Indexation of salaries for municipal employees. Law on the salary of municipal employees

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The government last year announced an increase in the salaries of municipal officials. This will be done for the first time since 2014. This was discussed back in 2016, even naming specific figures for increasing wages in municipalities. Municipal officials were to receive a 38% increase in their salaries. For a number of reasons, it was decided to postpone the salary increase to 2019, although, according to official statistics, such a long absence of indexation of salaries of municipal employees did not affect the income of this group of the population.

In 2019, according to the latest news from the Ministry of Finance, the salaries of municipal officials will be increased. It is difficult to say how much, on average, a real increase will occur, since various factors affect wages in this area of ​​​​management.

Introduction of a new accrual principle

At a press conference, representatives of the Ministry of Finance announced a new reform, which will have to radically change the very principle of calculating the salaries of officials. Instead of a general increase, a motivational component is introduced, which will allow evaluating the effectiveness of each manager individually.

Again about promotion wages in 2019, in the latest news of the current year, they started talking about the large difference in salaries between the top-level administration and officials of the first category, most of whom work in municipalities.

Thus, it is planned not so much to raise the wages of lower-level managers, but to compare them with the inflation rate.

Indexing will be carried out in two stages:

  • first, 4% will be added in the 1st and 2nd quarter;
  • in October, when the salary increase for the military will be carried out, municipal employees will receive the remaining 4%.

Wage indexation

The bulk of the salary increase will come from stimulating bonuses. Experts tend to believe that in 2019 the amount of the salary corresponding to a particular position and additional payments for the rank will increase. Surcharges will increase only for those managers who work in particularly difficult conditions or supervise classified organizations. They can increase their seniority by up to 60%.

According to the innovations, only those officials who fully comply with the terms of the contract will receive payments. Thus, the authors of the reform want to stimulate the professional growth of young managers at the municipal level.

This will provide qualified personnel reserve for the federal authorities and will ensure more professional performance of state duties by local managers, which is especially important during the period of fulfillment of the country's development tasks set by Vladimir Putin.

Vladimir Putin

Realizing that they will receive a lot of money for the development of their competence, young officials from municipalities will be more willing to receive a second and third education, improve their professionalism in general.

Before considering a salary increase for civil servants, one should find out who belongs to this category of citizens. Employees include specialists who receive funding from the state budget and perform their duties directly in the public service. In particular, these are the persons of such services:

  • tax;
  • migratory;
  • customs;
  • border;
  • Rosreestr;
  • Rospotrebnadzor.

Their payroll principles differ from those of private companies, so the news about wage increases for municipal employees is always of interest.

employee salary

It is expected that flaring financial crisis in Russian Federation significant impact on the standard of living of citizens. The government is cutting various spending items to cover the shortfall, so the news about salary increases for employees is disappointing. It is likely that in 2017 there will be no increase in financial support, since without an increase in the price of oil there are not enough sources to fill the budget for these needs.

Salary of municipal employees

There are reasons why raising salaries for municipal employees is not considered a priority by the government. According to the authorities, the fact that the salaries of municipal employees will be raised will not affect the quality of their work. Therefore, one of the new programs was efficient contracts through which the government expects to increase the motivation of employees. In fact, the only way to provide a salary increase for civil servants in 2017 will be their receipt of bonuses.

Salary of civil servants

If an employee continues without initiative to perform official duties and serve under a contract, his salary will remain at the level of previous years. The rate will not be increased also because in Russia the wages of many employees are kept secret. The government expects that thanks to the new program, the salary of a municipal employee in Russia will become more transparent and will correspond to the efficiency of work.

Salaries of civil servants

It should be noted that the salaries of civil servants in some areas will still increase. For such a category as civil servants, a salary increase is provided for in the budget estimate for 2017. In particular, an increase in the rate can be received by:

  • regional deputies;
  • prosecutors;
  • ministry staff;
  • auditors;
  • members of the judiciary.

47.5 billion rubles have already been allocated from the state budget so that the listed civil servants still receive a salary increase. This subsidy will not be enough to raise the salaries of all categories of civil servants in 2017, so it is likely that the increase will be postponed until 2018. By this time, the economy is expected to recover from the recession and the budget will allow additional funds to be allocated to provide employees.

Increasing the salaries of employees

If we consider the situation as a whole, then the increase in salaries of municipal employees in 2017 is a very topical issue. Now, if you do not consider payments to managers, ordinary employees receive from 15,000 to 20,000 on average in the country. Given the level of inflation and the crisis increase in prices, the salaries of civil servants in 2017, remaining at the level of previous years, will not allow many of them to support their families. To avoid a possible outflow of personnel, whose work is not always easy and sometimes very important, it is worth expecting an increase in wages. But, only through local additional payments, and not in the form of a general rate.

Municipal employees salary 2017

Despite disturbing rumors, in 2016 the indexation of the salaries of municipal employees was nevertheless carried out, albeit partially. Its level was 5.5%, although the actual inflation was somewhat higher. It is not yet known whether the salaries of municipal employees will be indexed in 2017, but rumors about the abolition are again appearing everywhere.

It is likely that in the coming year the cancellation will still happen. According to government estimates, postponing this procedure will save the budget more than 100 billion, which, in the face of insufficient budget replenishment, can improve the economic situation. Whether the government will go for it remains to be seen.

The increase in the salary of a municipal employee in 2018 in Russia

One of the hot topics of the outgoing year is, and it is quite understandable why, the question: what will be the salary increase for municipal employees in 2018? AT Russian state many different structures, whose funding comes from the state budget. And since Russia has been in crisis for several years, purchasing power has decreased, but prices have risen even for the necessary set of goods and food, people want to know what to expect tomorrow, in a year, and at least in the next few years.

Briefly about modern municipal employees

Employees in the municipalities of the Russian Federation are citizens involved in various state issues of the population, being at certain jobs, that is, in city Dumas and regional centers, administrations of settlements. You could say they're all branches State Duma, from them the Russians receive Legislative acts, the drafts of which are accepted by representatives of state power.

They are also obliged to consider and accept various complaints from citizens, to control the functioning of the entire municipality. The increase in the salary of a municipal employee in 2018 in Russia should occur as planned. The main component of the mentioned workers is the salary, as is implied by any worker in the field of state budgeting. As a rule, this is a very small part of the money. The salary looks more tolerable due to additional payments, bonuses, as well as increasing coefficients. But even these sums cannot be called large. Despite the fact that the local municipality is a composition of officials, they cannot boast of high salaries, because this is the lowest management level.

Salary in the municipality

Despite the fact that the salary of an administrative civil servant may seem more than just high to ordinary people, in fact it is not. The salary of a local official is about 15,000 rubles, which is a little more than a living wage. The rate of a municipal employee for 2018 in the Russian Federation should increase by at least a percentage equal to the inflation rate. The increase in monetary remuneration for work will be carried out in a mandatory order. Since the higher authorities cannot ignore the "Presidential May Decrees" of the 12th year. If we compare the salaries of civil servants in 2012 and today, we can see that wages have really grown, but still do not reach the level required by the plan.

According to information posted on the website of Rosstat, this year the average income municipal worker- this is the amount of about 36 - ty thousand in rubles. And this is more than in 2016 by 3 percent. It turns out that there is little sense in this increase, because inflation indicators during this time are larger - about 13 percent. That is, if we take into account the rise in prices to a higher level than the addition to the salaries of employees in municipal instances, then their earnings have rather decreased.

What can be said about indexing

The indexation of wages for municipal employees for the next period is unlikely to be huge, because inflation rates have fallen to about 4 percent. That is, at least a small allowance for state employees, but provided. Where will they get funds for additional indexing in order to achieve compliance with the “Presidential Decree”, while no one really knows, the authorities choose one method, then another.

Of course, in higher instances they think about the current situation with a lack of finance in the treasury of the Russian Federation. But it will be possible to implement any plans for the distribution of funds that can be found if the country's external debts are at least partially repaid, and the crisis bypasses Russia altogether, giving time to catch its breath and start a new progressive round in the economy and the life of the population.

Will there be optimization measures in the municipalities?

Since the authorities are puzzling over where to get the funds to raise the salaries of workers for the good of the Motherland, the question arises: will there be a reduction in municipal employees? Those who today have remained at their jobs in municipal organizations should not worry. Measures to optimize the municipal system were already carried out a year ago. Moreover, one hundred dismissed did not manage.

Accordingly, it makes no sense to continue such actions, otherwise, who will work then? So far, the higher authorities have not decided exactly on this matter, but analysts agree that layoffs in municipalities for next year are unlikely. True, one should not forget that the authorities can introduce new project Law or amendment, where the green light will again be given to optimization. And to keep abreast of the news, you can track information on news portals or a government website.

On the equality of civil servants

What will happen to the salaries of municipal employees with amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is of interest, first of all, to the employees of the public sector themselves. If we talk about laws, some time ago the State Duma adopted a bill prohibiting wages government officials in commanding positions and ordinary government employees subordinate to them differed significantly.

Not so long ago, situations were quite common when the heads of state structures could enjoy their holidays in foreign resorts, buy expensive foreign cars, despite the fact that their subordinates did not even have normal clothes and an extra weekend suit. Why, sometimes ordinary civil servants could not afford to eat well.

To stop this unfair situation, several necessary changes have appeared in the Labor Code of Russia. Today there is a clear wording on the allowable difference in the wages of persons working in the municipal structure - the difference cannot be more than eight times. But this is the maximum value. When taking into account innovation, the ideal conditions are when the salary of the manager and the subordinate approaches the ratio of 4 to 1 - y. If the bill is violated, then the leadership that ignored the Rule will be punished in the form of a fine, in extreme cases, will be fired.

The increase in salaries for municipal employees in 2018 will, according to the assumptions of many analysts, be largely provided by a decrease in the income of bosses with a gradual increase for ordinary employees, the latest news writes today. Then later it will be necessary to revise the earnings of the management, who are used to getting more. And this is not too fair, because managers are responsible for their subordinates, and for the quality of the obligations fulfilled by the structure, and for spending funds on life support within the organization.

And all the shortcomings stem from the problem with the funds in the country's budget, the state does not know how to "patch all the gaps", so we have to expect both favorable actions for everyone from the authorities, and for some categories of citizens not at all positive.

It can also be noted that wage payments to employees of municipal organizations will be made twice a month, with an interval of a couple of weeks. And any delay will affect the leadership in state structures with fines. They also have an obligation compensation payments for all the days of salary delays to their subordinates.

Increasing Income Isn't Everything

There will be an increase in the salary of municipal employees in 2018 in Russia, which is quite clear, however, it is hard to believe whether it will reach the amount promised by the Decree. But the increase will cover inflation for sure. But besides this, there are also innovations in the Legislation regarding the work and employees of state structures. Namely, in a certain bill it is prescribed that all specialists, regardless of whether they have a diploma of higher education, have the right to take an exam to confirm their professional suitability. This means that anyone can climb the career ladder.

Our modern country is replete with "self-taught" in various fields. These people, for various reasons, could not graduate from Universities in their time, but they have a thirst for knowledge and improvement in the profession, they have ambitions. Under the new legislation, they can be certified, that is, qualifications for employment will be confirmed by a special exam. The specialist himself or the employer who wants to see excellent personnel in the company can pay for it.

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Regulations on the remuneration of municipal employees

Public sector employees make up a significant part of all able-bodied people in Russia, and their remuneration depends on the state and today leaves much to be desired. Based on this, even a slight increase in salary for such people will be very important and significant. Therefore, news about salary increases for municipal employees is always of particular interest to the public.

Salary of municipal employees in 2018 - latest news

Due to the difficult situation with the economy in the country, a significant part of the stipulated wage indexation for 2018 was frozen. According to the budget estimate and regulations for 2018, the following can count on an increase in the rate:

  • auditors;
  • deputies from the regions;
  • prosecutors;
  • members of the judiciary;
  • ministry officials.

In order for the listed citizens to be able to receive an increased salary, more than 47.5 billion rubles were allocated from the state budget. However, the news regarding the increase in the salaries of municipal employees is not the most comforting, since the allocated funds will not be enough for all categories of workers. Therefore, the allowance may be postponed until 2018. After all, it is for this period that growth is planned. economic indicators In Russian federation.

General principles of remuneration of a municipal employee

State pay regulations, laws and regulations strictly regulate the wages of workers. The formation of the payroll fund for Russian civil servants, in accordance with the salary regulations, is carried out:

  • from salaries for the rank;
  • from official salaries;
  • from payment for many years of work;
  • from allowances for special conditions;
  • from awards for certain merits;
  • from additional incentives for work with classified information;
  • from regular monthly rewards.

Employees performing their duties in rural settlements, wages are paid in accordance with local regulations approved by city and district administrations.

What is the dynamics of remuneration of state and municipal employees?

In the area of ​​spending on the payment of salaries to Russian public services, there are a large number of problems. The measures envisaged by the decisions, regulations and decrees of the President of 2012, 2013 have significantly increased the income of government officials. But in 2015, the situation changed, a number of officials stopped the indexation of wages and reduced it by 10%. At the same time, in 2017 the situation practically did not change and salaries were not increased for municipal employees.

Despite the government's promises to index in 2018, hopes for a significant improvement in wages for employees should not be expected. This situation is due to the instability economic system country and not closed question about potential job cuts. Since the legislation and regulations on the payment of salaries provided for an increase in salaries by 2018, specialists public sphere can expect the promised changes to be made within a year.

Who determines the size and terms of remuneration of municipal employees?

The level of wages, as well as the conditions and procedure for its calculation are regulated by the authorities local government. At the same time, the size of the official salary, additional, monthly payments are established by the municipal federal formations. In addition to determining the size and conditions for calculating wages, the Government faces the following tasks:

  • improving the conditions in which municipal and state specialists work;
  • update of technical support;
  • introduction of new technologies;
  • improving the efficiency of employees;
  • increasing the attractiveness of the profession for young professionals.

The government does not refuse to carry out the necessary reforms in the field of public service and changes in salary regulations, but regularly postpones scheduled activities.

Regulations on the remuneration of municipal employees for 2018

The situation, in accordance with which the salaries of public sector employees are approved and calculated in 2018, will not change significantly compared to previous periods. Employees can still count on the main, additional part of the salary, as well as the relying bonuses and allowances. The level of salaries of many government workers in all parts of the country is significantly below the average and it is very difficult to live on the amount paid.

Formation of pensions for municipal employees

municipal employees(hereinafter referred to as MS) are citizens of the country who perform duties in the public service for a monetary reward. MS pension in 2017 will be paid according to new scheme. Therefore study detailed information in this material to keep abreast of the latest developments in the calculation of pension payments to municipal employees.

Retirement age of employees of the municipality

According to the Federal Law-143 dated May 23, 2016, starting from 2017, the retirement age of MS will increase annually by 6 months. So, in 2017, older people who held positions in the municipal structure will be able to apply for a pension when they reach 55.5 years (women), 60.5 years (men).

These innovations will affect more than one million senior citizens.

The changes will not affect persons who have already received a pension before the introduction of the new bill. In addition, employees who held public positions before January 1, 2017 and had a service of 20 years or more, as well as employees who have accumulated 15 years of service and have received the right to a pension, are entitled to receive a pension at 55 and 60 years (women and men, respectively). before January 1 of the New Year.

As a result of the changes, the state will save more than 600 million rubles in 2017. Each year, the amount of budgetary funds will increase due to the gradual increase in the retirement age of MS.

What experience is needed?

The changes in the pension reform made in July 2016 affected the length of service of the MS, which is necessary for the appointment of a pension. From 2017, the length of service will increase by six months until it reaches 20 years. Although in 2016, for the appointment of a pension, a total length of service was required - 15 years.

Therefore, MS to apply for a pension in 2017 must have at least 15.5 years of experience, and in 2018 - 16 years, and so on up to a 20-year period.

If the former MS got a job in a public position after the appointment of pension payments, then the amount of the pension is not reduced or canceled!

Municipal seniority is used as the basis for the formation of a pension as a percentage as follows:

  • 15 years - 45% of the monthly salary;
  • 16 - 48%;
  • 17 - 51%;

That is, for each worked year over 15 years, MS receive a pension supplement of 3%. The maximum pension indicators are 75% of the average salary.

When assigning a disability pension, the length of service of the MS does not affect the amount of the pension. In the presence of 1, 2 groups - the pension is equal to 75% of the salary, and with the appointment of 3 groups - 50%.

The amount of the pension must not be lower than the subsistence level!

retirement pension

In order to be granted a superannuation pension, the MS must fulfill a number of conditions, namely:

  • the presence of a total length of service of 15 years or more (depending on the year in which the citizen draws up a pension);
  • reaching retirement age.

To apply for a retirement pension, you must do the following:

  1. Submit an application to the Human Resources Department or the FIU.
  2. Prepare a complete package of documents:
    • passport;
    • certificate from the place of work on the amount of salary for the last year of work;
    • a certificate from the personnel service, where the general experience is registered;
    • a copy of the dismissal order; a document confirming the fact of the appointment of a service pension;
    • a copy of the work book.
  3. Review of documentation by employees pension fund(hereinafter referred to as the PFR) - based on the results of consideration of the papers, the relevant authorities decide on the appointment of a seniority pension to the former MS.

The pension is paid from the date of submission of the application, but not earlier than from the day of actual dismissal from public office.

The amount of the pension depends on factors such as:

  • salary amount;
  • post pay;
  • seniority charges;
  • money paid for special working conditions;
  • bonuses for academic degrees and titles;
  • premiums.

Every year, the state indexes pension payments in accordance with inflation.

The amount of pension payments

The size of the MS pension with 15 years of service is 45% of the average salary. For each year worked over 15 years, the MC receives an allowance of 3% of the salary.

The maximum criteria for pension payments are equal to 75% of cash payments to MS. The amount of the pension is directly related to the salary of a municipal employee, as well as the size, bonuses, benefits throughout the entire working life.

In addition, the size of the seniority pension should not be lower than the minimum wage for a particular region.

The seniority pension is paid to the disabled in the following percentage: 1.2 group - 75% of the salary; Group 3 - 50%.

The amount of pension payments for service is compensated for the last 3 years if the documentation was submitted later than the standard deadlines.

The pension consists not only of a percentage of the salary, but also of a fixed payment, job bonuses, annual indexation, a funded part and other types of additional payments.

Calculation of the pension of municipal employees

In order for the MS to be able to independently calculate the amount of the future superannuation pension, the following formula must be used:

Average salary * coefficient * percentage of seniority \u003d pension.

To determine the average salary, you need to multiply the amount of wages by 2.8 (the maximum salary limit for the position).

Municipal experience is used in the form of percentages, namely:

That is, for each worked year over 15 years, MS receive a pension supplement of 3%. The maximum performance is 75% of the average salary.

Benefits for municipal employees

In addition to pension payments, MS are entitled to the following benefits:

  1. Medical care of the MC and the employee's family after the appointment of pension payments.
  2. Payment of a pension for service or disability, as well as the appointment of a pension to the family of MS in the event of death in the performance of official assignment.
  3. Insurance of an employee in case of disability during the period of labor activity or after its completion, but related to the performance official duties.
  4. Preferential prosthetics of teeth (not in all regions).
  5. Compensation for expenses for the burial of MS (introduced at the discretion local authorities authorities).

Additional social benefits are provided by local authorities in different regions of the country.

Supplement to pension

MS are entitled to receive the following types of surcharges:

  • an increase in pension in the amount of one salary;
  • social supplements when assigning a pension that is below the minimum subsistence level;
  • surcharges from 50 - 80% of the salary;
  • preservation of state guarantees;
  • monetary compensation for unused vouchers;
  • payments to relatives for the burial of MS.

A complete list of surcharges is fixed individually for the regions of the country. Therefore, the list of surcharges may vary between different subjects of the Russian Federation.

Surcharges are due in cases where MC, in addition to state activities, worked in an official position in a different field!

Latest news of 2017

Increasing the retirement age

From January 1, 2017, the age of pensioners of MS will increase annually by 6 months. So, in 2017, a pension can be issued upon reaching 55.5 years and 60.5 years (men and women, respectively). The increase in the retirement age will continue to 65 and 63 years (men and women).

Increase in seniority

In addition to age parameters, the period of work experience is also increasing to 20 years instead of 15. The increase will occur annually by 6 months.

Cancellation of indexing for running MS

In the next two years, employees of the municipal service who decided to continue labor activity upon reaching the required parameters, they will not be able to see the annual recalculation until they leave workplace. At the same time, it is allowed to work until the age of 70, nothing more.

Reducing the coefficient

Since 2017, the coefficient for length of service has been reduced to 1% (in 2016 it was equal to 2.8% of salary).

Getting a raise

To assign an additional payment in the amount of 75% of the salary, you must work for 10 years, not 3 years.
As a result, the economic crisis had a negative impact on the pension payments of MS. Even the February indexation of MS pensions remains a big question mark.

The law on the appointment of a pension

The issues of assigning an MS pension are regulated by such bills as:

  • FZ-8 dated 01/08/1998;
  • FZ-25 of 03/02/2007;
  • FZ-143 of 05/23/2016;
  • FZ-134 dated 10/24/1997;
  • FZ-166 dated 12/15/2001;
  • FZ-178 of 07/17/1999;
  • FZ-385 dated 11/22/2016;

On the same topic, news, we suggest looking at the new bill in the state. Duma.

At the end of this material, I would like to note that the appointment of an MS pension is undergoing a number of global changes, so each civil servant should know his own rights and obligations prescribed in the new legislation. In this article, all important aspects pension reform, which is associated with the calculation of MS pensions in 2017.

Federal Law No. 25-FZ of March 2, 2007 On Municipal Service in the Russian Federation

Changes and amendments

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1 Subject of regulation of this Federal Law

1. The subject of regulation of this Federal Law are relations related to the entry into the municipal service of citizens of the Russian Federation, citizens of foreign states - parties to international treaties of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which foreign citizens have the right to be in the municipal service (hereinafter referred to as citizens), the passage and termination of municipal service, as well as with the definition of the legal status (status) of municipal employees.

2. This Federal Law does not define the status of deputies, members of elected bodies of local self-government, elected officials of local self-government, members of election commissions of municipalities acting on permanent basis and being legal entities (hereinafter referred to as election commissions of municipalities), with the right to vote, since these persons (hereinafter referred to as persons holding municipal positions) are not municipal employees.

Article 2 municipal service

1. Municipal service - the professional activity of citizens, which is carried out on an ongoing basis in the positions of the municipal service, replaced by conclusion employment contract(contract),

2. An employer for a municipal employee is a municipality, on behalf of which the powers of the employer are exercised by the representative of the employer (employer).

3. The representative of the employer (employer) may be the head of the municipal formation, the head of the local self-government body, the chairman of the election commission of the municipal formation or another person authorized to act as the representative of the employer (employer).

Article 3 Legal basis of municipal service in the Russian Federation

1. The legal foundations of the municipal service in the Russian Federation are the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as this Federal Law and others federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, constitutions (charters), laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as legislation on municipal service), charters of municipalities, decisions taken at citizens' gatherings, and other municipal legal acts.

2. Municipal employees are subject to labor legislation with the specifics provided for by this Federal Law.

Article 4 Basic principles of municipal service

The main principles of municipal service are:

1) priority of human and civil rights and freedoms;

2) equal access of citizens who speak the state language of the Russian Federation to the municipal service and equal conditions its passage, regardless of gender, race, nationality, origin, property and official position, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, belonging to public associations, as well as from other circumstances not related to the professional and business qualities of a municipal employee;

3) professionalism and competence of municipal employees;

4) stability of the municipal service;

5) availability of information about the activities of municipal employees;

6) interaction with public associations and citizens;

7) the unity of the basic requirements for municipal service, as well as taking into account historical and other local traditions in the course of municipal service;

8) legal and social protection of municipal employees;

9) responsibility of municipal employees for failure to perform or improper performance of their official duties;

10) non-partisanship of the municipal service.

Article 5 The relationship of the municipal service and the state civil service of the Russian Federation

The relationship between the municipal service and the state civil service of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the state civil service) is ensured through:

1) the unity of the basic qualification requirements for the positions of the municipal service and the positions of the state civil service;

2) the unity of restrictions and obligations during the passage of the municipal service and the state civil service;

3) unity of requirements for training, retraining and advanced training of municipal employees and civil servants;

4) accounting for the length of service of the municipal service when calculating the length of service of the state civil service and accounting for the length of service of the state civil service when calculating the length of service of the municipal service;

5) the correlation of the main conditions of remuneration and social guarantees municipal employees and state civil servants;

6) the correlation of the basic conditions of state pension provision for citizens who have served in the municipal service, and citizens who have served in the state civil service, as well as members of their families in the event of loss of a breadwinner.

Chapter 2

Article 6 Municipal service positions

1. The position of the municipal service - a position in the body of local self-government, the apparatus of the election commission of the municipality, which are formed in accordance with the charter of the municipality, with the established range of duties to ensure the execution of the powers of the local government, the election commission of the municipality or the person replacing the municipal position.

2. The positions of the municipal service are established by municipal legal acts in accordance with the register of positions of the municipal service in the subject of the Russian Federation, approved by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.

3. When drafting and approving staffing of the local self-government body, the apparatus of the election commission of the municipality, the names of the positions of the municipal service, provided for by the register of positions of the municipal service in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, are used.

Article 7 Register of municipal service positions in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation

1. The register of positions of the municipal service in the subject of the Russian Federation is a list of the names of the positions of the municipal service, classified according to local governments, election commissions of municipalities, groups and functional features positions, determined taking into account historical and other local traditions.

2. The register of municipal service positions in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation may provide for municipal service positions established to directly ensure the execution of the powers of a person replacing a municipal position. Such positions of the municipal service are replaced by municipal employees by concluding an employment contract for the term of office of the specified person.

Article 8 Classification of municipal service positions

1. The positions of the municipal service are divided into the following groups:

1) the highest positions of the municipal service;

2) the main positions of the municipal service;

3) leading positions of the municipal service;

4) senior positions of the municipal service;

5) junior positions in the municipal service.

2. The ratio of positions of the municipal service and positions of the state civil service of the subject of the Russian Federation, taking into account the qualification requirements for the relevant positions of the municipal service and positions of the state civil service of the subject of the Russian Federation, is established by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.

Article 9 Basic qualification requirements for filling positions in the municipal service

1. To fill positions in the municipal service, qualification requirements are imposed on the level of professional education, the length of service in the municipal service (public service) or the length of service in the specialty, professional knowledge and skills needed to perform the job.

2. Qualification requirements for the level of professional education, length of service in the municipal service (public service) or length of service in the specialty, professional knowledge and skills necessary for the performance of official duties, are established by municipal legal acts on the basis of standard qualification requirements for filling positions in the municipal service, which are determined the law of the subject of the Russian Federation in accordance with the classification of positions in the municipal service.

3. If a person is appointed to the position of the head of the local administration under a contract, the charter of the settlement, and in relation to the position of the head of the local administration of the municipal district (city district) - the charter of the municipal district (city district) and the law of the subject of the Russian Federation, additional requirements may be established to candidates for the position of head of the local administration.

Chapter 3 Legal status(status) municipal employee

Article 10 Municipal employee

1. A municipal employee is a citizen who, in accordance with the procedure established by municipal legal acts in accordance with federal laws and laws of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, performs the duties of a municipal service position for a monetary allowance paid from the local budget.

2. Persons acting on technical support activities of local self-government bodies, election commissions of municipalities, do not replace the positions of the municipal service and are not municipal employees.

Article 11 Basic rights of a municipal employee

1. A municipal employee has the right to:

1) familiarization with the documents establishing his rights and obligations for the position of the municipal service being substituted, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of official duties and the conditions for promotion;

2) ensuring the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties;

3) wages and other payments in accordance with labor law, legislation on municipal service and labor agreement (contract);

4) rest, provided by the establishment of the normal length of working (service) time, the provision of days off and non-working public holidays, as well as annual paid leave;

5) receiving, in accordance with the established procedure, information and materials necessary for the performance of official duties, as well as for making proposals on improving the activities of a local self-government body, an election commission of a municipal formation;

6) participation on their own initiative in the competition for filling a vacant position in the municipal service;

7) advanced training in accordance with the municipal legal act at the expense of the local budget;

8) protection of their personal data;

9) familiarization with all the materials of his personal file, with reviews about professional activity and other documents prior to their inclusion in his personal file, as well as to attach his written explanations to the personal file;

10) association, including the right to create trade unions, to protect their rights, socio-economic and professional interests;

11) consideration of individual labor disputes in accordance with labor legislation, protection of their rights and legitimate interests in the municipal service, including appealing to the court of their violations;

12) pension provision in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. A municipal employee, with the exception of a municipal employee who replaces the position of the head of a local administration under a contract, has the right, with a preliminary written notice representative of the employer (employer) to perform other paid work, unless this entails a conflict of interest and unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law. A conflict of interest is understood as a situation in which the personal interest of a municipal employee affects or may affect the objective performance of his official duties and in which a conflict arises or may arise between the personal interest of a municipal employee and the legitimate interests of citizens, organizations, society, the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation , a municipal formation that can lead to harm to these legitimate interests of citizens, organizations, society, the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal formation. The personal interest of a municipal employee is understood as the possibility for a municipal employee, in the performance of official duties, to receive income (unjust enrichment) in cash or in kind, income in the form of material benefit directly for the municipal employee, members of his family or persons specified in clause 5 of part 1 of Article 13 of this Federal law, as well as for citizens or organizations with which a municipal employee is associated with financial or other obligations.

Article 12 The main duties of a municipal employee

1. A municipal employee is obliged:

1) comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, constitutions (charters), laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the charter of the municipality and other municipal legal acts and ensure their implementation;

2) perform official duties in accordance with the job description;

3) observe the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations in the performance of official duties;

4) comply with the rules of internal work schedule, job description, the procedure for working with service information;

5) maintain the level of qualification necessary for the proper performance of official duties;

6) not to disclose information constituting state and other secrets protected by federal laws, as well as information that became known to him in connection with the performance of official duties, including information relating to the private life and health of citizens or affecting their honor and dignity;

7) protect the state and municipal property, including those provided to him for the performance of official duties;

8) submit, in accordance with the established procedure, the information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation about himself and members of his family, as well as information about the income received by him and the property owned by him, which are objects of taxation, about obligations of a property nature (hereinafter referred to as information about income, about property and obligations of a property nature);

9) inform the representative of the employer (employer) about the withdrawal from the citizenship of the Russian Federation on the day of withdrawal from the citizenship of the Russian Federation or about the acquisition of citizenship of a foreign state on the day of acquisition of citizenship of a foreign state;

10) comply with restrictions, fulfill obligations, not violate the prohibitions established by this Federal Law and other federal laws;

11) inform the representative of the employer (employer) about personal interest in the performance of official duties, which may lead to a conflict of interest, and take measures to prevent such a conflict.

2. A municipal employee is not entitled to execute an illegal assignment given to him. Upon receipt of an instruction from the relevant manager, which, in the opinion of the municipal employee, is unlawful, the municipal employee must provide the manager who gave the instruction with a written justification for the illegality of this instruction, indicating the provisions of federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts. acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal legal acts that may be violated in the execution of this order. If the manager confirms this order in writing, the municipal employee is obliged to refuse to execute it. In the event of the execution of an illegal order, the municipal employee and the head who gave this order are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 13 Restrictions related to municipal service

1. A citizen cannot be accepted into the municipal service, and a municipal employee cannot be in the municipal service if:

1) recognition of him as incapable or partially incapacitated by a court decision that has entered into legal force;

2) his conviction to a punishment that excludes the possibility of performing official duties as a municipal service, according to a court verdict that has entered into legal force;

3) refusal to go through the procedure for issuing access to information constituting state and other secrets protected by federal laws, if the performance of official duties in the position of the municipal service for which the citizen is applying, or in the position of the municipal service being occupied by a municipal employee, is associated with the use of such information;

4) the presence of a disease that prevents admission to the municipal service or its passage and confirmed by the conclusion medical institution. The procedure for undergoing medical examination, the list of such diseases and the form of conclusion of a medical institution are established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

5) close relationship or property (parents, spouses, children, brothers, sisters, as well as brothers, sisters, parents and children of spouses) with a municipal employee, if the filling of a position in a municipal service is connected with the direct subordination or control of one of them to another;

6) termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation, termination of citizenship of a foreign state that is a party to an international treaty of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which a foreign citizen has the right to be in the municipal service, acquisition of citizenship of a foreign state or receipt by him of a residence permit or other document confirming the right to permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the territory of a foreign state that is not a party to an international treaty of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which a citizen of the Russian Federation who has citizenship of a foreign state has the right to be in the municipal service;

7) the presence of citizenship of a foreign state (foreign states), with the exception of cases when a municipal employee is a citizen of a foreign state - a party to an international treaty of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which a foreign citizen has the right to be in the municipal service;

8) submission of forged documents or deliberately false information upon admission to the municipal service;

9) failure to provide information established by this Federal Law or submission of deliberately false information about income, property and obligations of a property nature.

2. A citizen cannot be admitted to the municipal service after he reaches the age of 65 - the age limit established for filling a position in the municipal service.

Article 14 Prohibitions related to the municipal service

1. In connection with the passage of municipal service, a municipal employee is prohibited from:

1) be a member of the governing body commercial organization, unless otherwise provided by federal laws or if, in accordance with the procedure established by a municipal legal act in accordance with federal laws and laws of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, he is not instructed to participate in the management of this organization;

2) to replace the position of the municipal service in the event of:

a) election or appointment to a public position of the Russian Federation or to a public position of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as in case of appointment to a public service position;

b) election or appointment to a municipal position;

c) election to a paid elective position in the body of the trade union, including in the elected body of the primary trade union organization established in the body of local self-government, the apparatus of the election commission of the municipality;

3) engage in entrepreneurial activities;

4) to be an attorney or a representative for third parties in a local self-government body, an election commission of a municipal formation, in which he replaces the position of a municipal service or which are directly subordinate or controlled by him, unless otherwise provided by federal laws;

5) receive in connection with the official position or in connection with the performance of official duties remuneration from individuals and legal entities(gifts, cash rewards, loans, services, payment for entertainment, recreation, travel expenses and other rewards). Gifts received by a municipal employee in connection with protocol events, business trips and other official events are recognized as municipal property and transferred by a municipal employee under an act to the local government, the election commission of the municipality, in which he replaces the position of the municipal service, with the exception of cases established Civil Code Russian Federation;

6) go on business trips at the expense of individuals and legal entities, with the exception of business trips carried out on a reciprocal basis by agreement of a local government body, an election commission of a municipality with local governments, election commissions of other municipalities, as well as with bodies state power and local governments of foreign states, international and foreign non-profit organizations;

7) use for purposes not related to the performance of official duties, means of material, technical, financial and other support, other municipal property;

8) disclose or use for purposes not related to the municipal service, information classified in accordance with federal laws as confidential information, or proprietary information that became known to him in connection with the performance of official duties;

9) allow public statements, judgments and assessments, including in the media mass media, in relation to the activities of a local self-government body, an election commission of a municipal formation and their leaders, if this is not part of his official duties;

10) accept, without the written permission of the head of the municipality, awards, honorary and special titles (with the exception of scientific ones) of foreign states, international organizations;

11) use the advantages of their official position for pre-election campaigning, as well as for campaigning on referendum issues;

12) use his official position in the interests of political parties, religious and other public associations, as well as publicly express his attitude towards these associations as a municipal employee;

13) create structures of political parties, religious and other public associations (with the exception of trade unions, as well as veterans and other bodies of public amateur performance) or contribute to the creation of these structures;

14) terminate the performance of official duties in order to settle a labor dispute;

15) be a member of the governing bodies, boards of trustees or supervisory boards, other bodies of foreign non-profit non-governmental organizations and their operating on the territory of the Russian Federation; structural divisions, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or the legislation of the Russian Federation;

16) be engaged without the written permission of the representative of the employer (employer) in paid activities financed exclusively from the funds of foreign states, international and foreign organizations, foreign citizens and stateless persons, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. A municipal employee who replaces the position of the head of a local administration under a contract is not entitled to engage in other paid activities, with the exception of teaching, scientific and other creative activities. At the same time, teaching, scientific and other creative activities cannot be financed exclusively at the expense of foreign states, international and foreign organizations, foreign citizens and stateless persons, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or the legislation of the Russian Federation. A municipal employee who replaces the position of the head of a local administration under a contract is not entitled to be a member of the governing bodies, trustees or supervisory boards, other bodies of foreign non-profit non-governmental organizations and their structural divisions operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by an international treaty of the Russian Federation or legislation Russian Federation.

3. A citizen, after dismissal from the municipal service, is not entitled to disclose or use in the interests of organizations or individuals information of a confidential nature or proprietary information that has become known to him in connection with the performance of official duties.

Article 15 Information on income, property and property obligations of a municipal employee

1. A citizen, upon entering the municipal service, as well as a municipal employee, annually no later than April 30 of the year following the reporting year, is obliged to submit to the representative of the employer (employer) information on income, property and obligations of a property nature. The specified information is submitted in the manner and in the form established for the provision of information on income, property and property obligations of state civil servants of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2. Information about income, property and obligations of a property nature, submitted by a municipal employee in accordance with this article, is information of a confidential nature, unless federal laws classify it as information constituting state and other secrets protected by federal laws.

3. It is not allowed to use information about income, property and property obligations of a municipal employee to establish or determine his solvency, to collect direct or indirect donations (contributions) to the funds of religious or other public associations, other organizations, as well as individuals .

4. A municipal employee guilty of disclosing information about income, property and property obligations of other municipal employees or using this information for purposes not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Chapter 4 The procedure for entering the municipal service, its passage and termination

Article 16 Entering the municipal service

1. Citizens who have reached the age of 18, who speak the state language of the Russian Federation and have the appropriate qualification requirements established in accordance with this Federal Law for filling positions in the municipal service, in the absence of the circumstances specified in Article 13 of this Federal Law as restrictions related to the municipal service.

2. When entering the municipal service, as well as during its passage, it is not allowed to establish any direct or indirect restrictions or advantages depending on gender, race, nationality, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, belonging to public associations, as well as other circumstances not related to the professional and business qualities of a municipal employee.

3. When entering the municipal service, a citizen shall submit:

1) an application with a request to enter the municipal service and fill the position of the municipal service;

2) a self-filled and signed questionnaire in the form established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

4) work book, except for cases when the employment contract (contract) is concluded for the first time;

5) document on education;

6) an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance, except for cases when an employment contract (contract) is concluded for the first time;

7) staging certificate individual for registration with the tax authority at the place of residence in the territory of the Russian Federation;

8) documents military registration- for persons liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service;

9) the conclusion of a medical institution on the absence of a disease that prevents entry into the municipal service;

10) information on income for the year preceding the year of entry into the municipal service, on property and liabilities of a property nature;

11) other documents stipulated by federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation.

4. Information submitted in accordance with this Federal Law by a citizen upon entering the municipal service may be subject to verification in accordance with the procedure established by federal laws. In individual municipalities, federal laws may establish additional requirements for verifying the information provided by a citizen upon entering the municipal service.

5. If, during the verification process provided for by Part 4 of this article, circumstances are established that prevent a citizen from entering the municipal service, the specified citizen is informed in writing about the reasons for the refusal to enter the municipal service.

6. The entry of a citizen into the municipal service is carried out as a result of appointment to the position of the municipal service on the terms of an employment contract in accordance with labor legislation, taking into account the specifics provided for by this Federal Law.

7. A citizen entering the position of head of the local administration based on the results of a competition for filling the specified position concludes a contract. The procedure for filling the position of the head of a local administration under a contract and the procedure for concluding and terminating a contract with a person appointed to the specified position under a contract are determined by Federal Law No. 131-FZ of October 6, 2003 "On the General Principles of Organizing Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation". Standard form contract with a person appointed to the position of head of the local administration under the contract is approved by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.

8. The admission of a citizen to the municipal service is formalized by an act of the representative of the employer (employer) on the appointment to the position of the municipal service.

9. The parties to the employment contract when entering the municipal service are the representative of the employer (employer) and the municipal employee.

Article 17 Competition for the position of municipal service

1. When replacing the position of the municipal service in municipality the conclusion of an employment contract may be preceded by a competition during which an assessment is carried out professional level applicants for filling the position of the municipal service, their compliance with the established qualification requirements for the position of the municipal service.

2. The procedure for holding a competition for a position in a municipal service is established by a municipal legal act adopted by the representative body of the municipality. The procedure for holding a competition should provide for the publication of its conditions, information about the date, time and place of its holding, as well as a draft employment contract no later than 20 days before the day of the competition. The total number of members of the competition commission in the municipality and the procedure for its formation are established by the representative body of the municipality.

3. The representative of the employer (employer) concludes an employment contract and appoints one of the candidates selected by the competition commission based on the results of the competition for filling the position of the municipal service to the position of the municipal service.

Article 18 Certification of municipal employees

1. Attestation of a municipal employee is carried out in order to determine his compliance with the occupied position of the municipal service. Certification of a municipal employee is carried out once every three years.

2. The following municipal employees are not subject to certification:

1) replacing positions in the municipal service for less than one year;

2) who have reached the age of 60;

3) pregnant women;

4) who are on maternity leave or parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years. Certification of these municipal employees is possible no earlier than one year after leaving the vacation;

5) replacing positions of the municipal service on the basis of a fixed-term employment contract (contract).

3. According to the results of certification of a municipal employee certifying commission makes a decision on whether the municipal employee corresponds to the occupied position of the municipal service or does not correspond. The attestation commission may make recommendations on encouraging individual municipal employees for the successes they have achieved in their work, including their promotion, and, if necessary, recommendations on improving the performance of certified municipal employees. The results of the attestation are communicated to the attested municipal employees immediately after the voting results have been summed up. Certification materials are transferred to the representative of the employer (employer).

4. Based on the results of the certification, the representative of the employer (employer) makes a decision to reward individual municipal employees for their success in work or within a period of not more than one month from the date of certification to demote the municipal employee with his consent. Based on the results of the attestation, the attestation commission may make recommendations on the direction of individual municipal employees for advanced training.

5. In case of disagreement of a municipal employee with a demotion or the impossibility of being transferred, with his consent, to another position in the municipal service, the representative of the employer (employer) may, within a period of not more than one month from the date of certification, dismiss him from the municipal service due to the inconsistency of the replaced position due to insufficient qualifications, confirmed by the results of certification. After the expiration of the specified period, the dismissal of a municipal employee or his demotion in position based on the results of this certification is not allowed.

6. A municipal employee has the right to appeal the results of certification in court.

7. The regulation on the certification of municipal employees is approved by the municipal legal act in accordance with model provision on the certification of municipal employees, approved by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.

Article 19 Grounds for terminating an employment contract with a municipal employee

1. In addition to the grounds for termination of an employment contract provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employment contract with a municipal employee may also be terminated at the initiative of a representative of the employer (employer) in the event of:

1) reaching the age limit established for filling a position in the municipal service;

2) termination of citizenship of the Russian Federation, termination of citizenship of a foreign state that is a party to an international treaty of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which a foreign citizen has the right to be in the municipal service, acquisition of citizenship of a foreign state or receipt by him of a residence permit or other document confirming the right to permanent residence of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the territory of a foreign state that is not a party to an international treaty of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which a citizen of the Russian Federation who has citizenship of a foreign state has the right to be in the municipal service;

3) non-compliance with restrictions and prohibitions related to the municipal service and established by Articles 13 and 14 of this Federal Law.

2. It is allowed to extend the period of stay in the municipal service of municipal employees who have reached the age limit established for filling a position in the municipal service. A one-time extension of the term of a municipal employee in the municipal service is allowed for no more than one year.

Chapter 5 Working (working) time and rest time

Article 20 Working (office) time

The working (service) time of municipal employees is regulated in accordance with labor legislation.

Article 21 Vacation of a municipal employee

1. The municipal employee is provided annual vacation with the preservation of the occupied position of the municipal service and the allowance, the amount of which is determined in the manner established by labor legislation for calculating the average wage.

2. The annual paid leave of a municipal employee consists of the main paid leave and additional paid holidays.

3. The annual basic paid leave is granted to a municipal employee with a duration of at least 30 calendar days.

4. Annual additional paid vacations are granted to a municipal employee for length of service (lasting no more than 15 calendar days), as well as in cases provided for by federal laws and laws of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

5. The procedure and conditions for granting an annual additional paid leave to a municipal employee for length of service are determined by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.

6. A municipal employee, upon his written application, by the decision of the representative of the employer (employer), may be granted leave without pay for a period of not more than one year.

7. A municipal employee is granted leave without pay in cases provided for by federal laws.

Chapter 6 General principles salary of a municipal employee.
Guarantees provided to the municipal employee.
Municipal service experience

Article 22 General principles of remuneration of a municipal employee

1. Payment for labor of a municipal employee is made in the form of a monetary allowance, which consists of the official salary of a municipal employee in accordance with the position of the municipal service he fills (hereinafter referred to as the official salary), as well as from monthly and other additional payments determined by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.

2. Bodies of local self-government independently determine the amount and terms of remuneration of labor of municipal employees. The amount of the official salary, as well as the amount of monthly and other additional payments and the procedure for their implementation are established by municipal legal acts issued by the representative body of the municipality in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

3. In municipal formations to which subsidies are provided for the purpose of equalizing budgetary security in the cases and in the manner established by federal laws, the amount of remuneration for labor of municipal employees is established in accordance with the maximum standards provided for by the laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Article 23 Guarantees provided to the municipal employee

1. A municipal employee is guaranteed:

1) working conditions that ensure the performance of his duties in accordance with the job description;

2) the right to timely and full receipt of financial support;

3) rest, ensured by the establishment of the normal length of working (service) time, the provision of days off and non-working holidays, as well as annual paid leave;

4) medical service a municipal employee and members of his family, including after the retirement of a municipal employee;

5) pension provision for long service and in connection with disability, as well as pension provision for members of the family of a municipal employee in the event of his death in connection with the performance of his official duties;

6) compulsory state insurance in case of harm to the health and property of a municipal employee in connection with the performance of his official duties;

7) compulsory state social insurance in case of illness or disability during the period of passage by a municipal employee of the municipal service or after its termination, but occurred in connection with the performance of his official duties;

8) protection of a municipal employee and members of his family from violence, threats and other illegal actions in connection with the performance of his official duties in cases, in the manner and under the conditions established by federal laws.

2. Upon termination of an employment contract with a municipal employee in connection with the liquidation of a local self-government body, an election commission of a municipal formation, or a reduction in the staff of employees of a local self-government body, the apparatus of an election commission of a municipal formation, the municipal employee is provided with guarantees established by labor legislation for employees in the event of their dismissal due to with the liquidation of the organization or the reduction of the staff of the organization.

3. The laws of the subject of the Russian Federation and the charter of the municipal formation may provide municipal employees with additional guarantees.

Article 24 Pension provision of a municipal employee and members of his family

1. In the field of pension provision, the rights of a state civil servant, established by federal laws and laws of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, fully apply to a municipal employee.

2. The determination of the amount of the state pension of a municipal employee is carried out in accordance with the ratio of positions of the municipal service and positions of the state civil service of the subject of the Russian Federation established by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation. The maximum amount of the state pension of a municipal employee cannot exceed the maximum amount of the state pension of a state civil servant of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the corresponding position of the state civil service of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

3. In the event of the death of a municipal employee related to the performance of his official duties, including that occurred after his dismissal from the municipal service, the family members of the deceased are entitled to receive a survivor's pension in the manner determined by federal laws.

Article 25 Municipal service experience

1. The length of service (total duration) of the municipal service includes periods of work for:

1) positions of the municipal service (municipal positions of the municipal service);

2) municipal positions;

3) government positions the Russian Federation and public positions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

4) civil service positions, military positions and law enforcement service positions (public civil service positions);

5) other positions in accordance with the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.

2. The procedure for calculating the experience of municipal service and offsetting other periods of labor activity in it, in addition to those specified in Part 1 of this article, is established by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.

3. The length of service of the municipal service of a municipal employee is equated to the length of service of the state civil service of a state civil servant. The time of work in positions of the municipal service is counted in the length of service of the state civil service, calculated to establish a monthly allowance for official salary for seniority, determining the duration of the annual additional paid leave for seniority and the amount of incentives for impeccable and efficient civil service.

Chapter 7 Promotion of the municipal employee. Disciplinary responsibility of a municipal employee

Article 26 Promotion of a municipal employee

The types of incentives for a municipal employee and the procedure for its application are established by municipal legal acts in accordance with federal laws and laws of the subject of the Russian Federation.

Article 27 Disciplinary responsibility of a municipal employee

1. For committing a disciplinary offense - non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment by a municipal employee through his fault assigned to him official duties- the representative of the employer (employer) has the right to apply the following disciplinary sanctions:

3) dismissal from the municipal service on appropriate grounds.

2. A municipal employee who has committed a disciplinary offense may be temporarily (but not more than one month), until the issue of his disciplinary responsibility is resolved, suspended from the performance of official duties with the preservation of a monetary allowance. The removal of a municipal employee from the performance of official duties in this case is carried out by a municipal legal act.

3. Procedure for application and withdrawal disciplinary actions determined by labor law.

Chapter 8

Article 28 Personnel work in the municipality

HR work in the municipality includes:

1) the formation of personnel for filling positions in the municipal service;

2) preparation of proposals on the implementation of the provisions of the legislation on municipal service and the introduction of these proposals to the representative of the employer (employer);

3) organizing the preparation of draft municipal legal acts related to entering the municipal service, its passage, the conclusion of an employment agreement (contract), appointment to the position of the municipal service, dismissal from the replaced position of the municipal service, dismissal of a municipal employee from the municipal service and his retirement and execution of relevant documents;

4) leading work books municipal employees;

5) maintaining personal files of municipal employees;

6) maintaining a register of municipal employees in the municipality;

7) registration and issuance of service certificates of municipal employees;

8) holding a competition for replacement vacancies municipal service and the inclusion of municipal employees in the personnel reserve;

9) certification of municipal employees;

10) organization of work with the personnel reserve and its effective use;

11) organization of verification of the authenticity of personal data and other information submitted by a citizen upon admission to the municipal service, as well as registration of an admission of the established form to information constituting a state secret;

12) organization of verification of information on income, property and property obligations of municipal employees, as well as compliance with the restrictions associated with the municipal service, which are established by Article 13 of this Federal Law and other federal laws;

13) advising municipal employees on legal and other issues of municipal service;

14) solution of other issues personnel work determined by labor legislation and the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.

Article 29 Personal data of a municipal employee

1. Personal data of a municipal employee - information required by the representative of the employer (employer) in connection with the performance by the municipal employee of the duties of the position of the municipal service being replaced and relating to a specific municipal employee.

2. Personal data of a municipal employee is subject to processing (receipt, storage, combination, transfer and other use) in accordance with labor legislation.

Article 30 The procedure for conducting a personal file of a municipal employee

1. A personal file is opened for a municipal employee, to which documents related to his entry into the municipal service, its passage and dismissal from the municipal service are attached.

2. The personal file of a municipal employee is kept for 10 years. When a municipal employee is dismissed from the municipal service, his personal file is kept in the archives of the local self-government body, the election commission of the municipality at the last place of municipal service.

3. Upon liquidation of a local self-government body, an election commission of a municipal formation, in which a municipal employee occupied the position of a municipal service, his personal file is transferred for storage to the local self-government body, the election commission of the municipal formation, to which the functions of the liquidated local self-government body, the election commission of the municipal formation were transferred or their successors.

4. The conduct of the personal file of a municipal employee is carried out in the manner established for the conduct of the personal file of a public civil servant.

Article 31 Register of municipal employees in the municipality

1. A register of municipal employees is kept in a municipal formation.

2. A municipal employee dismissed from the municipal service is excluded from the register of municipal employees on the day of dismissal.

3. In the event of the death (death) of a municipal employee or the recognition of a municipal employee as missing or declaring him dead by a court decision that has entered into legal force, the municipal employee is excluded from the register of municipal employees on the day following the day of death (death) or the day of entry into legal force. the force of the judgment.

4. The procedure for maintaining the register of municipal employees is approved by the municipal legal act.

Article 32 Priority areas formation of the staff of the municipal service

The priority areas for the formation of the personnel of the municipal service are:

1) appointment of highly qualified specialists to the positions of the municipal service, taking into account their professional qualities and competencies;

2) promotion of promotion of municipal employees;

3) advanced training of municipal employees;

4) creation of a personnel reserve and its effective use;

5) evaluation of the results of the work of municipal employees through certification;

6) the use of modern technologies for the selection of personnel when citizens enter the municipal service and work with personnel during its passage.

Article 33 Personnel reserve in the municipal service

In municipalities, in accordance with municipal legal acts, a personnel reserve may be created to fill vacant positions in the municipal service.

Chapter 9 Financing and development programs of the municipal service

Article 34 Municipal Service Financing

Financing of the municipal service is carried out at the expense of local budgets.

Article 35 Municipal service development programs

1. The development of the municipal service is provided by municipal programs for the development of the municipal service and programs for the development of the municipal service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, financed respectively at the expense of local budgets and budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2. In order to improve the efficiency of the activities of local self-government bodies, election commissions of municipalities and municipal employees, experiments may be carried out in individual local governments, election commissions of municipalities. The procedure, conditions and terms for conducting experiments in the course of implementing the programs for the development of the municipal service specified in Part 1 of this Article are established by regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal legal acts.

Chapter 10 Final provisions

Article 36

Recognize as invalid from the date of entry into force of this Federal Law:

1) Federal Law No. 8-FZ of January 8, 1998 “On the Fundamentals of Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1998, No. 2, Art. 224);

2) Federal Law No. 75-FZ of April 13, 1999 “On Amendments and Additions to the Federal Law “On the Basics of Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1999, No. 16, Art. 1933);

3) Federal Law No. 38-FZ of April 19, 2002 “On Amending Article 8 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Municipal Service in the Russian Federation” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2002, No. 16, Art. 1499);

4) paragraph 13 of Article 1 of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 N 112-FZ "On the introduction of amendments and additions to legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law “On Counteracting Extremist Activities” (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2002, No. 30, Art. 3029).

Article 37

Until federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on municipal service are brought into line with this Federal Law, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on municipal service are applied insofar as they do not contradict this Federal Law.

Article 38 Entry into force of this Federal Law

The president
Russian Federation
V. Putin

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Municipal employees represent a very broad category of workers in Russia. If there are any innovations in labor relations, they primarily affect government employees.

Their remuneration is regulated by the relevant law On the municipal service of the Russian Federation. But this normative act does not establish specific amounts of payment. It regulates the basic principles of calculating remuneration for work and additional allowances.

Regulations on the remuneration of municipal employees

The standards for the formation of expenses for the remuneration of municipal employees in 2018 are determined by the regulation on remuneration. This provision is a departmental normative act. They are developed in each municipality and their effect applies only to employees of this institution. However, the current specificity is such that the provisions of specific territorial entities are modeled after regional ones, so they are all very similar to each other, although there are some differences due to specifics.

The regulation establishes the income conditions that form the wage fund. Specified Document determines the specific items of income and the amount that the employee can receive.

Order on approval of the regulation on the remuneration of municipal employees

Such an order is necessary for the implementation of the drafted provision. This is the only form of administrative act that can establish, change or cancel working conditions.
The order enacting the provisions on remuneration for the work of civil servants does not specify specific amounts of salaries. They are reflected in the position. Salary consists of several categories of amounts. What matters is length of service, special conditions of professional activity and salary.

Conditions of remuneration of municipal employees

The conditions for remuneration of municipal employees are determined by several types tariff rates. You need to dwell on these rates in more detail:

  • Salary matters the most. This is the base value for all further calculations. The specified rate, as a rule, ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles, depending on the position held;
  • Additional transfers for years of service. The increase in these payments occurs after 10 years of service, 15 and 20 years, respectively. In this case, the amount of payments is directly tied to the salary. After 10 years of service, it can be 30% of the salary, then, after 15, increase to 50%, and so on. Therefore, the amount of wages seriously depends on the length of service;
  • The remuneration of the activity of state employees includes additional payment for special conditions, as well as for complexity and tension. Usually such surcharges are equal to the salary part or exceed it;
  • If a civil servant has a rank, then additional payment is made for him.

Thus, the level of income is determined by length of service and rank. And these are interdependent concepts. In addition, they are largely determined by their position.

How to calculate the payroll of municipal employees?

The procedure for the formation of expenses for the remuneration of municipal employees is determined by the provisions and internal regulations. As stated above, the monthly salary consists of several types of transfers.
All of them are highly dependent on each other. After all, a long service leads to a high level of rank. And this, in turn, means the employee's movement up the career ladder.
Thus, those who have been working for more than 10 years have big earnings.

I must say that, as a rule, in wages, salary takes up less than half of all payments. The percentage of salary and other transfers ranges from 20 to 50%.

In addition to those Money, employee income also includes bonuses. They are paid quarterly. The amount of the bonus is calculated from the amount of salary. According to the requirements of the law, bonus remuneration can range from 5 to 100% of the salary.

Checking the salaries of municipal employees

Salaries of municipal employees are under constant control. In each region there is a control and audit department (KRU). And each local government has such a department. It does not depend on the administration. Its main task is to control the spending of budgetary funds.

This task also includes the control of wages. In cases of cost overruns or unreasonably large payments received by individual employees, KRU employees are required to conduct audits. After verification officials KRU have the right to transfer the collected and analyzed materials to the investigating authorities.


The lower house of the Russian parliament has almost completed the adoption of the draft federal budget for 2019. Ahead of the State Duma deputies is the third reading of the law on the budget, which will have little effect on anything and definitely will not make any major changes to the text of the document.

Thus, already now we can confidently talk about many parameters of the main financial document, including the indexation of salaries of those categories that are financed from the treasury.

Salaries of civil servants in 2019 latest news: What to expect in 2019?

From 2019, the indexation process will not be proactive, but vice versa. The due date for salary increases due to inflation has now been moved to 1 October in 2019 and 2020. The government has promised to help regions that cannot cope with the additional costs on their own. It is planned to allocate 100 billion in national currency for such subsidies in 2019-2020. The implementation of the "May" decrees (including in the aspect of raising wages for state employees) as a whole cost the country:

769.6 billion rubles in 2018;
735.4 billion - in 2019;
714 billion in 2020.

Experts say that even a 4% increase in the wages of state employees for most of them means that they will receive 1.5 thousand rubles more. Of course, this money will not be superfluous, but such an amount will not provide poverty reduction either.

According to officials, the income of Russians representing the public sector will soon be as close as possible to the level of average wages in the country. It was announced that by 2019 the government is going to introduce a number of innovations, including the following points:

expected to replace the old tariff scale, which consisted of 27 categories (8 of them were represented by working professions, and 19 by specialists). The new tariff scale will include a total of 17 categories of professional qualification groups.

the size of salaries in the minimum tariffs will be equated to the cost of living;

Numerous payments that were established centrally will be canceled. Instead, the rights of the leadership of state bodies and budget organizations in terms of pricing of various positions, which should take into account the characteristics of the industry.

Salaries of civil servants in 2019 latest news: Indexation of salaries of civil servants

In recent years, for some reason, active discussions began about the upcoming indexation. Some even named figures: according to them, the salary should have increased by 38%. However, the government responded categorically - no increases in this amount are planned.

Both the Ministry of Labor and the press service of the President reacted to this news. These authorities denied the rumors and stated that such increases were impossible. These statements calmed the public a little, but did not greatly reduce the level of outrage. The thing is, even now some officials receive amounts that are incomparable in size with the average wages of ordinary workers.

This difference in salaries was formed due to multiple increases that were carried out until 2013. During this period, the salaries of civil servants increased by 6 times.

But the main problem lies not in the dissatisfaction of citizens, but in the fact that such salaries are a serious burden on the state treasury. Therefore, in recent years, serious indexations have been abandoned. The rate of growth of official salaries has become much less significant.

It should be noted that such a measure is very effective for saving the state budget. By refusing to increase, the government in some areas was able to save about a billion rubles.

But still, the salaries of officials will be reviewed. In 2018, such increases have not yet been included, but the budget for 2019 already provides for a two-stage indexation. For 12 months, it is planned to double the cost of the unit of account. Each time the increase will be 4%.

Thus, there can be no talk of any 38%. An increase of 4% is necessary due to the fact that salaries have not been reviewed for a long time. Indexing will mitigate the effect of inflation on civil servants.

And if for officials, whose salaries are several times higher than the average payments in the region, such an increase will not play a special role, then for ordinary civil servants it can be very useful.

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The salaries of municipal employees are regulated by several acts of Russian legislation at once, including Labor Code, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Decrees and orders of local responsible bodies, and other normative documents. We will talk about the features of calculating earnings for this category of employees, about what it consists of, and who determines its size, we will talk later in this publication.

Details of how leave is calculated for this category of employees are in the article at the link.

What does the salary of municipal employees consist of and how is it formed?

The regulation on the remuneration of municipal employees is enshrined in a single legal document FZ No. 25. This document establishes, in particular, the following points:

  • structure of earnings of employees of municipalities;
  • the amount of money content;
  • conditions for making payments.

Based on this bill, the salary of a municipal worker consists of:

  • official monthly salary;
  • additional payments for the rank;
  • interest for years of service;
  • bonus payments and other financial incentives;
  • additional charges.

Thus, in many ways, the amount of earnings of these officials is determined by the budget of local municipalities.

What is the salary of a municipal employee?

The standards for the formation of expenses for the remuneration of municipal employees in 2018 in each individual federal district (district) are established by their own. For this purpose, an appropriate resolution is issued annually, which is signed by the head of the district (regional administration, and so on). This document defines:

  • what is the salary of municipal employees in 2018 formed from;
  • acts of formation of expenses for accrual of earnings to municipal employees;
  • the procedure for carrying out measures to control budget expenditures;
  • who is responsible for the implementation of this order (for example, the first deputy head of the district).

At the end of the order, the date of its preparation is affixed and the signature of the official is put.

Who determines the size and terms of remuneration of municipal employees?

Organs municipal government personally regulate such indicators as the amount of wages of officials, as well as the conditions for its calculation. The maintenance of an employee of the municipality consists of a fixed salary, additional payment for assignment of a position, allowance for taking advanced training courses, bonuses and other payments.

For example, the calculation of wages looks like this: official Ivanov has a salary of 10,500 rubles, he is also entitled to a bonus of 1,800 rubles for promotion, for length of service he receives 10% of the salary, that is, 1050 rubles, for work in conditions of state secrets - another 5,600 rubles. Therefore, the monthly allowance of this official will be: 10,500 + 1,800 + 1,050 + 5,600 = 18,950 rubles.

In accordance with Part 2 of Article 22 of Federal Draft Law No. 25, the working conditions of employees in the service of organizations of municipal significance are also determined by local authorities independently. For example, if an employee works in conditions of state secrecy, then an additional payment is due to his basic salary, which is established individually in each individual case.

And you can read about how a patent for the self-employed is issued in 2018.

The procedure for remuneration of municipal employees

The accrual of earnings to municipal employees is carried out in accordance with the norms and requirements prescribed in the acts of local self-government. When an official undergoes professional retraining or is on a business trip, he receives maintenance for the worked period after the fact.

However, the following payments remain:

  • fixed salary;
  • official allowance;
  • surcharge for many years of service;
  • payment for special conditions;
  • awards and incentives.

If an official was sent on a business trip, then they save for him, in addition to the list above:

  • rewards for completed tasks;
  • financial support in the amount of 1/12 of the amount of payments for the year preceding the day of going on vacation.

In addition, all additional accruals remain in force if the employee was on retraining courses, was on a business trip, during the period of an organized regular inspection, while on vacation, and so on.

Financial support is awarded if the official:

  • is on regular leave;
  • was laid off due to reorganization;
  • was dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the local government;
  • upon termination of the contract.

Bonuses are accrued to an official when he is on vacation, upon dismissal due to reorganization or liquidation of the organization, upon termination of the work contract.
Concerning latest news about the indexation of the salaries of officials in connection with inflation, in 2018, no increases by the Government have yet been announced.