What professions are needed at a metallurgical plant. Demanded professions

First profession metallurgist originated in the Balkans about 6 thousand years ago. Since then, smelting has spread all over the world.

The history of the development of the profession of metallurgist

It all started with non-ferrous metals (bronze and copper), and later they began to extract iron. The tribes that were able to master the new processing process had a significant advantage over those who did not master this craft. Warriors who fought with metal weapons in their hands won a clear victory, even with superior numbers of the opponent. Further, metallurgy received its development in new territories, improving every year and engaging in the production of new metals, the most valuable material for the national economy.

Metallurgical production is a new step in the development of mankind. A metallurgist is a worker who produces metal from rocks that is used in various fields. In the country's economy, metallurgists represent the most an important profession. Without them, it is impossible to ensure the activities of enterprises, as light industry, and hard and our ordinary life in general. Consequently, metallurgists are involved in the creation of almost all material goods (utensils, tools, transport, various mechanisms, building structures). The metallurgical industry is divided into non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, which is engaged in mining and enrichment iron ore and the production of iron, steel, cast iron and other alloys.

The profession of a metallurgist is a consistently demanded and highly paid specialty, which speaks of its pluses. Cons of the profession - enough difficult conditions work (huge containers with hot metal, noise, heat, heavy odors) and high physical exertion.

Qualities required for the profession of a metallurgist

For successful work A qualified person must have the following qualities:
- capacity for work and desire to work in very difficult conditions,
- high physical fitness, good health, instant reaction, memory for movements of any complexity, a sense of balance,
- thoughtfulness of any action and the ability to quickly make adequate decisions,
- patience, endurance, determination, discipline, willpower, a high level of responsibility,
- accuracy, because he works with hot metal, attentiveness.

Since this is a difficult test for the human body, this profession is for courageous people with a strong spirit, who do not run away from difficulties and achieve their goal.




The profession of a metallurgist is very difficult, so women do not stand by the open-hearth. Work requires very good health and physical strength. It is not for nothing that those who have worked in this specialty retire earlier and have benefits.

Metallurgical engineer- A specialist in metal fabrication technology. He can work both in production and in the design department. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics and mathematics (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

How to get metal from ore, how to create an alloy with certain properties, which method to choose, smelting temperature, chemical composition, etc. - these are just some of the issues that fall within the competence of a metallurgical engineer. At the next stage of production - casting or stamping of metal products, applying metal coatings, welding metal elements, etc.

The metallurgical engineer is responsible for organizing and conducting the technological process. He is also working to improve the technology. On the one hand, any industrial company seeks to reduce the cost manufacturing process, reduce energy costs - in other words, strives for resource-saving technologies. On the other hand, as a result of improvements, neither the quality, nor the range of products, nor the ecological situation around the enterprise should suffer. The metallurgical engineer is working on solving these problems, and this requires additional research and experiments. The search for new engineering solutions is not only about logistics, sequence of actions or chemical composition metals. The development of new units for the smelting and processing of metals is carried out by machine builders specializing in equipment for metallurgy. However, the process engineer of metallurgy participates in the development, formulates technical requirements, conducts prototype testing, etc.

Metallurgy as an industry is divided into ferrous metallurgy and non-ferrous. Ferrous metallurgy is the extraction and enrichment of iron ore, as well as the production of iron and its alloys (steel, cast iron, etc.). The rest of the metals are considered non-ferrous. Metal production involves smelting (pyrometallurgy) or obtaining metals from ores in chemical solutions (hydrometallurgy).

Work at a metallurgical enterprise is not for lovers of office silence. The noise and heat of molten metal are the two main troubles of metallurgical production. A process engineer often visits the workshop, observes the process of extracting metal from ore, participates in experimental smelting, monitors the operation of steel-smelting furnaces, rolling mills, etc. The engineer is also responsible for the safety of work in the shop.

Usually a career young specialist starts as a junior technologist or technician, and he is engaged in some specific type of production. As a rule, a qualified experienced metallurgical engineer can expect a high salary. In addition, successful companies provide their employees with a good social package.


A metallurgical engineer can work in production, as well as a design / scientific metallurgical plant.


Salary as of 01.08.2019

Russia 35000—100000 ₽

Important qualities

The profession of a metallurgical engineer implies an interest in technology, good intelligence, good memory, attentiveness, physical endurance, responsibility, and organizational skills. Medical contraindications are significant vision problems, diseases of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, central nervous system associated with dizziness or risk of loss of consciousness.

Knowledge and skills

A metallurgical engineer must know the technology for the production and processing of ferrous or non-ferrous metals - depending on the specialization.

Knowledge in the field of physics, chemistry, materials science, environmental protection is required.

Steelworker ... Spelling Dictionary

STALEVAR, steelmaker, husband. (specialist.). Skilled worker in the steel industry. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Exist., Number of synonyms: 6 converter (4) people of the fiery profession (3) metallurgist ... Synonym dictionary

steelmaker- noun Fast. eg: nav.; shower; concr.; m. r.; 2 fold. LZ Steel smelting worker. Word-building analysis, Morphemic analysis: To enlarge, click on the picture eg: unit num.; Them. n. The basis of the word form: steelmaker The basis ... ... Morphemic derivational dictionary

steelmaker- STALEVAR, a, m A worker involved in steel smelting. The steelmaker finished melting it was a hard tool steel containing tungsten and cobalt ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

M. The one who is engaged in steelmaking. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

Steelworker, steelworkers, steelworker, steelworkers, steelworker, steelworkers, steelworker, steelworkers, steelworker, steelworkers, steelworkers, steelworkers (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

steelmaker- steel ar, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

steelmaker- (2 m); pl. steel / ry, R. steel / ditch ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

steelmaker- steel / r, and ... merged. Separately. Through a hyphen.


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Metal in most cases is either durable or expensive and difficult to process. Working with him requires knowledge, skills, qualifications and responsibility. That is why the professions associated with metal are respected, therefore these professions are in demand in the labor market.

If you stretch your imagination, then the connection with metal can be found in any profession. Even an announcer can read an important message with notes of metal in his voice. But we will consider only professions that are directly related to this substance.

It would be interesting to go through the chain - from obtaining metal to the production of finished products from it.

The difficulty lies in the fact that different metals are "born" in different ways. Some lie deep in the ground in the form of polymetallic ores, such as gold, and then it is mined by miners, the deposits of others come to the surface and are mined. open way.

Let's skip several stages associated with the extraction of ores, enrichment, chemical or mechanical separation of the charge suitable for smelting.

Let's start with professions of a metallurgist – very difficult and very honorable. Difficult because you have to deal with huge volumes of metal, huge equipment that operates in a continuous mode and consumes a huge amount of energy.

Metallurgy is a very broad concept. It includes all professions related to the enrichment of ore and the smelting of pure metal.

Steelworker in a steel-smelting or copper-smelting industry or a galvanizer leading the electrolysis of molten salt - metallurgists.

A metallurgist needs to thoroughly know all the details of the process, have vast experience and a keen eye in order to catch the moment when the welded metal acquires the optimal composition. It is important not to miss this point, otherwise the value of melting and the grade of the resulting metal are reduced, material resources and the efforts of large teams are wasted in vain.

Melting and pouring metal into molds is only the beginning of the path to obtaining a finished metal product.

The metal enters the processing industry in the form of ingots, sheets, bars or profiles of various sections. There, people who perform work related to metal processing deal with him.

Rolled products are obtained at special rolling mills, where billets pass through a large number of rotating shafts, gradually acquiring a section of the desired shape and size. Distinguish between hot and cold rolling. And the profession of people involved in the production of rolled products is called accordingly - distributor .

Not all smelted metal ends up in the harsh embrace of rolling mills. The part in the form of ingots is intended for alloy smelting. For their smelting in a furnace, various metals and other additives are laid in the required weight proportions, which, after smelting, form one or another alloy.

It is time to emphasize that a metallurgist is not only a worker at the furnace, often a scientist, leading research work in order to obtain alloys with predetermined properties, or a scientist who seeks to develop a new, less expensive process for obtaining metal.

Another way for metal ingots is to enter the furnace caster . It is also a very difficult job. In short, the caster must prepare the mould, melt the alloy and, when the desired temperature is reached, pour it into the mould. You can fill in the metal with a manual ladle (a kind of ladle) or a large mechanized ladle. Over time, the melt will cool down and become strong. The form is opened (or broken, if it is one-time) and a part is obtained suitable for further processing. In some cases, an almost finished part is obtained.

It's simple, you say. One could agree, but there are a lot of factors affecting the quality of the casting. The temperature and humidity in the room, the quality of the mixture prepared for melting, the temperature of the alloy, the quality of the lubricant for the mold, the pouring speed and other "little things" affect the quality of the casting.

The metallurgists include welder . People in this profession can so concentrate the power of an electric arc, the heat of a gas or plasma torch flame, and in recent times and focus the laser radiation, which in right place local melting of the docked parts begins and their connection into an integral structure. It's also not easy, very the right profession.

The construction of openwork structures from a profile, the welding of containers from metal sheets, thousands of kilometers of pipelines and much more are impossible without a welder.

The number of methods of influencing metal in order to obtain parts and structures of a given shape and given dimensions is constantly growing.

Processing by cutting off an unnecessary mass of metal - the so-called cutting is carried out by workers in the following professions:

  • turners on lathes , including on machines with numerical program management;
  • millers on the milling machines different types, including on machining centers controlled by software;
  • locksmiths on drilling machines when drilling holes;
  • grinders on flat and circular grinding machines;
  • toolmakers (an outstanding category of specialists leading the pursuit of micron precision parts). In their work, they often use non-standard devices, techniques, tools. Relatives of the famous Lefty;
  • boring machines on jig boring machines receive calibrated holes in the details in the right places.

Prefer pressure treatment blacksmiths, stampers . Drawing, die-cutting, hot reshaping, and, as a result, products artistic forging- this is roughly the outlined area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir activity.

Relatively new directions - cutting with a laser and plasma on special machines working according to the program. It turns out that even programmer profession associated with metal.

It is not enough to make a part or weld a structure. Often the properties of the metal are very sensitive to what the cooling mode was after melting, whether quenching (or tempering) was carried out at a certain temperature in a certain environment.

Thermist - here is a person who can make a cutting tool from a soft workpiece. He will not allow the appearance of cracks in the parts after casting.

Many details even normal conditions eaten away by corrosion. Protect the metal surface electroplater, by electrochemically applying a layer of another metal to the surface of the part.

It would be worth mentioning people who test metal in laboratories, carry out chemical express analysis during technological processes, and explore new deposits, but the volume of the article forces us to stop listing professions. A complete list is impossible in principle, since this list is constantly updated.

Perhaps you will be interested.

Steel smelting is the second stage in the production of ferrous metallurgy. It is preceded by iron smelting in. (cm. )

Full-cycle metallurgical plants have their own blast furnace shop. In this case, iron is supplied to steelmakers directly in liquid form. If it is brought from afar, it is cast into so-called ingots, which are then also sent for remelting.

Steel differs from cast iron in that it contains less carbon, silicon and other impurities. This is what gives steel strength, elasticity, and other valuable qualities. The essence of steel smelting is to turn excess elements into slag.

A steelmaker can work on various steelmaking furnaces: oxygen converter, electric steelmaking, vacuum or open-hearth furnace - these are the most common technologies today. True, open-hearth furnaces are gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Cast iron smelted in different blast furnaces may vary slightly in composition. First, the molten metal is mixed in a special mixer car on the way to the steel shop. A sample is taken from the mixed cast iron for express analysis. This is done using a special device on a long handle, resembling a ladle.

On the modern production Spectrometers help to analyze the metal: they determine the composition by analyzing the optical waves emitted by the metal. The results are displayed on monitors.

The steelmaker directs the smelting process, a team of henchmen is subordinate to him. (Steelmaker's assistant - a position with which you can start your professional path in metallurgy.)

For example, a steelmaker of a converter monitors the readings of measuring instruments and decides which additives, additives and how much to use. He also monitors the heating of the converter, regulates the supply of air, oxygen, etc.

In the oxygen-converter process, in addition to liquid iron, steel scrap is used. Directly steel smelting begins with the loading of scrap. Then liquid iron is poured and oxygen is purged. Additives are also added that give rise to a chemical reaction that forms slag. The smelted metal is analyzed again (a sample is taken and sent to the laboratory).

When the analysis shows that the steel is ready, it is poured into a ladle and sent to the next shop for casting and making steel billets, and the converter is prepared for the next melt.

Monitors cannot replace the Live View Wizard. He can tell a lot by how the sample cools down, how it looks at a break, and already by how the steel boils in the bath. In addition, a team of steelmakers has to monitor the condition of the melting units themselves, baths, equipment. For example, it is very important that the inner lining of the furnace (lining) is intact.

Therefore, the steelmaker and his team work directly next to the converter. And this is real hell! Even tens of meters from the furnace, the temperature reaches 50-60 o C.

To protect themselves from overheating, steelworkers wear protective jackets and hats, which, however, also do not withstand and burn out over time. Once every six months, or even more often, they have to be changed. Special goggles with filters protect steelworkers' eyes from the bright glow of boiling metal.

To stay hydrated in this heat, you have to drink plenty of water. In addition, the workshop is always noisy from the continuously working equipment.

These are extreme working conditions, which, however, some even like. The ability to personally handle hot metal outweighs these inconveniences. In addition, on modern enterprises for employees of hot shops create conditions for good rest: GYM's, saunas, etc. In addition, steelworkers, like other workers in hot shops, are entitled to an early pension.


A steelmaker works in the steel shop of a metallurgical plant.

Important qualities

The profession of a steelmaker implies responsibility, organization, the ability to concentrate and distribute attention, leadership skills, physical endurance.

Metallurgy technologies are constantly evolving, so it is important that the steelmaker is ready to learn new things in his work.

Knowledge and skills

The steelmaker must know technological process steelmaking, construction and operation of a steel-smelting furnace, physical properties and composition of iron and steel, composition of additional materials and rules for their use, fundamentals of electrical engineering. Know how to use the equipment.

It is very important to know the safety precautions in the hot shop and be able to provide first aid.


Salary as of 01.08.2019

Russia 15000—35000 ₽

Moscow 33500—38000 ₽

steelworker training

The profession of a steelworker can be obtained at a college that trains personnel for metallurgy. To master the initial stage in the profession and become an assistant to a steelworker, it is enough to complete courses that last several months.