Business ideas with an income of 100,000 per month. Business without large investments

According to the latest research by British scientists, THERE IS NO MONEY ON THE INTERNET!

People have money. And in order to get money from people, you have to provide them with the product they need or provide the service they need. If you like to get a penny for your work, then you can do clicks, captchas, bookmarks, dubious affiliate programs, a set of referrals, and other nonsense. If you are too lazy to work at all, then you can kill time in search of "money taps" and the "loot" button. If you are a reasonable person who is ready to make efforts to achieve results, if you want to learn how to earn real money and create your own profitable business, then we have prepared a detailed manual for you. Real Business from 100,000 rubles per month" in video format.

Money faucet! Bubble button! Million on the couch!

And also: boxes, captchas, refs, hypes, spam, etc. etc. NOT HERE! Here - information for those who do not suffer from infantilism, laziness and inertia! The real hit of 2017 is the author's video course "Real Business from 100,000 rubles per month" by Dmitry Smirnov. How does this course differ from dozens of others of the same kind with promising titles? It has at least one feature - THIS COURSE WORKING. In every sense of the word. By following this step-by-step video tutorial, you will significantly increase your monthly income, but only if you WORK.

You are a happy owner of a source of high and, most importantly, stable income!

Yes, no matter how pathetic and trite it may sound, the secret of your success lies within you. If you are ready to get out of your comfort zone in order to achieve your goal (or, in other words, break away from the TV and take your butt off the sofa), show a little diligence and perseverance, then we have a tool thanks to which you can easily convert your work into cash. signs.

Do you want to earn without labor, without making any effort and without devoting time to work?

THEN DO NOT PURCHASE THIS MANUAL! Video course "Real Business from 100,000 rubles a month" by Dmitry Smirnov - for those who understand that water does not flow under a lying stone, for those who are ripe for the realization of the fact that no one pays money just like that! We can teach you how to provide legal entities certain services for which you will be paid good money. Following step by step instructions this video course, you will receive high paying job, which you can easily develop into a full-fledged business.

Do you want to make your wildest dreams come true? Do you want to feel dizzy with success and get satisfaction from the results of your work?

We have two news for you - good and bad. The bad news is that it is hardly possible to achieve all of the above without putting in effort, unless you are the son or daughter of an oligarch. The good news is we can teach you the business that will lead you to success. All that is required of you is to show perseverance, patience and determination. It doesn't matter who and where you worked or work, it doesn't matter if you have experience in sales or remote work. Only one thing is important - your sincere desire to change your life for the better. To help you, we have prepared a special video course "Real Business from 100,000 rubles per month", following which you will learn how to earn money by providing services to legal entities.


Then we got the wrong address. Forgive us, please, and do not read further.

If you have read up to this line, then you are a sane, active and purposeful person who understands that in order to achieve successful results, you need to work hard. It was for people like you, who are aimed at success, that the course was created, which is based on the personal experience of the author, his experience and best practices. We present to your attention a unique author's video course "Real Business from 100,000 rubles per month", which has no analogues on the Internet. Following the step-by-step instructions, you are guaranteed to reach the declared income, earning on the provision of certain services to legal entities. Services in demand, relevant and well paid.

There are a huge number of courses floating around the Internet that promise to teach you how, as if by magic, you will suddenly start making super-profits with little or no effort.
If you live in a world of dreams and believe in such fairy tales, then you can not read further.
For those who are ready to take their ass off the couch, we have a real offer:


Yes, yes, that's right - WORK. WORK and EARN. Stop counting other people's money and doing nonsense and start providing for yourself, your family, your children.

Today I am sharing with you a unique method of making real money. All that is required of you is to follow the step-by-step instructions presented for clarity in the form of a video course. I am the author of this method of earning, my mistakes and my achievements are taken into account in the course. In September 2016, I, like you, had a vague idea about making money on the Internet. And last month my income was 134,000 rubles and 760 euros. If it worked for me, it can work for you too. It will turn out if you drive your laziness and insecurity under the sofa!

Premiere! The unique author's technique "Real Business from 100,000 rubles per month"!

Earnings on the provision of services to organizations / legal entities. The topic is serious, relatively new, and very promising. It will live for a very long time, if not forever. Does not require any special knowledge and skills. Although the topic is serious, it will suit almost every adequate and sane person who wants to earn consistently. The work is approximately 50% online and 50% offline. You can work alone. It is not necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, it is also not necessary to rent an office. It is possible to work 100% online, but, in my opinion, this is less efficient (although someone else can do the opposite, more efficiently). If you combine online and offline, the profit will increase, but, accordingly, you will spend more time. Attention! Hurry up to purchase the video course "Real Business from 100,000 rubles per month" with a 50% discount!

  • Result Guaranteed
  • from 100 000 rubles PER MONTH!

Are you thinking about starting your own business?

  • Not at all initial capital?
  • Can't pick a niche?
  • Or are you afraid of "burning out"?

You are on the right track if you are looking for ways to improve your financial position. Carefully study this information. Maybe it will change YOUR LIFE forever!



Probably you have already reviewed a huge number of courses where you are offered to earn a million on the Internet without getting up from the couch? Although everyone knows that there is no easy money. Unfortunately, there are still many people who want to make money on you by selling low-quality goods. HERE YOU GET REAL INFORMATION, YOU CAN IMMEDIATELY IMPLEMENT IT IN PRACTICE RUBLES


About the author of the course

Hello. My name is Dmitry Smirnov, I am 28 years old.
At the end of September 2016, I discovered a new income, which is now my main income. The simplicity and functionality that I did not know about before helped me reach an income of 100,000 rubles per month.

My system was tested by my students and a verdict was issued - everyone can open a business according to the scheme that I developed. Previously, I worked in sales for a fuel company, wage arranged, so you will not see complaints and whining here.
But I've always had a hard time working in an office. I didn't want to work 5 days a week for someone else to make 20 times what I earn from me.

Now I'm giving you a chance to get rid of your uncle's job forever and make your wildest dreams come true. THE MOST IMPORTANT REMEMBER - WATER DOES NOT FLOW UNDER A LAYING STONE!

I have prepared for you high-quality material, thanks to which you will be able to enter a fast-growing and stable income. ALREADY IN 7 DAYS!.

About the course

We present to your attention based on personal experience step by step
earning scheme with an income of 100,000 rubles per month

What do we offer to earn?
On the provision of certain services to organizations / legal entities necessary to increase their number of customers, and, accordingly, increase their profits.

The topic is serious, relatively new, and very promising. It will live for a very long time, if not forever. Practically does not require
any special knowledge or skills. Although the topic is serious, it is accessible to every adequate and sane person who wants to consistently earn money and develop an interesting profitable business. In Russia, such services are still underdeveloped, so now is the time to find your niche and work successfully! Moreover, we provide you with all the necessary tools.

You can start working in this direction without investments, in the future you will need expenses in the amount of about 3,000 rubles per six months to service one organization. You can start working on your own, and if necessary, take an assistant or manager. There is no need to register an individual entrepreneur / LLC, you will not need an office either, at least at first.

It is possible to work 100% online, but this seems to us less efficient (although someone else can do the opposite, more efficiently). The combination of both work options will bring more profit, but, accordingly, requires more time. The amount of income depends on how much time you will devote to work. Let's just say, you can earn 100,000 per month when you download about 3-4 hours a day.

You can do more, but you'll have to sweat. The term for obtaining the first profit is 4-7 days after mastering the training material. Course, for your convenience and more effective perception, is presented in the format of a video lesson lasting about an hour, which covers in detail the economic, technical and organizational issues. We have done everything possible so that you, after studying the material, can start your own business that brings good profit, and if you have creative thinking, you can easily refine and modify this topic.

Your path to success and financial independence is in your hands

100% money back guarantee

Thanks to our course, you are guaranteed to be able to earn from 100,000 rubles per month.

If not, please email me at: [email protected] and describe your problem.

If we cannot help you, we will kindly refund your money in full. The warranty is valid for 30 days from the date of payment. Remember that you risk nothing and are 100% protected


Many people have a rather erroneous opinion that a business can only be created with an initial large capital. This is not true. There are many ideas, the implementation of which requires only up to 100 thousand rubles, and some of them can be implemented without capital investment. Efficiency entrepreneurial activity very often depends on a well-chosen direction, the businessman's own ambitions, even sometimes luck.

What kind of business can be opened for 100,000 in order to receive a good income in the coming months?

Own atelier: sewing new clothes, repairing old ones

To date, there are very few ateliers that could offer such services as tailoring modern and high-quality clothes to order, repairing old clothes. This niche for the formation of their entrepreneurship is practically free. Therefore, having experience in the sewing business and at least 100 thousand rubles to start, you can completely organize your business in this direction.

Initially, it is really possible to start sewing business in your own apartment. Therefore, all expenses will go to the purchase of the necessary equipment and tools. You can declare your own business in order to attract customers through your relatives, acquaintances, by advertising in print, pasting it on bulletin boards in residential areas, posting it on the Internet.

Real estate agency

Having such an amount and experience in real estate activities, you can organize a real estate agency. This business is associated with the provision of services to the population in hiring inexpensive high-quality housing. Available capital up to 100,000 rubles. necessary to open an office, which is recommended to be located in crowded places.

Today, we have few specialists in this service sector, so real estate services are in high demand on the market.

Photo printing on a ceramic surface

Today, such a business as photo printing on ceramics is gaining popularity. These products are in good demand among consumers. Therefore, whoever has a small capital available, at least up to 100 thousand rubles, who is still thinking about what kind of business to start, can easily occupy this niche.

Everyone is capable of learning the art of photo printing, and it doesn’t take much money to purchase equipment to promote your own business. This direction has great prospects in the future. Subsequently, the business can be expanded at the expense of the profits received and apply photo printing to a wide variety of products. In a few years of work, a small business can really be promoted to a significant scale: to open, for example, a design studio.

shop on wheels

For those who have their own vehicle and an initial capital of 100,000 rubles, there are many ideas for creating an individual business. The best option is to open your shop on wheels.

To organize mobile trade, you will need to draw up a certain list of permits, purchase 100 thousand rubles. goods and you can start trading on wheels.

Really sell anything, and most importantly, do it in different places. For example, you can deliver goods to villages far from the city that the villagers need most. This business in parallel involves the provision of services such as the delivery of certain goods on order to small stores, as well as individual customers at home.

In the city, mobile trade is quite profitable, as it covers the main segment - public catering.

It is most effective to declare your own activities to form an extensive client base through Internet resources.

What kind of business can be opened for another 100 thousand rubles?

Guinea fowl breeding

For the village, breeding guinea fowl is a rather interesting business idea. This type of poultry is able to take root in different climatic conditions, does not require special care. Even only a novice farmer, whose activities had not previously been related to agriculture, can start breeding such a bird.

It should be noted that meat is highly valued among guinea fowls, it belongs to dietary foods. Today, guinea fowl meat is rapidly gaining popularity among consumers, but has a shortage in grocery hypermarkets.

Galvanized car body parts

Every motorist knows that after a certain period of time, areas damaged by corrosion appear on the body of domestic cars, which contributes to the deterioration of the appearance of the car. And if you let it develop further, then the vehicle will very quickly become unusable.

To prevent this, as well as to prevent expensive repairs to your car, you can galvanize the body in advance.

The provision of such services is a ready-made niche for starting your own business for such an amount. And if you treat your work responsibly, provide only high-quality services, then this business will bring good money, since today there are many who need these services, and there are not enough offers for everyone.

Conclusion: you can safely open a small workshop, for example, in your own garage, then you will need only about 100,000 rubles. for the purchase of equipment and tools.

HOA manager

In the housing and communal services, after the reforms, a new specialty appeared - the manager of the HOA (a partnership of homeowners). Residents apartment buildings they stopped trusting public utilities, since the money they collect is very rarely used to improve housing. Today, the residents trust the collected money at the disposal of the person they have chosen from the house. His responsibilities include the direction of the collected funds for the repair of the house, the ennoblement of the territory adjacent to it.

If there are elementary concepts in conducting repair work, then in this direction you can also open your own business by spending about 100 thousand rubles on the purchase of tools, the necessary equipment.

The salary of the HOA manager itself may be low, but over time it is realistic to take several residential buildings at once for maintenance. It also provides for additional income from repair organizations as a commission.

In this business, the main point is to be in touch at any time, to provide assistance with any request from residents. As a result - high confidence of apartment owners, respectively, permanent employment, higher income.

Dispatcher of private doctors

From different kind no one is immune from disease. The disease also does not come on the working days of polyclinics, when all the doctors are in place. You can often earn colds on the weekend, holidays. Adults in such a situation first begin to self-medicate, but if health has not improved by Monday, then they already go to see a specialist. With small children, this number does not work, you must call a doctor.

Today, many professional doctors practice private activities, but not every parent knows how to find them at this very moment. The dispatcher of private doctors is able to answer this question.

Bringing together a patient and a doctor is a business of up to 100,000 rubles, which is rapidly gaining momentum today. It appeared recently in line with the urgent need to provide services of this nature.

To open a business in this field of activity, you do not need big money, it is enough to have up to 100 thousand rubles. Entrepreneurial skills, sociability, sociability and experience in building mutually beneficial relationships will be more useful.

puppet business

Entrepreneurship in children's toys is also quite popular today. Such a business can be opened with a small start-up capital at 100,000 rubles. Today, a large number of dolls are sold in the toy market for children. Chinese made. They don't differ high quality as well as an attractive appearance. Many of these toys are not even safe. Therefore, we can say with confidence that beautiful dolls dressed in expensive outfits will be in good demand.

For the independent production of toys today, it is realistic to find a lot of different materials on the market, so there will definitely not be any difficulties in acquiring the necessary raw materials, for which 100 thousand rubles is enough. The main thing in this business is to learn the skill of making beautiful quality dolls.

Toys must be made in a distinctive price category for different segments of the population. More expensive exclusive toys are best made to order. And to sell the goods, you can open an online store on the Internet.

You can open your own business even without initial capital, therefore, having a budget of 100,000 rubles, the entrepreneur has an increased chance of a quick payback on the funds invested in the business. In order for entrepreneurship to bring tangible income, you must first draw up a business plan in which each item of expenditure must be thought out and planned.

Business for 100,000 rubles

Sphere of trade

Trade is one of the most popular and promising business areas.

The main task of an entrepreneur who has chosen a sales niche is the correct selection of the subject of trading operations. It must be in demand in the area where it is planned to conduct activities, and its purchase cost is commensurate with the amount invested in the business.

Trade area

When drawing up a business plan, one should take into account the need for registration and permits, as well as renting space for work. To form a showcase, you need a variety of product range, appearance which will be an advertisement for the store.

In the event of a shortage of funds for the purchase of products, it is possible to agree with the supplier on a documented commodity credit with a loan period until the moment the products are sold. You should be ready to provide security for return guarantees, expressed in a pledge of property, the price of which is commensurate with the parameters of a commodity loan.

To meet a small budget without loans, you should initially plan a small format business that does not require investment in the purchase and equipment of a retail outlet, as well as obtaining permits. For a quick return on investment, the cost of raw materials and materials should allow you to increase sales by more than one hundred percent. A great business idea is to sell:

  • bijouterie;
  • accessories;
  • household goods;
  • books;
  • newspapers;
  • magazines.

You can make good money on food products that are in demand, such as bread, milk, ice cream and soft drinks. However, choosing a niche trade food products, you will have to worry about the seller passing a special medical examination required for the SES authorities to obtain permission to conduct activities in the food sector.

Bijouterie trade

A great idea for making money that does not require impressive investments is to organize exit points in villages and towns to sell goods that are in daily demand. Making coffee at relocated outlets will allow you to adjust the desired level of purchasing power. As an alternative, seasonal sales can be considered, the implementation of which is possible without the equipment of a permanent point of sale. Her subject can be vegetables, fruits, milk and meat.

Financial operations

Travel business

Earnings in the field of financial transactions have always been considered a profitable niche, since competent investment of funds allows you to get a high percentage of profit with minimal cost. 100 thousand rubles for business in financial sector enough to invest in projects. To reduce the risk of losses, it is recommended to divide the investment amount into several portfolios. The loss received in one of them will be covered by the profit from the other.


Having invested up to 100 thousand rubles in a business, you can start lending individuals. Implementation of the idea is possible through specialized services, which include electronic payment systems. Despite the fact that credit sites provide guarantees for the safety of the funds issued, you should not issue a loan in the entire amount at once. It is recommended to break it down by 10 thousand rubles, since when formalizing relations with a dishonest borrower, you will have to look for a debt buyer, which will take time, as well as lose the potential profit that you could get for it.

Scope of lending

An alternative business option in this area is to open your own credit institution which offers short-term loans to anyone in need of financial assistance. To implement such an idea, one should register in the status of a business entity and rent an office for negotiations with clients. In this perspective, it is better to issue loans secured by property. To do this, you need to establish relations with a notary who would provide services for paperwork for a fee.

Read also: How to build a business from scratch and grow

stock markets

Considering business ideas for 100,000 rubles, it is worth noting separately earnings in the forex financial markets, as well as using the binary options service. There are several ways to make a profit in this area, but they all involve opening an individual account and investing funds.

The principle of earning on Forex is bargain purchase with the subsequent sale of the trading instrument. Binary Options suggest the need to place bets on the increase or decrease in the quotes of a currency, metal or futures.

Those who wish to understand the nuances of the functioning of the business are recommended to start working with a demo account. With real in cash operations should be carried out only when decent results are achieved on the demo version of the account. Considering the possibility of obtaining passive income in this way, funds can be invested in a PAMM account by first selecting a trader on a specialized service that provides monitoring data on their performance.

Financial services

A great idea, for the implementation of which it is easy to fit into 100,000 rubles, would be to buy a terminal for making payments. The cost of equipment ranges from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles. Its maintenance is simple, so this task can be easily handled on your own.

Since the terminals are installed in the buildings of organizations, it is necessary to formalize with their owner contractual relationship to lease a piece of premises of a certain size. Agreements must also be concluded with all organizations in respect of which it is planned to receive funds from clients.

The income of the owner of the financial terminal is formed at the expense of commission charges, the amount of which is set by the owner independently. Some counterparties pay for services for the funds received and transferred to a specific current account. Their cost can reach up to 10 percent of the payment made.

Beverage preparation

Business on coffee machines

The realization of the idea of ​​earning money, which is based on the preparation of drinks, is possible by investing in the purchase of special machines that will automatically produce coffee, tea and lemonade after the client makes a payment. The personal presence of a businessman, his representative or an employee is not required. It is enough to bring water and ingredients for making drinks in a timely manner. Its elements are filled into special cells, and subsequently mixed, heated or cooled, depending on the type of activated operating mode by the buyer, due to its selection by pressing a button.

Internet business

Choosing which business can be opened for 100 thousand rubles, many decide to invest in Internet projects. Entrepreneurial opportunities in this area are wide, since the business does not involve investing in real estate, rent, equipment or raw materials.

You can earn a good profit for your ability to navigate in the ever-changing modern world.

Having opened an online store, the entrepreneur will have to spend money on the purchase of goods, as well as on the development of the site and on its advertising. Knowledge in the field of SEO optimization and SMM promotion will save a large amount. The payback of the project does not exceed one year with a competent approach to business.

Today we'll talk about how to get passive income of 100,000 rubles per month. Any amount can be substituted here, I took this just for an example, since it is she who is most often heard from other people.

Once I conducted a small survey among readers, the results of which are published in the article.

Then the most common answer to the question “How much money do you need to be completely happy?” the option “one hundred thousand rubles a month” became, moreover, many emphasized that it should be exactly that. That is, it is enough a large number of people.

So, how to reach passive income of 100,000 rubles per month? Let's consider the algorithm itself.

The first thing to do is analyze current situation. Let's say that at the moment your passive income is, no less, as much as 0 rubles. In this case, the goal may seem unrealistic and unattainable to you, so in order to simplify the task, there is a reason to break this goal into several smaller ones. For example, like this:

  1. By January 1, 2019 - passive income of 1000 rubles per month.
  2. By July 1, 2019 - passive income of 5,000 rubles per month.
  3. By January 1, 2020 - passive income of 10,000 rubles per month.
  4. * * * * *
  5. By January 1, 2025 - passive income of 100,000 rubles per month.

So it looks better? Much! Moreover, when reinvesting the profits received, passive income tends to grow exponentially (that is, faster and faster, this is clearly shown in the graph in the article).

The wrong option is to collect all possible money, and if not enough, also borrow and invest in some “super-profitable project” that promises huge returns. In this case, you most likely will not only not achieve the goal, but also lose all investments.

The correct option is to form , containing most of the conservative and moderate instruments with a low level of risk and (possibly, but not necessarily) a small part of the aggressive instruments with a high risk.

  1. Estimated return on investment portfolio.
  2. The amount that you can allocate monthly for investments.

The profitability of the investment portfolio will depend on which assets you will invest in and in what ratio. For example, about different options can be read in the article

In general, the estimated return on an investment portfolio can be calculated using the following formula:

D \u003d D1 * P1 + D2 * P2 + ... + Dn * Pn
  • D1, D2, ..., Dn - the estimated return on each of the assets that make up the portfolio (in percent per annum);
  • P1, P2, …, Pn – the share of each asset in the portfolio (in shares);
  • n is the total number of portfolio assets.

For example, we form an investment portfolio in the following way:

  • 60% - bank deposits with a yield of 7% per annum;
  • 30% – securities with an estimated yield of 20% per annum;
  • 10% - cryptocurrency with an estimated yield of 100% per annum.

Then the approximate return on the investment portfolio will be:

D \u003d 7 * 0.6 + 20 * 0.3 + 100 * 0.1 \u003d 20.2% per annum

K \u003d (S * 12) / D
  • C - the desired amount of monthly passive income;
  • D is the approximate return on the investment portfolio (in shares).

In our example, if we want to reach a passive income of 100,000 rubles per month, and our investment portfolio will bring us a 20.2% annual return, then we will need to have capital:

K \u003d (100000 * 12) / 0.202 \u003d 5940594 rubles(that is, approximately 6 million rubles - let's take this figure for rounding).

N = K/M
  • K is the amount of required capital;
  • M - the amount that you can invest monthly;
  • N is the number of months it will take to reach desired level passive income with a constant portfolio return.

Suppose, in our example, a person can invest 10 thousand rubles a month. In this case:

N = 6000000/10000 = 600 months or 50 years.

The term, of course, is frightening, but if, before reaching the goal, the profit received is not spent on your own needs, but reinvested each time, then the situation will change significantly. In this case, applies.

In order not to delve into complex calculations, you can use any Internet services for these purposes. There you can enter the amount that you will invest every month and calculate the capital gain after the desired period, taking into account the capitalization of the profits received.

For example, I entered the initial data into the calculator on the website and got the following result: 6 million rubles will be accumulated in less than 13 years, moreover, the calculation was made taking into account the taxation of income in excess of the Central Bank rate + 5% (according to current legislation).

Thus, subject to the conditions indicated in the example, in order to reach a passive income of 100,000 rubles from scratch, it will take about 13 years and strict compliance. This is already a very real time, and the goal, in my opinion, is worth striving for.

Of course, any investment is always associated with risk, and this must be understood. There are no absolute guarantees that the accumulation of capital and income will proceed exactly as planned. And the higher the profitability of any asset in the portfolio, the higher the risk of investing in it (I wrote a separate article about this). Therefore, it may be that the portfolio will not bring the planned return, or some part of the investment will be completely lost, which will slow down the achievement of the goal. But the opposite situation may also arise: the profitability will be higher than planned, and the goal will be achieved faster.

In any case, the general meaning is this: the faster you want to achieve the goal, and the more highly profitable portfolio you form, the higher your risks will be. And vice versa. Therefore, it is up to you to decide what to give priority to: risk or stability.

I showed you with an example how to reach a passive income of 100,000 rubles per month. Set goals for yourself, break them down into intermediate ones, develop an achievement strategy and put them into practice.

I wish you success! See you again on the site that will help you better understand financial matters and increase your level of well-being.

Become individual entrepreneur possible with a limited budget. To organize profitable business You do not need to take out a large loan, while leaving your own property as collateral. 100,000 rubles is enough to start, but it’s easy to guess that this amount is not enough to create a profitable type of activity.

Before organizing your own business, you need to decide on the type of your activity, think about what services or products you will promote on the market, and carefully plan your expenses.

Cheese production

100,000 thousand rubles will be enough to open a small business for the production of hard cheeses. A high-quality product, cooked in a small one, is in great demand among buyers, so there will be no problems with its implementation. To start, you will need to rent a room and purchase special equipment. Many entrepreneurs who specialize in cheese making subsequently breed cattle, which makes it possible to obtain raw materials for production and at the same time meat, which can also be profitably sold.

Breeding poultry at home

For 100 thousand you can open a profitable one. To start, you will need to rent a room with heating and ventilation, as well as purchase equipment for growing poultry. You can get acquainted with the technology of growing poultry to obtain delicious duck meat and eggs by visiting thematic sites and forums on the Internet.

Smoking meat and fish products

Building your own smokehouse will generate income year-round. This profitable type of business is interesting because it does not require huge investments at the start. For 100,000 thousand rubles, you can build a spacious smokehouse, as well as buy necessary equipment. In addition, there is enough money to buy fish or meat products for the first batches of production. Not only residents of the private sector, but also townspeople can open this type of activity, however, the smokehouse will have to be placed away from the residential complex. In addition, we should not forget that when renting a room, you need to take care of fire safety (for well-known reasons).

Cotton candy production

For less than 100 thousand rubles, you can open a business for the production of cotton candy. The implementation of this idea is quite simple, since it does not require spending money on renting a workshop and expensive equipment. It is enough to buy a machine for making cotton candy and find a place with a high traffic of people. It is easy to guess that the largest sales of cotton wool from powdered sugar fall on summer time, holidays and weekends. This type of activity can be very profitable if the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bproducing a treat is realized on the beaches or in the resort area.

Earnings on the packaging of natural honey

Let's not focus on useful properties of this product, but it is obvious that honey is in demand all year round. To open your own business, 100,000 rubles will be enough for rent production premises, as well as the purchase of semi-automatic packaging equipment, with which you can process up to 1000 kg of product per shift. This type of business is suitable for entrepreneurs who have their own apiary, as well as anyone who wants to earn decent money. In practice, packaged honey costs almost half as much as a weight product, so the income will not be long in coming. It is necessary to establish distribution channels, as well as to purchase raw materials for packaging at the best price, which will make it possible to recoup investments within 3-4 months.

Packing groceries - income all year round

The idea of ​​​​creating a profitable business in packing and packaging bulk products power supply is not new, but 100 thousand will be enough for its implementation. At first, you can buy used equipment and rent a room where cereals, pasta and other “loose” will be packaged. The main advantages of this type of activity include long shelf life of packaged goods and high consumer demand. The return on investment is on average 5-6 months, while 60-80% of the monthly profit should be expected.

Sale of press, household goods and services

Along with the sale of food, a novice entrepreneur can build his own business for 100,000 rubles by selling various household and household goods that are in certain demand. These can be car accessories, batteries, razors, presses, pyrotechnics, and more. Some trading companies offer popular products of well-known brands on very favorable terms. Here it is important to organize a point of sale in crowded places, for example, markets, underground passages, and so on.

Advice: this idea of ​​developing your business for 100 thousand rubles can be effectively implemented near passenger stations, where products such as finger batteries, magazines and newspapers, stationery, as well as souvenirs are in demand.

As for the provision of various services to the population, it is worth highlighting some ideas, with the competent implementation of which entrepreneurs earn stable and good money.

Rental of tools

For 100 thousand rubles, you can start making very good money by renting power tools for repair and construction work. This equipment is in demand both among professionals and among the inhabitants. It will be expensive to purchase expensive equipment for repairs or specific work, but there are many who want to rent a concrete mixer or a professional hammer drill. Equipment can be very profitably purchased online, after finding out which one is now, which specialize in the sale of professional tools.

Opening our own studio

For 100,000 you can organize a profitable business in tailoring and repairing clothes. This amount is more than enough to open your own workshop, as well as registering an enterprise, renting premises and sewing equipment. As a rule, ateliers are opened in households, railway stations and markets, as well as in places with high traffic. It is easy to guess that the repair of wearable items, tailoring of clothes by individual order and bed linen will always be relevant and in demand. Investments will pay off very quickly, in addition, this type of activity will allow you to consistently earn and maintain hired personnel.

Simple business on the Internet

The global network has long ceased to be a place to spend your life in front of your own computer monitor. If you are interested, then the Internet opens up great opportunities for this. The first money can be earned online, for example, by writing articles, creating advertising banners, flash animations, landing pages, multifunctional online stores, etc. Of course, this is possible if a person has a considerable amount of specific knowledge. Do not assume that only programmers and designers can and do earn money online. By investing 100 thousand, you can organize a profitable business by opening your own online store. The future entrepreneur will have to decide on the category of goods on his own, there are several competitive and at the same time very profitable niches, which include:

  • Kids toys;
  • copies and originals of famous brands of men's and women's watches;
  • cosmetics;
  • jewelry and bijouterie;
  • bags, clutches and fashion accessories;
  • stylish men's and women's clothing;
  • mobile phones and gadgets.

The production, testing, launch and advertising of an online store will take about half of the estimated budget. The same amount will be required for the purchase of goods. If you do not know how to organize the work of an online store, you can contact search engines. A great and profitable idea would be to build own business on the sale of other people's goods through global network. To do this, you need to register on aggregator sites, get referral links for the sale of the product and actively promote it. To quickly master the business of traffic arbitrage and the sale of other people's goods, you need to be trained in training centers or from webmasters. It is easy to do this by typing (again, we turn to search engines) the appropriate request. As practice shows, the cost of training varies from 15 to 60 thousand rubles, while the training period (real) lasts 2-3 months, after which, under the guidance of an experienced teacher, the first earnings will go. With a certain amount of effort, solid fees will not take long.

Installation of terminals for receiving payments

The range of various Fix Price products includes several thousand units, while they can be purchased at the same price. To the benefits this business can be attributed:

  • the possibility of an entrepreneur to independently compile a product range;
  • guaranteed advertising and promotions;
  • delivery of products within the agreed time;
  • the possibility of selling the goods even after the expiration of the contract;
  • uninterrupted transfer of profits from the company.

Concerning initial investment, then 100 thousand rubles may not be enough, since you will need to rent a trading pavilion, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich will be at least 250 m². In addition, your trade point should be located near a major traffic intersection, in a crowded place, and the signs and promotional products of the store should be clearly visible to potential buyers.