Propaganda as a means of promoting a product. Propaganda in the complex of marketing communications Propaganda essence types the role of marketing activities

According to Philip Kotler, propaganda is non-personal promotion of a product, service, social movement through the dissemination of commercially important information about them in the media mass media.

The attractive power of propaganda comes from three of its characteristic qualities.

  • 1. Reliability. Information material, article or essay seem more believable and reliable to readers compared to advertisements.
  • 2. Wide coverage of buyers. Propaganda can reach many potential buyers, who may avoid contact with sellers and advertising. The appeal comes to buyers in the form of news, and not in the form of commercial communication.
  • 3. Showiness. Like advertising, propaganda has the potential for a spectacular, eye-catching presentation of a company or product.

Marketers tend to either underestimate the use of product propaganda, or remember it last. Yet a carefully crafted propaganda campaign, linked to other elements of the stimulus complex, can be extremely effective.

Propaganda is used to promote branded and generic products, people, places, ideas, activities, organizations, and even entire countries. The latter resort to propaganda to attract tourists, foreign investment and secure international support. An effective method propaganda of any country is the creation and free distribution of free bright booklets about various areas of its national economy. By the way, in Belarus this method is recent times received wide distribution.

propaganda is integral part a broader concept - the organization of public opinion Public Relations (Public Relations). As defined by the Institute public relations, United Kingdom, Public Relations is a planned ongoing effort to create and maintain goodwill and understanding between an organization and its public. Public opinion activities have several objectives, including providing the firm with favorable publicity, creating a corporate image of a highly responsible organization, and preventing the spread of unfavorable rumors and information.

Public Relations Methods:

Relationship with the media. Maintaining relations with the press is not the responsibility of the organization, but if the activities of the latter are of public interest, the media will publish material and reports about it. If, however, the press is assisted, this will significantly reduce the likelihood of distortions and inaccuracies in the messages. In addition, press relations are used for advertising purposes. Relations with the media are two-way. The organization provides materials on its activities and takes steps to issue comments on information messages. Mutual trust and respect between an organization and the media is essential for a good relationship. Popular publications usually prefer sensational reports to those that describe planned events. By understanding the needs of newspapers, magazines, radio and television programs, you can find many ways to attract attention. The printed word will for a long time serve as the main means of communication for any organization with its customers, contractors, shareholders, etc. Therefore, the "own face" in the design of printed materials is one of the strongest means of marketing communication. Many organizations have developed their own corporate identity so that their products and advertisements recognizable at first sight. Personal style can be in the logo, in the type and type of fonts, color, or a combination of these means. It suffices to cite the example of Coca-Cola or Philip Morris. Good style is distinguished by the fact that it is used unchanged in all types of visual agitation - from letterheads to car sides.

Commodity propaganda. An activity that combines a variety of efforts to promote specific products.

General company communication. Internal and external communication activities aimed at providing a deeper understanding of the company's specifics to the public.

Lobbying. Working with legislators and government officials to enforce or eliminate any legislation or regulation.

Propaganda is still used on a limited scale and quite rarely. But propaganda can have a memorable effect on public awareness, and it will cost many times less than advertising, because the firm does not pay for either space or time in the media. Only the work of the staff and the distribution of the propaganda materials themselves are paid. If a company produces interesting material, it can be used by all media at once, which is tantamount to saving millions of dollars in advertising costs. Moreover, this material will be believed more than advertising.

Along with sales promotion, one of the main means of promotion is propaganda.

Propaganda includes “the use of editorial, and not paid, space and/or time in all media available to be read, viewed or listened to by existing or potential clients firms, to solve a specific problem - to contribute to the achievement of goals" "5.

The results of propaganda activities are sometimes brilliant. Take, for example, the movie Return of the Jedi.

"Return of Jedi" is the third film in the series "Chvschdnys non-ny" and at the same time a marketing phenomenon. Since the day of the premiere, sales of posters, toys, t-shirts and costumes with the film's characters have been booming. Illustrated film script is on the first bridge n bestseller lists in all parts of the country. Restaurant and eatery chain Berger Klng is heavily advertising its sales promotion campaign, with prizes and glasses featuring characters from the film, The Firm ((Pepperidge Farms) sells iodine cookies under the name Js-dee. Vanilla represents the characters, nut represents various living creatures, and chocolate - villains. Time magazine devoted a cover story to the film, and included photographs of scenes from it on the cover. Newspapers and television news programs tell of devoted fans who stand in lines for days for tickets for several days, and take shmervmo from those who wants to watch the movie again and again.

Propaganda is used to promote branded and generic products, people, places, ideas, activities, organizations, and even entire countries. Trade associations resort to propaganda to revive interest in commodities such as eggs, milk, potatoes. Organizations resort to propaganda to gain attention or to correct an unfavorable image of themselves. C1's use propaganda to attract tourists, attract foreign investment, and secure international support.

Propaganda is an integral part of a broader concept, the concept of activities for the organization of public opinion (pnblik rnleyshne). Public opinion activities have several objectives, including providing the firm with favorable publicity, creating a corporate image of a highly responsible organization, and preventing the spread of unfavorable rumors and information. To accomplish these tasks, public opinion departments use several means.

1. Establishing and maintaining relations with the press. The purpose of this active n! consists in placing information of a cognitive-eventful nature in the media to draw attention to persons, goods or services.

2. Commodity propaganda. An activity that combines a variety of efforts to promote specific products.

3. General company communication none. Internal and external communication activities aimed at providing a deeper understanding of the company's specifics to the public.

4. Lobbying. Working with legislators and government officials to enforce or eliminate any legislation or regulation.

5. Consulting, Issuance of recommendations to management on issues of public importance, position and image of the company. Advocacy specialists are usually concentrated not in the marketing department of the firm, but in the public opinion department. This department is usually located at the firm's headquarters, and its staff is so busy working with various contact audiences - shareholders, own employees, legislators, city officials - that propaganda designed to help solve product marketing problems can be forgotten. To prevent this from happening, you can, for example, include a propaganda specialist in the staff of the marketing department. Propaganda is often called the stepdaughter of marketing, because it is used on a limited scale and quite rarely. Yet propaganda can have a memorable effect on the level of public awareness, and it will cost many times less than advertising, because the firm does not pay for either space or time in the media. Only the work of the staff and the distribution of the propaganda materials themselves are paid. If the company prepares an interesting material, it can be used immediately by all means of disseminating information, which is tantamount to saving millions of dollars in advertising costs. Moreover, this material will be believed more than advertising.

When deciding when and how to use product propaganda, management should formulate its objectives, select the propaganda messages and the means of their distribution, monitor the implementation of the promotion plan into action and evaluate the results achieved through these activities.

Setting propaganda goals

First of all, it is necessary to set specific tasks for propaganda. In 1966, the California Wine Growers Association engaged Daniel J. Edelman, a specialist public opinion firm, to develop an advocacy program designed to advance the firm's two main marketing objectives: life, and 2) raise the image, and at the same time, the market share of Californian wines among other varieties. The following tasks were set for propaganda: 1) to prepare articles about wine and ensure their placement in leading magazines and newspapers (in sections devoted to food products, in other permanent sections); 2) to prepare articles about the many healing properties of wine, addressing these articles to medical professionals, and 3) to develop a special propaganda campaign for the adult youth market, the student market, public institutions and different ethnic communities. On the basis of the tasks set, specific goals were developed in order to subsequently be able to evaluate the results achieved.

Selection of propaganda appeals and their carriers

Next, the advocacy specialist will need to determine which interesting materials should be used to promote the product. Suppose a relatively unknown college wants to achieve wider public visibility. The propagandist will have to find appropriate materials that can be used for this purpose. Perhaps one of the teachers has an unusual story, or maybe one of them is working on an unusual topic. Perhaps college courses are unusual. Perhaps there are some interesting events taking place on his campus. As a rule, as a result of searches, hundreds of topics are found that can be developed for the press. The selected materials should represent the image that the college wants to create for itself.

If there is not enough material available, the evangelist may suggest holding events in which the college will act as a sponsor. In such cases, the propagandist does not look for news, but creates it himself. You can put forward the idea of ​​holding a major scientific meeting in the college, inviting famous speakers, arranging press conferences. Each such event is an opportunity to create many different materials aimed at a variety of audiences.

The art of event design is especially important for promoting campaigns but raising funds for non-profit organizations. The fundraisers have created a huge repertoire of special events such as commemorative anniversaries, art exhibitions, auctions, fundraisers, ps game tournaments, book sales, confectionery sales, contests, dances, dinners, fairs, fashion shows, parties in unusual places, recording nights, sales of old things, trips and hikes. As soon as some new event-based event appears, say the idea of ​​long walks, competitors immediately create many variants of it, such as reading competitions, cycling or jogging.

Implementation of the propaganda plan

Conducting promotional activities requires special attention. Take, for example, the placement of materials in the media. Excellent material is easy to place. However, most content isn't great, which means it may not get the go-ahead from busy editors. One of the main valuable qualities of a propaganda specialist is his personal connections with the editors of the media. Often propaganda specialists are former journalists who personally know

many editors know what they need. The propagandist sees media editors as a market that needs to be satisfied in order for these editors to continue to use firm-supplied propaganda material.

Evaluation of the results of advocacy activities

It is difficult to assess the contribution of propaganda to the activity of the firm, since it is used in combination with other incentives. However, if it is resorted to before other means are involved, the assessment is already easier to carry out.

by the most simple method determining the effectiveness of propaganda is to measure the number of contacts with the material posted in the media. The specialist gives the client a collection of clippings and information about all the media that used the material about the product, accompanying this collection with a summary like this.

Media coverage was reflected in the publication of news and photographs in a total of 3,500 inches of column space in 350 publications with a total circulation of 79.4 million copies, in the use of 2,500 minutes of airtime on 290 radio stations with an estimated 660 minutes of air time 160 TV centers with an audience of about 91 million people. Buying the same amount of space and time at advertising rates would cost the firm $1,047,000.26

Such measurements of the number of contacts are not very satisfying for the client. They do not give an idea of ​​the number of people who actually read or saw the appeal, nor of what thoughts it led these people to. There is also no information about the net audience, because the readership of various publications partially coincide.

More meaningful data is provided by measures of changes in product awareness, understanding and attitudes as a result of the advocacy campaign (with appropriate adjustments for the effects of other incentives). All these variables need to be measured twice - before and after the campaign. For example, the Potato Marketing Council found that the number of people who agreed with the statement "Potatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals" increased from 36% before the start of the campaign to 67% after the campaign ended. And this is already a significant increase in understanding of the essence of the product (see box 37).

Yet the most satisfactory in all possible cases are measurements of the impact on sales and profit levels. For example, by the end of the propaganda campaign "Cat Morris"

Box 37. Two examples of successful advocacy campaigns

The propaganda specialist is able to find or create commercially useful material about the most prosaic goods. A few years ago, the Potato Marketing Board decided to fund a publicity campaign to encourage potato consumption. A nationwide study of attitudes and consumption patterns found that many people perceive the kick potato as a fattening food that is not too nutritious and not too rich in vitamins and minerals. Such attitudes have developed as a result of the statements of various opinion leaders, such as food editors of periodicals, diet advocates, doctors. In fact, the calorie content of potatoes is much lower than many people think, and it contains a number of valuable vitamins and minerals. The Potato Marketing Board decided to develop separate outreach programs for consumers, physicians, nutritionists, nutritionists, home economics professionals, and food editors of periodicals. The consumer program included the broadcast of many potato content to network television and women's magazines, the creation and distribution of the "Dietary Guide for Potato Lovers", as well as the placement of articles and the publication of recipes from potatoes in the food sections of periodicals. The program for food editors of periodicals included seminars led by nutrition experts,

Propaganda can also be very effective in stimulating the sale of a branded product. One of the most popular brands of cat food is Nine Lives by Starkist Foods. The image of this brand is personified by the advertising character the cat Mor. The Leo Burnett agency, which created it, sought to make this character the most alive, the most real representative of the cat family, which would be loved by both owners and all cat lovers. The agency brought in a specialized public opinion firm, which, for its part, offered. and brought to life following ideas. 1. Morris Doubles contests were held in nine major markets. Morris attended all these competitions in person, and lengthy articles were published in the press about the search for his doubles. 2. The book "Personal Life of Morris" was published describing the adventures of the famous cat. 3. The prestigious Morris Prize was established - a bronze statuette, which is awarded to the owners of animals recognized as winners at local cat shows. 4. "Cat Adoption Month" is proclaimed, during which Morris acts as the official feline spokesman, encouraging people to adopt stray cats, which he himself once was. 5. Brochures-instructions for caring for cats called "The Morris Method" have been distributed. Thanks to all these promotional measures, the brand's position in the cat food market has been strengthened.

"Promotion of a healthy lifestyle" - The school is filled with a certain positive experience in the prevention of healthy lifestyles. The work begins with the elimination of risk factors. Prevention of neglect and delinquency. Nicotine addiction. Alcoholism and drunkenness. Project funding speed. Stages and terms of the project implementation: At the very beginning of training, families of schoolchildren are studied.

“Advertising in mailing lists” - Sometimes there is no answer to the first letters for a long time (with clarification of the queue). Pros: The queue for advertising is rarely more than one week. You can order the distribution of your advertising to the services themselves. 2nd way. There is no website where you can see the queue and prices. TOP-7 most effective and profitable mailing lists.

"Celebrities in Advertising" - Retail Face. Is there a danger of oversaturating consumers with the image of a star? Professional designer. What is the likelihood of a "vampire effect"? Joke uncensored Potato chips Have you seen "AB" Alla Pugacheva? retail name. Stella McCartney. Karl Lagerfeld. Singer.

"Factors of accidents" - Sample size and geography: Time of field work: Detailed ranking of the real causes of accidents. Segment 4. To achieve the set goal, it was necessary to solve the following tasks: 12th place. The total sample size is 1255 interviews. Impact Study outdoor advertising on drivers. Factors that can lead to emergencies, %.

"Advertising in Ukraine" - Establishments Catering. Knowledge of Orbit chewing gum. Internet supermarkets cinemas. Advertising in shopping and entertainment establishments and transport: supermarkets, malls, pharmacies, cinemas. Leisure. Coverage of media carriers. Restaurant goers fast food*: normal weekday. Use of "Safeguard" toilet soap.

"Advertising in hypermarkets" - Placement of your flyers. Over 5,000 guaranteed contacts per day with potential consumers your product. Neon illumination along the contour of the facade. Your advertisement in OMA hypermarket. Placement term: from 6 months. Advertising logos. Placement of the rack (height no more than 1.3 m.) - 150 euros m2 per month.

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Among the main ways legal protection consumers from unsatisfactory promotion methods can be distinguished:

Providing complete, reliable information;

Confirmation by the enterprise of the statements made regarding the goods;

Orders to stop unfair practices; corrective advertising (publication of new information);

Penalties for dishonest market activity

1 . The provision of complete information provides that the consumer, in order to make decisions about the purchase, has at his disposal all the necessary data about the properties of the product, the conditions for its operation.

2 . Confirmation requires the provision of relevant documents to the buyer, which confirms the technical and economic parameters of the product

3 . Orders to stop unfair practices mean that the company must stop the practice of dishonest approaches in promoting the product without an official admission of guilt or after paying fines

The movement of consumerism should protect the rights of the public, which should influence the activities of the enterprise

86 Publicity (product promotion)

. Propaganda - non-personal, unpaid, non-commercial stimulation of demand for a product by disseminating information about it in the press, broadcasting or from the stage

Propaganda is used to popularize branded or ordinary goods, create an image for enterprises, countries. In the latter case, it implies the creation of a reputation in the international spivtov aristvi, the interest of tourists, investors.

An example of the skillful use of propaganda is the experience of Motorola, one of the largest foreign trade enterprises. Czech Republic, which exported Skoda cars, Java motorcycles, mopeds, bicycles, Tatra trucks and cars to more than 100 countries of the world. These products were sold in those markets where such well-known competitors as Ford already existed. motor, "General Motor", "Vl xvagen" and others. And yet, "Motorola" has achieved great success through the use of "public relations" - participation in races, rallies, where racers on "Tatra", "Java" received championship titles" - participation in races, rallies, de racers on "Tatra", "Java" won champion titles.

The practice of inviting foreign journalists to factories to view new samples, and then in newspapers, magazines and television channels, was widely used. Western. Europe appeared a number of articles, broadcasts

In order to carry out propaganda, producers at their offices create public opinion departments that are engaged in establishing and maintaining relations with the press, disseminating informative and effective information about. OOO var in the media. For this, short press conferences, briefings, etc. are used. The Public Opinion Department performs the following functions:

Works with legislative services and government officials (lobbying);

Carries out corporate communications;

Provides advisory services;

Establishes and maintains relations with the press;

Carrying out promotional campaigns

1. Commodity propaganda provides for the promotion specific product, inventions, results of the latest research

2. Consulting involves providing consumers with certain advice about the product, its properties, as well as providing advice to management on public opinion about the product and the image of the enterprise

3. The activities of internal and external communications are related to ensuring a deeper understanding by the public of the specifics of the enterprise and its activities.

4. Lobbyism is associated with the organization of activities with legislators in order to achieve amendments to legislative and by-laws that would meet the interests of the enterprise, business circles

Assessing the effectiveness of propaganda activities is a rather complicated matter. One of the options for such an assessment is the collection of clippings, materials, speeches, reviews in the media on the activities of the host.