How to register a domain: detailed instructions. Own experience of registration of the trademark "HeaterBober"

Since the founding of the official website of the State Services, get Required documents and making an appointment with various authorities has become much easier.

Before you can start using the service, you need to create Personal Area Individuals and legal entities can register for the State Services.

The instruction is very simple, anyone with basic knowledge personal computer, will be registered, the main thing is to follow all the steps step by step.

Please note that you will not be able to start and complete the registration procedure if you do not have the necessary documents with you, as well as mobile phone or email, you need:

  • installation data from the passport;
  • number of insurance certificate SNILS (if not available);
  • mobile phone to receive SMS confirmation;
  • valid email.

Step by step registration of individuals

For individuals, there are three types of accounts on the public services website - “simplified”, “standard” and “confirmed”, they can only be obtained in this order through.

Simplified account

Step 1. To start the simplified registration procedure, go to the site, the widget is located on the right, click the "Register" button.

Step.3 After you enter the data and check their correctness, click the blue button "Register", you will be sent a verification code to your phone, you must enter it in the next window, and click continue, if you used mail, to confirm you need to go to link in a letter received from public services.

Step 4. At the next stage, you need to come up with and enter a “password”, be careful, it will be used for further authorization and access to the “personal account” on the site, so in order not to forget it, it is better to copy it into a notepad.

Step 5. On this stage the registration process is over! your account the “simplified” level is assigned, which has many restrictions.

Standard account

As soon as you do this, and press the "save" button, the account will receive the "standard" level, as a result of which, you can use electronic services practically without restrictions.

If, for some reason, you cannot immediately fill out this information, then you can do it later on the personal data page, go to the “fill out profile” tab.

As soon as you fill in all the points, the system will automatically send the SNILS credentials to the pension fund of Russia, and the passport data to the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for verification.

The duration of the scan depends on the workload of the system, usually it takes from 5 minutes to a day. In any case, you will receive an SMS informing about the end of the procedure on your mobile phone or an email with the results.

With a standard account, you will have access to services such as registration, appointment with a doctor, vehicle registration, replacement and many others.

Verified account

Step 7. Persons who have passed the identification procedure can use the State Services portal to the full extent and without restrictions, there are three options for verifying an account:

  1. Personal visit to the Russian post office, or Rostelecom branch, with a passport and SNILS.
  2. On the website of the State Services, order a letter with a verification code, which will be sent to the post office, to the address of permanent registration or place of residence specified by you during registration. Since the status of the letter will be “registered”, only you, according to your passport, can pick it up, thereby confirming your identity.
  3. Identification using a digital signature, or in one of the certification centers.

Login to your personal account

You can enter your personal account on the official website of public services in three ways:

1. Using "login" - this is a mobile phone number (e-mail address) and a password.

2. By the insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS) and a password.

3. Using a special digital signature key connected to the USB port of your computer.

If suddenly, you forget or lose the password from your personal account, you should not be upset, there are several ways to create a new one, you need to click on the special link "recover password" under the authorization tab.

By mobile phone number or email

The system will prompt you to enter the mobile number or email address that you specified during registration.

As soon as you click the "Find" button, you will need to enter the answer to the security question, if it was not specified during registration, this step will not be.

If you use a phone, you will receive an SMS notification with a code.

The code must be entered on the site, then specify a new password.

If you restore by email, you will receive a letter with a link, by clicking on which, a form for entering a new password will open, after which you click "create" and a message will appear.

By SNILS number

In some cases, it is not possible to use the phone and mail, if the system writes that “the account was not found according to the specified data”, then you need to use the SNILS number to recover the password.

By entering the certificate number, the system will accurately find your account, then recovery instructions will be sent to your mobile or mail.

How to register on the State Services for a legal entity

You are in your name, now you do not need to visit the Federal Tax Service separately to register on the State Services portal.

First of all, you need to register a personal account using the instructions described above, go through all the steps, and get a verified account of the head of the organization.

The easiest way for a legal entity to do this is through the digital signature of your company, the procedure will not take more than 5 minutes, all the necessary information is in this video.

In the personal account of public services for legal entities, You will have access to many functions, including access to government organizations and institutions supporting small and medium-sized businesses, banks, and other financial institutions.

To generate documents for registration of IP, you can use the free online service directly on our website. With its help, you will be able to draw up a package of documents that meets all the requirements for filling out and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

This step-by-step instruction describes in detail the procedure for state registration of IP. With its help, you will get the most complete picture of how to open an individual entrepreneur in 2019, save your time searching for the necessary information, and also learn about free online services that greatly simplify the process of registering an individual entrepreneur.

1. Choose a method of registering an IP

There are two ways to open an IP:

  1. Self-registration of IP. A fairly easy procedure, which consists in preparing several simple documents. In addition, aspiring entrepreneurs will gain valuable experience in interacting with tax officials.
  2. Paid registration of IP through a specialized company. Suitable for those who want to save their time and do not want to delve into the process on their own state registration IP.

How much does it cost to open a sole proprietorship

Register your own IP

Note: part of the above expenses can be returned if you are registered with the employment center as unemployed.

Paid to open an IP through a specialized company

The cost of paid IP registration depends on the region, but usually ranges from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. The state fee for registration of an individual entrepreneur is not included in this amount. Services for making a seal and opening a current account may sometimes not be provided or carried out for an additional fee.

Comparison of independent and paid registration of IP

Registration method Advantages disadvantages
Self-registration of IP

Useful experience in preparing documents and communicating with government authorities.

Saving Money on the paid services legal companies.

Possible denial of registration due to errors in the prepared documents. As a result - loss of time and money (800 rubles).

BUT, if you follow these instructions and carefully prepare the documents, the risk of failure is reduced to 0.

Paid registration of IP through a law firm

The registrar bears the risk of refusal to register.

Preparation, submission and acceptance of documents from the tax service are possible without your participation.

Additional expenses.

Transfer of personal data to third parties.

You will be poorly versed in the IP registration procedure.

2. We select OKVED activity codes

Before preparing the documents, it is necessary to select from the OKVED directory the codes of the types of activities that you are supposed to be engaged in after registering the IP.

On practice OKVED codes it is customary to choose with a margin. Even if you are not sure whether you will be engaged in this activity or not, then it should still be added to the list. By them you don't have to additionally pay taxes and submit reports, since these factors directly depend only on the chosen taxation system. However, if necessary, you can always add OKVED codes after opening the IP.

Although the law does not establish any restrictions on the maximum number of OKVED codes, it is not recommended to indicate more than 57 of them in an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur (as many are placed on one of its sheets). At the same time, only OKVED codes consisting of at least 4 digits can be indicated in it.

One of the selected codes must be selected as main. In fact, only the right to apply reduced rates when paying insurance premiums for employees depends on it (provided that the individual entrepreneur officially has employees and this type of activity will bring at least 70% of income).

note, it is impossible to conduct activities without indicating the OKVED code, since it can be equated with illegal entrepreneurship.

Free consultation on IP registration

3. We prepare the necessary documents

IP registration application

The application form P21001 is the main document required for registration individual entrepreneur(download form). You can see detailed instructions for filling out, as well as sample applications for 2019, on this page.

Be careful, at the stage of preparing documents, sign the application not necessary. This will need to be done when submitting documents in the presence of a tax inspector (notary - if you register an individual entrepreneur through a representative).

Most often, registration of an individual entrepreneur is denied precisely because of errors made when filling out an application. In order not to find yourself in a similar situation, we recommend filling out an application through specialized free services.

Receipt for payment of state duty

In 2019, the state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur, as in 2018, is 800 rubles. You can generate a receipt, as well as pay for it via the Internet, using this service on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. There you can also print it in paper form and pay at any convenient branch of Sberbank.

Keep the receipt confirming the payment. You will need it when checking documents at the tax office. In general, you are not required to keep it, but not all inspectors of the Federal Tax Service know about this, so it is better to play it safe in such a situation and take the receipt with you.

Application for the transition to USN

It is very important to choose the right taxation system, since the amount of taxes paid and the number of reports to be submitted will depend on it.

Most start-up entrepreneurs are advised to use the simplified taxation system (STS), since it can be used for almost all types of activities, and it is the easiest to understand and beneficial to use.

5. We submit documents to the tax office

The collected documents must be submitted to the registering IFTS at the place of residence of the individual entrepreneur or at the address of temporary registration if the entrepreneur does not have a permanent residence permit. You can find out the address and contact details of your tax office using this service.

If the future IP submits papers personally, he needs:

  1. Submit a set of documents to the IFTS officer.
  2. In the presence of an employee, sign the application for registration of IP.
  3. Get a receipt confirming the delivery of documents (signed, stamped and the date when you need to come for ready documents IP).
  4. Take one copy of the notification of the transition to the simplified tax system with the date, signature and seal of the IFTS officer (it may be required to confirm your transition to the simplified tax system).

For filing papers through a representative or sending by mail it is necessary to certify and flash at the notary an application in the form P21001 and a copy of all pages of the passport. In addition, the representative must notarized power of attorney. When sending documents by mail, they must be sent valuable letter with a description of the investment and notification to the address of the Federal Tax Service.

6. We receive documents of a registered individual entrepreneur

On the date indicated by the inspector, you must independently come to the tax office for ready-made documents (in 2019, the registration period for an individual entrepreneur should not exceed 3 working days). You must have your passport and receipt with you. The representative will also need a power of attorney.

Note: if you cannot come for the documents on the specified day, they will be sent by mail.

In case of successful registration, the inspector must issue you:

  1. EGRIP record sheet (with OGRNIP number).
  2. TIN certificate (if you did not have a TIN before).

In some IFTS, they can additionally immediately issue:

  • Notice of registration with the FIU ( Pension Fund);
  • Notification of the assignment of statistics codes (from Rosstat).

Necessarily check the information in the received documents. If errors are found, immediately contact the employee who gave you the papers to draw up a protocol of disagreements. If errors were made due to the fault of the registering tax office, they must correct them promptly and free of charge.

note, from January 1, 2017, the Federal Tax Service stopped issuing an IP registration certificate in paper form. Instead, now the tax office draws up an EGRIP entry sheet in the form No. P60009, which has the same legal force as the previously issued certificate of state registration.

Note: if you plan to officially hire employees, then you no longer need to register with the FIU as an employer. Since January 1, 2017, the declarative procedure for registration has been canceled for employers-individual entrepreneurs. Registration and deregistration in the FIU can be carried out on the basis of the information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Unified State Register of Legal Entities and it is not at all necessary to submit additional documents (letter dated January 31, 2017 No. BS-4-11 / [email protected]).

To be registered with the FSS, an individual entrepreneur must submit an application for registration as an employer no later than 30 calendar days from the moment the first employee is hired.

July 1, 2017 is the deadline for the transition of most entrepreneurs from conventional cash registers to cash registers that transmit information to the Federal Tax Service online. From the beginning of February tax inspections stopped registering old-style cash registers, it is impossible (control tape).

In this regard, for entrepreneurs and heads of organizations, the issue of registering online cash desks is very relevant. We will analyze in detail how to go through this procedure step by step.

Benefits of an early transition to online cash registers

Despite the fact that businessmen still have time during which they are allowed to use the usual cash registers, they will have to obey the Federal Law of July 03, 2016 No. 290-FZ, which introduced significant innovations in the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54- Federal Law governing the use of control cash register.

Why is it better to take care of this issue in advance? Entrepreneurs who decide to modernize cash accounting in advance receive the following advantages compared to their less agile counterparts:

  • the "voluntary" period of innovation allows you to get a temporary head start for the preparation, implementation and establishment of new systems and operations;
  • there is still no hype in the issue of acquiring the necessary models of devices;
  • if the service life of the next ECLZ is coming to an end, it makes no sense to buy new tapes, because they will soon no longer be used.

Modify or replace cash registers

Before proceeding to the general modernization of cash accounting, the entrepreneur needs to decide whether to purchase new models of cash registers or invest in the modernization of existing ones.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to consider the existing models for their possible modernization. To do this, it is necessary to check whether these models are included in the register of equipment that can be upgraded, and also to clarify until what year their use will be legal. Based on the data obtained, a decision can be made on the feasibility of modernization.

What to look for when choosing a cash register model

If management decides to replace cash register equipment, then it is necessary to consciously choose models that will be as convenient as possible and meet the requirements of a particular organization. Important factors that may influence the choice:

  • "patency"- parameter of the device, which is influenced by the number of operations performed (for example, a supermarket cash register needs high traffic, but for a company selling services, this parameter does not matter);
  • the maximum number of knocked out checks per day- each model has its own recommended norm, the factor is associated with the characteristics of the organization's activities;
  • receipt printing speed- depends on the required pace of customer service;
  • the possibility of auto-cutting a check- it is important at high throughput and speed of printing, it practically does not matter at low load of the device;
  • cash register connection port- for some models, the port connector is not suitable for all computers, it is better to choose cash registers equipped with a USB port and a cord;
  • mobility or stationarity- sometimes mobile models are very practical when you need, for example, to go to an important customer to conclude a deal, while it is more convenient to have a stationary model in the office in case another client arrives;
  • availability of the model from the supplier- with others equal conditions it is better to choose a more affordable model, the delivery of which will not have to wait long.

How to register an online cash register

The procedure for registering a new type of cash registers is regulated in article 4.2. aforementioned federal law. The procedure was "run in" by the Federal Tax Service and fiscal data operators. The law allows you to choose one of the ways convenient for the entrepreneur.

  1. Fill out an application for registration of a CCP in paper form, submit a document to any tax authority, and receive a registration card at the place of registration of the company (in "your" territorial tax office).
  2. Submit an application in electronic form through the personal account of the KKT on the official website of the Federal Tax Service Russian Federation. To do this, entrepreneurs need an improved electronic signature - CES, without which no electronic documents are accepted for consideration. One way or another, this CEP will need to be formalized.

Is it possible to use the usual registration rules

The law allows the use of the previous CCP registration procedure prescribed in the old version of Federal Law No. 290 until the end of 2017. However, this procedure will be valid with some serious reservations, which are not directly indicated in the legislation, but tax authorities pay attention to them:

  • only outdated cash desks can be registered before the designated time, new models are not accepted for registration according to the old scheme;
  • CCP models upgraded for online operation, as well as new models, will have to be registered according to the updated regulations.

NOTE! From February 1, 2017, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 7 of the Federal Law No. 290, in order to register a new CCP device for fiscal accounting, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with a fiscal data operator (OFD), whose services will be paid. You can choose one of several providers of such services on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

Step-by-step instructions for registering an online cash register

What you need to start registration

Successful fiscalization of a new or modernized cash register apparatus in a tax authority provides for the presence of three mandatory components:

  • cash desk of the corresponding sample with an active fiscal drive (you need to know their numbers);
  • concluded agreement with the operator of fiscal data;
  • KEP (qualified electronic signature): UEP (enhanced electronic signature) - for individual entrepreneurs and KSKPEP (qualified verification key certificate electronic signature) for legal entities.

NOTE! If you find it difficult to determine the numbers of the cash register and fiscal drive, this information is contained in the passports of these devices, and is also displayed on the diagnostic check stamped on the cash register.

Preliminary procedures before registering a cash register

  1. CEP. Checking the availability or issuing an electronic signature (CES). A qualified electronic signature of the head of the organization is necessary for the legalization of the cash register, and not only. If you have already received it before, for example, with a licensed package of 1C accounting, it is quite suitable. If there was no signature, it must be issued.
  2. Conclusion of an agreement with OFD. It is necessary to choose 1 company providing the services of a fiscal data operator, out of 5 recommended ones, the list of which is contained on the website of the Federal Tax Service, and conclude an agreement on the provision of services.

IMPORTANT! It is convenient to interact with operators using the 1C-OFD electronic service, which is included in the package of official contract services. Then the responsibility for the connection will be shared by the Competence Centers, which are official partners of the 1C system.

Registration using a paper application

The complexity of this registration method lies in the fact that the application form has not yet been approved by the Ministry of Finance, and therefore is mandatory for use. However, some tax authorities recommend using the form and procedure proposed in the form of a draft in the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. If the entrepreneur decides to use this particular method, he will need to follow the following steps in sequence:

  1. Fill out the CCP registration application form in 2 copies. This is a rather complicated process, involving the correct filling of data in several sections of the card. This must be done:
    • by hand in blue or black ink or printed on a printer;
    • without gaps in any sections;
    • without correction, corrections;
    • on one side of a paper sheet;
    • separately for each unit of CCP.
  2. The completed application is sent to the tax authority:
    • personally by a representative of an organization or individual entrepreneur (with you to have a document confirming such authority);
    • by mail (with description);
  3. The tax authority registers the received application, returning one copy with the appropriate marks to the submitter.
  4. Verification of the data specified in the application by a tax specialist (in case of inaccuracy of the information provided, registration will be denied).
  5. The tax authority will issue a registration number assigned to the CCP.
  6. The received digits of the number must be entered in cash register in accordance with the manufacturer's algorithm, after which the cash desk will be able to print a registration report.
  7. After completing the registration steps, you can ask the tax authority in writing to issue a registration card (it will be printed out and handed over to the applicant marked “Copy is correct”).

Registration of cash registers using a personal account online

It is more convenient for many users to register a new type of CCP via the Internet than through a personal visit. As mentioned above, for this you need to have an extended version of the CES (electronic signature). It is not very difficult to register a CCP on the corresponding page of the Personal Account of the Federal Tax Service website. This can be done not by the manager himself, but by any person on his behalf, who will have all the completeness of the relevant data to fill in the required fields.

  1. Authorization of the account user on the website of the Federal Tax Service. The first service of providing an electronic key is paid, it must be ordered at a special certification center. Electronic key will be valid for 1 year.
  2. First you need to go to the page where you can register. To do this, select "Accounting for cash registers" on the main page.
  3. Click "Register CCP", and then select the item that provides for manual entry of the parameters of the registered CCP, namely:
    • checkout address;
    • the place where it will be installed (office, shop, etc.);
    • model of the cash register (you need to choose from the proposed list, you must indicate the serial number);
    • model of the fiscal drive and its number;
    • appointment of cash registers (for offline mode, for mobile trading, forms strict accountability, payment for Internet services, etc.);
  4. Selection from the list of fiscal data operator with whom the organization has an agreement.
  5. Check the entered information, put an electronic signature and send the generated application.
  6. Click the link "Information about the document sent to the tax authority", select the registration number of your application (RNM) and then the button "Complete registration".
  7. Having received the registration number, you need to enter it into the cash register, as required by the manufacturer's instructions, and print the Registration Report.
  8. Data from the printed report no later than next day after receiving the number, enter in the appropriate fields:
    • date and time of receipt of the fiscal sign (printed receipt-report);
    • number of the received document;
    • fiscal attribute (a unique registration number that will remain unchanged during the entire operation of the cash register).
  9. IMPORTANT! If the entrepreneur was unable to complete fiscalization on his own (print a receipt report), you need to contact the technical support of the CCP manufacturer.

  10. The registration card can be printed out by opening the "List of documents sent to the tax authority" tab.

Features of registration on the cash register itself

We are talking about paragraph 7 - the formation of a "registration report", the data from which must be entered in the registration field no later than 1 day after receiving the fiscal attribute - registration number. The procedure may vary slightly depending on the CCP model, in case of difficulties, it is better to consult the manufacturer and follow his instructions. The usual procedure for printing a registration report is as follows.

  1. On the cash register, select the "Settings" item in the menu.
  2. Follow the items "OFD", and then "Registration".
  3. In the "Registration" section, enter the following information:
    • Full name of the individual entrepreneur or the name of the organization (exactly the same as the registration data in the tax office);
    • place of settlement (address);
    • TIN of the organization or individual entrepreneur;
    • registration number of the cash register.
  4. Specify the system by which the taxation of the organization is carried out.
  5. Select from the proposed list the fiscal data operator with whom the contract was concluded.
  6. Check that all fields are filled in and click the "Register" button.
  7. The cash desk will print out a receipt report, the data from which should complete the fiscalization of the cash register.

Registration of the modernized CCP apparatus

To register not a new, but an upgraded CCP model, you need to act according to any of the above schemes - “paper” or “electronic”. But before starting the procedure, one more preliminary step must be completed - to remove this device from the register on which it was previously registered (this must be done strictly before the end of 2017).

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! The presentation of the cash registers themselves during registration and / or deregistration is not required.

After making a decision to open an individual entrepreneur, a citizen will need to go through the registration procedure. Most people in 2018 prefer to register an IP online via the Internet. At the same time, it is important to know the current procedure for processing documents, the nuances of their preparation and submission of electronic applications. In fact, this is not a very complicated procedure, however, it requires close attention to detail, regardless of which method was chosen.

Today, you can apply in person (or through a legal representative), through the MFC, by mail or online via the Internet. The last method is most interesting because it appeared relatively recently, while it is designed to simplify the application process for the future entrepreneur as much as possible.

Pros and cons of registering an individual entrepreneur via the Internet

Registering an individual entrepreneur online has a number of advantages, but, unfortunately, it is not without some disadvantages. First, you can pay attention to the positive points. These include the following:

  1. The application is filled in automatically by the system itself;
  2. Officially, a three-day period for the registration procedure is set, but often the applicant has the opportunity to receive documents the very next day;
  3. You will have to personally come to the tax office only once - in order to receive ready-made documents;
  4. Pay accompanying services not necessary.

There is only one minus, which is typical for registering an IP online, but you should not forget about it. After an invitation from the tax office is received, there are only a few days to pick up the documents. If this is not done, the application will be automatically canceled, and it is problematic to return the paid fee.

To register an individual entrepreneur online, you can use one of the methods common in 2018:

  1. Submission of an electronic application through the portal e-government Gosuslugi.RU.
  2. Formation of an application and sending documents through the Internet service of the Federal Tax Service.

Instructions for registering an individual entrepreneur online through the website of the Federal Tax Service

Currently, the official website of the Federal Tax Service offers citizens two options for the provision of services that allow you to open an individual entrepreneur online:

  1. Sending an application and preparing documents. This method is considered very simple and convenient. It is in this way that free IP registration is usually carried out.
  2. Sending an electronic application and documents signed with EDS. In this case, a citizen will need to issue an EDS (electronic digital signature). When sending documents, you will need to use an electronic signature key certificate, for which you will need to contact a specialized organization. Or, to carry out the procedure for sending documents, you will need to use the services of a notary.

For most citizens, it is more convenient to use the first method, which does not require an electronic digital signature, so it should be considered in more detail. Below is a step-by-step guide for beginners that will help you through the registration process without any problems.

Step 1. Registration on the portal of the Federal Tax Service

  • go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service to the IP registration page;
  • create a personal account? if you do not have an account on this site;
  • follow the link "Register individual as an IP.

Step 2. Entering data about yourself and the proposed business.

At this stage, it is necessary to enter passport and contact information about yourself, as well as information about the proposed business - OKVED business type codes. That is, choose the types of business that you plan to engage in as an individual entrepreneur. This issue should be approached with all seriousness and think about what you will do in the near and possibly in the long term. You will need to select one main activity code and several additional ones. We advise you to specify no more than 10 codes, including the main one.

Also at this stage, you must choose the method of obtaining documents. You must select the first option - "Issue to the applicant."

Step 3. Data verification by the system.

After filling in all the data in the previous step, the system will check the correctness of the entered data. If everything is OK, then after the verification is completed, you must click on the "Next" button and proceed to the next step.

Step 4. Payment of the state duty for registration of IP.

Pay state duty for registration as an individual entrepreneur different ways. For example, cash or non-cash.

If you fill out an application via the Internet, then it would be logical to pay the fee via the Internet. To do this, choose a non-cash payment method, after which many different sources of payment will open. Among them are the Internet banks of the largest Russian banks, the service for paying state duties of the portal public services and many others. Most often, they choose Sberbank-online or a public service service.

Having paid the fee in the amount of 800 rubles, an electronic receipt will be generated for you and it will also be sent to you email. From this receipt you need to copy unique number payment order and paste it on the page of the electronic service of the Federal Tax Service. The service will automatically check whether the payment went through or not.

By the way, do not forget to print out the payment receipt, because you will need it when you arrive at the tax office for documents.

Step 5. The final stage is the choice of the application method.

At the final stage, you need to choose the method of sending the application and documents for registration of IP.

  • Directly or by mail. In this case, the system will “unload” your data that you filled out into an Excel file. These documents must be printed and come to the tax office or sent by mail.
  • AT in electronic format without EDS. This method is the most suitable in our time. Everything that you filled out in the previous steps will also be generated into an excel file, but it does not need to be printed and sent. You simply choose this method and this application + payment receipt is automatically sent to the tax office.

This completes the submission of the application through the FTS service. now you need to wait until within 3 working days the tax office will check your application and receipt and invite you to visit the tax office.

Within 2 weeks, you must appear at the tax office, which will be indicated in the invitation. You must have the following documents with you: a passport, a copy of all pages of the passport (each on a separate sheet), TIN and a printed payment receipt.

Arriving at the tax office with these documents, the inspector will check these data with real documents and send the application for registration further and set the time when you need to come for documents confirming the registration of the individual entrepreneur. Maximum next business day. But there are times when they are asked to come for ready-made documents in 2-3 hours.

P / S when you are at the tax office, do not forget to immediately fill out a notification about the choice of taxation system (basic 13%, simplified tax system 6 or 15%, patent, etc.). if nothing is done, then the default will be the main type - 13% of the profit. For new sole proprietors, there is 30 calendar days to make a decision and apply for a tax change.

Instructions for online registration of individual entrepreneurs through the PUBLIC SERVICES

You can use the GOSSLUGI portal to register an individual entrepreneur only after creating a personal account on the website. In this case, you will need to enter sufficiently complete information about yourself: full name, date of birth, passport details, TIN, SNILS certificates, as well as the place of registration. At the end of the registration procedure, an email with an account activation code will be sent to the specified email address. Only after that will all the functionality of your personal account be available.

As you can see, a big minus is immediately revealed here. If you do not have an activated account on the Gosuslugi portal, then you will not be able to quickly issue an IP, as you will need to wait for a confirmation letter by Russian post (2-3 weeks). If you already use the portal, then registering an individual entrepreneur through the Gosuslugi portal will be convenient and simple for you on one condition.

If you are going to register an individual entrepreneur online through the GOSSLUGI Internet portal, then you will need digital signature(EDS).

If you have an EDS, then you will need to enter your personal account. To register an individual entrepreneur via the Internet, in the catalog of services, select "Business, entrepreneurship and NGOs" and click on the link "Registration of legal entities and entrepreneurs" (In this case, 5 days are allotted for registration) /

Next, fill out electronic form applications for registration, choose the types of activities that you plan to engage in as an individual entrepreneur and scan the necessary documents (passport). A scan of a passport, oddly enough, causes great difficulties for many. The fact is that there are rather “strange” requirements for uploaded passport scans - black and white images in a multi-page TIFF file and a certain size. When I came across this, I had to look for a program to create a multi-page TIFF file. The program XnView helped.

After successfully uploading the documents to the electronic application, you must sign it with your electronic digital signature (EDS) and choose the method of receiving registration documents: by mail or electronically. This completes the application process.

As you can see, the online registration of an individual entrepreneur through the public services portal is not quite as simple as it seems at first glance. There are both pluses, but also significant minuses.

Pros and cons of Internet registration of IP through public services

From pluses the following can be distinguished:

  1. You can register an IP online without leaving your home. It is only necessary to fill out an application, upload documents, sign an EDS and receive registration documents in electronic form or “on paper”.
  2. Quick registration. By sending an application for registration through this portal, you can become an individual entrepreneur in a couple of days. The quick registration period is due to the fact that you do not have to go anywhere, carry / pick up documents.
  3. State duty at a discount. If you open an individual entrepreneur through public services and immediately pay the state duty on the same site, you can take advantage of a 30% discount on the cost of the state duty. Instead of 800 rubles, you will need to pay only 560 rubles.

From shortcomings immediately stand out as follows:

  1. Must have verified account on the government portal.
  2. To send an electronic application, you need to without fail digital signature, which costs a certain amount of money (about 2500 rubles per year). Without a digital signature, the application cannot be sent.
  3. Must be able to create TIFF multipage format. Not more than a certain size.

To whom which method is more suitable and which one to use, everyone can decide for themselves. But we can definitely say that for most Russians, the most appropriate way to apply for an IP online via the Internet will be to submit documents through the FTS portal.

Our step by step instructions for self-registration The IP will help you prepare the documents necessary for the procedure, as well as get advice on issues that arise during the process.

Here is the most complete step-by-step instruction that must be followed to achieve maximum results.

The current legislation defines an individual entrepreneur as an individual who has passed the registration process in the manner determined by regulations, eligible to conduct commerce, without creating one of the types of legal entities.

It should be noted that the procedure for the formation and termination of the functions of an individual entrepreneur is not complicated, and filling out tax returns and taxation is even much more convenient than when establishing a company. But before creating it, it is necessary to assess the possibility of problem situations in the planned activity.

It must be remembered that a merchant is liable to his creditors with all his property, even when it does not take part in the development of the business.

How to register an IP yourself

The procedure is carried out at the place of permanent registration of a citizen and this can be done in two ways:

  • Himself. The process is not so complicated, and during its passage, the first experience of interacting with the IFTS will be obtained. In addition, it will be possible to significantly save on the services of specialists: in this case, the costs will amount to only a state duty in the amount of 800 rubles (you can prepare and print all the documents necessary for registering an individual entrepreneur for free using online service"My Business");
  • Seek help from professionals. They will not only prepare the necessary documentation, but also give advice on types of taxation, submit documents, and open a current account. But at the same time, you need to understand that their services can cost up to 5,000 rubles, not counting the state duty. But you do not have to waste your time on the registration procedure.

When registering as a self-employed entrepreneur, you must:

  1. Select IP name. In accordance with the requirements of Russian legislation, an entrepreneur is an individual and his official name on documents must sound like a full name. However, a merchant may register a trademark to individualize products or a service mark to designate the services provided, or use any name that is not subject to registration. It can be the Weeping Willow restaurant or the Snezhinka dry cleaner.
  2. Determine the place of submission of documents for registration of IP. The address is always determined by the place of registration with the FMS of Russia of a citizen according to his passport. If it does not contain a mark on the place of permanent residence, then you can register at the address of residence, that is, temporary registration. When opening an IP, it is not always possible to apply to the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration. In such a situation, you can use a remote online procedure using an EDS (electronic digital signature).
  3. Pick up views commercial activities. In the documentation submitted for registration actions, it is necessary to put down the codes of the proposed business activity, which are contained in the classifier OK 029-2014.

In the document, you can specify no more than 57 codes included in OKVED, and at the same time at least the first four digits. If one sheet is not enough to indicate the required codes, it is possible to fill in additional sheets. One of the species must be specified as the main one.

Some activities must be registered with Rospotrebnadzor and they will need to obtain a license. And in some cases, permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be required.

  1. Fill out an application for registration form P21001. You can enter information yourself, using computer technology, using certain services or software. If errors or inaccuracies are made in the forms, they can lead to a refusal to carry out registration actions.
  • Portal of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. This service will help you submit an application and pay the state fee online, but you will still have to receive an extract from a registered individual entrepreneur in the relevant service department;
  • Preparation of documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs online through the My Business service. A complete package of necessary documentation will be compiled here, all that remains is to send them for printing and hand over to the registration service. To use the site, you will need to register on it by entering your email address.

It should be noted that persons who do not have Russian citizenship enter data from a document giving the right to reside or temporarily reside on the territory of the Russian Federation. Subjects without citizenship or having foreign citizenship must additionally fill out clause 1.2 in Latin. The Russians do not need to fill it out.

Enter in the form:

  • On page 1 - the basic information of the future entrepreneur;
  • On page 2 - registration from the passport and its data;
  • On page 3 - the planned activity of the person;
  • On page 4 - the signature of the person who applied is affixed. This is done either when submitting documentation or in a notary's office.

When filling out the forms yourself, you must maintain a font size of at least 18, and its type is only Courier New.

  1. Enter the amount of the state duty for the registration actions. This can be done in the following ways:
  • Online payment on the service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia when going through the business registration procedure;
  • On the website of the tax service, generate a receipt for payment of the fee;
  • Enter data into the payment form manually. To do this, you need to find out the details of the relevant unit on the portal of the tax authority or in the institution itself;
  • Use the services of the site My Business, including the preparation of a payment receipt in a package of required papers.

In case of refusal to carry out the procedure, the applicant will not be refunded the payment made. If such a decision was unfounded, the applicant has the right to appeal it to a higher authority or in court. Upon satisfaction of the plaintiff's claims state registration must be made without re-payment.

  1. Choose the type of taxation. It involves a certain procedure for calculating and paying contributions. Right choice help to simplify accounting and reduce the cost of paying taxes. A rational choice of the tax system will allow you to extract more profit from the ongoing commerce. Five systems are legally established, differing in tax burden, reporting and restrictions on activities:
  • BASIC - common mode suitable for all kinds of activities, difficult to manage and burdensome large quantity tax payments;
  • STS is the easiest type of taxation to apply, it is the easiest to maintain even without using the services of an accountant. It is calculated as 6% of the amount of profit or as 5-15% of income reduced by the amount of confirmed expenses. This type has limitations in use;
  • UTII - a single payment for imputed income, classified as a special regime, in which the tax is calculated on the basis of established coefficients and does not depend on the amount of profit received;
  • Patent is also special treatment. Under it, activities are carried out on the basis of the acquired patent and the amount of payments does not depend on the amount of income received;
  • ESKhN - farm tax applied with \ x.


You can fill in and print out all the documents necessary for registering an individual entrepreneur free of charge using the My Business service.

In addition to documents, you will also receive detailed guide for further actions, including the address of the nearest inspection to you

In a situation where one of the types of taxation was not selected during the registration of an individual entrepreneur, the OSNO is established. The transition to another system can be made by submitting an appropriate application. For this, 30 days are given from the date of registration with the Federal Tax Service. Further, it will be possible to switch to the simplified tax system only from the beginning of next year.

The wrong choice of mode at the beginning of activity can affect the decrease in income received.

  1. Determine the territorial division of the IFTS. To go through the procedure, you need to contact the tax office, located at the address of the applicant's residence. If there is no such stamp, then the address of registration at the place of residence of the entrepreneur is taken as the basis. In addition, specialized units can be established in megacities to carry out such functions.
  2. Prepare the required documentation. The list includes:
  • Application of the established format;
  • Notification of the transition to a certain type of taxation;
  • Copy of ID;
  • Receipt of the paid state duty.

For persons with foreign citizenship or without citizenship, you must submit:

  • Translation of a person's passport certified by a notary;
  • Temporary residence permit.
  1. Sign all documentation. When submitted on paper, all papers are signed by the applicant at the time of their presentation to the service officer. When documents are sent for registration by mail or by proxy, the application must be notarized.
  2. Prepare a power of attorney for a representative. In a situation where the applicant does not have the opportunity to submit the documentation himself or receive them after the end of the procedure, he must issue a power of attorney to represent interests in a notary's office. Also, the application must include information about this in sheet B.
  3. Check completed forms and submit them for registration. It is necessary to carefully double-check the entered information in order to avoid errors or shortcomings, which may be the result of a refusal to perform registration actions. The grounds for making such a decision are established by FZ-129 dated 08.08.2001. These include:
  • Applicant's incapacity ;
  • The entity has already been registered as an entrepreneur or is undergoing a liquidation process;
  • The person has been declared insolvent;
  • A court decision was issued on the application of a ban on doing business;
  • Activities prohibited by law are carried out;
  • Incorrectly defined subdivision of the registration authority;
  • Incorrect filling of documents;
  • Statement of false information.

After submitting the package of documents, the IFTS employee needs to receive a receipt for receiving the papers.

  1. Obtain a certificate of completion of registration activities. The process cannot take more than 3 working days. The day of issue is indicated in the receipt. On the appointed day, you need to go for documentation with a passport. The service officer must issue:
  • Sheet for making an entry in the USRIP;
  • Certificate of assignment of TIN.

Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 12.09.16. №MMV [email protected] The issuance of state registration certificates has been discontinued since 2017. Previously issued documents have not lost its validity.

After issuing the papers, you must carefully check all the information indicated in the extract. If errors are found, it is better to immediately report the identified problem to the employee and draw up a protocol of disagreements. In a situation where errors are made by employees of the IFTS, they must be corrected free of charge and in a short time. If the shortcomings are revealed later, then there may be a problem of their correction. This can be done through a procedure to amend the information about the applicant.

  1. End of procedure. The process did not stop there, because with the rights of the IP, it also acquires responsibilities. So, after receiving an extract, you must perform the following actions:
  • If there are employees, it is necessary to register with the FIU and the FSS as an employer;
  • Get a card with statistics codes;
  • Order a seal of an entrepreneur;
  • Open a bank account;
  • If employees are needed, they must be issued in accordance with the requirements labor law;
  • Issue a license when carrying out a licensed activity;
  • Install a cash register if necessary;
  • Maintain business accounting.

It should be noted that keeping tax records is currently quite simple. Now there are services that can generate payment orders, ready-made statements and submit them via the Internet.