Social package for shopping mall rf what is included. What is an employee benefit package and what does it include?

In Russia, certain categories of citizens have been granted the right to receive a set social services(NSU). In addition to the provided benefits for pensioners, the receipt of which is guaranteed regardless of the disability group or the presence of any additional preferential status, some categories of pensioners are entitled to receive NSI.

  1. Provision of necessary medicines for medical use under prescriptions for medicines, medical devices under prescriptions for medical devices, as well as specialized medical nutrition products for children with disabilities.
  2. Providing, if there are medical indications, vouchers for sanatorium treatment. As a rule, the period of sanatorium treatment in a sanatorium is 18 days (with the exception of disabled children who are entitled to a voucher to a sanatorium lasting 21 days, and for disabled people with diseases and consequences of injuries of the spinal cord and brain - from 24 to 42 days).
  3. Free pass on the suburban railway transport, as well as on long-distance transport to the place of treatment and back.

How can a pensioner opt out of a social package?

  • The first one is the provision of medicines, as well as medical devices prescribed by a doctor. This part also includes the provision of sanatorium treatment or recreation;
  • the second - the transport component - is designed to provide free travel to the place of treatment, both by suburban railway transport and international travel.
  1. Medicines prescribed by a doctor, in the amount of 716.40 rubles.
  2. Sanatorium or resort treatment for medical reasons, in the amount of 110.83 rubles.
  3. Travel by transport: suburban railway or international, in case of need for treatment - 102.86 rubles.

Social package 2020: size, what is included and how to refuse the social package

When assigning a pension, the social package is automatically provided in kind, and if the pensioner wishes to receive its monetary equivalent in 2020, the application must be submitted strictly before October 1, 2020. If a citizen has already submitted such an application earlier, a second application to the FIU will be required only if his decision is changed.

For certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation, various social packages are provided, which include the right to additional monthly material support. It will go into social package for the disabled WWII, due to an injury received during the hostilities, as well as to minor prisoners of German camps. The right to receive such an additional payment is provided regardless of the place of residence. The amount of the allowance is one thousand rubles.

What is a social package when applying for a job and what does it include

Many successful businesses even create their own gyms for their employees. As a rule, they are located near production or office space in which employees can work out completely free of charge. But most often for ordinary workers they provide free vouchers and interest-free loans.

Half of what is offered by employers does not fall into this category. So, medical insurance, payment of sick leaves, annual and maternity leave, contributions to Pension Fund- these are all the requirements indicated by law in relation to the employer. Even spending on personal transport, professional education and mobile communications - this is just compensation for the employee's personal funds.

What is a social package and what does it include

  1. Involvement of personnel in cooperation with the company (expressed in the provision of a package of services, such as free medical insurance, travel expenses, communications);
  2. Withholding (provision of benefits and services beyond what is a standard set for most enterprises. For example: contributions to a pension fund, preferential mortgage lending);
  3. Motivation (providing a service or benefit that will force the employee to stay at the enterprise. This may be paying for vacations, providing vouchers or places in kindergartens for employees' children).

In difficult conditions modern economy while searching for and applying for a job, a person now looks not only at the level of future income, but also at what the social package offered by the employer will be. Benefits in a company or enterprise are compensatory and mandatory.

Social package when applying for a job: what does it include

In Russia, the provision of professional medical care is organized according to a medical policy, which contains a list of services provided. But situations arise when an expensive operation is necessary, and the policy becomes useless. You can get a quota for treatment. True, this path is not short. The patient must be carefully diagnosed, be registered with a specialized doctor for a certain time, and be sent periodically for hospitalization. All this is necessary to prove the need to provide a quota for treatment. After confirmation, you must contact the local Department of Health and with a package of documents:

  • providing the employee with optimal and comfortable working conditions;
  • provision of annual sanatorium-resort rest and treatment;
  • providing free medicines and paying sick leave to an employee;
  • provision of food at the expense of the company;
  • payment for business trips, transport travel at the expense of the company,
  • payment for employee training or advanced training courses;
  • payment for a mobile network at the expense of a company or firm.

Main parameters of the social package in 2020

If one person is eligible for several benefits at once, then he will not be able to receive all of them, so you will have to choose only one. In this case, such an allowance is usually chosen, the amount of which is the highest. You can receive these payments even if a Russian citizen lives outside the country, and this is done through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Participants in the Second World War who received certain injuries while in concentration camps may receive a social package or a payment in the amount of five hundred rubles. To get data cash it is necessary to apply with a special application to the authorities that deal with the calculation and payment of various pensions.

What is a social package and what does it include

  • Paid training. This can be either studying at a university (obtaining a higher profile education), or continuing education courses, etc.
  • Compensation for the cost of gasoline spent to get to the place of work, or organizing the transportation of employees to the enterprise, for example, using a bus that brings people to work in the morning and takes them home in the evening.
  • Provision of housing for non-residents. Some employers may even buy an apartment for a valuable specialist with the condition that he will be required to work for the company for a certain number of years.
  • The presence of a canteen with free meals or delivery of meals from a restaurant.
  • Various ways to organize leisure - corporate games bowling and billiards, sports events, boat trips, dance evenings, etc.
  • Paid subscriptions to the fitness center, swimming pool.
  • Opportunity to go to a sanatorium or resort at the expense of the organization.
  • Voluntary health insurance - some companies enter into contracts with paid centers, which allows employees to receive free medical care (for example, dental) with virtually no queues.
  • Loans for the purchase of housing. Interest-free loans.
  • Corporate trainings, master classes, as well as additional education such as foreign language classes.
  • Supplement up to the size of the average monthly earnings for the period of sick leave or maternity leave.
  • Gifts for the holidays, tickets for Christmas trees for employees' children.
  • Cash payments in connection with significant events - a wedding, the birth of a child, the death of a relative.
  • Medicines and preparations, medical devices, specialized medical nutrition for disabled children - the above is issued by prescription, if, for example, the required medicine is included in the legally defined list.
  • Treatment and rest in health-improving institutions - to obtain a voucher, you will need the conclusion of a medical commission and recommendations.
  • Possibility to go for treatment by means of railway transport, both suburban and intercity. It is assumed that the beneficiary has the right to get to the place and return back.

Social assistance for pensioners

The application and income statement must be submitted in original. Photocopies are taken from the rest of the documents, which must be certified by the applicant. A citizen can appear with an appeal to the social protection authorities personally or authorize his legal representative to do so.

As for the allowance, this social assistance can be guaranteed at the federal and regional levels. The federal supplement must equate the payment up to the threshold in force in a particular subject of the federation, but cannot be higher than the minimum pension benefit in the country. The regional supplement is guaranteed by the regional authority, provided with funds from the local budget, and may exceed the average pension in Russia.

Social package: about all sides from all sides

Compensatory - reimburses staff for the costs associated with the execution official duties. For example, if an employee, in view of his work, communicates a lot on a personal phone, but the company does not provide a work phone. In such cases, the employer includes a pay-for-service clause mobile operators in the social package.

  • additional pension provision;
  • corporate events;
  • raising the level of qualifications;
  • free meals during work;
  • providing vouchers to a sanatorium / recreation center together with family members (or only for relatives);
  • health insurance;
  • the ability to buy company products at a discount;
  • reward with gifts;
  • subscription to the gym, business center, etc.
05 Jul 2018 1397

Many employers in the announcements about the squeaks of employees write about the social package that they can receive if an employment contract is drawn up with them. Although the term itself refers to social sphere, but has nothing to do with social guarantees from the state. And at each workplace or for certain categories of citizens, these are their own, different from other conditions of provision or by the employer themselves free help or a set of certain services guaranteed by the state. In the article we will talk about what includes social package.

What is a social package for employees of organizations, which includes

And if in the distant Soviet times no one was surprised by free medicine and education, or the distribution of free vouchers to sanatoriums and rest homes, today social values ​​have changed. And the concept has become a common bonus for providing its employees with peculiar benefits or compensations, that is social assistance either from the employer or from government agencies.

Our working population naively confuses the term social package with social guarantees, in the latter case they are qualified by labor legislation, and guarantee all employees, for example, a normalized lunch break or sick leave payment, care for a minor family member, etc. What benefits are provided to pensioners for know old age.

Each head of an enterprise or commercial structure has the right to establish a list of assistance to his employees, because our legislation does not regulate this issue in any way, although the concept itself has long been part of our lives.

You can find out what will be provided to you by the employer under the social package from the text of the concluded labor agreement, and it depends only on how much money they can be allocated for each employee individually.

This clause of the contract significantly reduces the tax burden on the enterprise, so the controlling structures may oblige the management to list full information about possible assistance in each individual employment contract. He will tell about benefits for working pensioners.

On the video - what the social package includes:

What is included in the employee benefits package

A social package is an effective incentive for an employee to improve his performance, because if, for example, he has implemented an innovative solution that significantly increases the productivity of products, then such an employee will not only be provided with typical benefits and payment for various services at the expense of the employer, but can be given a prestigious trip to resort, or send on a trip abroad. Pro insurance premiums will tell you at OMS.

Or if the management is important about the health of employees, then it can pay for subscriptions, for example, to a swimming pool or a gym. Although everything here is strictly individual, and absolutely everyone may not need the same free services. For what you can get a tax deduction will tell.

The full social package may include, although this is not a direct obligation of the employer:

  • Paying staff lunches.
  • Registration of medical insurance.
  • Pension contributions for insurance at the expense of the employer.
  • Separate payments in case of disability at the enterprise or additional payment to women going on maternity leave.
  • Free provision of vehicles for travel to work, for example, from the nearest metro, or partial reimbursement of the cost of travel tickets.
  • Free provision of children's New Year's gifts Or tickets to Christmas trees.
  • Allocation of funds to pay for sanatorium vouchers, to children's health camps or boarding houses.
  • Partial or full payment for the maintenance of children in preschool institutions, including .
  • Free housing for some of its employees.
  • Providing interest-free loans, for example, for the purchase of residential real estate.
  • Acquisition at the expense of the company of season tickets from sports sections, GYM's, swimming pools, etc.
  • Organization of free refresher courses, seminars, trainings.

The employer has the right to provide his employee with any benefits if he has available funds for these purposes.

In the list of benefits for an incomplete package, which are usually provided temporary employees, may include:

  • Free lunches.
  • Partial reimbursement of the cost of travel tickets.
  • Getting uniforms.
  • In case of emergency, receiving funds from the employer's fund, for example, for the funeral of a loved one.

And again, all of them can be established only by the company's management, there are simply no legal requirements for the mandatory provision of certain guarantees. About article 219 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on social tax deductions read .

Social package for old age pensioners

Because people retirement age usually no longer work, then the social package is provided to them at the expense of the state, usually it includes:

  • Implementation of the possibility of obtaining free medicines prescribed by a physician.
  • Provision of a sanatorium-resort voucher 1 time in 2-3 years.
  • Travel expenses to the place of treatment and back home.
  • Payment for travel in ground and underground public transport.

This is the main list of benefits received, but some regional authorities make an additional payment to their elderly citizens, for example, for the title of a hero or for outstanding services to their small homeland, for example, if a pensioner has patented such inventions that his region or region needs.

All this is the prerogative local authorities authorities, and only she can decide what social security services are available to her for implementation in relation to each person of retirement age.

The composition of the full social package for the disabled

Disabled people are the most vulnerable group of the population, therefore the state provides its own social package for them, which includes the following services:

  • Purchase of free medicines.
  • Provision of annual sanatorium-resort vouchers to rehabilitation centers.
  • Free travel tickets, in contrast to, for all types of urban transport, commuter rail, or payment for travel to the place of treatment and back home.

On video - general information about benefits for the disabled:

Some categories of people, such as, may have payment benefits utilities and a landline telephone, a free call to a doctor at home in a narrow specialty, or a free appointment with a specialist in medical center. But all this can only be provided by the local administration, and as services from the main package in other regions may not be available.

Whether the employer or the state provides you with services under the social package does not matter at all, the main thing is to know what you can count on in this or that situation.

Guarantee that valuable personnel will come to work for you, if there is a high wages can. But if at the same time employees do not have the opportunity to carry out their career and professional growth, then they are unlikely to come to you.

All leaders of large successful companies are interested in employees who can be considered professionals in their field. And the management has no choice but to competently introduce a personnel support system - "Social package". Moreover, such an encouraging bonus program appeared relatively recently in Russia. Since the vast majority of employers do not care about the interests of their employees and it is not in their interests to spend additional amounts to stimulate their staff.

But companies that want to get the most the best employees, will always bet on the social package, and will not lose. Usually, the most extensive package of additional privileges can only be afforded by very large Russian firm, or almost all foreign companies which have representative offices in our country. Since for such companies, qualified specialists are in the first place.

Extended social package

Social package- these are additional bonuses that the company gives to its employees, while paying for them itself. In addition to additional payments, there are guaranteed payments provided by the state. It is worth noting that guaranteed payments are made regardless of the status of the institution: how budget organization as well as a commercial firm.

These include the following benefits:

Another vacation;
sick leave payment;
Payment of maternity benefits.

A social package is an additional guarantee that a company can afford to pay its employees. It is worth noting that the social package is not always a standard set of services provided. Each firm draws up it at its own discretion, usually taking into account the interests of its employees.

According to the new requirements of the government of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to reimburse the personal property funds spent by the employee that were used during the work process. For example, if the work of an employee is associated with constant trips to facilities or constant calls to customers, but a car or a paid SIM card is not issued, then the employer is obliged to pay the cost of gasoline and cellular communication.

Thus, the company itself draws up a list of its payments. Sometimes companies include the following preferential rates:

Travel expenses to the place of work;
Payment for children's institutions;
Payment for trainings and additional courses;
Payment for swimming pools and fitness rooms;
Payment for rented housing, for business trips;
Obtaining significant discounts on manufactured finished products.

Social package is a great way to motivate your staff for further productive work. After all, you can always include additional options in it.

How the social package is formed

Usually, the social package can be formed in three directions.

First direction built on the accomplishments of its employees. Thus, if you are a valuable employee for the company and at the same time you have a long service record in this institution, then you can safely count on an expanded range additional services. It is worth noting that in this case, all employees will be divided according to the hierarchy of positions;

Second direction formation of a social package - these are clearly defined all standard norms that will be provided to all employees. And also a special list of privileges is determined, which will be granted only to certain personnel, for individual merits. Usually, specialists with long experience, as well as superiors and specialists for special merit;

third direction provides employees of a firm or company to independently select the necessary options for themselves, but the company sets the maximum allowable amount. Far-sighted leaders usually choose this option. The social package includes only the functions necessary for each employee.

What does the social package give?

What does the social package include? For many employees of the company, the presence of a clearly defined list of additional bonuses and benefits indicates the presence of firm guarantees of the company or firm. Since not all companies can provide a social package for each employee.

And each applicant, choosing a place of work, in addition to career growth, always looks at the accompanying bonuses. Since top specialists can always be sure that they are waiting for high wages, they can choose special privileges that a poor employer is ready to provide him.

As the statistics of recent years show, the majority of employees, when applying for a job, are primarily interested in "social package". Since now everyone is legally literate, applicants check the future place of work for compliance with the law.

Usually, in companies that care about their employees and provide them with all sorts of bonuses and support systems. Employees begin to hold on to their place, which means that an established team can work smoothly and for a long time, and most importantly, bring not a small profit.

Thus, social package is guaranteed by like-minded people, which will allow you not to raise wages for a long period, but to manage only with the required bonuses and benefits. And the best employees should be encouraged separately and with great diligence.

Those who have dealt with the search for a job know that when presenting a vacancy, recruiters always offer candidates a social package in addition to wages. With equal salaries, it is the wealth of the social package that can play a decisive role in choosing one of the employment alternatives. So what is included in the social package?

Social package: what are recruiters wrong with?

Alas, not all employers understand what a social package at work is. Reminder for the employee - the components of the package cannot be:

  • Paid vacation lasting 28 days (or twice 14).
  • Payment for sick leave.
  • Compensation for travel and transport expenses.
  • Social insurance.

Important: everything listed above is the unconditional rights of employees, which are enshrined in the Labor Code. For example, articles 167-168 of the Labor Code say that business trips should be compensated. It is commendable if a company strictly follows the letter of the law, but other firms must do the same, and therefore respect for the rights of an employee cannot be presented as competitive advantage.

The social package includes bonuses that the employer is not required by law to provide. What is included in the social package at work depends on the position of what rank the employee of the enterprise occupies:

  1. Top management. Top managers can count on a corporate car (and immediately with a hired driver), the provision of an apartment (not a dorm room for n-th number of people), their own medical and family insurance, and annual vacation vouchers.
  2. middle management. Middle managers, as a rule, receive from the employer a voluntary medical insurance policy (partially paid), payment for mobile communications and meals, the opportunity to receive an interest-free loan, and sometimes trips to the sea.
  3. Other workers can count on compensation for travel and food, partial payment for mobile communications, and compulsory health insurance.

The realities of Russia are such that many workers do not receive any of the above, but are already satisfied that their rights under the Labor Code are respected, and therefore consider that they are lucky with the social package.

What do domestic employers offer more often?

It must be said that for Russia the concepts of "social package" and "non-material motivation" are relatively new - this is the reason for the lack of awareness of both applicants and employers about what a social package is when applying for a job. Previously, in Russia, only branches and affiliated companies offered permanent additional motivation. foreign organizations- at domestic enterprises, motivation was episodic and took the form of unexpected presents for the holidays. Now the practice of motivation with a social package has become generally accepted - one of the latest sociological studies (ROMIR Monitoring agency) showed that what is included in the social package of an employee in Russia most often:

  1. Voluntary medical insurance (VHI)– 70% of employees. VHI is a relatively inexpensive way of additional motivation, and therefore employers actively use it. Important: alas, many employees do not even assume that VHI is a very useful thing. The policy allows you to save significant amounts on expensive treatment (for example, when visiting a dentist), as well as avoid tedious waiting in lines.
  2. Professional education- 39%. There is also important point: vocational training in a company must necessarily be accompanied by the issuance of a diploma or certificate confirming qualifications - in a word, any document that could be useful to an employee after dismissal. If a company is guided by its own selfishness and educates an employee "for itself", this cannot be called a boon for the employee.
  3. Mobile phone reimbursement- 34%. When hiring, the company issues a corporate SIM card to employees - the cost of it is lower due to a special tariff plan.
  4. Payment for meals – 25%.
  5. Employee loan offer– 23%. It is important to distinguish between the concepts of "loan" and "credit": a loan does not imply interest and may have a material form. Credit is given only in cash and only at interest. The opportunity to borrow money from an enterprise can be very appropriate: employees save not only money (on interest), but also the time that would have been spent collecting documents when contacting the bank. Some companies also offer partial mortgage coverage.
  6. Transport payment – 20%.
  7. Voluntary health insurance for relatives – 10%.
  8. Payment for tours- nine%. This type of motivation is becoming less and less popular among employers: prices for holidays abroad are growing by leaps and bounds due to fluctuations in exchange rates, and sending an employee to rest in the conditional Krasnodar Territory is considered undignified.
  9. Payment for parking services – 7%.

By the way, foreign social packages are somewhat different from Russian ones: "beyond the hill" more attention is paid to cultural and recreational activities, so employees are issued subscriptions to fitness rooms, swimming pools, and in some countries to attend matches of the local football team.

Options motivation is widespread in the US, while Russian workers do not know what it is. An option is an opportunity to buy a share of a company (small) at a reduced fixed price. Employers kill two birds with one stone: firstly, they diversify the social package for employees, and secondly, they motivate employees to participate in the development of the company, because an increase in the cost of business leads to an increase in the value of shares that employees can buy and immediately resell several times more expensive. For example, options are given to all employees of the Starbucks coffee corporation, which CEO Howard Schultz is immensely proud of.

Is the role of additional motivation great?

The role of the social package in motivation labor activity large, and this is confirmed by numerous scientific studies. For example, Ecopsy Consulting conducted a survey among 200 employees of a large Russian company(from top managers to ordinary performers) and got amazing results: it turned out that for employees, wages are only the 4th most important factor in employment. Much more highly valued, say, a convenient work schedule.

With the help of a rich social package, the company shows that it cares about its employees even outside the office or workshop, and this contributes to the emancipation of employees and increase corporate culture. There is no doubt that the social package today is a significant competitive advantage, and therefore the number of benefits offered Russian enterprises is growing day by day.

Often in job advertisements, employers indicate that the employee is provided with a social package. It refers to the motivation system and is used by the organization's management in the competition for qualified personnel. Its provision can be beneficial to both employees and the employer.

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What is a social package, what does it include

Do not confuse the social package and social guarantees, which, in accordance with Labor Code should be provided to all employees who have entered into agreements with employers employment contracts. Such social guarantees include, for example, annual labor leave in the amount of at least 28 calendar days, payment for sick leave, etc. The social package in each case may be different, and it is provided to employees solely at the request of the employer. This is a set of certain benefits for staff, which may include: - free medical service in polyclinics; - provision of interest-free loans to employees; - free meals at the enterprise; - payment for trainings and advanced training courses; - preferential vouchers to sanatoriums and pioneer camps for workers and their children; - payment for housing for employees recruited from other cities; - Paid mobile telephone communication, Internet and travel to the place of work; - provision of corporate vehicles; - subscriptions to the pool, fitness center, etc.

Some of these benefits are a bonus for staff, and some, such as payment for advanced training courses, are also beneficial for the employer himself. But, despite the fact that the bulk of the social package, as a rule, is a direct benefit for employees, it cannot be attributed to charity. This is an effective and efficient management tool that allows you to increase labor motivation and achieve maximum returns from employees of an enterprise or organization, stimulating them to increase productivity. When choosing an employer for many, it is the social package that becomes the factor that is an undoubted advantage.

The provision of a social package is perceived as an additional advantage of the enterprise, its presence is considered an indicator of the seriousness of the company and the high level of its income

Popular types of social packages

Since the provision of a social package is a voluntary matter, the employer himself decides the issue of its content and distribution system. Most often, benefits are provided in the form of social packages of three types: "Hierarchical", "Business lunch" and "Buffet". The content and type of benefits provided for the first hierarchical type depend only on the position occupied by the employee. In this case, he receives a guaranteed set of benefits, regardless of how much he needs them and whether they will be in demand.

Social package "Business lunch", it is also called "Cafeteria", involves some preliminary work. A survey is conducted among the employees of the enterprise, what benefits they would like to receive. Based on its results, the most demanded ones are selected, marked and several sets are formed from them, the financing of which will cost the enterprise approximately the same amount. Any employee can choose for himself a social package with the set of benefits that he needs. As an example, we can cite the most popular types of benefits, from which 3-4 packages can be formed: - monthly or annual cash payments; - providing extra days vacation, shortening working week or year; - insurance in case of illness, accident, disability, etc.: - increased payments to pensioners; - participation in the profits or capital of the enterprise; - concessional loans to employees; - provision of benefits in material form (apartments from the enterprise, subscriptions to the gym, company car).

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"Buffet" is a symbiosis of the first two packages. Based on the results of a survey conducted among employees, a list of benefits is formed, each of which is assigned a certain number of points, depending on the cost of this benefit. Employees belonging to each hierarchical level are entitled to a certain number of points, in accordance with it, each of them independently forms a set of benefits for himself.