The most popular business coach in the world. Professionals and charlatans

Having started working as an ordinary sales agent, at the age of 30, Brian Tracy has already become the head of a large company, having made a dizzying career in management, marketing, real estate and investments. Today he is included in the list of the best consultants in the world, speaks in different countries continues to publish books and tutorials. His trainings are distinguished by humor, an abundance of practical ideas and fascinating stories. Brian Tracy does not stop there and continues to explore issues of economics, psychology, business and philosophy.

An award-winning business coach, he began his career in 1992. A year later, Vladimir Gerasichev creates his own method based on coaching. Now his program to achieve the goals "Context" is incredibly popular among entrepreneurs, actors, bloggers, journalists, startups and restaurateurs. In a corporate format, it is called "Business Context". Vladimir is the owner of one of the leading international companies in the business education market Business Relations (“Business Relations”) and the winner of prestigious competitions, for example, in 2015 he became the “Entrepreneur of the Year in the 2b2 segment”. The businessman is also engaged in the creation of films ("Context" and "Life"), broadcasts on RBC and the Rain channel, and writes books ("Dream Team"). More than 250,000 people and 300 companies have taken part in his programs in an open and corporate format, the author's approach of which is to study the issue of human happiness and efficiency.

Radislav Gandapas considers a full life to be the main business project of any person. Over 20 years of practice, he has conducted more than a thousand trainings. Started as a specialist in oratory, gradually the coach expanded the range of topics. Now he talks about algorithms for success, emotional intelligence, self-management, charisma and leadership ideology. Radislav Gandapas was recognized several times as the best in the profession among Russian specialists based on the results of the year. The success of the business coach is also evidenced by the number of tickets sold for his performances - more than one hundred thousand. In addition to trainings, he publishes thematic books and films.

For those who want to increase sales and improve their knowledge of marketing, Neil Rackham's studies are suitable. Among his clients are organizations from the list of "100 largest companies USA", and he himself boasts a post CEO in three international firms at once. The works of a business coach have been translated into 50 languages ​​and have gained great popularity among professionals. He is distinguished by active interaction with listeners and a great sense of humor. Meeting guests receive a real challenge and incentive to reach new heights in the field of sales.

I started doing marketing when it wasn't mainstream yet. In the profession since 1993, and during this time he became the first expert in the profession. Igor Mann asks to call himself a marketer, paying attention to the fact that he is a practitioner, and marketers are theorists. Developed a dozen corporate programs and open trainings, author of popular books and weeklies. The listeners note that the trainings are held in an accessible language and with maximum benefit. If for some reason you have not heard about this business coach, you can get to know him better in the blog on his personal website, and at the same time get inspired.

At the age of ten, he made his first successes in sales (trading rubber sponges), and at 21 he became the youngest employee who brought the company more than a million dollars in his first year of work selling life insurance services. Today they call him Mr. Body Language - in this matter he succeeded better than anyone else and knows how to make charisma work for you. Actually, the coach uses this with might and main in his trainings, which are distinguished by exciting and dynamic presentations. Also in the track record of Allan Pease are several dozen books translated into fifty languages ​​and sold with a total circulation of almost 30 million copies.

If you have the opinion that being a coach is exclusively for men, then Inna Alekseeva is a vivid refutation of this. Trainer-practitioner and owner of a well-known communication agency, has been working in the field of PR since 1999. During this time, she managed to become the best leader according to the magazine "Profile" and enter the top ten most influential women Russian business. At his trainings, he reveals the secrets of successful PR and trains top officials to work with the media.

A business coach values ​​his time and strives to teach this to everyone. In Russia, Gleb Arkhangelsky is considered the main time management expert. This topic is the work of his whole life. During his career, the coach has gone from assistant to the chairman of the board in a bank to the founder and CEO of his own company Time Management. Of course, one guide is not enough, and in between the main work and trainings, he writes bestsellers, in which everyone can learn how to manage to do the main thing. Lot useful information is also in his blog in LiveJournal. Entries are updated several times a month.

Entrepreneur with Enviable Experience successful work knows exactly what mistakes are often made in doing business, how to start dominating the market and recruit effective staff. He devotes his trainings and books to these and many other topics. By the way, publications quickly become bestsellers and sell in circulation of several hundred thousand copies. In addition, articles by Konstantin Baksht can often be found in professional periodicals and popular business portals.

The Village continues to talk about how people different professions plan your budget. In the new issue - a business coach who conducts public speaking classes. Now various trainers and coaches offer to learn how to properly manage your time, effectively sell goods and services, run a company or speak in front of any audience. In addition to the skills needed for running a business, trainings can teach, for example, how to get married successfully or make wishes correctly. There is no certification in this area, so almost anyone can declare themselves a coach. We learned from a young man who teaches politicians and entrepreneurs how to speak in public how to spot a charlatan, not be afraid to go on stage and save money on travel.


Public speaking and public speaking coach


300,000 rubles on average


50 000 rubles

Rental of property

40,000–50,000 rubles

1 000 rubles

1,000–7,000 rubles

10,000–50,000 rubles

2,000–3,000 rubles


50 000 rubles

Help for parents

10,000–30,000 rubles

1,000–2,000 rubles

Personal care

20,000–30,000 rubles


How to become a business coach

I have been performing on stage since childhood. In my school and student years, I played in KVN, after studying for some time I worked on the radio, and then I was involved in organizing and holding events. When I had a need for personal development, I began to study psychology and sometimes give free trainings. It was my social work, I taught classes for volunteers, shared knowledge on student forums. Once I was asked to conduct a training on public speaking, already for money. I collected theoretical information and realized that I know it all - how to grab the attention of the audience, how to speak correctly, how to make people hear you. But no one taught me this, I mastered it all in practice.

For the first training I was paid nine thousand rubles. It was nothing compared to how much I was earning doing events. I could receive several times more, but I did not experience strong job satisfaction. Then I began to study the market, I saw that there is a demand for the services of business coaches. I once worked with a man who produces artists and he became my business partner. I needed his investment and opportunities to reach out to people who are potentially interested in my services, including those from show business. I don't do documentation myself. All paperwork - the conclusion of contracts, the payment of taxes - was taken over by the partner.

Proper Marketing

When I started working, I watched trainings and realized that my competencies were higher than those of recognized and practicing business coaches. At the same time, the range of prices for their services was very large. For one coach, the service costs two thousand, and for another - a hundred. At first I thought that it depends on the level of knowledge, skills, efficiency. But the money you earn depends more on the marketing you build: how often you appear in the media, whether you work with media personalities, how many subscribers you have.

It is already known that customers do not go for content, no matter how unique and working it may be, but for a person. Information can be found on the Internet and books, often for free. But few people go to read and understand on their own, it is better to turn to a business coach. You can give a simple analogy: everyone knows how to properly pump up the body, what exercises to do, but in the gym they turn to professionals in the same way.

I'm lucky that my partner works in show business. He has employees who are engaged in the promotion of artists, maintaining their social networks. If I myself knocked on television or radio, then there would be much less confidence in me.

Submission of information

I have several formats of classes: personal consultation, corporate training and online course. I also post a lot of information in social networks and on the site. A common mistake novice coaches make is not to post anything for free. There is such a rule: if two people went to a restaurant, and one treats the other, then the second subconsciously feels that he owes the first. On the total account of the relationship, one put a little more than the other. It works the same way in coaching. A person has already received something from you for free, he begins to trust you more.

Now I blog on YouTube, where I talk about my technique. On Instagram, you can just write posts, but video content is better, so we decided to make humorous vines on our subject. I still played so much in KVN and I know how to joke. Even now we will try the formats of training-performance and training-stand-up, because it is easier to convey something through humor.

At one time, clients often asked why I shouldn't write a book. I outlined the main theses, my partner and I hired an agent who communicated with the publisher. If I was known throughout the country, then they would offer me a fee, and so we paid half, and the publishing house paid half. We spent about 250 thousand rubles on the book - editing, cover design, illustrations, agent fees, proofreading, layout, printing and distribution to bookstores.

Trusted Clients

I don't like the word "client", that's why I usually call the people with whom I work wards. Mostly entrepreneurs, top managers of companies, politicians and people who are just going to go into politics come to me. There are also quite famous personalities - governors, businessmen, athletes, people from show business. They usually take private lessons, and very different people enroll in an online course, not always rich and famous. After classes, my students and I remain on friendly terms, you can always call me and ask a question.

I thought I was lucky that I deal with cool entrepreneurs with the right values. Then at some point a girl turned to me, she herself conducts trainings, but on a completely different topic - the relationship between a man and a woman. I began to communicate with her and realized that she herself was divorced, that is, she was teaching others what she herself had not succeeded in. We are generally at different poles. I just didn't know what to do with her. I considered it wrong to refuse, because it is still my job. In the end, the girl herself left.

I have not yet been in situations where my ethical standards they would be offended, for example, if a politician whose program I do not support applied to me. But I am not such a moralist as to assure that honor is dearer than life. I would not want to work with a large state structure, but there are very worthy individuals there, and I am ready to train them. They write reports well, can collect data and prepare material, but they do not know how to speak.

Professionals and charlatans

The profession of a business coach is heavily criticized, and rightly so. A person comes and sees that you can take a lot of money for trainings, while you just need to chat. It seems to people: “I’ll read a couple of books on the topic, but I know how to talk like that. So I'm now a business coach." I wrote in social networks that you are holding seminars and classes - and let's hit the road! In this profession, there is no entry threshold at all. Some courses of trainers have already appeared, but they are created only on the basis of the ideas of some individuals. So the market turned out a large number of incompetent people. They know how to talk, but do not put the skills into practice. Sales coaching is done by mid-level salespeople with a good tongue, but they can't build and manage a 100-person sales force. I am ready to prove my skills at any moment. If I need to go on stage in front of hundreds of people, in front of adults and children, no problem.

When choosing a coach, you need to look at what he posts on social networks in the public domain. You can find real reviews, contact people who attended his classes, what he writes, with whom he worked, are there any results. So far, I have only one guarantee that I am not cheating people for money: if someone bought my online course or paid for individual sessions, and he just didn’t like it - I will return the money to him, and we will say goodbye.

How to beat stage fright

I have been exclusively coaching for about three years, but before any performance I still get worried. Fear of the stage and the public is normal. Actor Oleg Menshikov said that he played the same performance thousands of times and every time he was nervous before going on stage. People tend to be afraid of the unknown. You can’t be ready for absolutely everything, a lot of factors can affect the performance - in what mood people came, how many of them, how they will react to your words. But when you are not nervous, most likely you do not care, and this is very bad.

If an athlete begins to lift a barbell weighing 100 kilograms without preparation, then most likely he will damage the muscles. Therefore, before physical exercise, a warm-up is a must. Same thing with public speaking, you need to prepare, tune in to relieve excitement. This is important, first of all, because any fears give rise to bodily blocks - sudden movements, tight postures, trembling in the voice. This is immediately noticeable on stage and the audience does not like it. I advise you to create your own preparatory ritual. It can be physical, breathing or mental exercises, for example, visualization of a performance.


My personal consultation costs 15,000 rubles, Skype consultation - 10,000, one-day training - 100,000, two-day - 150,000, speaking at an event - 50,000, online course from 9,900 to 30,000.

The work of a business coach is seasonal. For example, January falls in full, and in summer period fewer orders. My partner and I share the profit: I get 60%, and he gets 40%. Costs are deducted from the earned, and the net profit is already divided. My partner has managers, they also take care of me, but I don’t pay them anything out of my own pocket - I don’t even know how much they get. My monthly income ceiling was about half a million rubles, in not very productive months I get 150 thousand. The average is about 300 thousand.


For renting an apartment in the center of Moscow, I pay about 50 thousand. This is not an elite, but an ordinary house, and I managed to find a good deal. I move around the city either by taxi or take a car sharing, and in the summer I generally ride a bike. Another thousand rubles a month I put on the phone. I have breakfast at home, lunch at the office, and dinner usually in a cafe or restaurant. In the store, I buy products for a couple of days: fruits, yogurts, water, something for tea - I spend a thousand and a half. Recently we went to the cinema with a company, then we all had dinner together, and I paid most of the bill, especially since there were girls with us. I do not eat meat, and I often go to the vegetarian cafes "Juice", "Moscow-Delhi" on the Patriarchs. I can spend 40-50 thousand on food.

When you train specific audience, you need to come in a suit, but I don't dress like that in Everyday life. I already have suits and shirts, and I don’t spend money on them now. Recently I spent 30 thousand on clothes, bought sneakers, t-shirts, polo shirts, shorts. These are not the most expensive brands - Massimo Dutti, US Polo Assn, Henderson, Converse. I can spend about a thousand to two thousand on a haircut, sometimes I do a manicure, although many do not understand this. I have expenses for filming and social media promotion. You can spend 50 thousand on a video for YouTube. For Instagram, we shoot a video for 3 thousand, we release one a week. But spending on video and social networks depends on the needs, it can be 10 or 50 thousand.

I do triathlon, for this I now need few things: running shoes, T-shirt, shorts, swimwear. So I spend a little on sports - from a thousand to seven. In August, we are going to Lake Baikal with friends, air tickets cost me around 30 thousand. I will also spend 25 thousand on everything else. Back in September, my friends are flying to Spain, I am going to come to them for a few days. I regularly travel to my native St. Petersburg. And if I go to conduct a training or an event in another city, then they pay for my travel and accommodation. We can say that I want to stay for a couple more days and relax in a new place. I'm saving money, but now I'm not investing anywhere. A month usually comes out about 20-30 thousand. I invest almost all free money in the development of my brand: it is more promising. I also help my parents: I spend about 50 thousand rubles a month to help my family.

On March 15, 2018, the results of the next All-Russian study " Best business Russian coaches. Unfortunately, the market of "star" business training and consulting experts has been an exclusively male territory for several years now. Recognized experts who have gained popularity and authority are developing new training and seminar programs, mastering new specifications, cities and countries, while increasing their fees and economic indicators their businesses.

At the same time, in comparison with the shortlists of previous years, only one expert with scientific approaches remained in the rating of experts. The only holder of a scientific degree in the rating of "The Best Business Coaches of Russia 2017" Denis Nezhdanov, a well-known corporate trainer, expert, author of the first and only officially deposited by the Russian Authors Society method of corporate business training FiSEQ-approach, remained.

From January 10, 2018 to February 28, 2018 The survey respondents were asked to identify the names of the best experts in three main categories:

1. The best business coach of mass events - nomination "MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKING" (motivational speeches);

2. The best business-trainer of skill competencies (strategic and operational management, sales, negotiations, etc.) - nomination "HARD SKILLS" (skill competencies);

3. The best business coach of value competencies (efficiency, self-motivation, responsibility, flexibility, partnership) - nomination "SOFT SKILLS" (value competencies).

Candidate of Political Sciences, President of the Business Training Corporation NEZHDANOV -, who received more than 12,000 votes of respondents (12,345), became the "Best Business Trainer of Hard Skills". Denis Nezhdanov has been awarded the title of "Best Business Coach" for the fifth time and the third time in the framework of the All-Russian study.

Denis Nezhdanov is an author, developer of open and corporate trainings in a range of highly demanded business competencies, such as strategic planning and management, leadership, operational management and managerial influence, commercial negotiations, and many others. The author's technology for the formation of business skills “method Fi. S. E. Q. - Denis Nezhdanov" in 2017 was supplemented with a new methodology for the development of personal and business competencies. It's so called M.E.D.E.M. - the approach of Denis Nezhdanov. It is aimed at developing the efficiency of business thinking of the training participants.

In 2017 and 2018, new training companies from the North-West of Russia to the Primorsky Territory became Denis Nezhdanov's partners.

"The Best Business Skills Coach 2017" - Denis Nezhdanov is the author of a number of books and manuals. At the turn of 2017-2018. a new book by Denis Nezhdanov "CODE OF THE LEADER: 18 commandments for the heroes of our time" was published, which many of the author's clients could get acquainted with in electronic form.

"STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT: 10 Laws of Success for Leadership Companies"

"CODE LEADER: 18 commandments for the heroes of our time"

"SAFE SALES: 10 ways to close deals"

“TEAM FOR A MILLION. We create a personnel management system»

"NEGOTIATIONS WITHOUT DEFEAT: 5 steps to persuasion"

Radislav Gandapas, a well-known expert, is not the first time in the nomination “The Best Business – Trainer of Value Competences” (soft skills) with a result of more than 10,000 votes (10,214). At the end of 2017, one of the most titled trainers in Russia published a new mass training "Emotional Intelligence: The Art of Managing Oneself and Others", as well as another book "Full Life as a Business Project".

In 2017 -2018 Radislav Gandapas also partners with new training companies in Russia.

In the nomination "Best Business - Speaker of Mass Events" (motivational speaking), he became the leader with a result of more than 9,000 votes (9,078). The author of the bestsellers “45 Manager Tattoos” and “45 Tattoos Sold” has been gathering hundreds of followers for more than 3 years in a row at his master classes, which are successfully held in the cities of Russia and the CIS countries.

In 2017, Maxim Batyrev became the absolute record holder in terms of the number of open events held throughout Russia and neighboring countries. Also an authoritative speaker introduced in 2017 new master class"Sales management".

Understandable to every Russian-speaking entrepreneur and specialist, the sales management experience of one of the leading companies in Russia has become the basis for writing scripts for events in interactive and seminar formats that are so popular today.

Master classes by Maxim Batyrev are successfully oriented, according to the author, to an audience of listeners "with an expert position, a vulnerable ego and a wild desire to be heroes."

As a result of the assessments of respondents and experts, it was possible to identify leaders in each of the 10 nominations, and the leaders of the unofficial standings were identified, who received the highest marks from respondents for participating in one or more nominations. The distribution of votes of the respondents made it possible to identify not only the leaders of each of the nominations, but also the leaders in the overall standings nominated by experts in more than one nomination.

Voting in specialized nominations also singled out its leaders. The leaders of the study in the overall standings (calculated by the sum of votes received by the nominees in all nominations) were Nezhdanov Denis as the best business coach in the nominations " Strategic planning and crisis management», « operational management and managerial influence", "Sales, sales management and customer service" and "Team building" with a score of 9,782 votes.

The second place was taken by Radislav Gandapas, the permanent leader of the coaching ratings, with a result of 8,123 votes, collected by summing up the votes of respondents in the nominations "Leadership" and "Public Speaking".

The third place was taken by Maxim Batyrev with a score of 6,561 votes in the nomination "Personnel Management", becoming the undisputed leader in terms of the number of votes in one nomination.


Note of the Organizing Committee of the Study: Candidates who received less than 100 votes or who have been working in the field of business education, training and consulting for less than 5 years were not included in the short-list proposed by experts. All inaccuracies in the calculation of the results of the study are within the allowable statistical error characteristic of the application of the relevant research methods and calculation of the results.

Why did we consider:

In 1918, the founder - Bertie Forbes for the first time counted the fortune the richest people America. After 69 years, Forbes began to publish lists of the richest people on the planet, and the first entrepreneurs from Russia appeared in it in 1997.

In the last decade, the structure of the Forbes Golden Hundred of Russia has changed radically. And if at the beginning of the 2000s the undisputed leader was the commodity magnate Mikhail Khodorkovsky, then already in 2014 the first places belong to the leaders of the investment market, who headed efficient business teams not only commodity markets. (USM-holdings), (), (Yandex) are just some examples. According to experts, the transport business of V. Lisin (NLMK, Freight One) has surpassed its profitability metallurgical business. This list goes on.

As the practice of building a non-commodity business that is not based on the exploitation of subsoil shows, the commercial path requires the development of a whole list of special competencies of entrepreneurs who head a truly leadership business or claim to create one. This applies no less, and even more so to the members of their management teams and teams of specialists who every day defend the right to lead businesses, key features which they lead.

In the last 20 years, a special place in the development of competitiveness, efficiency and profitability of a business has been played by such an intangible resource as business training aimed at developing the strategic and leadership thinking of managers, as well as developing specialized skills and mastering the best business development technologies in modern markets.

Any environment in which the role of a person is dominant and determines success is extremely difficult to digitize, which creates difficulties in choosing partners in training. That is why the role of a business coach in recent years has been tried on by thousands of compatriots, hundreds of them managed to build successful career and only a few dozen with their professionalism, constant improvement of their intellectual product and the skill of transferring experience and knowledge received the highest marks from a competent expert jury and brilliant reviews from customers, participants in open and corporate trainings, skill exams, practical certifications and professional tournaments in the field of marketing, sales, management staff and others.

How we thought:

The head of the Organizing Committee of the First All-Russian study "The Best Business Coaches of Russia", the head of the MBA program "Management of interaction between business and the state" of the Moscow state university named after M. V. Lomonosov, Candidate of Economic Sciences Narine Robertovna ARAKELYAN: “At the first stage, a group of experts was formed consisting of 60 people working in the field of business education (representatives high school, heads of corporate universities, and experts from specialized media) nominated candidates for participation in the second stage of the research project in 13 key categories.

At the second stage of the study, the list of contenders for the leaders of the nominations included coaches, in favor of whose choice at least 10 experts gave their votes.

At the third stage of the study, the primary list of nominees was posted for public voting on the official website of the study From January 10 to February 28, 2018 each respondent of the study could vote for 1 nominee in each of 13 nominations. In the course of the study, more than 50,000 respondents cast their votes for the nominees in 13 nominations (votes were accepted from 00:00 on 01/10/2018 to 00:00 on 02/28/2018).

As a result of summing up the results of the study, the above results were obtained, which revealed both new names and persons who confirmed the professional status of experts in the business education market in Russia.”

For the first time, the study provides an opportunity for a verifiable, two-way assessment of trainers by experts and respondents who are actively shaping the business training market in modern Russia based on professional assessments and participation in the life of Runet business communities”.

The Organizing Committee of the Second All-Russian Study "The Best Business Coaches of Russia" congratulates the leaders of the nominations. We wish you new creations, professional success and achievements. (hereinafter referred to as “SEReputation”, “we”, “us” or “our”) is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information of customers who can be identified in any way and who visit the website ( hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) and use its services (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”). Amendments to this Privacy Policy will be posted on the Site and/or Services and will be effective immediately upon posting. Your continued use of the Services following the posting of any changes to the Privacy Policy constitutes your acceptance of those changes.

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How to choose a business coach? This is a question many leaders ask themselves. In this article, we will analyze in detail the 7 main criteria by which it effectively conducts selection! We understand that you want to increase your company's sales, the number of customers, work with motivated employees and you probably thought about training your employees, ordering sales trainings, management trainings and, possibly, choosing a business coach. Let's begin.

Training indicators:

An increase in sales and an increase in the knowledge and skills of employees are the main indicators of the effectiveness of sales training and the work of a business coach. Many companies are wary of business coaches, because their number is growing every day, as well as the number of training companies. In order not to make a mistake with the choice of a competent specialist and get the result from the training, use the following criteria for choosing a business coach.

Criteria for choosing a business coach:

  1. Business coach experience.

A good business coach should have experience not only in conducting business trainings, but also experience in conducting trainings in your and / or related field. Good consulting companies and experienced trainers post such information on their websites. You should definitely be alerted if a trainer or consultant does not have a well-made website. This is the first choice rule and it is necessary to start from it when you want to study information and the so-called portfolio of works and cases. Agree that all the "cool" specialists in our century already have websites, social networks and personal blogs in which they share their successes in their work.

Examples of sales development in a company by specialists of the Moscow Academy:

  1. Renowned business coach.

A well-known business coach and a good business coach, unfortunately, are not always the same thing. Even in the most "old-experienced-deserved" companies, sales training can be ineffective. With all due respect, we treat the merits of companies that have been working on the market for a long time and are constantly progressing, creating new approaches and methods in staff training. We understand how important progressive strategies are in developing the business of our clients. The world is changing too fast now and what worked even 3 years ago is no longer relevant. For example, this perfectly shows the work with sales crypts, where people used to be trained to answer questions on a piece of paper, like robots. Today such approach of clients only irritates. No one wants to be on the phone with a machine or an answering machine when they have important tasks to do.


Always look at the portfolio of clients of a business coach or training company for work with startups and creating innovative business, since the experience of working with business development from scratch gives the trainer a clear understanding of the current needs of clients at a given time and allows them to create competent development strategies for clients.

  1. Education and training of the trainer.

A good business coach will in any case improve his skills, despite the experience of conducting trainings. It is also a big plus if a business coach improves his skills at international trainings and coaching. This always broadens the horizons for sales in general. The best business coach will not only improve their skills, but also pass international certification, which entitles a business coach and consulting company issue certificates of international standard to the participants of the training.

  1. Personnel certification.

Effective training for the specifics of your company should take into account the level of knowledge and skills of your employees. Most effective trainings are developed for the specifics of a particular company, personnel and tasks. Here it is very important to understand whether the trainer is ready to create an individual program of training and development of the necessary skills for you. Often in Russia, many (under) business coaches, especially beginners who have read motivational books and VKontakte publics, try to “suck in” the same thing for all companies with different specifics. As a result, everyone is upset: and the participants of the training, where everything is discussed, except effective work with clients in their field and the customer who paid for it. The best business coaches always spend

  1. Training programs.

A positive signal in the work of a business coach is when he offers to meet and discuss what kind of training program is effective for your employees. And the best option is when the training company offers to analyze the knowledge and test the client's employees to identify the main problems in the skills of sales, communication, management, etc.


An example program can be placed on the websites of training companies, but good company or a business coach will always offer an individual program.

Video evidence that the Sales Academy provides the best corporate trainings:

  1. Accompanying training or post-training

To get a better result, a business coach will always offer support after the training in the format of an additional mini-training or analysis of difficult situations with clients, answers to additional questions. issues, conducting strategic sessions with guidance on maintaining and monitoring learning outcomes.

Support after the training from the Moscow Academy of Sales:

It's no secret that people, especially adults, can forget information very quickly if they don't apply it. The same thing happens after training. The first week after the training is explosive work and often the monthly sales plan is met. We had a situation where the sales department of our client completed the semi-annual sales plan in 2 weeks! But now it's a little different. In general, all participants after training have a very high motivation. People enjoy the skills they begin to master on the job by putting new theories into practice. But after the second week, “turnover” often begins and the work becomes routine. Here, just our business coach comes to clients and tests the level of knowledge, and also helps to tune in to further improve their skills.


It is this approach that allows us to maintain a high rhythm of work after the training and does not let us forget the work done. With leadership, we also implement control and reporting systems in sales that have not been done before or refine those that have proven themselves well. It is this well-coordinated teamwork that leads to huge positive results after the training, which they receive.

If you have come to the idea of ​​the need to train your company's employees,

then this article will help you to do right choice! Good luck!