Basic level pm standard.

The work of a project manager in government agencies is not your bright dream? Even so, then you may be interested to know that Russia has its own PM Standard certification system, which is positioned as a national one and, it seems, will become mandatory for RMs in the civil service. You can find out more on the official website, but if you don’t want to go into details, you can read a summary under the cut (all based on the material of the same site and the training in the “Project Practice”).

About the author of PM Standard certification

Let's start with the basics - in the Russian Federation there is an organization called the Center for Assessment and Development project management”(abbreviated TsORPU), which I had never heard of before this certification, but nonetheless.

Quote from their site:

Autonomous non-profit organization"Center for Assessment and Development of Project Management" (ANO "TsORPU") actively promotes the development of project management in Russian Federation and the CIS, increasing the efficiency of applying the principles, methods and tools of project management in commercial and government organizations.

Competency Model PM Standard

And this same organization has developed a competency model for project managers, consisting of four blocks:

  • A1-A3 - project management
  • B - Corporate specifics
  • C - branch extensions
  • D - personal competencies

Within each of the blocks there is a set of competencies, and the idea is that from these competencies, first government agencies, and then private business could put together the “puzzle” they needed from what they needed. And, perhaps, sometime in the future, to certify on this "puzzle" using a single platform.

In the picture, the blocks look like this:

Competence levels PM Standard

Each competency within the blocks has 4 levels, which the CRPA website describes as follows:

  • Basic knowledge. knowledge of the theory.
  • Specialist. Possesses the basic knowledge and skills of the competence and the tools associated with this competence. Able to apply knowledge and experience with the support of others. Able to apply knowledge and experience independently in simple situations.
  • Professional. Possesses advanced knowledge and skills on the tools associated with this competency. Able to apply knowledge and experience in complex situations.
  • Organizer (delegation). Able to organize project management, taking into account various factors of complexity. Knows how to set a task, accept and apply the result of the implementation.

Accordingly, the organization can determine what pieces of the puzzle and with what depth of knowledge it needs, check employees for compliance with this puzzle and develop if necessary.

But this is all the subject of a bright future, but for now you can only get certified in project management, and then in a truncated version.

Levels of certification PM Standard

Certification in terms of project management has the following levels:

  • A basic level of(Participant of project activities) - available for certification
  • Project Manager (4 levels)- currently available for level 2 certification
    • Project coordinator (PM STANDARD SRP-4) - available for certification
    • Certified Project Manager (PM STANDARD SRP-3) - available for certification
    • Certified project manager of advanced complexity (PM STANDARD SRP-2) – not yet available
    • Certified Head of Complex Projects (PM STANDARD SRP-1) – not yet available
  • Project officenot yet available (late 2017)
  • Programs- not yet available
  • portfolios- not yet available
  • Project activities in the organizationnot yet available

Requirements for certification levels PM Standard - what you need to know and be able to be admitted to certification

  • A basic level of- corresponds to the position of "Member of the project team" regardless of the role and level of competence. Assumes basic knowledge and understanding of project management concepts in accordance with GOST and ISO standards.
  • Project coordinator (PM STANDARD SRP-4) – confirms the candidate's ability to administer and coordinate the implementation of projects. For certification you need: confirmation of experience in performing responsible roles in project management for at least 1 year over the past 3 years, certificate PM STANDARD - Basic level (if the candidate does not have a Basic level, then additional questions are submitted as part of a comprehensive certification test). Includes questions of three mandatory competencies and three competencies to choose from among those offered.
  • Certified Project Manager (PM STANDARD SRP-3) – confirms the applicant's ability to perform the main project management activities in a stable environment, with a low level of uncertainty, with a small number of participants and project stakeholders. For certification you need: confirmation of experience in performing responsible roles in project management for at least 2 years, including project management experience - at least 1 year over the past 5 years (experience is confirmed by the provision of an experience report), certificate PM STANDARD - Basic level (in case if the candidate does not have a Basic level, then additional questions are submitted as part of a comprehensive certification test).

Knowledge matrices for various competencies PM Standard

Below is a matrix that reflects the required depth of knowledge on different project management competencies for different levels of PM Standard certification.

Assessment matrix for competency groups A1-A3 (project management)

Competence A basic level of SRP-4 SRP-3 SRP-2 SRP-1
1 Integration management I heardI heardI know / I cancool in thiscool in this
2 Management of risks I heardI heardI know / I cancool in thiscool in this
3 Interested party management I heardI heardI know / I cancool in thiscool in this
4 Communications management I heardI know / I canI know / I cancool in thisI delegate/teach
5 Resource management I heardI heardI know / I canI know / I canI delegate/teach
6 Supply chain management I heardI heardI know / I canI know / I canI delegate/teach
7 Cost management I heardI heardI know / I canI know / I canI delegate/teach
8 Content Management I heardI know / I canI know / I canI know / I canI delegate/teach
9 Quality control I heardI heardI know / I canI know / I canI delegate/teach
10 Deadline management I heardI know / I canI know / I canI know / I canI delegate/teach
11 Leadership and leadership I heardI heardI heardI know / I cancool in this
12 Team management I heardI heardI heardI know / I cancool in this
13 Integration into business processes I heardI heardI heardI heardI know / I can
14 Achieving business goals I heardI heardI heardI heardI know / I can
Additionally: +3 know/ I know from paragraphs 1-10 +2 cool in this from p.1-10

And this is how the evaluation matrix could theoretically look like - Groupsb,c,D(corporate specifics, industry extensions, personal competencies).

Assessment matrix for competency groups B, C, D

Competence A basic level of SRP-4 SRP-3 SRP-2 SRP-1
1 Corporate (applicable only in this company)
1.1 Knowledge domains across departmentsI heardI heardI know / I cancool in thiscool in this
1.2 Company project management processesI heardI heardI know / I cancool in thiscool in this
1.3 Support processes for company IT systemsI heardI heardI know / I cancool in thiscool in this
2 Industry (IT)
2.1 Business analysisI heardI know / I canI know / I cancool in thisI delegate
2.2 SCRUMI heardI heardI know / I canI know / I canI delegate/teach
2.3 ITSMI heardI heardI know / I canI know / I canI delegate/teach
2.4 DevopsI heardI heardI know / I canI know / I canI delegate/teach
2.5 KanbanI heardI heardI know / I canI know / I canI delegate/teach
3 Personal
3.1 DISC MethodologyI heardI heardI know / I cancool in thiscool in this
3.2 stress managementI heardI heardI know / I cancool in thiscool in this
3.3 The Art of PresentationI heardI know / I canI know / I cancool in thiscool in this

Features of certification PM Standard

The certification itself has the following features:

  • Certification includes 2 stages of results evaluation: automatic and manual. The decision to pass is made by assessors who evaluate the manual part.
  • The issue price is from 7,000 to 15,000 rubles. plus 6800 rub. for a preparatory online course (but you can do it yourself or in person).
  • You do not need to regularly confirm as PMP or PME (PME, however, does not need to be confirmed, it is enough to pay for renewal regularly).
  • Either it is already mandatory, or it will be mandatory for the work of the Republic of Moldova in state bodies, as it corresponds to the national system professional qualifications and key project roles in government and organizations.
  • Multilevel (already) and modular (will be).
  • Based on Russian GOSTs for project management.
  • You can try to pass the basic level 3 times for free at the link
  • In Moscow, he conducts "Design Practice" in the office at Avtozavodskaya metro station.
  • Today in Russia: 816 - basic level, 16 - coordinators, 37 - RM.

It's funny, but I failed to pass the trial certification the first time, Russian terminology and a not always unambiguous set of answers were confusing. I didn’t try the second time, but I think the same course for 6800 rubles would solve the problem. to synchronize knowledge.

The conclusion that I draw from this small study for myself: certification may be of interest to me only if they still introduce a mandatory requirement for the presence vocational education or retraining for all professions in the Russian Federation, as it has already been done for educators or labor protection specialists. Before that, nothing. I did not see any fundamental qualitative differences from RME (they simply redistributed cash flows), and international certification still remains international. When hiring a new RM for the PMP team, it will be a plus for me (although not a decisive factor), but the SRP-3 from Standard PM is a reason to think.

Question to readers working as project managers in government agencies How is this system progressing for you? Do you need to get such a piece of paper in the foreseeable future?

The basic level of PM STANDARD is the basic concepts of project management, a single terminological base, a single semantic field for everyone who participates in projects and is affected by changes.



The "PM STANDARD Basic" level forms the basis of a multi-level certification structure and is mandatory for all levels of certification.
The basic level corresponds to the position "Member of the project team" regardless of the role and level of competence. This level assumes basic knowledge and understanding of project management concepts in accordance with GOST and ISO standards.
Understanding the common terminology and basic concepts is the basis for the effective interaction of all participants in the project activity from specialists to project managers, programs and project portfolios, as well as senior managers providing management project activities at the strategic level.

After training and certification:


Assessment methodology

Thematic certification plan PM STANDARD:

Stage 1. Closed questions

The first stage of the certification test involves the execution of a test containing closed questions according to the thematic certification plan PM STANDARD "Basic level". The test contains two types of closed-ended questions with single and multiple choice answers.

Stage 2. Open questions

The second stage of the certification test involves answering 2 open questions

The certification process

  1. Application for certification on the website of ANO "CORPU".

    Fill out an application on the site.

      (Optional) Registration in ISS. Passing trial certification If you want to evaluate your capabilities, you can pass it on the site or register in the Certification Information System. You will receive the test results immediately after passing the test. Trial testing issues correlate with the thematic plan of the PM STANDARD certification system.

      (Optional) Preparation for certification with providers curricula. If you would like to be trained in one of the accredited training programs, please contact an accredited training center and schedule your training.

  2. Choosing the date and place of the certification session

    Select the date and place of the certification test. All up-to-date information can be found on this page or in your personal account in ISS. Contact the regional center for further paperwork.

  3. Consent to the public offer agreement. Payment for services

    Before passing the test, you must agree to the public offer agreement, the terms of certification and pay for the service. Payment is made in the online store or at the bank upon presentation of a receipt. You can download the receipt in the online store when placing an order or in your account in the Certification Information System.

    Registration in the ISS (if not completed earlier). Appointment for a certification session. After paying and agreeing to the public offer agreement, you must register in the Certification Information System. After registration, you will be able to take a trial test.

    Carrying out a certification test at the Regional Certification Center (RCC) On the selected date and time you must come to the Regional Certification Center

    Certification of PM STANDARD "Basic level" is carried out using Information System Certification (ISS) in the form of a two-stage test. Certification is carried out in the premises of the certification center using computers connected to the Internet.

    Report of assessments based on test results

    The certification body evaluates the work and enters the results into Personal Area candidate within 5 working days. You will receive an e-mail notification from the certification body about the test results.

    Certification Decision

    After receiving the results of passing the test, you decide to enter your data into the public register of certified specialists.

    issuance of a certificate, badge and entry into the register of certified specialists.

    In case of a positive assessment, you can receive a certificate of PM STANDARD certification by mail (from 20 days from the date of the announcement of a positive result) or at a regional certification center.

    In the event of a negative test result, the candidate may undergo preparation for certification and recertification or file an appeal by sending a letter to the address. The appeal will take 30 business days. After the decision is made, the certification body is obliged to notify the candidate of the decision within 5 working days.


The cost of one attempt to pass the certification test for the Basic level is 7,000 rubles.

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