Igor Sechin money. "Kommersant" compared the income of top managers, their subordinates and foreign colleagues

On April 23, the Board of Directors of the company approved the "Standard on payments and compensations to top management", Whereby monthly official salary President is established by the decision of the board of directors of the company within 15-20 million rubles. ($293.3-391 thousand at the exchange rate of the Central Bank on Tuesday).

Sechin's specific salary "gravitates toward the lower limit," Rosneft spokesman Mikhail Leontev explained to Gazeta.Ru.

The salary of the first vice president of the company (currently - former top manager"TNK-BP Management" Eric Liron) is 30-50% of the president's salary set by the councilor. For other vice presidents, the salary is set at 20-40% of the salary of the head of the company, for other top managers - 10-35%.

In addition, the top management of Rosneft may be paid annual bonuses, bonuses based on the results of the implementation of significant projects, and bonuses in case they are awarded state awards, departmental awards, or awards from Rosneft itself.

For Igor Sechin, as the president of the company, the amount of the annual bonus is set at 150% of the annual remuneration, that is, 270-360 million rubles. ($5.28-7 million).

For other top managers, the annual bonus is set at 140% of the annual salary.

Bonus payments based on the results of the implementation of significant projects can reach six times the monthly salary, but may exceed this amount - if there is a positive recommendation from the HR and Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors. Prizes for receiving state and departmental awards are determined by the order of Rosneft Oil Company. If a top manager has received a corporate award, the bonus is 50-150 thousand rubles.

Sechin's salary has long excited the imagination of the press and even caused a lawsuit between the top manager and the Axel Springer Russia publishing house, as well as four correspondents for the Russian version of Forbes magazine - the Savelovsky court recognized that the publication of unofficial data on Sechin's income defames his honor, dignity and business reputation.

In December 2014, a government decree was issued, according to which the heads of companies with state participation (including Rosneft, Gazprom and Russian Railways) are required to publish information about their income. But the demand provoked numerous objections, especially from the head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, who said that the publication of information about income would violate trade secrets.

As a result, in March 2015, the government allowed members of state-owned corporations not to publish data on the income of their leaders. The press secretary of the Prime Minister, Natalya Timakova, then noted that the heads of such corporations are more businessmen than civil servants.

At the same time, she noted that the first persons of companies with state participation are still required to submit income declarations, but they are no longer required to publish information about their earnings in public access. The government decided that such information should be published only by the heads and chief accountants of companies in which the state's share is 100%.

They returned to the topic in mid-April, when the President of the Russian Federation, during the “direct line”, “strongly recommended” that the heads of companies “show their income”.

“From the very beginning, we were ready to publish information about the income of top management,” says Mikhail Leontiev now. — However, Rosneft — commercial company and operates in competitive market conditions. And so we wanted other companies to do it with us.”

Vladimir Putin said earlier that it is necessary to compare salaries at the level of top managers of large companies not with the average for the country, but with the average earnings of top managers throughout the industry as a whole.

Igor Sechin owns 13,489,350 (slightly over 0.12%) shares of Rosneft. Earlier, the board of directors of the company recommended to the meeting of shareholders the payment of dividends at the rate of 8.21 rubles. per share. Thus, Sechin can receive an income of 110.74 million rubles. At the same time, the papers of Rosneft are currently trading at $5.16 (+3.61%) on the London Stock Exchange. Thus, Sechin's package is worth $69.6 million.

Vadim Leventhal about the salary of Igor Sechin.

The struggle for the highest government officials to publish the size of their income was crowned with intermediate success, officially announced how much Igor Sechin earns: not counting bonuses, bonuses and benefits, this is "from 15 to 20 million a month."

This figure is amazing and makes you think. Of course, we had previously guessed that Igor Ivanovich was not in poverty, but now we can talk about this not as gossip, but as an official fact.

"What we are going to do? We will envy! - Stalin allegedly said about Rokossovsky, who appeared in society arm in arm with a reprehensibly beautiful companion. One can envy a man who managed to win the heart of a beauty that we never even dreamed of - but envying Sechin's salary is not enough for any envy, this is a different matter.

It's not that, as anyone who receives a salary in Russia knows, "white" wages in our country are only a part, and often not the most significant, of real income.

Not even that with such a salary you can build hospitals, schools, roads, houses, airplanes every month, everything that is enough for the popular imagination.

Not that for such a salary it would be possible to send an extra convoy with humanitarian aid every month to Novorossia, which is oh so needed there.

The fact is that this salary is absolutely not human-sized. There is not and cannot be any human labor that would cost so much. There are not and cannot be any human needs that would require such money. It can be assumed that the leader large enterprise takes on great responsibility and great risks, and therefore his work should be valued higher than the work of a locksmith, turner or milkmaid (it can be admitted, I repeat, although this is a debatable issue), but even in this case it would be possible to admit a difference several times, and not a few tens or hundreds of times.

No service to society, no mind, no talent and no enterprise can cost so much. (We leave out of the brackets the doubts that the head of Rosneft needs all these qualities in general - this, again, is not the point.)

There cannot be such a salary, and since it is, then this is what you thought about.

And what then are all the efforts of the state to educate patriotism worth? What are parades and St. George ribbons worth, Skolkovo and nanotechnology, protecting the feelings of believers and fighting propaganda, you know what?

What is robbing a bank compared to founding a bank?

But maybe the whole point is that Sechin is a bad manager, and appoint a fashion blogger in his place, and he will reduce his salary? Or is Rosneft itself not efficient, and should it be sold to Western investors, and then they will spend the people's money on gardens, schools and roads? Or maybe it's all about freedom of speech, and it's worth replacing Solovyov with Shenderovich, Mamontov with Latynina, and Leontyev with Ksenia Sobchak, and immediately Sechin's salary will return from beyond the boundaries of imagination? Or maybe you need to start by repenting for the crimes of the totalitarian era? Introduce lessons of homosexuality in schools? Distribute the Kuril Islands - Japan, Vyborg - Finland, Crimea - Turkey? Maybe then, finally, the money flowing into the pocket of the person who disposes of the people's wealth will be spent on our children, their health and education?

Or, it’s scary to think, maybe the whole point is that you need to check the “fifth column” with the head of Rosneft? Maybe a foreigner is hiding behind a Russian name and patronymic? And it is worth putting a proven Russian in a chair instead of him - and then he will give up excessive (not to spend so much) income in favor of the starving, freezing and deprived of medical care residents of Novorossia?

In addition, each representative of Rosneft receives a pleasant bonus at the end of the year - 140% of the monetary allowance for the last year. According to Forbes, Sechin rightfully owns the status of the highest paid manager. After that, the head of Rosneft filed a lawsuit in court, allegedly his income should not concern the media. Rosneft is not classified as a state-owned company that appeared on the basis of federal laws because Sechin owes nothing to anyone.

Sechin is an honest top manager

IN last time the whole world heard loudly about Sechin. His name was connected with the Ulyukaev scandal. We are talking about extorting a large bribe from Sechin - $ 2 million.

While the proceedings were going on, the media did not stop “digging” under the chairman of Rosneft. No one gives rest to his huge salary. In 2018, she surpassed even the earnings of the director of the world's largest oil refinery in China, PetroChina. Capitalization according to official data reached 307.21 billion dollars. The salary allowance of the Chinese head of the enterprise in China remains modest - in the range of 118,000 dollars.

Average salary in Russia in 2018

The latter is determined by the cost of a food basket and essential goods that are able to meet the minimum needs of a Russian.

In 2018, the minimum wage and the cost of living were equalized in values. Private employers have the right to set salaries for employees at their own discretion, which cannot be said about state employees. The latter have a fixed salary, often for Good work civil servants are given bonuses and allowances. Also, the minimum wage is indexed annually, based on the rate of inflation.

It is correct to consider salaries by industries in which employees are employed. Rosstat determined the following indicators of the average earnings of Russians for 2018:

  1. Those who are involved in the mining industry receive an income of 71,000 rubles every month.
  2. Fuel energy workers can boast of a salary of 81,000 rubles.
  3. According to the Committee of Statistics, Russians extract minerals for an average salary of 51,000 rubles.
  4. The transport sector employs workers who receive 43,000 rubles.
  5. Civil servants have 40,000 rubles. We are talking about top managers and heads of departments. Other subordinates don't get much, especially in the provinces. The closer the region is to the capital, the higher the salary.

Who gets the least

The list of those who are forced to survive on a meager salary looks like this:

  1. Doctors and teachers receive a maximum of 15,000 rubles, and even then if they have great experience. For example, a nurse is entitled to only 10,000 rubles a month.
  2. Despite the fact that workers in manufacturing, perform important work, craftsmen and technologists live on 16,000 rubles a month. Those who work in the pulp and paper sector receive 32,000 rubles.
  3. IN Food Industry average earnings are 29,000 rubles.
  4. The production of furniture, joinery allows an employee to claim a salary in the amount of 22,000 rubles.
  5. Those employed in the production of clothing and footwear receive 21,000 rubles.

In February, state-owned companies traditionally publish statements for the final quarter of last year, which contain information about the earnings of the management. At the end of 2016 total amount payments to the board of Gazprom decreased by 9.4% - for the first time since 2012. Rosneft reduced the salaries of board members by 16%, although the total amount of payments remained almost unchanged due to bonuses.

What is officially known

Using the example of five state-owned companies from different industries, one can see how payments have changed.

The total annual income consists of wages, bonuses, commissions, remuneration for participation in the work of the governing body and other types of remuneration. In Gazprom, most of the income is wages (1.2 billion rubles in 2016), in Sberbank, Rosneft and Russian Railways - bonuses (2.9 billion rubles, 2 billion rubles and 1.6 billion rubles. respectively). Aeroflot does not disclose details. At the same time, the average annual income of a board member exceeds the average annual earnings of an ordinary employee by 50-300 times.

The exact amounts of earnings of executives are usually not disclosed. In May 2015, Rosneft published the "Standard on payments and compensations to top managers", for the first time revealing the mechanism for calculating salaries and bonuses to its management. It follows from the document that the salary of the president of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, is 15-20 million rubles. per month, that is, up to 240 million rubles. in year. The rest of the top managers receive from 10-50% of the president's salary. In addition, the president is entitled to an annual bonus of 150% of the salary and other payments.

What is the unofficial data

Since 2012 ranking of the 25 most expensive top managers published annually by Forbes. The highest positions in it are traditionally occupied by the heads of state-owned companies (Gazprom, Rosneft, VTB).

How Much Do Other Senior Executives Earn?

Top managers salaries quite comparable to the income of some federal officials. The annual income of the richest member of the government - Minister for Open Government Affairs Mikhail Abyzov - in 2015 amounted to 455.6 million rubles. Deputy Prime Minister and presidential envoy of the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Trutnev earned 153.8 million rubles, Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov - 144.7 million rubles.

According to a study by Equilar, the average annual earnings of top managers 100 largest companies USA at the end of 2015, it reached $14.5 million (883 million rubles in terms of the average annual dollar exchange rate in 2015).

The most high-profile scandals around the earnings of top managers

In 2014, the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin filed a lawsuit against Forbes magazine, which estimated his income in 2012 at $50 million. The Savelovsky Court of Moscow sided with Mr. Sechin, obliging the magazine to refute this information as untrue.

In August 2014, the head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin in his blog stated that he was not obliged to publish information about his income, noting that, as the head of a state-owned company, he submits “data on his income to tax office and to the government." He added that the publication "carries a certain threat" to his family members. In January 2015, the head of Russian Railways said that he agreed to obey the relevant government order. Later, he reported that his salary was 4 million rubles. per month. His successor Oleg Belozerov has officially disclosed the annual income.

In November 2016, the Prosecutor General's Office stated that the bonus of the head of the Russian Post, Dmitry Strashnov, at the end of 2014 (95.4 million rubles) was accrued illegally and should have amounted to no more than 3.2 million rubles. Materials were sent to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation on the initiation of a case on abuse of power. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications spoke in defense of Mr. Strashnov, stating that the remuneration was reasonable. According to the press service of the Russian Post, from the beginning of 2016 to the present, the salary of Dmitry Strashnov is 307 thousand rubles per month without surcharge for access to information constituting the state. secret (50% of the monthly salary), as well as payment for business trips and vacation days. Annual bonuses for 2015 and 2016 were not paid.

In 2016, the annual publication of the salary rating of top managers Forbes came out without indicating the amount of remuneration of VTB President Andrey Kostin. This was due to the fact that "prior to the publication of the material, the VTB Group did not provide data on key management employees who are allocated the total remuneration." As the Vedomosti newspaper wrote, journalists suspected the owner of the issuer Russian version magazine of the ACMG group Alexander Fedotov in his interference in editorial policy. In January, the editor-in-chief of the magazine, Nikolai Uskov, called the refusal to publish the salary of the head of VTB "his personal decision."

How do experts explain the decline in income

Igor Polyakov, Leading Expert of the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting (CMASF): “This may be due to the desire to maintain a certain competitiveness, because the salary fund for top managers hangs a significant burden on the company's expenses. Second, and this is due to the international, not internal activities- after a decision is made to reduce production quotas, companies may predict a decrease or stabilization of some revenues. Thirdly, the analysis shows a high level of stratification in terms of wages in companies with state participation. Last year, the State Duma even raised the issue of limiting salaries and severance pay, the so-called "golden parachutes."

Vladislav Zhukovsky, economist, member of the Presidium of the Stolypin Club:“The first and most important thing you need to know about the salaries of top managers of state-owned companies: fairy tales that they are forced to pay record salaries and bonuses, which amount to billions of rubles annually, allegedly so that they do not go into the private sector, foreign companies. This point of view is in some way a manipulation of public opinion. Nobody needs officials who have become state managers abroad - there was not a single precedent. Secondly, you need to understand that in our country the salaries, salaries and bonuses of top managers are not tied to the efficiency of labor productivity in the company. For example, Gazprom's net profit has fallen significantly, revenue is declining, but at the same time, board members still receive record amounts. A formal slight decrease in wages due to the fact that it has become very difficult with money in the economy and public opinion is pressing, so we decided to put some good face on a bad game, let off steam and defuse the situation.

Mikhail Zhukov, CEO headhunter: “Top managers are definitely not in danger, because, taking into account bonus payments, vacation pay and travel allowance, their income has definitely not fallen. It is difficult to say what will happen next year, but at least this year the wage cuts will not affect their total income. It is quite possible that such actions by company management are a purely demonstrative decision, a reaction to press reports about the income levels of top managers, which clearly irritated the Russian population, which receives much less.

Olga Dorokhina, Evgeny Kozichev, Mikhail Malaev, Olga Shkurenko

Sobesednik.ru calculated how much top managers earn Russian companies government controlled

Minimum wage in Sechin

Let's make a reservation right away: the amounts of salaries presented in our rating are underestimated. Companies and banks do not disclose how many bonuses were paid to a particular manager. In official reports - only the general value.

For example, in 2017, 11 members of the board of Rosneft received a reward of 3 billion 895 million rubles. On average, each gets 354 million a year. It is logical to assume that the chairman of the board, Igor Sechin, got more. But exactly how much is a secret. Despite the recent recommendations of the Central Bank to indicate earnings by name.

The game of hide and seek on the part of state managers has been going on for several years. They refuse to disclose information about their property.

When making calculations, Sobesednik relied on average values, less than which the heads of state-owned companies could not even theoretically earn. In practice, their remuneration is two times higher than that of "ordinary" top managers.

And we have not yet taken into account income from holding shares and from deposits in banks. So the real revenues of the heads of companies are many times greater than those that we can prove.

At the same time, considerable milk yields of managers do not imply their effectiveness. The net profit of the same Rosneft has been falling in recent years, and the salaries of the top of the company have been growing. The other day, Sechin also asked Vladimir Putin for tax breaks. But he didn't offer to cut his salary.

Grain by grain

State managers receive money not only at their main place of work. They, as a rule, sit in the management bodies of other companies - both controlled and third-party. So, the head of PJSC Gazprom, Alexei Miller, is also the chairman of the board of directors at Gazprombank, SOGAZ, Gazprom Neft, and Gazprom Media.


9639 euros Saulius Bilis, General Director of the natural gas transmission system operator Amber Grid, receives a month in Lithuania.86 times less than his Russian counterpart Alexei Miller. But among leaders state enterprises in the post-Soviet republic, this is the largest income.

According to Sobesednik's calculations, Miller's monthly salary is more than 58 million rubles. This is a thousand times more than most employees of Gazprom. For example, Gazprom Dobycha Krasnodar, a 100% subsidiary of Gazprom, earns an average of 58,000 rubles each. per month. Gazprom Transgaz Volgograd, which employs 5,000 people, has 44,000 each.

Anatoly Chubais is also torn on several fronts. He sits on the board of directors of JSC Rusnano (1 million rubles per annum), is a member of the board of directors of PJSC Pipe Metallurgical Company (another 11 million) and, most importantly, chairs LLC Management Company Rosnano (1.05 billion rubles). ). In addition, he cooperates with Skolkovo, heads NovaMedica LLC and RosnanoMedInvest LLC. Chubais promised to lead Rusnano until his retirement. His annual income would be enough for 80,000 Russian pensioners.

SUPPLEMENT (03/14/2018; 18:30)

The representative of "Rosnano" called the assessment of the income of Anatoly Chubais "groundless". As confirmation, the Interlocutor was provided with a copy of the declaration of A. B. Chubais, which was not in public access, but for 2016. According to this document, the head of Rosnano received an income in the amount of 325 million 896 thousand rubles for the reporting period, of which 41 million 773 thousand rubles came from the main place of work. Declaration for 2017 has not yet been submitted– this should be done in April.


We have a lot of money. There are simply too many of them. Anatoly Chubais

State bankers

As it turned out, German Gref earns more at Sberbank than Andrey Kostin at VTB. But in fairness, Sberbank's revenue is more significant.

A couple of years ago, State Duma deputy Vasily Shvetsov suggested "tying" the earnings of the heads of state corporations to the president's salary. According to his idea, no one should receive more than the head of state. However, this initiative did not find support among the Duma majority, and the author of the bold document himself could not be re-elected to the next convocation of parliament.

So Putin can still ask for a loan from his old friend, the head of Sberbank. They started working together back in 1991 at the St. Petersburg City Hall. Moreover, the state evaluates Gref's talents higher than the entire Russian hockey team. For the victory at the Olympics, 100 million “prize money” were allocated for the entire team, and half a billion for Gref alone.

Medvedev to envy

The salary of another top manager close to the president - the general director of Rostec Sergey Chemezov - is 400 times higher than the average for the state corporation (44 thousand per month). Chemezov has been friends with Putin since joint work in Germany. Today he is one of the most influential people in the country. Many resignations and appointments of governors are associated with his name.

In the regions where Rostec operates, the name of Chemezov inspires awe. Under his management is a whole empire: in total, 453 thousand people work in the structures of the corporation.

But the chairman of the board of Inter RAO UES, Boris Kovalchuk, is connected not only with the president (through his father's dacha in the Ozero cooperative), but also with the prime minister. During his studies at St. Petersburg State University, Dmitry Medvedev was his teacher. Today, Kovalchuk, who is in charge of the power industry, earns 21 times more than Medvedev - officially, of course.

The only one among the top managers of state-owned companies who is not afraid to officially declare income is the head of Russian Railways, Oleg Belozerov. He boldly indicates that for his work he has an income of more than 14 million rubles. per month. In the meantime, Russian Railways is looking for a road foreman for a salary of 52,000 rubles. And a loader - for 20 thousand.

For future employees railway the sums of income of top managers certainly seem fantastic. But if anything in Russia is implausible, it is the political establishment's focus on building a just society.