

9 production manager's room.

The composition of the premises of enterprises working on culinary semi-finished products differs in that instead of meat and fish (meat and fish) workshops, they provide a pre-cooking workshop (for finalizing semi-finished products) and a greenery processing workshop, as well as a washing of semi-finished containers.

When designing public catering establishments, a number of requirements are imposed on production shops, taking into account the requirements of the scientific organization of labor. Workshops should be placed in separate rooms on the ground floors of the building (vegetable - no higher than the first floor) with the following orientation relative to the cardinal points: vegetable - to the east and south, the rest - to the north, northeast, northwest.

Workshops should not be walk-through, the only exception can be workshop departments connected by a sequential technological process, for example, if the confectionery shop has kneading and baking departments, a finishing department, etc.

Production premises should be interconnected, as well as have convenient communication with a number of other premises.

Production shops should have natural lighting, with the exception of washing rooms and bread slicers.

Meat shop. Designed for processing meat (beef, lamb, pork) and making culinary semi-finished products (large-sized, portioned, small-sized, etc.). It should have convenient communication with the warehouse group, hot shop, culinary shop (if there is one at the enterprise).

In the meat shop, a poultry and offal processing line can be allocated. This workshop is equipped with mechanical, refrigeration and auxiliary (tables, baths) equipment, which is installed in accordance with the technological process of processing raw materials and manufacturing semi-finished products.

The technological process of meat processing in workshops working on raw materials is organized according to the scheme: defrosting carcasses → washing and drying → division into cuts → deboning of cuts → trimming and cleaning of parts → preparation of semi-finished products → laying in functional containers → cooling and short-term storage → transportation.

The technological process of processing poultry and offal in the workshop is organized according to the scheme: singeing → removal of heads, necks, legs, wings - gutting → washing → drying → carcass filling → preparation of semi-finished products → offal processing → laying in functional containers → cooling and short-term storage → transportation; removal of inedible parts → soaking → drying → packing into functional containers → cooling and short-term storage → transportation.

Fish shop. Designed for the processing of fish, seafood and the manufacture of semi-finished products: carcasses of special cutting, portioned pieces, chopped mass products, fillets, links of sturgeon fish.

Fish shops are located in the same room on the measuring floor of the building, taking into account convenient communication with the fish storage chamber and the hot shop.

The fish shop is equipped with mechanical, refrigeration auxiliary equipment, which is installed in accordance with the technological process of processing fish and manufacturing semi-finished products.

The technological process of processing fish in the workshops is organized according to the scheme: defrosting → cleaning from scales → removal of fins, heads, entrails → washing → fixing → production of semi-finished products → laying in functional containers → cooling and short-term storage → transportation.

Meat and fish shop. At enterprises operating on raw materials, with a relatively small amount of processed meat and fish, a meat and fish shop is designed, which is usually located on the ground floor of the building, taking into account convenient communication with storage facilities and a hot shop. Workplaces in the workshop are combined into processing lines for meat, poultry and offal, fish, equipped with appropriate equipment - mechanical, refrigeration and auxiliary.

Vegetable shop. Designed for processing potatoes, root crops, cabbage, seasonal vegetables, greens and for the manufacture of semi-finished products: raw peeled potatoes, fresh peeled root crops and onions, peeled fresh white cabbage, processed roots and greens.

Vegetable shops of relatively small capacity are designed on the ground floor in one room. It should be conveniently connected with the pantry of vegetables, hot and cold shops. Workplaces are allocated in the shop for processing certain types of vegetables, equipped mainly with mechanical and auxiliary equipment. In addition, special equipment is used to facilitate the work of workers: tables for additional cleaning of potatoes and root crops, tables for peeling onions.

The technological process of processing vegetables includes the following operations: washing → cleaning → additional cleaning → sulphation (of potatoes) → cutting → packing into functional containers → cooling and short-term storage → transportation.

Cold shop. They are designed at all public catering establishments, regardless of their capacity, where there are halls for serving consumers.

The cold shop is intended for the preparation of cold dishes, snacks and desserts for sale in the halls, as well as culinary products for sale in culinary shops.

The cold shop should be designed on the ground floors of the building with windows towards the courtyard facade. The workshop is located on the same level with the halls. If the enterprise has several halls located on different floors, the workshops should be designed on the floor where the hall with the largest number of seats is located. Finished culinary products are transported to other floors equipped with distribution rooms by a special lift (sometimes several cold shops are designed).

The workshop should have convenient communication with other premises: washing tableware and kitchen utensils, pre-cooking and greenery processing workshops (if the enterprise works on semi-finished products) or meat and fish and vegetable shops (when the enterprise works on raw materials), a culinary shop and storage facilities.

In the cold shop, areas for preparing cold snacks and sweet dishes are equipped with production tables with refrigerated containers and slides. Refrigeration equipment (cabinets, low-temperature sections) are installed either in a separate line or in a line of production tables.

1.2 Organization of the work of the hot shop

Hot shop. In the hot shop, heat treatment of products and semi-finished products is carried out, broths are cooked, soups, sauces, side dishes, main courses are prepared, flour culinary products are baked - pies, pies, etc., used as a side dish for first courses, and they also perform heat treatment of products for cold and sweet dishes.

Semi-finished products from the milestones of the blank shops are sent to the hot shop. Therefore, the hot shop is located in such a way that it has convenient communication with the cold shop and is adjacent to the distribution, as well as to the washing table and kitchen utensils.

If the enterprise has several halls located on different floors, then in this case the hot shop can be located on the same floor as the main hall with the largest number of seats. Finished products are delivered to the rest of the halls by lifts and lifting elevators, and at the distribution they are heated with the help of food warmers.

Important in organizing the work of the hot shop is the specialization of its employees in the development of certain types of dishes. The most widespread specialization is the preparation of first courses. Therefore, the hot shop is divided into two sections - soup and sauce.

Depending on the form of service, the hot shop should have a convenient connection with the food distribution premises.

When served by waiters, the workshops are adjacent directly to the distribution room, while self-service - to the halls, on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich place distribution lines.

Mechanical equipment, both in the cold and in the hot shop, should be located taking into account the convenient maintenance of all technological lines.

1.3 Production program of the enterprise

Manufacturing program. For workshops of procurement enterprises and enterprises operating on raw materials, the production program is a set of assortment and quantity of semi-finished products, culinary or confectionery products produced during the main shift for pre-cooking enterprises and for further heat treatment in the culinary workshop.

The initial data for determining the assortment and consumption of raw materials are the values ​​of the capacity of the shop, expressed in the amount of processed raw materials per day or shift.

Output rates and waste are indicated in the Collection of recipes for dishes or in GOSTs and OSTs for one or another raw material.

The production program of the shops of public catering enterprises is: for the pre-cooking shop - the totality of the range of semi-finished products and their quantity in pieces or kilograms; for cold and hot shops - a set of assortment of dishes and culinary products and their quantity sold per day.

Operating mode. It is recommended to organize the work of workshops of procurement enterprises mainly in two shifts with a stepped work schedule. In some cases, shops can work in three shifts. Technological calculations lead to the main shift, in which 60% of all products are processed and produced.

The operating mode of the shop of pre-cooking enterprises depends on the operating mode of the hall of the public catering enterprise and the timing of the sale of manufactured semi-finished products, dishes and culinary products.

When establishing the mode of operation of the workshop, it should be borne in mind that work in it should begin 2–3 hours before the opening of the hall and end simultaneously with the closing of the hall (hot and cold workshops) or 2–3 hours before it closes (pre-cooking and other workshops).

To perform the required technological operations, the developed workshop is equipped with technological and auxiliary equipment, labor.

The number of employees in the workshop is calculated according to the norms of time:

t - the norm of time for the manufacture of a unit of product, min;

T - shift duration, h;

λ - coefficient taking into account the growth of labor productivity.

According to production standards (for confectionery, procurement and culinary workshops):

H in- the rate of output of one worker per working day of normal productivity, pcs.

The norms of time and production are given in the relevant literature.

1.4 Hot shop equipment. Basic requirements for creating optimal conditions in the workshop

The work of the hot shop, as well as other production sites, largely depends on the proper organization of workplaces, equipping them with appropriate equipment.

Large enterprises are equipped with technological lines for the preparation of first and second courses, sauces, side dishes. The equipment is arranged in three parallel lines: in the middle part of the workshop, thermal equipment is installed in one line, and on both sides of it, workplaces are equipped to prepare products for heat treatment. On a specially equipped line, products for first courses are processed, on the other - for second courses, sauces and side dishes.

Technological calculation of equipment is reduced to the choice of types and determination of the required number of pieces of equipment to perform certain operations, its operating time and utilization rate.

The quantity and parameters of the equipment are calculated according to the production program of the workshop, and the analysis of technological schemes.

The volume of refrigerating chambers for filled products is determined by the area of ​​functional racks, containers and other storage devices. Based on the capacity of products, the number of functional containers is calculated. Racks or containers are selected for a certain number of containers. The total area of ​​​​all containers and racks in the plan, multiplied by the area utilization factor η, determines the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe refrigerating chamber F (m 2). 12 m 2, η = 1.61 for chambers larger than 12 m 2 . The height of the chambers h is assumed to be 2 m.

Refrigeration equipment is selected based on the analysis of equipment catalogs.

Thermal equipment.

The range of thermal equipment is determined by the composition of technological operations for the projected enterprise. For carrying out technological processes, equipment for cooking is intended: boilers, autoclaves; for frying: frying pans, stoves, deep fryers; for steaming: steamers; for baking: ovens; for thermal storage: food warmers, thermal showcases.

The calculation of the amount of equipment is determined for the busiest hour of the enterprise. The minimum number of pieces of equipment for various technological operations is determined by the number of simultaneously sold dishes prepared on this equipment for the most loaded hour with the possibility of storage at a tempering temperature or quick heating.

Equipment in production shops.

When placing equipment in production workshops and premises, it is necessary to ensure the sequence of various stages of the technological process:

The selection of equipment for various production workshops of a catering enterprise is carried out on the basis of the production program of this enterprise, which consists of a calculated menu for the hall, meals at home, an assortment of culinary products for a culinary store, if any, at this enterprise.

The calculation of the number of certain types of equipment can be done by a process engineer, mechanical engineer, using a textbook on the design of public catering establishments or approximate norms for the technical equipment of public catering establishments, developed by the All-Russian Institute of Nutrition in 1995. You can also use the order of the USSR Ministry of Trade No. 153M of July 30, 1986.

In catering establishments, various methods of placing equipment are used, of which the most common is its installation near the walls (wall) or in the middle of the workshop (island). The use of one or another technique depends on the nature of production and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe workshop. Equipment should be arranged in one or two adjacent lines. To avoid protrusions, equipment of the same width and height should be installed in each line (with the exception of ovens). Such equipment is called modular (width - 800 mm, height - 850 mm). In foreign catalogs, the dimensions of the modules may be different.

Modular equipment ensures the creation of optimal conditions in the working area. The linear placement of this equipment allows you to equip it with local ventilation hoods.

Taking into account the requirements of the organization of labor, compliance with safety regulations and industrial sanitation, a certain width of aisles in production workshops is established:

1 between technological lines of thermal equipment - 1.5 m;

2 between the end of the technological line and thermal equipment and the line of dispensing equipment - 1.5 m;

3 between the technological line of thermal and auxiliary (production tables, bathtubs) equipment - 13 m;

4 between the wall (partition) and the line of technological equipment from the side of workplaces - 1.0 m;

5 between mechanical equipment and wall - 0.4 m;

6 between individual pieces of mechanical equipment - 0.7m;

7 between the dishwasher (service side) and the wall - 1 m.

In addition, it is necessary to use the data from the albums of thermal, mechanical, refrigeration equipment and catalogs of commercial and technological equipment, which indicate the installation distances from the equipment to the walls or to other equipment for various placement options.

Mounting attachment of equipment. It determines the location of the entry points of communications (electricity, gas, steam, hot and cold water, drainage to the sewer) to the process equipment. For this purpose, the installation plan indicates the distances from the entry points to two building structures (walls, columns, partitions) located perpendicular to each other. In addition, all the parameters of the supplied communications are indicated: the number of phases and current power, the diameter of the hot and cold water pipelines, the height of the connections from the clean floor. When drawing utility entry points, it is also necessary to take into account the recommended distances from the entry points to the edges of the equipment. Only the mounted thermal, refrigeration, mechanical and auxiliary equipment is applied to the installation plan.

The hot shop is equipped with thermal, mechanical, refrigeration and auxiliary equipment. Arrangement of equipment - linear-group, allowing to place it according to technological processes. Auxiliary equipment is installed in independent lines, located parallel to the lines of thermal equipment.

To create the necessary working conditions for workers, the temperature regime in production facilities is of considerable importance. So, in the blank shops, the air temperature should not exceed 16-18°C, and in the hot shop - 22-25°C. Special ventilation systems must ensure the removal of superheated air, vapors and exhaust gases. To do this, install mechanical exhaust ventilation and supply and exhaust. During exhaust ventilation, stale air is removed from the premises by a fan, and fresh air enters through the pores of the walls or specially left channels and openings in the walls and coatings, as well as through the ventilation grills. With supply and exhaust ventilation, separate fans are installed in the premises, causing the movement and exchange of air, or ventilation supply and exhaust installations are equipped, installations when air enters and is removed through channels made of tin, brick or plastic, and its inflow is regulated by means of grilles. Such an installation consists of channels and fans, and air is sucked in using a system equipped with cleaning and moisturizing devices, heaters.

Industrial premises are provided with cold and hot water and sewerage. Water is supplied to bathtubs, sinks, as well as stoves, boilers and other equipment. The sewerage system provides for the rapid removal of wastewater. Baths, sinks, washbasins are equipped with hydraulic seals that prevent the penetration of sewer odors.


.1 Characteristics of the restaurant as a type of POP

Restaurant "Elite Club" "Continental" - a public catering establishment with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded, wine, vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, with a high level of service in combination with leisure activities. The restaurant catering service is a service for the manufacture, sale and organization of consumption of a wide range of dishes and products of complex manufacture from various types of raw materials, purchased goods, wine and vodka products, provided by qualified production and service personnel in conditions of increased comfort and material and technical equipment in combination with leisure activities. Some restaurants specialize in national cuisine.

Restaurant complex "Continental. It is based on the use of the modern level of production organization, fast and high-quality service, the use of a wide range of dishes and drinks offered to guests. The assessment is made on the basis of personal observations of the guests: according to the entries in the book of reviews and suggestions.

The main service of the restaurant is the catering service of the restaurant, which is a service for the manufacture, sale and organization of the consumption of a wide range of dishes and products of its own production, purchased goods, including wine and vodka products. Other services:

provision of sleeping rooms;

Providing banquets of varying complexity;

provision of telephone communication;

provision of services to call a taxi for restaurant visitors;

sale of branded souvenirs from dishes;

Guaranteed storage of personal belongings, bags; parking of private cars in an organized parking lot.

The restaurant "Continental" offers visitors a menu with a free choice of dishes. The menu includes signature and national dishes.

The restaurant has a separate wine list. The main assortment of this wine list is a list of alcoholic beverages, mainly fine wines. Additionally, the wine list includes beer, soft drinks, tobacco products.

The list of wine lists contains the name of the drink in Russian and English. Additionally, there are explanations for the corresponding names of wines. For example, they indicate the place where grapes grow, the place where wine is bottled, the most famous regions (wine of Rioja, Burgundy, Bordeaux).

The wine list indicates the names of drinks, the capacity of the bottle, the price for the entire capacity of the bottle, as well as the capacity for bottling. Some expensive wines in the restaurant are not sold on tap, so in the wine list, only the capacity of the bottle and the price for it are indicated against the name of the drink. Just like the menu, the wine list has the same brand logo.

Service in this enterprise is carried out with the help of waiters and bartenders, who were initially selected on the basis of picky and serious requirements.

The restaurant "Continental" has two halls: one for 30 seats, and the second for 50. The interior of the two halls is made in the same style, using pastel-vanilla tones. In addition to the fact that the walls are painted in vanilla tones, light chiffon fabrics of coffee and cream shades are additionally used to frame the window openings.

The variety of processed raw materials, the sale of products consumed locally in large quantities, and the direct impact of its quality on the health of the population require strict adherence to the rules of the sanitary regime in production and control over the quality of dishes. Therefore, it is of great importance for the proper organization of the technological process at this public catering enterprise that chefs comply with the norms for investing raw materials in accordance with approved recipes.

2.2 Analysis of the location and organization of the work of the hot shop in the restaurant "Continental"

In this restaurant, a workshop structure of production is organized, working on raw materials and semi-finished products. As a result, the restaurant has a harvesting vegetable shop and pre-cooking ( hot, cold). Technological lines are organized in each workshop. A production line is a production site equipped with the necessary equipment for a specific technological process.

Organization of the work of the hot shop.

The hot shop is the main working area of ​​a public catering enterprise, in which the technological process of cooking is completed.

In the restaurant, the hot shop has a convenient connection with the vegetable shops and the meat shop, with storage facilities and a convenient relationship with the cold shop, sales area and washing kitchen utensils.

From the hot shop, the dishes are sold to the consumer. Therefore, the hot shop is located on the same floor as the trading floor, which has the largest number of seats.

The workplaces of the hot shop in the restaurant have their own characteristics in accordance with the type of enterprise, its capacity, the nature of the operations performed, and the assortment.

Jobs are located along the technological process.

When organizing the workplace, the data of the human structure were taken into account.

When organizing the workplace of the cook, the optimal condition is the distance from the floor to the top shelf of the table, on which the supply of dishes is 1750 mm.

The microclimate of the designed hot shop complies with the following standards:

temperature does not exceed 23°C

humidity - 60-70%

the plate area is 45-50 times less than the floor area.

The work of the hot shop starts 2 hours before the opening of the trading floor.

2.3 The range of products processed in the hot shop

The range of culinary products is a list of dishes, drinks, culinary and confectionery products sold at a catering enterprise and designed to meet consumer needs. When forming the range of culinary products, take into account:

type of enterprise, class (for restaurants, bars), specialization;

The contingent of those who eat;

· technical equipment of the enterprise;

qualifications of personnel;

Rational use of raw materials;

seasonality of raw materials;

a variety of types of heat treatment;

the complexity of dishes, etc.

The assortment of dishes also corresponds to different types of enterprises. So, restaurants are characterized by a wide range of all groups of dishes (appetizers, soups, second, sweet dishes, confectionery), mostly complex preparation, including custom-made and branded ones.

Hot shop dishes meet the requirements of state standards, industry standards, enterprise standards, collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products, specifications and are developed according to technical instructions and maps, technical and technological maps in compliance with the Sanitary Rules for Public Catering Establishments.



1. Fresh cabbage salad 150 gr.

2. Borscht with donuts 250/30

Escalope, fried potatoes 160/100

Tea with lemon 150


1. Salad "Homemade" 150

2. Homemade noodles 250

Rump steak with rice 160/100

Tea with lemon 15


1. Salad "Piquant" 150

2. Bouillon with meatballs 150/100

Cutlet in Kiev style with potatoes 120/100

Tea with lemon 150


1. Salad "Delicacy" 150

2. Mixed meat hodgepodge 250

Beefsteak "appetizing" with vegetables 170/100

Oriental coffee 100

When compiling this type of menu (Appendix 1), a variety of dishes and culinary products were selected by type of raw materials (fish, meat, poultry, vegetables) and by culinary processing methods (boiled, poached, fried, stewed, baked). It is equally important in each specific case that the garnish is correctly selected to the main product.

2.4 Analysis of the production program of the restaurant

The production program of the hot shop is compiled on the basis of the range of dishes sold through the trading floor, i.e. according to the proposed types of menu, both free choice and business lunch.

For the implementation of the production program in the restaurant, the calculation of the quantity of the product is not carried out by the calculation method in accordance with the daily plan - menu in accordance with the formula:

Q = q*n / 1000, (2.1)

Q - the weight of the product of this type in kg by gross and net weight;

n is the number of dishes sold per day;

q - the rate of laying the product for one dish (from the Collection of technological standards in grams).

In the Continental restaurant, no calculations are made to determine the amount of raw material costs. And in a simplified form, there is a statement of consumption of raw materials with the optimal amount of product stocks, which is compiled on the basis of the balances removed by the end of each shift. It roughly looks like a table:

Table 2.1 Summary sheet of consumption of raw materials.

Name of products

Products weight

Gross, kg



Wheat bread, rye



beef tongue

boiled chicken

Sturgeon balyk

Curd mass sweet

Bulgarian pepper

Fresh champignons

Berries preserved in syrup

Wheat flour


Seasonings in assortment

Rice groats

The entire list of raw materials and products is about 70 items.

The variety of processed raw materials, the sale of products consumed locally in large quantities, and the direct impact of its quality on the health of the population require strict adherence to the rules of the sanitary regime in production and control over the quality of dishes. Therefore, it is of great importance for the proper organization of the technological process at this public catering enterprise that chefs comply with the norms for investing raw materials in accordance with approved recipes.

The basis for calculating the number of products is the production program of the enterprise.

Type of products entering the enterprise: raw materials, semi-finished products, frozen semi-finished products. Depending on the initial product, the consumption rates of the product, the yield of the semi-finished product and the finished product are determined. The calculation is based on the consumption rate of raw materials, semi-finished products per serving of the dish. The working moment of the calculation is presented in the tables according to the form (table 2.2.).

Table 2.2 Summary table for calculating raw materials.

Name of the product, semi-finished product

Name of dish, product

Total, kg

Shrimp baked

Julienne with mushrooms

Cheese sticks / scrambled eggs

Norm prod per 1 p, g

Total Qty

Norm prod per 1 p, g

Total Qty

Norm prod per 1 p, g

Total Qty

Raw frozen shrimp



Fresh porcini mushrooms

Wheat flour

2.5 Calculation of the number of workers in the hot shop

The number of employees is calculated by the formula:

Ν = Σ Α / 3600* Τcm * λ, (3.13)

where ΣΑ is the total number of man-seconds;

Τ - shift duration per hour;

Ν calc = Ν* Κ cm, (3.14)

where N is the number of employees;

Κ - shift factor = 1.62

Table 3.18 Calculation of hot shop workers

Name of dishes

Number of meals per day

Time per second

Number of man - seconds

Ear Rostov

Bouillon with meatballs

Noodle soup

Solyanka sb meat

Boiled pike perch

Pike perch in batter

Fillet "Don"

Pike perch

Fried sturgeon

Sturgeon stuffed

Escalope with tomato

Cutlet chop

Rump steak


Beef with prunes

Lyulya - Kebab

Cutlet in Kiev

Cutlet nat. Chur

beef stroganoff

red sauce

Boiled potatoes

fried potatoes

Potato Puree

Hawaiian rice

Steamed vegetables

Mushrooms in sour cream

Mushrooms baked


Chicken julienne

Ν calc = 2 people per shift. In the Continental restaurant, these calculations correspond to the number of cooks working in the hot shop, i.e. 2 people per shift.

In total, two chefs are assigned to the hot shop when placing an order, but one of them helps in cooking and in the cold shop. In total, there are three cooks in the restaurant per shift and one kitchen worker who cleans vegetables, cleans production facilities (sanitizes floors, ovens and kitchen utensils).

Washers and kitchen helpers are part of the production team.

Depending on the category, the complexity of the work is carried out.

2.6 Schedule for the work of production workers

Properly developed and observed at the enterprise, the regime of work and rest provides an increase in labor productivity, improves the quality of products, and reduces industrial injuries. In order to establish a work schedule at the projected enterprise, a work schedule is drawn up. When drawing up a schedule for going to work for workers (cooks), at the beginning, the effective working time is calculated.

Table 2.3 schedule for the start of work of production workers

Break time per shift

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1st brigade: Ivanov V.A. Petrov S.A. Galchenko N.S. Brovkin L.I. 2 brigade: Donin R.V. Kislova E.M. Serova R.I. Ruslanova I.R. Head pro - pom: Tkachenko N.I.

9 00 -9 00 9 00 -9 00 9 00 -9 00 9 00 -9 00 H H H H 9 00 -17 00

H H H H 9 00 -9 00 9 00 -9 00 9 00 -9 00 9 00 -9 00 9 00 -17 00

9 00 -9 00 9 00 -9 00 9 00 -9 00 9 00 -9 00 H H H H 9 00 -17 00

H H H H 9 00 -9 00 9 00 -9 00 9 00 -9 00 9 00 -9 00 9 00 -17 00

9 00 -9 00 9 00 -9 00 9 00 -9 00 9 00 -9 00 H H H H H

2 h 30 min 2 h 30 min 2 h 30 min 2 h 30 min 2 h 30 min 2 h 30 min 2 h 30 min 2 h 30 min

This company uses a two-team work schedule. With this schedule, two brigades are organized, identical in size and composition. Employees work every other day (days rest), the break during the work shift is 2 hours and 30 minutes. According to this schedule, both production workers and employees of the trading floor work. Only HR employees work on a linear schedule. This schedule provides for the simultaneous arrival and departure of management employees (director, accounting department, production manager), who work out an 8-hour working day every day.

2.7 Analysis of the equipment of workplaces of the hot shop

The equipment for the hot shop was selected according to the standards for equipping with trade, technological and refrigeration equipment in accordance with the type and number of seats, mode of operation, maximum load of the trading floor, and forms of service.

To organize the workplace of the cook, tables equipped with an individual exhaust device are used. Workplaces are equipped with equipment and tools.

The working process of the hot shop consists of:

The chef gets acquainted with the menu, then receives the necessary products, selects the dishes. From dishes used:

· boilers for cooking and stewing meat dishes with a capacity of 20 - 50 liters;

pans with a capacity of 1-10 liters;

saute pans;

baking sheets

frying pans.

Jobs are organized by type of heat treatment, and equipment is used:

kitchen stoves of various brands;

production tables;

· mobile racks;


The equipment is grouped taking into account the performance of operations and is placed in an island way, since the chef performs several operations. So, for example, heating equipment is installed in a group in the center of the room, which allows chefs to approach from all four sides when preparing dishes.

Selection of equipment according to equipment standards is carried out in accordance with this type of projected enterprise.

Table 2.4 Name of hot shop equipment used in the restaurant

Name of equipment

Equipment dimensions

Technical specifications.

Refrigeration equipment: Medium temperature refrigerator OASIS 500

Used for food storage

Electrical equipment: ORIGINAL tilting pan Combi steamer FCV4EDS

68x82x87 70x50x50

For a large number of cooking dishes fried, stewed Universal equipment

Non-mechanical equipment: Table made by - SR - 3 / 1200 Ventilation umbrellas ZVN - 1200/800 Washing bathtub for hands Kitchen wall shelf PPK - 1200 Dial table scales VTs - 3 Electronic VE - 5

120x60x87 125x80x53 53x53x87 120x40x60 34x24x47 55x32x40

Table with bottom shelf. Has a wall-mounted design Exhaust ventilation system Made of stainless steel Dial

The location of the equipment in terms of production workshops has the maximum layout in the combination of installation and repair.

The layout of the technological equipment satisfies the safety of its operation.

catering restaurant equipment


The following requirements for the layout of premises are imposed on catering establishments:

1. The mutual arrangement of the main groups of premises provides the shortest connections between them without crossing the flows of visitors and service personnel, crossing clean and used dishes.

2. The layout of retail premises is carried out in the direction of movement of visitors.

All production and storage facilities should not be through. From the street there should be an entrance to the trading premises; from the side of the household yard, the entrance to the production and amenity premises.

The layout of all groups of rooms must meet the requirements of SNiPA, sanitary and fire safety requirements.

Restaurant "Continental" does not meet all of the above requirements. It contains the following inconsistencies:

1. Air from the hot shop enters the hall with a bar counter.

2. The flow of dirty used tableware from the trading floor enters through one common service exit to the production.

The area of ​​the restaurant's production premises consists of the usable area and the aisle area.

The height of the premises is 3.3 m. At a height of 1.8 m, the walls are tiled. The floors are covered with waterproof tiles. The microclimate in the premises (temperature, humidity, air velocity) is provided for optimal. The temperature in the refrigeration shop is set at 16-18°C, air humidity 60-70%. Microclimate hot shop complies with standards: temperature does not exceed 23°C; humidity - 60-70%; the plate area is 45-50 times less than the floor area.

Jobs in the production workshops of the restaurant have their own characteristics in accordance with the type of enterprise, its capacity, the nature of the operations performed, and the range.

The area of ​​the workplace satisfies the rational placement of equipment and tools.

Jobs are located partly along the technological process.

When organizing the workplace of the cook, optimal conditions were taken into account, which have a distance from the floor to the top shelf of the table, on which the supply of dishes is 1750 mm. Thus, it allows a cook with an average height of 160 - 165 cm to get the necessary items and equipment for work.

Tables in the production shops are installed of the same type, with lower rack shelves. The tables are arranged according to the wall and island principle, so that the viewing angle is 18 °. On average, the viewing angle was at the enterprise for the storage and cooling of semi-finished products, refrigerated cabinets are installed.

To create favorable working conditions for workers, a general exchange supply and exhaust ventilation is provided in the hot shop. Additionally, local ventilation with umbrellas and their dimensions of 1200 x 800 mm was installed above the heating equipment of electric furnaces 35 ER 36 in the workshop.

Industrial premises are provided with cold and hot water and sewerage. Water is supplied to bathtubs, sinks. The sewerage system provides for the rapid removal of wastewater. Baths, sinks, washbasins are equipped with hydraulic seals that prevent the penetration of sewer odors.

For the operation of electric motors of technological equipment in the restaurant, an electrical network of 380/220 V with a solidly grounded neutral is provided. During the operation of the equipment, workers can become energized only when a phase breaks through to the case. Therefore, grounding of metal cases of equipment, usually not energized, is provided.

The organization of production has both positive and negative characteristics.

Positives include:

1 compliance with production and technological discipline;

2 compliance with sanitary and labor protection standards;

Full compliance of production personnel with the requirements of GOST 28-1-05;

Compliance with all legal norms in the preparation of documentation relating to the turnover and purchase of the necessary raw materials;

Providing a full range of nutritious food.

However, despite the positive aspects, there are shortcomings in the organization of the technological process:

The hot shop is a single space, partially divided into workplaces, in accordance with the separation of technological processes. This reduces the total area of ​​the workshop, which is thus not entirely comfortable for two people. To improve working conditions, it is desirable to distinguish between workplaces according to the following types: a table with the necessary equipment for cutting raw and boiled vegetables; a table with the necessary equipment and inventory for the preparation of semi-finished products from unleavened dough (dumplings, dumplings, pies, etc.)

Despite the presence of a ventilation system, the process of supplying fresh air to the kitchen takes place in difficult conditions, since the window available in the workshop is located in a wall remote from the main workplace. And as an air supply there is only an extractor fan. To solve this problem, in addition to the hood in the kitchen, it is necessary to install an air conditioner, which will help maintain the proper temperature in the room and improve the labor process.

When preparing dishes fried in the main way over 10 servings, from various types of raw materials, in the hot shop there are often not enough pans on the stove, but there are only 12 pieces and those for at least 4 servings each. Because of this, cooks have to use one frying pan with repeatedly calcined oil several times, in order to save raw materials. In addition to all this, each cook at work uses basically only his own, in their opinion, convenient knife. At the same time, violating all the requirements for sanitation and hygiene. Therefore, I propose to revise the entire list of available equipment and utensils, which must be supplemented by those that are missing.

There is no convenient connection and separation of sinks for two types of dishes (dining room and kitchen). Dirty, used dishes are washed in the same room as kitchen utensils. Therefore, it is necessary, in accordance with such requirements, to make separate sinks for kitchen and tableware.

The restaurant uses a lot of chopped greens for cooking. Therefore, I suggest purchasing a device for cutting greens.

And also for the rational organization of labor, it is necessary to supplement the staff with workers in order to obtain more profit for the manager and the enterprise as a whole. Since the culture of service also suffers from a lack of full-time staff, especially when servicing banquets of more than 50 people.

In accordance with modern methods of promoting sales of own products, purchased goods and services in a restaurant, it is necessary to apply various merchandising techniques:

1. aesthetic design of dishes, cocktails, mixed drinks;

2. an exhibition of ready-made dishes (beautifully decorated desserts, etc.) or photographs of these dishes in the design of the hall, stand and other prominent places;

Introduction of new methods of serving dishes.


The topic of this final analytical work is the organization of the work of a hot shop in a public catering enterprise.

The purpose of the final work was to develop certain recommendations for identified shortcomings in the enterprise. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved:

1. Task 1 - the study of theoretical material on the organization of the work of production and the hot shop as a whole at catering establishments according to various literary sources. In the course of solving this problem, the following questions were considered in the first section:

· Structure of POP production;

· Production program of the enterprise;

· Hot shop equipment.

Task 2 - study and analysis of the organization of the work of the hot shop in the restaurant Elite - Club "Continental". In the course of solving the second task in the second section, based on the material collected during the undergraduate practice, a range of issues was highlighted that corresponded to those analyzed on the basis of the first section, including a description of the restaurant as a type of enterprise, the organization of the work of the workshop in the preparation and sale products. The issue of equipping the hot shop and providing working conditions for production workers in general and others was analyzed.

Task 3 - on the basis of the second main section, I made conclusions about the work of production and the activities of the enterprise. The conclusions revealed both positive and negative aspects of the organization of the work of the restaurant production. Based on the results of the presented conclusions, a number of proposals were made to improve the organization of production of the Continental restaurant. Accordingly, the following proposals were made:

1. carry out the division of jobs by type of technological processes;

2. install more powerful supply and exhaust ventilation or install an automatic air conditioner in the hot shop;

Purchase additionally: equipment (vegetable cutter, food processor), kitchen utensils and inventory;

In accordance with sanitary requirements, make separate sinks for kitchen and tableware;

For the rational organization of labor, it is necessary to supplement the staff with workers in order to obtain greater profits for the manager and the enterprise as a whole. Since the culture of service also suffers from the lack of full-time staff;

Monitor and timely provide the enterprise with all types of raw materials and other materials for the smooth operation of the restaurant.

The introduction of these proposals at the initial stage will increase the total cost of the enterprise, however, over time, there will be a significant increase in the efficiency of the organization of service activities and its problems in the Continental restaurant, the culture of serving visitors will grow, new customers will appear, which will ultimately entail the growth of such important economic indicators such as total turnover and net profit of the enterprise.


1. "Organization of production at a public catering enterprise" Radchenko L.A. Rostov - on - Don Phoenix 2007

. "Technology for the production of catering products" Furs A.P. "Economics" Moscow 1999

. "Organization of production and service at a public catering enterprise" T.V. Shlenskaya, Yu.I. Ulitina. Part 1. Moscow 2004

. "Labor protection in the food industry, public catering and trade" Yu.M. Burashnikov 2003

. "Sanitation and hygiene of public catering" Trushina T.P. Rostov - on - Don Phoenix 2000

. "Waiter - bartender" Study guide. V.A. Baranovsky. “Modern. School", 2006.

. "Service at catering establishments" Radchenko L.A. Rostov - on - Don Phoenix 2007

. “Rules for the production and sale of products (services) of public catering. 1993

GOST 50764 - 2007 "Services of public catering".

SanPiN 42 - 123 - 4117 - 86 "Sanitary rules. Conditions and terms of storage of especially perishable products.

11. L.S. Kucher, L.M. Shkuratov "Restaurant business in Russia", a textbook for secondary specialized educational institutions, ed. "Business Literature", Moscow, 2002

12. V.G. Fedtsov "Culture of restaurant service" Uch. allowance. 2008

1. Principles of organization of production.

2. Forms and methods of organizing production.

3. Organization of jobs.

4. Basic requirements for creating optimal working conditions.

The production process is the basis of a complex and diverse activity, as a result of which raw materials are transformed into finished products.

The production process is the result of interactions between objects of labor, means of labor and living labor.

There are main and auxiliary processes at POP. Main- production processes, as a result of which the objects of labor qualitatively change (dough kneading, frying, cooking). Helper Processes contribute to the implementation of the main processes, while creating the necessary conditions (transportation, equipment repair, production of all types of energy, product quality control).

The production process is constantly being improved in accordance with the principles of its rational organization

1) proportionality;

2) continuity;

3) rhythm;

4) direct flow.

Proportionality production processes is to observe the ratio in the productivity of individual jobs, sites, workshops and all subdivisions of the p / n for the production of products per unit of time. At achievement of proportionality of production occurrence of bottlenecks is excluded. The task of maintaining proportionality is constant and covers both the main and auxiliary processes.

Continuity production processes involves the elimination of all interruptions in the work of personnel, equipment and the promotion of objects of labor in production processes. This is achieved through the use of automatic and semi-automatic types of equipment, as well as small-scale mechanization (trolleys, mobile racks).

Rhythm production processes means the implementation at each workplace at regular intervals of the same set amount of work, this ensures a uniform output.

Direct flow is ensured subject to the shortest path of passage of objects of labor through all operations of the production process without return and oncoming movements.

Food service needs improvement forms of organization of production, such as concentration of production, specialization, cooperation and combination.

Production concentration provides for the concentration of means of production and labor on large production lines (blanks) for the centralized production of high-readiness food products, culinary and confectionery products, with subsequent release to other production lines. taking into account world experience, centralized production is the basis of social nutrition (workers, children, schoolchildren, students, the elderly) and allows you to get biologically complete food, the safest products, a wide range.

Under specialization production is understood as the concentration of p / n activities on the production and sale of a certain range of products or on the performance of certain stages of the technological process.

There are 2 types of specialization - subject and technological (stage).

The subject specialization of enterprises is developing in the following areas:

Catering for individual components of consumers, depending on their work and study;

Catering for consumers in need of dietary and medical nutrition;

Production of dishes of national cuisine and cuisine of foreign countries;

Production of culinary products from one type of raw material (vegetarian canteens, dairy cafes, fish enterprises);

Production of a narrow range of dishes in dumplings, barbecue, cheburek, etc.

The essence of technological specialization lies in the division of the production process into 2 stages: mechanical processing of raw materials and preparation of p / f at blank and industrial p / p and manufacturing of finished products at pre-preparation p / p. Technological specialization is closely related to the concentration of production.

cooperation is a form of production relations between enterprises that jointly produce certain products. Cooperation can be intra-industry (between procurement and pre-preparation production lines). An example is a food plant.

Intersectoral cooperation is cooperation between enterprises of various industries (POP and a meat processing plant, a dairy plant, a poultry farm, and other industrial p / p, supplying p / f); creation of complex firms.

A feature of the organization of the main production at POP is the predominance of serial and single types of production. With a serial type, the technological process is carried out in-line method(at large-scale production), in small-scale production it is used batch method organization of production.

The workplace is a part of the production area where the employee performs certain operations, using the appropriate equipment, utensils, inventory, tools.

Workplaces in the workshop are located along the technological process.

Jobs can be specialized and universal. Specialized workplaces organized at large checkpoints, when an employee performs one or more homogeneous operations during the day.

In medium and small p / p prevail universal workplaces, where several inhomogeneous operations are carried out.

The organization of workplaces takes into account the anthropometric data of the structure of the human body, so sectional modulated equipment is used. The distance from the floor to the top shelf of the table, on which the supply of dishes is usually placed, should not exceed 1750 mm. The optimal distance from the floor to the middle shelf is 1500mm. This zone is the most convenient for the cook. It is very convenient when the table has drawers for inventory, tools. At the bottom of the table there should be shelves for dishes, cutting boards. The height of the table should be such that the distance between the worker's elbow and the table surface does not exceed 200-250mm. The angle of instantaneous visibility of the object is 18°. In this review sector, they place what the cook needs to see instantly. The angle of effective visibility should not exceed 30°. On average, for a person, the viewing angle is 120 °, so the length of the production table should not exceed 1.5 m.

Sufficient area in the area of ​​the workplace eliminates the possibility of industrial injuries, provides access to the equipment during its operation and repair. It is recommended to observe the distances (permissible) when placing the equipment.

Production facilities should be located on ground floors and oriented to the north and northwest.

The area of ​​industrial premises should provide safe working conditions and compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. The area consists of a usable area occupied by various technological equipment, as well as an area for walkways.

The area of ​​industrial premises is calculated by the formula:

where Ftot is the total area of ​​the workshop, m 2;

F floor - useful area of ​​the workshop occupied by equipment, m 2;

η is the area utilization factor, taking into account the passages between the equipment; for the hot shop - 0.3; for cold and blank shops - 0.35.

The height of the production premises must be at least 3.3 m. Walls to a height of 1.8 m from the floor are faced with ceramic tiles, the rest is covered with light adhesive paint. In modern rooms, the walls are faced with light-colored ceramic tiles to the full height, which improves the conditions for sanitization.

The floors must be waterproof, have a slight slope towards the ladder, they are covered with metlakh tiles or other artificial material.

An optimal microclimate should be created in production premises, its factors include temperature, humidity and air velocity. The optimum temperature in the blank and cold shops should be within 16-18°C, in the hot and confectionery shops - 23-25°C. Relative air humidity 60-70%.

These microclimatic conditions are created by supply and exhaust ventilation. The exhaust must be larger than the air inlet. In the hot shop, in addition to general ventilation, local ventilation is used (over stoves, frying pans, deep fryers ...).

Workshops must have natural lighting. The illumination coefficient (the ratio of the area of ​​windows to the area of ​​the floor) should be at least 1:6, and the distance of the workplace from the windows should not exceed 8 m. For artificial lighting, ll and lv are used, which are selected according to the norm - 20 W per 1 m 2 (floor) of the workshop area.

Production facilities must have hot and cold water supply to washing baths, boilers, cooking boilers.

Sewerage ensures the removal of wastewater during the operation of bathtubs, digesters.

Permissible noise level in industrial premises is 60-75 dB. Noise reduction in industrial premises can be achieved by the use of sound-absorbing materials.

Lecture No. 3 operational planning of production and technological documentation.

1. Operational production planning.

2. Menu types.

3. Technological documentation.

The essence of operational planning is to draw up the production program of the enterprise, this is done by production managers, heads of production departments, foremen, and accountants.

Operational production planning harvesting enterprise organize according to the following scheme: the mailbox with which the contract is concluded, make up daily orders for half-paid, culinary and flour confectionery products and transfer them to the procurement mailbox to the dispatch service; here, orders are summarized by product type and transferred to the shops in the form of a daily production plan. Applications are accepted one day before their execution.

In enterprises with a full production cycle, for example, in restaurants where the range of dishes is very large, the menu mainly includes ordered a la carte dishes, so it is difficult to plan the number of dishes released in advance, but, given past experience, it is possible to plan the release of p / f and the number of products per day.

In POPs with a certain contingent of consumers (canteens at production stations, educational institutions, childcare facilities, rest homes, etc.), it is possible to more clearly plan the work of production for each day.

Operational planning of production work includes the following elements:

Drawing up a planned menu for a week, a decade (cyclic menu), on its basis, the development of a menu plan that reflects the daily production program of the p / p; preparation and approval of the menu;

Calculation of the need for products for the preparation of dishes provided for by the menu plan, and drawing up requirements for raw materials;

Registration of the requirement-invoice for the release of products from warehouses for the production and receipt of raw materials;

Distribution of raw materials between workshops and determination of tasks for chefs in accordance with the menu plan.

The menu plan is drawn up by the head of production on the eve of the planned day (no later than 15:00) and approved by the director of the subdivision. It contains the names, numbers of recipes and the number of dishes, indicating the timing of their preparation in separate batches, taking into account consumer demand.

The main factors to consider when compiling the menu are: the approximate range of products recommended for EPP depending on its type and the type of ration provided, the availability of raw materials and their seasonality.

An approximate assortment of dishes (assortment minimum) is a certain number of items of cold, hot dishes, drinks, typical for various POPs (restaurants, canteens, cafes, etc.).

When approving the menu plan, the director and the production manager are responsible for ensuring that the dishes indicated on the menu are on sale throughout the entire trading day.

Menu- this is a document designed to inform consumers about the range of culinary and confectionery products, drinks and other goods, their quantitative characteristics (yields of dishes and prices). Menu d.b. signed by the director, production manager and calculator.

Free choice menu is compiled in public EPP and presents a list of dishes recorded in a certain order, indicating the output of dishes, garnish, main product and price.

When compiling the menu, certain rules for the arrangement of snacks and dishes are followed.

Cold meals and snacks→fish gastronomy→cold fish dishes→salads and vinaigrettes→cold meat dishes→cold poultry dishes→dairy products.

Hot appetizers→ fish, meat → from poultry and game (juliennes) → vegetable → mushroom → egg.

Soups→transparent, puree, dressing, milky, cold, sweet.

Main courses→ fish (boiled, poached, fried, baked) → meat (boiled, fried, poached) → poultry and game dishes → dishes from cutlet mass → dishes from vegetables, cereals, legumes, pasta and flour products → dishes from eggs and cottage cheese.

Sweet dishes→hot→cold.

Hot drinks.

Cold drinks of own preparation.

Flour culinary and confectionery products. Bread(rye, wheat).

In a cafe, it is recommended to start the menu with hot (at least 10 items) and cold drinks, flour confectionery. In specialized p / p - from dishes characteristic of them: in tea rooms - from tea, in barbecue houses - from barbecue, etc.

Menu of complex lunches (breakfasts, dinners) is a set of dishes for a certain cost, the combination of which provides a complex of B, F, U, necessary for the body, min. in-in and vitamins. In such a menu, not only the price of each dish is indicated, but also the total cost. As a rule, two variants of complex lunches, breakfasts, and dinners are sold in the dining room, different in composition, but the same in cost.

When catering for subscriptions that are sold for a week, a decade, a month, the menu includes dishes, the total cost of which corresponds to the cost of the subscription.

Daily diet menu used in rest homes, sanatoriums, boarding schools, children's camps, military units. It is also made up for participants in congresses and conferences who eat in restaurants 2-3 times a day. The daily diet menu is compiled simultaneously for breakfast, lunch, dinner, taking into account the physiological needs of a person. It can be freely selectable or pre-assembled. In rest houses and sanatoriums, consumers can order dishes for the next day in accordance with the proposed menu.

The dietary menu is compiled in dietary canteens, taking into account 5-6 basic diets (1, 2, 5, 7/10, 9). For each diet, a specific set of dishes is compiled. A dietitian or a dietitian takes part in compiling the menu.

The baby food menu is compiled on the basis of the physiological nutritional norms of children and adolescents, with different servings for different age groups (7-10 years old, 11-13 years old, 14-17 years old). In school canteens, a variety of dishes is achieved by compiling a cyclic menu for 2 weeks.

Banquet menu is compiled taking into account the nature of the banquet and the time of its holding.

The banquet menu includes several cold dishes and snacks that can be ordered at the rate of ½ or 1/3 servings. The menu includes 1 hot appetizer, second hot dishes of 1-2 items, dessert dishes, hot drinks, flour confectionery.

Menu of thematic events make up at the meeting of the New Year, celebrations on the days of traditional holidays.

The main regulatory and technological documentation used at the EPP includes Collections of recipes for dishes and culinary products.

The collections contain recipes, cooking technology, as well as the consumption rates of raw materials, the output of semi-finished products and finished products, recommendations for the interchangeability of products. In each Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products, the conditions of all types of raw materials and products are indicated in the introduction. When using raw materials of a different standard for cooking than those provided for in the recipes, the rate of investment of raw materials is recalculated based on the specified recipes of the net weight, the value of which remains constant, and the percentage of waste established by the collection ... When using raw materials of other standards or substandard raw materials, the rate of output of dishes must not be violated.

In order to best meet the demand of consumers, catering enterprises can develop new recipes for dishes and culinary products. They must have a novelty of cooking technology, high palatability, originality of design, and a successful combination of products. For all dishes with a new recipe and specialties, technological documentation is developed and approved by the head of the p / p: STP, TU, technical-technological and technological maps, OSTs, TI.

Technological maps, compiled for each dish, culinary and confectionery products manufactured at the checkpoint are provided at the workplaces of cooks and confectioners.

Technological maps are drawn up in the prescribed form on thick cardboard, signed by the director, production manager and calculator and stored in the production manager's file cabinet.

Technical and technological maps (TTK) develop for new and signature dishes and culinary products - those that are developed and sold only in this subdivision. The term of the TTK is determined by the p / p itself. Each TTK receives a serial number and is stored in a file cabinet.

The main regulatory documents governing the production of p / f and culinary products are OSTs, which are developed and approved by the Ministry of Meat and Dairy Industry, Food Industry, Fisheries, which produce products for public catering.

THAT- this is the main regulatory document that determines the production of semi-finished products only at POP. Specifications are developed by the Research Institute of Public Catering.

Technological instructions (TI) are introduced simultaneously with specifications and determine the range of p / f produced; quality requirements and consumption rates of raw materials; procedure for carrying out technological processes; packaging and labeling requirements; conditions, terms of storage and transportation.

STP develop for culinary products with non-traditional methods of cold and heat treatment, for the main processes.

STP projects are coordinated with the territorial sanitary and epidemiological service. The STP is approved by the head of the p / p for a period determined by him.

The technological process set out in the STP must ensure the safety requirements and the quality indicator established by state acts. STP cannot violate GOSTs.

Territory requirements. To comply with the established sanitary standards in the work of public catering enterprises, it is necessary to comply with the hygienic requirements for the territory of the enterprise.

The choice of a place for building is of great importance. The site must be dry, on an elevated, level place, at least 1 km away from landfills and at least 100 m from enterprises that pollute the atmospheric air and soil.

The territory of the public catering enterprise should be kept clean: in winter it should be cleared of snow, in summer it should be watered.

Requirements for the layout and arrangement of premises. All premises of a public catering enterprise, depending on the purpose, are divided into production ones (kitchen, cold shop, preparation shops: meat, fish, vegetable; confectionery shop, distributing, washing kitchen utensils); trade (hall, washing tableware, service room, buffet, bread slicer, premises for taking home meals, selling semi-finished products, an entrance hall, a cloakroom, a vestibule, a toilet with a washbasin); warehouse (refrigerators, warehouses for dry products, vegetables, linen, inventory); administrative and household (director's office, accounting, premises for waiters, sanitary facilities for staff, linen, wardrobe, showers).

The layout of all premises should be rational, contribute to the proper organization of work, meet sanitary requirements for the maintenance of the enterprise and better customer service.

In accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, the layout of the premises should ensure the consistency and accuracy of technological processes, as well as the shortest path for the passage of raw materials from the moment they are received to the release of finished products.

Crossing of flows of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, dirty and clean dishes should not be allowed in order to exclude contamination of food with microbes and the possibility of foodborne infectious diseases and food poisoning.

The area of ​​all premises is determined depending on the type, capacity and number of seats in the hall of the catering establishment.

Industrial premises must be located on the ground floors, providing normal natural lighting of the workshops. The area of ​​industrial premises, according to sanitary standards, should include an area free from equipment, which is 5.5 m2 per worker. The height of the premises should be at least 3-3.3 m.

At enterprises operating on raw materials, all procurement workshops (vegetable, meat, fish) are placed between storage facilities and a hot shop. This contributes to compliance with the flow of the technological process, ensuring the shortest path for the movement of raw materials and semi-finished products and reducing the possibility of additional contamination of products with microbes.

The meat shop is located in a row of blank shops. Its device must ensure the sequence of the technological process of processing meat, from defrosting carcasses to preparing semi-finished products.

Taking into account the different sanitary conditions of meat, half-gutted poultry, offal with high humidity, it is necessary to provide separate lines for their processing.

The fish shop is located next to the meat shop. In small enterprises, the processing of fish according to sanitary standards is allowed in the meat and fish workshop, but with mandatory separate lines for processing meat and fish. In the fish shop, as well as in the meat shop, one should strictly observe the sequence of processing raw materials and preparing fish semi-finished products with the allocation of jobs for the preparation of fish cutlet mass. The workshop must provide refrigerated cabinets.

The hot shop (kitchen) is equipped near the cold shop and the dispensing room, clearly delimiting the soup and sauce departments. In the hot shop, the technological process of cooking is completed, therefore, the sanitary and hygienic state of the finished food depends on the proper organization of this shop.

To ensure the consistent implementation of the technological process, and therefore, to improve the quality of dishes, it is considered the most rational to install sectional modular equipment in the workshop, consisting of a number of electrothermal devices (stoves, boilers, frying pans, ovens, etc.) , which are located in one serial line. A common ventilation suction is mounted above the equipment.

Such equipment saves production space and improves working conditions, reducing unnecessary movements and reducing the physical load of cooks. It improves the sanitary condition of the food being prepared and the workshop as a whole by reducing the path of movement of products, the sequence of technological operations.

Taking into account the increased temperature, humidity and air pollution (acrolein, carbon dioxide) of the hot shop, it should be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, which ensures normal working conditions for cooks and the microclimate of adjacent premises.

The cold shop produces products that are not subjected to heat treatment during the cooking process. Therefore, increased sanitary requirements are imposed on the design of the workshop.

In order to avoid secondary contamination of cold dishes with microbes, this workshop must be separated from the procurement workshops, as close as possible to the hot workshop and the distributing one. For the same purpose, workplaces are delimited in the workshop for the preparation of meat, fish, vegetable, sweet dishes and sandwiches, since these dishes are prepared from raw and heat-treated products with different sanitary conditions.

The confectionery shop is located in isolation from all production facilities, protecting its products from bacterial contamination. For the same purpose, a clear delineation of technological operations is envisaged in the workshop itself, highlighting separate rooms: a pantry for a daily supply of raw materials with a refrigerator and a food preparation department; room for cleaning oil; a room for processing eggs with a compartment for preparing egg mass with refrigeration equipment for its storage; rooms for preparing dough with a section for sifting flour; compartment for cutting dough and pastries; department for the preparation of finishing semi-finished products (syrups, lipsticks, jelly); cream preparation department with refrigeration equipment; a room for finishing confectionery products with a refrigerator; storage room for packaging materials; washing intrashop packaging and large inventory; washing and sterilization of confectionery bags, tips, small inventory; a room for washing and drying returnable containers; confectionery expedition with a cold store for cream products.

The layout of these premises should correspond to the sequence of the technological process of preparing confectionery products and exclude the possibility of oncoming or crossing flows of raw materials and finished products.

Washing of kitchen utensils is placed next to the hot shop and equipped with washing baths with hot and cold water supply, racks for storing utensils.

Requirements for interior decoration. The decoration of the premises of public catering enterprises is of great hygienic importance and must meet certain requirements. The interior decoration of the premises should be without unnecessary architectural details in order to avoid the accumulation of dust.

For the decoration of industrial, warehouse and domestic premises, materials of light colors, waterproof with a smooth, easy-to-clean surface are used. Ceilings are usually covered with adhesive whitewash, walls at a height of 1.8 m are laid out with ceramic tiles or synthetic materials or covered with oil paint. Window frames and doors are painted with light-colored oil or enamel paint. The floors are lined with metlakh tiles.

The hall and administrative premises are finished with beautiful, modern, easy-to-clean materials (wood, plastic, linoleum, glue and oil paint).

The walls of the halls in dining rooms are usually painted in soothing warm colors or finished with synthetic materials, and in restaurants and cafes they are lined with precious woods, particle boards. To reduce noise, walls and ceilings are finished with sound-absorbing perforated slabs coated with a refractory compound, which are well washed. The floors in the halls must be smooth, non-slip, moisture resistant. In dining rooms, floors are often covered with plastic, linoleum, and in restaurants, cafes for floors they use parquet covered with colorless varnish, synthetic carpets of a single color or rolled materials based on synthetic resins.

Requirements for water supply, sewerage, heating, microclimate, ventilation and lighting. Water supply to public catering establishments is carried out from a centralized water supply network, and in the absence of a water supply system, from an artesian well or a mine well with water supply to all industrial premises.

Drinking water quality must comply with the requirements of GOST “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control”.

To supply the enterprise with hot water, a special hot water supply network is equipped. Hot water is supplied through mixers to all sinks, industrial and washing bathtubs, showers. Its temperature should not be lower than 75°C, and for washing dishes - not lower than 90°C. Hot water is not used for cooking, as it does not meet sanitary requirements.

Sewerage is of great epidemiological importance for organizing the cleaning of public catering establishments from household and fecal wastewater. It must meet certain health requirements.

To prevent the formation and ingress of harmful substances into the air of industrial premises, it is necessary: ​​strictly observe the technological processes of cooking; ensure complete combustion of fuel in gas stoves, coal-fired, wood-burning appliances; it is recommended to equip workplaces where flour, powdered sugar, etc. are sifted with a local exhaust.

Heating must ensure the air temperature in the premises of public catering establishments in accordance with hygiene standards. The most favorable for a person is considered to be an air temperature of 18-20 ° C with a relative humidity of 40-60% and an air speed of 0.3 m / s.

The most perfect and hygienic is the low-pressure central water heating with the temperature of the radiators not exceeding 85°C. In catering establishments, it is recommended to install smooth-walled heaters that can be easily cleaned of dust.

Ventilation of the premises improves the microclimate in the workplace, which affects working conditions, maintaining health and increasing the efficiency of personnel.

Artificial lighting should be bright enough.