Sample application for a part-time job for 0.5 rates. Applying for a part-time job - what documents are needed? You can do this in several ways

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An order in the form No. T-1a is drawn up when several people are hired at once. The form is at the same time an order (instruction of the administration) to receive an employee or a group of employees.

There are two types of forms that have a separate abbreviation: the T-1 form and the T-1a form.
The differences are that the T-1 form is an order regarding the hiring of one employee, while the T-1a serves when employees are hired by a group.

This unified form was approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

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How to fill out an application for hiring employees

Note! When concluding with several employees employment contract for an indefinite period in the requisite "Work period" the column "to" is not filled.

Completing the T-1a form is the responsibility of the person responsible for maintaining personnel work, namely the organization of employment of persons in accordance with the conditions set forth in the employment contract. It should also be noted that the employee working with the document must have highly qualified, his work is also in without fail must be supervised by higher authorities.

When placing an order, it is mandatory to indicate the following data:

Full name of the site, department, any other structural unit in which newly hired employees will carry out activities in accordance with the employment contract;
- mandatory indication of professions, positions held, specialties for which employees are accepted upon registration;
- a probationary period for which each of the employees is accepted, provided that the existence of the period is stipulated collective agreement;
- the conditions for admission to the upcoming job, its nature are also indicated (this may well be part-time work, performing a certain type of task, long-term replacement of a full-time employee, or something else).

All data should be verified with passport information in order to avoid errors when filling out.

In the event that the hiring of employees does not have a specific period, then filling in the corresponding field "period of work" should not be filled. After the head (or a person authorized on his behalf) of the organization, in whose staff a group of workers is accepted, the document is signed, appropriate entries are made in work books, and data is entered into personal cards in the personnel department. At the same time, the accounting department opens a personal account for a newly hired employee, and a copy of the recruitment form is handed over to him against signature.

The order is signed by the head and the employee within three days from the date of signing the employment contract. Instead of the head, an authorized person can sign the order on the basis of an order by organization or a power of attorney.

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The form of the unified form T-1 and instructions for filling it out were approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2004 No. 1. If you continue to use the documentation approved by the State Statistics Committee in your work, you can download the unified form T-1 on our website.

Recall that from 01.01.2013 for most employers, unified forms for personnel are not mandatory.

More about this in the article. "Primary document: requirements for the form and the consequences of its violation" .

How to issue a unified form T-1

An order in the T-1 form is issued to employees who are employed under an employment contract. Actually, the concluded employment contract is the basis for issuing an order. For those who work under civil law contracts, there is no need to draw up an order for admission.

The order is drawn up by a person whose duties include the admission and registration of employees in the state.

The document must include:

  • name of the structural unit;
  • the position (specialty) for which the employee is hired;
  • test period, if any;
  • conditions for hiring and the nature of the upcoming work (part-time, in the order of transfer from another organization, to replace a temporarily absent employee, to perform certain work etc.).

If the employee is hired for an indefinite period, the line (column) “to” is not filled in the “Date” variable.

After signing the order by the management, the employee must be familiarized with it under the signature.

The order serves as the basis for opening a personal card for the employee (form T-2) and a personal account in the accounting department (form T-54 or T-54a). Also, on the basis of the order, an entry is made in work book worker.

You can find a sample of filling out an order in the T-1 form on our website.

Unified form T-1a

This form is called an order (instruction) on the hiring of workers. It is issued when it is necessary to accept not 1 employee, but several at once. Otherwise, it performs the same function and contains the same information as the unified form T-1.

Unified forms of primary accounting in the field of accounting and wages were developed in connection with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, agreed with the Ministry of Labor and social development Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, as well as the Ministry economic development and Trade of the Russian Federation and approved State Committee of the Russian Federation on statistics (Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 1 "On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for accounting for labor and its payment" dated 01/05/2004). Since January 1, 2013, the unified form T-1 of personnel records is not mandatory, but its use significantly standardizes and streamlines work in this area.

Application area

The form of the unified form T-1 "Order (instruction) on hiring an employee" is used to receive and register new employees. The order is issued after signing the employment contract with the employee and signed by the head of the organization. Drawing up an order is the responsibility of an employee of the personnel department, in the list official duties which includes the recruitment of new employees.

Form unified form T-1

Sample Fill

In the upper right corner, the form contains two codes - the OKUD code, which is always filled with the value "0301001", and the OKPO code ( All-Russian classifier enterprises and organizations), which must be indicated along with the full official name of the organization.

The text of the order specifies the period for which the employee is hired, in the format “from ... to ...”, while if the employment contract is open-ended, then the date is not indicated in the “to” column. Further, the surname, name and patronymic of the hired employee, as well as the personnel number assigned to him, are fully indicated. The personnel number must contain no more than six digits.

The text states:

  • the name of the structural unit in which the employee is admitted,
  • his position,
  • class, category or grade and qualification for those professions where these classifications are applicable.

It is also necessary to indicate the conditions for hiring, for example, in connection with the transfer from another unit, as a result of reorganization, part-time, for design work, to replace an employee on maternity leave, etc.

The order must also contain information on tariff rates in the case of piecework wages or the amount of salary, existing allowances.

The following is the basis for hiring an employee, which is an employment contract. It is necessary to indicate the date of its signing and the contract number. If the main contract was signed for a certain period with the possibility of automatic prolongation, for example, for a year, and in subsequent periods an additional agreement is signed with the employee, then the order in this form is issued only once at the initial appointment of the employee and is not duplicated along with the additional agreement.

The order must be signed by the head of the organization, after which the employee who is hired puts his signature, the transcript of the signature and the date in the column "The employee is familiar with the order (instruction").

The staff of the organization is replenished with new employees in connection with the expansion or dismissal of a previous employee. Now it is important that the personnel department and the lawyer of the enterprise can draw up documents for employment without errors. The main ones are an employment contract and an order for employment. Any inaccuracy or unfortunate mistake when applying for an employee to work in the future threatens to lead to unpleasant consequences.

A new employee is considered employed if he has read the order of appointment to the desired position and signed that he has read it.

For a complete package of documents for the personnel department, you can write an application for employment, but this is not necessary, because such an application is made in free form and, from the point of view of the law, cannot be considered the basis for the publication of this order.

Attention! Only an employment agreement or contract, which must be drawn up in duplicate, printed in writing and signed by the employee and an authorized representative of the company's management, will be the basis and source for issuing such an order.

When drawing up an order, you should carefully check whether the date and number of the employment agreement, its main provisions, are correctly indicated in it.

Although the law does not strictly regulate the period after which the employer must issue such a hiring order, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that the administration has three days from the date of signing the contract, and during this time the employer is obliged to provide the accepted employee with an hiring order. the work of the T-1 form and familiarize with it against signature.

Such an order is very important document, because the information contained in it will subsequently be recorded in the work book and the employee's personal card. To create an employment order for a new employee, the unified form T-1 is most often used.

What forms of documents are used?

If the employer hires one employee, then the order can be issued according to the standard unified form T-1, developed by Rosstat. At the same time, it is not forbidden to make changes to the form, modifying it to your needs.

Sometimes an organization may hire a group of specialists at the same time. In such a situation, for each of them, you can issue a separate order in the T-1 form or one general order to hire several employees in the form of a table in the T-1a form.

Attention! The order for the admission of an employee to position receives a number and under it is registered in a special order book. In this case, the period of storage of the document must be at least 75 years.

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How to draw up a job application?

The text of the order must mention all the essential provisions detailed in the contract. We list the following information:

  • The date from which a person is considered an employee of the enterprise. If a fixed-term contract is signed with a newcomer, the order indicates the date of dismissal, and also specifies the conditions upon the occurrence of which this employment agreement will be considered automatically terminated. When concluding an open-ended contract, in the “Date” column after the “Employ” line, the “to” column must remain empty.
  • Next, the OKPO code of the organization is entered or individual entrepreneur, serial number of the order and its date of execution.

  • Full name taken from the passport of the accepted employee.
  • Personnel number assigned to him; the name of the unit, department or workshop where he will directly work; job title according to the staffing table.
  • The line “conditions for hiring, the nature of the work ahead” indicates whether the person will work permanently or will be a part-time job, whether he transferred from another organization or replaces an employee who is temporarily absent if the employee is hired temporarily by fixed-term contract- it is indicated for which specific duties the employee was hired, etc.

  • Specifies the size of the hour tariff rate or official salary surcharges, if any, are negotiated separately. These figures are transferred to the order from the text of the employment contract and must certainly correspond to the data from the staffing of the company or institution.
  • If a newcomer is hired on a probationary period, this must be mentioned and its duration must be indicated.

Attention! When the fact of appointment probationary period entered in the order, but this is not indicated in the labor agreement, then the entry about it in the order can be invalidated.

In the column for the reason for issuing the order, it is necessary to indicate information about the employment contract concluded between the parties - its date of preparation and number. At the end, the document is signed by the director, and below the employee must put his signature on his familiarization with the document.

Sometimes it is necessary to make an order Additional information: for example, specify the details of the agreement on liability if the position of the hired employee provides for the signing of such an agreement. If a part-time worker is hired under a contract, it is important to indicate the duration of the contract in the order. working week, according to the law, it should not be more than four hours a day.

Important! An order for the employment of an employee can serve, if necessary, as an official confirmation of his place of work, the position he holds, continuous experience at a particular enterprise, and some other facts relating to his biography.

Additional documents for the order

An order to enroll an employee in the staff can become the basis for creating a number of documents and making certain accounts.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges the accepted employee to come to workplace within the period specified directly in the order, or on the next day after its issuance, if the order does not indicate the exact date of its commencement labor activity.

The law sets the length of time for an employer to keep employment orders up to 75 years.

These include:

  • register of orders - information about all orders issued by the administration of the company is entered here;
  • employee's personal file - all copies of documents relating to the work of a particular employee are placed here. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation strictly obliges to draw up personal files for state and municipal employees, and commercial companies can do this for their employees as they wish;
  • personal card - obligatory for everyone working at the enterprise, data from documents relating to his work activity are entered there;
  • work book - an entry is made here about employment with the wording from the order, and its details are indicated as the basis for this entry.

The unified T-1 form described above does not require additional notes confirming the employee’s consent to the proposed working conditions, information about whether he has been instructed, if provided for by the instructions, as well as a medical examination, etc. Nevertheless, such information must be indicated, and its have to be indicated in the approval sheets attached to the order, confirming the passage of the briefing, medical examination and similar documents.

Can an order be cancelled?

And if the employee did not show up for work on time without good reason, management has the right to consider the contract and the order of employment invalid and cancel them by issuing an appropriate order.

But if a person worked for at least one day, and then for some reason refused to work in the company, there is no longer a legal possibility to cancel the contract and order. Here the employee will have to write a letter of resignation, or terminate the employment contract by agreement of the parties.

When applying for a job, it is important to correctly fill out Required documents. Read about how to correctly fill out the form of the relevant order, download the form and sample

Read our article:

How to fill out a unified T-1 form

Organizations belonging to the non-state sector have the right to use in personnel workflow, in particular when applying for a job:

  • Unified forms, mandatory for use in budgetary structures.
  • Modified to the needs and specifics of a particular enterprise.
  • Forms designed independently.

The principles of using forms are declared in the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting” (Articles 7, 9) and letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia of December 4, 2012 No. PZ-10 / 2012 and Rostrud of February 14, 2013 No. PG/1487-6-1.

Typically, personnel officers prefer to use standard forms, which are the T-1 and T-1a forms. The features of their filling are regulated by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 5.01. 2004 No. 1.

How quickly do I need to issue an admission order? The legislation does not give a direct answer, but it is necessary to familiarize the employee with the document within three days. Therefore, it is necessary to issue and publish it within this period, as well as receive a signature confirming that the information has been brought to the attention.

Who should admit that a newcomer has appeared in the company

The fact that your company has a new employee, you must notify his former employer, the military enlistment office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Moreover, even the beginner himself will have to be notified of something. Find out how to bypass these threats so that the new employee can only benefit and do no harm in the article of the magazine "Handbook of personnel officer".

The basis for issuing the order is the employment contract concluded with the enterprise. Employees involved under a civil law contract do not need to issue an order.

In the T-1 form, you must fill in the fields:

  • The number of the order corresponding to the traditions of workflow in the organization, it is possible to use an index.
  • The exact and full name of the enterprise (structural unit) indicated in the constituent documents.
  • OKUD and OKPO codes. In this case, the OKUD code will be 0301001, OKPO is indicated unique for the organization.
  • The position or specialty for which the employee will be hired, personnel number. The position must correspond to that specified in staffing. If the employee's work activity is directly related to compensation and benefits, it is necessary to check the spelling of the position about professional standards and qualification reference books.
  • Full name (matching the spelling in the passport).
  • The basis of the order is an employment contract.
  • The duration of the probationary period, if it is applied to the employee.
  • Tariff rate.
  • The dates of the beginning and end of labor activity and the period of validity of a fixed-term employment contract, if the employee has concluded it with the enterprise. If the deadline is not defined, the “to” line does not need to be filled in.

Filling in the column “Conditions for employment, nature of work” often raises questions from personnel officers. It may be indicated here that the employee is admitted to the enterprise by transfer, or to perform the duties of a temporarily absent specialist, or to perform some specific project. You cannot leave the column empty.

The issued order in the T-1 form serves as the basis for making an entry in the work book, creating a personal account and a personal card.

Unified form T-1a

This template is used when several people are employed at the same time at the enterprise. It is filled in exactly the same way, but you need to be extremely careful when filling out. The larger the document, the more likely it is to make a mistake.