Examples of self-presentation. How to make an interesting self-presentation: examples and tips

A perfect job with a dream salary is the goal of every job seeker. In pursuit of seductive vacancies, one has to face the passage of a frightening many interviews over and over again. What is it for? Some believe that to select the most suitable candidate, others - to mock applicants. In fact, the interview is a litmus test for the employer.

In the process of communication, a person shows himself best. Sociability, sociability and many other characteristics, nothing compared to a lively dialogue. Manners and way of thinking are important points that the interviewer will pay attention to first of all. In addition to professional qualities, the ability to present oneself is assessed. A holistic personality is an ideal candidate for any employer.

How to successfully pass an interview? We tell in this article:

A good example of self-presentation in an interview is a confident and appropriate behavior. This will be facilitated by knowledge of the elementary foundations of etiquette. The applicant should take care in advance of observing the time frame allotted for the interview. No tardiness, untidy appearance and similar manifestations of unprofessional behavior. If a candidate declares himself as a highly qualified specialist, then you need to correspond to the level.

Why is self-presentation so important in an interview?

Any interaction between people begins with an acquaintance, and their further communication depends on how well it went. In this case, work is no different from ordinary life. When declaring yourself as a candidate for a vacant position, you must choose the most profitable option submission of information. A detailed study of data related to professional activities will make it possible to create an attractive resume for the employer. It will be an ideal basis for further preparation.

Telling about yourself is a mandatory item in the interview. In about a few minutes, you need to be able to talk about your experience and personal achievements. For optimal structuring of information, it is useful to make a plan and write a mini-essay about yourself.

It is worth focusing on the actual results that have been achieved in previous places of work. The candidate must identify the overriding facts from work experience that would be of interest to the prospective employer.

Mandatory job requirements can be found in the ad. On the Internet, it is worth looking for information about important personal qualities for these specialists. Based on the material received, write a story about yourself, supplementing it with real facts. It is not necessary to describe each place of work in detail, it is enough to focus on important points.

Self-presentation is a significant part, the successful study of which determines whether the applicant will get a vacancy or not. Without preparation, it will be difficult to present your candidacy in the right perspective. The process of self-presentation can be divided into three stages:

  • resume writing,
  • telephone conversation,
  • interview.

Let's take a look at each of them, but pay special attention to the last one. Resume - a short essay about the candidate, including his work experience, education, personal and professional achievements. It is compiled to be sent to the employer, and plays the role of an application for a vacancy. A summary is formed for each case with the necessary changes and additions. It is advisable to avoid stereotypes, create a document that stands out against the general background.

Preparation for a telephone conversation is carried out on the basis of a resume. The written story about yourself should be read aloud and memorized. You can even record and listen, and then correct - work on diction, add confidence and firmness to your voice, choose the right intonation. Talking on the phone will require no less concentration from the applicant than the interview itself. Work through the questions the interviewer might ask; answer confidently and deliberately.

Compliance with the basic rules for writing a resume and a telephone conversation will provide the applicant with a good base for the further path to the desired vacancy. Now you need to understand how to present yourself at the interview. The probability of employment in this company depends on personal communication with the interviewer. Confidence and openness are important traits that they want to see in every applicant. But how to properly demonstrate them? Below are a number of recommendations to "deliciously" serve and sell yourself.

Fundamentals of successful self-presentation in an interview

After the resume was sent, the first telephone conversation took place, and the applicant was invited for an interview, it was time to start preparing for the meeting. Let's start with an emotional state. Faith in your own strength and confidence in the level of skill will help you quickly and efficiently. Learning the most popular questions that can be asked will prevent unpleasant surprises during the meeting. In addition to the theoretical part, you need to know how to behave in an interview.

General recommendations when meeting with a recruiter or direct employer include punctuality, the absence of irritants (turn off phones and other distracting devices), goodwill. The professionalism of the candidate lies in the ability to prioritize and competently conduct a dialogue. Shouting, nervousness and excessive emotionality will nullify all previously made efforts. Eight simple rules allow you to cope with anxiety and feel more confident in an unfamiliar environment.

  1. The seven second rule is the first impression.
    Candidate evaluation starts from the first second of the meeting. After the invitation, you must enter the office. Importance has a posture: you can not slouch. The pose should correspond to the look of the winner - a raised head, straightened shoulders. The handshake should be strong and confident, palms dry.
  2. The rule of "thirty seconds" - we have an interviewer in ourselves.
    When choosing clothes, pay attention to the dress code adopted by the organization. It is worth giving preference to a business style without unnecessary accessories (it is allowed to wear a wedding ring and discreet earrings). Neat appearance conducive to communication (clothes and shoes must be clean, fresh breath). Work on the tone of your voice. A confident greeting and subsequent communication will demonstrate a willingness to engage in a constructive dialogue.
  3. Telling about yourself is a demonstration of professionalism.
    Based on the summary and pre-designed summary of achievements and skills, it will help to convey important information to the interviewer in a short time. You need to use dates, numbers, play with percentages and pay attention to the results that have been achieved in a particular position. Mention should also be made of personal achievements. It is worth using perfective verbs (developed, implemented, improved, etc.), they emphasize the completeness of these actions, their effective value. The result of the story should be the idea of ​​the applicant as an indispensable specialist, without whom it will be difficult for the company to do.
  4. Silent "enemies" - the importance of non-verbal means.
    When communicating with the interviewer, body language should be controlled. No crossed arms or legs, excessive gesticulation or fidgeting in a chair - all these are signs of closeness and unwillingness to engage in dialogue. Skepticism and sluggish indifferent behavior are unacceptable. Straight posture and a confident look in the eyes, an appropriate smile. It is necessary to demonstrate that the situation does not cause discomfort, and the conversation is interesting.
  5. Reciprocal interest - we establish contact.
    Do not focus only on yourself, the interview is a dialogue. Questions about the company will help build the necessary level of trust and learn Additional information. Details about vacant position form an idea of ​​the scope of responsibilities and possible prospects. Do not be afraid to ask: the applicant does not beg workplace he sells his labor and services.
  6. Competent answers to the questions asked.
    To confirm the information indicated in the resume, it is worth taking for an interview Required documents(passport, certificates, certificates, work book). This will avoid ambiguity. Questions should be answered clearly without going into details. If necessary, the recruiter will clarify. It is worth paying special attention to the answers to questions that affect the professional sphere, on their basis an opinion is built about the applicant as a specialist.
  7. constructiveness and readiness.
    It is desirable that the candidate at the meeting have a notebook and a pen to write down important points regarding the future position. The use of electronic means is acceptable provided they are appropriate. You should not lay out all the available devices (phones, tablets, etc.) on the table in front of you - this violates the rules of business etiquette and belittles the level of professionalism. Composure, logic of actions and consistency of presentation are invaluable qualities that should be emphasized. The applicant must demonstrate interest in the open vacancy and, accordingly, work in the company.
  8. End of the meeting.
    At the final stage, you can ask when to expect a call with a decision regarding the vacancy. If the applicant offered to call back at a certain time, then you should definitely call on the specified day and hour. After that, it is appropriate to say a few general phrases and, having thanked the interlocutor for the time taken, leave. Now it remains only to wait for the decision of the employer. Perhaps they will appoint another interview or immediately report the answer.

A good example of presenting yourself in an interview is a regular advertisement. The applicant must not only present his competitive qualities and achievements, but also analyze the general background of the company (activity, development paths, market prospects). This will allow him to freely navigate the needs of the prospective employer, to find out his weaknesses. In other words, a real assessment of the company will enable the candidate to feel confident in the interview and competently answer the questions asked, as well as sell himself profitably.

Negative result is not the end of life

Knowing the main secrets of a successful interview, the applicant will competently present himself to the prospective employer as a specialist without any problems. Success depends on many factors, and not always they relate to the professional qualities of the applicant. An interview is a dialogue, an interaction between two strangers. The interviewer may, for some personal reasons, feel dislike for the applicant (age, gender, behavior, etc.), and no one is immune from this. The human factor quite often takes precedence over professional impartiality.

The result of the interview may be negative even if all recommendations are followed. It is worth taking this as an invaluable experience from which a lesson should be learned. It is necessary to analyze your behavior and disassemble the meeting. Make certain conclusions and work on improvement in the future weaknesses. Meeting with a prospective employer or interviewer is a game that has its own rules, by learning them you can go very far and get the desired position.

There is no perfect sample of self-presentation at the interview, just as there is no one hundred percent way to get the desired job of the labor bases. Taking advice and honing your communication skills is a must-have activity for every job seeker to help gain confidence and composure in stressful situations. Either way, you'll have to put in the effort. You may need to complete 20 interviews for various vacancies before getting a call back confirming the candidacy for the position. This is a game and the outcome is unpredictable.

Self-presentation is, first of all, the ability to influence the audience with the help of impressions. A spectacular performance can not only influence the audience, but also allows the speaker to get what he needs. The most popular example is getting a job. In the case of the correct self-presentation, the applicant can be sure of a successful career advancement. The impression of you depends on the very first interview, so it is important to take self-presentation seriously. However, there are several ways to make a self-presentation. Let's consider them.

Making a self-presentation

Self-presentation can be divided into several parts. The first is an introduction. The second is the main part. The third is the final part. The first part is the most important, as it allows you to interest the listeners. The introduction should be short, informative, and highlight the main points of your speech. In the introduction, you will establish contact with the interlocutors, set a time frame, and also explain to them why this information is important.

  1. Story about yourself.
  2. Own description in 3rd person (how others see you).
  3. Previous place of work.
  4. Reasons why you left your last job.
  5. Description of bosses from a previous job.
  6. Information about a new job that you heard somewhere.
  7. Your advantages over other applicants for this job.
  8. Your strengths and weaknesses.
  9. Duties you like and dislike doing.
  10. Your purpose of life.
  11. Your description in a few years.
  12. Your hobby.
  13. Your preferences for the size of the salary.

The main goal of self-presentation is to demonstrate your strengths and turn weaknesses into advantages. You should also always be prepared for tricky questions from the employer.

Self-presentation in public: rules

Public self-presentation is needed if, for example, you want to get a job or introduce yourself in a new team. For successful self-presentation, the following rules should be observed:

  • Preparing a text or speech in advance. Before speaking, you need to reread it several times, but do not memorize it so that the speech seems natural. Don't forget to improvise too. The text plan ideally consists of three parts: a bright, light introduction, the main part with your portfolio, and a conclusion.
  • Record your speech on a voice recorder and listen. This will make it easier to identify its shortcomings in order to correct them.
  • You should always be ready for tricky questions. To do this, you need to study in advance the people who will listen to you. An example would be a teacher who, in the first lessons, gets to know the students, then notes the weak and strengths, defines methods to get them interested, and then starts teaching.
  • Emphasize your good manners.
  • A good "life hack" for gaining the trust of the listeners is friendly gestures. It allows you to more clearly convey the idea to the audience.
  • One of the main rules is appearance. It is better to wear a classic suit or dress to show your authority and dominance. But sometimes it happens that a classic suit may be inappropriate, in which case you can replace the trousers from the suit with dark jeans.

Types of public speaking

There are 4 types of public speaking:

  1. Protocol and etiquette.
  2. Persuasive.
  3. Having an entertaining character.
  4. Bearing informational character.

Protocol and etiquette self-presentation has been considered the basis of oratory since ancient times. Basic rules for the preparation of protocol and etiquette self-presentation:

  • brevity.
  • Energy.
  • Emotionality.
  • Inspiration.
  • Awakening positive emotions at the listeners.
  • Dominant self-presentation

In the self-presentation of the personality, the main emphasis is on dominance. To do this, it is enough to identify yourself as an informal leader in front of the audience at a given moment in time. But this technique may not be suitable for all types of listeners, since there may be leaders among the interlocutors who will not perceive you as a leader. With dominant self-presentation, a very important emphasis is placed on the appearance of the speaker, his gestures, manners, speech, and ability to communicate with the public.

Choose the type of self-presentation

Self-presentation is a special method of presenting yourself as a person from the positive sides, as well as attracting to your advantages. It is very important to control feelings and emotions when preparing it. In fact, every person encounters this. We adapt to this or that situation, we control our speech, manners, behavior.

  1. So, the first type of self-presentation is adjusting to the people around you. This is a rather complicated technique, but quite feasible. For example, if you want to get to know a company, you first need to know its behavior, manners, topics for conversation, speech from the outside. This helps to feel people more strongly, to find a common language faster. After that, there is only one thing left - to join the company and become part of it.
  2. The second way of self-presentation is leadership, dominance and authority. This method is much more difficult than the first, because the speaker is required to perform much more rules and conditions.


First, the person who makes the self-presentation must look elegant. To do this, you do not need to buy some expensive, special things, it is enough to emphasize elegance with the help of the right clothes. For example, a fitted shirt, a slightly fluffy tie is suitable for a man, and a dress that emphasizes her waist, soft jewelry and a neat hairstyle are suitable for a woman.

Thirdly, it is necessary to highlight and emphasize strengths. The sign of a leader is the transformation of a disadvantage into an advantage. Different companies may have different strengths. For example, a girl understands cars, a man cooks deliciously, and a woman knows martial arts. You need to find your "zest" to stand out from the crowd.

Fourthly, you need to present your personality, inner qualities. But self-presentation should be unobtrusive, as well as focusing on common interests. The best action will be to immediately show your nature, and not a mask, so that in the future there will be no disappointment on the part of the interlocutor.

It is important to remember that self-presentation in the first place helps to greatly develop self-confidence and one's abilities. The audience is like metal, which, when heated and certain actions, takes the form that the blacksmith needs. Therefore, do not be afraid, because if you try, you can take control of any audience.

It is also worth remembering the importance of visual images, since a person perceives most of the information with the help of the eyes. Try to give and create more visualizations, use technology to present information more accurately.

Possible problems with self-presentation

Very often, a person may have problems associated with psychological trauma, psychological barriers, as well as the fact that he does not know himself. All this can affect not only the conversation, but also the communication with the interlocutor.

Therefore, an important rule in compiling a self-presentation will be taking into account one's own characteristics, i.e. hiding them or, conversely, emphasizing them.

Self-presentation will give the maximum result if it is exciting, informative, but not drawn out for a long time. At the same time, it is very important to listen and hear someone else's opinion, to think over your words and actions, to fully control the situation.

I know two foreign languages: English and German. I chose your company because I consider it promising and successful. It attracts me that I can be calm with you regarding stability, wages, the possibility of growth in career ladder. I was very interested in the activities of the organization, I would like to contribute to its development.” This and similar examples of writing a story about yourself will help you understand how to write a self-presentation in the form of a resume. So giving yourself is important point for successful person. With the help of the ability to present your personality in a favorable light, you can achieve positive results in life.

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How to make a self-presentation

It will not be superfluous to find out some additional information which will help a lot during the interview:

  • Check out the company's website. There you can find out in which direction she works and what kind of employees she is looking for;
  • Based on these data, make a list personal qualities which may come in handy while working in the desired position. For example, responsiveness, purposefulness, self-discipline;
  • If it is wholesale or retail sales, then you can talk about the successful experience of working with many clients;
  • Mention achievements, without embellishing them, but without holding back.

    After all, they can play an important role during the selection of a candidate.

After collecting data, you can start compiling a story about yourself. Most importantly, it must be taken into account that all remarks must be meaningful, but at the same time concise and concise.

At the same time, it must be remembered that the distinguishing feature of a bad, negative self-presentation is the ability to increase its negative effect several times over. Creating an image Accordingly, in order not to fall in the eyes of colleagues, it is necessary to create an image of a calm rationalist, tactics, and somewhere even pragmatism, especially if self-presentation of the leader is necessary. To earn high appreciation in the family, it is necessary to understand the members of your family, to have the quality of self-giving for the sake of your family.
Although in some situations or professional activity an emotional approach may be necessary, but the main thing here is to remember that your self-presentation about yourself should be briefly and beautifully presented to the place and not cause a critically negative perception.

Ivan Kotva is a professional psychologist

Ways to achieve vocal diversity:

  • speed
  • volume
  • delivery - intonation - accent
  • pause

Speaking speed. If the speech is too fast, the listeners do not have time to absorb what is said. To keep the listeners interested, you need to vary the pace of speech - first speeding up, and then slowing down.

Volume. By increasing or decreasing the volume, you can create an accent. Presentation - Intonation - Accent: Speaking in public, try to convey information with as much energy and enthusiasm in your voice as possible. Pause. Can be used for effect, to highlight a previous statement, or to grab attention with an important message.

A sample of conducting self-presentation at an interview Interview - a meeting and conversation of the applicant with potential employer. During the interview, it is important for the parties to understand whether they are suitable for each other, to discuss the details of joint work.

Self presentation about yourself. example of self-presentation short and beautiful

It is also worth remembering the importance of visual images, since a person perceives most of the information with the help of the eyes. Try to give and create more visualizations, use technology to present information more accurately. Possible problems during self-presentation Very often a person may have problems associated with psychological trauma, psychological barriers, and also with the fact that he does not know himself.

All this can affect not only the conversation, but also the communication with the interlocutor. Therefore, an important rule in compiling a self-presentation will be taking into account one's own characteristics, i.e. hiding them or, conversely, emphasizing them. Self-presentation will give the maximum result if it is exciting, informative, but not drawn out for a long time.

What to tell about yourself - 5 examples of a story for an interview

An interview is a standard step in a job search. After all, after a suitable vacancy has been found, there will be a meeting with the employer, where you will personally need to prove your professional suitability. The most important thing here is to present yourself correctly, which means that you need to compose a competent story about yourself.


See below for examples of what to say about yourself in a job interview. Do not forget to ask the employer about your future work - what to ask at the interview? Most often, an interview with an employer consists of a series of standard questions. For example, it can be personal data, where they will ask about the place of residence, age and work experience.

But the main part of the interview is self-presentation. And most often it is this part that brings most people into a stupor. To successfully pass it, it is worth preparing in advance and compiling an approximate text of a story about yourself.
To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully analyze the potential audience. At the same time, a group or audience is understood as both several people and one. Algorithm Currently, there are a sufficient number of “self-presentation” methods, but when choosing them, it is necessary to strictly follow the algorithm:
  1. Analysis of the "potential audience" to which the "self-presentation" is directed.
  2. The basis of the first stage - the strategies of non-verbal and verbal manifestation of the personality should correspond to the place of self-presentation and the time interval of its implementation.
  3. Your actions are subject to control and coordination in accordance with the situation.
  4. Natural self-presentation should be realized outside the artificial context.

It is important to always remember that you are your face.


Different companies may have different strengths. For example, a girl understands cars, a man cooks deliciously, and a woman knows martial arts. You need to find your "zest" to stand out from the crowd.

Fourthly, you need to present your personality, inner qualities. But self-presentation should be unobtrusive, as well as focusing on common interests. The best action will be to immediately show your nature, and not a mask, so that in the future there will be no disappointment on the part of the interlocutor.

Tips for beginners It is important to remember that self-presentation in the first place helps to greatly develop self-confidence and one's abilities. The audience is like metal, which, when heated and certain actions, takes the form that the blacksmith needs. Therefore, do not be afraid, because if you try, you can take control of any audience.

It is very important to control feelings and emotions when preparing it. In fact, every person encounters this. We adapt to this or that situation, we control our speech, manners, behavior.

  1. So, the first type of self-presentation is adjusting to the people around you. This is a rather complicated technique, but quite feasible.

    For example, if you want to get to know a company, you first need to know its behavior, manners, topics for conversation, speech from the outside. This helps to feel people more strongly, to find a common language faster. After that, there is only one thing left - to join the company and become part of it.

  2. The second way of self-presentation is leadership, dominance and authority.


The experience of work and study convinced me that this area is very close to me. Therefore, when I saw a free vacancy for a marketer in your company, I hurried to come for an interview. I think that this is where I can work with pleasure according to my profession, because the prospects provide not only analytics, but also product promotion.

This is exactly what has always fascinated me. I have everything for this position professional quality(here they should be listed). I speak English, a free user of basic computer programs. Easy to learn, not conflict. I am creative and always approach the situation from a non-standard side. It was this that helped me prepare promotions at my previous place of work, which subsequently brought several large clients to the firm.

Your first impression usually has a big impact on how you will be perceived in the future, so it is extremely important to be able to present yourself. Sometimes a self-presentation speech is referred to as an "elevator speech" because it should be concise enough for you to introduce yourself and talk about your goals and interests in about the time you take the elevator in a high-rise building. It can also be called "ice-breaking speech", as it allows you to relieve tension between the speaker and listeners by telling them useful information About Me. Choose your words carefully when preparing your own presentation speech. As its preparation lies the key to your success or the cause of failure.


Part 1

Preparing a presentation speech

    Prepare a thesis plan for your speech. Start by making a list of the main points of your speech. Throw away everything superfluous and leave only the essence, and also determine the order in which the facts about yourself are listed. The compiled list will serve as the basis for preparing a presentation speech.

    Mention hobbies or outside interests. Depending on the specific plan, you can also mention your hobbies and any additional experience you have. By mentioning your hobbies and hobbies, you can assert your authority in a certain area, or you can do it just like that, casually (it all depends on the original purpose of the presentation speech).

    Present yourself in the best way. If you are trying to create a good first impression in professional field, it is very important to mention your skills and abilities in the speech. So that listing skills and achievements does not sound smug, they can be linked to personal aspirations and goals for the future. So the audience will understand that your expectations are based on solid past experience.

    Set yourself apart from the rest. Be honest about yourself, but make your story stand out from the rest. If you played an important role in some major project, mention it. Go ahead and tell us what you learned from the experience, what ideas you have about how you can make this project more effective if it is repeated.

    Part 2

    Improving the text and working out the speech
    1. Shorten your speech. Some representatives recruitment agencies It is recommended to make a presentation speech about yourself no longer than 2-3 sentences. Others suggest limiting yourself to 5-7 minutes of speech. If the speech cannot be shortened to this extent, or if you have enough time to speak longer, the text of the speech should still be kept as short as possible, but at the same time quite informative.

      • If you are preparing a presentation speech as part of an assignment, make sure that it fits within the set boundaries.
      • If you have 3-5 minutes to speak, then a 7-minute speech would be just as inappropriate as a 2-minute speech.
      • If you need to briefly introduce yourself in an interview, do not exceed the recommended time limits.
    2. Speak in short, simple sentences. Remember that when you speak your speech out loud, the listeners will not have the opportunity to go back and reread your words if they do not understand something. Present the speech in such a way that no one doubts what you are trying to say.

      • Avoid long heaps of grammatical constructions. Use short, simple sentences as much as possible.
      • Think carefully about the grammatical structure of all your sentences. If you reread the prepared text of the speech aloud, then it will be easier for you to identify sentences that are too long and need to be changed.
    3. Rehearse your speech. Before giving a presentation, read the prepared speech aloud several times. Experiment with different intonation and speech speed. At first it is good to practice reading a speech by yourself, but then it is useful to give a speech in front of a friend, relative or colleague in order to get good advice and comments.

      Learn speech by heart. You must know in advance what you are going to say and how. Although it is acceptable in some circumstances to read your speech from a piece of paper, try to memorize its text and minimize the number of references to your notes. Speaking without papers will make a stronger impression on the audience and emphasize your knowledge, confidence and composure. It will also help you capture the attention of the public.

    Part 3

    Planning a speech

      Define your audience. If you are preparing a presentation speech for a professional setting, you will probably choose different content and a different language for it than you would use in an informal setting among your peers. Before you start planning your presentation, ask yourself the following questions.

      Decide what is most important in your speech. If the time at your disposal were not limited, you could think and talk about many interesting and relevant things about yourself. But the key to preparing a successful presentation speech is to keep it short and to the point. That is, you need to identify the most important information for your listeners, which they just need to know. And this information should be conveyed to their ears in the most concise form.

      Consider the purpose of your presentation and the tone used. During the speech planning stage, you should be clear about your own goals and desired outcomes. Ask yourself what message you want to convey to your listeners. Is the speech meant to develop professional or personal connections (with new friends)?

» Fundamentals of self-presentation

10. Preparing for an interview.
Fundamentals of self-presentation.

Many of us fear the job interview the most. And absolutely in vain. After all, an interview is the best way to demonstrate your best qualities to an employer. An interview is a much more flexible form of checking an employee than, for example, questioning or testing. You need to use this flexibility to your advantage.

However, fear of interviews is common among most candidates. The reasons are clear. Indeed, most often we are afraid of the unknown - and what awaits us there behind this terrible door? I approve : that's all right! In most cases, a polite and friendly person will be waiting for you there, who just wants to know about your ability to perform a particular job. And nothing more!

If you are feeling anxious before an interview, try to bring yourself into a more or less stable balance. You absolutely need this to save strength and nerves. Fear should never be oppressive. After all, constant anxiety introduces various kinds of restrictions into our lives, causes a feeling of depression, and destroys self-confidence. And then, not to appear before the bright eyes of the employer as a gloomy, unbelieving sufferer. It is unlikely that you will be interested in anyone then.

Also remember that the attitude of the interviewer towards you is not at all reduced to the position: “Let's find out what this mug is incompetent in?” Rather, he will strive to find out: “What if this is really the person we need?”

And one more tip : don't take failure too seriously. They are inevitable. Take them for granted. Remember that the average ratio of unsuccessful and successful interviews is 20 to 1 (a successful interview is understood as such an interview, after which you will be offered a job). This should be treated absolutely normally. Prepare yourself for the fact that out of 20 interviews you attend, there will be only one successful one. And the faster you get 20 failures, the sooner you get to your success. “The road will be mastered by the walking one,” the ancients said.

One of the best ways to reduce anxiety is to prepare well for the interview. Find out more about the company you are applying for. Do a couple of workout sessions with friends. Let them play the role of vicious and predatory employers. Prepare answers to the most likely questions in advance.

The advice seems to be simple and banal. However, my experience shows : very many candidates completely forget the old truth that the best impromptu is a pre-prepared impromptu. Going for an interview, they often rely on the age-old Russian “maybe”. Like, lucky - very good, unlucky - they all went ... At the same time, the list of questions most frequently encountered in the interview is not so great. It is not at all difficult to prepare the answers to them in advance in order to feel calm and confident during the interview.

Questions that you will meet in every interview:

  • Tell us a little about yourself.
  • How would you describe yourself?
  • Tell us about your last job.
  • Tell us about your former boss.
  • Reason for leaving previous job.
  • What do you know about our company?
  • What attracts you to our company?
  • Why do you want to work with us?
  • How does your education or work experience relate to this job?
  • How can you be useful to our company?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your main weaknesses?
  • What type of work do you most like (dislike) doing?
  • What did you like most and what least about your previous job?
  • What was your biggest mistake at your previous job?
  • What are your interests outside of work?
  • What are your goals in life?
  • How do you plan to achieve them?
  • What would you like to change about your past?
  • What salary do you expect?
  • What will you do if... (then usually follows a description of some critical situation from your activity)?

Sometimes you may be faced with unexpected and seemingly innocuous questions, such as "What did you do last night?" Thus, they may want to know your lifestyle and how you spend your time.

There is a category of particularly cunning interviewers. They are well aware that trained and experienced candidates who have passed more than one interview always have homework for the most common questions. Therefore, they will not ask you directly, for example, “Why did you leave your previous job?”, But they will prefer a detour:

“What needs to change in your previous workplace for you to agree to return there?”

Such a question allows you to find out the true, and not declared, reasons for your departure from your previous position. You must prepare for similar traps as well.

It is important that the strategy of all your responses be as focused as possible on the job you are looking for and your ability to handle it, no matter what questions you will be faced with in the interview. But in answering them, try not to embellish your merits too much, ranting in a boastful manner, what a wonderful worker you are. It is important to observe the measure.

If you are asked about your strengths, talk about what is directly related to the proposed job. If asked about weaknesses, mention only those shortcomings that are an extension of your strengths, again related to work (for example, you are used to working too hard, you are worried that you pay too much attention to detail in the process of work, etc. )

If you are asked about what you could not cope with in the past, or about some particularly unpleasant episode in your biography (dismissal, criminal record, academic failure), be ready to show what lesson you have learned from all this. Tell us that this lesson has worked for you, that you have learned to overcome obstacles in your path and your own shortcomings, that today you feel ready for more difficult work.

When preparing your answers, be sure to pay attention to the manner of your speech. You must speak calmly and confidently - like an experienced specialist who knows his own worth. An indecisive person can be recognized by his hesitant statements, replete with euphemisms that “soften” speech: “achieve some success” instead of “became a leader”, “not very happy” instead of “angry”, etc. They create the impression of uncertainty and so-called. qualifiers - "as if", "only", "a little", "apparently". A candidate who speaks like this is given the impression of being weak and unfit for serious and responsible work.

Self-deprecating statements such as “I am not a speaker”, “I am still an inexperienced specialist”, “I am a new person” also lower the impression.

If you want, test yourself on the subject of how you know how to present yourself. Record your "self-presentation" on a tape recorder, and then listen to the recording. I always do this, for example, during training seminars. Usually, even the strongest top managers, when listening to their self-presentations, wrinkle their foreheads in annoyance. And what about us mere mortals? If necessary, adjust your speech in the direction of greater decisiveness and certainty.

So far, we have considered only the questions of the employer. But any interview is always a dialogue. Don't be afraid to ask your interviewer questions. First, you really need to know more about the nature of the job ahead of you if you want to get it. Secondly, correctly formulated questions testify to your competence and demonstrate your interest in getting a job. Try to ask questions that speak in favor of your hiring. Think about them ahead of time. Here are a few questions that are wise to ask the person who will be interviewing you.

  • What will my working day look like?
  • To whom will I report directly? Can I meet him?
  • Will there be someone subordinate to me? Can I meet them?
  • Why did the previous employee leave this place?
  • How important is this work for the firm?
  • What is the main problem of this work?
  • What are the opportunities for career and professional growth?

Listen carefully to the interlocutor's answers, and then be sure to mention something from your professional or life experience that is directly related to this.

You may have noticed that questions about wages not included in the above list. Remember the novel "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov? “Never ask them for anything. Those who are stronger than you. They will offer everything themselves and give everything themselves ... ". If you are of interest to the employer, he will want to discuss the issue of payment with you. Your questions and answers should focus on what you can do for the firm, not how much you will be paid.

Naturally, one should not strive to ask all these questions at an interview at any cost, interrupting the interviewer in mid-sentence: “Have you finished? And then I also want to ask something ... ". Especially if you are not asked to. Sometimes interviewers themselves invite candidates to ask questions: “What else would you like to know?”. If this does not happen, it is best to ask your questions just before the end of the interview, something like this: “Before we end our conversation, can I ask a few questions that are important to me about the job offer? I would also like to talk in more detail about the previous experience ... ". Do not forget to thank the interlocutor for the information provided.

Self-feeding techniques.

Now let's look at how various factors influence the creation of the image of a business person, what the ability to "apply yourself" consists of. Psychological experiments have shown that 50% of a stable opinion about a person is formed during the first minute of communication. The study of conversations in hiring somewhat complemented this conclusion.

So, it has been established that no matter how long the conversation lasts, a positive or negative opinion about the candidate develops during the first 3-4 minutes of the conversation. After that, the interviewer asks questions depending on the prevailing opinion. : with a positive - allowing a person to open up from the best side, with a negative - "backfilling". That is, the interviewer consciously or unconsciously creates the conditions for his initial opinion to be supported by subsequent facts. All this testifies to the exceptional importance of a favorable first impression.

It's not just your words that affect how you speak, but how you say them. Many candidates do not even realize how much information about them can be learned from non-verbal cues. : facial expressions, posture, limb movements. By the manner of behavior, a specialist can find out a lot about your personality and your adaptability to life.

When preparing for an interview, psychologist Eleri Sampson advises check your own body language. Carefully consider the following features of your behavior:

  • How do you use your smile?
  • Are you standing (or sitting) upright?
  • Do you have eye contact with the interlocutor?
  • Do you look nervous?
  • How do you use your hands?
  • How do you enter the room?
  • Is your handshake strong and businesslike?
  • Do you stand too close or too far to people when talking to them?
  • Do you touch the person when you talk to him?

Now check out the list of negative and positive signals that influence the formation of an impression of you.

Positive Signals

  1. Sit (stand) straight, slightly leaning forward, with an expression of real interest.
  2. While talking, look calmly and confidently at the speaker.
  3. Record key points of the conversation on paper.
  4. When you listen, you have an "open posture" : hands on the table, palms outstretched forward.
  5. Use "open gestures" : hands are open or raised up, as if you are explaining some idea to your colleagues.
  6. Smile and joke to relieve stress.

negative signals.

  1. You fidget in your chair.
  2. Look not at the speaker, but look at the ceiling or signs outside the window.
  3. Draw meaningless lines.
  4. Turn away from the interlocutor and avoid meeting his gaze.
  5. Cross your arms over your chest and cross your legs (protective pose).
  6. Use closed, threatening gestures, such as waving your index finger, to defend your opinion.
  7. Sit with a blank look, grumble or smirk skeptically.

I don't know if it is necessary to explain the obvious thing, that the choice of clothes should be appropriate for the situation. After all, everyone knows that they are greeted by clothes. According to it (contrary to the well-known proverb) they often see off. This means that you should not show up for an interview at a reputable bank, dressed in wrinkled jeans and with an earring in your ear. Exactly the same bewilderment will cause a man in an expensive respectable suit, who came to get a job as a laborer at a construction site.

There is such a thing as "corporate culture". It is expressed, in particular, in the fact that bank employees and, for example, dancers of a night strip bar dress completely differently. If your clothing style does not match the organization's, you will instantly be classified as an "outsider" who does not comply with the norms of corporate behavior and does not share their values. A stranger is always potentially dangerous. The fact is that the division into “friend or foe” sits very deeply in people. Not without reason, in the language of many native tribes, even today the concepts of “alien” and “enemy” are denoted by the same word. Therefore, try to match the corporate style that is adopted in this organization as much as possible.

If your financial situation does not allow you to look the way you would like, do not worry. Make the main bet on modesty and neatness. This is welcomed by the vast majority of employers. Neatness in dress is often associated with neatness in business. (This is far from always true, but we will not dissuade them of this yet)

And further : many candidates believe that expensive and stylish clothes will give them extra "weight" and imposingness at the interview. This is not entirely true. Regardless of what you are wearing, an experienced interviewer usually needs less than ten questions to determine your real social status, approximate income level, education. By accents and manner of speech, an experienced specialist instantly recognizes not only the national geographical origin, but also more intimate things - marital status, sexual preferences, chronic diseases. He will easily distinguish, for example, a top manager who really has experience in foreign campaigns, from an impostor who came straight from the street. Therefore, as already mentioned, it is not the cost of your clothes that matters, but its compliance with the standards adopted by the organization. You should look like "your" for future colleagues. Remember Mowgli's cry: "You and I are of the same blood ...". Your clothes should show something similar.

Much more attention should be paid to shoes. Contrary to popular stereotypes, it is shoes (and not clothing) that interviewers draw far-reaching conclusions and assumptions about a candidate.

Individual details in the appearance of a person can significantly influence the formation of the first impression. So, long hair in men endows their owner in the eyes of others with a certain intelligence, a penchant for mental work. On the contrary, a short haircut suggests sports activities. A haircut "under the box" unambiguously classifies its owner as a "brotherhood". A person wearing glasses appears to others as more intelligent, hardworking, reliable and at the same time less endowed with a sense of humor than he, but without glasses. The positive impact of glasses is widely used in the business world, where many business people wear non-diopter (and non-tinted) glasses just to make a better impression.

At the interview, candidates (both men and women) are often found wearing rings. If the ring is very expensive, this can be regarded as an arrogant desire to surpass others. If not very expensive - indicates vanity, but the limited financial capabilities of the owner. Both have a negative impact on the image of the candidate. Therefore, in a civilized business, the following rule has long been in effect : of jewelry, only a wedding ring is recommended.

Used quotes from the book by V. Sheinov "Hidden management of man."