Interaction of local self-government bodies with public associations. Interaction of local governments with public and other associations of citizens, citizens and business entities

Head of the Ministry of Defense Sol-Iletsk urban district

"On the interaction of local governments with political parties and public associations"

The interaction between government and society is always of great importance. This is one of the most important indicators of the effectiveness and stability of the current government. From the number of public organizations and associations, the level of their activity and ability to influence the authorities, one can judge how open the public bodies are to interaction with society. On the other hand, for the public itself, support from the authorities is important and necessary. These are two mutually influencing components of the political process.
On the territory of the Sol-Iletsk district, public organizations and political parties work steadily, each of which reflects the interests of a certain part of society.
One of the oldest and most active organizations in the region is a public organization of veterans of war, labor, the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies. The organization is headed by Fedor Lukyanovich Naryzhnev. The Council of Veterans provides social support to veterans of war and labor, elderly citizens, and participates in events for the patriotic education of youth. There are 40 primary organizations in the council, 22 of them in the villages, 18 in the city. This makes it possible to coordinate the work of the council quite effectively. Primary veteran organizations are strongholds through which communication is established with each veteran of the village, organization of the enterprise. The Council of Veterans cooperates with other public organizations, conducts joint work with the district administration.
The Council of Women of the Sol-Iletsk District (Zaborsen L.V.) has been actively working for many years, which deals with solving problems of the family, motherhood and increasing the role of women in socio-political, economic, cultural life. Together with schools, cultural institutions, administrations of settlements, various sports, cultural and entertainment events are held with the invitation of families with children.
The Sol-Iletsk regional branch of the Orenburg regional public organization "Union of Veterans of Local Wars and Military Conflicts" (D.F. Abdulmanov), the Sol-Iletsk regional branch of the Orenburg regional organization "Brotherhood" of the All-Russian public organization of invalids of the war in Afghanistan (A.P. Belkovich). The latter actively participates in sports events held in the region.
The modern Cossacks are asserting themselves more and more actively. A non-profit organization, the Sol-Iletsk Khutor Cossack Society, was created in the district, which is a structural subdivision of the Orenburg Separate Cossack Society "The First Department of the Orenburg Cossack Host". To date, this is the only Cossack organization in the Sol-Iletsk region that has legally formalized its status.
Another important element of society is the youth.
There are 12,680 young people aged 14 to 30 living in our district. District youth and children's associations contribute to the formation of moral values ​​and cultural traditions of the new generation, provide information to young people about their rights and opportunities, support and strengthen the institution of the young family. With the support of these organizations, children and youth of the district participate in various competitions and events, unite in interest clubs. A sufficiently large number of young people live in the district, and therefore it is very important to pay attention to this subgroup of society. Not only the further development of civil relations in society, but also the future as a whole depends on the interest of young people, on the level of their involvement in public life, on the possibilities of self-realization. Elections to the Youth Chamber of the Sol-Iletsk region were held last year through Internet voting. The main goal of the Youth Chamber is to increase the role of youth in addressing youth policy issues on the territory of the municipality, as well as to assist the Council of Deputies in the development of regulatory legal acts aimed at addressing issues of local importance in organizing and implementing activities of an inter-settlement nature to work with children and youth.
In 2012, an active political reform began in our country, changes were made to the federal law “On Political Parties”. There are currently 64 political parties registered in the country, and there are 135 organizing committees of political parties.
In our district, over the past years, 4 parties have been functioning stably. These are local branches of the party "United Russia", the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party, the party "Fair Russia".
We are open for dialogue and cooperation with public associations, political parties and to resolve issues jointly in the interests of the residents of our region.
In order to increase the role of interaction between the administration and the public of the district, to involve the general population in the development of proposals on the most important social, economic and political development issues, members of the public are regularly invited to public hearings to discuss the draft local budget and report on its implementation, the draft charter. Participate in the annual reports of the head of the district.
Interaction and coordination of actions of the authorities and public organizations is of great importance. For this purpose, as well as in order to promote social and political stability in the region, a socio-political council was formed under the head of the municipality Sol-Iletsk district. The Council is an advisory body.
The main tasks of the council are:
- interaction with political parties and public associations in order to maintain socio-political stability in the region;
- development of social partnership between local governments and local branches of political parties.
The main functions of the council are:
- analysis of trends in the socio-political situation in the region and the development of the necessary recommendations;
- development of proposals for creating favorable conditions for the participation of residents of the Sol-Iletsk district in political processes;
- informing local branches of political parties about the main directions of the policy of the district leadership;
- provision of advisory, informational and methodological assistance to local governments of the region on issues of interaction with party organizations in the field;
- organization of conferences, round tables and other events to discuss social and political issues.
To carry out its functions, the council holds meetings. Council meetings are held at least once a quarter. The meeting of the council is considered competent if it is attended by at least half of the total number of its members.
I hope that the Socio-Political Council will become a link between various segments of society and local authorities in solving various problems.



On the interaction of local governments of the intracity municipality Alekseevskoye in the city of Moscow with public associations

In order to implement the issue of local importance, established by paragraph 18 of Article 8, the Municipal Assembly decided:

1. Approve the Regulations on the interaction of local governments of the intracity municipality Alekseevskoye in the city of Moscow with public associations (appendix).

3. This decision comes into force from the day of its official publication.

4. To impose control over the execution of this decision on the Head of the intracity municipality Alekseevskoye in the city of Moscow Zinoviev A.D.

Head of the intracity


Alekseevskoye in the city of Moscow A.D. Zinoviev


to the decision of the municipal

Intracity meetings


Alekseevskoe in Moscow

REGULATIONS on the interaction of local governments of the intracity municipality Alekseevskoye in the city of Moscow with public associations

I. General provisions

This Regulation determines the procedure for interaction between local government bodies of the intracity municipality Alekseevskoye in the city of Moscow - the municipal Assembly, the municipality, the Head of the municipality (hereinafter LSG bodies) and public associations created in accordance with federal laws (public organization; public movement; public fund; public institution; body of public amateur performance; political party, as well as unions (associations) of public associations) and operating on the territory of the intracity municipality of Alekseevskoye in the city of Moscow (hereinafter - WMO), in order to implement the issue of local importance, established by paragraph 18 of Article 8 of the Law of the City of Moscow dated November 6, 2002 N 56 "On the organization of local self-government in the city of Moscow" .

1. This Regulation applies to the joint resolution of issues of mutual interest of LSG bodies and public associations.

2. The subject of regulation of this Regulation is the relationship arising in accordance with the legislation in the field of local self-government and public associations between public associations and LSG bodies in connection with the exercise of the legal rights of citizens to exercise local self-government, both directly and through their representatives in local self-government bodies , in order to protect common interests and achieve common goals.

This Regulation does not establish the procedure for the interaction of LSG bodies with non-governmental non-profit organizations (hereinafter referred to as NPOs) in terms of providing NPOs with non-residential premises for free use, transferred to LSG bodies for the implementation of certain powers of the city of Moscow to organize leisure, social and educational, physical culture and health and sports work with the population at the place of residence.

3. Interaction is defined as a set of joint activities aimed at resolving issues that correspond to the competence of the participants in the interaction and affect the interests of the WMO population, public associations, LSG bodies.

4. The regulation establishes the principles, directions, forms of interaction between LSG bodies and public associations.

Public associations that are legal entities, in accordance with the law on public associations, when interacting with local governments in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as LSG bodies), have the right to:

Freely disseminate information about their activities;

Participate in the development of decisions of local governments in the manner and to the extent provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow;

Represent and protect their rights, the legitimate interests of their members and participants, as well as other citizens in local governments and public associations;

To fully exercise the powers provided for by laws on public associations;

Take initiatives on various issues of public life, make proposals to local governments.

II. Principles of interaction

The interaction of LSG bodies with public associations is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

1. legality;

2. publicity;

3. voluntariness and mutual interest in joint activities in order to support and develop specific civil initiatives of Moscow residents, which are constructive and creative;

4. coordination of actions and pooling of efforts in the joint solution of issues, taking into account the interests of the participants in the interaction;

5. non-interference of LSG bodies and their officials in the main activities of public associations, as well as non-interference of public associations in the activities of LSG bodies and their officials;

6. independence in the implementation of their own tasks and powers, as well as in the development of forms and methods for using their own forces and their own funds;

7. non-economic basis of interaction with the lack of targeted funding or municipal grants from local budgets for the implementation of socially useful programs, projects, events, public and civil initiatives of public associations;

8. systemic nature of equal partnership cooperation;

9. trust in resolving issues of joint activities;

10. responsibility of each of the participants in the interaction for the fulfillment of the obligations assumed, defined in bilateral agreements (contracts).

III. Directions of interaction

The main areas of interaction between LSG bodies and public associations are:

1) participation of public associations in the discussion of programs, plans or individual events developed by LSG bodies in resolving issues of local importance and / or delegated state powers;

2) participation in the formation and development of decisions of LSG bodies on issues of local importance;

3) submission of initiatives and proposals to LSG bodies by public associations on issues related to the implementation of their statutory goals for the purpose of activating the population in resolving issues of local importance;

4) participation of LSG bodies in the discussion of projects and programs of public associations aimed at developing civil initiatives of the population on the territory of the WMO;

5) holding joint actions and events on issues within the powers of LSG bodies;

6) joint participation in measures to ensure security on the territory of the WMO (public policing points, anti-terrorist district commissions for combating terrorism, measures to prevent offenses, neglect, environmental control, etc.);

7) joint participation in the organization and conduct of military-patriotic and social educational events with children and youth;

8) joint activities for the development of children's, youth and student social movements;

9) joint activities to educate the population on issues of local self-government;

10) joint activities in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, physical education, sports, leisure activities of WMO residents;

11) joint activities to inform the population about the activities of LSG bodies, public associations, interaction with executive authorities;

12) participation of public associations in conducting surveys of the population to determine the needs of residents in sports and leisure services, their focus and accessibility;

13) participation in monitoring (on the activities of LSG bodies, environmental monitoring, etc.);

14) participation of representatives of public associations in activities to control and assess the quality of services provided by municipal institutions, NGOs in organizing leisure, social, educational, physical culture and health and sports work with the population at the place of residence;

15) joint activities in organizing and holding events dedicated to the celebration of significant dates in Russia, Moscow, local holidays;

16) other areas of interaction provided for by laws, legal acts of the city of Moscow, bilateral agreements (contracts).

IV. Forms of interaction

LSG bodies and public associations for the implementation of areas of interaction and joint resolution of issues:

Create joint councils, working groups and commissions;

Conclude bilateral agreements (contracts) on joint activities;

Form plans and programs of joint activities to address issues of local importance and delegated powers;

Carry out joint research, generalization of problems and identification of the reasons for the low activity of the population in solving issues of local importance and participation in leisure, social, educational, physical culture, health and sports activities and events;

Organize joint (commission) control activities in accordance with the competence of LSG bodies;

Create conflict commissions in case of conflict situations on the WMO territory;

Organize meetings with the population, including thematic meetings with the main target audiences of the population;

Carry out an information exchange of information of mutual interest and directly related to the implementation of joint tasks, summarize and analyze best practices in resolving issues of local importance and exercising delegated powers by LSG bodies of other WMOs in the city of Moscow;

Plan and carry out joint activities aimed at preventing offenses, ensuring the safety of the population, and preventing neglect;

Interact with the media, prepare publications on topical issues of informing the population;

Organize and conduct joint festive local events, other entertainment events, reviews, competitions, exhibitions;

They organize and conduct thematic conferences, seminars, consultations for the purpose of legal education of the population.

V. Powers of public associations in interaction with LSG bodies

Public associations, within the competence defined in bilateral agreements (contracts), have the right to:

Receive from officials of local self-government bodies information, certificates, documents and / or copies of them necessary for resolving joint issues;

Participate in discussions of plans, programs developed by LSG bodies;

Participate in meetings of the Municipal Assembly in accordance with the Regulations, meetings held by LSG bodies, at the invitation of their leaders;

Submit, in the prescribed manner, draft legal acts, comments and proposals on resolving issues of local importance, delegated powers;

Submit for discussion socially oriented activities, projects, programs for their inclusion in the action plans of LSG bodies;

Participate in inspections of compliance with the requirements for the sanitary condition of facilities (sports grounds, non-residential premises) and the adjacent territory, the safety of their use for the population;

Send materials on violation of consumer rights or the quality of municipal services to LSG bodies for consideration of issues in the prescribed manner;

Place information on joint activities with LSG bodies in public information systems.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

State educational institution of higher professional education

Cheboksary Polytechnic Institute (branch)

Moscow State Open University


by discipline: Municipal management

on the topic: Public associations and non-profit organizations in the system of local self-government

Completed by: 5th year student

Ivanova Ekaterina Valerievna

checked by: Golovina T.M.

Cheboksary 2013


1. General concepts of a non-profit organization

2. Features of interaction between non-profit organizations and local governments

3. Forms of interaction and cooperation between local governments and non-profit organizations




The most important role of local self-government in the modern state structure of the Russian Federation is determined by the fact that it ensures the protection of the joint interests of citizens living in urban, rural settlements, and other municipalities.

The presence of local self-government implies that in the country, along with the interests of the individual and the interests of the state, local (municipal) interests are also recognized and guaranteed - interests related to solving issues of direct support for the livelihoods of the population, and not the population in general, but the specific population of each individual city, settlement, village, village, aul, etc. At the same time, municipal interests are considered not as subordinate to the state, but as interests equal to them.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 12) classifies local self-government as one of the most important components of the foundations of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation. It is recognized and guaranteed by the fundamental law of our state.

The system of local self-government in Russian municipalities is traditionally viewed as a set of organizational forms in which citizens exercise local self-government.

For more than a decade, we have been observing the processes of restructuring public relations in the system of local self-government, when the organized public not only claims to play a role in solving local issues, but also actively fulfills it. First of all, here we are talking about non-state / non-municipal non-profit organizations (hereinafter referred to as NPOs) created as a result of self-organization of citizens.

The balance of power in the system of local self-government has always been shifted towards local self-government bodies. It is to them, and not to the forms of direct democracy of the population, that the decisive role is attributed in choosing the directions for the development of the system of local self-government. The opinion is expressed that "it is only thanks to them that the entire system of local self-government moves and develops, and that practically any impulse associated with the participation in local self-government of the population or territorial public self-government bodies is mediated by the implementation of the relevant powers of local self-government bodies."

However, local governments lack the ability to resolve issues of local importance on their own. Against this background, the role of other entities that can take on issues of local importance is increasing. In this case, we mean the activities of local NGOs, which, although legally they are not an element of the local self-government system and are not even classified as other forms of public participation in local self-government, nevertheless, their obvious contribution to solving local issues prompts the sociologist to record this phenomenon. and identify their role as new elements of the local self-government system.

This control work is devoted to questions about the interaction between NGOs and local governments, its forms and intensity.

1. General concepts of a non-profit organization

A non-profit organization (NPO) is an organization that does not have profit making as the main goal of its activities and does not distribute the profits received among the participants.

If an NPO intends to act as a participant in civil law relations (acquire property rights and obligations), then it must undergo state registration procedures in order to acquire the rights of a legal entity.

The process of functioning of organizations of the non-profit sector is somewhat different from the activities of commercial organizations and includes two levels: the main and entrepreneurial activities.

The main activity of an NPO is an activity that corresponds to the goals for which this organization was created and which is provided for by its constituent documents. An NPO may carry out one or more activities.

Conducting the main activity is the main function of the NPO. It is this activity of NPOs that is supported and stimulated by the state through the provision of benefits in paying taxes, receiving orders, etc. NPOs receive such benefits from the state in exchange for the obligations of the former to carry out their main activities, which in most cases come down to the implementation of the most important social programs.

Entrepreneurial activity of an NPO must meet three conditions:

1. should not be the main goal of the NPO's activities;

2. serve the purposes of the organization, i.e. to strengthen its material and technical base, to be a source of formation of property used for the purposes of the organization, to attract members of the organization to work;

3. comply with the statutory goals of the organization and not go beyond its statutory legal capacity.

2. Features of interaction between non-profit organizations and local governments

Interaction between local self-government bodies and non-state non-profit organizations (NPOs) has certain specifics in comparison with similar relationships between NPOs and state authorities.

First, the sphere of activity of both interacting subjects are issues of local importance. On the one hand, the NGOs themselves, operating at the local level, are primarily aimed at meeting the needs of the population in the system of local self-government. Almost two-thirds (68%) of local government officials and municipal employees believe that it is local NGOs that play the most prominent role in the life of their municipalities, i.e. organizations operating within the territory of the local government. Every eighth respondent (12%) ascribes this role to regional organizations, every seventh (14%) - branches of all-Russian public associations. On the other hand, municipal officials see the expediency of the participation of non-governmental non-profit organizations in solving most issues of local importance, and most often in urban areas. Thus, in urban districts, all thirty issues of local importance are mentioned in this row, and only seven of them are mentioned less frequently than by every tenth respondent. In them, the expediency of participation of NGOs is most often noted in solving such issues of local importance as:

· creating conditions for organizing leisure activities and providing residents with the services of cultural organizations (67%);

· provision of conditions for the development of mass physical culture and sports (62%);

· organization of improvement and gardening of the territory, use and protection of urban forests (62%);

· protection and preservation of cultural heritage sites (monuments of history and culture) of local importance (59%);

· Creation of conditions for mass recreation and arrangement of places for mass recreation of the population (59%);

· organization of measures for environmental protection (56%).

A similar situation is developing in settlements - urban and rural. However, respondents in rural settlements demonstrate less interest in the participation of NGOs in solving similar issues of local importance than in urban settlements.

Thus, officials of local self-government bodies and municipal employees most often see the expediency of the participation of NGOs in solving issues of local importance in cities - in urban districts and urban settlements. Moreover, at this level, the demand for NPO activities is more often expressed by respondents from urban districts.

The population of cities, villages and settlements also assigns a certain role in solving their pressing problems to public and other non-profit organizations. The expected role of NGOs in addressing issues of improving the quality of human potential comes to the fore. So, their role is seen in solving the problems of drunkenness, alcoholism; the spread of drug addiction; falling morals, aggressiveness, indifference of people; increase in the number of beggars, homeless people, vagrants, homeless children. The solution of the problems of improvement, cleanliness of the city (village, settlement) by the efforts of public and other non-profit organizations also comes to the fore. Next come the issues of ecology, environmental pollution. Every seventh person considers organizations as subjects that can contribute to improving the provision and increasing the availability of cultural, entertainment, and sports facilities.

Secondly, the nature of interaction between NGOs and local governments has specific features for the types of municipalities. Differentiation of impressions from this interaction translates into different assessments of the role that NGOs and civil initiatives play in the public life of municipalities. Thus, in general, every second respondent from among the officials of local governments and municipal employees ascribes to them the role of an intermediary between the authorities and the population (more often respondents from urban districts and municipal districts). According to 45% of the respondents, NGOs and civil initiatives help to catch interests and moods in time, which otherwise would have resulted in unconstructive actions.

A similar trend is observed in determining the role of a constructive opponent of the authorities, helping to see problems, bottlenecks, and shortcomings. NGOs and civic initiatives in a number of cases help to replace local authorities in resolving issues of local life. The role of NGOs and civic initiatives as helpers, partners, and opponents is much more noticeable in urban districts than in rural areas.

Apparently, these roles can be strengthened if stable relationships are established in the communicative space "NGOs - local authorities". However, the lack of support and interest from local authorities is the main problem in the functioning of the organization.

3. Forms of interaction and cooperation between local governments and non-profit organizations

self-government municipal non-profit

To what extent are various forms of interaction between local governments and NGOs, both material and non-material, really capable of contributing to increasing the sustainability of the functioning of NGOs?

The prevalence of these forms is markedly differentiated by types of municipalities. Most often, these forms are used in urban districts. So, for example, the provision of municipal grants takes place in every third city district and only in every tenth municipal district. Of the non-material forms of interaction, the leaders are public councils, as well as the receipt of information and methodological assistance by NGOs from the authorities.

Against the background of the limited distribution of these forms of interaction, there is also insufficient support for NGOs by local governments.

Table 1. List of forms of support and cooperation of local governments with NGOs at the municipal level (by types of municipalities, %)

Types of municipalities

urban districts

Municipal areas

urban settlements

Rural settlements

Presentation of municipal granites

Placement of social order

NPOs performing work under contracts with authorities that are not social orders

Participation of NGOs in joint public councils with authorities

Participation of NGOs in the implementation of municipal programs (without social order)

Participation of NGOs in joint working groups with authorities, negotiation platforms, conciliation and conflict commissions

Providing NCOs with property support from the authorities

Obtaining information by NGOs from authorities

Providing NGOs with information, analytics to authorities

Providing NGOs with educational programs for municipal employees

Participation of NGOs in educational programs presented by the authorities

Obtaining methodological assistance to NGOs from authorities

Provision of NPOs with methodological assistance to authorities

This is evidenced by the ratio of the proportion of municipalities, which municipal officials call specific types of NGOs and civil initiatives as worthy of support and as actually supported. In almost all positions, the share of municipalities in which these types of NGOs and civil initiatives deserve support. This does not apply only to religious communities, organizations and movements, for which these shares practically coincide. The largest gap is observed in organizations created for self-organization in the housing sector: homeowners' associations (deserve support in 44% of municipalities, are actually supported - in 27%); territorial public self-governments (47% and 32%); house committees, elders in houses and entrances (40% and 26%). Charitable organizations fall into this category. They are followed by the degree of decreasing difference between deserving and actually supported NGOs: garden and dacha partnerships, school and student self-government bodies, and consumer rights protection societies.

Polls have shown that veterans' associations, societies of the disabled, women's organizations of the national-patriotic movement, etc., are the most demanding for support.

In urban districts, more often than in other types of municipalities, respondents name most types of NPOs as worthy of support.

Among NGOs, public associations most often enter into contacts with local self-government bodies. Most often, consumer cooperatives and autonomous non-profit organizations do not enter into such interaction. In total, NPOs are involved in non-material forms of interaction with local governments.

Thus, NGOs in Russian municipalities could further strengthen their role in solving local issues, since the authorities themselves expect these actions from them (more often in urban areas). Interaction with local governments can become a serious resource for NGOs to develop and strengthen their sustainability. However, non-material forms predominate among the forms of interaction, while the institutionalization of material forms of interaction is of decisive importance to strengthen the subjective role in resolving issues of local importance. The situation by types of municipalities is heterogeneous. On the one hand, forms of interaction between local governments and NGOs are more common in urban districts. On the other hand, of interest from the point of view of such interaction are specially identified types of municipalities that go beyond the four legally established types - urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements. The application of this typology will allow a deeper understanding of the essence of the types of interaction between local governments and NGOs in municipal Russia.

Public organization "Parents' meeting": solving the problem of shortage of kindergartens

Against the backdrop of a general rise in civic activity, the topic of the lack of kindergartens is becoming very popular among citizens, many of whom are directly confronted with it. In many cities there are initiative groups and public organizations that seek to solve problems by a variety of means - from rallies to mutual assistance among parents. Residents of Samara managed to advance the farthest - a public organization "Parents' meeting" was created here.

The members of the organization consider their main task not to be protest actions - although they have nothing against those who hold them - but to develop a dialogue with the authorities, on which the solution of the problem depends. There seems to be some progress. According to Nadezhda, it is felt that officials understand the scale and severity of the problem and are ready to look for ways to solve it. In recent years, 10 former kindergartens have been returned, which were occupied by various organizations and institutions in the 1990s.


Local self-government bodies do not have the opportunity to resolve issues of local importance on their own. Against this background, the role of other entities that can take on issues of local importance is increasing. In this case, we mean the activities of local NGOs, which, although legally they are not an element of the system of local self-government and are not even classified as other forms of participation of the population in local self-government, nevertheless, their obvious contribution to the solution of issues of local importance prompts to fix this phenomenon and identify their role as new elements of the local self-government system.

A non-profit organization is an organization that does not have profit making as the main goal of its activities and does not distribute the profit received among its participants.

NPOs can be created in the form of public or religious organizations (associations), non-profit partnerships, institutions, autonomous NPOs, social, charitable and other foundations, associations and unions, as well as in other forms provided for by federal laws.

The activity of NGOs in addressing issues of local importance is expected and demanded by officials of local governments and municipal employees. This helps to strengthen the position of local NGOs as real elements of the local self-government system, which can potentially acquire an important sign of an institutional nature - legal registration. The forms of interaction between the authorities and the public could contribute to the sustainability of the non-profit sector at the local level. However, their potential has not yet been fully explored. In this regard, it becomes necessary to develop measures to support NGOs from local governments, which will ultimately help strengthen the local government systems themselves to manage the processes associated with their life support.


1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation Part 1.

2. Uvarov A.L. Local self-government in Russia. - 3rd ed., revised. M.: Norma, 2008.

3. Mersiyanova I.V. Issues of state and municipal management, 2008.

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In public associations, the dependence of the status of public associations on their territorial sphere of activity has been established. Mandatory indication of the territorial scope of activity public association must contain in the name of the organization. There are four territorial types of public associations:

  1. All-Russian public association can carry out its activities in the territories of more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and has its own structural subdivisions there - organizations, departments or branches and representative offices. Currently, the Russian Federation consists of 85 subjects. Lack of required quantity structural subdivisions is a violation and may lead to the liquidation of the public association. The inclusion in the names of all-Russian public associations of the name Russian Federation or Russia, as well as words derived from this name,allowed without special permission.
  2. Interregional public association carries out its activities in the territories of less than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and has its own structural subdivisions there - organizations, departments or branches and representative offices. To obtain this status, it is enough to have branches in at least 2 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Interregional public associations have a special structure, which, as a rule, consists of regional and local branches.
  3. Regional public association, the activity of such an association in accordance with its statutory goals is carried out within the territory of one subject. For example, the Moscow Public Organization for the Protection of Consumer Rights, as the very name of the organization implies, operates in Moscow.
  4. local public association conducts its activities within the territory of only one local government. For example, the Losinoostrovskaya Local Public District Organization of Motorists operates on the territory of the Losinoostrovskoye intracity municipality of the city of Moscow.

Branches has the right to acquire the rights of a legal entity and is also entitled to carry out activities on the basis of its charters registered in the prescribed manner. At the same time, the goals and objectives of the branches should not contradict the charter of the parent public association. It is the possibility of a regional branch to become an independent legal entity that leads to the fact that when creating a regional branch, it should have at least three members representatives of this region. Since a public association is created on the initiative of the founders - at least three individuals and (or) public associations.

Whether or not this publication is taken into account in the RSCI. Some categories of publications (for example, articles in abstract, popular science, informational journals) can be posted on the website platform, but are not counted in the RSCI. Also, articles in journals and collections excluded from the RSCI for violation of scientific and publishing ethics are not taken into account. "> Included in the RSCI ®: yes The number of citations of this publication from publications included in the RSCI. The publication itself may not be included in the RSCI. For collections of articles and books indexed in the RSCI at the level of individual chapters, the total number of citations of all articles (chapters) and the collection (book) as a whole is indicated. "> Citations in the RSCI ®: 9
Whether or not this publication is included in the core of the RSCI. The RSCI core includes all articles published in journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus or Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) databases."> Included in the RSCI ® core: No The number of citations of this publication from publications included in the RSCI core. The publication itself may not be included in the core of the RSCI. For collections of articles and books indexed in the RSCI at the level of individual chapters, the total number of citations of all articles (chapters) and the collection (book) as a whole is indicated.
The citation rate, normalized by journal, is calculated by dividing the number of citations received by a given article by the average number of citations received by articles of the same type in the same journal published in the same year. Shows how much the level of this article is higher or lower than the average level of articles of the journal in which it is published. Calculated if the journal has a complete set of issues for a given year in the RSCI. For articles of the current year, the indicator is not calculated. "> Normal citation for the journal: 9.68 The five-year impact factor of the journal in which the article was published for 2018. "> The impact factor of the journal in the RSCI:
The citation rate, normalized by subject area, is calculated by dividing the number of citations received by a given publication by the average number of citations received by publications of the same type in the same subject area published in the same year. Shows how much the level of this publication is above or below the average level of other publications in the same field of science. For publications of the current year, the indicator is not calculated."> Normal citation in the direction: 4,105