Actual business ideas on. New business ideas

Good day! It's no secret that in Russia in 2016 business is going through a stage of stagnation and certain areas have emerged that are more promising than others. Consider where it is better to invest.

Let's start in order, what changes took place in Russian business in 2016:

Business changes in Russia in 2016

Let's start from the very beginning, we were predicted in Russia to increase state fees for registration.

Business registration in Russia 2016

Luckily, nothing has changed here.

  • - 800 rubles;
  • National tax for - 800 rubles;
  • - 4000 rubles.

So since the beginning of the year, everyone sighed calmly, if there are no changes, this is already good.

The next point is the question that concerns everything Russian business and especially small - these are taxation systems.

Taxation of business in Russia 2016

If we consider this issue in more detail, then the changes affected some taxation systems:

  1. UTII- has changed which you can download from the corresponding article, it has been kept for a long time;
  2. USN- there are quite a lot of changes in this taxation and therefore I had to single them out in a separate article “”;
  3. PSN- changes in .

Other changes in Russian business in 2016

For businesses in Russia, 2016 has been full of changes:

  • The first change that came into force on 01/01/2016 was the increase in the tax on dividends received immediately from 9% to 13%, so I guess they just equated dividends as income individual which, as you know, pays personal income tax of 13% from its earnings;
  • . This is pretty good news for 3 years, we were exempted from scheduled ongoing inspections from any government agencies(except if there is a complaint from a client or buyer against an individual entrepreneur or organization, in this case there may be an unscheduled check);
  • . As it sounds good, tax holidays are provided for newly registered individual entrepreneurs who are engaged in social, scientific and production areas. Holidays for 3 years and unfortunately no more than 10% of small businesses fall under them;
  • . From 07/01/2016, the size of the minimum wage was urgently increased from 6204 rubles. up to 7500 rub. and this directly concerns entrepreneurs, because it is on the basis of the minimum wage that the fixed contributions of individual entrepreneurs are calculated. So in 2016, fixed IP contributions are divided into 2 parts: the first half of the year is calculated according to the minimum wage of 6204 rubles, but the second half of the year is already according to the new minimum wage of 7500 rubles. (I feel that some entrepreneurs will again close their business or go into the shadows);
  • . On July 11, 2016, the so-called OKVED 2014 came into force as a matter of urgency, which replaced the obsolete OKVED 2001, within 2 years this classifier was postponed 3 times. To be honest, I was tormented to write articles on this topic. And as a result, in the middle of the year, by order of the President of Russia, it came into force.

I tell the problem. Acquaintances approach with a request to tell them some cool business idea or business model.

On the one hand, ideas are worth zero - only the implementation and the team are valued. On the other hand, people ask for a reason. Usually already within the framework of some project: medical, educational, etc. - in terms of adopting best experience. Often such questions arise from the founders, whose project has reached a dead end. In a situation where "and it's a pity to shoot further, there is no strength to pull on."

At the same time, individual candidates in a “dying” project can be very strong and in other circumstances, with a different business model, as part of a different team, they probably would have succeeded.

There is also the IIDF accelerator, which recruits 20-30 teams every quarter. And as it turned out, it doesn’t matter what idea you came up with (everyone is forced to go through customer development almost from scratch), it’s much more important who is the founder and who is on the team. In short, cadres are everything. Sometimes I even catch myself thinking “if Ivan Petrovich were given Nikifor Ivanovich’s project” ... well, you understand.

And so, I decided to test this hypothesis: “marry” some cool (in my opinion) business models with future founders who now, for some reason, have the time / desire / opportunity to take on another project.

To do this, I selected the top 10 business models in which I personally believe and will be ready to invest time / money / effort. If a strong team gathers, I will help (but do not promise) to get into the FRII face-to-face accelerator in the 8th enrollment in January 2016 and I will work with them myself.

Team requirements. The command must be minimum viable (). Namely, at least 2 key people:

  • Expert(author, developer, product, hacker, technology)
  • Salesman(producer, entrepreneur, human resources, client base)

And the desire to work on the project for at least 3 full-time months, 100 hours a week in Moscow.

So, here is my list of top 10 business models and ideas for 2016:

  1. Speech recognition. Convert mp3 to text (there is not a single sensible service). Speech technologies. Search by audio recordings. I believe that the Next Big Thing will be here - the Internet has grown and now it needs to be made to speak. Siri, Google, Yandex are moving in this direction, but so far everything is at a very early stage.
  2. AnalogAmazon FBA. Find goods in China, brand for yourself and sell in Russia. Or find a manufacturer in Russia, brand and sell to China and the US through Alibaba, Amazon, etc. Given the fall of the ruble, this is especially important. You can take a niche, such as "clothes" or "jewellery." There should be a service that can do this on a turnkey basis.
  3. Time bank. Time exchange. maybe it's too early to wait 3-5 years, but I personally believe time will be the currency of the future.
  4. Super accurate ad targeting and local mobile marketing. Not online services, capable of showing ads to “all residents of Builders House No. 5” or “everyone who lives within a radius of 500 meters from this restaurant” or “those who visited a cardiologist last week”, etc. Most advertising platforms (vk, fb, etc.) target by 10-20 parameters (gender, age, etc.). Apparently, we need an order of magnitude more parameters and ways to display ads accurate to a person.
  5. Part-time work for the elderly and / or children. Both children and old people want to work and be useful. I believe that children should start working even before school - learn to bring real benefits (wash dishes, earn extra money as couriers, make birdhouses). It is a crime to study until the age of 30 in graduate school and not work anywhere. The same is true for older people. It looks like there will be no pension, and it is more beneficial for health to work all your life. The best way— do some simple things and sell them as a hobby. Maybe it should look like - all for $5
  6. Airbnbfor commercial real estate. For example, like here In Moscow, with the onset of the crisis, every 10th room is empty and rented out. Perhaps this is the way out. And in general, the trend towards Airbnb-nization, Uber-efication and Tinder-efification of everything in the world has not yet ended, although it has set the teeth on edge.
  7. Soylent in vending machines. cheap healthly food in vending machines it looks like it should appear soon. Now there are only harmful snacks. And office people want fast, healthy and inexpensive food. Yes, and soylent should start to be produced in Russia, since it is very expensive to transport it from abroad.
  8. Exchange of books, vinyl, children's clothes - projects a la and com should get a new life. Perhaps under the sauce - "increase the patency of institutions" or "acquaintances." And here is another very cool project for the exchange of different things between neighbors
  9. Tourism with meaning. In a big way, ~ 50% of payments on the Internet are for tourism (air tickets + hotels). With recent developments, local tourism should change and possibly grow. At the same time, people are becoming more and more demanding on the program and the content of their vacation. Excursion, educational, health programs, an explosive growth of quests appear.
  10. Teachers, doctors, fitness instructors, masters, specialists - go direct. More and more good specialists who are now working in universities, schools, hospitals, workshops will learn how to attract customers via the Internet and will be able to provide services directly to people without intermediaries - organizations. This can be the sale of handmade goods, information products (books, courses) or consultations, part-time work as a freelancer, etc. At the same time, the No. 1 pain of all these people is to establish a stable sales system. I don't really believe in platforms, more in simple tools and services.

Even better if you you have a project close to this top10 or expertise in these areas. Then call back.Here is a link to the poll. The deadline is Thursday evening (December 10). On the 11th I will write whether my experiment was a success or not (No names, names and applications are confidential). If suddenly a team is picked up somewhere, I will introduce you by email.

Naturally, everyone has their own top10 list and only time will put everything in its place. A couple of years ago, I made Top10 selections (in education, medicine, tourism, etc.) - a lot has come to fruition. You can indicate your predictions in the comments - in a year we'll see what came true from this. Well, support with reposts.

During the day, 20 applications were received. Here are the statistics for them.

And here is how the applications were distributed by roles in the project

By the commands themselves, a little later. The hypothesis is that out of 20 applications it is possible to assemble at least 1 good team of 2-4 people.

During economic crisis many small business ideas that have made good profits are fading into the shadows, while others, on the contrary, are beginning to gain momentum. Therefore, you should not look for a unique niche that in the most short time can make you a millionaire. New business ideas for small businesses from scratch in 2018, which we will consider in this article, are based on classic models that work in any, even the most difficult conditions.

Production of spices and seasonings

Are you attracted to new small business ideas from scratch? A good option for beginners is the production of such hot products as spices and seasonings for cooking various dishes. The demand for such a product never drops, so a mini spice factory will bring you serious profits.

Such a business can be started without large financial investments. If you start from scratch, at first you can do without the use of special expensive equipment. Buy bulk ready-made loose spices and pack them in original packaging. In this case, you will need only accurate scales and filling equipment for work. If you have an idea to start a small business from scratch, pay attention to this favorable direction activities. finished products can be sold to shops, the market or intermediaries. If things go well, in time you will become the owner trading network, which implements spices from different countries peace.

flower business

If you develop a strategy correctly and prepare a reliable material base, the flower trade will become the most profitable idea for small businesses in 2018. The first thing to do is to find reliable suppliers of quality fresh produce who will not let you down in the moment of mass demand for flowers. Also, in this case, it is impossible to do without good taste and inspiration. If you have these qualities, you can try to find your niche in this market.

Beginners who do not have start-up capital, often asked the question, ? In this case, you should start trading from an online store. Create your own website, choose a good assortment and hire several couriers who will deliver orders. Another profitable and quite economical option is a flower pavilion in a passageway. This solution will allow you to open your own business, which will bring a good stable income.

Online store in social networks

AT recent times In many social networks, for example, in VKontakte it became possible in a matter of minutes to create own online store. After you complete all the necessary combinations to set it up, you can start advertising your offspring on social networks.

This idea of ​​a small business from scratch is especially relevant for owners of promoted communities, as they get an additional opportunity to monetize their page on social networks. Of course, you will get the most primitive online store, but it is enough to trade in it through social networks. Ask and get to work. Social networks are visited by millions of people every day, so you will find buyers for any product here.

Rope park

In recent years, the number of fans of outdoor activities is growing rapidly. According to experts, it is possible to build a profitable successful business on this. For those who are attracted to new small business ideas in small town, an excellent option would be the organization of a rope park.

This is one of the most the best entertainment both for children and adults. Rope parks can be open and closed. It is most profitable to organize an open establishment in a small resort town, where vacationers from different parts of our country gather in the summer. Indoor rope park makes a profit all year round. But it has one serious drawback. Artificial conditions quickly annoy visitors, so this idea can pay off for a long time.

Repair of computer equipment

Today, computers can be found in almost every home or office. In addition, modern people use laptops, printers and other equipment that can break down at any time and require repair. This means that computer repair is one of the best business small business ideas.

At first, in order to save on renting a room, a small workshop can be opened at home. When your business starts to flourish and you get a lot of regular customers, rent a spacious room and hire a few experienced craftsmen. With the right approach, this can make you a wealthy wealthy person. The most important thing is to fulfill any, even the simplest, orders with high quality and to be attentive to the wishes of customers. A little effective advertising and hard work is a guarantee of the success of your business.

Payment terminals

Some entrepreneurs who are looking for fresh ideas for some reason try to avoid vending machines, and they are an integral part of the lives of many modern people. The most promising idea for small businesses - installation of payment terminals. With their help, you can pay for any services that citizens of our country use daily. If you install payment terminals in passing places, they will be an excellent start for a fruitful profitable business.

All you need to get started is a few payment machines, rented sites for their installation and documents about state registration entrepreneurial activity. If you manage to successfully take advantage of such a small business idea from scratch in Ukraine, you can receive $500-800 monthly from each terminal. In this case, all initial investments will pay off in about six months.


This is one of the most popular, which allows you to earn good money without much difficulty. And this is the most important thing in our difficult time. The essence of catering is to deliver hot food and various drinks to customers who are tired of fast food. All that is required of you is to become an intermediary between the institution Catering, which prepares food, and the client. To earn more money, make an extensive menu. It should satisfy the needs of people with different culinary preferences. If things go well, in the future you can open a small room with a kitchen, hire professional chefs and several couriers who will deliver food to your regular customers. If you are full of strength and energy and at the same time wondering, be sure to pay attention to catering services.


When beginners start to think about it, all sorts of thoughts come to mind. Nowadays, you can make money on anything, even on a lie detector.

AT modern conditions there is high competition in almost all areas of business. To ensure the safety of their company, the leaders of many companies when hiring staff offer future employees to be tested on a lie detector. Entrepreneurs can use this new approach in order to build a rather specific, but, at the same time, very profitable business.

The demand for such a service significantly exceeds the supply even in large metropolitan areas, so this has every chance of success. You can literally start this business from scratch. All you need for this is necessary equipment and an assistant who will take orders from customers and make appointments.

Room disinfection

In Soviet times, the destruction of harmful insects was carried out by special state enterprises who completed all the tasks assigned to them. Today, these problems are solved by private firms that have the necessary equipment and preparations for the extermination of rodents and insects. In residential buildings, disinfection is carried out by management companies, but unfortunately, they do not always have the funds to carry out such expensive activities. Therefore, the extermination of insects is a great idea for starting a business from scratch in a small town.

If such a service is offered to the population at affordable prices, it will be in great demand. Before starting work, register a private entrepreneur, as well as purchase inexpensive equipment and drugs. In addition, you need to place advertising stops in the local media or hang them on the entrances of residential buildings. Disinfection of premises is a very popular service, so you can be sure that the first customers will appear soon.

Waste recycling

Recently, such a direction of entrepreneurial activity as the processing of household waste has begun to develop dynamically. Thanks to modern technology, heaps of garbage can bring millions in profits. If you want to know, pay special attention to recycling.

Video: Waste recycling

The easiest option is to collect waste paper or recycle plastic containers. Another new and quite profitable niche in this business is recycling household appliances. The demand for such a service is constantly growing, so many enterprising people are building a good business on this.

In this case, you can earn income in two ways:

  • Take a fee from the owners of old household appliances for its removal;
  • Disassemble and sell spare parts to repair shops;
  • This is a very simple and affordable business idea for a small town from scratch, which does not require serious financial investments.


If you are looking for current business ideas 2016 - this article is for you! We will tell you about the features of the economic situation in the field of small business today, outline the most promising areas for starting your own business, and in conclusion, we will give a few useful tips which will definitely help you successfully implement your business plans.

Features of the economy in 2016: the patient is more alive than dead?

Before you start running own business, and, in any field, it is necessary to have at least general idea about what is happening at the moment in the economy of the country as a whole. This will help to identify its most effective directions and develop a competent strategy for its actions.

Crisis - it's time not to lose heart, but to act!

Ask anyone what features are characteristic of the economy of our country in the current period of time. In the vast majority of cases, you will hear in response: a crisis, devaluation of the national currency, rising prices, a sharp decline in income and other unflattering reviews.

Most people perceive the very word "crisis" exclusively in a negative sense. It is associated with the decline of the economy, the ruin and bankruptcy of individual firms and large enterprises, the fall in the level of purchasing power of the population. Total depression...

You might be surprised when we say that the reality is not so bad! A crisis frightens a simple layman, but an enterprising person can inspire great things. It is in a crisis, when the weight reaches the floor, that many of us make an important decision - to quit our miserable existence and change jobs, where a lot of time is spent and little money is earned, to develop our own business.

Many famous entrepreneurs, both foreign and domestic, owe their success precisely to crisis situations that allowed them to show their business qualities and not only stay afloat, but also build a strong business.

Yes, our economy is now in a rather deplorable situation. Uncompetitive companies are closed, entrepreneurs are ruined. But in their place come others, more active and enterprising. Why don't you become one of them?

There would be no happiness ... or how the current crisis can help you!

In fact, whatever time you take, we live in an era of constant crises. They intensify, weaken, change, but do not disappear. How does the crisis of 2016, which smoothly passed to us from 2015, differ from the previous ones?

Russia's political confrontations with foreign countries, in fact, helped create a rather unique situation in the country's economy. The Western sanctions imposed against us, and even more - the "anti-sanctions" of our government, have led to a sharp reduction in many imported goods, in particular, food products. In all the media, the word “import substitution”, which is new for us, sounded. For the first time, after many years during which the country actually produced nothing, there was talk at all levels about the revival of production and agriculture. As they say, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped.

On the other hand, information began to come in from various regulatory authorities that a huge part of the goods, and especially food products, both produced in our country and imported, do not meet safety standards. This suggests that there are practically no quality products on the market.

All of this is bad news for consumers, but good news for would-be entrepreneurs, as it gives them a chance to start a production that will be in demand. Smart people who want to create their own business will definitely draw conclusions from the situation and be able to find their own niche that generates income.

If you doubt everything and wait for the onset of a more favorable time, it is likely that you can wait a lifetime without realizing your potential. So, arm yourself with the motto of the British millionaire Richard Branson "Get it and do it!" and act!

Actual business ideas of 2016 - choose any!

In this chapter, we will not suggest that you reinvent the wheel, that is, in our case, new activities. We will try in a slightly different way, taking into account current trends and features, take a look at the directions already available. You can worry as much as you like that all profitable niches in business are already occupied, or you can choose absolutely any of them and become the best among your competitors! You can read more about the first steps in business in our article.

Internet business is a business with the future!

It is not in vain that we put business on the Internet in the first place. In our opinion, this type of activity is today a favorite among all others for beginner businessmen. This can be explained by a number of factors.

So, what is relevant on the Internet as a business idea in 2016?

How to organize a profitable online store!

There are thousands of them on the Internet. And they show up every day. At the same time, most of them never lead their owners to the status of a cool businessman. In order not to stand on a par with the losers in this type of activity, you need to have certain knowledge and qualities. Valuable information for owners of online stores is contained in the article

Whatever you are selling, you must:

- define your target audience and be guided by its requests and needs;

- conduct a competent marketing policy;

- convincingly show customers why they should buy goods from you;

- provide the client with benefits in the form of various discounts, free shipping and similar shares;

- give the client a guarantee of safety when buying in your store;

Compliance with these conditions will allow you to acquire a loyal audience that will leave positive feedback about your store, thereby attracting more large quantity buyers. An online store, unlike a regular store, is good because the number of its potential buyers is almost unlimited.

Dropshipping is a trend in modern online commerce. The principle of operation is simple: you look for online stores with inexpensive goods and resell already in your store. With the right approach - quite a profitable business. Read about the most popular ways to promote an online store in the material.

Website promotion is a classic of Internet business!

Business on sites has not gone out of trend for many years and the demand for services for the creation, promotion and promotion of sites is not weakening. The fact is that almost all business in our age of globalization is "tied" to the Internet. And even those entrepreneurs whose field of activity is outside this plane cannot fully realize their potential without having their own website.

In order for sites or pages on social networks to bring maximum benefit, you need to organize them efficient work. That is why good site promotion specialists will always be in demand. This business can be done both alone and by creating a team of like-minded people. How to competently organize such a business, you can learn from our article. With the right setting of the case, success in this area is guaranteed!

Trading - mastering a new type of business!

Trading, or trading in exchange assets, is currently gaining momentum and is quite suitable for the role of an effective business idea in 2016. Now constantly on hearing such words as forex and binary options. Why all of a sudden such a stir, what is it connected with? It is unlikely that he would have arisen from scratch. The fact is that trading is a very modern and, subject to a number of conditions, quite a successful way of earning money that has come from world practice to our country.

Many mistakenly believe that binary options are a kind of roulette game, lucky or not lucky. Yes, there is some luck in this case. However, the most important thing here is the ability to analyze economic, political and many other factors in order to exclude random actions and act clearly and thoughtfully.

In any business that you want to lead to success, you need to carefully delve into. And trade binary options- not an exception. The Internet is now full of promotional articles, many of which are designed simply to entice potential client. Therefore, in the ocean of such information, it is important to be able to find really valuable resources. You can get step-by-step training in binary options trading, as well as learn about personal positive experience from successful traders from the material "How to successfully trade binary options".

Trade: how to find creative ideas!

This area is currently economic activity is both the most profitable and the most unstable at the same time. The ruin and exit from the market of less competitive participants most often happens in trade.

This is explained by the fact that the chain of intermediaries from the producer of goods to the consumer can be as long as desired. This leads to a rise in the price of goods at each stage of resale, and at the end of its cost may become too high for buyers who are trying to save their money during a crisis. In an effort to avoid huge markups on their products, manufacturers often look for the shortest paths to potential buyers and open branded stores, online stores, resort to other ways to reach the buyer directly. At the same time, a huge number of those intermediary entrepreneurs involved in petty trade fall out of the links of the chain.

Another most vulnerable category of merchants in a crisis are the owners of expensive boutiques, stores offering luxury goods and other similar goods. For a mass buyer, such things are currently losing their relevance, and if there is no buyer, there is no business. What can be in demand in the field of trade today?

Products and essential goods - needed everywhere and everywhere!

Under any circumstances, people will buy essential goods: food, clothing, hygiene products, goods for children, etc. Therefore, stores of a similar orientation will always be needed.

Another question is how to survive among competitors? This is where you will have to make an effort to “force” the buyer to go to your store. Look for creative ideas, apply the best marketing moves, use someone else's positive experience and come up with your own "chips". Maintain a competent pricing policy, you can read about it in the article

If trade was unprofitable, no one would be engaged in it. Why among the shops and outlets located in the same area or even mall some go bust while others thrive? Think about it. In addition to ordinary stores, various specialized stores can become quite interesting from the point of view of finding a business idea in 2016. Let's take a look at a few of them as an example.

Eco-food store: how to make money on a healthy diet!

The total dominance on the shelves of our low-quality food stores makes us think. Every year the number of consumers who are ready to buy more expensive, but environmentally friendly products is growing. These are vegetables and fruits without GMOs and nitrates, livestock products without antibiotics and other harmful drugs, and other products free from all kinds of chemical additives. If you set yourself such a goal, you can find farms, which will supply fresh, environmentally friendly food to your store, and there will definitely be buyers for them. And this is its own niche.

Second hand shops: cheap does not mean bad!

No matter how different the attitude of people to second-hand clothing stores, the fact remains that they are in demand. Regular visitors to such stores are not only poor students and low-income pensioners.

Pay attention - in those second-hand stores where things do not lie in heaps on the shelves, but are beautifully hung in size and color, where not outright trash is sold, but quite decent clothes - you can often meet a fairly wealthy audience there. Abroad, dressing in such stores is not considered something indecent. Our attitude to consignment goods is also changing. The demand for imported children's clothing is especially high. Organize this area of ​​trade wisely, and your store will always be full of customers.

Shop of Ayurvedic goods - find your niche!

In search of your own business idea in 2016 in trade, you can pay attention to quite original directions. For example, open a shop of Ayurvedic goods. This topic is currently popular. Ayurvedic cosmetics, health and hygiene products, various spices, herbal teas and nutritional supplements have their customers. The most advanced people in this regard purchase yoga products, incense and aromatic oils, books and other spiritual literature.

Now there is indeed a huge interest in Eastern practices, and the organization similar business may well become justified. By the same principle, any non-trivial direction in trade can be organized and successfully promoted. Do you know, for example, how many people are delighted with Thai cosmetics? Here's the specifics!

Service sector: set high goals!

Services - this is exactly the area of ​​activity that in our society for some reason often "limps". There are usually two extreme options here: either echoes of an unobtrusive “Soviet” service, or everything is beautiful, but with exorbitant price tags.

Firms with an adequate ratio of price and quality are clearly not enough, and people who know how to work professionally in the service sector are even fewer. So you have every chance to fill this gap in the direction closest to you. And there are dozens of them.

Real estate agency: how to create the best in the city?

Services of cleaning companies: we fight for cleanliness!

This business in our country appeared relatively recently, but already has sufficient demand. Comprehensive cleaning in the offices of companies, shopping and business centers, putting in order buildings with panoramic windows - this is the area of ​​activity of cleaning company employees.

Outsourcing - we sell services at a high price!

Here is another line of activity that has gradually become part of our everyday life. Outsourcing is the performance by a third-party company of any functions for a particular organization. This is useful when an organization needs certain non-core specialized services. For example, it can be accounting and auditing, lawyer consulting, services for software etc. Outsourcing companies work with customers under contracts, on terms of full or partial outsourcing.

Recruitment agency: we solve personnel issues of clients!

By choosing this type of activity, you and your employees will perform intermediary services between potential employers and job seekers. It will be necessary to create a database of both, monitoring the labor market, interviews and professional testing of candidates for a particular position and other activities. The work is troublesome, but for professional personnel officers it is quite feasible and profitable.

Private language school: how to organize excellent courses!

Knowledge foreign languages in our time is simply necessary. It is required both for work abroad and for leisure when we travel, and just gives a feeling of self-confidence. Yes, in general, suddenly someone will have a burning desire to re-read the English classics in the original!

Sewing studio: building a business right!

Car service - never be superfluous!

The number of motorists in our country is steadily growing, and with them the number of cars is also increasing. Therefore, an extra car service never hurts. Especially good. Especially with car mechanics who have hands from where they need to. Oh, and a car wash modern equipment Of course it doesn't hurt either. So it will work out - and people feel good, and you are in business. our material will help you to develop this idea

Transport services: constant demand!

This may include private transportation, organization passenger traffic fixed-route taxis and cargo transportation.Your transport company can provide courier services. And that it be organized and cultural, and not the way we usually do. Do everything at a high level, and your customers will be pleasantly surprised. For more information on how to develop this type of activity, read the article.

Construction and repair companies: income without borders!

Construction and renovation services are always in demand. You can create a narrow-profile business, for example, install windows and doors. Or you can assemble a team of excellent specialists and start building private houses and cottages. So, for people who understand this matter, the discovery construction company- a great option for a profitable business! You can get more detailed information from the material

Services in the field of housing and communal services - a source of stable income!

In general, the housing and communal services sector is a gold mine. In every house, something constantly breaks somewhere, leaks, rusts and clogs. Moreover, these problems are equally characteristic of both the old housing stock and new buildings. So if you decide to build your business on organizing plumbing services, you will never lose!

Tenant activity: earn on investments!

Many build their business on the rental of any property. Of course, for the acquisition of this very property, considerable funds are required. On the other hand, having made an investment once and having repaid the investment, then you can earn income for the rest of your life without making much effort. What is in greatest demand as rented objects? Commercial and industrial areas, as well as various kinds of special equipment and vehicles.

Printing house: expanding the scope of activities!

Take care of the organization of printing services: calendars, brochures, business cards, booklets. Try to attract corporate customers, thus providing your company with a large amount of work. Master "related" areas: thermal printing on fabric, 3-D printing, etc.

Production: we develop popular directions!

What we really have problems with is our own production. For many years, economists and analysts of all stripes have been breaking spears about whether our own production is profitable in our country or not. We will not delve into the problems of the global economy, and will consider several options for production within small and medium-sized businesses, which are quite realistic to implement here and now.

Building materials: always needed, needed everywhere!

Production building materials, perhaps one of the most profitable activities. Our people are building, rebuilding, repairing, restoring and improving something all the time. The demand for building materials is always high and stable. So what can be produced within a small business?

Can do production paving slabs, artificial stone, curbstone, you can knit a chain-link mesh or engage in the manufacture of lumber. It is possible to establish the production of frame structures for individual housing construction. To be brief, this is exactly the case when listing profitable options possible almost infinitely.

How to become a popular producer of agricultural products?

Everything is more difficult here, but if you wish, to build a profitable business in agriculture is quite real. We do not mean the organization of large volumes of production, ensuring the operation of large dairy plants and meat processing plants.

Anything that is most suitable for you can become a specialization: the production of environmentally friendly dairy products, the cultivation of berries and vegetables without the use of chemicals, the opening of a small cannery or a farm for breeding rabbits, quails or ostriches.

Bakery or confectionery business - we are looking for our "zest"!

Mini-bakeries and pastry shops are quite common. What will help you become worthy among competing industries? Products with an original recipe, branded pastries, contract deliveries to popular cafes in the city - if you think carefully, there will be different ideas here, for example, such as in the article

Take, for example, the disturbing controversy in the press about the terrible harm of artificial yeast. Find an old-fashioned yeast-free bread recipe, or develop your own, and you'll have a ton of appreciative customers concerned about finding safe baked goods.

Furniture production: let's organize it right!

Having chosen furniture production as a business, think carefully about how you can stand out from hundreds of other manufacturers. Inexpensive production, good quality and an individual approach to customers - if you apply these declarations not in words, but in deeds, this business can be promoted. The main thing to remember is that "not expensive" does not mean "made in the garage, on the knee." Your products must meet all quality standards.

Leisure and tourism: stakes on quality service!

The sphere of tourism and recreation can now also be called affected as a result of the geopolitical situation in the world. The most popular foreign resorts among Russians have been banned, and at the same time, the number of Russian tourists who can afford to vacation abroad has sharply decreased. People's attention has shifted to domestic tourism. And here, as always, there is an unplowed field for activity. After all, only the lazy one has not yet talked about what to rest in Russia:

a) expensive (and often unjustified);

b) uncomfortable (well, they don’t know how to create amenities similar to foreign ones).

Do you want to succeed in the tourism business? Sit down and write a business plan. Find out how this is done in the material Study the niches that are most favorable for your area, think over and calculate possible options, approach the matter creatively. For example, such a direction as eco-tourism - why not an option?

Ecological tourism - we are mastering a new direction!

This is a fairly new, but already popular trend in the field of domestic tourism. When the interest of vacationers in trips to the monasteries and local history museums of the country began to decline, eco-tourism arose as a creative business idea. How does it attract people? In our age of continuous urbanization, people have become very far from nature. Many modern children have no idea what life outside the city is like.

Entrepreneurial people in Russia and abroad make successful business on eco-tourism. They build cottages or hotels in the countryside that can be rented for weekends or longer periods. As a rule, all this is located in picturesque places with ponds and forests nearby, so that tourists can fully enjoy nature.

For the greatest interest of clients, the owners of such firms start stables with horses, farms with rare birds, arrange artificial reservoirs with various types fish, etc. Although often people are willing to pay just to be quiet for a few days.

Hostel: we compete with the hotel business!

Anticafe: organize comfort for visitors!

Here is another new trend in the field of organizing free time. An anticafe is a place where you can just sit with a laptop or chat with friends, and at the same time no one will hint to you that it's time to place an order or make room for other visitors.

You can bring food and drinks with you. And the time spent in this place is paid. Opening an anti-cafe is a very interesting idea. Such establishments are popular among young people, especially during the cold season. In summer, as a rule, there is always a decline in attendance, but you can always figure out how to organize interesting leisure activities for your clients.

Hookah bars: create your own atmosphere!

Hookah bars, or hookah bars, as they are sometimes called, are gaining popularity. These places attract visitors with their special atmosphere, it is very rare to find 2 good hookahs similar to each other. The emphasis is on the uniqueness of the place, music, interior, the hookahs themselves.

Some hookah lounges are small chelouts, where each company independently and quietly coexists next to each other. Others, on the contrary, rely on the commonality of space, usually in such hookahs there is a large TV or projector, game consoles and various board games are possible. Sometimes hookahs are opened in the same room with a bar, thereby adding cuisine and drinks to their services, while providing the bar with hookahs.

Franchising: we use new business models!

Franchising has become more and more popular in recent years. This is the name of the principle of building a business with a special form of partnership. There are a number of large companies, which allow small firms to engage in a similar type of business using their trade marks and technology.

This type of business relationship, as a franchise business, is regulated by law. Both parties have a mutually beneficial position: a firm that gives a kind of license for its activities receives an initial fee and further deductions, and its partners have the opportunity to become part of the already promoted business system.

Franchise business can be very different. Of the most common, we can name clothing stores of certain brands, restaurant chains fast food, pizzerias, coffee shops, some food production and so on.

There is a catalog of franchises, having studied which, you can choose own idea for business. For everyone who is interested in the franchise business, we advise you to read the material

As you can see, there are a huge number of options for starting a business. There are many examples when the most incredible and unusual business ideas brought millions in profits to their authors! So, if you decide to go into business, remember that nothing is impossible for those who strive to achieve their goals!

The same type of business, which develops in the same conditions, can be promoted, or it can be destroyed. Here are a few tips, following which you will definitely achieve success.

  1. Starting to build your own business, carefully consider your strategy and tactics, study the market you are going to conquer.
  2. Learn and put into practice modern methods organization and business management. Read more about them in the article.
  3. Decide in advance which organizational and legal form will best suit your business.
  4. Find out if your future activity is subject to licensing or certification.
  5. Settle all possible taxation issues: choose the most appropriate taxation system, find out if grace periods are provided for in your activity, decide on what forces you will carry out tax accounting. Our material will help you with this.
  6. Regardless of the type of activity you choose, always try to be creative. Be creative wherever you can: in advertising your products and services, in packaging, in organizing various promotions and bonuses. Work on your image, spare no effort and money, and the time will come when the image will work for you.
  7. If your business involves attracting employees, try to select them in such a way that you see them not as employees, but at least like-minded people. This is quite difficult, but you need to strive for this in the name of the prosperity of your business. The relevance of the famous phrase "Cadres decide everything!" no one has canceled yet.
  8. Constantly learn and improve in your field. The world does not stand still, something new is constantly appearing. Stay up to date with all current trends. Information is one of the most important resources in our time.
  9. Strive to earn positive business reputation both among competitors and customers. Good feedback from customers is the most effective advertising. The more of them, the higher your income will be.
  10. Believe in yourself, no matter what the difficulties. This faith will lead you to the desired result!

In conclusion, I would like to say once again that no crises and economic downturns will force enterprising and energetic people to remain inactive.

How to open The educational center? Algorithm how to start earning on knowledge!
Sincerely, Anatomy of Business project February 27, 2016 10:14 am