Funny contests for the new year for a corporate party. Entertain people on New Year's Eve? Easily! The best New Year's entertainment: games, contests, skits, impromptu theater

The year of the Dog will soon come, and, of course, in many friendly work teams, the bosses (or the employees themselves) will decide to celebrate this event. In addition to pickles and alcohol - faithful companions of every New Year - guests will need to be carried away with something less material, otherwise, tired of monotonously chewing food and raising toasts "for happiness and" for good luck, "the audience will simply start to yawn. Guests will not be allowed to sleep cool contests for the New Year corporate party 2018, held at the table and in nature. Funny table games and fun entertainment will enliven even the most ordinary evening, passing to the sound of glasses and shots of champagne. Check out some of the funniest ideas and contest videos on this page that you remember the most, such as the Q&A game or dance competitions.

Games and contests for the New Year corporate party 2018 with jokes: video ideas

As a rule, about the upcoming new year party in the company of colleagues is reported in advance. Each invitee receives his homework»: prepare salads, hot dishes, pastries, sweets, buy disposable tableware and champagne, bring napkins, tablecloths and towels, etc. However, the future host of the evening receives the most difficult task. He must not only pick up interesting games and funny contests for an organized New Year's corporate party 2018 with jokes and pranks, but also know how to conduct them. Our video ideas will help him organize the fun.

Cool New Year's contest "Ball on the nose"

For this competition, the host prepares a lot of cotton balls, petroleum jelly and four voluminous bowls. Cotton balls are placed in two bowls, and the other 2 are left empty. Two guests of the corporate party take part in the competition - the tips of their noses are smeared with Vaseline and the timer is started. The player who manages to move the largest number of balls into another bowl with the tip of his nose wins. The prize can be a chocolate bar or a kiss from a beautiful department head.

New Year's Karaoke Contest 2018

Most funny Games and contests for the New Year's corporate party 2018 with jokes can also be song. Their ideas are prompted by the contestants themselves, posting videos online. Anyone can become a participant, but the winner is the one whose singing causes the most violent reaction from the audience.

Funny contests with jokes at the table for the New Year corporate party

Tired of dancing and eating Olivier salad, holiday guests can take a breather by organizing funny contests with jokes at the table for the New Year's corporate party. For such games, as a rule, sheets of paper and pens are required for each of the guests.

Table competition "Blind New Year's poem": burime game

A fun competition with jokes at the table for a New Year's corporate party can be a game of burime . Before the start of the game, each contestant must prepare a pen. The first participant is given a sheet of paper, on the top of which he writes any phrase. The field of this sheet is wrapped in such a way that the written line remains hidden from others, but the rest of the paper can be used further. The first participant tells the last word of the line to the second contestant, and he comes up with an arbitrary line for him, rhyming with the previous one. For example: “I love the wind and FROST” and “My NOSE does not smell anything”, etc. The sheet is passed around in a circle, and everyone writes in rhyme. The last participant reads the resulting poem - everyone here is laughing!

Humorous contests for the New Year's corporate party 2018 - Funny question-answer game

Among all the humorous contests for the New Year's corporate party, the funny Question-Answer game will probably cause the most laughter. Before the start of the game, the host prepares several dozen random questions on separate small sheets of paper, and on other sheets - answers “at random”, seemingly unrelated to the questions asked. One participant draws a question from the header and asks it to any contestant. He, without stroking, pulls out the answer and announces it to everyone. Coincidences are so funny that during the game, bursts of laughter are heard every now and then.

What can you ask in the game "Question and Answer"

If you want to learn humorous contests for the New Year's corporate party 2018, the funny Q&A game will be remembered forever. You can ask here about anything; answers - any sets of words. For example, a contestant may get the phrase “Why do you run in the morning?”, And another participant may answer “Then I don’t see you.”

Cool competitions for a corporate party for the New Year: videos and ideas

Sometimes it happens that all the guests of the party have already gathered, and the host is late or even decided to skip the event. What to do: make endless toasts and praise self-made snacks? No, the coolest corporate contests on New Year the guests of the evening can suggest. Videos and ideas for holding such evenings with colleagues will help them with this.

Contest "Guess who's in front of you"

To conduct this and other cool corporate contests for the New Year 2018, pay attention to no video and ideas cool games with the participation of adults presented on this page. In order to play “Guess who is in front of you”, the men are blindfolded, and the women are seated in a row on chairs. In turn, touching only the knee of each lady, the gentlemen are trying to guess who is sitting in front of him this time. The one who guessed the largest number of female colleagues wins.

Funny contests for the New Year for a corporate party in nature

Not always winter brings us only blizzards and colds. Sometimes December is unusually warm: fluffy snow falls, laying on the ground in soft drifts, and the air smells of frosty freshness. During such weather, you can arrange funny contests for the New Year and hold a corporate party in nature. It can be ordinary “snowballs”, sledding from the mountain and wrestling in the snow.

Examples of New Year's competitions in nature

Not always funny competitions for the New Year for a corporate party in nature should be associated with vigorous activity and physical activity. Tired of throwing snowballs at the opposite team or from funny "ski" races on branches tied to your legs, you can relax and turn on your intellect. Why not play "Changeling" - guessing versions of the names of songs, movies and books "in reverse". For example, the “inverted” line “Woman, I don’t dance” will sound like “Man, I sing.” Now try to guess what kind of book is encrypted in the title "Cat's Kidney". Surely, " dog's heart"! Here are some examples of "shifters" for a fun contest.

Changeling - movies

1. "Seventy-one eternities of autumn" ("Seventeen Moments of Spring").
2. "Ragged hippopotamus" ("Dundee, nicknamed the Crocodile").
3. Dynamo (Spartak).
4. "Cap of the French Republic" ("Crown of the Russian Empire").
5. "Everyone is on the street" ("Alone at home").
6. "Glass leg" ("Diamond hand").
7. "Thieves' vocational school" ("Police
8. "Cadets, back!" ("Midshipmen, forward!").
9. "Black Moon of the Jungle" ("White Sun of the Desert").
10. "Home cactus" ("Wild Orchid").
11. "Cold feet" ("Hot heads").

Changelings - movie titles (second option).

1. "Devil's Liver" ("Angel's Heart").
2. "Sing, sing!" ("Dance Dance!").
3. "Uryupinsk trusts smiles" ("Moscow does not believe in tears").
4. “We will die after Wednesday” (“We will live until Monday”).
5. "Vasil the Good" ("Ivan the Terrible").
6. “All men in rock” (“Only girls in jazz”).
7. "Little hike" ("Big walk").
8. "Cat under the straw" ("Dog in the manger").
9. “Put Dad on a Plane” (“Throw Mom off the Train”).
10. "Sidorovka, 83" ("Petrovka, 38").
11. "Short lesson" ("Big break").

Changeling - lines from songs

1. “Above the floor of his hut” (“Under the roof of my house”).
2. “The painter who smears the snow” (“The artist who paints the rain”).
3. “Wake up, your girl is sick” (“Sleep, my little boy”).
4. "Dirty green sock" ("Stylish orange tie").
5. “I will live with myself for a hundred years” (“I can’t live a day without you”).
6. “There were locusts on the tree” (“A grasshopper was sitting in the grass”).
7. “Russian in the house is not waiting for sunset” (“Chukchi in the plague is waiting for dawn”).
8. "I, I, I am in the morning and in the evening" ("You, you, you night and day"),
9. “That night of defeat does not smell like a bullet” (“This Victory Day smells like gunpowder”).
10. “Black Bat Polonaise” (“White Moth Samba”).
11. “He hates tomatoes on fire” (“She loves strawberries on ice”).

Adult competitions for corporate parties for the New Year 2018 - New Year's games and entertainment

If you are looking for the most extraordinary funny adult corporate contests for the New Year 2018, take a look at this collection of New Year's games and entertainment. Remember your favorite pranks, jokes, fun and offer them to the guests of the holiday party.

Examples of adult competitions for a New Year's corporate party

Perhaps guys often think that all the best adventures and fun events happen to a person only in a happy childhood. All those who even know what funny and “flying” adult contests for corporate parties for the New Year 2018 will argue with them, new year games and entertainment arranged by their moms and dads at work. Well, for example, wouldn't it be funny to fulfill the request of the presenter, who invites each of those present in turn to depict in a dance a journey to the country whose music he hears at the moment?

Board games for the New Year corporate party 2018 at work

The New Year is not always just a gastronomic holiday and an excellent occasion to drink without any complaints from the close circle. Why not remember the childhood that ended so recently and hold board games for the New Year's corporate party 2018 at work? At least one of the guests of the event will always have the requisites for such games - paper and a pencil or pen.

Game "Who? Where? When? What?" for the New Year

A board game for a fun New Year's corporate party 2018 at work does not copy the most popular TV quiz. This competition has another, lighter and more amusing interpretation. The essence of the modern game “Who? Where? When? What have you been doing?" is as follows. All participants are given sheets and pens. After the host's question "who?" all participants write a name on the sheet and, folding the sheet so that the word is not visible, give it to the neighbor on the right. Next questions"when where?" and “what did you do?” are written and transmitted according to the same scheme. After that, the sheets unfold and the "secret" becomes clear. For example, well, who could have guessed that “Ivan Ivanovich salted tomatoes in the supermarket on May 1?”

Memorize these funny question and answer games, fun entertainment and cool contests for the New Year corporate party 2018, and arrange a real holiday at work for the New Year!

A corporate party with a banal feast is somewhat boring. To entertain colleagues, you need to offer them fun games and contests. They can be picked up for any event and for any company, carried out at the table, and in nature, and in an ordinary office.

  1. Centipedes- the participants stand one after another, holding on to the waist of the person in front. It turns out a centipede, to which the host gives the task - to move in a zigzag, bypass obstacles, etc. Whoever lets go of his hands in this competition, he leaves.
  2. animal commotion- the same number of male and female employees are required. A certain animal is thought of for women and men. Men are blindfolded, and women begin to run and shout out the sounds of their animal. Among the general commotion and the mass of various sounds, a man must find his "half".
  3. Sprint in the water- suitable if the rest takes place near the reservoir. Participants first run in ankle-deep water, then knee-deep, and finally waist-deep. Required condition Don't swim, run.
  4. three legs- the participants are divided into three. The leg of the person on the right and the leg of the participant on the left are tied to the leg of the employee standing in the center. Further, such "three-legged" pairs cover a certain distance at speed.
  5. Battle for the ball- participants are given: a balloon with water inside, a plastic plate, a pushpin. Balls are tied to the belt. The task is to pierce the opponent's ball, dodging others and protecting your own with a plate.

Cool contests for corporate parties

Where are you now?

Participants stick stickers on their foreheads, which indicate the names of organizations (school, nudist beach, hairdresser). None of the participants knows what is written on his sticker. The facilitator asks each participant certain questions:

  • How often do you visit this establishment?
  • What do you do most often there?
  • What feelings do you get after visiting such a place?

new clothes

The box contains things: glasses with a nose, a wig, a bra, family underpants, children's tights, etc. Employees stand in a circle and pass the box to each other while the music plays. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the box takes out a thing at random from it and puts it on. After everyone is dressed, a general dance follows.


Employees are armed with a phone or tablet and must take a selfie, according to the task, which will be announced by the presenter. The one with the coolest wins. Tasks:

  • Take a selfie in the position in which you usually work.
  • Take a selfie with your boss.
  • Take a selfie by placing a variety of stationery on you.
  • Depict a very workable look in the photo.

Funny contests for corporate parties

  1. Star on the dance floor– A minimum of 5 employees is required to participate. Cheerful music begins to play, the task of the participants is to actively dance. The most inactive colleague leaves. Further, the participants imagine that their legs have been taken away and they need to dance rhythmically, but without the participation of their legs. After this round, another less active one is eliminated. Next, the employees squat and use their hands and head in the dance. Again, the inactive one is eliminated. The last round is to actively dance with facial expressions.
  2. Ice baby It will take three brave men. Their task is to quickly put on a T-shirt. The catch is that the T-shirts are tightly rolled and frozen. The winner will be the one who gets dressed the fastest.
  3. maternity hospital The team must be diverse. The girl stands in front of the guy. She imagines that she has recently given birth and communicates with her father through a closed window. Gestures need to convey who the child looks like, what gender he is. The task is given by the host, for example, “ears like yours; screaming like our boss."

Corporate contests for employees

  1. Crocodile- the most popular competition among adults. A colleague presenter thinks of an animal, a famous actor or a movie title. It is necessary to show the secret with gestures, the rest of the employees quickly guess.
  2. Caricature- the first employee draws a cartoon on one of those present and passes it on to a colleague. He writes who the cartoon looks like, wraps up the drawing and the answer, and draws his cartoon. So the leaf passes in a circle, at the end it is unfolded and they look who guessed it.
  3. Remember- each employee receives a sheet with a certain category: country, river, plant, equipment, etc. The host chooses any letter of the alphabet. It is necessary to write as many titles on your topic that begin with the letter that was chosen by the leading letter.

Contests for corporate parties in the summer


  • Who has the most tanned skin?
  • Who can collect the most branches in a minute (if the game is on the street), pencils (if in the office)
  • The smallest foot
  • longest hair
  • Who will stand on his hands longer
  • Who can draw little elephants on paper (or with chalk on asphalt) in a minute?

Catch the water

One employee picks up a bottle of water and periodically squeezes it, spraying the contents. The rest of the colleagues with plastic glasses are trying to catch as much water as possible. The winner is the one with the most filled glass.

Truth or Dare

The bottle is untwisted and the one whom it points to must choose the “truth” and answer honestly to question asked, or "action" and perform the intended action.

Competitions for corporate parties for adults

  1. Striptease- you need to find a striptease video on the Internet. You should not undress, you just need to gracefully repeat the movements. The most plastic participant is awarded.
  2. Logo- the corporate logo must be printed on a sheet in two copies, pasted on thick cardboard and cut into several parts. Employees are divided into two teams and collect the logo for speed.
  3. Explanation of abbreviations Participants are given pencils and paper. The subject is set, for example, a report or the beginning of the year. Everyone should make three abbreviations and next to add a line from a song or poem that characterizes the abbreviation. The task of the rest is to guess what is encrypted. Abbreviations: SG - mid-year, PI - total profit.

Fun contests for corporate parties

Deaf dialogue

Participation is necessary for the leader and subordinate. The head is given headphones with loud music so that he does not hear anything. The subordinate begins to ask him questions:

  • Why don't you send anyone on business trips except me?
  • When can I take a day off?
  • Come on, will you raise my salary?

The boss tries to guess by the movements of the lips what the subordinate is saying to him. He must answer the employee, most often answers inappropriately. Then the employees change places. The manager is interested in:

  • What is the reason for your being late today?
  • Want to work overtime?
  • Why should I raise your salary?


An object is placed on a chair so that the participant does not see it. The employee sits on a chair and tries to understand what object is under it. You can not touch the object with your hands and peep.

short film

Employees are divided into teams of 4-5 people. Each team must come up with and show a short film on the topic: "One day in our working life."

Competitions for corporate parties at the table

  1. Congratulations- The first colleague starts with the letter "A" and comes up with a congratulation that begins with it. The next one already comes up with the letter "B" and beyond. Try to come up with original and humorous congratulations.
  2. So necessary- at the beginning of the corporate party, each employee is given cards with an individual task, for example, to say all the toasts with a Georgian accent, to laugh out of place, at 20.00 to tell colleagues: “Thank you all, everyone is free”, etc. Those present must guess the task of each.
  3. Killer- the leader appoints one person as a killer. At the table, everyone begins to exchange glances, the killer must “kill” someone by winking at the person. He is out of the game. The task of the killer is to remove as many players as possible, while the rest must calculate it as soon as possible.

New Year contests for corporate parties

  1. The ark- 12 women and the same number of men are needed. They are given leaflets with the name of an animal from the Eastern horoscope. On command, without uttering a word, you need to portray your animal and find your mate among the general herd.
  2. It's about me- each on a piece of paper writes a little-known event that happened in his life this year. All the leaves are folded into a box and taken out one by one. The task of those present is to guess the author of the note.
  3. Snowfall- Distribute paper snowflakes to all employees. On command, they need to be thrown up and blown so that the snowflakes do not fall. The one whose snowflake stays in the air longer than the others gets a reward.

Contests for corporate parties DM and Snow Maiden

  1. dress up the fir tree- you need to dress up the Christmas tree for speed, blindfolded. Participants are divided into teams, one of each starts, touches toys, the rest “work as a navigator”.
  2. round dance Employees stand in a circle and hold hands. A certain “winter” word is guessed for each. The Snow Maiden begins to tell a fairy tale. As soon as a colleague hears his word, he should sit down, and those standing on his sides should not let him do this.
  3. Happy Star- stars with numbers are hung from the ceiling in advance. During the active dances of the employees, the music stops, and Santa Claus says: "Lucky Star No. 11." Whoever finds the right star faster will receive a gift.

Table funny corporate contests

What would you do?

Employees answer the insidious questions of the presenter. It is necessary to answer in an original, dignified and interesting way. Suggested Questions: What would you do if...

  • spilled your tea on the report, but there is no time to redo it?
  • Did all employees file a letter of resignation?
  • you came to the office, and there is no one there?
  • while drunk, stuck with the boss in the elevator?
  • Did the director lose you at cards to another firm?

I never…

This game requires chips. They can be replaced with coins, buttons, paper clips. The first contestant says "I never..." and confesses to something he has never done. Colleagues who have already tried it give each chip to the first participant. So in a circle everyone admits. The winner is the one with the most chips.

There is something to remember

Colleagues take turns recalling funny working moments and funny incidents that happened at the firm. The one who does not remember funny stories, is out.

Sports competitions corporate

  1. Darts- you will need props for darts: darts, a board and a piece of paper on which you will record points. Everyone throws the first circle with their right hand, then they change their hand to the left, and then they throw all the darts at the same time.
  2. hit the target- it is necessary to make lumps out of paper, and a goal out of empty jars. It is necessary to hit the target with paper, looking at it through binoculars. You can increase the goal, you can reduce it.
  3. Snake- parts of the body are painted on small leaves: head, arms, shoulder. The first two participants pull out a piece of paper and press against each other with those parts of the body that are indicated there. The rest act the same way until a full-fledged snake is assembled.

Contests for builders at corporate parties

  1. Building a house- you will need a lot of empty matchboxes, glue, scissors and cardboard. It takes seven minutes to build a house with a foundation, windows and doors, walls and a roof.
  2. Dancer Fedya- several participants are selected. They are wrapped in wallpaper, fastened with adhesive tape and cut through a place for the face (as in Shurik's Adventures). Participants must perform a dance.
  3. House project- employees should be divided into several teams. Participants are given balloons and Double-sided tape. The task is to inflate the balloons, fasten with adhesive tape and make a model of the house. The team with the most beautiful layout wins.

Competitions for railway workers at corporate parties

  1. Pass the ticket- colleagues line up in two teams, in each employee stands behind the back of another employee. Two teams receive a "ticket" - a ball, ball or any other object. On command, they must pass the ticket to the colleague who is behind him, and that one to another. The latter, having received a ticket, runs forward and continues to pass the “ticket” until all players change and the player from whom the transfer began again stands at the beginning.
  2. Serve a passenger- playing in teams. The first colleague runs up to the passenger, puts out hardly three chairs and puts him to bed. The second carries a blanket, the third carries a pillow. The fourth one pours tea or juice into a glass and gives the person water. The fifth one wakes up so that the passenger does not oversleep his stop. The team that completes the task first wins.
  3. remember the song- it is necessary to remember songs related to the railway (Wait, locomotive ..., Blue wagon, etc.), who cannot remember for a long time - is out of the game.

Competitions for the day of trade at the corporate party

  1. Remember the price- the presenter shows ten goods and names their cost. You need to remember and repeat.
  2. How?- coins are put into the bag, the participants must guess the approximate amount of coins in the bag. Next, the presenter shows a pack of bills of the same denomination, you need to guess the amount of money in the pack. Last task- a piece of cheese. Colleagues should guess its approximate weight.
  3. We put on the shelves- you need the same tight jars or boxes, which will be in the role of goods. The task is to quickly place the goods on top of each other. Whoever has the goods does not fall, and who can handle it faster, he is the winner.

Competitions for women at a corporate party

  1. What's in a lady's purse– before the competition, each woman agrees that the contents of her bag will be seized. A bag of any employee is taken, the rest try to guess the items in it. A colleague takes out each guessed item and puts it on the table. And so on in turn with several bags. The winner is the employee who guessed the most large quantity items.
  2. We paint sponges- with closed eyes, girls need to make up each other's lips. The one that did everything as beautifully as possible receives a prize.
  3. Cats and tigresses- the girls take out the leaves and find out which team they are in - cats or tigresses. Participants are blindfolded. Then, at the command of the leading girl, they should play their role, meow or growl, and quickly break into teams.

Competitions for men's corporate parties

  1. We change places The men sit on chairs. The host says: “Change places, those who ...” and begins to ask frank questions, for example: has he ever worn a thong, is excited at the sight of brown-haired women, had more than eight mistresses. If this was the case, the man rises from the chair and must take the chair of a colleague who has also risen. The one who did not have enough chairs changes places with the leader.
  2. Box- A box is passed to the music and everyone takes off a thing and puts it in it. When the box has passed the circle, the rules of the game change, now the men take things out of it at random and put them on.
  3. Where's the money?- men become in a circle, one - in the center of the circle. Those standing in a circle should pass a coin or a folded bill behind their back, which will easily fit in a fist. The person standing in the center needs to guess who currently has the money.

Corporate teachers

  1. What is on the table?- the participant calls the letter, colleagues must find an object that begins with this letter and stands on the festive table. It can be dishes, serving items, fruits.
  2. Evidence A crime has been committed, but evidence is missing. The lead teachers, who have become detectives for a while, are asked questions to which he can answer either “no” or “yes”. The goal is to guess what the leader intended for the word.
  3. What does it mean?- each teacher names a word based on the subject he teaches. Colleagues in a related subject are silent, and the rest should express their assumptions about what this word means.

Take care of safety during competitions. The props must be safe so that nothing threatens life and health. Thanks to a variety of competitions at a corporate party, you can not only have a delicious meal, but also relax your soul.

Most modern companies on the eve of the New Year hold entertaining corporate parties with games, entertainment and various adult competitions. Shared rest at work allows the team to unite and learn more about each other. But in order for the guests of the event to be really interesting, you need to select cool competitions that will be held at the table or in the office itself, its offices. You can choose funny contests for the New Year's corporate party in 2018 from the examples below. You can also use the suggested ideas to create an unusual holiday program.

Adult contests for a New Year's corporate party with jokes: ideas and examples of competitions

The selection of non-standard competitions will help to make the holiday held on the eve of the New Year really exciting and interesting. In them, each participant will be able to show their talents, show their strengths and skills. It is also necessary to include contests with jokes in the program of the New Year's corporate party that will help cheer up everyone present.

Ideas for compiling a New Year's program for a corporate party with cool contests

It is better to hold adult games and competitions at corporate parties after a short feast. Thus, more people will participate in the competition. At the same time, tasks can be both team and single. For example, you can hold the following competitions:

  • dance (who dances better or longer, who can show more movements);
  • choice of pairs (blind, for some reason);
  • musical (performing karaoke songs, performing compositions by couplets, choir or duet);
  • quests (solving riddles, searching for objects, playing detectives);
  • board (from the usual Mafia to poker competitions).

Cool adult competition "Squirrels and Oaks" for a corporate party in honor of the New Year

All the guys from the company stand in a small circle in the center of the room (with their backs inside the circle). The squirrel girls must run around this circle while the music is playing. As soon as the support is turned off, the squirrels should jump on the oaks (guys need to support dangling girls). Those squirrels that did not find their oaks are removed from the playing field. Also, one oak tree is removed at each level. The pair that reaches the end of the competition wins.

Interesting contests with jokes for a New Year's corporate party for holding at the table

When all colleagues have time to chat and dance, you can move on to table games. They will help to have an interesting time and take a break from active competitions. You can choose contests with jokes for a New Year's corporate party for holding at the table from the following example. You can change or add to it if you wish.

An interesting table contest "Guess a couple" with jokes for the New Year's corporate party

Guests at the table receive papers with the names of celebrity pairs (if there are an odd number of guys and girls, then some of them will not get a pair and should just confuse other players). To find your soul mate, each of the male or female participants of the game should ask the representatives of the opposite sex about their activities and hobbies. The winner is the pair that is the fastest to reunite.

Funny contests for the New Year corporate party "Question and Answer": with ideas and a video example

Board games at a corporate party can be not only intellectual, but simply funny. To do this, you just need to prepare the appropriate cards with questions, answers and choose a leader. It is advisable to ask the players funny or tricky questions: then the table game will be fun. About what could be New Year's corporate party the question-answer contest, and how to prepare for it, the following tips will help you find out.

How to make a funny Q&A contest for a corporate party for the New Year?

For the contest, you need to print out separate cards with cool adult questions (How often do you wake up in someone else's bed? Have you had problems with a hangover for a long time? Could you perform a feat for your beloved / beloved?). Separately, you need to prepare cards with universal answers (Only on Mondays, from birth, I can’t live without it). The facilitator should read the questions from the prepared cards, and each of the participants should blindly select the card with the answer from the table and read the text of the answer from it.

In 2017, according to the Chinese calendar, the Monkey will be replaced by the Fire Rooster - an energetic, colorful bird. He will not tolerate a dull celebration. We celebrate the New Year on a grand scale, meet the Rooster with incendiary contests and games.

1. "New Year's toast"

Number of participants: 5.

The host invites the guests to make a collective toast and dedicate it to the symbol of the coming year - the Fire Rooster.

The host distributes to the participants sheets of paper with letters (P, E, T, U, X) and informs the conditions: they must come up with a New Year's wish, and it will begin with the letter that they got. For example, the letter "P": "The weather is good today, and we have gathered in this hall to wish everyone happiness in the New Year." The next participant continues the thought of the previous one to make a meaningful toast.

2. "Surprise bag"

Number of participants: 2.

The host prepares the props in advance. On thick sheets, he prints two pictures with the image of a rooster and cuts each into 5-7 elements, mixes them and puts them in a bag.

Santa Claus presents a bag with a surprise to the contestants.

At the command of the leader, the participants scatter the contents of the bag and try to collect their rooster.

The one who did it faster wins.

3. "Dress up the cockerel"

Number of participants: 4.

Two men and two women are invited to the stage, they are divided into pairs.

Female “hens” should dress up their male “cockerel” with everything that fantasy tells them: tinsel, sweets, Christmas decorations. The time to complete the task is 1 minute.

Guests with applause determine the "rooster" - the winner.

4. "Whose rooster is more beautiful"

Number of participants: not limited.

The host calls everyone to the stage, distributes A4 sheets and felt-tip pens, and offers to draw a Fire Rooster ... without hands.

Participants are given exactly 1 minute.

Usually felt-tip pens end up in the teeth of "artists".

5. "Attention, news!"

Number of participants: not limited.

The host distributes pre-prepared cards with several words that are not related in meaning. For example: rooster, milk, space, billiards (one of the words should be the word "rooster").

Each participant has half a minute to come up with Announcement, using all the words, and pronounce it with the intonation of the announcer.

The awkward "news" makes the guests laugh heartily.

6. "Cockfight"

Number of participants: 2.

Two "roosters" are invited to the "ring", the host gives them boxing gloves.

The host heats up the situation, and just before the start of the fight ... distributes candy in wrappers to the participants and announces the rules: unfold in boxing gloves in 1 minute the largest number candy.

7. "Talisman"

Number of participants: 4.

Two couples are invited to the stage: a man and a woman. The host gives each pair of scissors, a piece of paper with the image of a rooster and offers to cut out their talisman.

The couples hold hands and with their free hands try to cut the rooster.

The one who does it faster and better, he won.

8. "The brightest cockerel"

Number of participants: not limited.

Clothes are folded into the bag in advance: hats, underwear, swimwear, stockings, socks, skirts. The funnier the clothes, the better.

Music sounds, the participants form a circle and pass the bag from hand to hand.

When the music is interrupted, the participant, in whose hands the bag is, randomly takes out a thing from it and puts it on.

9. "Follow the rooster"

Number of participants: not limited.

Chairs are arranged in a chaotic manner in the hall, participants - “chickens” sit on them. The guests of the evening choose a "cock".

To the music, he walks between the chairs and clap his hands and collects the "chickens" behind him. Forming a "train", the participants with the leader at the head pass between the chairs.

When the “cockerel” clap his hands twice, the “chickens” should sit on the chairs. The difficulty is that the "rooster" must also sit on a free chair, and one participant will remain standing. He will become the new "cockerel".

10. "Chicken race"

Number of participants: 2.

A computer mouse (“chicken”) is tied to the belt of the participants so that it does not reach 10-15 cm from the floor.

On command, the participants lead their "chicken" through the obstacles prepared by the host. The difficulty is that the participants must constantly crouch and look back.

The first one to reach the finish line, bypassing the obstacles, is considered the winner.

11. The game "Guess the beast"

Number of participants: the entire audience.

The presenter takes one person out of the hall and asks him to portray a rooster so that the audience in the hall guesses it.

While the participant is preparing, the facilitator incites the audience to deliberately name the wrong options.

It's funny to watch how an angry "rooster" tries to give himself away with all his behavior!

12. "Whose scallop is better"

Number of participants: 4.

For the competition, men and women are invited, who are divided into pairs.

The host gives women hair accessories (hairpins, elastic bands, combs). On command, for a given time, they begin to build a “comb” on the heads of their partners.

Download competitions for corporate parties for the holiday New 2017 Year of the Rooster

New Year is one of the most long-awaited, favorite holidays. And this is also the time when all office papers are put away on the table, the Christmas tree is dressed up and champagne is opened. This is the time when all employees stay in the office to celebrate this wonderful holiday together. And also this is the time when each employee has a chance to get to know his colleagues better, when the team can unite even more.

How to make a holiday beyond praise? So that colleagues do not get bored and have great fun, you will need not only champagne, but also fun contests.

Competition number 1. "New Year's Taster".

Two people must participate in this competition. 8 plastic cups are placed in front of each participant. In them, the host pours various drinks, a little at a time. It can be juice, lemonade, whiskey, champagne, beer and so on. The task of each participant, blindfolded, is to determine what he drank. And you need to do it faster than the enemy. A point is given to the one who said the name of the drink first. The one who has earned more points is the winner.

Competition number 2. "Feed me".

This contest requires two couples. The leader blindfolds the men and gives yogurt and a tablespoon in his hands. The task of men is to feed their couple, while not seeing her. Whichever couple eats their yogurt the fastest wins. Also, if there is no yogurt, the couple can be given candy and forced to eat it without the help of their hands. It will look very funny from the outside, so that everyone can have fun from the heart.

Competition number 3. "Scout".

To participate in this competition, you need a girl and four men. Men carefully examine the lady standing in front of them. Their task is to remember every detail in her wardrobe, hairstyle. Then the host takes the woman out the door, and there changes something insignificant in her. For example, he takes off his bracelet, puts on earrings, undoes a button on his blouse, rolls up his pants, or puts a small clip on his hair. Then the girl again enters the office. Men should catch all the changes. The one who noticed more changes in the girl won, and is recognized as the most attentive person of the evening.

Competition number 4. "Things on the chair."

There are two people in this competition. Two chairs are placed in the middle of the office, backs to each other. A huge number of different things are scattered around the room. They must be large. For example, soft toys are suitable. The task of the participants is to collect all the things and fit on their chair. On whose chair the most things are collected, he won.

Competition number 5. "Relay race".

This competition is more mobile so that employees do not sit still. You can hold this competition in the corridor, where there will be more space. All those present are divided into two equal teams. They line up in two columns, one after the other. A line is drawn at the end of the corridor. Each team is given one item from the office (pen, corrector, stapler). When the leader claps his hands, the first two members of both teams begin to race to the line at the end of the corridor. They must leave their object behind the line and run back. When he comes running, he must touch the next team member so that he can continue the relay. The team that loses all items the fastest wins.

Competition number 6. "Cow".

For this competition, we need two men and two young ladies. Men will play the role of cows. The host gives them each a medical glove filled with water. The fingers of each glove will have small holes made with a needle. The task of women in 30 seconds is to milk more "milk" into a glass than a rival. At the same time, the participants must be supported by loud applause.

Competition number 7. "Cunning Monkey".

Three people can participate in this competition. In the middle of the office, the leader puts a stool. He puts three unpeeled bananas on it. Three participants kneel so that there is a banana in front of each. At the same time, their hands should be tied behind their backs. When the music is turned on, the participants must open and eat their banana for a while. The fastest participant wins.

Competition number 8. "A bottle of vodka".

10 people take part in this competition. They are divided into two teams of 5 people each. At the end of the office, on the desk, the host puts two bottles of cognac or champagne and glasses. Both teams line up in two columns, one after the other. When the music turns on, the first members of both teams run to the table, pour cognac into a glass and run back. They stand at the end of the column. The second participants run to the table and drink the contents of the glasses. The third pour again. The team that drinks alcohol the fastest wins.

Competition number 9. "Be careful - get a prize."

One man and one woman must participate in this competition. They stand opposite each other, and between them is a stool. There is a prize on the stool. When the leader says "five" they must grab the prize. But the cunning presenter counts: "One, Two, Three, Four, Five ... ten", "One, Two, Three, Four, Five ... hundreds." The one who is more attentive and grabs the prize first will win this competition.

Competition number 10. "Matches on cilia".

For this competition you will need matches, two men and two women. The host indicates which pair will be the first. A woman puts a match or a toothpick on the eyelashes of a man. He must say as many New Year's greetings as possible until the toothpick falls. The host notes how many seconds have passed. Then the second pair does the same. The one who said more congratulations wins.

Three men and three women must participate in this competition. They are divided into three pairs. Each couple is given a roll of toilet paper. The host turns on incendiary music. The task of women is to wrap their partner with toilet paper as quickly as possible to make a mummy. The team whose participant completes the transformation of her man faster wins.

Competition number 12. "Nuts".

This competition needs four beautiful ladies. They are blindfolded. The leader places four chairs in the center of the office. On them he puts a different amount of walnuts. There can be eight of them on one chair, four on the other, six on the third, and one on the fourth. The facilitator then leads each participant to her chair. She must sit on it, and booty determine how many nuts are on her chair. Peeping and touching the nuts with your hands is prohibited. The winner will be the one whose butt correctly determines the number of nuts on her chair.

Competition number 13. "New Year's Lottery"

Everyone can take part in the lottery. The facilitator distributes to everyone present a piece of paper with a number. He has other leaves with the same numbers in his hat. In a huge red bag there are gifts wrapped in beautiful paper. Some of them are real and some are jokes. For example, the bag may contain scented candles and beautiful soap. handmade or a box of plasticine candies and a bottle of whiskey that smells like apple juice. The host takes out a gift, and a piece of paper with a number from the hat. Whoever has this number receives a gift. So every employee in the office will receive either a real or comic gift. But the main thing is that everyone will get a good mood.