Business plan for a bakery. Important questions when drawing up a business plan for a bakery and a bakery

Baking is a popular product that is in demand at any time of the year by consumers. different ages, professions and financial situation. Therefore, a mini-bakery can be interesting as a business, and profitable and stable.

If you are attracted to the baking business in general, then you may be interested in the idea. If the volume of your investments is limited, or you are interested in the concept of a small enterprise, then opening a mini-bakery is more suitable for you, which will be discussed later.

Check out a few ready-made business plans mini bakeries:

1. Business plan for a mini-bakery with a payback period of 5 months. Download the mini-bakery business plan
2. Business plan for the Pyshka mini-bakery with a production and financial plan. Download the business plan for the Pyshka mini-bakery
3. Business plan for a mini-bakery with detailed description organization of work. Download the mini-bakery business plan
4. Business plan for a mini-bakery from a fairly detailed term paper with financial accounts. Download the mini-bakery business plan with calculations

How to open a mini-bakery

A mini-bakery can exist both separately and as part of shopping centers or hypermarkets. Some entrepreneurs who have opened a mini-bakery prefer to sell their products through mobile points of sale (these can be small vans or car trailers).

Business registration

To register a mini-bakery, the form of individual entrepreneurship is best suited. In some cases, it would be more expedient to register a company immediately with limited liability, especially if you are planning to expand your business in the near future or are not starting a company alone, but together with a partner(s). When filling out the registration forms, you will be required to enter the codes for the activity that you are going to engage in.

Please note: if you plan to sell products in the same place where you will manufacture them, then you should specify the code “Activities of restaurants and cafes”. Enter the code "Retail" as an additional activity.

Location and size of the room

When choosing the location of a future bakery, it is worth considering the fact whether baking will be sold in the bakery itself. If you organize production in such a way that freshly baked products will be delivered to other points where they will be sold to the final consumer, then the choice of the location of the bakery should be based, first of all, on the possibility of fast and trouble-free delivery of baked goods.

And if you sell pastries in a bakery, then it is important to find a place characterized by high traffic. City center, places near leisure parks, shopping malls, office centers- fit perfectly. When you have decided on the area, it is worth talking with its owners about the prospect of buying out the premises, of course, if you plan to do this business seriously and for a long time.

With regard to rental prices, it is difficult to determine specific figures, since prices in different cities and even areas can vary significantly. For example, in Moscow, the cost of renting premises for a mini-bakery will be approximately from 8 to 30 dollars per square meter.

It will take up to 140 square meters. There are also very small bakeries (that's why they are "mini"), which cost a much smaller area.

The sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspection will put forward standard requirements for the premises: the mandatory presence of a ventilation system, sewerage, utility rooms, a bathroom, whitewashed ceilings.

Purchase of raw materials

In this business, it is important to establish contacts with suppliers who will provide high quality raw materials and deliver them to you on time. However, keep in mind that every food product tends to deteriorate, so buying raw materials in huge quantities will not work. You simply do not have time to make pastries from it and sell it before the raw materials are already unusable. It is recommended to purchase the first batch of raw materials immediately before the start of the mini-bakery.

The main raw material is flour, and if you want to achieve High Quality finished products, use only the highest grade flour. You will also need yeast, vegetable oil, regular and vanilla sugar, salt, baking powder and thickeners.

Your products should be of interest to the consumer with their diversity, so use all kinds of additives both for decoration and for giving special taste properties to the product. It can be raisins, almonds, dried apricots, peanuts, fruits, berries, chocolate, jams.


The main person who will organize and direct the entire work of the mini-bakery in the right direction is the technologist. A good technologist is indispensable if you want to be successful in this business. The rest of the bakery staff will be bakers, cleaners and cashiers.

As a rule, the business owner himself manages the mini-bakery, but if this enterprise is not his only one, then it is worth hiring a director or manager. Since the mini-bakery is a small business, there is no need for a full-time accountant either. Typically, bookkeeping is given to or hired by an accountant on a part-time basis.

Equipment for a mini-bakery

To answer the question "How much does it cost to open a mini-bakery", first of all, it is worth considering the cost of equipment. All the equipment necessary for a mini-bakery can be divided into two types: one that is intended for the production of products, and one that is intended for its implementation.

The price of equipment for mini-bakery can be different, depending on the manufacturer. Prices given in brackets are average for this type of equipment. For direct baking you will need:

1. Furnace (15 thousand dollars);
2. Machine for kneading dough (7 thousand dollars);
3. Proofing electric cabinet ($1,000);
4. A special table for working with dough, for example, for cutting it ($1,000);
5. Apparatus for rolling dough (500-600 dollars);
6. Flour Sifter ($300):
7. Trolleys for finished products ($200).

For a mini-bakery, one piece of each equipment is enough. To sell baking, you will need to purchase commercial equipment, namely:

1. Showcase;
2. Cash register;
3. Cabinets for storage of finished products;
4. If desired, tables and chairs for visitors, if the size of the room allows.

It will take about 4-5 thousand dollars for all commercial equipment.

When the question arises: “what business is better to invest in?”, we start searching best ways with minimal cost and high financial return.

Today we will consider such an area of ​​investment as your own bakery.

Ready-made bakery business plan will give you a clear understanding of what this production is.

Why is a bakery a profitable business?

Products general consumption always in demand. As they say, bread is the head of everything, and therefore it is almost impossible to remain without customers.

Reasons to invest in the bakery business:

    For the production part does not require highly qualified personnel.

    Employees receive all knowledge within 2-4 days of practice.

    Quick installation and setup of bakery equipment.

    To forge manufacturing process, enough 25-30 calendar days.

    Installation companies will help you set up your equipment and train your staff before you even get started.

    Constant demand for bakery products.

    Rising prices for maintenance large enterprises makes large plants unprofitable.

    Small and medium businesses that can fill this niche to the fullest and provide the market with a high-quality product.

  1. Most bakeries are located close to the point of sale, because products arrive on the shelves “only from the oven”, which increases its demand.
  2. Not a large number of points of sale will allow you to study and adjust the demand for products, and it is also easy to change the assortment of the bakery depending on the indicators by quarter.
  3. Direct supply of raw materials without extra charges.
  4. Bread is a socially significant product, because you can get government support.

    In the event of a shortage of raw materials or other problems, you can rely on.

    High rates of trade, due to the short terms of the sale of bread, will allow receive payment from buyers within 5-10 calendar days.

    Retail sales give you a steady stream of cash.

    According to the legislation of the Russian Federation for LLC, the amount of cash in the cash desk of the enterprise should not exceed 2,000,000 rubles.

    Given the constant turnover of funds and payment for raw materials, the business plan of the bakery provides full control and exemption from unnecessary financial transactions to withdraw cash from the current account.

Bakery business plan in detail

Average profit per year: 180 000$
The level of profitability of the bakery business plan: 620%
Payback period: 5-6 months.

Where to begin? From the analysis of points of sale and features of food products for which there will be maximum demand.

To determine the type of goods and production volumes, spend 1 - 2 weeks researching the location and nearby competitors.

Development tactics in the bakery business plan should pursue the following goals:

  • Improving production by realizing the potential of equipment and personnel.
  • Affordable prices without significant damage to the bakery's profits.
  • Taking into account the wishes of ordinary consumers regarding diversity bakery products.
  • Increase in sales volumes.
  • Search for a bakery.
  • Employee training and customization feedback with the consumer.
  • Advertising campaign.
  • Development of the competitiveness of production by adjusting price indicators and the quality of products.

For your bakery business plan to be successful, all of the above conditions must be met.

Today, the price of the product has become an important competitive condition. The tactics of conquering the market must follow the trends to increase the profitability of your business.

1. Marketing tactics.

Any business begins with determining the directions in which production lines and product range will develop.

It is important for a bakery to analyze trends in the growth / decline in demand for different kinds baked goods throughout the year.

A marketing analysis of a bakery business plan should:

    Find out which products are in high demand among buyers.

    How much does quality affect the sale of a product?

  • Determine the average sales volumes of different varieties of the product at your potential outlets.
  • Consider the sales volume of the product by competitors located in your area.
  • Determine the criteria for ordering products.
  • Find out the strengths of your competitors.
  • Take into account trends in demand for bakery products throughout the quarter.

Information about buyers will make it possible to occupy your segment of the product sales market, and data on other firms will make it possible to adjust the product to the most competitive indicators.

General knowledge of the sales market is aimed at improving the position of the bakery in the future and ensuring favorable economic conditions for business development.

What methods to apply:

  1. Identification of the pain points of the business and the strengths of the bakery.
  2. Market segmentation.
  3. Positioning of manufacturers and product lines.
  4. Methods of statistical calculations.

Research should be limited to the territorial factor. The analysis of nearby areas of the product sales market is considered optimal.

In the course of the analysis, it is necessary to find out which aspects buyers give more importance to.

The data graph should contain (%):

  • freshness;
  • taste qualities;
  • external indicators of the product;
  • the benefits of the product;
  • price;
  • availability of packaging.

The information will allow you to highlight the main points that you should pay special attention to attract the maximum number of customers.

It is also necessary to take into account the place where customers prefer to buy bakery products. If this is a kiosk, then a reasonable solution would be to conclude contracts with just such points of sale.

For a total advantage in the bakery business plan, as many market research factors as possible should be taken into account.

Practice has shown that the priorities are such areas as advertising and pricing policy.

The expansion of the range of bakery products will also have a positive impact on business. Much attention should be paid to the types of pastries that are in high demand in other cities, but so far little mastered in the bakeries of your locality.

2. Production calculations for the business plan of the bakery.

Work planning cannot be imagined without a production component.

Although the methods of making bakery products are not a secret, it is worth taking a very detailed look at each component.

The quality of raw materials will affect both the product itself and its demand. The correct definition of proportions will make it possible to appropriately distribute the financial flows allocated for the raw material base.

The main stages of the technological process of the bakery:

  1. Sift the main component - premium flour.
  2. Throw all the ingredients into the dough kneading machine.
  3. Keep the mixture.
  4. Cut into portions.
  5. Add special components to improve product quality and send to the seaming machine.
  6. Build a product.
  7. Let the test stand.
  8. Bake items.
  9. Distribute into trays.

Depending on the type of pastry that the bakery produces, the production plan may vary slightly. All components must be of the best quality.

a) Accounting for bakery equipment in a business plan

The best option would be to hire a specialist who will help you choose high-quality equipment at an affordable price.

*Table above shows average cost equipment across the country.

The information in the table is presented in foreign currency for convenience. Inflation is constantly changing, so prices in dollars will give more accurate data on upcoming expenses.

Installation and configuration are usually free. Some supplier companies conduct training courses where your employees will learn how to operate the equipment. The cost of classes, as a rule, is symbolic.

b) Bakery space

Depending on the scale of the enterprise, the size of warehouse and other premises may vary upwards.

Arrangement of equipment, taking into account the possibility of its maintenance in the future, will increase the occupied area to 60-70 m 2 .

The data in the table shows the average size with a margin of 10 - 20 cm 2. The preferred width and length of the workshop is 7 m × 10 m. Height - within 3 - 4 m.

In addition to the production line, you will face the problem of storing raw materials and finished products. Dough components must also be kept separate from flour.

Total + 3 rooms.

Additional warehouses bakeries:

    flour storage.

    A small bakery should have at least 7 days of raw materials in their business plan.

    To meet these needs, a room with a total area of ​​​​more than 22 m 2 and a height of 3.5 m is required.

    Bakery bakery storage.

    Depending on the mode of operation and the daily amount of finished products, a room of the required size is selected.

    Minimum 10 m2.

    Blend Item Storage(seasonings, cereals, dry yeast, etc.).

    An area of ​​​​7 - 8 m 2 will completely accommodate a weekly supply of additional raw materials for production.

Taking into account all the premises, yours should be focused on 90-100 m 2 of production space.

In addition to size, attention should be paid to SES requirements. Without their approval, further business development may stall for 1-2 months.

SES requirements for the production areas of the bakery:

  1. It is forbidden to equip a bakery in basements or places with high dampness.
  2. The floor must have a layer that does not allow water to pass through.
  3. Walls should be tiled or painted.
  4. Availability of hot / cold water + sewerage.
  5. Utility rooms for employees and raw materials.
  6. Correct ventilation.

By taking care of the above conditions in advance, you will save a lot of time in the future and get rid of problems with sanitation services.

c) Documents for the production part of the bakery

Documents that are necessary for equipping the premises and starting production must be collected after the purchase / lease of the premises and repair.

You will be pointed out the shortcomings and given 1 month to correct.

Terms are floating, it all depends on the quantity problematic issues that will arise during the verification process.

What documents are needed:

  • An act authorizing the conduct of activities from the SES;
  • Fire inspection permit;
  • Admission to activities from the environmental commission.

Terms of receipt - from 2 weeks to 2 months.

If all checks were passed successfully, the bakery business plan can be implemented as quickly as possible.

3. Financial plan for the bakery.

An essential component of your business plan.

Where the costs go, how to bring production to a high level of profit, where to find raw materials at the lowest price - all these calculations should make your bakery a highly profitable business.

a) Organizational costs

To get a plus, you will need to draw up an optimal work schedule that will not contradict sanitary requirements.

It is better to focus on increasing the productivity of equipment, which can lead to additional expenses.

Optimal bakery production plan:

  1. Work in 3 shifts with a rotating schedule for employees.
  2. Shift 1 is an 8-hour work day.
  3. In 1 working day, 2 shifts are allowed according to the plan.
  4. A floating schedule will allow you to use the equipment 30 calendar days per month.
  5. The average baking rate is 6,000 units.
  6. The mass of 1 unit of production (bread) is 400 grams.

Thus, the annual plan for the manufacture of goods will exceed 120 tons.

The calculations did not take into account the production of other bakery products, such as buns, rolls and more.

b) Major items of expenditure

costly business. Payment for the work of employees, the purchase of equipment, certificates for trade are far from all the expenses of an entrepreneur.

Full set of equipment was considered above and in its value reached 72,000 conventional units.

If you take into account additional elements, such as knives and special clothing, the final amount will increase to $ 73,000 - $ 74,000.

Apart from technical equipment 3 more documents are required:

  1. Quality certificate.
  2. Hygienic certificate for the goods.
  3. Permission of production activity for business.

To obtain a hygiene certificate, you will have to give several samples for examination to the nearest state laboratory. Product analysis will take no more than 3 calendar days.

The price for this package of documents is about $80. Please note that you will need to update permissions at least once a quarter.

Another important cost item in a bakery's business plan is raw materials.

The cost of flour, yeast, seasonings and other baking ingredients should be included in the calculations. financial plan.

More detailed information can be seen in the table below:

TOTAL cost of raw materials per 1 ton of finished products287,8 $

Type of raw material

Consumption of raw materials per 1 ton of products, kg

Cost of 1 kg of raw materials, USD

The cost of raw materials per 1 ton of products, USD

Premium wheat flour760 0,30 228
Pressed yeast31 0,8 24,8
Salt16 0,15 2,4
Sugar16 0,6 9,6
Margarine9 2 18
improver5 1 5

The average cost of raw materials per 1 ton reaches $220 - $270. It is better to take indicators with a margin of 2 - 3% and focus on high-quality raw materials to obtain the appropriate product.

Compensation of employees of the enterprise depends on the quality of work and calculations included in the business plan of the project.

To support the production process of the bakery in 2 shifts and on a 30-day schedule, a minimum of 27 employees will be required.

The amount of salary should not be lower than the subsistence minimum established by the state.

Fig.1 - Monthly labor costs.

The monthly deductions include taxation. The bakery will have to count 38% in Pension Fund and to pay the unified social tax.

This will be: 0.38 * 3620 \u003d $ 1375.6 per month

Equipment that works around the clock, sooner or later will become faulty. Fund depreciation takes into account these factors and allows you to prepare the ground in advance for solving such problems.

Calculated as 9% for 1 year of the total cost of purchased equipment.

This will be: 0.75% * $72,000 = $540

Property tax provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation for all manufacturing enterprises including the bakery.

Currently, this fee is 2.1% per year of the cost of equipment.

This will be: (2.1% / 12) * 72,000 / 100% = $ 126 for 1 month

Quality certificate What you received at the beginning of work should be updated quarterly. This expense item should also be taken into account in the financial part of the bakery business plan.

This will be: 180/3=60$ every month

In addition to the specified expenses, you should take into account transport and other petty expenses for running a bakery that need to be mapped to enterprises in advance.

Below you can see a list of all monthly expenses:

Putting everything together, we get a tidy sum of $ 36,000. This is how much you will have to pay per month for the maintenance of the bakery.

Of course, enterprising people will find how to save money, but the operations performed should not affect the quality of the product. The level of sales will fall - business income will decrease.

c) Calculation of sales revenue and total profit

To calculate the amount of revenue, we turn to the average cost of bread in the country - $ 0.22.

Working according to the standard schedule, the bakery produces more than 5,500 units per month (only bread is taken into account).

Revenue will be: 5,500 * 2 * 30 * $ 0.22 = $ 66,000

Given the diversity of the range of goods, production costs will increase, but income will also increase proportionally. It all depends on priority areas production lines, which are defined in the marketing component of the bakery business plan.

    Gross profit of the bakery.

    The indicator is the difference between revenue and cost of goods.

  1. All organizations are required to pay to the country's treasury 1% of the fund for wages your business.
  2. Taxable Income, which decreases due to the deduction of fees on the gross profit of the bakery.
  3. General income tax of 25% on the amount of funds received.

As a result, we get residual profit, which is most rationally spent on improving equipment and technological processes enterprises, especially at its start.

The financial plan of the bakery business plan should provide for a clear distribution of residual funds from the bakery's income.

Many private bakeries prefer to transfer residual funds to current bank accounts at a rate of 2 - 3% per annum. It is necessary to consider all possible options for capital growth.

d) Efficiency study

How quickly the business will pay off is the main question of every entrepreneur before. Previous calculations were the basis for calculating this particular indicator.

In addition to the main indicator of business growth, there are 4 secondary ones. They should be taken into account in the business plan of the bakery to adjust and correct problematic production lines.

Additional profitability criteria:

    Product profitability.

    Indicates the ratio of net financial return to one currency unit.

    Thus, the financial plan of the bakery business plan will show information on the quality of the use of financial resources.

    Formula: Profitability \u003d Net profit / Cost of goods

    In our case: 17,000/36168.67= 0.47

    Capital productivity.

    It is expressed in relation to the quantity of goods to the price per 1 currency unit.

    The value gives an idea of ​​the amount of profit from each ruble spent in your business plan.

    Formula: Return on assets \u003d Revenue from the sale of goods / Total price of funds

    In our case: 66,000 / (72,000+100) = 0.915

    For every dollar invested, we get $0.915 in profit.

    Capital intensity.

    Inverse rate of return on assets.

    Indicates how much funds from funds must be invested to receive 1 currency unit.

    Formula: Capital intensity \u003d Total price of funds / Revenue from the sale of goods

    In our case: (72,000 + 100) / 66,000 = 1.09

    Spending for 1 currency unit of the product.

    Display in the business plan of the bakery the amount of money spent on getting $ 1 from the product.

    Formula: Cost per unit = Cost of goods / Revenue from the sale of goods

    In our case: 36168.67 / 66,000 = 0.548

Additional components of the financial plan will help you evaluate the correctness of decisions and suggest potential options for the development of the business as a whole.

To see a visual result, use an iterative formula that displays the difference between the funds spent and received for 30 calendar days.

Interest charged by the banking system for taking out a loan0,02

Months of operation of the enterprise

Net income USD

Business income, USD

0 0 72 100 -72 100
1 17000 73 442 -56 442
2 34 000 74 911 -40 911
3 51000 76 409 -25 409
4 68 000 77 937 -9 937
5 85000 79 496 5 504
6 102 000 81 086 20 914

According to the table above, we will be able to assess the profitability and payback of the bakery business plan.

If you did not take out a loan, but invested yourself, you can get rid of the extra 2% deposit rate, reducing the payback by almost 1 month.

Fig 2. - Payback business plan for a bakery.

According to the schedule, the first predominance of profit over costs falls on end of 5th month. This means that our bakery is quite short time will allow you to get back the invested money and get a profit.

If the amount of money spent in the business plan still seems too large for you, you can use an alternative option - renting a bakery.

You will reduce costs by 2-3 times due to the availability of equipment and ready-made premises that meet sanitary standards. The payback of such a bakery business plan will be 2 months.

4. We take into account the environmental component and risk factors in the business plan of the bakery.

Tolerance environmental services is an important part in organizing the work of the bakery.

The commission report should indicate the main advantages of your business compared to large analogues - this will simplify the process of obtaining a certificate and save you time.

What is the burden on the environment:

  1. Electricity consumption for stable operation of equipment and lighting of production areas.
  2. The use of fuel for the transportation of finished goods to points of sale.
  3. Utilization of secondary raw materials and other industrial waste.

Unlike large-scale production, the bakery does less harm environment on all of the above. Rational placement allows to reduce the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere by 50-70% compared to other large enterprises.

Always consider risk factors.

The business plan of the bakery should contain a separate financial section, which will provide for the allocation of 2 - 3% monthly profit for insurance possible problems in future.

Risk factors for a bakery business plan:

    Rising prices for raw materials.

    To prevent problems, long-term contracts with suppliers on favorable terms should be concluded.

    High competition.

    No one can forbid building another bakery 50 steps away from you. The struggle for points of sale will begin.

    To prevent the loss of the customer base, it is necessary to constantly expand the range and monitor the quality of bakery products.

The expansion of the bakery and the opening of new outlets will strengthen your position in the market and make your business even more profitable.

Not always the concept of "bakery" is limited to the production of bread.

An excellent example of this is the Bulki institution:

Whatever area of ​​investment you choose, having a business plan is the most important component of the successful implementation of the project.

Planning items of expenditure and activities will prevent unpleasant surprises that may await you in the future.

We hope reviewed bakery business plan will help you in opening a personal business which will bring a stable income for many years.

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Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 600,000 rubles.
  • Net profit - 70,550 rubles.
  • Initial costs - 1,000,800 rubles.
  • Payback - from 1 year and 3 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will draw up a detailed business plan for a mini-bakery with calculations.

Service Description

The organization is engaged in the production of bakery products. The assortment will include: bread, bagels, bagels, dryers, muffins, muffins and buns with cottage cheese. Please note that the bakery will not be engaged in direct sales of finished products. A sales representative will be responsible for the sale of products in bulk.

Market analysis

Bakery products are a commodity daily demand. In any economic situation, people will need to eat. In addition, bread has been an essential attribute of any table since the times of Russia.

When opening your own mini-bakery, you need to decide which stages will be included in the production. There are several options:

  1. Full cycle enterprise. The organization will be engaged in the production of bakery products from start to finish. That is, the dough will be made in the mini-bakery itself. This option is suitable for those who are ready to invest serious money now in order to get big profits at the end.
  2. An enterprise based on the production of bakery products from semi-finished products. In this case, the production is engaged exclusively in baking products from the finished dough. This option requires less investment than the first. But the profitability will be much lower.
  3. Open a bakery franchise. This option makes it possible to obtain a ready-made certified production technology. Profitability will be somewhat less than in the first option if production volumes are the same.

We will consider the first option, as it gives more prospects to the entrepreneur.

Today, the main production of bakery products falls on factories and large bakeries (61%). Almost a quarter of the market is accounted for by private bakeries (21%). A share of 13% falls on supermarkets, which independently produce bakery products for sale.

The main competitors of our mini-bakery will be:

  1. Large bakeries. Their main advantage will be mass production, and consequently, a large number of products. The demand for their product is quite large.
  2. Various hyper- and supermarkets, as well as other shops that are engaged in independent production of pastries. The volume of production for each of them is small. They satisfy the demand of their customers, but cannot provide large volumes. Often their products are bought under the influence of momentary demand (spontaneous purchases).

The main advantages of the products of both types of competitors will be that they quickly respond to market changes. They are also able to quickly increase the range, volumes. Another plus is that such organizations are used for the production of bakery products of high quality raw materials.

It is worth noting that the main disadvantage is that both competitors use additives that make appearance products are better. But because of this, the price of bread also rises.

At first, it will be quite difficult to find stores that are ready to purchase products in our mini-bakery. Main competitive advantages will be:

  • provision of fresh produce;
  • quality of bakery products;
  • acceptable cost.

Potential buyers will be small shops, stalls.

After the main consumers are found, the entrepreneur may think about opening his own bakery, which will serve as an additional income.

SWOT analysis

When opening your own mini-bakery, you need to carefully analyze all the factors. They are usually divided into external - independent of the entrepreneur - and internal - which can be influenced.

To external factors accepted to refer to:

  1. Opportunities:
  • Free access to the necessary resources.
  • A small activity of competitors (their work is not aimed at fighting).
  • Use of new technologies and developments.
  • Possibility of increasing the variety of products.
  • Increasing demand for a product.
  • An increase in the standard of living and, as a result, the level of income of citizens.
  • No number of new competitors (due to the fact that there are barriers to freely enter the market).
  1. Threats:
  • Changing consumer preferences.
  • A sharp increase in competition among existing manufacturers.
  • Alternative products may be available.
  • Increasing requirements for manufactured products.
  • High sensitivity to the conditions of a newly emerging business.

To internal factors can be attributed:

  1. Strengths:
  • The company employs only highly qualified personnel.
  • Only high quality products are produced.
  • Use of effective advertising.
  • Well-established technological process.
  • Use of the most modern production technologies.
  • Working with reliable product suppliers.
  • Use of the most modern equipment.
  • Deep analysis of consumer preferences.
  1. Weak sides:
  • Self-financing.
  • Unfinished strategy.
  • Lack of product distribution channels.
  • Inexperience.

It is important, when creating a mini-bakery, to pay attention to the following issues:

  1. Increase in the range of products. At the same time, it is important to take into account consumer preferences, to make your products focused on a certain circle of wholesale buyers.
  2. Development of own production technology. It is important to come up with original recipes and use only natural products during manufacture.
  3. Development of the dealer network, the possibility of opening own points sales. If there are no funds to open stores, you can think about cooperation with a chain of stores that also appeared on the market not so long ago.
  4. Try to provide yourself with individual orders in advance.

Opportunity Assessment

Our mini-bakery will be open seven days a week. Operating mode for different categories workers will be their own.

So, the bakers will work in two shifts according to the schedule 2 through 2. Their working hours are from 23:00 to 09:00.

The second category of workers will be a sales representative who will be looking for customers and delivering products. It will work daily from 7:00 to 15:00. You can do without a sales representative if the entrepreneur himself takes on these responsibilities.

There is no seasonality, as such, in this type of business. Demand may decrease during the hot season, but not significantly. The organization can find additional wholesale buyers at these moments.

During the opening, it will also be necessary to hire a professional technologist to help set up production. As the range and workshop expand, his services may be needed again.

When choosing a room for a bakery, you need to decide on the required area. We have chosen a full-cycle enterprise, so we need a room with an area of ​​at least 50 m 2. If it is planned to bake from ready-made dough, then the workshop can fit on an area of ​​​​15-20 m 2.

It is very important, when choosing a room, to pay attention to the power supply. This issue is best agreed with the technologist. He will tell you how much power will be needed to operate the mini-bakery.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Registration of own company. It could be or. OKVED codes can be as follows:
  • 15.81 Manufacture of bread and flour confectionery products of non-durable storage;
  • 15.82 - Production of dry bakery products and flour confectionery products with a long shelf life.

If you plan to sell own products, then you may need the following codes OKVED:

  • 52.24 — Retail bread, bakery and confectionery products;
  • 55.30. Activities of restaurants and cafes.
  1. An entrepreneur can choose either UTII. In the second case, two options are possible - STS "Income" 6% or STS "Income minus expenses" 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  2. To work by bank transfer is necessary.
  3. Ask if there are tax holidays in your area. They are provided only for certain types of IP activities. Mini bakery falls under production activities. We remind you that an entrepreneur who has not previously carried out his own activities can receive tax holidays. There are other conditions for obtaining benefits (percentage of income, a certain taxation system, and others). The duration of such tax holidays cannot exceed two years (1 or 2 tax periods). More detailed information can be found in federal law N 477-FZ "On Amendments to Part Two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation".
  4. You need to understand that the mini-bakery produces products for the population. This area is strictly regulated by various regulations. Before starting activities, they will need to be studied and matched with them.
  5. It is also necessary to strictly comply with existing fire safety standards and sanitary rules.
  6. Documents with requirements for product quality are subject to study.
  7. Remember that all equipment must be certified in Russia.
  8. Licensing the operation of a mini-bakery, as well as obtaining permission from the FEZ for products and premises not necessary.
  9. It will be necessary to conclude agreements with the relevant organizations for disinfestation, disinfection and deratization.
  10. You will need a contract for the disposal of solid waste and laundry services.
  11. The production control program must be approved at the enterprise with a plan dedicated to the sanitary measures taken and the control of production technology.
  12. Logs should be kept to account for disinfection and conduct general cleaning in the premises.
  13. All workers must have medical books and timely medical examination.
  14. Do not forget that all bakery products must have a declaration of conformity with the requirements of TR CU 021/2011. It is valid for 5 years. Certification centers can help in obtaining a declaration as they provide consulting services.

Marketing plan

Pricing strategy:

The cost of production should not be overestimated. It is better to stay at the average market price or slightly lower. It is advisable to use the latter strategy only if the enterprise will not incur losses.

Marketing strategy:

As such, there will be no advertising of our mini-bakery. The product will be promoted by the sales representative and the entrepreneur himself. Their main tools will be preliminary calls potential clients, mailing commercial offers, distribution of booklets to shops with price lists, negotiations with potential customers.

Thus, we can say that the cost of advertising will be reduced to the costs used for the production of booklets. The share of these costs in the total costs will be very small.

Another advantage of the work will be that the bakery will work on pre-orders. That is, there will be no stale products and goods that will need to be written off. Everything that is produced will be immediately sold.

Calculation of projected income

Production plan

When choosing a rented premises, remember that it must meet certain requirements:

  • There must be a working ventilation system.
  • Place a bakery in the basement it is forbidden.
  • There must be a sewer drain, as well as cold and hot water.
  • The room should have a warehouse and a toilet.
  • The ceilings in the room must be whitewashed, and the walls are tiled.

Based on these requirements, as well as the norms of the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it is necessary to repair the premises.

You will need a set of equipment for the operation of a full-cycle bakery. This will include ovens, cabinets, kneaders, tubs, sheets, tables, racks, and so on.

Staffing schedule:

organizational plan

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax: 83,000 rubles.
  • Tax (15% according to the simplified tax system): 12,450 rubles.
  • Net profit: 70,550 rubles.
  • Profitability: (70,550/600,000)*100% = 0.12%.
  • Payback: 1,000,800/70,550 = 14.2. Therefore, the project will pay off in a year and 3 months.


An entrepreneur should think about possible risks and do everything to avoid them. They are usually divided into external and internal.

External risks cannot be controlled, but measures can be taken to avoid the consequences. These include:

  1. Cost growth

Today, this risk is especially relevant. This is due to the constant rise in prices for raw materials and end products.

An increase in the cost of raw materials used will negatively affect the company's revenue - it will noticeably decrease.

It is possible to reduce losses by concluding long-term contracts indicating a fixed (not floating!) price for raw materials. In order to have time to respond to price changes, it is necessary to constantly monitor prices.

If the situation has already happened, then you can compensate for your losses by setting a higher price for the products.

  1. Growth in the number of competitors

The probability of this risk occurring can be assessed as medium.

In the event of the emergence of new competitors, some consumers may refuse the services of our production. This will reduce the volume of sales, and hence the amount of revenue.

It is possible to avoid possible losses, it is necessary to pay special attention to customer loyalty. It is worth thinking about the development of qualitatively different products, the use of the most advanced technologies.

  1. Seasonal decline in demand

The probability of such a risk is medium.

Decrease in demand will be reflected in the number of sales. It will decrease. At the same time, the main part of the costs will not decrease, which will inevitably lead to a sharp decrease in profits.

In order to prevent such a situation, you need to competently approach the search for customers, correctly distribute your production capacity, develop effective strategy product promotion.

  1. Changes in regulatory legal acts relating to this industry

The likelihood of such a risk is low.

It is almost impossible to avoid it in advance. It is only important to be ready to process existing technological maps production and revision of the range.

Internal risks can be controlled, some even eliminated altogether. These include:

  1. Incompetence of staff, their low qualification

The likelihood of such a risk is high.

As a result, sales may drop significantly. An enterprise may even become unprofitable, while intensifying the effect of some external risks.

To avoid this situation, you must:

  • Study your resume in detail when applying for a job.
  • Hire people with experience.
  • Build a learning system.
  • Raise the qualifications of employees (train personnel related to the use of the latest equipment).
  1. Technological risks

The likelihood of this risk occurring is low.

It is important that the technology used in the enterprise is efficient and the production process is streamlined. It is also important to check the condition of the equipment in a timely manner, to repair the slightest malfunctions (even those that do not currently affect production).

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!

They are equipped for organizing Catering halls, and in addition to bakery and confectionery products, the range also includes or for customers who want to consume products right here and now.

Bakery products are loved by many, so even in crisis periods bakeries are highly profitable. Entrepreneurs interested in opening it should know the main aspects and nuances of this business and pay attention to planning.

List of equipment for bakeries


  • flour sifter(from $400). It is used for loosening, aeration and additional cleaning of flour. The prepared flour is free from unwanted impurities, has a uniform moisture content and density, and is enriched with oxygen to improve the subsequent fermentation of the dough. Flour sifters come with magnetic traps, thanks to which you can catch metal particles.
  • Industrial mixer(from $800). Needed for quick kneading different types test. The dough mixer ensures accurate consumption of products and strict adherence to the recipe, helps to minimize the need for manual labor and eliminate human error.
  • proofing cabinet(from $900). Helps in preparing the dough for baking, allowing it to rest, rise and bring to the desired condition and for fermentation. The temperature and humidity set in it ensure a neat and even increase in bread collections, avoiding cracks and dry edges.
  • convection oven(price from $1500). It bakes bakery products. There are highly specialized or suitable for different types of dough.

An additional bakery will need:

  • Production tables, flat trays, perforated wavy trays, production tables and racks, baking molds, washing baths, hairpin trolley, scales.

For confectionery and other purposes, depending on the type of raw materials used and the products produced, refrigeration equipment may be required.

How much money is needed? Opening a mini-bakery with a size of 20 m² costs from $5,000 - this is the price for a set of equipment with a capacity of 400 kg of products per 12-hour shift. For a bakery with a production of 1000 kg of products, a room of approximately 45 m² and an investment of $19,000 will be required.

Step by step instructions for opening

Having studied the main features of the chosen business vector, you should draw up step by step plan actions. So, the most important steps that the future owner of the bakery will need to pay attention to will look like this step by step:

  1. Brand creation.
  2. or .
  3. The choice of premises, repair and equipping it with everything necessary. Here, it is imperative to take care of the compliance of the bakery shop with the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station and other specialized services.
  4. Purchase of equipment.
  5. Registration of permits for the enterprise;
  6. Personnel selection.
  7. Purchase of raw materials.

Even before the opening, you need to calculate the demand for such an enterprise, the start-up costs of starting a business and the expected profitability. Given these circumstances, it is determined whether the bakery will have a stationary format, or whether it will be a mini-enterprise. To save on start-up investments, you can choose the trailer bakery option. Based on such calculations, a business plan should be drawn up, which should outline the main aspects.

After a business plan has been drawn up from scratch, it is necessary to select a suitable premises. If there are plans to open a mini-bakery, the workshop area and trading floor together can be about 20-30 squares. Geographically, it can be located both in a separate building and indoors. shopping center. The main condition is that the place must be passable, and the institution itself must be visible to passers-by. The cost of renting a room can be different: it depends both on the territorial location and on the area.

Video about bakeries:

Having resolved the issue of finding premises, you should make sure that all the requirements that the sanitary service makes for enterprises of this kind will be met. First of all, it is important that the bakery has cold and hot water, ventilation, sewerage, a toilet and other utility rooms. In addition, the room should not be a basement.

You need to take care of the purchase of production, commercial equipment for the bakery. Mandatory will be:

  • bake;
  • dough kneading machine;
  • tables for cutting and rolling dough;
  • flour sifter.

Commercial equipment, including a showcase, cabinets for placing and storing finished products, a safe, a cash register, must also be purchased for another preparatory stage. Additionally, you will need furniture and certain household equipment.

For work, first of all, bakers, a technologist and staff for cleaning the premises will be needed. Since all employees work with food, they must have sanitary books.

Business registration and permits

Basis for entrepreneurial activity Every company must be registered with tax office. For a private bakery, there are two acceptable forms - and. Individual entrepreneurship is available for one person, so opening an enterprise in partnership with other citizens is impossible. If a citizen already has the status of an individual entrepreneur, it is worth making sure that in OKVED codes, which he provided during registration, is the relevant branch of activity regarding activities and cafes. If a different profile of activity was chosen during the registration of the bakery, the corresponding codes should be added.

In cases where the enterprise will be opened simultaneously by several persons, the LLC will be the optimal organizational form.

Once a suitable bakery has been selected organizational form, it is necessary to decide which taxation system is suitable for the future enterprise. The most suitable form would be UTII, but this option will not be acceptable for any organization. Another profitable taxation system that provides for the payment of a tax of 6% or 15% is the simplified tax system. This form is acceptable for organizations with a small annual income.

In order to start an activity on the basis of the simplified taxation system, an appropriate application must be submitted along with the main application during registration.

Except a number registration documents, to open a bakery, even a mini-format, certain permits will be required:

  • the conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological service for production and for the products themselves. It is issued by Rospotrebnadzor;
  • certificate of conformity issued by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology;
  • fire department permit.

So for successful business must be carefully calculated economic indicators future bakery, find out the features of the chosen field of activity and register new company in accordance with the requirements of the law.

Business plan

We present you an example of a business plan with calculations in the form of a presentation that will help you estimate approximate costs and draw up your project.

Remember that in your case, expenses and income may differ, sometimes very significantly.

useful links

  • Bread business: how to make money at a bakery and a bakery // RBC, a research article with successful examples