Presentation on the topic of the history of the state of the Russian Karamzin. Presentation on the topic "the origin of Russian statehood"

Nowadays, when the concept of "patriotism" is so in demand in society, a conscious attitude to the past, which happened many centuries ago, is very important for the younger generation. Many events of history are gone forever, but they left us a huge historical legacy that helps them learn a lot of new things from the history of the emergence of our state in 862. And also get acquainted with the heroic personalities who stood at the origins of the state among the Eastern Slavs, their struggle for the unification of the eastern tribes, the first campaigns of the Kyiv princes against Byzantium and the creation of the first laws of the state of Kievan Rus.

This lesson is a link in the events dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the formation of the state in Russia.

The lesson helps to form cognitive interest and develop the cognitive activity of students, and also allows teenagers to express their point of view on the historical events of the distant past. The lesson covers such general educational subjects as history, literature, fine arts, social science, jurisprudence, geography. new material The lesson is based on the knowledge that students have already received in the main school.

The lesson is designed for students of an average level of learning who are able to think critically and evaluate the events of history. There will be a place in the lesson for students who have a low level of learning, since during the lesson there are elements that are not related to a large amount of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The duration of the lesson is 1 hour 20 minutes (without a break), which corresponds to the age composition of students in NGOs and SVE.



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State budgetary educational institution middle vocational education Moscow region "Likino-Dulevsky industrial college" on the history of Russia on the topic: "Creation of the state in Russia" Lecturer: Sakharova L.N. year 2013

The most valuable monument, containing information about the beginning of the Old Russian state, is the chronicle written collection "The News of Bygone Years".

Where did the Russian land come from, and who first began to reign in Kyiv, and where did the Russian land come from, we learned from the Tale of Bygone Years, compiled by the Kyiv monk Nestor around 1113.

In The Tale of Bygone Years, Nestor tells about the settlement of Western and Eastern Slavs in Europe in antiquity.

In the middle of the ninth century on the territory of the future North-Western Russia (Novgorod and Pskov lands), an intertribal association is being formed, including Slovenes, Krivichi, Chud, Measure, and, possibly, the whole.

This association is usually called the "Northern Confederation of Tribes" or "Northern Union of Tribes", and it was from him, according to The Tale of Bygone Years, that the initiative to call the ruler (Rurik) "from outside" came.

Rurik, founder of the Old Russian state Prince of Novgorod - 862-879 Dynasty - Rurik son - Igor

The first princes of the Rurik dynasty: Rurik, Oleg and Igor.

The leading tribal union, which became the head of the South Russian pre-state association, were the glades, presented in the ancient annals as a more cultured tribe in relation to the "uncivilized" Drevlyans, Radimichi, Vyatichi and Northerners. In The Tale of Bygone Years, Nestor tells how the city of Kyiv was created. Prince Kiy, who reigned there, according to Nestor's story, came to Constantinople to visit the emperor of Byzantium, who received him with great honors. Returning from Constantinople, Kiy built a city on the banks of the Danube, intending to settle here for a long time. But the locals were hostile to him, and Kiy returned to the banks of the Dnieper.

The decomposition of the primitive communal system among the Eastern Slavs took place at a time when the slave-owning system had already outlived itself on a world-historical scale. In the process of class formation, Russia came to feudalism, bypassing the slaveholding formation.

At the center of the new state formation was a tribe of meadows. The ancient Russian state became a kind of federation of tribes, in its form it was an early feudal monarchy

In the IX-X centuries. antagonistic classes of feudal society are formed. The number of combatants is increasing everywhere, their differentiation is intensifying, there is a separation from their midst of the nobility - boyars and princes.

Igor Rurikovich - Grand Duke of Kyiv. Years of life: about 878-945. Years of government: 912-945. In the Novgorod First Chronicle, during the capture of Kyiv in 882, Igor already acts as an adult ruler.

Princess Olga Saint. Years of life: ?-969. Years of government: 945-966. Grand Duchess Olga, baptized Elena. Saint of the Russian Orthodox Church, the first of the rulers of Russia, adopted Christianity even before the Baptism of Russia.

Svyatoslav Igorevich. Years of life: 942-972. Years of government: 966-972. Commander, Grand Duke of Kyiv, Prince of Novgorod. Son of Prince Igor Rurikovich and Princess Olga.

From 964, Svyatoslav began a fierce struggle against the Khazar Khaganate. He liberates the Vyatichi lands from the power of the Khazars and subordinates the latter to Kyiv. Wins victories over the Volga Bulgars, the North Caucasian tribes of Yasses, Kasogs, Kabardians, Circassians, Adyghes; laid the foundation for the Russian Darkness-cockroach principality. In the spring of 972, at the Dnieper rapids (on the island of Khortitsa), Svyatoslav was ambushed and died along with his squad in an unequal battle with the Pechenegs. According to legend, Khan Kurya made a cup out of Svyatoslav's skull and, as a sign of his military prowess, drank only from it.

The history of Kievan Rus, the chronological framework of the 9th - the beginning of the 12th century, can be divided into three large periods. 1. IX - the middle of the X century. - the time of the first Kyiv princes. 2. The second half of the X - the first half of the XI century. - the time of Vladimir and Yaroslav the Wise. 3. The period of the second half of the XI - the beginning of the XII century. - transition to territorial and political fragmentation.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was not only an outstanding writer, but also a historian. From his pen came the first printed history Russia - it was a grandiose event, both in literature and in the field of history. Karamzin owns the most a brief description of public life in Russia. When, during his trip to Europe, Russian emigrants asked Karamzin what was happening in his homeland, the writer answered with one word: "They steal."

Karamzin's prose and poetry had a decisive influence on the development of the Russian literary language. Karamzin deliberately refused to use Church Slavonic vocabulary and grammar, bringing the language of his works to the everyday language of his era and using the grammar and syntax of the French language as a model.

Karamzin introduced many new words into the Russian language as neologisms (“charity”, “love”, “freethinking”, “attraction”, “responsibility”, “suspicion”, “industry”, “refinement”, “first-class”, “humane” ), and barbarisms (“sidewalk”, “coachman”). He was also one of the first to use the letter Y. The monument to the letter Y in the park named after. N.M. Karamzin

The History of the Russian State, on which Karamzin worked for over two decades (), entered Russian culture both as an outstanding historical study containing valuable information about the past of the Russian land, and as a wonderful work of art. Extraordinary entertaining, liveliness of narration, brightness of paintings, relief of images, combined with thoroughness of presentation and boldness of conclusions and generalizations, made Karamzin's "History" a reference book of his contemporaries and a literary monument that retains its significance for posterity.

The name of Nikolai Mikhailovich enjoyed the widest popularity not only in the last century, but also today. What is the attractive force of Karamzin's work that has become immortal? Why was the History of the Russian State reprinted six times during the second quarter of the 19th century? The reader is attracted to Karamzin by the magic of the word, the artistic portraits of historical figures he created, the combination of writing and research talents. Neither the historians of the 18th century, nor the historians of the 19th century, right up to N.I. Kostomarov and V.O. Klyuchevsky. The history of the Russian State has a huge impact on the literature and history of that time, linking them together.

“The appearance of this book,” Pushkin recalled, (as it should have been) made a lot of noise and made a strong impression ... Everyone, even secular women, rushed to read the history of their fatherland, hitherto unknown to them. She was a new discovery for them. Ancient Russia seemed to be found by Karamzin, like America by Columbus. We didn't talk about anything else for a while." Pushkin admitted that he himself read the "History" "with greed and attention." Office of N.M. Karamzin.

Gogol wrote: “Karamzin represents, for sure, an extraordinary phenomenon ... Karamzin was the first to show that a writer can be independent and respected by everyone equally, like the most eminent citizen in the state ... No one, except Karamzin, spoke so boldly and nobly, without hiding any of his opinions and thoughts, although they did not correspond in everything to the then government, and you involuntarily hear that he alone had the right to do so. What a lesson to our brother the writer!..”

Karamzin wrote his "History" until the end of his life, but could not finish it. The text of the manuscript of volume 12 breaks off at the chapter “Interregnum. g ", although the author intended to bring the presentation to the beginning of the reign of the Romanov dynasty. Of course, this work of Karamzin can be considered his most important and influential work, because the History of the Russian State is the first written history of our country.

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“History, in a sense, is the sacred book of peoples: the main, necessary: ​​a mirror of their being and activity; the tablet of revelations and rules; the covenant of ancestors to posterity; addition, explanation of the present and an example of the future. Rulers, legislators act according to the instructions of History, and look at its sheets like navigators look at the blueprints of the seas. But even a simple citizen should read History. She reconciles him with the imperfection of the visible order of things, as with an objective phenomenon in all ages; it nourishes a moral feeling, affirms our good and the consent of society ”N.M. Karamzin

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The most famous of the Russian chronicles, “The Tale of Temporal (that is, Past) Years,” tells us about how our ancestors lived. It is believed that it was compiled at the beginning of the XII century by the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery Nestor. "In a narrow monastery cell, In four blank walls, A monk wrote about the ancient Russian land. He wrote in winter and summer, Illuminated by a dim light. He wrote from year to year About our great people."

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The Russians did not immediately form into a single nation. Their ancestors were numerous Slavic tribes living in Eastern Europe. Each tribe was called in its own way: Polans, Drevlyans, Volhynians, Radimichi, Northerners, Vyatichi, Krivichi, etc. Imagine that you were in that distant time ...

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Above a high hill, above the river, a narrow jet of smoke curls. In the cleared clearing, here and there there are buildings. These are the dwellings of the Slavs. The walls are made of thin tree trunks, which are interconnected by a flexible bark from the branches of young lime trees and smeared with clay so that there are no cracks. Near the dwelling there is a barn, a corral for livestock, storage of grain and other supplies. The light in the house barely seeps through a small window cut through the walls. There were no glasses then, and in the cold they were covered with straw or boards.

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The river winds like a dark ribbon. Early morning, fog is still spreading over the river, the splash of oars on the water and people's talk are heard. Boats sail along the steep banks cut by ravines and covered with forest. Here is an old man inspecting fishing nets, hanging them up to dry.

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Men fell trees, uproot stumps, and women and children collect branches and sort them out, putting some for home repairs, some for firewood. Dry brushwood is collected in heaps and burned. Only after that it is possible to plow the land and sow grain.

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Women also had a lot of work. They cooked food: cooked porridge, meat, fish, baked bread. In order to bake bread, it was necessary to grind the grain into flour in a hand mill or grind it in a mortar.

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But the life of the Slavs was not only in peaceful labor, they often had to fight. But this very militancy, guarding their land, was the cause of great evil for her. You have already heard that, having no sovereigns, they considered as their chief the one who distinguished himself more than others in the war, and since they were all brave, it sometimes happened that there were many such chiefs. Each of them wanted to give orders in his own way; the people did not know whom to listen to, and that is why they had incessant disputes and disagreements.

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The Slavs also saw that during their disagreements, all their affairs went badly, and they even stopped defeating their enemies. For a long time they did not know what to do, finally, they came up with a means to put everything in order.

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... On the shores of the Baltic Sea, not very far from our fatherland, lived a people named Varangians-Rus, descended from the great conquerors in Europe - the Normans. These Varangians-Rus were considered smart people: they had long had good sovereigns who took care of them the way a good father takes care of children, there were also laws by which these sovereigns ruled, and therefore the Varangians lived happily. According to the most common legend, the Varangians ruled the northern Slavic tribes even before the formation of Rus.

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In the year 6370 (862). They expelled the Varangians across the sea, and did not give them tribute, and began to rule themselves, and there was no truth among them, and clan stood against clan, and they had strife, and began to fight with each other. And they said to themselves: "Let's look for a prince who would rule over us and judge by right." And they went across the sea to the Varangians, to Russia.

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Chud Rus, Slovenes, Krivichi said: “Our land is great and plentiful, but there is no outfit (management) in it. Come reign and rule over us."

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The Varangians-Rus were glad of such an honor, and three brothers were elected from their princes - Rurik, Sineus and Truvor, and surrounded by a large Scandinavian squad, left the fatherland forever and went to the Slavs.

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The eldest, Rurik, sat down in Novgorod, another, Sineus, on Beloozero, and the third, Truvor, in Izborsk. And from the Varangian-Russian princes, the Slavs will begin to be called Russians, and their land will be Rus or Russia. Calling the Varangians, Rurik, Sineus, Truvor (862-879)

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With the calling of the princes, order begins in the Russian state. And it was, as the chronicle says, in 862.

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The appearance of Rurik as a prince of Novgorod contributed to the cessation of strife, strengthened power in Novgorod and turns Novgorod into the capital of his principality. Rurik happily reigned for two years with his brothers and reigned sovereignly in Novgorod for fifteen years.

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Then he unites the Slavic and Finnish-speaking tribes living on the territory of Ladoga, Onega, White, Chudskoye lakes into a single state. The state was Slavic, and Rurik managed to become a prince not as a conqueror, but thanks to the support of the Novgorod tribal nobility. He is considered the legendary ancestor of the ruling dynasty in Russia.

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There are poems written by one of our best poets, Derzhavin, in later times, and in these poems there is an image of Rurik. But who is there with white waves of mist Covered on the chest, on the shoulders, In steel armor shines reddened Like the blue of the sea to ice? Who, bowing his head on a spear, Listens to the events of time? - Isn't it the one who shook the hardness of the Parisian walls with a war? So, he is captivated by the singers, Singing his deeds, Watching how the rays of battle shine Through the darkness of time, his praise. Yes, he! - Behold Rurik triumphs In Valkala the sound of his victories And with his finger down will show On the rossa what is going on it. G.R.Derzhavin

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This is the generally accepted version of the beginning of Russian history. And it is gratifying that in the popular project “The Name of Russia” they again remembered Prince Rurik, because all the names in our history are important to us, which is a glorious path from the past to the future of one of the greatest states in the world.

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After all, it was Prince Rurik who became the founder of the Rurik dynasty (862-1592) - the dynasty of Russian princes, and then tsars, who ruled in Russia for 730 years, from the end of the 9th to the 16th centuries. The last king of the Rurik dynasty was Tsar Fedor Ioannovich, who died in 1598.

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“The pure, high glory of Karamzin belongs to Russia ...” (A.S. Pushkin)

In 1802 - 1803 Karamzin published the journal Vestnik Evropy, which was dominated by literature and politics. In the critical articles of Karamzin, a new aesthetic program emerged, which contributed to the formation of Russian literature as a nationally original one. Karamzin saw the key to the identity of Russian culture in history. The most striking illustration of his views was the story "Marfa Posadnitsa". In his political articles, Karamzin made recommendations to the government, pointing out the role of education.

Trying to influence Tsar Alexander I, Karamzin gave him his "Note on the ancient and new Russia"(1811), irritating him. In 1819, he submitted a new note - "The Opinion of a Russian Citizen", which caused even greater displeasure of the tsar. However, Karamzin did not abandon his faith in the salvation of the enlightened autocracy and later condemned the Decembrist uprising. However, Karamzin the artist is still highly appreciated by young writers who did not even share his political convictions.

N.M. Karamzin undertakes a gigantic work - to compose his native Russian history. On October 31, 1803, Tsar Alexander I issued a decree appointing N. M. Karamzin as a historiographer with a salary of 2,000 rubles a year. Now for the rest of his life - a historian! In 1804, he begins to create the "History of the Russian State", on which he worked until the end of his days, but did not complete.

Now - write. But for this you need to collect material. The search began. Karamzin literally combs through all the archives and book collections of the Synod, the Hermitage, the Academy of Sciences, public library, Moscow University, Alexander Nevsky and Trinity-Sergius Lavra. At his request, they search in monasteries, in the archives of Oxford, Paris, Venice, Prague and Copenhagen. And how much was found!

Materials are being collected, but how to take up the text, how to write a book that even the simplest person will read, but from which even an academician will not wince? How to make it interesting, artistic, and at the same time scientific? And here are the volumes. Each is divided into two parts: in the first - a detailed story written by a great master - this is for a simple reader; in the second - detailed notes, references to sources - this is for historians.

The first eight volumes of The History of the Russian State came out all at once in 1818. They say that, closing the eighth and last volume, Fyodor Tolstoy, nicknamed the American, exclaimed: "It turns out that I have a Fatherland!" And he was not alone. Thousands of people thought, and most importantly, felt this very thing. Everyone read the "History" - students, officials, nobles, even secular ladies. They read it in Moscow and St. Petersburg, they read it in the provinces: distant Irkutsk alone bought 400 copies. After all, it is so important for everyone to know that he has it, the Fatherland. This confidence was given to the people of Russia by Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin.

N.M. Karamzin writes to his brother: "History is not a novel: a lie can always be beautiful, and only some minds like the truth in its attire." So what to write about? To set out in detail the glorious pages of the past, and only turn over the dark pages? Perhaps this is exactly what a patriotic historian should do? No, Karamzin decides - patriotism is only not due to the distortion of history. He doesn't add anything, he doesn't invent anything, he doesn't exalt victories or downplay defeats. Office of N.M. Karamzin.

He did not want his book to become a source of harmful thoughts. He wanted to tell the truth. It just so happened that the truth he wrote turned out to be "harmful" for the autocracy. And here is December 14, 1825. Having received news of the uprising (for Karamzin, this, of course, is a rebellion), the historian goes out into the street. A few days later Karamzin would say this about the Decembrists: "The errors and crimes of these young people are the errors and crimes of our age."

After the uprising, Karamzin fell mortally ill - he caught a cold on December 14th. In the eyes of his contemporaries, he was another victim of that day. But he dies not only from a cold - the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe world collapsed, faith in the future was lost, and a new king ascended the throne, very far from the ideal image of an enlightened monarch. Karamzin could no longer write. The last thing he managed to do was, together with Zhukovsky, persuaded the tsar to return Pushkin from exile. Nikolai Mikhailovich died on May 22, 1826.

Karamzin wrote his "History" until the end of his life, but could not finish it. The text of the manuscript of volume 12 breaks off at the chapter “Interregnum. 1611-1612", although the author intended to bring the presentation to the beginning of the reign of the Romanov dynasty. Of course, this work of Karamzin can be considered his most important and influential work, because the History of the Russian State is the first written history of our country.

“The appearance of this book,” Pushkin recalled, “(as it should have been) made a lot of noise and made a strong impression ... Everyone, even secular women, rushed to read the history of their fatherland, hitherto unknown to them. She was a new discovery for them. Ancient Russia seemed to be found by Karamzin, like America by Columbus. We didn't talk about anything else for a while." Pushkin admitted that he himself read the "History" "with greed and attention."

Gogol wrote: “Karamzin represents, for sure, an extraordinary phenomenon ... Karamzin was the first to show that a writer can be independent and respected by everyone equally, like the most eminent citizen in the state ... No one, except Karamzin, spoke so boldly and nobly, without hiding any of his opinions and thoughts, although they did not correspond in everything to the then government, and you involuntarily hear that he alone had the right to do so. What a lesson to our brother the writer!..”

The name of Nikolai Mikhailovich enjoyed the widest popularity not only in the last century, but also today. What is the attractive force of Karamzin's work that has become immortal? Why was the History of the Russian State reprinted six times during the second quarter of the 19th century? The reader is attracted to Karamzin by the magic of the word, the artistic portraits of historical figures he created, the combination of writing and research talents. Neither the historians of the 18th century, nor the historians of the 19th century, right up to N.I. Kostomarov and V.O. Klyuchevsky. The history of the Russian State has a huge impact on the literature and history of that time, linking them together.

The history of the Russian state is the largest achievement of Russian and world historical science for its time, the first monographic description of Russian history from ancient times to the beginning of the 15th century, based on a huge range of historical sources.

The History of the Russian State, on which Karamzin worked for over two decades (1804-1826), entered Russian culture both as an outstanding historical study containing the most valuable information about the past of the Russian land, and as a remarkable work of art. Extraordinary entertaining, liveliness of narration, brightness of paintings, relief of images, combined with thoroughness of presentation and boldness of conclusions and generalizations, made Karamzin's "History" a reference book of his contemporaries and a literary monument that retains its significance for posterity.

More than a century and a half has passed since then. Current historians are aware of ancient Russia much more than Karamzin - how many have been found: documents, archaeological finds, birch bark letters, finally. But Karamzin's book - history-chronicle - is the only one of its kind and will not be like this again.