Competition for the vacant position of director. Information message on the competition for the vacant position of the General Director of a federal state enterprise

List of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 2, 2012 N Pr-1140, subparagraph "b" of paragraph 1

Pursuant to the order of the President Russian Federation on the results of the meeting on education on April 19, 2012, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia reports.

According to Article 275 Labor Code The Russian Federation provides for the possibility of establishing a competitive procedure that precedes the conclusion of an employment contract with the head of the organization. In this regard, ensuring the transition to a competitive system for selecting managers educational institutions with the public presentation of development programs by candidates educational institution(hereinafter - the competitive selection system) and the subsequent conclusion of a fixed-term employment contract with the winner of the competition did not require any additions, changes to the legislation of the Russian Federation, including in the field of education.

In accordance with the distribution of powers established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, ensuring the transition to a competitive system for selecting heads of state educational institutions is within the competence of the bodies executive power subjects of the Russian Federation exercising management in the field of education, heads of municipal educational institutions - to the competence of bodies local government.

An analysis of information on the execution of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, submitted from 42 constituent entities of the Russian Federation as of September 1, 2012, demonstrates that regulatory legal acts that ensure the transition to a competitive selection system have been adopted in 21 regions.

Taking into account the results of the execution of the order of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as the quality of the submitted documents, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia recommends that in the regulatory legal acts regulating the organization and conduct of the competitive selection system, the following should be taken into account:

Allow to participate in the competitive selection system of persons who have passed the appropriate attestation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education;

To set the structure of development programs for educational institutions submitted by candidates in the framework of the competitive selection system;

Prescribe the criteria for evaluating the development programs of a general education institution.

In order to provide methodological assistance, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia sends on the organization of a competition for substitution vacant position head of the state (municipal) educational institution.


Approximate position
on the organization and conduct of a competition for filling the vacant position of the head of a state (municipal) educational institution

I. General provisions

1. This Regulation, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and Article 275 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, determines the procedure for organizing and holding a competition for filling the vacant position of the head of a state (municipal) educational institution (hereinafter - the Competition).

2. The competition is held in order to improve the assessment of professional competencies and personal qualities candidates for filling the vacant position of the head of a state (municipal) educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the Candidates) as part of the selection and placement of personnel in the system general education, their correspondences official duties appointed to the position of "leader".

3. The organization and conduct of the Competition are carried out by the founder of the state (municipal) educational institution.

4. Citizens of the Russian Federation who speak the state language of the Russian Federation and who qualification requirements to the vacant position of the head of an educational institution, established by order of the Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2010 N 761n "On approval of the Unified qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and employees, section " Qualification characteristics positions of educational workers", who have passed the appropriate certification established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, and submitted documents in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation.

II. Organization of the Competition

5. The decision to organize the Competition is made by the founder of the state (municipal) educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer of the competition), if there is a vacant (non-replaceable) position of the head of the state (municipal) educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the general educational institution), provided for staffing educational institution.

6. The organizer of the competition performs the following functions:

Forms a tender commission for holding the Competition (hereinafter referred to as the Tender Commission) and approves its composition;

Places an information message about the Contest on its official website on the Internet 30 days before the announced date of the Contest;

Accepts applications from Candidates, keeps records of them in the registration log;

Checks the correctness of registration of Candidates' applications and the list of documents attached to them;

Organizes an independent examination of the programs for the development of a general educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the Program) submitted by the Candidates by posting them on its official website on the Internet;

Submits to the Tender Commission the received applications of Candidates with the documents attached to them at the end of the deadline for accepting tender documents.

7. The information message of the Tender Organizer about the Tender should include:

Name, main characteristics and information about the location of the educational institution;

Candidate Requirements;

Date and time (hour, minutes) of the beginning and end of accepting applications from Candidates with the documents attached to them;

Address of the place of acceptance of applications and documents of Candidates;

List of documents submitted by the Candidates for participation in the Competition and requirements for their execution;

Date, time and place of the Contest, indicating the time of the beginning of the work of the Contest Commission and summing up the results of the Contest;

The address where Candidates can get acquainted with other information, and the procedure for getting acquainted with this information;

The procedure for determining the winner;

Method of notifying the participants of the Contest and its winner about the results of the Contest;

Main terms of the employment contract with the winner of the Contest;

Other provisions containing requirements for Candidates provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8. The competition commission, consisting of the chairman of the commission, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission, is formed from among the representatives of the founder of the educational institution, self-government bodies of the educational institution, including the parent committee, independent of the Organizer of the competition of experts in the field of management in the field of education.

The personal composition of the Tender Commission is approved by the order of the Organizer of the Tender.

The organization of the work of the Competition Committee is carried out by the secretary. The Secretary of the Tender Committee prepares materials for the meeting of the Tender Committee required for the meeting technical equipment, notifies the members of the Tender Commission about the date, time and place of the meeting, participates in its meetings without the right to vote.

The meeting of the Tender Committee is held by the chairman, and in his absence - by the deputy chairman.

The Competition Commission is authorized to resolve issues within its competence, provided for by these Regulations, if at least two thirds of its members are present at the meeting.

9. To participate in the Contest, Candidates submit to the Contest Organizer in fixed time the following documents:

Application in the prescribed form;

Personal sheet for personnel records, photo 3x4 cm;

Duly certified copy of the work book;

Copies of documents on professional education, additional professional education;

A self-certified program for the development of a general education institution;

Motivation letter about taking the vacant position of the head of the educational institution;

Consent to the processing of personal data;

Certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record, including canceled and withdrawn, and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution or the termination of criminal prosecution;

Medical certificate of the form established by law;

Other documents provided in the information message.

A passport or other identity document must be presented in person at a meeting of the Competition Commission.

Untimely submission of documents, their submission not in full or in violation of the rules of execution are grounds for refusing to accept a citizen.

10. The program for the development of the educational institution of the Candidate (hereinafter referred to as the Program) must contain the following sections:

Information and analytical information about the educational institution (current state);

Purpose and objectives of the Program (image of the future state of the educational institution);

Description of the expected results of the Program implementation, their quantitative and qualitative indicators;

Schedule of program measures, actions, activities that ensure the development of an educational institution, taking into account their resource support (financial and economic, personnel, information, scientific and methodological);

Annexes to the Program (if necessary).

11. At the end of the deadline for accepting documents from Candidates, the Competition Organizer checks the submitted documents for completeness and accuracy and makes a decision on their admission to participate in the Competition.

12. A candidate is not allowed to participate in the Competition if:

The submitted documents do not confirm the Candidate's right to hold the position of head of a general education institution in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and these Regulations;

Not all documents according to the list specified in the information message have been submitted, or they are executed improperly, or do not comply with the conditions of the Contest or the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

13. The decision of the Organizer of the competition on the admission or refusal of admission of the Candidate to participate in the Competition is documented in the minutes.

14. The Organizer of the Competition notifies the Candidate in writing about the admission or refusal of admission of the Candidate to participate in the Competition.

If the Competition Organizer makes a decision to refuse admission of a candidate to participate in the Competition, the notification shall indicate the reasons for such refusal.

15. If by the end of the deadline for accepting tender documents no applications have been received, the Organizer of the tender has the right to decide:

On the recognition of the Contest as invalid;

On the postponement of the date of the Contest by no more than 30 days and the extension of the deadline for accepting applications.

III. Procedure for the Competition

16. The competition is held in person in one stage and consists of an interview and presentation of the Program.

17. Expenses associated with participation in the Contest (travel to the venue of the Contest and back, rent of accommodation, accommodation, use of communication services, etc.) are covered by the Candidates at their own expense.

18. Personal and business qualities Candidates, their ability to manage the institution on any issues within the competence of the head are evaluated by the Competition Commission for point system with the results entered into the evaluation sheet.

19. Programs of Candidates are evaluated by the Competition Commission according to the following criteria:

Relevance (focus on solution key issues development of an educational institution);

Predictability (orientation towards satisfaction of "tomorrow's" social order for education and school management and taking into account changes in the social situation);

Efficiency (focus on the maximum possible results with rational use available resources);

Realism (compliance with the required and available material, technical and time resources);

The completeness and integrity of the Program (the presence of a systemic image of the school, educational process, displaying in a complex of all directions of development);

Elaboration (detailed and detailed study of all steps of the Program activities);

Manageability (the developed mechanism for managerial support of the Program implementation);

Controllability (availability of the maximum possible set of indicative indicators);

Social openness (presence of mechanisms for informing the participants of the work and social partners);

The culture of the design of the Program (the unity of the content and external form of the Program, the use of modern technical means).

The programs of the Candidates are evaluated by the Competition Commission, taking into account the results of an independent examination according to the point system, with the results recorded in the evaluation sheet.

20. The winner of the competition is the participant who scored the maximum number of points.

If the sum of points of the Contest participants is equal, the decision on the winner of the Contest is made by the Chairman of the Contest Committee.

21. The results of the Contest are entered into the minutes of the meeting of the Contest Commission in the form of a rating of the Contest participants by the amount of points scored.

The minutes of the meeting of the Tender Committee shall be signed by all its members present at the meeting.

The minutes of the meeting of the Tender Commission shall be submitted to the Organizer of the Tender on the day of the Tender.

22. Contest Organizer:

Within five days from the date of determining the winner of the Contest, informs the participants of the Contest in writing about its results;

Within five days from the date of determining the winner of the Contest, publishes an information message on the results of the Contest on its official website;

Appoints the head of the institution, concluding a fixed-term employment contract with him;

Approves the Program of the Contest winner;

may include in personnel reserve heads of the general education system of the participant of the Competition, who did not win, but scored a high number of points during the competitive test.

23. If the winner of the Competition refuses to conclude a fixed-term employment contract, the Competition Organizer has the right;

Announce a repeat Competition;

Conclude a fixed-term employment contract with the participant of the Competition, who took the second place in the rating.

24. Documents of Candidates not admitted to participate in the Competition and Candidates who participated in the Competition may be returned to them upon written application within three years from the date of completion of the competition. Until the expiration of this period, the documents are stored in the archive of the Competition Organizer, after which they are subject to destruction.

Document overview

Heads of educational institutions should be selected on a competitive basis. Candidates present a program for the development of the institution. A fixed-term employment contract is concluded with the winner of the competition.

The regions must adopt regulatory legal acts that ensure the transition to a competitive selection system. They recommend taking into account the following. Persons who have passed the appropriate attestation are allowed to participate in the competition. It is necessary to set the structure of the educational institution development programs submitted by the candidates. The acts should specify the criteria by which such programs are evaluated.

An exemplary regulation on the organization and conduct of a competition for filling the vacant position of the head of a state (municipal) educational institution is given.

The purpose of the competition is to improve the assessment professional competence and personal qualities of candidates for filling the vacant position of the head of a general education institution.

Russian citizens who speak the state language and meet the qualification requirements for the vacant position of the head of an educational institution are allowed to participate in the competition.

The candidate submits an application, a personal personnel record sheet, copies of a work book and documents on vocational education, a program for the development of a general education institution, etc.

The competition is held face-to-face in stage I and consists of an interview and presentation of the program. The winner is the participant with the maximum number of points.

"Human Resources Department commercial organization", 2012, N 6


One of the important factors for the success of the organization is the competent selection of personnel. As a rule, it is carried out on the basis of the results of an interview, which can be conducted in several stages. In fact, an interview can be called a competition conducted to assess the professional level of applicants for a certain position. Election by competition to fill a vacant position is one of the types of conclusion of an employment contract, established by Art. 16 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In this article, we will consider in what order such a competition can be held in commercial organizations, what documents it should be established and what are its features.

According to Art. 16 Labor Code of the Russian Federation labor Relations arise between the employee and the employer on the basis of an employment contract concluded by them in accordance with the Labor Code.

In the cases and in the manner prescribed labor law, other normative legal acts containing norms labor law, or the charter (regulations) of the organization, labor relations arise on the basis of an employment contract as a result of:

Elections to office;

Elections by competition to fill the relevant position;

Appointment to a position or approval in a position;

Job assignments by authorized bodies in accordance with federal law on account of the established quota;

Court decision on the conclusion of an employment contract.

Also, labor relations between the employer and the employee arise when the latter is actually admitted to work with the knowledge or on behalf of the employer or his representative if the employment contract was not properly executed.

In order to avoid confusion between the concepts of "election by competition to fill the relevant position" and "election to the position", let's clarify.

Such a basis for concluding an employment contract, as election to a position, is usually applied to the management of the organization: directors, members of the board of directors or other elected body. For example, according to paragraph 3 of Art. 69 federal law dated December 26, 1995 N 208-FZ "On Joint Stock Companies" (hereinafter - Law N 208-FZ) the sole body (director, general director) and (or) collegial executive body (board, directorate) are elected by the general meeting joint-stock company if the solution this issue not referred to the competence of the Board of Directors (Supervisory Board). Basically, the term of office in the elective office of a director ( CEO) is limited, therefore, as a result of the election, a fixed-term employment contract is concluded with him.

Election by competition for the corresponding position may be held for any position. These can be positions of branch managers, deputy heads, heads of departments, such specialists as Chief Accountant, lawyer, etc. Legislatively, the obligation to hold a competition for filling certain positions is established for:

V civil servants - Federal Law of July 27, 2004 N 79-FZ "On

State Civil Service of the Russian Federation";

V municipal employees - Federal Law of October 6, 2003 N 131-FZ "On

general principles of organization of local self-government in the Russian

Federation" and the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;


V scientific and pedagogical workers - Federal Law of 22.08.1996

N 125-FZ "On higher and postgraduate professional education";


V judges - Law of the Russian Federation of June 26, 1992 N 3132-1 "On the status of judges in the Russian



V workers customs service- Federal Law of 21.07.1997

N 114-FZ "On service in customs authorities Russian Federation"; etc.

By virtue of Art. 18 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, labor relations on the basis of an employment contract as a result of being elected by competition to fill the corresponding position arise if labor legislation, other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, or the charter (regulation) of the organization define a list of positions to be filled by competition, and the procedure for competitive election to these positions.

Thus, if the norms of these or other regulatory legal acts do not apply to organizations, the list of positions and the procedure for holding a competition should be determined in the charter (regulations) of the organization. At the same time, it is not clear what provision is meant: the provision as a constituent document, since, by virtue of Art. 52 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a legal entity that is not a commercial organization, in addition to the charter, can act on the basis of a regulation, or a regulation as a local regulatory act of the organization. If this rule refers to the provision as a constituent document, then the requirement for a list and procedure for holding a competition creates certain difficulties for the employer of a commercial organization, since it will be necessary to make appropriate changes to the charter. But if you are guided, for example, by paragraph 3 of Art. 11 of Law N 208-FZ, in addition to the name of the company and its location, the charter of a joint-stock company must contain the following information:

V about the type of society (open or closed);


preferred) shares and types of preferred shares placed



V on the rights of shareholders - owners of shares of each category (type);


V about size authorized capital society;


V on the structure and competence of the management bodies of the company and the procedure

their decision-making;


V on the procedure for preparing and holding general meeting shareholders;


V about branches and representative offices;


V other provisions stipulated by this Federal Law and other

federal laws.

Based on this, the charter does not regulate labor relations (with the exception of relations with the head of the company, its formation and the procedure for termination of powers), but determines legal status legal entity and the relationship between the participants and that person.

In addition, the regulation of labor relations is carried out by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the laws of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, legal acts of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms, as well as collective agreements, agreements and local regulations containing the specified norms.

Note. By virtue of Art. 275 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the constituent documents (agreement of the parties) must indicate the validity period of a fixed-term employment contract with the head of the organization. And if the conclusion of an employment contract is preceded by a procedure for holding a competition, election or appointment to a position, it can also be established founding documents organizations.

The meaning of Art. 18 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation lies in the fact that the definition of the list of positions to be filled by competition and the procedure for competitive election to these positions in the charter (regulation) gives rise to the obligation of the employer to conclude an employment contract with the person who won the competition. This duty occurs with the employer only if the list and procedure for holding the competition are determined by law, other regulatory legal act or the charter (regulations) of the organization.

Thus, the employer can establish both the list of positions to be filled and the procedure for holding the competition by any local regulatory act, for example, the regulation on the competition, approved by the order of the head.

Goals and objectives of competitive selection

So, despite the initial difficulties that the employer will have to face when developing techniques and methods for competitive testing, the competitive selection of personnel to fill a vacant position has its advantages over a simple interview. The competition helps:

Raising the prestige of the position in order to attract the most qualified employee;

attraction more candidates;

Career growth of employees;

Objectivity of evaluation of candidates;

Clear organization of the admission process.

The main purpose of the competition is to select candidates who are most suitable for filling vacant positions, meeting the qualification requirements established by the Unified Tariff and Qualification Handbook, job descriptions and conditions of the competition.

The main objectives of the competition include the formation of a highly professional staff and the improvement of work on the selection and placement of personnel. In order to achieve the tasks set when establishing a competitive procedure, the following are developed:

1. The procedure for notifying the competition.

2. The procedure for creating and determining the powers of the competition commission.

3. Mechanism and methods of competitive testing.

4. Criteria for evaluating the contestants based on the results of the competition.

5. The procedure for informing about the results of the competition.

Competition procedure

So, a competition for filling positions can be announced in the event of vacancies, the formation of new positions or personnel movements in the absence of a full-fledged reserve. At the same time, the organization may approve a list of employees who have the right to take the initiative to hold a competition (director of the organization, heads of departments, head of the personnel department, head of the branch, etc.).

The competition may be:

Internal - if only employees of the organization can participate in it;

External - only external applicants take part in it;

Mixed - both those and others participate.

Let us consider an approximate procedure for holding a tender for a commercial organization, using the provisions approved by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

So, the competition can be divided into several stages.

1. Preparatory stage. The positions for which the competition will be held are determined, an order is issued on holding the competition, the timing of its holding, the composition of the competition commission, the tasks of the competition commission and the personnel department within the framework of the competition. After the order is issued, the competition commission, together with the personnel department, develops the procedure and criteria for competitive selection. The Commission then acts on the basis of its regulations.

2. Announcement of the competition. On the this stage an announcement about the competition is drawn up, the question of how to place it is decided. The announcement can be placed on the website of the organization, various websites of vacancies and job offers for citizens, in periodic printed publications. In addition, the search for candidates can be entrusted recruitment agencies. If the employer assumes the participation of employees of the organization in the competition, information about the competition is brought to their attention by posting on the internal website or in any other way. This work is usually carried out by the Human Resources Department. The announcement of the competition states:

Name, location of the organization and brief information about it (type of activity);

The name of the vacant position;

Candidate Requirements;

Place and time of receipt of applications with the documents attached to them;

List of attached documents, requirements for their execution;

The period before the expiration of which documents are accepted;

Date, time, place and order of the competition.

Note. The deadline for collecting documents may not be established. In this case, the acceptance of documents ends when a sufficient number of applicants are recruited.

Documents submitted for participation in the competition include:

Personal statement;

Self-filled and signed questionnaire (autobiography);

A copy of the passport or a document replacing it (the relevant document is presented in person upon arrival at the competition);

Copies of documents confirming the required professional education, work experience and qualifications;

A copy of the work book;

Copies of documents on vocational education, additional professional education, awarding an academic degree and academic title, certified personnel services at the place of work (service);

Consent to the processing of personal data.

Note. Processing of personal data - any action (operation) or a set of actions performed with personal data using automation tools or without their use, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer ( distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction. The processing of personal data is carried out with the consent of the subject of these data to their processing (Articles 3, 6 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data").

3. Acceptance of competitive applications. Their reception and registration is carried out by employees of the personnel department. They also provide clarifications on the execution of the application and the attached documents, check the correctness of the execution of the applications and the documents attached to them, and provide other assistance. It is necessary to provide each applicant with the opportunity to familiarize himself with the terms of the employment contract, general information and key performance indicators of the enterprise.

Before the competition, the submitted documents are sometimes checked for the accuracy of the information contained in them. In case of discovery of circumstances preventing the filling of a vacant position, the candidate may be denied participation in the competition. These circumstances include:

Non-compliance of the applicant with the qualification requirements for the vacant position;

Recognition of a candidate as incapable or partially incapacitated by a court decision that has entered into force;

Deprivation of his right to hold positions for which the competition is held;

The presence of a disease confirmed by a medical report and interfering with the performance of official duties.

If the candidate has not submitted the documents in full or has drawn them up incorrectly, he can be given time to correct the errors. Otherwise, he may also be denied participation in the competition.

If, as a result of the third stage of the competition, no candidates meeting the qualification requirements for the vacant position were identified, the employer may decide to hold a second competition. If there are two or more candidates admitted to the competition, lists of candidates are formed and all documents are submitted to the competition commission.

Participants of the competition admitted to its passage are sent notifications about the date, time and place of the next stage of the competition, the rest - notifications of refusal to participate in the competition.

Note. The commission may also consider documents not included in the list, such as recommendations, references from previous jobs.

4. Holding a competition. At this stage, the competition committee evaluates professional level candidates, their compliance with the qualification requirements. In addition, the personal qualities of the candidate, experience previous work, professional skills. The competition can also consist of several stages:

1) analysis of the submitted documents. Source documents make it possible to identify the conformity of education, qualifications, experience practical work, personal qualities of the candidate requirements;

2) preliminary interview with candidates. As a result, a psychological portrait of each candidate is compiled, and an initial assessment of his personality is given. During the interview, members of the commission have the right to ask the participants of the competition any questions related to the new work;

3) conducting testing and performing practical tasks. Candidates undergo professional and psychological testing according to a pre-prepared list of theoretical questions compiled in accordance with the qualification requirements for the position and regulations job description. Tests are used to test the level of knowledge and skills, mental abilities, identify psychological qualities. In addition, candidates may be offered practical tasks how to prepare a report, solve thematic problems;

4) final interview. Its goals are a detailed acquaintance with the personality of the candidate, the motives of his employment, an assessment of his abilities and the possibility of adapting to a new place. During the final interview, the members of the commission form the final assessment of the candidate’s professional readiness, his ability to communicate with people, etc. For their part, candidates have the right to state their concept of activity in the proposed position, justify their preemptive right to replace it;

5) making a decision on the victory of the candidate.

Note. In the course of competitive procedures, all candidates are provided with equal conditions.

After the final interview, the members of the competition committee discuss each candidate, and then vote.

The meeting of the competition commission is considered competent if at least 2/3 of the total number of its members are present at it. Decisions of the commission based on the results of the competition are taken by open voting by a simple majority of votes. The candidate who receives the majority of votes is considered the winner of the competition. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairman of the competition commission is decisive.

The decision is made by the competition commission and the discussion is held in the absence of the candidate. The Commission may take one of the following decisions - candidate:

Meets the requirements for appointment to a vacant position;

Does not meet the requirements for filling a vacant position;

Meets the requirements for inclusion in the personnel reserve.

The voting results of the competition commission are documented in a protocol, which is kept by the secretary of the commission, signed by the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission who took part in the meeting.

5. Final stage. Participants of the competition are informed about its results, labor relations with the winner of the competition are formalized.

Information about the results of the competition is posted on the website of the organization, and the candidates who participated in the competition within seven days (another period at the discretion of the employer) are notified in writing about the results of the competition - about winning or refusing to appoint them to a position and (or) about inclusion in the personnel reserve.

Based on the protocol of the commission meeting, the head of the organization issues an order for hiring and concluding an employment contract with the winner of the competition. If the candidate who won the competition refuses to conclude an employment contract for a vacant position, the commission may offer the position to another candidate who has received the largest number votes. If, as a result of the competition, candidates who fully meet the requirements for the position were not identified, the chairman of the competition commission may decide to hold a second competition. Documents of the participants of the competition are returned upon their written application.

If, according to the results of the competition, several contestants received the same number of votes, they are re-discussed and voted at the same meeting. If, as a result of the repeated voting, the votes were distributed in the same way, the materials with the voting results are transferred to the head of the organization, who makes the final decision.

Regulations on the competition

So, if an organization employs employees for certain positions based on the results of a competition, the procedure for conducting it should be fixed in the local normative act- position. When developing a regulation on holding a competition for filling a vacant position, we propose to include the following sections in this document:

1. General provisions. In this section, you can specify:

Goals and objectives of the competition;

Grounds for holding the competition (order of the head);

Employees who have the right to take the initiative to hold a competition.

2. The procedure for the formation and work of the competition commission. It is written here:

The composition of the commission, its powers;

Powers of the chairman;

3. Preparation for the competition. This section reflects:

List of positions in respect of which the competition is (is not) held;

Methods and terms for placing an announcement about the competition;

List of documents to be submitted by candidates;

Responsibilities of employees of the personnel department (other employees) in preparing the competition.

4. Holding a competition. Specify:

Stages of the competition procedure;

Candidate evaluation criteria;

Methods used to test the qualifications and personal qualities of candidates.

5. Final provisions:

The procedure for making a decision by the competition commission;

The order of registration of the results;

Method and timing of notification of contestants;

In addition, samples of tender documentation can be developed as annexes to the regulation: announcements of the tender, applications for participation, notices of participation (refusal to participate) in the tender, questionnaires, resumes, protocols of the commission, etc.

In conclusion, we note that the competitive recruitment of personnel for vacant positions provides more opportunities in the recruitment process and gives better results compared to the usual recruitment of employees. Therefore, even in a commercial organization, to fill some positions, it is advisable to establish a competitive testing methodology.

L. V. Kurevina

Journal Expert

"Human Resources Department

commercial organization"

Signed for print