What do coffee machines run. Business - coffee machines (reviews)

Often, business ideas are in plain sight, but people do not notice them or do not understand that you can earn good money on simple and familiar things. One of these ideas is coffee vending machines as a business. They bring good money, while not requiring you to be constantly present at the facility. In fact, you get passive income by spending a minimum of time on business.

Principle of operation

Selling goods and drinks through vending machines is called vending. This is enough profitable business, which quickly pays off and is guaranteed to start making a profit. The main thing is to choose a good place for the machines. Usually they are installed in places with passage: shopping centers, gas stations, universities, etc. A good place is a guarantee of constant and high profits.

Business on coffee machines quickly pays for itself

The coffee vending machine does not require an operator and regular maintenance- it can work autonomously for several days. All you need is to collect it and fill it with ingredients as needed. You can do this yourself or hire an employee to fully automate the business.

Where to get devices

Coffee machines are sold in many places - you just need to enter the appropriate request on the Internet and choose the one that suits you best. Be sure to read reviews about the machine and explore its capabilities before buying. Typically, this business involves equipment from Korea and Europe. A high-quality Korean machine costs about 90-100 thousand rubles, a European 120-150 thousand.

Note: if you don't have start-up capital you can rent machines. In any case, vending pays off quite quickly, and coffee vending is the leader in terms of payback.

You should also ask the seller / landlord for the availability of documents for the device. Usually there are no problems with this, but if the documents are missing, then you will probably have problems with the regulatory authorities. No license is required for this type of business.

What is the best way to build a business on coffee machines: buy them or rent them? We list the main advantages of either solution.

  1. The purchase requires a large start-up capital, but from the start you work only for yourself. You don't have to pay a portion of your rental income, but you do need to find a really good place to sell or you risk losing your money.
  2. Renting is profitable with no risk. Typically, the device costs 10 thousand rubles a month, while it is the owner who is engaged in its repair and maintenance. You can manage your business without serious investments and check the profitability of the point without risking your money. True, you will have to give about 10-15% of the money earned for the machine itself.

It is more profitable to buy a machine so as not to pay rent

How to work correctly

The costs of running a coffee selling business are minimal - you only need to register as an individual entrepreneur and draw up a lease agreement for a place. You should also find a raw material supplier that offers the most favorable prices with excellent product quality. After that, you will only have to take money from the machine and add ingredients to it.

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  1. Hospitals and clinics.
  2. Shopping and entertainment centers, business clubs.
  3. Bus stations, railway stations.
  4. Filling stations.
  5. Various government institutions.
  6. Cinemas and other visited places.

Once you have selected a few locations, contact their owners and sign a formal space lease agreement and. You will need a maximum of 2 square meters of territory for normal operation. You need to position the machine as conveniently as possible for people - it should not stand in the aisle, but at the same time it is not recommended to put it into the far corner.

Most devices are connected to the water supply network, but there are also devices that work autonomously. The only thing you are guaranteed to need is an outlet.

Note: in the lease agreement, you can enter both a fixed amount and a percentage of sales. The second option is often beneficial if you are not sure of a good choice of location.

Coffee machines need to be placed in walk-through places

Some nuances

Do you want to know how to make money on coffee machines and get a good profit? Don't overcharge your coffee. It is better to let them buy 100 portions of coffee from you at 30 each than 20 at 50. At the same time, the quality of the drink itself should not suffer - if you buy bad raw materials, then customers will simply go elsewhere.

Be sure to purchase coffee designed to work with vending machines - it is different from the usual. Remember to change the filters on time and use good quality water for cooking. Do not try to save on dosage - many novice entrepreneurs sin with this and quickly burn out. Do everything right.

And one more thing - try to take raw materials from the supplier not from samples, but from working containers. Very often, samples are of the best quality, but the working ingredient loses a lot in many ways.

Many people cannot imagine their day without a sip of coffee. After all, this drink allows you to increase efficiency and concentration, give strength and invigorate. It is not always possible to brew a cup of aromatic coffee at home or visit a cafe. In such cases, special machines come to the rescue, which are found in large offices, public places, and shopping centers. Such units allow you to drink a cup of not only coffee, but also tea and hot milk throughout the day. Such products are in great demand. That is why the coffee machine business is considered profitable. However, before you start such a business, you should learn about all the nuances.

Place of installation of machines

First of all, it is worth deciding where the coffee vending machines will stand. This is one of the highlights. After all, profit depends on it. It is worth finding a suitable place where coffee and tea will be in demand. It is best to install units:

  1. At train stations, bus stations and bus stations.
  2. At airports.
  3. In the clinic.
  4. In banks.
  5. AT educational institutions.
  6. In government agencies and other organizations where there is a large flow of people who spend a lot of time waiting.
  7. In cinemas, entertainment and shopping centers, large stores and markets.
  8. In business and office centers.

Of course, in such places there may already be coffee machines. However, do not be upset. If you wish, you can find a suitable place or install your unit next to the existing ones, without fear of competition. In any case, it's worth experimenting. If the machine does not make a profit for several days, then it should be moved to another location. Do not wait for the situation to change.

Machine selection

The range of such equipment today is quite large. If necessary, you can purchase an inexpensive unit of domestic or imported production. More expensive models look more massive. Such equipment has an extended menu, which includes not only several varieties of coffee, but also tea. Such models have a striking design that can attract attention. Unicum is a coffee machine that is very popular due to its many features.

In fact, choosing such a technique is not an easy task. But you can deal with it too. First of all, it is recommended to study information about various units. Reviews should be treated with caution, as in some cases they are too laudatory or negative feedback may indicate anti-advertising or promotion. If necessary, you can visit places where coffee machines have already been installed and personally observe how such units work. From those who often use this technique, you can find out if it often breaks down and so on.

What to look out for

What are the best coffee machines to buy? Reviews of such a technique may not always correspond to reality. Therefore, when choosing a unit, you should pay attention to:

  1. Is there a service center in the city for servicing certain coffee machines.
  2. Unit kit. In this case, you should decide in advance whether you need an anti-vandal model that is installed on the street or you need a simple device that will be located indoors.
  3. What are the guarantees: terms, conditions, cost of repairs after the warranty expires.
  4. Price. In this case, we are not talking about the cost of the unit itself, but about its payback. Often more expensive models are more profitable.
  5. How much the model competes in the market. New brands of units can be attractive not only in terms of price, but also in terms of functionality. However, no one can say how proven this technique is.
  6. Maximum load - how many servings the machine gives out without refueling.

Installing coffee machines is a simple matter. The main thing is to correctly draw up all the documents, choose the place and model of the unit itself. Their maintenance is much more difficult.

Maintenance of vending machines

Maintenance of coffee machines can be conditionally divided into several areas:

  1. Technical. Daily check of the operation of the machine itself and its components.
  2. Permanent. Daily withdrawal of money, as well as additional loading of ingredients.

Each service has its own characteristics and nuances that are worth considering.

Easy Maintenance

Simple machine maintenance includes reloading of components. This moment is very important. If the ingredients run out, then it is worth adding new ones. Otherwise, the equipment will bring less profit, or even stand idle.

Do not forget about water. Most coffee machines operate autonomously from a special canister filled with liquid. Some models are provided with a connection to the water supply. However, in the latter case, many problems can be encountered. Firstly, bringing water to the machine is an additional cost. Secondly, if the pipes do not withstand and break through, then the owner of the point can present his claims to you. As a result, there is a risk of losing not only a place, but also money. Therefore, it is much easier to maintain units equipped with a water canister.

In addition, collection is carried out daily - loading and withdrawing coins. Don't hit everything. Lack of coins for change may adversely affect the operation of the machine. In addition, in some models, the bill acceptor stops working.

In addition to the above, simple maintenance also includes washing equipment.

How to wash the unit

How to wash coffee machines? The instruction says that such a procedure should be carried out at least once every 7 days. Otherwise, an unpleasant rotten smell may appear. And this can greatly scare away customers, which, in turn, will affect profits. What is included in the wash?

First of all, the unit must be externally clean. If the buyer spilled coffee or left the used cup on the machine, threw the stirrer into the container dispensing area, this can also push potential clients. Therefore, stains and debris must be removed.

Secondly, cleaning must be carried out inside the machine. To begin with, it is necessary to drain the water from the washing bucket, and also wipe all the elements inside the coffee machine: a drain container, hood openings, mixers, and so on. AT recent times units appeared that have the function of automatic cleaning of the hydraulic system. Such devices are more expensive, but they save time and effort.

If the coffee machine sells a drink prepared on the basis of coffee beans, then it is necessary to change the pomace bag regularly.

Secrets of simple machine maintenance

Coffee vending machines should be washed once a week. In this case, you can follow a few simple secrets:

  1. So that the waste in the washing container does not stick to the walls and does not fade, you can pour a little warm water into it, and then add a few drops detergent. The unpleasant smell will appear much later.
  2. It is always worth having spare parts and tools with you. This list includes: counter wet wipes and water meter, Ulka spare pump. If desired, you can purchase a spare bill acceptor. How much do these spare parts cost? The price is about 1,500 rubles. If you decide to purchase a spare bill acceptor, then this amount increases by another 7,000.


Maintenance must be done every 12 months. In principle, this is the usual decalcification of hydraulics and a boiler. With constant heating of water, pieces of scale can accumulate in the tank, which over time begin to clog the holes through which the liquid enters. In addition, the heating element will no longer receive the necessary cooling and will start to get very hot. In the worst case, a short circuit can occur, causing the control board to burn out. The cost of replacing it is from 30 to 35 thousand.

To detect scale in the boiler, it is necessary to open the tank itself.

How to clean the boiler

Coffee machines can be cleaned with the usual products used for descaling kettles. To do this, you need to download Antinakipin into the apparatus, and then leave it for an hour. After that, it is recommended to do up to 15 washes. Otherwise, Antinakipin will get into customers' coffee. This is the easiest way to solve the problem.

However, it is worth considering that the use of such drugs helps only in 60% of cases. If there is too much scale, then Antinakipin does not help at all.

In more difficult cases, it is necessary to open the container, and then clean out the scale. This method works 100%. However, to carry out such work, you must have certain skills. Of course, almost everyone can open the boiler. But putting it together is much more difficult. In some cases, a consumable kit may be required.

Installation of coffee machines requires careful observance of all rules. Maintenance at the first time is recommended to be entrusted to professionals from the corresponding service. At the same time, the hydraulic system and valves are cleaned, and they will also teach you how to do it correctly.

It is worth noting that, in addition to cleaning the boiler, coffee machines do not require additional service. Other problems can be solved as they arise.

What is fueled by such a technique

Ingredients for coffee machines should be chosen wisely. It is on their quality that the taste of the finished drink depends, as well as its demand. Before concluding an agreement with suppliers, it is worth personally tasting both tea and coffee. Those who have been engaged in vending for a long time do not recommend buying new items or experimental samples. It is best to give preference to those products that are already in circulation.

What ingredients are needed for coffee machines. The list of components includes:

  1. Coffee in different blends. It can be ground or grain.
  2. Various types of tea. It can be fruity, green, black, floral and so on.
  3. Cocoa and hot chocolate.
  4. The water is filtered. In some cases, a mineral may be required.
  5. Granulated or powdered milk. This component is often used to make cocoa or coffee. Some vending machines have a "Hot milk" function.
  6. Granulated or dry cream.

In addition to mixtures and water, it requires periodically filling the machines with disposable containers - cups, as well as stirrers.

Component Features

When choosing ingredients, it is worth considering that products for vending machines are different from those used at home. They are intended only for coffee machines:

  1. Dissolve quickly.
  2. They do not absorb moisture.
  3. Do not accumulate odors from foreign objects.
  4. Stored for a long time.

You should purchase ingredients only from trusted suppliers, and when preparing drinks, follow all the rules and proportions. Only in this case, coffee or tea will be tasty and aromatic.

Expense and income

Now you know what vending is. Coffee machines at right choice components and locations can bring in considerable profits. Of course, initial capital is required to start such a business. And many are interested in how long the device will pay off?

The cost of a coffee machine ranges from 80-350 thousand rubles. It all depends on functionality. Of course, you can buy a used model. In this case, the cost can be from 50 to 60 thousand. However, in this case, there is a risk of regular breakdowns. On average, a reliable coffee machine that does not create any special problems and works properly costs from 140 to 160 thousand rubles. As for the payback, with the right choice of location, the equipment brings an income of 150 thousand rubles within 6 months.

Calculation of income and expenses

Income is easy to calculate. The cost of 1 portion of coffee is from 7 to 15 rubles, and the buyer pays from 25 to 35 rubles. The benefit is obvious. In this case, the income from one glass is from 15 to 20 rubles. During the day, from 50 to 100 servings of coffee are bought. Income per day is 750-2000 rubles, and per month - 22-60 thousand rubles.

As for expenses, they are: rent - 1-15 thousand, electricity - 2.5-6 thousand, maintenance - 1 thousand. All this must be subtracted from income. As a result, profit from one machine can be up to 50 thousand rubles with a good location of the machine. In the worst case, this indicator is zero. That is why many people recommend starting your business with one coffee machine.

Selling services through automated systems called vending. In our country, coffee, snack products, chocolate, carbonated drinks are sold through vending - these products are popular with the population. Coffee drink makers are installed in crowded places, such as supermarkets or business centers, so that employees and customers can have a cup of aromatic coffee at any time.

To sell hardware coffee, you need to purchase or rent a machine. When renting a coffee machine, you will have to comply with the terms of the contract, purchase consumables from a certain manufacturer, the prices for which are often overpriced. If the entrepreneur does not know bandwidth trading place and unsure how the drink will be sold, it is better to rent a device.

Installing your own machine is more cost-effective. You can choose any supplier of goods, refusing to purchase branded coffee, which will reduce the cost of each cup of drink sold. Imported devices purchased in Germany, Spain or Italy are highly reliable, so most entrepreneurs give preference to them. But they have a significant disadvantage - this is a high price, which is prohibitive for start-up entrepreneurs. Therefore, when starting a vending business, businessmen purchase used European devices or analogues from China or Korea.

To attract regular customers, it is important that the machine prepares delicious coffee. The device, placed in a passageway, monthly requires about 20 kg of consumables, 300 liters of water, plastic or paper cups. To attract loyal customers, it is desirable that all ingredients be High Quality and the coffee was brewed with excellent taste characteristics.

Required documents and choice of tax system

If a businessman has purchased one or more coffee machines and is going to service them on his own, it is more profitable to register his activity as an individual entrepreneur. When the business goes uphill and there is a need to hire staff, it is advisable to open a limited liability company.

An entrepreneur who has opened an individual entrepreneur or LLC has several options for choosing a taxation system:

  1. Simplified system: 6% of turnover
  2. Simplified system: 15% income minus expenses
  3. Imputed tax on vending machines

If an entrepreneur cannot confirm his expenses and income (there is no cash register installed on the machine), the choice of the first taxation option is optimal. When it is possible to confirm all expenses and incomes, the second scheme will do. And the choice of an imputed tax will be beneficial only when the company or entrepreneur achieves significant profits or the amount of the imputed tax on the machine turns out to be less than a percentage of turnover.

How to choose a place to install the device?

Places with high traffic and a waiting area that is constantly filled with people are suitable for installing a coffee machine. For example, to install a coffee machine, a railway and bus station, a public transport stop, a car service, a shopping center, a clinic, an institute hall or some kind of administration are suitable.

The shopping center is the perfect place for vending machines

If a passable place is chosen, queues may line up to the device. Under such conditions, it is important that the machine prepares drinks quickly, while maintaining the same taste characteristics of the coffee. In a good location, the machine prepares 80-100 cups of coffee per day, bringing income to the business owner in the amount of 30-50% of the cost of the drink. With low sales volumes, the owner's profit is noticeably lower - 10-20% of the price of a glass of coffee.

To place the machine in the selected room, you must agree with its administration on the lease of 1 meter of space and the protection of the coffee machine.

Maintenance of the coffee machine

To ensure the smooth operation of the coffee machine, it must be filled with coffee raw materials, repaired and withdraw money. At the initial stage of the project, the machine is serviced daily: they check the operation of all mechanisms, the supply of ingredients, and clean it of dust and dirt. Over time, the frequency of visits is reduced to once every two days, and then the consumables are changed once every three days.

On average, a service specialist visits an average of ten points of sale per day, checks the condition of the machine, and collects proceeds in small bills and coins.

Consumable Requirements

In order for the machine to prepare delicious coffee, it is better to purchase high quality ingredients. Even if a glass of drink costs 5-10 rubles more, delicious coffee will attract a significant number of customers.

Consumables that need to be replenished regularly:

  • Various compositions of coffee.
  • Granulated sugar.
  • Dry cream in granules.
  • Water.
  • Plastic or paper cups.
  • Sugar mixers.

Most coffee machines do not need to connect water - it is poured into the machine. It is better to fill in purified water. Some entrepreneurs try to save money by pouring tap water, which greatly spoils the taste of drinks. Consumables are purchased in special stores where they sell raw materials for vending - you cannot pour ordinary coffee into the machine.

How to choose a device?

Experienced businessmen came to the conclusion that for the vending business to be profitable, it is necessary to rent / purchase and maintain at least 5 coffee machines. First, you should rent one device and evaluate its performance. After that, several more coffee machines are installed in passable places, without waiting for the payback of the first machine.

Also, experts do not recommend purchasing used machines for people who do not have experience in their repair and adjustment. New device will be under warranty, and the used coffee machine will have to be repaired on its own. On average, a coffee machine becomes profitable after a year of operation.

Possible risks and business prospects

The first thing a novice entrepreneur should be wary of is property damage by hooligans. To minimize these risks, the devices should be placed inside a protected area. If a decision is made to install an outdoor coffee machine, it can be insured against damage and damage.

The place where the coffee machine is installed may not be crowded enough. If within 2-3 months the device did not become profitable, move it to another place.

It is believed that the coffee machine brings more income, if you install a device selling snack products next to it: chocolate bars, cookies, nuts, sweets. A person will drink coffee, and at the same time have a snack.

Offer customers a large selection of coffee drinks - so everyone can find their favorite

Despite the saturation of the market today in many educational institutions or office premises, coffee machines are not installed. If residents of megacities are accustomed to the presence of such devices in crowded places, residents of the regions have only recently tasted and fell in love with hardware coffee, so regional vending has good potential for development.

Cost calculation and payback forecast

To deal with the cost of placing the device, you need to make calculations. The cost of one new device, depending on the characteristics, ranges from 200–250, used - from 60 to 200, rent of a coffee machine - 1.5–3 thousand rubles. per month. The price of renting a square space in the lobby of an office building or mall from 1 to 10 thousand rubles, the cost of ingredients - 5-10 thousand rubles. If at first you service the device yourself, you can save on the wages of maintenance personnel.

Table: start-up costs

In order for the vending business to bring a stable profit, the following conditions must be met:

  • The cost of 1 coffee drink should not exceed 10–13 rubles.
  • The cost of a finished cup of coffee should be at least 30–40 rubles, i.e., the trade margin for one serving should be 20 rubles or more.
  • It is necessary that at least 20–30 servings of the drink be sold per day, and preferably from 50 pcs.

Based on the given data, the calculation of possible income is carried out. If we take the minimum profitability indicators (20 drinks per day and a price of 30 rubles), the daily revenue should be at least 600 rubles, of which 200 rubles. - only the cost of drinks. Monthly income from one coffee machine should be 30 * 600 = 18 thousand rubles. and more. With small sales volumes, additional costs (rent, raw materials) can be kept at a low level within 10-15 thousand rubles, and already in the first months of installing the device, you can get even a small (3-8 thousand rubles), but stable profit .

Table: pros and cons of organizing a vending business in Moscow and the regions

Moscow, Saint Petersburg Regions
  • Lots of crowded places;
  • The popularity of coffee machines among residents;
  • High salaries, high demand for coffee;
  • Large trade margin;
  • Many organizations selling and servicing coffee machines;
  • Easy to buy consumables.
  • Growing popularity of coffee machines;
  • Cheap rent;
  • Low competition;
  • Few coffee machines, great potential for business development.
  • Expensive rent;
  • High level of competition;
  • Risks of raider seizures.
  • Small salaries, demand for coffee is lower than in megacities;
  • Lack of points of sale of coffee machines, service;
  • Nowhere to buy consumables;
  • A small trade margin at the same cost price.

Against the backdrop of another wave economic crisis the government once again thought about preferences that would attract the maximum number of people to a small and medium business. They are guaranteed numerous advantages in matters of its organization and conduct. It remains only to consider those types of entrepreneurship that will be equally successful if the promised benefits are actually provided, and in a situation where real assistance is not so significant. Many market analysts for sole proprietorships, sole proprietorships and joint ventures recommend paying attention to the vending business, which has been constantly gaining popularity in recent years, regardless of external macroeconomic and microeconomic factors.

Types of vending business and its popularity

A feature of this form of business is the ability to minimize the cost of maintaining staff and renting premises. Most likely, everyone remembers the very first samples of this production - vending machines for soda water, metro tokens, railway tickets, which appeared back in the 70-80s of the twentieth century. Moreover, the first automatic devices ready to sell various goods appeared more than a thousand years ago in China. A prototype vending equipment found by archaeologists sold pencils. Waves of vending development were noted at the end of the 19th century - in the 20s and 30s, such devices offered cigarettes and matches to buyers on the streets of Moscow and other Russian cities.

Modern technologies have made it possible to make such equipment more perfect and outwardly spectacular. Today, such equipment allows us to offer customers a wide variety of products. They can be both packaged and draft. general principle it becomes possible to get a solid profit from the use of the device installed in a high traffic area. Moreover, this profit actually goes to the owner of the vending machine alone. After all, its purchase fits into the budget indicators, the installation requires a minimum area, the device works independently without the participation of an additional hired seller.

How to start a vending business?

Only at first glance it may seem that in order to start a vending business and receive from it stable income You don't need to make any effort at all. This option of small or individual entrepreneurship is actually quite accessible and simple in terms of order of conduct, but it will still require certain financial investments and market risk assessment.

So, how to open a vending business? The first step for each future recipient of profit from the use of an automated trading device is a clear assessment of the potential demand for its offer to buyers. The assessment will require understanding where the machine can be installed, what is the social and demographic spectrum of consumers of its services.

At the moment, there is equipment on the market that is ready to provide services to consumers, offer industrial goods and food products. From the point of view of making a profit, it is food that is in stable demand from any buyer. Moreover, and here there are directions-leaders.

The maximum profitability indicators are shown by equipment offering hot and cold drinks. Given the obvious seasonality of the offer, soft drinks are most in demand during the hot season, which in our latitudes rarely lasts longer than three or four months. But it can be difficult to refuse a cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate in any weather.

How to open your vending coffee machine?

Regardless of the choice, the next step is to evaluate potential locations for the proposed equipment. And in order to install a coffee machine, you will need to register as individual entrepreneur representative of a small or medium business.

The simplest option is registration or PBOYuL, depending on the experience of the activity and the intended use of a convenient taxation system.

By switching to the “simplified” system (USN), it will only be possible to sell bags, chewing gum or chocolate bars.

Why do experts recommend choosing coffee vending equipment to start a business?

Equipment for vending service appeared on the market as a convenient and inexpensive alternative to going to a cafe. And today, this purchase option is most convenient for those who are not ready to set aside time in their busy schedule for a long trip, even to a restaurant. fast food. It is also convenient to combine a light snack and a sip of an invigorating drink with the performance of the usual activities.

The experience of using vending machines has shown that it is coffee that is most in demand in such a situation. It is not such a simple and familiar drink as, for example, tea. Carbonated drinks are unhealthy, and hot chocolate often finds its admirers among children and visitors to women's cafes. However, in pleasant cafeterias for the fair sex, hot chocolate is usually brought by waiters, and its connoisseurs choose to relax at a table or bar counter.

Coffee brings almost everyone together. Such a vending machine is equally popular in the office, shopping center and just on the street next to the subway or train station. Given the variety of drinks that can be prepared by a coffee machine without the participation of a barista, it makes it possible to get a pleasant moment of relaxation during a working day or a trip.

Where to put the coffee machine?

However, the success of the future enterprise depends not only on the choice of drink or food and the choice of a vending machine that is ready to provide both. It is worth immediately understanding where such a compact “point Catering» convenient and appropriate to place. It becomes a win-win in a situation where the device was able to be put in office center. Moreover, not only in the dining room or dining room, but simply next to the offices of office workers. In such a situation, the employees themselves will gladly use its services, who will definitely prefer the possibility of using the device to simply throwing a spoonful of instant coffee into their cup.

In the meeting room of the office, this equipment will defuse the most difficult negotiations, and in the reception area or next to it, visitors to the management will pass the hours of waiting.

An appropriate option for placing a vending machine for making instant or natural coffee is generally waiting areas. Today, such equipment can often be seen at airports, railway and bus stations. Ease of use and financial affordability ensures a constant flow of people who want to diversify the waiting time for departure or arrival with a cup of coffee. It is convenient to place vending machines here, ready not only to offer coffee, but also to provide an opportunity to buy already packaged goods. Today, the choice of such machines is large and diverse - from options that provide the opportunity to buy a pack of gum and a chocolate bar, to equipment that is ready to send a warmed sandwich, a package of salad or even soup in a plastic container to the receiving box.

Is the vending business profitable in the cinema, in the hall where the slot machines are located, in the shopping center? Undoubtedly. Coffee machines are increasingly preferred to be placed in waiting rooms financial institutions, at the post office. What all these placements have in common is a large flow of people passing by or, even better, waiting.

It is important that the machine is located indoors, since such equipment is ready to work successfully only at temperatures from -4 to +40 degrees Celsius.

Installation of the coffee machine and its maintenance

Installation of the coffee machine does not require special skills. Requires only a dedicated flat area and the ability to connect to the mains. In the future, such a device is ready to work independently.

The involvement of a specialist will be required only at the time of assessing the successful operation of the coin acceptor and bill acceptor. It is precisely how successfully they operate and how well the relationship with sending the amount of funds to the receiver and receiving finished products becomes a guarantee of a stable profit.

It is advisable to refuel the devices and extract the funds received daily monitoring the quality and condition of the products in the machine. Today, as an additional service, many owners of vending systems install readers that allow them to pay for food received using bank cards.

How many vending machines are convenient for running a vending business?

The first estimates of the prospects for using a different number of devices can be made already at the stage of choosing their location. In this situation, the flow of potential buyers and the readiness of the future "king" of vending to work with several types of products or goods are calculated.

At first, experts recommend limiting yourself to installing one vending machine or a maximum of two. This is equally applicable to those entrepreneurs who are just starting out. own business in this area, and to those who are trying to develop new territory.

Experts recommend not to take into account the profit of the coffee machine for the first two months when evaluating the further expansion of the business. It is either excessively high (due to a new offer to customers), or vice versa is small, since the client is not yet used to a new type of service.

On average, with a correctly chosen placement strategy and type of product, the payback of a coffee machine is from 1 to 2 years.

How can placed vending coffee machines work?

Most vending coffee machines are quite large. The height of each type of equipment is comparable to the average height of a person. It is based on user experience. After all, it is more convenient for the buyer to pick up the purchased drink without bending down or bouncing. It is for this reason that the window in which the purchased drink is displayed is located approximately one and a half meters from the floor surface.

The outer bar of the machine is equipped with buttons that allow you to select up to 13 types of coffee. Milk can be immediately included in the composition of the preparation for the drink or poured additionally from a separate tank. Depending on this, the coffee machine can be programmed to produce a variety of coffee options. For ease of use, the equipment is equipped with coin acceptors, bill acceptors and devices that read the amount from a bank card.

Profitability of coffee machines

The multifactorial nature of the components of the potential success of such a business includes a large list of parameters. To compare them exactly will allow or personal experience, or marketing research. But a minimal idea of ​​potential profit can be obtained on the basis of the simplest financial calculations.

An average vending machine of this type costs its owner from 1,500 to 5,000 US dollars. The variability of the cost provides both the complexity of the model and the possibility of choosing used equipment.

The purchase of coffee for one medium-capacity machine will require from 150 to 200 dollars per month.

Approximately the same amount will be required to buy tea, hot chocolate.

The average portion of coffee in such a machine costs the buyer from 10 rubles. On average, the machine produces from 40 to 120 cups of plain coffee per day. Even such minimum indicators guarantee the owner a monthly profit of at least 12,000 rubles. Even such modest results, plus the amounts received from the sale of portions of coffee with additives, food products, will increase this amount to 20,000 per month.

Excluding from such profit the cost of servicing the coffee machine (no more than 2,000 rubles per month) and the purchase of ingredients (from 4,000 rubles per month), the net profit for each machine per month will be at least 5,000 - 6,000 rubles.

Protection against vandals and hooligans

Specialists of the vending market point out that the most serious cause of damage can be a breakdown of the machine due to the actions of hooligans.

To exclude this possibility, it is important to pay attention to the placement of equipment in a crowded place, preferably in places where it is located in the field of view of representatives of security services, as well as to carefully monitor the availability of everything declared in the assortment and the serviceability of coin and banknote acceptors. Failure to do so may result in a deliberate attempt to damage the equipment. Most modern equipment options are equipped with anti-vandal protection.

Today, the vending business is just beginning to develop in our country, although all over the world it has long become a prominent player in the market for obtaining pleasant and simple profits. This, together with the relative cheapness of equipment and components for providing work, becomes a good reason for using this type of activity as a good option for obtaining an almost guaranteed income.

Coffee has long been one of the most beloved drinks for many. With a morning cup of a fragrant drink, it is easier to wake up and get involved in the normal rhythm of life, during a break at work, meeting with friends, discussing important issues, we drink coffee. And when you can’t enjoy your favorite taste in a cafe or at home, the already familiar coffee vending machines come to the rescue - on the street, in the office, in the shopping center. And there are a lot of people who want to stop, pause in a busy day and drink their favorite drink, and therefore these products are always in demand. Thus, the coffee machine business can be very profitable, if, of course, everything is correctly calculated and organized.

Vending: advantages and disadvantages

Vending is a business that is based on the sale of a variety of goods using vending machines. And it has its undeniable advantages.

Quite small trading area: to install a coffee machine, 1 sq. meters. Some of them, quite large, may require an area of ​​​​1.5-2 square meters. meters, but this is quite a bit. Of course, the machine needs free space nearby: people should be able to freely approach it, 2–3 people should be accommodated near the machine without any problems.

Low rent: This follows naturally from the first point. To rent square meter area is possible even for little money (500-1000 rubles - a very real price). However, the price depends on the location, it can be much more.

No need to hire staff, register employees for work, pay them a salary. Of course, it is necessary to service the machines, but the presence of a person is required no more than once every 2-3 days.

It is coffee machines that are considered the most cost-effective among all others. They require less maintenance (one machine can “charge” up to 300 servings of coffee with the necessary ingredients), and coffee margins are very high. At a cost of 7-15 rubles, a portion of coffee at the exit can cost 25-35. That is why coffee machines, according to experts, make up about 70% of the entire vending business.

If we talk about the disadvantages of this business, the main one is high competition. Finding a good, profitable place for a slot machine is now quite difficult, but possible.

In addition, there are also certain risks, for example, vandals can damage the coffee machine. To avoid this, you should install machines only in protected areas. If you decide to put it on the street, you should choose a place near the security cameras.

Where is the best place to install a coffee machine

To begin new business it's better with the choice of location. There is hardly anything more important. If you manage to find a good place where coffee will be in great demand, in the future it will be only possible to load ingredients on time and get money.

Successful places for placing coffee machines are traditionally considered:

  • railway stations, bus stations and bus stations;
  • airports;
  • polyclinics
  • government agencies and any other organizations where people spend a long time waiting: social services, tax office, departments of city administration;
  • banks;
  • educational institutions;
  • cinemas, parks and other places of entertainment;
  • shopping centers, markets and shops;
  • office and business centers.

Of course, most of these places may already have coffee machines. But this is no reason to despair. You can try to find another place, not worse, or not be afraid of competition with existing devices. Here you can experiment: if after installing the machine you do not receive the profit that you expected, it is never too late to change its location: it is hardly worth counting on the situation to change on its own.

When compiling a business plan, one should not lose sight of the fact that the cost of renting a place for a coffee machine can be different. The most expensive places are airports, railway stations, large shopping and business centers, banks. In markets, shops, educational institutions and clinics, prices can be significantly lower.

In some cases, it may be more profitable to pay not a fixed rental price, but a certain percentage of sales. This is true for those who have just installed the machine and cannot yet know exactly what income they can count on. If the owner of the premises is ready to meet halfway - you can agree on this with him.

Choice of coffee machine

Today, the market for coffee machines is vast and diverse: there are plenty to choose from. You can purchase a modest, reliable and inexpensive model of imported or domestic production. “Advanced” expensive devices are no less popular: more massive, with a bright design and an extended menu, which includes the most different types coffee Tea.

If we add to this the abundance of brands and manufacturers, it becomes clear: choosing a coffee machine is not an easy task. But doable.

You can study reviews on the Internet, you just need to be careful about them: if somewhere they only praise or only scold a certain model or manufacturer, it should be assumed that this is part of an advertising or anti-advertising campaign. You can conduct your own monitoring: walk around the places with coffee machines, personally see how the machines work, ask the regulars (if the machine is in the building of a university or institution, this is possible), whether it breaks often.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing:

  • Do you have a service center of a manufacturer you like in your city?
  • What is the equipment of the machine: do you need an anti-vandal model for the street, or the machine will be installed in office space where there is security.
  • Warranty: conditions, terms, as well as the cost of post-warranty service.
  • The cost of the machine itself is also an important factor. However, it is not the cost itself that is more important here, but the payback: very often the more expensive option turns out to be more profitable.
  • How long has the model been on the market? New models are attractive in terms of price and features, but it is also important how they are tested.
  • The maximum load of the machine: how many servings of the drink it can dispense without "refilling".

Machine maintenance

You can do the maintenance yourself, or you can hire an employee for this - it depends on the availability of free time and the number of machines themselves: one person can handle the maintenance of 10 coffee machines during the day. Adding ingredients is required every 3 days, so it is not difficult to calculate that one worker can cope with maintaining 30 machines in working order.

The unit must not only be “refueled” on time, but also kept clean so that it looks attractive to buyers and lasts as long as possible.

Troubleshooting and breakdowns, alas, also happen. And this is fraught not only with lost profits, but also with expenses - for repairs. As a rule, repairs are carried out by specialists of the supplier company. That is why it is better to give preference to a new machine: they have a guarantee (usually 3 years), and they break much less often.

What do coffee machines run

To make coffee tasty, and therefore in demand, you need to purchase high quality ingredients, this is obvious. Before entering into contracts with suppliers, it makes sense to personally test. Those who have been working in this area for a long time recommend giving preference not to experimental samples and new products, but to those that are already in work.

For filling coffee machines use:

  • coffee (in beans or ground) in different mixtures;
  • tea (black, green, fruit - there can be many options);
  • hot chocolate, cocoa;
  • filtered water;
  • powdered or granulated milk (can be used as an additive to coffee and cocoa, and hot milk is included in the menu of some models as a separate drink);
  • dry or granulated cream;
  • disposable cups and stirrers.

Fillers for machines differ significantly from those ingredients from which ordinary coffee is prepared. They are designed specifically for automatic preparation: they can be stored for a long time without sticking together and without caking; do not accumulate foreign odors; do not absorb moisture; dissolve quickly. To achieve this, coffee is roasted in a certain way.

It is better to purchase ingredients from trusted manufacturers, follow the recommended dosages when preparing - then the coffee in your machines will be really tasty.

Company registration

To start a business on coffee machines, enough. When choosing a taxation system for this activity, it is worth giving preference to or.

You do not need a license, permissions from any authorities are also not needed. You just have to take care of quality certificates for fillers: they will need to be taken from the supplier.

Another document that you will need to prepare is a lease agreement with the owner of the premises in which you will install the machine.

Expenses and income

The first question asked future entrepreneur how much does a coffee machine cost. The variety of offers on the market suggests that the price range is quite large: from 80 to 350 thousand rubles, however, a used machine can be bought for 50-60 thousand, but, as already mentioned, in this case, unforeseen repair costs are possible in the future.

On average, a high-quality device with a large selection of drinks that will work properly without creating problems for its owner costs about 140-160 thousand.

Such a machine pays off in about six months. This means that in 6 months it can bring a profit of about 150 thousand. However, this figure can be much higher or lower.

Calculate costs and profits

  • the cost of a serving of coffee is 7–15 rubles;
  • the cost of a portion for the buyer is 25–35 rubles;
  • income from the sale of one portion on average 15–20 rubles;
  • the number of servings per day is 50-100.

Thus, income can range from 750 to 2,000 rubles. Per month - from 22 to 60 thousand rubles.

Now let's move on to expenses:

  • rent can cost from one to 15 thousand rubles;
  • payment for electricity - 2.5-6 thousand;
  • service - from 1000 rubles per month.

As you can see, the profit from the enterprise can be 20-50 thousand rubles a month. Moreover, the upper bar is achieved under the condition of a successful location of the machine and a not too high rental cost. Getting 20 thousand monthly is not at all necessary: ​​under adverse circumstances, the profit can be zero.

Another important question how many coffee machines to buy. Here the main factors are your financial capabilities and the availability of good places to install the devices. Experts recommend starting with one or two, so that at first you can figure out how it works, evaluate the ratio of income and expenses, and then, if necessary, expand the business.