Sergei Mironov commented on the agenda of the plenary session of the State Duma. Political scientists discussed the first plenary meeting of the State Duma of the VII convocation Analysis of the agenda of the plenary meeting where an example

On October 5, Wednesday, the first meeting of the elected State Duma of the 7th convocation took place. The session of the parliament began with the election of the chairman of the chamber, deputies and heads of committees and commissions. The meeting was also attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Leading political scientists and experts outlined their point of view on the State Duma of the 7th convocation.

Vyacheslav Volodin was elected Speaker of the State Duma of the seventh convocation by a majority of votes, previously he served as First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

Speaking to the parliamentarians, the head of state, who specially came to Okhotny Ryad on this occasion, recalled the words from Pyotr Stolypin's address to the State Duma deputies, said more than 100 years ago: “We all must unite, coordinate our efforts, our duties and rights to maintain the historical, supreme right Russia - to be strong.

“The strength of Russia is within ourselves. It is inside our people, in our people, in our traditions and in our culture, in our economy, in our vast territory and natural resources, in defense capability, of course. But the most important thing is our strength, of course, in the unity of our people,” Putin said.

President of the Petersburg Politics Foundation spoke about the first meeting of the State Duma of the seventh convocation Mikhail Vinogradov: “Today, a lot was said about the need for dialogue, about taking into account the opinions of all sectors of society, including those who voted for parties that did not pass in parliament or did not take part in the elections to the State Duma at all for one reason or another. The role of the State Duma as a representative body in Russian society is very large - this is inter-party dialogue, and public dialogue, and interaction with expert structures, this is the topic of May decrees, social policy, and the topic of reaction to various kinds of external threats.

“In general, the start of the work of the State Duma was successful. We saw a precedent of joint voting on the speaker's candidacy, when almost 90% of deputies supported the candidate proposed by the president. It is obvious that such unity of views will not be observed in everything,” Vinogradov added.

“Informal groups in politics are known, and this is quite natural. Take at least EP - inside the party there are discussions all the time on various issues. Representatives of different regions coexist there, whose interests are sometimes incompatible. It is important that deputies do not try to frighten themselves and others with the specter of the very monolithic nature that they often artificially create, while realizing that a certain percentage of voters did not come to the polls, which means that not everyone likes the current composition of the State Duma, ”the expert is sure.

“The main first impression from the speeches of Putin and Volodin is that these speeches are well thought out and clearly and qualitatively set the agenda for the work of the new convocation of the State Duma. All potential problem points are indicated, which indicates that the authorities understand the existence of these problem points. And at the same time, quite weighty promises were made that work on these problem points will be carried out,” the political scientist noted. Rostislav Turovsky.

“In particular, there is certainly a problem associated with making unpopular decisions. And for the State Duma there are certain risks associated with the fact that the adoption of these decisions may affect its image and the image of its leadership. From this point of view, the dialogue policy and public discussion of the decisions being prepared are of great importance. Maintaining an inter-party consensus is also of great importance, as well as building a dialogue with non-parliamentary parties,” added Turovsky.

“In other words, it is clear that the work of the State Duma and the information background for this work will be very difficult and the first challenges here are clear: these are socio-economic decisions, and the budget, and issues of pension reform. It is necessary to make sure that decisions do not come as a shock to society, that in no case are they behind the scenes (which only intensifies the shock). It is important to work out these decisions in advance with the involvement of various parties and public organizations. If we keep in mind the upcoming difficulties, then the reorganization of the work of the State Duma looks quite effective at the initial stage of work. But of course, in the future, much will depend on how effectively the principles of dialogue policy themselves work and how real, and not formal, the public discussion of those issues that will be on the Duma agenda will turn out to be, ”the expert concluded.

Head of the Center for Political Analysis and political scientist Pavel Danilin commented on the first meeting: “The main summary is that the country is under great external pressure, and a serious consolidation of society is needed to overcome the crisis situation, both the head of state and Volodin spoke about this. In this regard, dialogue with various political forces is the first necessity, including with parties not represented in parliament, with social movements. It is necessary to hear every deputy, as Volodin said, it is necessary that every deputy participate in political activity State Duma and decision-making.

The Seventh State Duma was analyzed by a political scientist and political consultant, professor at the National Research University " graduate School economy" Oleg Matveychev: “Even before the start of recent political reforms, it was clear that the president had taken a course to increase the role of parliament in the state. Now that the new composition of the deputies has begun work, Vladimir Putin emphasizes the responsibility and importance of his decisions for the future of the country, especially in the context of a difficult international situation, the global economic crisis, sanctions and counter-sanctions”.

“As for Volodin, in his speech one can hear the theses that Volodin laid at the basis of his activities. Undoubtedly, the new speaker is a man of dialogue. No one heard a rude word from him, Volodin never gave ultimatums - this is not his style. He is able to hear interlocutors, argue with him - it is clear that he always has arguments. Volodin is able to accept someone else's point of view and it does not matter to him who his opponent is. His style is making balanced decisions, with the obligatory consideration of all risks,” the political scientist added.

“Perhaps Volodin’s character was influenced by his origin. Volodin is a native Russian from Saratov, and there the peasants resolved all issues by peace, by the community. This is the peculiarity of Volodin's worldview - there are no wrong people, if a person has some position, but there is truth in it, he must be heard, and general decisions must be adjusted taking into account this opinion too. Volodin is a collectivist in this sense, and I think that he will lead the Duma in the same style, in a “dialogue style,” Matveychev concludes.

A member of the Expert Council of the ISEPI Foundation, a political scientist, spoke about the main meanings of what was said by the President and the elected Chairman of the State Duma during the first plenary session Alexey Zudin: “The meaning of the president's speech at the first meeting - can be formulated as follows - Putin set up the new Duma to work in a state-like manner. That is, in solving the problems that the new Duma will face, it will be guided by a nationwide approach, and it consists in uniting all political forces, in understanding that the status of State Duma deputies is nationwide, this status is above party ambitions and party obligations.

“At the same time, the Duma was designated as a platform for the broadest public dialogue, a dialogue with all forces, both represented by the parties of the Duma opposition, and those political forces that, for various reasons, are not represented in the State Duma of the current convocation. And an important idea was sounded in the speech - that the quality of legislative work will be determined not only legal technique but also by the civil consent that will underlie the adopted bills,” the expert continued.

“Volodin’s speech fully fit into the main wishes or requirements of the president for the work of the State Duma, and Vyacheslav Volodin put forward a kind of motto for the work of the new Duma - “The State Duma of the 7th convocation is a place for discussion,” Zudin noted the importance of what was said.

“If we talk about the United Russia faction, as a faction of the parliamentary majority, then it is worth noting the inevitability of the emergence of situational coalitions or interest groups within such a large faction. We know that the large faction of United Russia is already internally structured into several intra-factional groups, but the very logic of the Duma's work will prompt the formation of various kinds of interest groups. And here the most important thing is that these associations do not become self-sufficient, that they fit into the general program guidelines with which the United Russia went to the polls, this is the first thing. And secondly, that they be constructive, that they help, and not interfere with finding necessary solutions", - summed up Zudin.

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Kablukov Evgeny Viktorovich. Plenary session of the State Duma: discursive-textual and pragmatic aspects: discursive-textual and pragmatic aspects: dis. ... cand. philol. Sciences: 10.02.01 Yekaterinburg, 2007 309 p. RSL OD, 61:07-10/761


Chapter 1. Plenary session of the State Duma: discursive aspect 15

1. Plenary session as a form of implementation of parliamentary discourse 15

1.1. The concept of discourse 15

1.2. Toward a definition of political discourse 24

1.3. Parliamentary discourse 32

1.4. Institutional structure of the State Duma 39

1.4.1. Functional and organizational structure of the State Duma 41

1.4.2. Ideological and organizational structure of the State Duma 41

1.5. Plenary session of the State Duma 43

2. Communicators of parliamentary discourse 45

2.1. Deputy as the main communicator of parliamentary discourse 46

2.1.1. Institutional Model and Institutional Voice of a Deputy 50

2.1.5. Local institutional roles 64

2.2. Other communicants 74

2.2.1. Counterparties of parliamentary discourse 75

2.2.2. Clients of parliamentary discourse 81

Chapter 2. Plenary session of the State Duma as a text of parliamentary discourse 90

1. Text and text formation 90

2. The specifics of the formation of the text of the plenary session of the State Duma 97

3. The structure of the text of the plenary session of the State Duma: the system of subtexts 102

3.1. Subtext of consideration of the agenda item 104

4. Order of business of the plenary meeting: integrity of the text 108

4.1. Specifics of the procedure for the work of the plenary meeting 109

4.2. Consideration of the agenda as a metatextual element of the plenary session 113

4.3. Connection of the nomination chain of the plenary session text with the order of work: from coherence to integrity 121

5. Chairperson: integrity, separateness, coherence of the text of the plenary session of the State Duma 123

5.1. Organization of the text of the plenary meeting 123

5.1.1. Classification of text-organizing remarks 124

5.1.2. Coherence of the plenary text 136

5.1.3. Change of presiding officer and coherence of the text 139

5.1.4. Remarks of the presiding officer, not related to the organization of the text 141

5.2. Individuality of the text: organization of boundaries 144

5.2.1. Beginning of the text of the plenary session 145

5.2.2. End of the text of the plenary session 151

Findings 156

Chapter 3. Consideration of the bill as a pragmatic center of the text of the plenary session of the State Duma 159

1. Consideration of the draft law at the plenary session as a secondary text of the parliamentary discourse 163

1.1. Reproduction and interpretation of the text of bill 170

1.1.1. Reproduction of the title of the bill 171

1.1.2. Retelling of Bill 174

1.1.3. Quoting Bill 179

1.1.4. The problem of interpretation of the bill 182

1.2. Editing the text of the bill 184

1.2.1. Authorizing changes to the original text 184

1.2.2. Extralinguistic restrictions on the ability to edit draft law 193

1.3. Legislative context 196

1.3.1. Domestic legislative context 198

1.3.2. External Legislative Context 203

1.4. Legal and situational-regulatory contexts of the draft law.205

1.4.1. Legal context 206

1.4.2. Situational Regulatory Context 209

1.5. Thematic expansion of the consideration of the bill 217

1.5.1. Unreasonable thematic extension 221

1.5.2. Defective Theme Extension 223

2. Specifics of the argumentation in the text of the consideration of the draft law 226

2.1. The specifics of the theses in the text of the consideration of the draft law 228

2.2. The role of the factor "subject of evaluation" in the process of argumentation 230

2.3. Reproduction of the primary text as a method of argumentation 243

2.3.1. Quoting the original text as a method of argumentation 244

2.3.2. Retelling of the primary text as a way of argumentation 249

2.3.3. Defective argumentation 251

2.4. "Pluralism of Opinions" as a Method of Argumentation 255

2.4.1. Informing the audience 257

2.4.2. Refutation of a different opinion to assert one's own 259

2.4.3. Accepting a different opinion and correcting one's own 262

2.5. Extralinguistic obstacles to argumentative activity in parliamentary discourse 264

2.5.1. The problem of freedom of the recipient 265

2.5.2. Problems of the Parliamentary Majority: Lexical Signals...268

Conclusions 275

Conclusion 277

References 280

Dictionaries 308

Regulations 309

Sources 309

Introduction to work

In the introductory article to "General Linguistics" by Emile Benveniste, Yu.S. Stepanov notes that "the name of the French linguist the best way represents modern stage science of language - linguistics of the 70s" of the XX century [Stepanov 1974: 5]. One of the most significant features of linguistics of this period is the attention to the subjective in language. “Language is a semiotic system, the main points of reference of which are directly related to the speaking individual. With characteristic simplicity, Benveniste calls this property "man in language" and makes it the title of a whole section of his book. Otherwise, all these features of a linguistic concept can be called an anthropocentric principle” [ibid: 14].

Linguistics at the beginning of the 21st century continues to adhere to this principle. The focus of her attention today is, in particular, the problems of the functioning of the language in various areas of communication. Hence the research and development of new ideas in the field of traditional functional stylistics [see, for example: Brandes 2004: 139-292; Krylova 2006: 130-212; Stil.ES 2003: 581-583 and others]. The subject of study is also more differentiated areas of the functioning of the language, primarily professional ones, for the analysis of which discursive methods are involved [cf., for example: about journalistic discourse: Chepkina 2000; Dijk 1991; about pedagogical discourse: Chernik 2002; on political discourse: Gavrilova 2002; Demyankov 2002; Rusakova 2004; Khmeltsov 2004; Sheigal 2000; 2002a; 2002b; 2002c; Dijk 1997; 2001; 2005a; about professional communication: Kharchenko 2003; on the relationship between functional stylistics and discursive studies, see: Kozhina 2005: 61-74].

This dissertation is devoted to modern Russian parliamentary discourse. The object of the study is the texts of the plenary sessions of the State Duma (DG). The subject of our direct attention is

plenary meeting of the State Duma in discursive, textual and pragmatic aspects.

Research material 39 transcripts of the plenary meetings of the State Duma, selected by the method of continuous sampling for the period of the spring session of the State Duma in 2005 (from January 12 to July 8), were used. The spring session was chosen on the basis of relevance as the last in a series of completed sessions of the DG at the time of the start of this study. The source of the transcripts is the official website of the State Duma.

A qualitatively new situation for post-Soviet Russia took root in the political practice of the period under study. The traditional confrontation that existed between the legislature on the one hand, the President and the executive branch on the other has ended. The head of state received the support of not only the majority of the country's citizens who voted for him in the elections, but also the majority of members of parliament. The reason for this was the following events in the socio-political life of the country. First, as a result of the “strengthening of the vertical of power,” the regional elites that form the upper house of the Federal Assembly lost their relative independence from the federal center and took a pro-presidential position. Secondly, most of the seats in the State Duma were received by representatives of the so-called "party of power", who unconditionally support the policy of the President. Especially noticeable was the change in the situation in the lower house, whose activities are more public, which is primarily due to the order of its formation: deputies are elected in direct popular elections, therefore both deputies and potential voters are interested in the Duma's work being widely covered.

Under such conditions, an active reform of the Russian political system took place. Among other things, a law was adopted providing for a new procedure for the formation of the State Duma. His action will significantly change the rules of the game. Therefore, we can say that our material characterizes the outgoing

period in the life of the Russian parliament. Thus, the current Duma of the fourth convocation was formed according to mixed system: half of the deputies were elected from party lists, and half from single-mandate constituencies. Therefore, the Duma includes not only deputies elected from parties and united in factions on a party basis, but also so-called independent deputies who are not members of deputy associations and represent such political forces that do not have their own factions. In accordance with the new law, elections will be held exclusively on party lists. Therefore, all the deputies of the next convocation will be members of the factions of the parties on the lists of which they entered the Duma. Other political forces will not be represented in the lower house. Probably, in the State Duma of the next convocation, the number of fractions will also decrease. This is due to the fact that, in accordance with the new law, a party participating in the elections must receive not five, as it is now, but seven percent of the total number of votes in order to enter the Duma. At the same time, the pro-presidential orientation of the newly elected State Duma will most likely remain unchanged.

The specificity of the material under study lies in the fact that the transcripts record official the text of the plenary session, and not the cumulative text generated within the framework of this communicative event. The official text includes the results of the speech activity of communicants, carried out in compliance with special institutional rules. In other words, in order for the statement to be included in the transcript, it must be pronounced into the microphone with the permission of the chairman. All other statements, for example, conversations between communicants, shouts from the audience, etc., are not included in the official text of the plenary session. It also does not include the texts of documents that the communicants get acquainted with at the meeting, if these texts were not read from the rostrum. At the same time, the transcript contains data on each communicant performing

statement, even if they were not voiced at the plenary session. It also records some additional information characterizing the situation of communication. This is done with the help of special marks, for example: “From the hall. (Can not hear.)"; "(Animation in the hall)"; "(Laughter in the hall)"; "(Noise in the hall)", etc.

Research methodology. AT in this study, the text is considered as a tool social interaction, which corresponds communicative text model, developed by O.I. Moskalskaya [Moskalskaya 1984]. The text is analyzed in connection with the situation of communication, and its patterns are explained communicatively and pragmatically [see: Moskalskaya 1984:161].

To analyze the plenary meeting of the State Duma in the discursive aspect as a text, in conjunction with extralinguistic factors, discursive techniques were used [see: Rusakova 2006; Fishman 2006; Chepkina 2000].

The paper uses information-target and subject-content approaches to text analysis. In informative-targeted (more broadly, motivational-targeted) analysis, “first of all, the motive and purpose of communication activity are clarified, in which the text is generated and interpreted, and only then the material (theme) on which this motive and this purpose is realized is considered” [Dridze 1984: 82; see also Karikh 2005: 30]. Subject-content analysis of the text involves the search for answers to the following questions: what does the text say?(identification of the subject of speech of the text), what does it say?(the main feature of the subject of speech) and as the saying goes?(with the help of what language means) [for details see: Dridze 1984: 82; Karikh 2005: 30].

Also used are logical and functional analysis as types of structural description of the text [see: Novikov 1983: 117].

In addition, at different stages of the work, the general scientific descriptive-analytical method was used with its main techniques: observation, interpretation, generalization and classification; as well as private scientific

methods: semantic and structural analysis of the text. To analyze the organizational structure of the State Duma, the structural-functional method was used [see: Sivukha 2003].

The relevance of research. Appeal to the study of the plenary session of the State Duma is associated with a steady scientific interest in political discourse [see, for example: Baranov 1997; Vodak 1997; Gavrilova 2002; Gerasimenko 1998; Demyankov 2002; Curtin 1999; Petrik, Petrik 2004; Rusakova 2004; Serio 1999b; Fedeneva 1999; Fedotovskikh 2005; Khmeltsov 2004; Chudinov 2006; Sheigal 2000; 2002a; 2002b; 2002c; Dijk 1997; 2001; 2005a]. At the same time, the number of domestic linguistic studies devoted to parliamentary discourse, which is an essential part of political communication, is not so large.

The study of the text has not lost its relevance. Initially, only written works were classified as texts [Galperin 1974; 1981]. However, researchers traditionally pay special attention to phenomena that do not meet the existing criteria of textuality, and gradually involve them in the sphere of scientific interests of text linguistics. Thus, the products of oral speech, including conversational dialogue, began to be considered as texts [Shiryaev 1982; Kitaigorodskaya 1988; Kupina 1990; Sibiryakova 1990]. At present, the study of complex dialogic texts, which includes the plenary session of the State Duma, seems to be particularly relevant [see, for example: Boguslavskaya, Giniatullin 1994; Danilov 1997; 2001; Krasnova, Maidanova 1992; Matveeva 1994; Romanenko, Sanji-Garyaeva 2002].

The studied material allows us to examine in detail such a property of parliamentary discourse as institutionality, and the influence of this discursive property on the structuring of texts - products of this discourse.

Objective- description of the text of the plenary session of the State Duma as a complex dialogical formation, organized according to the rules of institutional parliamentary discourse and implementing the editorial and sanctioning activities of communicants, the result of which is a change in the status of the object, namely, the transformation of the bill under consideration into a Law or into "zero". To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set and solved in the work: 1) to show that the specifics of the institutional parliamentary discourse determines the main properties of the plenary session as a communicative event and text, including its pragmatic orientation; 2) to show how atonality (a system-forming property of political discourse) is reflected in parliamentary discourse, in particular, in a plenary session as a text; 3) describe the specifics of the institutional voice of the main communicants of the parliamentary discourse participating in the plenary session; 4) to prove that the plenary session is a text whose pragmatic setting is to implement the agenda; 5) to prove that the pragmatic center of the text of the plenary session is the consideration of the draft law; 6) identify the specifics of the argumentation used in the consideration of bills as a means of achieving the goals of the participants in the plenary session.

The following provisions are put forward for defense:

    The text of the plenary session of the State Duma, as the main form of implementation of parliamentary discourse, is deployed in accordance with institutional rules (which are components of discursive practice) in conditions of atonality (which is the result of different ideological orientations of the communicants and the institutions they represent).

    Communicators of parliamentary discourse participating in the plenary session have an institutional voice, which is determined by their

inclusion in the institutional structure of the State Duma, as well as the institutional role performed at this plenary session.

    The pragmatic setting of the text of the plenary session, which consists in the implementation of the agenda, ensures the integrity of this text and the realization of the goal of parliamentary discourse (legislative activity).

    A special role in organizing the text of the plenary session belongs to the chairperson of the session, the result of whose speech activity is a metatext subject to institutional norms, which determines the integrity, coherence and separateness of the text of the plenary session of the State Duma.

    Considering a draft law as the pragmatic center of the text of the plenary session is a secondary subtext (text) of parliamentary discourse, the subject of which is the draft law under consideration, which, as a result of the editorial and sanctioning activities of the second authors, turns into a Law or a rejected draft law.

    A special role in parliamentary argumentation is played by: the factor “subject of assessment”, various ways reproducing the text of the bill under consideration, creating the effect of "pluralism of opinions".

    In modern Russian parliamentary discourse, there are extra-linguistic obstacles to argumentative activity associated with the institutional restriction of the freedom of deputies and the presence of a parliamentary majority.

Theoretical significance of the study determined by its interdisciplinary nature. Analysis of the text of the plenary session of the State Duma in a discursive aspect is significant for political discourse and discourse theory in general, due to the fact that the parliamentary part of the system of political discourse is the least studied. The paper describes the specifics of the manifestation of text-forming categories in the text of the plenary meeting of the State Duma in

connection with the institutional nature of the parliamentary discourse that generates it, which corresponds to the interests of text linguistics. At the same time, the text of the plenary session is studied in connection with the communicative event and the goals that this text implements. The subtext (text) of the consideration of the bill as a pragmatic center of the text of the plenary session is investigated, which is of interest to pragmalinguistics.

Scientific novelty of the research conditioned by its object and subject. A comprehensive analysis of the discursive, textual and pragmatic aspects of the plenary meeting of the State Duma has not been carried out before in linguistics. For the first time, the text of the plenary meeting of the State Duma is considered as an editorial-sanctioning "tool" for generating the text of the Law.

Practical significance of the study is that its results can be used for educational purposes: in the preparation of special courses and special seminars at the faculties of philology, as well as the faculties of political science and sociology. In addition, the results of the study may be useful to journalists specializing in the coverage and analysis of political and especially parliamentary events, professional politicians and political consultants.

Testing and implementation of research results. The main provisions of this study were presented at the interuniversity scientific and practical conference "Mass media in modern world. Young researchers” (St. Petersburg, 2005), international scientific and practical conference “Power and power relations in the modern world” (Ekaterinburg, 2006), all-Russian scientific conference “Language. System. Personality ”(Yekaterinburg, 2006), the All-Russian scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Faculty of Journalism of the Ural State University. A.M. Gorky (Yekaterinburg, 2006). The content of the dissertation work is reflected in seven publications. The dissertation was discussed twice at meetings of the Department of the Russian Language and

stylistics of the Faculty of Journalism of the Ural state university them. A.M. Gorky.

Structure and scope of work. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

The concept of discourse

AT modern science there is no generally accepted definition of the term "discourse" [a review of the main approaches is presented, for example, in the works: Dymarsky 2001; Krasnykh 1999; Prokhorov 2006; Revzina 1999; Rusakova 2004; 2006; Serio 1999a; Feldman 2003; Khmeltsov 2004; Chepkina 2000]. VV Krasnykh points to different interpretations of this concept in linguistics, sociology, social semiotics, political science, logic and philosophy [Krasnykh 1999: 26]. There is no single approach in linguistics either. Here "discourse" is used as a synonym for the following terms:

1) speech, connected speech;

2) flow of speech, complex syntactic whole, superphrasal unity, text;

3) communicatively holistic and complete speech work;

4) a certain type of mentality;

5) verbalized working consciousness;

6) a complex communicative phenomenon, including, along with the text, extralinguistic factors that affect its production and perception;

7) real, natural text, speech genres [Krasnykh 1999: 26].

P. Serio, relying on the work of Dominique Mangenu (Dominique

Maingueneau), gives eight meanings of the term "discourse":

1) any specific statement, speech (as F. de Saussure defined it);

2) sequence of statements, text;

3) the statement in conjunction with the communicative situation;

4) conversation as the main type of utterance;

5) speech assigned to the speaker (from E. Benveniste);

6) speech when opposing language as "a system of slightly differentiated virtual meanings" and speech as "diversification at the surface level associated with a variety of uses inherent in linguistic units";

7) a system of restrictions imposed on the statement by a social or ideological position;

8) “a statement considered from the point of view of the discursive mechanism that controls it” (definition by L.Guespin) [Serio 1999a: 26-27].

E.V. Chepkina in the monograph “Russian Journalistic Discourse: Text-Generating Practices and Codes” identifies three groups of approaches to the definition of discourse that have developed in modern literature. Discourse is considered as: 1) a complex communicative event;

2) text, verbal product of communicative action;

3) social formation [Chepkina 2000: 5].

Such a variety of approaches and meanings indicates that "discourse" is an extremely popular term and is in the focus of attention of many modern researchers, both linguists and representatives of other sciences. It should be noted that this term was introduced into scientific circulation by ZZ Harris only in the middle of the 20th century [see: Arutyunova 1990: 137; see also: Demyankov 1995: 280-281]. Initially, the word "discourse" existed in French and meant "speech". Then it passed into other languages, retaining close meanings. So, in English, discourse is understood as “speech”, “coherent speech”, “writing”, or is identified with the text. Similar meanings are also fixed by modern non-special dictionaries.

P. Serio believes that discourse analysis in the modern sense of the word appeared in France in the 60s of the 20th century “under the sign of the combination of linguistics, the Marxist philosophy of Louis Althusser and psychoanalysis” [Serio 1999a: 14]. N.D. Arutyunova lists the trends that existed in linguistics in the 60s - 70s of the XX century and led to the emergence and development of the theory of discourse:

1) the desire to bring the syntax beyond the sentence;

2) development of pragmatics of speech;

3) approach to speech as a social action;

4) interest in speech use and the subjective aspect of speech;

5) integration of the humanities [Arutyunova 1990:137]. O.F. Rusakova connects the expansion of the concept of “discourse” with

the spread of semiotics to the field of linguistics [Rusakova 2004: 7-8]. Roland Barthes [Bart 1975: 115] expressed the opinion that linguistics should study the entire semiotic space and the “big meaningful units” of language. M.M. Bakhtin, highlighting the subject of the philosophy of language, also pointed out that language is a complex "physical-psycho-physiological complex", which must be included in a much broader context - "into a single sphere of organized social communication" [Bakhtin 2000a : 384]. Only the unity of this complex and the social context can be considered as a fact of "language-speech" [Bakhtin 2000a: 385]. However, the transformation and scientific popularization of the concept of "discourse" can be considered in the context of much more global changes, called the linguistic turn.

The linguistic turn, or language revolution, is called “the transition from classical philosophy, which considered consciousness as the starting point of philosophizing, to non-classical philosophy, which criticizes the metaphysics of consciousness and turns to language as an alternative to the Cartesian cogito” [Filippovich 2002: 552].

It is generally accepted that the linguistic turn (L.P.) was carried out in two stages. His conditional "starting point" was Ludwig Wittgenstein's statement: "The limits of my world are the limits of my language" [Wittgenstein 1994a: 56]. “The first wave of L.P. dates back to the 1920s and represents a variety of attempts to clarify and reform the language in accordance with the laws of logic, which is interpreted as a single structure of reality ... Initially, L.P. was carried out within the boundaries of the syntactic-semantic approach, which focused on the analysis of assertive sentences, abstracting from the consideration pragmatic aspects linguistic meaning associated with the actual use of the language. Within the framework of logical positivism, an explicit absolutization of the representative function of language was carried out, implying an analysis of the knowledge embodied in language in the image and likeness of the relationship of the subject (depsychologized consciousness) to the outside world. Such an approach can be described as the metaphysics of language, since it retains the basic guidelines of the Modern Age, which since the time of Descartes has put forward various projects for improving the language” [Filippovich 2002: 553; see, for example: Wittgenstein 1994a; Husserl 1994; 2004; 2005; Heidegger 1993; 2003].

However, the full-scale implementation of the linguistic turn involved “overcoming the traditional understanding, according to which language was interpreted according to the model of associating names with objects and was considered as a communication tool external to the mental contents expressed in it” [Fure 2000: 26]. The departure from the “traditional understanding of language” is associated with the second stage of the linguistic turn, which was carried out within the framework of structuralism, hermeneutics, and linguistic philosophy in the 1940s and 50s. and is associated with the development of a pragmatic concept of language [Filippovich 2002: 553; see for example: Wittgenstein 1994b; Lacan 1997; Austin 1986; Foucault 1994; 1996s; Habermas 2000a; 2000b]. As a result, the communicative function of language comes to the fore, and the function of representation is considered as its derivative. Particular attention is paid to the contexts and premises of statements. Language is no longer seen as something unified and perfect. In this context, the “quasi-subject” of cognition becomes “a supra-individual language game (form of life) that produces a “picture of the world” - epistemic evidence, primary and prerequisite with respect to all rational representations of individual consciousness” [Fure 2000: 27].

The changes that occurred as a result of the linguistic turn led to a significant actualization of the term "discourse", which ceased to be purely linguistic. Representatives of various humanities and philosophical disciplines have joined in its development and use. Today, discourse is considered "as an attribute of any social activity and any social institutionalization" [Rusakova 2006: 13]. Linguistic research proper has become just one of the areas of discourse research [see: Dijk 2006].

The most complete and influential philosophical concept of discourse was developed by the French structuralist Michel Foucault. In the "Archaeology of Knowledge" the researcher conducts a detailed analysis of the term "discourse". M. Foucault begins with intuitive and metaphorical definitions: “discourse is a thin contact surface that brings language and reality together, mixing vocabulary and experience” [Foucault 1996a: 49]. Based on this definition, he formulates the task of not reducing discourses only to a set of signs, that is, “significant elements that refer to content or representation” [ibid: 50]. Thus, without arguing that discourse is an event of a sign, M. Foucault argues that discourse does something more than name things through the use of a sign.

The researcher comes to the conclusion that discourse should be called "a set of statements insofar as they belong to the same discursive formation" [Foucault 1996a: 117]. Discourse, therefore, is understood not as an infinite and indivisible community, it is constituted by a certain number of statements for which it is possible to define a "set of conditions of existence". Discourse is not an ideal or timeless form that has its own history [ibid: 117-118].

M. Foucault substantiates the concept of "discursive practice", understanding it as "a set of anonymous historical rules", which are always defined in time and space. Discursive practice establishes in “a given epoch and for a given social, economic, geographical or linguistic space the conditions for the performance of the function of utterance” [Foucault 1996a: 118]. In other words, M. Foucault's discourse analysis is connected not with the relationship between "words" and "things" (language and reality), but with the rules and regulations that determine the mode of existence of objects [for more details, see: Tabachnikova 1996: 427; Gritsanov, Mozheiko 2001: 900]. Thus, discourse is understood as “a socially conditioned organization of a system of speech and action” [Modern. philosophy dictionary 1998: 249].

Continuing the study of discourse, M. Foucault moves further and further away from specific definitions. Having studied his works, we can conclude that the concept of discourse consists of several components: discourse is a set of statements; it is a culturally (socially) and historically determined practice of verbal communication; it is the order of speech production that arises in connection with the power relations of individuals; this is the space in which the objects of the constructed “reality” are formed [see: Avtonomova 1994; Ilyin 1996]. Other representatives of the French school of discourse analysis also consider discourse from similar positions [see, for example: Guillaume, Maldidier 1999; Curtin 1999; Peshyo 1999; Pesche, Fuchs 1999; Pulcinelli Orlandi 1999; Autier-Revue 1999].

According to O. G. Revzina, the possibility of such an approach to discourse is already embedded in the linguistic theory of E. Benveniste [Revzina 1999]. Based on the works of F. de Saussure, who considered the language as “common to all and outside the will of those who possess it” [Saussure 1977: 57], E. Benveniste puts forward the thesis of “appropriation of the language by speakers”. This thesis involves two readings [Revzina 1999]. The first allows us to consider the speaker as the "master of speech", "the subject that exists before the language", which leads to the emergence of the concept of "subjective discourse" [Revzina 1999: 26]. “But at the second reading of E. Benveniste, the speaker is no longer the source and master of discourse: on the contrary, the discourse takes possession of the speaker. The theme of subjectless discourse arises” [Revzina 1999: 26-27]. Such a discourse is “anonymous, non-linear, reproducible” and corresponds to the approach developed by M. Foucault [Revzina 1999: 27]. Following this logic, it can be argued that "subjective discourse" is studied within the framework of anthropological linguistics - a discipline that focuses on the "speaking person". This direction of linguistic theory goes back to the works of the German philosopher and linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt [see: Sedov 2004: 3; The role of the human factor... 1988: 8]. He was the first to single out language as a subject of philosophical research and, "essentially, became the founder of the philosophy of language as an independent discipline" [Gritsanov 2002: 273]. W. von Humboldt considered language as one of the principles that determine the essence of a person, constituting a personality [Humboldt 1984]. According to researchers, it is the linguo-philosophical concept of W. von Humboldt that is the prototype of modern anthropological linguistics, which proceeds from the assertion that “language is a constitutive property of a person” [The role of a person. factor... 1988: 8]. However, the turn to anthropological problems in linguistics occurred already in the 20th century under the influence of E. Benveniste. “Characteristic of his theory of utterance,” writes P. Serio, “is that the central place in linguistic thinking is occupied by the subject in language” [Serio 1999a: 15; see also Serio 1993; Stepanov 1974]. The researcher noted that “there is only a person with a language, a person speaking to another person, and language, therefore, necessarily belongs to the very definition of a person” [Benveniste 1974: 293]. In our opinion, this reveals a contradiction with O. G. Revzina’s understanding of “subjective discourse”: “a subject that exists before language” [Revzina 1999: 26] cannot be derived from the theory of E. Benveniste, who emphasized that "it is impossible to imagine a person without language" [Benveniste 1974:293].

E. Benveniste's research "laid the foundation for a theoretical, explicit and systematic reflection on subjectivity in language" [Serio 1999a: 15]. Currently, there is an increase in the anthropological trend in linguistics. “The appeal to the topic of the human factor in language testifies to the most important methodological shift that has emerged in modern linguistics - the change in its basic paradigm and the transition from “immanent” linguistics with its attitude to consider language “in itself and for itself” to anthropological linguistics, which assumes to study the language in close connection with a person, his consciousness, thinking, spiritual and practical activity” [The role of the human. factor... 1988: 8]. KF Sedov notes that the volume of anthropological research is constantly growing in Russian linguistics. “The strengthening of the role of the “human factor” leads scientists to realize the importance of not only the problems of describing the language structure, but also the tasks of a comprehensive study of homo loquens (the speaker)” [Sedov 2004: 3].

Text and Text Formation

The concept of "text" is interpreted in different ways in modern linguistic science [for a review of approaches, see, for example, in the works: Gindin 1977; Kupina 1983; Matveeva 1990b; Nikolaeva 1977; Prokhorov 2006; Filippov 2003; Chepkina 2000]. Most researchers define a text as a product of speech activity that realizes a specific goal and has such properties as integrity, coherence, and separateness [see, for example: Galperin 1981; Doblaev 1982; Dridze 1984; Kupina 1983; Leontiev 1976; 1979; Loseva 1980; Maidanova 1987; Maidanova et al. 1984; Matveeva 1990b; Murzin, Stern 1991; Nikolaeva 1978; Sugar 1994].

Text as a product of speech activity. Activity is the productive activity of a person [Kagan 1972: 43]. Consequently, the text formed in the process of speech activity is a certain product, not only ideal, but also material [Maidanova 1987: 8]. In the words of V.I. Tyupa, this product has the property of “manifestation”, that is, “external manifestation in sign material, which distinguishes the text from pictures of the imagination” [Tyupa 2006: 26].

Initially, texts included works of written speech activity [see: Galperin 1974; 1981]. However, later the object of linguistics of the text was also oral speech, whose works also acquired textual status [see: Shiryaev 1982; Kitaigorodskaya 1988; Kupina 1990; Matveeva 1990a; Matveeva 1994; Sibiryakova 1990; Boguslavskaya, Giniatullin 1994]. In this study, the text refers to the products of both written and oral speech activity.

Let us consider the relationship between the concepts of "discourse" and "text", understood as a product of speech activity. N.D. Arutyunova considers discourse to be speech “considered as a purposeful social action, as a component involved in the interaction of people and the mechanisms of their consciousness (cognitive processes)”, speech “immersed in life” [Arutyunova 1990: 136-137]. That is, discourse, in fact, is speech activity carried out in certain sociocultural conditions (“immersed in life”). KF Sedov calls speech activity, the product of which is a text, discursive, that is, one that belongs to discourse. In this case, “the text is nothing more than a view of the discourse only from the point of view of the internal (immanent) structure of the speech work” [Sedov 2004: 9]. M.Ya. Dymarsky defines discourse as "current speech activity in some area" [Dymarsky 2001: 37]. Thus, the concepts of "discourse" and "text" are related as activity and product, process and result, whole and part [see: Bisimalieva 1999; Milevskaya 2002; Sedov 2004; Chepkina 2000].

This approach, which fixes the seemingly static nature of the text, does not problematize the possibility of considering it in motion, action, development. The dynamic nature of the text is described, for example, by R. Barth. The scientist pointed out that "The text is felt only in the process of work, production" [Bart 1989b: 415]. Other researchers express similar thoughts. K.A. Filippov notes that “the text is not just a product of speech activity, but the very process of creating this product” [Filippov 2003: 173; see also: Bakhtin 1996c: 307; Dymarsky 2001: 24; Moskalskaya 1984: 159; Murzin, Stern 1991: 29]. It should be noted that the dynamic approach is not limited to the analysis of text formation as an activity of the author associated with the creation of a speech product. The text is also the subject of the recipient's activity. The process of perception and interpretation is also a kind of text formation, during which a unique image of a given text is constructed in the mind of the recipient. Consequently, it is possible to analyze the text “in terms of its generation and perception” [Filippov 2003: 173]. Of particular interest in this case is the dynamic analysis of oral dialogic texts, in which the processes of generation and perception occur in parallel: the communicants participating in the creation of the text alternately act as addressers and addressees.

Thus, “the text has, as it were, two main states: static and dynamic. The static state corresponds to the text, considered as some result, a product of verbal and mental activity. A dynamic state is a text in the process of its generation, perception and understanding” [Novikov 1983: 31].

Text pragmatics. The text is not just a product of speech activity, but a product that realizes a specific goal. Researchers call this property differently. Consider several fragments from the definitions of the concept of "text":

“this is some (complete) sequence of sentences related in meaning to each other within the framework of the general intention of the author” [Nikolaeva 1978: 6];

“this is a product of a speech-creative process, ... having a certain purposefulness and a pragmatic attitude” [Galperin 1981:18];

it is “a system of communicative-cognitive elements, functionally ... combined into a single closed content-semantic structure by a common concept or plan (communicative intention) of communication partners” [Dridze 1984: 7];

it is "speech formation, a product of the speaker's speech activity, realizing the author's intention" [Maidanova 1987: 5];

it is "a communicatively determined speech realization of the author's intention" [Matveeva 1990b: 12].

So, the text is considered as a product of speech activity, realizing a certain goal, usually called the "author's intention". This concept is being developed both in linguistic and in literary and psychological studies [see, for example: Bakhtin 1996c; Vygotsky 1956; 1999; Zhinkin 1982; Norman 1994; Leontiev 1976; 1979; 1999]. The author's intention is defined extremely broadly, for example, as “a mental formation in which the answers to five questions are compressed for the author in an unfolded way: about what? what? as? why? and to whom? [Maidanova 1987: 6]; At the same time, the answers to the first (what is said in the text) and the second (what is said about the subject of speech) questions are the main ones, which can be considered as a “universal construction of any communication” [Kolshansky 1980: 15; see also: Novikov 1983: 47]. Modern linguistics recognizes the presence of intention in conversational dialogue. I.N. Borisova writes about this: “The idea can be described as a set of micro-intentions of communicants with a range of action covering the entire length of the communicative event” [Borisova 2001: 147; see also Maidanova 1987: 6].

The presented approach is connected with two classical ideas, the validity of which is not questioned in this work. First, every product, being the result of activity as a process, implements its main features. This thesis is known in the laconic formulation of K. Marx: “The process dies out in the product” [Marx 1959: 31]. Secondly, any human activity, including speech, is purposeful [Kagan 1972: 43]. Thus, the goal of speech activity is realized in the text. In this paper, this property of the text will be called the pragmatic attitude.

A text that implements a pragmatic attitude is a dynamic text, both from the point of view of the author and from the point of view of the recipient. The author embodies the pragmatic attitude not at once, but in the process of text formation: “the author’s intention is not realized immediately, but only gradually, in the course of development, expansion of the text itself, its semantic structure” [Doblaev 1982: 18]. The perception and interpretation of the text is also a process during which the recipient deobjectifies the created product, as a result of which the pragmatic attitude embodied in the text is realized.

Text integrity. Integrity (wholeness, integrativity) is “a psycholinguistic phenomenon of a special kind, which is a simultaneous (simultaneous) integral, completely unconscious idea of ​​some object that arises in the human psyche” [Sakharny 1994: 20]. The psycholinguistic essence of integrity makes it difficult to explain it within the framework of traditional linguistics of the text [see: Leontiev 1976: 47; Leontiev 1979: 18; Sugar 1994: 20]. As a result, researchers are turning to the possibilities of other sciences. For example, L.N. Murzin and A.S. Stern reveal the nature of integrity through an appeal to the concept of "gestalt" used in psychology [see: Murzin, Stern 1991: 12-13]. L.V. Sakharny, characterizing the integrity of the text, also analyzes similar concepts used in studies of “human mental phenomena” [see: Sakharny 1994: 22-24]. VI Tyupa resorts to an aesthetic explanation of integrity [see: Tyupa 2004: 22]. Let's move on to the linguistic interpretation of this concept.

Consideration of the draft law at the plenary session as a secondary text of the parliamentary discourse

Consideration of the bill is integral part text of the plenary session. It has a high level of auto-semantics and can be considered as a relatively independent text (subtext) of the parliamentary discourse, the subject of which is the bill.

This text, therefore, is directly related to the implementation of the goal of parliamentary discourse - the implementation of legislative activity.

Consideration of the bill is a dialogic text produced by several addressees. It consists of subtexts of different genres, for example, a report, a co-report, a speech, a question, an answer, etc., the boundary of which is the change of the sender of the speech. To designate the subtexts that are part of the consideration, as a class, the term "performance" will be used in this chapter. All speeches are united by the following main points:

1) the general subject of speech, which coincides with the subject of the speech of consideration;

2) the general intention of the addressers, which is the desire to influence the decision-making process on this bill in accordance with their interests;

3) remarks of the chairperson, performing the same functions as in the framework of the text of the plenary session.

In this chapter, we characterize the consideration of the draft law as a secondary text of parliamentary discourse, identify the specifics of its interaction with the primary text, as well as the specifics of the argumentative activity carried out by the second authors.

So, the consideration of the bill is a secondary text, that is, “a text created on the basis of another, primary text” with a change in the subject of speech activity: “the primary text acts as an object, and the secondary one as the result of this activity” [Maidanova 1994: 81; see also Gavenko 2000a; 2000b; 2002; Golev, Saykova 2001; Shirinkina 2001; cf. with a different approach, according to which a composite text is considered secondary: Lazareva 2004]. Thus, the bill acts as the primary text. Its consideration can be compared with the speech activity of a team of editors (editor board). Draft laws are considered in three readings. In the first reading, the second authors evaluate the concept of the draft and determine whether the text, after the necessary revision, can be published and become law. Editors also answer a similar question when they first get acquainted, for example, with journalistic material. Here those bills are eliminated, the concept of which does not correspond to the current legislation, or, in the opinion of the Duma majority, contradicts the interests of society. In addition, poorly prepared drafts are rejected, the further processing of which is impossible or significantly difficult, for example, due to serious defects in the semantic structure (they can be compared with unedited journalistic texts [Maidanova 2001: 181-182]).

Second reading - in fact editorial change in which political interests are aligned. As A.E. Milchin notes, “the essence of editing is in the general view- in a kind of prognostic check of the work from the point of view of how it will serve the reader" [Milchin 2005: 38]. We can say that when editing a bill, the second authors evaluate the text in terms of how it will serve society as a law. Change of the project is carried out by adoption of amendments. The text is finalized and amended so that its content satisfies all legal requirements and the interests of entities that can influence its adoption. Interestingly, two texts are already being discussed. Formally, these are the texts of the amendment and the bill. However, the process can also be presented as a discussion of two alternative texts of one draft law: an existing one and a potential one (the text taking into account this amendment).

The specificity of the third reading is the consideration of the finished (edited) text. This is where its final acceptance or rejection takes place. Usually, projects that reach this stage are accepted. The exception is projects that have lost their relevance during their stay in the State Duma.

We have shown that the consideration of the bill has common features with another secondary text - consideration by the editorial board of journalistic material. The main similarity between them lies in the fact that the deputies of the State Duma, as well as editors, can change the primary text. In other words, they are not only the authors of the secondary text, but also co-authors of the primary text. However, the specific features of considering the draft law as a secondary text are also obvious, the main of which are the number of "editors", the existence of agonal relations between "editors", the strict regulation of the activities of "editors" and the publicity of this activity.

1. A draft law is perhaps the only text in which almost five hundred people can take part in the official discussion at the same time and in one space: four hundred and fifty deputies and a certain number of counterparties of parliamentary discourse (the number of the latter is always much less and usually does not exceed ten people). All of them, carrying out speech actions, become the authors of the secondary text (consideration of the bill).

However, this is the ideal situation. As practice shows, the number of privileged communicants participating in the discussion of the bill (co-authors of the secondary text) is always much smaller. Firstly, all parliamentarians are rarely present at meetings. Thus, on May 18, 2005, the plenary session resumed after a break at 4 p.m. According to the calculations of the presiding officer, at that moment there were a little more than forty deputies in the hall. Registration showed that 395 people were present. The fact is that a deputy who is absent from the meeting due to good reason may give his voting card to another MP [Regulations 85.2]. It is this card that is used to register those present, that is, to determine the quorum. Therefore, the actual number of deputies in the meeting room may not correspond to the data electronic system accounting. Secondly, not all privileged communicants present in the meeting room carry out speech actions during the discussion of each bill. Only a few speak out, and therefore become co-authors of consideration as a secondary text. Thus, deputies who are members of committees, factions and other elements of the institutional structure of the State Duma delegate the right to represent this element to one of their colleagues, who carries out speech actions as part of the consideration of the bill on behalf of all members of this element of the structure. Nevertheless, the number of co-authors of the secondary text is quite large. At the same time, they are all simultaneously in the same space, that is, they communicate “face to face”.

2. Another feature of the consideration of draft laws is related to the fact that the State Duma is a representative body of power [Constitution 94; see for details: Khalipov 2005: 214-216]. Deputies and deputy associations represent the interests of various social groups. Often these interests can be called opposite. The result of the presence in the parliament of various political forces, realizing their power intentions, is the relationship of atonality, the open manifestation of which takes the form of parliamentary controversy. However, the absence of a clear clash does not indicate the absence of relations of atonality, which can be implicit and manifest in a broader context as a clash of "pictures of the world" of representatives of different political forces. In order to organize the interaction of a significant number of second authors, between whom there are relations of atonality, and to prevent communicative chaos, clear rules of the game are needed that regulate the activities of all communicators.

3. The process of considering a draft law at a plenary session is strictly regulated. Norms and rules are mostly of a formal institutional nature - these are official documents that are binding on execution [see, for example: Regulations]. They establish the procedure for considering the bill.

It has already been noted that the bill is considered in three readings [Regulations 116]. That is, its adoption is carried out within the framework of three communicative events, the result of which are three secondary texts of consideration. Each of these texts has a specific composition determined by the Regulations and decisions of the chamber. Consideration of the bill in the first reading begins with the report of the subject of the right of legislative initiative, followed by a co-report of the representative of the responsible committee [Regulations 118.2]. Further, time is provided for answering questions from deputies, suggestions and comments from deputies and deputy associations, authorized representatives of the President and the Government in the State Duma, and other persons invited to participate in the discussion are heard [Regulations 118.5]. After the end of the discussion, a proposal to adopt the draft law in the first reading [Regulations 119.2] is put to the vote. The third reading begins with the report of the representative of the responsible committee, then, if necessary, the plenipotentiaries of the President and the Government in the State Duma, representatives of the subject of the right to legislative initiative [Regulation 123.1; 123.2]. Then the amendments are considered (their acceptance or rejection) and voting on the draft law as a whole [Regulations 123.2-123.13]. The composition of the third reading is not described in the normative acts. The Regulations only stipulate that “when considering a draft law in the third reading, it is not allowed to introduce amendments to it and return to the discussion of the draft law as a whole or to the discussion of its individual sections, chapters, articles” [Regulation 125.2].

4. Consideration of a bill at a plenary session, except in exceptional cases, takes place in public. This is the only stage of parliamentary work on the bill that is available to a wide audience. The second authors are guided not only by those who attend the meetings, but also by the mass “addressee-observer”. This audience does not directly participate in this discussion, but plays an important role in the political process, determining the new composition of the legislative and executive authorities during the elections. Therefore, the speakers seek to influence not only the decision-making process on this bill, but also the mass audience, which is reflected in the content and style of the secondary text.

Publicity of consideration of the bill is provided, first of all, with the help of mass-media. It should be noted that in the space of media discourse, this text can function as a primary one, acting, for example, as a subject of speech in a journalistic material, informational or analytical.

Chairman of the JUST RUSSIA Party, head of the party faction in the State Duma Sergei Mironov commented on the agenda of the plenary meeting of the State Duma.

According to the parliamentarian, today the proposal of the Prosecutor General's Office on giving consent to the State Duma to deprive Ilya Ponomarev of immunity will be considered.

"The JUST RUSSIA faction will certainly support this presentation of the Prosecutor General," he said. "We have long insisted on depriving Deputy Ponomarev of his mandate. I think that today the Duma will take the first legal step in this direction. I have no doubt that the entire State Duma will support this presentation by the Attorney General.

In addition, as the head of the "SR" faction said, the agenda includes the second reading of amendments to the budget for 2015 and the budgets of three funds: compulsory health insurance, pension and social protection fund.

"Our faction on the budget adjustment project and on the compulsory medical insurance fund will vote against," Sergey Mironov said. "We do not support amendments to the budgets of the other two funds and will not vote on them."

According to Sergei Mironov, the anti-crisis plan of the RF Government also does not stand up to scrutiny.

“The stupid distribution of one and a half trillion rubles to banks that will allegedly lend to someone is naivety. As if we don’t remember what happened in 2008, when money was distributed to banks,” he explained. profits, at the same time pumped the ruble exchange rate, but the real sector did not receive anything. This does not suit us in the same way that those budgets of the three funds do not suit us."

In addition, the politician noted that many important bills initiated not only by "SR" but also by other factions will be rejected. "I meant three versions of the law on amendments to the law on social protection of the disabled, which expands the list of technical means for the rehabilitation and support of the disabled," he explained. "In particular, it is proposed to provide disabled people with vehicles."

According to the parliamentarian, bills of the “SR” faction concerning education will be rejected: on additional payment for classroom management and on the mandatory five-day period for schoolchildren up to the ninth grade.

“It seems that at our school they are trying to give some knowledge, at the very least, but no one is going to engage in education. "It's necessary from the very beginning. It is necessary that class management be paid. To make it interesting and profitable for teachers to do this. Alas, the relevant committee also proposes to reject this initiative of ours."

According to him, hundreds and even thousands of parents are asking to introduce a five-day period at school, who believe that too much work is placed on children and that they cannot afford a six-day period.

“We deliberately leave it to the discretion of schools to decide whether to introduce a six-day week to prepare for the final exams for high school. But for kids, of course, a five-day week is needed. But again, members of the relevant committee, apparently forgetting that they were also children and are parents, have recommended that the bill be rejected."

Mikhail Yemelyanov, First Deputy Head of the A JUST RUSSIA faction in the State Duma, addressed the plenary session of the State Duma.

According to the parliamentarian, the central issue on the agenda is the State Duma's resolution on the government's anti-crisis report. Mikhail Yemelyanov stressed that the "SR" faction will not support the Government's report and will vote against this resolution.

“We believe that the Government is inefficiently implementing the anti-crisis plan, and the plan itself is questionable,” the deputy said. “Our main complaint is that the Government is trying to get out of the crisis at the expense of the middle class and the poor. The hardships of the crisis are on the elite, and this, in our opinion, is not true. If there is a crisis in the country, then all segments of the population should bear these hardships, and not just the middle class and the poorest sections of the population."

According to Mikhail Yemelyanov, this is manifested in the lack of sufficient indexation of pensions, indexation wages not only to state employees, but even to employees of law enforcement agencies.

“Such a social policy has a negative result – not only social, but also economic,” he stressed. “Consumer demand is shrinking catastrophically, followed by investment demand. main reason and economic downturn. We will not be able to get out of the economic crisis, we will not be able to achieve economic recovery if we do not stimulate consumer demand. This is the main reason that we do not have economic growth, which should have occurred after the devaluation, but an economic recession."

According to the deputy, the A JUST RUSSIA faction insists on decent compensation for salaries, pensions, benefits, and this is not only a measure to support the most disadvantaged social strata of the population, but also a measure of economic stimulation, a means of ensuring economic growth.

"All over the world, when there is an economic downturn, they try to stimulate demand, including direct cash payments," he explained.

Mikhail Emelyanov emphasized that the only way to improve the economic situation - to replenish the budget, but the tight budget policy of the Ministry of Finance not only does not contribute to economic growth, but also puts the population of the country in a difficult position.

According to the politician, the SR proposes to replenish the budget by abolishing VAT, introducing a progressive taxation scale, improving the work customs service, and a number of measures that would increase budget revenues and support the most vulnerable segments of the population.

"Economic and social program JUST RUSSIA is fundamentally opposite to what the Government is doing, therefore we do not support the resolution on the Government’s report and will vote against it,” the deputy stressed.

Another important bill to be considered by the State Duma that day, according to the parliamentarian, is aimed at fighting corruption. He noted that the SR has always supported the strengthening of financial discipline in relation to officials and deputies.

Mikhail Yemelyanov said that a fundamental amendment appeared in the second reading of the bill, which extends the measures of this financial discipline not only to the federal level and the level of the subject Russian Federation but also at the municipal level. He noted that the deputies of the "SR" faction not only supported, but also became co-authors of this amendment.

Another bill on the agenda, which the deputy drew attention to, is on expanding the possibilities of using special equipment against prisoners.

"We consider this fundamentally wrong, and we will vote against this bill. All the same, prisoners are our citizens and none of them civil rights did not deprive," the parliamentarian said.

Transcript plenary meeting of the State Duma 22.02.17 Government Hour of the Ministry of Defense Sergei Shoigu - beginning
(After the break)
presiding. Dear Colleagues, Let's get started. Colleagues, please register.
Please turn on registration mode. Registration in progress, folks. Please show registration results.
Registration results (12 hours 31 minutes 11 seconds)
Present 396 people 88.0%
Absent 54 people 12.0%
There are 450 deputies in total.
Not registered 54 people 12.0%
Result: there is a quorum There are 396 deputies in the hall, 54 are absent. There is a quorum. We start work.
Dear colleagues, as part of the 22nd issue of our agenda, we have a "government hour". Our "government hour" is devoted to the speech of the Ministry of Defense. The floor is given to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu. Please, Sergey Kuzhugetovich.
Shoigu S.K., Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.
Good afternoon, dear colleagues!
Glad for another opportunity as part of "Government Hour"
talk about the main activities of the Ministry of Defense.
Our regular meetings and close interaction with relevant committees allow us to quickly resolve problematic issues in the field of the country's military security. With your support, the Ministry of Defense continues the systematic construction and development of the Armed Forces, aimed at improving their quality.
For strategic nuclear forces. They are maintained at a level that makes it possible to reliably solve the tasks of nuclear deterrence.
In the Strategic Missile Forces, 99 percent of the launchers are in combat readiness, of which 96 are in constant readiness for immediate launch. Last year, the aviation strategic nuclear forces were replenished with four modernized long-range strategic aircraft Tu-160 and Tu-95MS. The grouping of naval strategic nuclear forces of the Pacific Fleet has been reinforced with missiles and the Vladimir Monomakh strategic submarine cruiser. 41 new ballistic missiles have been delivered to the Armed Forces. This made it possible to achieve a 60 percent level of equipping the entire nuclear triad with modern weapons, and in the Strategic Missile Forces - 62 percent. Increased combat potential of forces general purpose. In the past year alone, the Ground Forces formed 9 formations, including four motorized rifle divisions and one tank division.
Due to the receipt of 2930 new and modernized types of weapons, 5 formations, 17 military units and subunits were re-equipped. The level of equipment of the Ground Forces with modern weapons has been increased to 42 percent. The Aerospace Forces received 139 modern aircraft, four more anti-aircraft missile regiments ... four more anti-aircraft missile regiments were formed and re-equipped with the S-400 Triumph system. The share of modern weapons in the Aerospace Forces as a whole has been increased to 66 percent, and in military districts to 51 percent.
Successfully passed state tests last year three new radar stations of high factory readiness "Voronezh" in Orsk, Barnaul and Yeniseisk. Three existing radar stations in Baranovichi, Murmansk and Pechora have been modified using high factory readiness technologies.
All this allowed for the first time in history new Russia to create a continuous radar field along the perimeter of our country, a missile attack warning system in all strategic aerospace directions and along all types of ballistic missile flight trajectories.
In addition, 38 military units and unmanned aircraft units have been formed in the Armed Forces. In total, more than 600 complexes with two thousand unmanned aerial vehicles are in service. Compared to 2011, the Armed Forces then had only 180 obsolete unmanned aerial vehicles.
Over the past year, the Navy has replenished with 24 ships and support vessels, including two multi-purpose submarines. The equipment of the fleet with modern weapons and equipment today is 74 percent.
Three reconnaissance battalions and six tank companies, two companies of electronic warfare and two unmanned aerial vehicles have been formed in the Airborne Forces.
188 new and modernized armored combat vehicles have been delivered to the troops. The level of equipment of the Airborne Forces with modern weapons has been increased to 47 percent.
In general, the provision of the Armed Forces with modern weapons and equipment in the units of constant readiness is 58.3 percent, and the serviceability of equipment is 94 percent.
The capabilities of the National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation have been brought to a new, qualitative level, which monitors and coordinates 6,500 activities of the Action Plan of the Armed Forces around the clock. Three times the efficiency of critical decision-making important issues. Improved characteristics of data processing systems.
For comparison, our National Center surpasses the joint control center of the French Armed Forces "Balar" by 19 times in terms of the total amount of stored data and three times in terms of computing power. At the same time, the complex of buildings of the Ministry of Defense was built three times faster and 2.6 times cheaper than the French center.
Information platform 11national center allowed to collect in single system interagency cooperation 73 federal executive authorities, authorities of all 85 subjects of the Russian Federation, 1320 public corporations and enterprises of the military-industrial complex. For the first time, a single, secure information space has been created at the federal, regional and local levels.
In terms of staffing of the Armed Forces, we have reached 93 percent, the number of military personnel under the contract has been increased to 384,000 people. For the first time in the history of Russia, the non-commissioned officers are fully staffed with contract soldiers.
A long-standing problem on the military personnel at the disposal has been resolved. Now their number is 2,000 people for all the Armed Forces, three years ago there were 49,000 of them at their disposal, and 32 billion rubles were spent annually to maintain them.
Raising the level of training of personnel and coherence of the formations of the Armed Forces is facilitated by sudden comprehensive checks of the combat readiness of troops. An average of five checks are carried out annually, which cover all military districts, types and types of troops of the Armed Forces. Last year, federal authorities and administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation actively participated in them. For the first time, perhaps, we have conducted exercises and a sudden test to mobilize industry in certain areas in order to understand what our industry is capable of in a special period - in wartime, whether it is capable of solving the tasks that are set before it by mobilization plans. As a result, the readiness of the troops to receive resources from the country's economic complex in wartime and to carry out tasks in close cooperation with departments has increased.
The intensity of operational and combat training activities has increased. Last year, 3,630 exercises were conducted, of which 1,250 were interspecific. During the exercises and trainings, the created groupings of troops fully confirmed their readiness and ability to ensure the military security of Russia.
The International Army Games raised the system of competitiveness among the troops to a new qualitative level; last year, the number of participants in them amounted to almost 82,000 servicemen, including 3,500 from other countries. This year the games will be held not only in Russia, but also in China, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. They contribute to the dissemination of advanced training methods and the improvement of combat skills, which significantly affects the improvement in the quality of combat and combat training missions.
The further development of the system of military education contributed to the increase in the professionalism of servicemen. The teaching staff of the universities of the Ministry of Defense is strengthened by officers with combat experience. The network of pre-university educational institutions. In 2016, the Tula Suvorov Military School was opened, and the Nakhimov Naval School had branches in Sevastopol and Vladivostok. This year, a branch in Murmansk will start operating, and the Petrozavodsk Presidential Cadet School will also be opened.
The qualitative state of the Armed Forces directly depends on the solution of the issues of social security of servicemen. Since the beginning of last year, we have switched to a planned mode of providing permanent housing. High rates of provision of service housing to servicemen are being maintained. In 2016, 29,200 people received service apartments. In addition, 12,238 residential premises are included in the specialized housing stock of the Ministry of Defense. Taking into account the decisions taken to increase the amount of compensation for sublease to the real level, the problem of service housing has been solved.
The development of the savings-mortgage system continues. Last year, 23,684 servicemen became its participants. The average area of ​​purchased apartments is 60 square meters, which is 20 percent higher than the predicted figure.
The availability and quality of medical care has been significantly improved. Equipping military medical organizations and units with modern medical equipment makes it possible to provide 83 types of high-tech medical care and perform unique operations in leading medical clinics of the Ministry of Defense. The morbidity among servicemen was reduced by 22 percent and by 20 percent - diseases of the cardiovascular system.
This year, a multidisciplinary clinic of the Kirov Military Medical Academy is opening. In terms of its capabilities and equipment, it will become the most unique medical institution in the country, its commissioning will restore the historical and professional significance of the academy, and will allow it to reach a new level in the field of education and medicine.
In the development of the military-construction complex of the Ministry of Defense, we have achieved synchronization of the creation of infrastructure with the timing of weapons entering the troops and military equipment.
Today, the total need of the Armed Forces for infrastructure facilities, taking into account the depreciation of funds, is 30 million square meters. The pace of construction has increased more than 10 times compared to 2010-2012, when only 210 objects were commissioned, last year 2,550 buildings and structures with a total area of ​​2,700,000 square meters were built, which is 18 percent higher than in 2015 .
The use of modern prefabricated technologies has made it possible to halve the construction time for shelters for equipment and objects of the barracks and housing stock and to achieve the cost of building 1 square meter of objects of the Ministry of Defense, not exceeding 30 thousand rubles per square meter which is lower than the country as a whole.
The Ministry of Defense is carrying out a serious reform of the military-construction complex, Spetsstroy of Russia has been abolished, and eight federal state unitary enterprises have been included in the Armed Forces, which carry out the construction of only special military facilities. This excludes intermediaries and intermediaries in the implementation of state construction contracts, ensures that the work is carried out mainly by the forces of these enterprises and reduces the number of managerial personnel by 2 times.
The Ministry of Defense has achieved significant results from the implementation of the "Efficient Army" program. Within its framework, automated system accounting of personal data of military personnel using electronic cards (passport). They provide all 275,000 conscripts sent to the Armed Forces in 2016. The system provides coverage of the entire cycle of events - from the initial placement of citizens on military registration, conscription for military service and its passage, as well as for the period of stay in the reserve.
Further electronic cards(passport) will be integrated into the existing system of access control and food ordering for military personnel, this will allow efficient planning of expenses in the link: military unit - army - district. The food control system has been implemented in 729 canteens and has already saved 700 million rubles.
The installation of 118,000 utility metering devices at the facilities of the Ministry of Defense brought a reduction in costs by 3.5 billion rubles a year. The conversion of 28 boiler houses from solid and liquid boiler fuel to natural gas reduced the cost of heat generation by 108 million rubles. After the re-equipment of 210 boiler houses by 2020, the costs will be reduced by 2 times annually, and the overall economic effect will exceed 3 billion 700 million rubles.
With the return of military repair and restoration bodies in 2013, the cost of service maintenance equipment by third-party organizations decreased by 4 times. Repair work by regular repair bodies allows saving 1 billion 400 million rubles of budget funds annually.
At 16 arsenals, workshops for the repair of ammunition have been deployed on their own.
Such repairs have not been carried out for 15 years, as a result of last year more than 1 million pieces of ammunition were returned, the purchase of which would cost the budget 69 billion rubles.
As a result of extending the shelf life of ammunition, we have saved more than 1 billion. The Ministry of Defense purchased and supplied to the arsenals about 60 thousand units of modern closures from polymer materials, its extended service life will allow from 2020 to annually save up to 900 million rubles on the maintenance of missiles and ammunition.
The engineering troops, as part of the training of sappers, conducted special tactical exercises to collapse 785 decommissioned buildings at 54 objects of the Ministry of Defense, which saved 8 billion rubles. Previously, such work was carried out by tender by third parties.
The Ministry of Defense continues the comprehensive development of the Arctic territories: work is being completed on the Novosibirsk Islands, the archipelagos of Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya. Technical positions of radar departments and aviation guidance points are being erected on the islands of Alexandra Land, Wrangel and Messerschmitt.
Measures were taken to clean up the Arctic in the areas of the Alykel airfield on the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, on the islands of Kotelny and Wrangel. In total, 156 hectares of territories were cleared, 6.5 thousand tons of scrap metal were removed.
Colleagues, in general, the Armed Forces ensure a steady growth in combat capabilities and maintain the given level of the country's defense capability.
This year, the Ministry of Defense will continue to improve the quality of the Armed Forces, take measures to strengthen the grouping of troops in the western, southwestern and Arctic strategic directions, ensure the timely deployment and strict execution of the state defense order of 2017 and reach the level of equipment with modern weapons and equipment in parts of constant readiness - more than 62 percent.
We are faced with the following tasks in terms of strategic nuclear forces: to place three missile regiments equipped with modern missile systems on combat duty in the strategic missile forces, to put into service five modernized aircraft systems Tu-160 and Tu-95MS.
For general purposes. Put in ground troops two brigade sets of Iskander-M missile systems, as well as re-equip three military air defense divisions with Tor-M2 anti-aircraft missile systems. Ensure the supply of 905 modern tanks and armored combat vehicles.
To accept 170 new and modernized aircraft into the aerospace forces and aviation of the Navy. Re-equip 4 anti-aircraft missile regiments with the S-400 system. To ensure the acceptance into operation and delivery on combat duty of three radar stations of high factory readiness in Yeniseisk, Orsk and Barnaul.
Launch the second spacecraft of the unified space system. Introduce 8 surface ships and 9 combat boats into the combat strength of the Navy.
To put four missile systems "Bal" and "Bastion" into the coastal troops. Continue improving the basing system of the Armed Forces, put into operation 3,166 buildings and structures.
The pace gained will make it possible to fulfill the tasks set by the President of the Russian Federation and by the end of 2020 reach the level of equipping the Armed Forces with modern models of weapons and equipment of at least 70 percent.
On the whole, the implementation of a progressive course towards achieving a high, qualitative level of the Armed Forces will make it possible by 2021 to complete the creation of full-fledged groupings of troops in all strategic directions.
In conclusion, I will focus on the use of the Armed Forces in the Syrian Arab Republic.
presiding. Add a minute.
Shoigu S. K. The main task assigned to the Armed Forces by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief before the start of the operation has been completed. A number of geopolitical problems have been solved. Significant damage has been done to international terrorist organizations in Syria. Their financial support and resource support system has been disrupted. The collapse of the Syrian state has been prevented, the civil war and attempts to change the legitimate government controlled from abroad have practically been stopped. The chain of "color revolutions" replicated in the Middle East and Africa has been interrupted. The main event of last year was the liberation of Aleppo, considered the second capital of Syria and the largest industrial center.
I miss. Everything around you is ringing, it is impossible to speak.
presiding. Sergei Kuzhegotovich, how much additional time do you need?
Shoigu S.K. Well, I don’t know, I have 4 pages left to read to you.
presiding. Add 5 minutes of time.
Shoigu S. K. Today we completed, yesterday we completed the demining of Aleppo. In total, our sappers neutralized 66, listen carefully, 66 thousand tons of explosives. I am grateful to our guys, this is a selfless and very difficult work that they completed. Moreover, during this time we have trained Syrian sappers and all other objects are already being carried out by Syrian sappers on our equipment, of course, under the supervision of our instructors.
The military police help maintain order in the city. We currently have two battalions of the Military Police, one in Aleppo, one there, near Damascus in Wadi Barada, and I would like to thank all those who took part in the formation of these battalions.
Humanitarian aid. The convoys that our group leads, they are formed by the United Nations. Assistance is also coming from Armenia, Belarus, Serbia, India, and China. As a result of the cessation of hostilities introduced on December 30, which is maintained throughout Syria, it was actually possible to stop that same civil war and move on to a joint fight against terrorists.
This year, a large group of ISIS militants was defeated north of Aleppo, this year, in just 2 months. Government forces in this area took control of 41 settlements, and for the first time joint actions of the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Turkish Air Force were carried out.
This year alone, 1,780 square kilometers of Syrian territory and 53 settlements have been liberated from militants. Russian aviation made 1,760 sorties, inflicted 5,682 strikes on terrorist infrastructure. At the same time, 40 training camps, 475 command posts, 45 factories and workshops for the production of ammunition, 1.5 thousand pieces of military equipment of terrorists, 3119 militants, including 26 field commanders, were liquidated. We checked and tested in Syria 162 samples of modern modernized weapons, which showed their high efficiency, with the possible exception of 10, which, unfortunately, we had to withdraw from production and send for revision.
86 percent of the flight personnel of the Aerospace Forces received combat experience in Syria, including 75 percent of long-range aviation crews, 79 operational-tactical, 88 military transport and 89 percent of army aviation.
Special operations forces and units showed their high efficiency special purpose. They play a key role in eliminating the leaders of terrorists, in destroying critical enemy targets and adjusting our air strikes. As you know, full-fledged ones have been deployed with your participation, I don’t want to call them bases, but nevertheless, these are probably more than bases at the Khmeimim airfield and in Tartus of the Navy. This allows us to maintain a sufficiently high level of all supply chain. I already, in my opinion, when speaking last time, I said, and if I said it, I will repeat it, the rate of delivery of goods to Syria is approximately 2,000 tons per day on average. It is by air, by sea to all directions.
And in conclusion, of course, I must thank you, for which I thank you all, for the support of the army, the support of the navy, and for everything that the parliament of our country is doing to establish and strengthen the defense capability of our country. The report is finished. Thank you. (Applause.)
presiding. Thank you, Sergey Kuzhugetovich.
The floor is given to Vera Ergeshevna Chistova, Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation. Please, Vera Ergeshevna.
Chistova VE, Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.
Dear Vyacheslav Viktorovich! Dear deputies! Dear minister and his deputies!
The open mode of discussion does not allow me to operate with the numbers that we have achieved as a result of our checks. Therefore, I will speak about the facts in relative values and general issues identified by our audits.
So, the Ministry of Defense solves a huge range of tasks, which is clearly seen from the speech of Sergei Kuzhugetovich. We all see the ministry's achievements under the Army and Navy Rearmament program, the improvement in the quality of the Armed Forces, and the social protection of servicemen. The Ministry of Defense is the largest, the main manager of budgetary funds. And in this regard, having a very complex organizational structure, we, accordingly, carry out the most diverse checks, and their number is also very significant.
In 2014-2016, the Accounts Chamber conducted 25 audits of the Ministry of Defense, not counting the formation and execution of the budget. Our annual audit is the main indicators of the year and the state of the regulatory and methodological framework for their formation. 2016, inspections have begun, which are now being completed, these are: food supply for military personnel; development of control systems and communication systems; repair of aviation equipment, including analysis joint-stock company"Air Repair". Completed inspections in 2016: pricing for government contracts, for the development and supply of weapons and military equipment; weapons disposal issues. The activities of FAO CSKA have been fully verified. 2015, you know Baltic Fleet, We checked the Northern Fleet back in 2014. The financial rehabilitation of the REO, the use of funds allocated for fuel and lubricants, and a big check was on the financial support of the Armed Forces.
In order to ensure quality control of efficient use budgetary funds, federal property and property, a close relationship has been built with the Ministry of Defense. We have signed an Agreement on cooperation and the Regulations for interaction in the conduct of control and expert-analytical activities. Specified documents allowed us to provide information openness for us, unimpeded online access to the information that the Accounts Chamber needs based on the results of its audits, even taking into account the relevant restrictive stamps.
I want to note that year by year the situation with financial discipline in the ministry is improving. On an ongoing basis, work is carried out aimed at preventing violations and their possible correction already in the course of control measures. This applies, among other things, to the great work being done to improve the regulatory framework.
I will give some examples. The highest level is laws. With the support of respected legislators, in 2016, changes were made to laws, which made it possible in the future, taking into account the specifics and tasks, and the structure of the Armed Forces, to avoid a number of violations.
In particular, during the review period, changes were made to the federal law"O physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation". FAA CSKA, being an object of control, will be empowered to prepare a sports reserve for sports teams in other sports, in addition to military applied sports, which it actually did before.
Appropriate changes have been made to the tax legislation and the legislation on state insurance to give the financial bodies of the Ministry of Defense a special status of tax agents, their proper registration, as well as the issues of the procedure for paying personal income tax, transferring insurance premiums in accordance with the requirements of the law, which the Accounts Chamber has repeatedly drawn attention to .
The second level is government acts. We consider the most significant is the release of Decree No. 407 on the procedure for determining the initial (maximum) price of a state contract concluded as part of the state defense order, including with sole contractors.
In addition, at present, under the auspices of the military-industrial complex and the FAS of Russia, the Ministry of Defense is working on proposals from the Accounts Chamber to change the legal framework governing pricing issues in terms of changing the provision on state regulation of prices for products supplied under the State Defense Order, as well as approving the procedure for determining profitability under calculation of prices and exclusion of the possibility of concluding contracts with organizations that use intermediary schemes and do not have their own capacities.
And the third level - departmental acts.
I can say that a huge number of regulations have been revised, including those that were published under the Soviet Union, I mean regulations regulating in one way or another financial relations within the Ministry of Defense.
And I can say that the results joint activities also affected the structure of the Ministry of Defense in terms of, for example, improving the financial support system, in terms of additional creation financial and economic services of the branches of the Armed Forces and in military districts, which brought the relevant financial bodies closer to servicing military units.
Operational maintenance departments have been created, which made it possible to free commanders of military units who do not have special knowledge from unusual functions of accepting resource support services and operational maintenance of infrastructure facilities.
We hope to continue the practice of holding joint collegiums on the most relevant topics identified in matters of increasing the efficiency of the use of financial resources.
But I, as a representative of the highest body of external state control, will have to talk not only about positive aspects, but also about shortcomings. And so I will focus on those typical problems that have now been partially resolved, but still remain in the area of ​​attention of both the Accounts Chamber and the Minister of Defense.
I'll start with military housing.
A lot has been done in this direction. The waiting list is shrinking. But at the same time, until 2015, a significant number of apartments were recognized as unclaimed, as a result of which some of them were transferred to other federal bodies, and some were transferred to municipalities and constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In itself, this process is positive, but, alas, not for military personnel.
There is an additional need for service housing. And the Accounts Chamber understands that this need is growing not due to the dissatisfaction with the previously designated positions, but due to the fact that, to a certain extent, a new deployment of military units and subunits is envisaged, which require the construction of new housing in new locations.
But a related problem is the volume of construction in progress, which was mainly formed in the 2000s and from this the amount of overdue receivables. As of October 1, 2016, 40 contracts for the construction of housing for permanent residence, 94 contracts for the construction of service housing, the deadline for which was provided for in 2012-2014, were not executed. The volume of overdue receivables under these contracts amounted to about 60 billion rubles.
Currently, the Ministry of Defense is conducting an inventory of real estate and construction in progress, based on the results of which we expect appropriate effective decisions.
By the way, about the total receivables. Its significant volume is connected not so much with construction as with R&D and procurement of a long cycle of a long nature and prisoners also back in the 2000s. And previously practiced, from which the Ministry of Defense has now, in principle, almost completely abandoned, this is 100% advance payment of contracts.
In 2016, the Accounts Chamber noted a decrease in overdue receivables from the Ministry of Defense. However, it was achieved mainly as a result of the use of a sustainable practice of terminating, by agreement of the parties, state contracts with industrial enterprises that did not fulfill their obligations, for which large unworked advances were recorded, they were counted against the payment of newly concluded contracts, or the funds were redirected at the same enterprises to other contracts.
The reception is quite understandable, but crafty, since from the category of overdue, accounts receivable goes into regulatory, and the legislation in the field of procurement does not provide for such regulatory permits.
The tendency of the Ministry of Defense to abandon the mechanism for lending to the state defense order is positively noted. You yourself adopted the norm at the end of the year, now it's up to the industry. It is urgent to transfer money to banks in order to close these long-term procedures.
There are problematic issues in terms of the practice of determining the only suppliers and the unresolved issues of pricing government contracts. According to the results of inspections of the determination of a single supplier, in a number of cases, taking into account the peculiarities, it is clearly seen that the procedure requires more precise regulation. One and a half minutes maybe?
presiding. Please add one and a half minutes.
Chistova V. E. As for the sole executor of Spetsstroy, we believe that the liquidation of this department should not lead to the loss of a significant part of the advances due to its subordinate enterprises.
State defense order. The results of control measures show the imperfection of the current mechanism state regulation prices, providing Negative influence on the effectiveness of the formation, placement and execution of the state defense order.
Pricing issues for products are regulated by a significant number of regulations, which makes their enforcement difficult, and the current normative base, which, as I have already said, in some cases does not contain clear, unambiguous definitions of the price formation procedure, entails corruption risks. The current norms of legislation and the 44th and 275th laws do not prevent the conclusion of contracts with organizations that are not direct executors of contracts. The current system shows that improvement still needs to be carried out. The Ministry of Defense needs to continue work on interaction with the FAS, with Rospatent.
The 2016 budget check is now under way. We hope that the consolidation of these positive trends that I noted ... will be consolidated.
On the eve of February 23, I would like to end my speech by congratulating everyone on the upcoming holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day and quoting the words of the great statesman and reformer Peter I, as follows: military affairs are the first of worldly affairs, as the most important for the defense of one's Fatherland.
Thank you for your attention. (Applause.)
presiding. Thank you, Vera Ergeshevna.
Dear colleagues, let's move on to questions. In accordance with the decision, we will have questions from the factions.
Question from the Communist Party faction. Please, Pavel Sergeevich Dorokhin.
Dorokhin P. S., Communist Party faction.
Dear Sergei Kuzhugetovich, Comrade Defense Minister!
Is it expected that deputies of the State Duma, in particular the relevant Defense Committee, will travel to the Syrian Arab Republic to clarify the situation on the ground and provide moral support to our servicemen who are holding back gangs of international terrorists on the distant approaches to Russia?
Also, what is the overall effectiveness of new types of equipment and weapons used in Syria compared to old models? Are you satisfied with this defense industry products?
presiding. Please, Sergey Kuzhugetovich.
Shoigu S. K. Thank you.
Well, in Syria, the morale of our guys is quite high, but if you think it is not enough, we are ready. (Applause.)
If we talk about the support that could be and which we would like to see from our parliament and colleagues, we just talked about this with the leadership of the State Duma, here we rather need support in terms of a political settlement, this concerns discussion and adoption of the constitution, the mechanism for the adoption of this constitution. This concerns various kinds of interfaith relations within Syria. This concerns interethnic relations, there are many different issues, and, of course, issues related to humanitarian assistance. There are many different issues that need to be promoted and supported in one way or another.
Well, and probably, first of all, of course, we would like you, through your contacts with your colleagues from European and other parliaments, to have such a serious, I don’t want to say influence or pressure, but serious support for the Syrian parliament. And today we are discussing the constitution that has been submitted and prepared, and here it could be of great benefit.
As for the operation of the weapon. This is a big, serious report. On this occasion, we held two large conferences with the involvement of all the heads and designers of weapons supplying enterprises, mainly weapons, I already said, we tried 162 new and modernized samples, looked at them, fought with them. 10 did not show themselves, did not give the characteristics that they should have given, some of them, moreover, carried danger and a threat to those who naturally used it.
Very great experience: for the first time, our non-Suid group, you know about it, for the first time in the entire history of the existence of aircraft carrier aviation was used in Syria, showed its, in general, great, high efficiency and those problems or those failures that were, they sooner or later would still be, well, they have come to light now.
And I thank both our sailors, and naval aviation, and all those who served these aircraft, because after all we tried both day and night (we made more than a hundred flights at night), those who understand this. .. (Microphone off.)
presiding. Please add time.
Shoigu S.K. Yes, I actually finished. Thank you.
presiding. Thank you.