What is the difference between service marketing and product marketing. "Management and Optimization of a Manufacturing Enterprise Marketing Products

Marketing development of products.

A manufacturing company cannot stand still. The market is developing, demand is changing, technologies are improving. And now you already understand that old products must either be discontinued or modified in accordance with the changing needs of the market.
The appearance of a new product in production is preceded by a huge purposeful work of the marketing service at your enterprise. The viability of a new product, its ability to penetrate the markets and into the everyday life of consumers, and, consequently, the image and financial results your business.

What is the specificity of marketing in a manufacturing enterprise?

Marketing in an enterprise is a process of coordination production possibilities company and consumer needs. The result of this process is the provision of goods to consumers that satisfy their needs, and the production company receives the profit necessary for its existence.

Is it necessary to develop new products if our products are already in demand?

Unfortunately, the leaders of many manufacturing enterprises do not always realize the need for constant marketing development of a new product range. As a result, there is often a discrepancy between what the firm actually produces and what customers demand of it. And the start of work on a new product "after" can be a rather risky task, and in conditions of time pressure it is not always possible to solve it. the best way. Therefore success manufacturing business largely depends on the timeliness of making changes to existing products, or introducing new types of products into production. And here much depends on the effectiveness of your marketing service.

What tasks are solved in the process of marketing product development?

In the process of production marketing of a product, the nature, state and dynamics of relations in the market environment between the three main market entities - the manufacturer, consumer and competitors are studied:

Before planning a new product, you should obtain the following information from marketing:

  • about the markets constituent elements, state and development trends;
  • about competitors, their potential and development plans;
  • about consumers, their requirements for products and purchasing power.

The collection of this information, its processing and intended use constitute the content of the marketing development of the product.

What information do we need to collect?

From the point of view of assessing the possibilities for further promotion of the created product, its future Consumer is characterized by:

  • type (individual consumer, manufacturer using the product for own production, intermediaries, authorities state power or non-profit organizations).
  • the composition of needs (mass distribution, temporary and seasonal parameters of consumption, etc.)
  • behavior pattern (motivational and incentive factors, purchasing power, the impact of the price level on consumer demand).

In the process of studying competitors, you need to collect the following information:

  • Composition of competing products
  • Main technical and economic parameters of competing products
  • Forms of behavior of competitors in the market

For you, the number of competitors, the technical level of their products, the volume of supplies compared to demand and the nature of the pricing policy are of great importance. In the process marketing research product You must have a complete understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the product being created and the possible methods of its promotion to the market.

And finally, you, as a manufacturer, must have comprehensive information about your own scientific, technical and production potential, development forecast production facilities, technical and economic parameters of the product being developed, the timing of the design and production of a new product and the estimated duration of its life cycle.

How is a new manufacturing product marketed?

Marketing development new product is a complex process that includes a number of relatively independent analytical developments based on the use of a variety of information:

Let's look at some of the steps in more detail.

What is consumer analysis?

An innovative idea for a new product should be studied primarily from the point of view of usefulness to the consumer or the possibility of satisfying an existing need.

Consumer analysis involves determining the place of a new product in the consumer's value system and assessing the degree of satisfaction of this need at the time the product appears. Most often, this analysis uses the segmentation method (see below): dividing the market into clear groups of buyers (market segments) that may require different products and for which different efforts must be made. As a result of consumer analysis, a small or medium-sized enterprise should answer the question: “What products for which customers?” Take into account the quantity and time parameters of the product need, related needs and need after-sales service buyer.

What does competitor analysis mean?

Analysis of competitors and the state of competition in the market allows the company to form the level of requirements for a new product and take them into account in the development process. Product competition assessment includes two steps:

  • collection and study of information about competing firms;
  • comparative analysis of the competitive level of an innovative product.

When studying competitors, evaluate not only their number, the extent of their presence in potential markets and the quality of their products, but also the potential for development by the time an innovative product appears. An analysis of the competitive level of an innovative product should be carried out not only with respect to goods already existing on the market, but also taking into account scientific and technical forecasts of changes in the product over the period of its design and production.

What should you pay attention to when evaluating the concept of a new product?

Coming up with a new product idea is the hardest part of marketing, but there are many other factors to consider when deciding to launch a new product. Here is some of them:

Is there a need for new products? What requests are expected?
  • What are the special features or factors that make your new product unique?
  • What are the quantitative requirements in this market segment? What is the range of products manufactured by competitors? Is it a branded product or not?
  • Is it consistent New Product with your existing range? Will it require new equipment to produce it? Do you have enough resources to acquire it?
  • What about the cost of launching a new product? Will it make a profit?
  • Does the company have the necessary know-how, material and human resources to produce a new product?
  • What services will be offered with the new product? What kinds of packaging? Why?
  • What quality, required in this market segment, is your new products? Does this product match the image of your company?
  • What should be the shelf life of the product? What guarantees are offered for quality and/or shelf life?
  • What life expectancy do you expect from new products?

What is the procedure for segmentation and selection of target markets?

Target market segmentation is the process of dividing potential consumers product into homogeneous demand groups. The segmentation process is like cutting a large round pie into pieces of various sizes. When conducting segmentation, the enterprise must determine exactly what needs to be analyzed. The identified segment (the target market for a given product) is the basic unit of work for the marketing division of an enterprise.

The choice of segmentation features is of fundamental importance. As such, you can use:

  • economic factors (level of income, ability to obtain loans, financial solvency, etc.);
  • socio-demographic factors (gender, age, health status, etc.);
  • geographic, climatic and infrastructural factors (transport, road conditions, climate, etc.);
  • behavioral factors (reaction to price changes, intensity of consumption, etc.).

In each specific case, the composition of market segmentation features should be carefully studied by your specialists. It is also necessary to regularly monitor their impact on the product range of the enterprise in order to timely adjust the product strategy.

What is product positioning?

Product positioning involves actions to ensure its competitive position in the market.

Positioning is carried out in relation to competitors, taking into account the characteristics of the innovative product by determining the expected sales volume and the share of the corresponding market occupied by the product.

Modern marketing practice uses a large number of various qualitative and quantitative methods for forecasting and planning possible sales volumes of products, taking into account demand. The most common of them are the method of polling and summarizing the opinions of specialists, the method of standard probability distribution, the method of analysis based on the controlled market share, the method of analysis of end use, etc.

What is a "house of quality"?

The results of the analysis of the competitive situation, obtained in the course of marketing research, should be aimed primarily at developing an innovative idea and clarifying the parameters of the product. This requires balancing diverse and often conflicting requirements.

An effective and fairly common method of multifactorial balancing of product requirements is the quality function deployment (QFD) method. The essence of the method lies in the fact that groups, including marketers, design engineers and manufacturers, are working on the development of a new product. Information about the various requirements for the product is entered into a special matrix called the "quality house". In the "house of quality" there is a coordination of various characteristics of the product with the tasks of their improvement and refinement. With the help of such a matrix, a group of participants transforms the received customer requirements into specific engineering problems and solutions.

What information should we have as a result of product marketing?

Product marketing research should give you answers to five sets of questions:

  • Who is the potential buyer of the created product, what are his motives and the possible volume of demand, and what factors do they depend on?
  • Which competitors will meet the new product on the market, and what are their competitive opportunities?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the new product (its strengths and weak sides) and what needs to be done to increase its competitiveness?
  • What impact does scientific and technological progress have on the market situation, on the increase in the duration of the product life cycle, the scale of demand?
  • How is formed market demand for a new product, what is the market segmentation and how is the new product positioned on it, what is the target market for the new product?

Along with the listed main issues, the marketing development of a product solves a set of tasks related to the preparation of planning for its sale and promotion to the market during its life cycle.

For small and medium enterprises, the transition to market economy implies the introduction marketing approach in business management, namely the transition from production-oriented management to customer-oriented management.

If you want to be successful in business, you must constantly stay at least one step ahead of your competitors by marketing new products. It is not enough to keep pace with existing customer needs: it is also necessary to anticipate possible changes in consumer demand.

product in marketing- this is a solution offered by the company to its consumer as a means of satisfying his needs (or a carrier of value for the consumer). Those. everything that can be offered on the market for purchase, use or consumption in order to satisfy certain needs potential clients.

Often mistakenly in marketing, the term "product" is equated with the term "product" - this is incorrect (see below). The product is a broader concept - it includes both the tangible object (goods) itself and the intangible part - for example, sales services, warranty obligations... and even the main idea of ​​the brand under which the product is released (see). Moreover - the term "product", as well as the full toolkit of product management (or "product management") can be used even in relation to the services themselves in the absence of tangible goods.

The definition of what is a company's product is up to the company itself. So the same product different form(for example, fabric in rolls or cuts) can be considered the same product or different, depending on what needs, what consumers it has to satisfy. If the same product (service) in some other form is targeted at a different target audience, then most likely it will also require separate positioning and promotion for this audience - then it is advisable to treat it as a different product.

A clear definition of the company's product for the service sector is especially important, because the definition of the product determines how exactly the services should be provided and even the nature of the services themselves. For example, a hairdressing product can be either a created haircut or appearance client after creating a new haircut for him (his feeling of being “stylish”, “fashionable”), or the reaction of others to a client with a new haircut (for example, attention from the opposite sex), or satisfied with polite service and pleasant environment (background music, smells, communication with personnel) client. Any of these options can be applied in practice - it all depends on which target audience the company chooses.

Other definitions of the term "product"

In modern Russian-language marketing, there is confusion in the use of the terms "product" and "goods". This is largely due to the fact that in Russian these terms are often considered as synonyms. However, the first term is more universal, since a product is understood to mean everything that can be produced and sold (consumer goods, industrial products, services, patents, etc.). It should be noted that in English language in addition to the term "product" there is a special term "goods", meaning physically tangible products. In addition, when using these terms, there is also an "aesthetic" aspect: we are used to saying "consumer goods market", "market conditions for a certain product", but the terms "banking product", "insurance product", "tourism product" sound better, than "bank goods", etc.

The relationship between the categories "product" and "goods" is analyzed quite deeply in the works of K. Marx and F. Engels. They define a product as an item that is produced for one's own consumption - i.e. It has use value. A commodity, on the other hand, is produced for exchange. At any stage of the distribution chain, its participants, including the buyer, if he is not the final consumer, buy and sell goods. And only the end consumer acquires not a commodity, but a product, that use value, value expressed in benefit, benefit, good, i.e. in the service he needs. But at the same time, the product is also a carrier of potential exchange value, a commodity. Thus, a metamorphosis, a transformation of “product – commodity – product…” can take place. Such an understanding of the term "product" can often be found in the economic literature of the Soviet period.

Also, quite often in Russian-language literature, the product is understood as the result of labor or production process(service delivery process).

Another possible interpretation of the term "product" in Russian-language marketing (often used in oral speech) - food, i.e. food: edible items in the form of supplies or goods.

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lucky marketing solution it could be the product itself. Recall at least the “adult” Barbie doll from Mattel or cheap soap from Procter & Gamble. And vice versa - no one will buy a bad or unnecessary product, no matter how you advertise it.

When a manufacturer approached us for promotion, we conducted research and saw exactly this problem. Your product will be bought just like that only if you are a monopolist. But to win the competition, you have to know better than anyone what the buyer wants. To do this, you need to conduct marketing development of the product. Read below how we did it for the client and created a new competitive product.

If your product is only slightly more useful than these gates, no one will buy it.

client and product

The company uses good equipment, makes decorative finishes and produces a customized product in seven days. The products are sold in several regions of Russia. She has almost no direct sales. But this is not a problem - you can effectively sell through intermediaries.

The client wanted to move more effectively on the Internet. But when we researched his product and market, we realized that it was easy to launch advertising campaign in this case, it means wasting the budget.

We suggested that the client do a marketing rework of the product and restart production.

Step 1. Understand the customer's problems

Every project we start with desk research business: we study the range, market, competitors. This is how we find shortcomings in the work of the company and determine the points of growth.

We studied the company's assortment with the calculations of components and pricing chains to the final retail market. Next, we compared components and prices with competitors. We found serious problems.

No it wasn't that bad

Product Disadvantages

Poor Positioning
We found that half of the company's product range does not meet the target segments of "premium" and "luxury", which have sank by 25-30% since 2014. The retail price/quality ratio of the product is below the market average.

Assortment not up to standard
Materials, equipment and thickness of the final product in various segments determine the quality of products. Thus, the thickness of MDF panels in the "economy" segment should not exceed 8 mm, and in the "business" - should not be less than 10 mm. Many of the company's materials were of insufficient quality or too expensive for customers, and innovative types of insulation and locks were not used. As a result, the assortment did not meet the needs of customers.

High prices
Our client's markup on a product in the sales chain was 120-250%, while the market average was 70-120%. Accordingly, the prices were higher than the market ones.

Our actions
Defined tasks: (1) find the most promising segment, (2) develop a pricing policy, (3) understand which product lines potential customers really need. The next step is to study the market and competitors.

Step 2. Study the market and competitors

To understand what a competitive product should be, we researched the market, prices and assortment of other companies.

Market research

People don't have money
The solvency of Russians is falling - demand from end buyers decreases. The market will shrink in the coming years. The largest companies with a complex assortment and inflated prices will lose market share.

Leading the economy segment
The consumer most often chooses "rule", so cheap products make up 75% of products on the market. Wholesale and logistics companies with products from China, products from Yoshkar-Ola with a low margin sales chain, and federal DIY networks compete here.

Monotonous assortment
Models and colors of most manufacturers are of the same type, especially in the economy segment. Accordingly, the competition in the market is high. To stand out, manufacturers are forced to lower prices and improve product quality.

Premium and business segments are less popular
The market volume is smaller here, but marginal profit is higher. For such clients, finish and functionality are important.

Market structure:


Products from other companies. Russian market oversaturated with brands with the same type of goods. There are no players with interesting USPs and memorable assortments. More than half of the companies are trade marks without own factories. Products of different brands are very similar and can be produced at the same factory. Manufacturers that follow the demands of consumers - using innovative materials and finishes - can stand out in the market.

Factory locations:

Market distribution of customer products in 2016, thousand roubles.:

In regions with developed private low-rise construction, full-fledged lines for types of buildings and user requests are not presented. There are no rulers with a ready offer for the old housing stock. These niches can be taken into development.

Market leaders. Chinese products have captured market share. It is pointless to compete with goods from China in the cheapest segments. But in terms of sales and profits, they win Russian manufacturers. Market leaders can adopt successful business models, assortment, pricing policy, marketing, service.

Additional services. Most large companies there are service centers. Many services there are provided free of charge under warranty.

Leading companies do the installation for free. But there is a demand on the market for do-it-yourself installation - for example, for the economy segment. Therefore, you can attach instructions to the product, like IKEA. Another option is to make instructional videos.

Step 3: Think about the marketing of the new product

To understand the needs of the audience, we looked at customer requests. We found out that in some markets, mostly young people buy, in others - pensioners. The requirements of these consumers for the product are completely different.

Manufacturers do not take into account this difference. There are still very few specialized brands and lines on the market. We divided the products of our client into two lines according to their purpose:

  • For apartments - suitable for new buildings, secondary housing, shopping centers, offices.
  • For country houses - suitable for private houses, outbuildings, garages, vestibules, bathhouses, indoor transitions.

Expert knowledge of customer needs is the leitmotif of the new product positioning. The company emphasizes that it understands modern technologies and the nuances of construction, and does not just manufacture products.

Product lines were divided by price, thousand roubles.:

  • "Economy +" - 17-24
  • "Business" - 25-35
  • "Business +" - 35-55

For country houses, a different segmentation system was chosen. Here the lines differ in purpose:

  • For frame and wooden houses, houses made of timber, baths, vestibules
  • For boiler rooms, garages, backyard
  • For outbuildings and houses from the "economy" and "economy +" segments

Finishing and fittings for each model, the buyer chooses himself.

The company decided not to work in the most competitive niche - "economy". Focused on high and medium quality products. Our client decided to use as competitive advantages:

  • Innovative materials in the design of the leaf and the box: composite steel, structural insulation, sound and noise insulation. We investigated the demand and found out that these parameters are key for the buyer for country houses.
  • New types of finishing and coloring of canvases and metal, not yet used on the market.

Step 4. Develop a USP

When a product meets user needs, the next step is to properly communicate its benefits.

Consumer portrait

Target audience - owners of apartments, country houses, residents of the private sector. The former are more dependent on social norms and patterns. The latter often have their own opinion and try to emphasize it; guided by the principle "good can not be cheap."

When choosing products, people from Central Asia consult with sellers, look for information on the Internet, and discuss purchases with neighbors and acquaintances. If the goods are needed very urgently or at the lowest price, they take the most suitable option from the nearest store.


Taking into account the psychographic and behavioral characteristics of potential buyers, we identified four main features of the new product:

  • The products are specially designed for wooden houses and houses with frame technology.
  • The canvas is reinforced with a material that is usually used for load-bearing walls and ceilings. So the product will last up to 50 years, it will not deform or rot.
  • Enhanced heat and sound insulation through the use of innovative composite materials. So far, such technologies are used only in mechanical engineering.
  • Installed two-cylinder locks according to European standards.

After that, the client launched a new product into production. We began to develop a strategy for its promotion on the Internet.

Step 5. Present USP on the site

The next task is to convey the USP to the client.

On the very first screen of the site, we separated two product lines: for urban and suburban housing — and put different call-to-action buttons for them:

So that the buyer can immediately see what this or that product is for, we divided the series within the product lines by types of buildings. We took into account that the price is one of the main selection criteria, and added a price filter to the main page:

On the second screen of the homepage, four main benefits were shown:

The next block is about service and guarantees. No one wants to work through intermediaries or do repairs at their own expense. We have worked through these objections: you can order a free measurement directly from the main page or track the status of your order:

Buyers listen to the opinion of experts and those who have already been involved in the installation. We have added a block with reviews to the main page:

Product marketing is not product management. It's not growth hacking, it's not inbound marketing, it's not content marketing. Product marketing is the strategy, science, and art of bringing a product to market.

What does a product marketer do?

A product marketer is the CEO of a product, product line, or entire portfolio. Product Marketer Responsibilities:

  • Acting with Unmistakable Feeling target audience.
  • Know potential buyers and users.
  • Collaborate with managers and developers to create products that meet the needs of the target audience.
  • Set a price that potential buyers are willing to pay that matches the value of the product.
  • Develop and distribute promotional materials that drive growth and close deals.
  • Know everything about competitors and how to make your product and company stand out from their background.
  • Find and use the right sales channels and partners to grow your business.
  • Understand every stage of the buying experience associated with the company - awareness, interest, reflection, purchase, brand loyalty.
  • Build relationships with customers to maintain loyalty and prevent churn, study case studies and collect materials for market research.
  • Assist sales managers as a sales cycle expert.
  • Collaborate with the sales team to develop marketing strategies based on feedback from buyers.
  • Interact with Product Managers and Developers to measure engagement and create more personalized and relevant customer retention strategies based on their actual behavior.
  • Manage cross-functional teams and handle PR, media, product, development, finance, sales, sales operations, sales support, HR, business development and new product launch support.
  • Report to company management on successes and failures.
  • Notify the media, market analysts and investors about their products, engage in marketing strategies and positioning of the company in the market.
  • Use data and have a lively mind to make informed decisions that drive product improvement and business growth.

Who is a product marketer really?

  • These are the children who traded and exchanged in the school cafeteria and were the first to rush to help.
  • These are endlessly curious people who constantly ask questions.
  • These are those who study business and business models.
  • These are the fans of new technologies.
  • These are people whose parents have no idea what they do for a living.
  • These are the ones who want to eventually start their own company, but are still hatching their brilliant ideas.
  • These are people who love to analyze and use data in their projects.
  • They are scientists and artists. In the past, a product marketer was either an engineer or a philologist. Or maybe both.
  • These are people who are tired of empty words and dream that concepts like "synergy" will disappear from the dictionary forever.
  • They are professionals who are happy to work in a team of very smart, ambitious and fun people who are able to complete any task. They work hard and don't have time for fools.
  • These are specialists who are not interested in short-term growth hacking. Of course, they work in spurts, but at the same time they are building a sustainable business.

What value do product marketers bring to a company and why are they essential to its growth?

You need to achieve as soon as possible, because you are under pressure from investors. But how do you do it without a strategy? Who needs to convince your target customers that they need your product?

The Product Marketer is a key position on your team for any task related to bringing a product to market. You'll need a Product Marketer before you even start building a product, to assess the market and develop a product or service that actually solves potential customers' problems (and that they'll pay for).

Here is a quote from a CB Insights report that analyzes 101 essays by founders of failed startups:

“The main reason for the failure, which is named by 42% of respondents, is the lack of market demand for their product.

It should be self-evident: if no one wants your product, your company will not succeed. However, many startups develop such products with the irrational hope that they will convince people otherwise.”

It turns out that somewhere around 40% or 30% of them fail due to a lack of understanding of the market they are entering and a product that no one needs. It is product marketers who find out the needs of the market and the willingness of the target audience to pay.