A ready-made business plan for growing and selling mushrooms - the relevance of the business, an overview of the sales market, possible risks and guarantees. How to Sell Mushrooms: Selling Tips Mushroom Franchise

The mushroom growing business is highly profitable - about 40% or more. The annual global increase in production volumes is 6-8%. However, growing mushrooms requires space and special equipment, which is associated with additional costs.

So, for example, experienced mushroom growers use cultivation chambers that provide a constant microclimate and optimal carbon dioxide content in the air during certain phases of mushroom development. In the process of growing, these parameters can vary significantly. From right choice premises and their competent arrangement directly depends on the success of your enterprise and your profit. Even if you are lucky and you own suitable areas (a dry shed or a spacious greenhouse is quite suitable for this), you still cannot do without additional investments.

It is desirable that the room where you are going to grow mushrooms is equipped with ventilation (and ideally air conditioning) and heating systems. It must maintain a certain temperature and humidity. The amount of expenses for the arrangement depends on the area of ​​​​the premises, its purpose and condition, the planned production volumes and the type of mushrooms. Since oyster mushrooms are not very sensitive to parameters such as relative humidity, light and temperature fluctuations, the equipment of premises for growing these mushrooms is associated with lower costs.

But with champignons, everything is more serious. Here you will have to strictly monitor compliance with all microclimate parameters. For growing oyster mushrooms, you can use almost any ground structures (sheds, vegetable and potato stores, greenhouses, buildings for keeping animals, etc.). Of all this diversity, greenhouses are most often preferred. To protect against direct sunlight and excessive heat when using a conventional greenhouse, you can simply paint its glass with white paint. If there is always a large supply of bags with substrates in the greenhouse, then even in winter at temperatures below -10 ... -15 ° C, the temperature in the greenhouse itself does not fall below zero.

Under such conditions, however, mushrooms do not grow, but the mycelium retains its viability. A greenhouse, barn or other premises can be either purchased or rented for a small price. A dry shed is suitable for storing straw (from which the substrate is prepared). Substrate pasteurization is carried out in special containers or a chamber. Under the camera, you can use almost any room. Think in advance where you will cut the straw. To keep the substrate in hot water, you will need to dig special holes or purchase containers.

When growing champignons, you can also save a little on rent and the second phase of compost fermentation and all stages of sprouting mycelium and growing the fruiting bodies themselves can be done in one, and not in different chambers. It is possible to disinfect the cultivation chamber after the removal of the next portion of the used compost using a steam generator, which is also used to process future compost. The savings on rent in this case, however, will not be so big, since you will have to purchase additional equipment to control the temperature and relative humidity of the air, as well as ensure good moisture and heat insulation of the room.

Ways to grow oyster mushrooms

There are two main ways to grow oyster mushrooms: intensive and extensive. In the first case, mushrooms are cultivated in specially designed rooms with controlled microclimate parameters. Experienced mushroom growers even manage to achieve round-the-clock mushroom picking with high yields, for which various substrates are used. The duration of the "production cycle" is about two months.

The raw material for growing mushrooms is the substrate (this is what cultures are grown on), as well as mycelium (actually what they are grown from). Mushroom growers prepare the substrate themselves from wheat, rye or barley straw, flax bonfires, stalk and corn stalks or purchase from companies that produce it. In the latter case, substrate manufacturers, as a rule, give a guarantee that, subject to the conditions for growing mushrooms, at least 2 kg of mushrooms can be obtained from 10 kg of the substrate they sell. The cost of 10 kg of finished substrate is estimated at the wholesale price of 1 kg of oyster mushrooms at the time of sale.

When making the substrate yourself, you should pay attention to its quality and environmental friendliness. On a substrate with a high content of harmful chemical substances and fertilizers, as professional mushroom growers say, mushrooms will not grow. Sawdust, shavings, tree bark, chaff and other vegetable waste are used as additives that help to slightly increase yields. It is better to buy straw directly from the fields with your own transport.

When ordering the delivery of straw using the supplier's equipment, the cost of raw materials increases several times. Even clean straw still needs pre-treatment, as its surface contains a large number of microorganisms. To destroy them, heat treatment is used: the raw materials are immersed in a large container, filled with water brought to a boiling point, and left for a day. True, with this method of processing, you should not count on high yields. It is unlikely that it will exceed 1 kg of mushrooms per 10 kg of substrate. To increase these indicators, special chambers for pasteurization are used. Straw is placed in them, after which water vapor is forced inside. The temperature inside the chamber is about 60°C. The straw is kept under such conditions for 6-8 hours, after which the intensity of the steam supply is reduced so that the temperature inside the chamber drops by 10 degrees. The raw material remains in the chamber with continuous ventilation for another two days.

As a camera, as mentioned above, you can use any slightly refurbished room. With the purchase of a steam generator, there will also be no problems. The cost of simple equipment is 50-90 thousand rubles. However, many entrepreneurs save a lot on it by purchasing used or handicraft equipment.

After the pasteurization process is completed, the substrate is cooled and seeded with oyster mushroom mycelium (inoculated) at the rate of 30-50 kg per 1 ton of substrate. Then the substrate is placed in plastic bags of 10-12 kg. Holes are made in the bottom of the bag to remove excess water that accumulates during irrigation, after which they are placed in the germination chamber. In this room, you should not use wooden elements and you should not allow direct light to penetrate.

The temperature in such a chamber should not exceed 24°C, and the relative humidity of the air should be about 60-65%. The mushroom picker germinates within 1.5-2.5 weeks, after which the bags are transferred to the fruiting chamber. Here the temperature is maintained at the level of 12-18°C, and the relative humidity is within 80-85%. To ensure high humidity, experienced mushroom growers recommend using irrigation systems: for this, pipes are laid over the bags, in which holes of small diameter are made for spraying water or nozzles. The fruiting chamber should be lit with natural light or artificial fluorescent lighting.

If all conditions are met properly, then after 1-2 weeks embryos of fruiting bodies should appear on the surface of the mycelium, from which clusters of mushrooms will subsequently grow. Harvest "ripens" in waves lasting 5-7 days with an interval of 10-14 days between them. As a rule, the crop is harvested from the first three waves, and then the bags with the old mycelium are replaced with new ones.

Extensive cultivation of oyster mushrooms

The extensive method is the cultivation of mushrooms in conditions close to natural. In this case, the mycelium does not infect the substrate in bags, but the stumps of felled trees. hardwood. Their choice should be approached very carefully, giving preference to relatively young stumps that are not infected with other fungal cultures. Instead of stumps, so-called cuts made from the trunks of deciduous trees are also used. Cuts are infected with mycelium and kept at high humidity until they are overgrown with mycelium. After that, the cuts are planted in the ground, which is constantly moistened. The extensive method of growing mushrooms is used extremely rarely, since within 3-4 years after infection, the "harvest" will be no more than 10% of the mass of the stump or cut. Therefore, it is not necessary to count on high performance in this case.

The question of the choice of mycelium deserves special attention, because both the “harvest” and the quality of grown mushrooms directly depend on it. Mycelium can be grown independently or purchased from specialized companies. True, in the first case, it will be necessary to draw up the appropriate documents for your seed. In addition, growing mycelium is associated with certain time costs and difficulties, so many mushroom growers prefer not to do it on their own, but to buy ready-made material. Growing mycelium can be a profitable business in itself, but this activity requires more experience and knowledge than growing mushrooms. You will need a mother culture, which needs to be updated from time to time so that the fungus does not “degenerate”.

Oddly enough, but the most difficult thing in the mushroom business is the search for workers for such a farm. It is very difficult to find good specialists. There is no special education in this area, and you have to comprehend all the wisdom of this matter on your own from your own mistakes. If you are all lucky to find real experts, then they will ask for wages corresponding to their skills and knowledge. Their remuneration may directly depend on the volume of products produced, which will create better motivation. The number of workers in a mushroom farm depends on its size. For example, for growing 50-100 kg of oyster mushrooms per day, two people are enough, for 200-300 kg of products per day - three to five people. At the same time, other people should be involved in the preparation of the substrate and the organization of sales. Thus, the total “staff” of your enterprise will be about ten people, including workers, a manager, an accountant, a sales manager, etc.

Consider the transportation system in advance finished products to your buyers. It is desirable that your production is located within the city or in the suburbs. Placing a "mushroom farm" in an area is not the best solution, as in this case, the cost of transporting mushrooms can significantly increase the cost of production and, therefore, reduce your profit.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

200 000 ₽

Minimum start-up capital



9 months

Payback period

54 919 ₽

Net profit

The oyster mushroom growing project is distinguished by a low level of risk due to the simplicity of its organization, small initial investments and low current costs. The payback period of the project from the start of production will be 9 months.

Project Summary

The purpose of this project is the cultivation of mushrooms (oyster mushrooms) for the purpose of their fresh sale in the city of Rostov-on-Don with a subsequent increase production capacity and expanding the range of other types of mushrooms. Oyster mushroom is in constant demand among the population, it is unpretentious to temperature fluctuations, to the level of humidity and light, it is easy to care for, has a fast germination. The cost of growing oyster mushrooms is not high, thanks to which the business has good profitability.

The production has unlimited resources in raw materials (straw, sawdust, corn cobs, seeds, seed husks, etc.) and is located in an ecologically clean area, 15 km from the city, due to which the cost of transporting products without losing its quality for the end consumer is minimal.

The process includes 4 main steps:

    Purchase of seed material (mycelium);

    Substrate preparation (bag with nutrient medium and mycelium);

    Cultivation of mushrooms;


The cost of the project will be 202,500 rubles, which will be taken from personal savings. Most of the funds will go to the creation and equipment of a greenhouse on the territory of the summer cottage, which is owned, as well as the purchase of mycelium, fertilizers and other consumables. The payback period of the project from the start of production will be 9 months.

*data for 12 months from the start of sales of the work

The term of the preparatory part of the project will be 2 months. The first harvest is planned to be received in 40-50 days after planting.

Profitability of growing mushrooms (oyster mushroom)

Oyster mushroom is a cultivated mushroom. The market for cultivated mushrooms, unlike the market for wild mushrooms, is easily quantifiable. Until 2014, the largest share domestic market(about 85-90%) was occupied by imported products. Volume Russian production in 2014 it was limited to 8.02 thousand tons of mushrooms. However, already in August 2014, mushrooms came under an embargo. Imports began to decline in all positions. Foreign manufacturers began to leave the market, freeing up space Russian entrepreneurs. According to the School of Mushroom Growing magazine, over the first 9 months of 2015, Russian mushroom growers increased their production of oyster mushrooms by 17% compared to the same period last year.

Similar trends are recorded in the production of other mushrooms, in particular, champignons. As a result of the devaluation of the ruble, selling prices for cultivated mushrooms increased. Today, at least 158 ​​thousand tons of mushrooms will be required to cover the shortage in the market and switch to full import substitution. The current market conditions, as well as a weak level of competition, contribute to the opening of our own production.

The production itself is located on the territory of a summer cottage, 15 km from the city of Rostov-on-Don. The area of ​​the greenhouse and the premises in which the process of growing mushrooms takes place is 60 square meters. meters. To grow mushrooms, seed material (mycelium) is purchased from a specialized company, the cost of which is 50-55 rubles. per kilogram. Next, the preparation of the substrate and the process of growing oyster mushrooms take place on site, ensuring the required level of humidity. Raw materials for the preparation of the substrate are prepared independently or partially purchased (the cost of 1 ton of straw is 2 thousand rubles). The term of one production cycle is about 40-50 days. The goods are sold at a non-stationary outlet in the grocery market of Rostov-on-Don.

Since at the initial stage the enterprise is focused on a small volume of production (about 1 ton of mushrooms per month), regular and hired personnel will not be needed for maintenance. the main responsibilities, including the purchase of mycelium, planting, fertilizing and picking mushrooms, are carried out by members of the owner's family. The business owner is directly involved in the main production processes, and also carries out retail trade in the vegetable market. As a form of ownership, an individual entrepreneur with a simplified taxation system was chosen - 6% of the income received.

Product description (oyster mushroom)

Oyster mushroom is an environmentally friendly product, for the cultivation of which no chemical treatment is used. Unlike other popular cultivated mushrooms - champignons, which grow on rotted manure, oyster mushrooms prefer trees. The popularity of this mushroom is due to the various ways of its preparation. Oyster mushroom can be fried, boiled, salted, marinated. Oyster mushrooms are also actively used as an ingredient in various dishes, added to salads. Oyster mushrooms are especially in demand during the cold season, when the population's own mushroom reserves are exhausted.

Oyster mushroom not only has excellent taste properties, but also is good for health. Oyster mushroom reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. Oyster mushroom juice prevents the development of Escherichia coli. These mushrooms have a low calorie content (about 38 kcal fresh). Oyster mushrooms contain a large amount of carbohydrates, contain vitamins D2, E, C, B, PP. These mushrooms also contain enzymes that burn fats and glycogens. The pulp of the mushroom contains calcium, iodine, potassium, iron, biotin and thiamine. Other useful property oyster mushrooms are considered to lower blood sugar levels. Eating oyster mushrooms helps prevent the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, hepatitis, stomach ulcers and cholesteritis. Also, doctors recommend eating oyster mushrooms for people suffering from bronchitis or undergoing chemotherapy.

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The main disadvantage of oyster mushroom its fragility is considered, and therefore this mushroom is difficult to transport over long distances. Fresh unrefrigerated mushrooms are considered a very delicate cargo that requires a special temperature regime and the fastest possible delivery. Also, oyster mushroom has a rather weak mushroom aroma. If oyster mushroom spores enter the lungs, they can cause allergies.

It is planned to ensure the quality of the goods and safety for end users through the purchase of certified mycelium, disinfection industrial premises and equipment, as well as through the use of modern production technologies.

Cultivation of oyster mushrooms is a practically waste-free production, since the used substrate is used as a biologically active additive, which is used to feed pigs, as well as fertilizers for gardeners and gardeners. The spent substrate is planned to be sold as an additional source of income.

Sales and marketing in the supply of oyster mushrooms

The main requirement of consumers for products of this type is freshness, which determines the quality. The location of the mushroom farm is 15 km. from the place of sale allows you to organize transportation on your own transport (van "Lada Largus") without loss of quality. Products are sold at food and vegetable markets in Rostov-on-Don. No special packaging for mushrooms is required. Plastic boxes are used for transportation.

The price of products is based on the material costs of production and fuel, as well as the price of competitors, which on average in the city is 150 rubles. per kg. As competitive advantage at first it is supposed to set a retail price of 140 rubles. per kg. Depending on the level of demand and other factors (for example, the devaluation of the ruble), an increase or decrease in selling prices is possible.

As a method of increasing sales, it is planned to use advertising on the Internet to attract wholesale companies.

Oyster mushroom production plan

Geographically, the mushroom farm is located 15 km from the city of Rostov-on-Don, due to which the delivery time of mushrooms to the place of sale is no more than half an hour. The process of growing mushrooms takes place in an ecologically clean rural area, on the territory of a summer cottage. Business technology can be divided into several main stages:

At the first stage mycelium is purchased from specialized laboratory firms. The criterion for choosing a supplier is the availability of relevant documents, customer reviews, quality and affordable cost of products (50-55 rubles per kg). The purchase of mycelium is not made one-time, but several times a year, since the shelf life does not exceed 3-4 months. At the initial stage, it is planned to purchase mycelium from different suppliers for a visual comparison of the results and making a further decision.

Second phase implies self-preparation of the substrate, that is, a nutrient medium for fungi. Due to the lack of experience in commercial mushroom growing, at the beginning of the activity, it is suggested to prepare the substrate from various components in order to determine the best yield. Among them: wheat, rye, barley straw, oats, flax fires, stalk and corn stalks. The substrate must have aerobicity, the presence of air gaps between the particles, the possibility of rapid assimilation by mycelium.

It is also planned to use additives to increase productivity: sawdust, shavings, tree bark, floor and other plant waste. Pasteurization is used to clean straw from microorganisms. The raw materials are aged in a special chamber, into which water vapor is injected for about 6-8 hours at a temperature of 60°C. The pasteurization temperature must be kept within 55-60°C: a lower temperature does not kill diseases and microorganisms, and a higher temperature promotes the development of Trichoderma, which will destroy the crop. After that, the temperature decreases, and the raw material remains in the chamber for another two days.

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Next, the substrate is cooled and placed in plastic bags of 10-12 kg and sown with oyster mushroom mycelium at the rate of 150-200 grams per 1 bag. To remove excess moisture, holes are made in the bottom of the bag, after which the bags are placed in the germination chamber.

Third stage is to provide conditions for the cultivation of mushrooms. Direct sunlight is not allowed indoors. For germination, mushroom blocks are placed vertically, and the distance between them is 10 cm. The temperature is about 24 ° C, relative humidity is about 60-65%. The mushroom picker germinates within 10-17 days, after which the bags must be transferred to the fruiting chamber. Mushroom blocks are installed in one row in several tiers, the distance between the rows along the axes is 1 m. A lower temperature level is maintained in the fruiting chamber - about 12-18 ° C, and humidity at the level of 80-85%.

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To maintain high humidity, a special irrigation system is used. Subject to the conditions, the embryos of the fruiting bodies appear for 2 weeks. The harvest from each bag is collected in 3 waves, after which the mycelium is replaced with a new one. Mushrooms are collected by druses (aggregates) at a young age. The optimal cap size is up to 40 mm. The minimum yield from 1 offering wave is 150-200 kg from 1 ton of substrate, 350-400 kg from 2 tons. The total duration of the production cycle is about 2 months.

The final stage involves the implementation of the resulting crop. Mushrooms are perishable products that can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days. Markets are considered the main channels for the sale of mushrooms. grocery stores, restaurants and public catering facilities, enterprises for feeding farm animals. Due to the relatively small starting volumes of production, it is planned to implement one of the vegetable markets Rostov-on-Don. The rental price per day with VAT is 250 rubles.

The project will require an area of ​​60 sq. meters. To eliminate the cost of rent, it is planned to organize the cultivation of oyster mushrooms on the territory of their own summer cottage. It is planned to equip 2 separate rooms - an incubator where mycelium will grow, as well as a germination chamber with an exhaust hood. The planned production volume for the production cycle is 2000 kg, for the year (6 production cycles) - about 12000 kg.

The cost of building a greenhouse will amount to 100 thousand rubles. Another 114,500 rubles. required for equipment. Equipment costs are given in Table. one. Construction works scheduled to be completed within 2 months.

Table 1 Equipment Costs

For the operation of the enterprise, members of the owner's family are involved, who, along with the owner, perform the main functions, including planting, fertilizing and picking mushrooms. Format family business designed to reduce the cost of wages staff. The necessary experience is supposed to be acquired in the course of activities, as well as by reading special literature.

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The current costs are payment for electricity, the purchase of mycelium (50-55 rubles per kg.), The cost of fuel and lubricants. Spending on the purchase of mycelium may increase or decrease due to seasonal fluctuations in demand. The main period expenses also include rent for trading place on the market - 250 rubles. per day (average 7600 rubles per month).

Financial plan for growing mushrooms (oyster mushroom)

The main management responsibilities are assigned to the project owner, who carries out business planning, as well as the functions of providing conditions for the germination of mushrooms, their delivery to the place of sale, and also directly manages sales at the point of sale. Responsibilities for growing, caring for, picking mushrooms are also assigned to members of the owner's family.

For the preparatory period, 202,500 rubles will be required. This amount includes the construction and arrangement of a greenhouse (100 thousand rubles), the purchase of equipment (92.5 thousand rubles). The costs of the main period include the purchase of mycelium, payment for housing and communal services, rent outlet, fuel. Financial indicators of the project are presented in Appendix 1.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of growing mushrooms

The oyster mushroom growing project is distinguished by a low level of risk due to the simplicity of its organization, small initial investments and low current costs. The payback period of the project from the start of production will be 9 months. The discounted payback period is 9 months. Project performance indicators calculated for a five-year period are given in Table. 2

The main prospects include: an increase in the selling price by 10% (up to 150 rubles per kg), an increase in production volumes, an expansion of the range offered, the search for new sales markets and access to wholesale buyers.

Table 2. Project performance indicators

Risks and guarantees

Cultivation of oyster mushrooms is a well-established branch of business. The technology for growing oyster mushrooms is quite simple, moreover, there are many ways to increase yield without harm to the end consumer. The prevailing market conditions are somewhat conducive to reducing risks. Today in Russia there is a shortage of mushrooms due to the embargo. Imported products left the market, as a result, the cost of domestic mushrooms increased without any negative consequences for demand. Consequently, when the price decreases, demand acquires a significant level of elasticity.

The main risks are indicated in Table. 3.

Table 3. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences

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Very often, it is the issues of selling their products, including their certification, that become a stumbling block for start-up entrepreneurs. What can be especially annoying for a person who is one step away from realizing his dream - creating a profitable environmentally friendly mushroom production. The Center for Environmental Programs is ready to provide support with the sale of finished products to anyone who wants to realize their dream!

Let's try to list all possible sales channels for mushrooms:

1. Retail- with its stores of various formats comes to mind first. A mushroom grower can offer his products for sale to another entrepreneur who has his own small store. It is also possible to rent a place in the market and sell mushrooms on your own. Large chain stores, most likely, will not let a small manufacturer on their shelves - they are interested in supply volumes from several tons.

Of course, in order to be allowed to trade in food products in our country, you need to draw up the appropriate documentation:

BUT- you need to register as individual entrepreneur or how entity;

B- have on hand legally obtained specifications on your products (they will most likely have to be bought);

IN- issue a certificate of conformity for their products at the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance;

G-provide quality certificates for each batch of products offered for sale.

2. Wholesale- it is quite possible that your offer will be of interest to a dealer at a wholesale base or the owner of a small network of vegetable stalls. In this case, losing in price, you will save time and effort.

3. Canteens, cafes, restaurants- what used to be called public catering, and now the newfangled word for ferret. Naturally, business owners Catering interested in the freshness and quality of products and of course will be happy to receive your supplies.

4. Selling through friends- you (and possibly your employees) probably have friends who love mushrooms, they have their own friends with the same tastes. By organizing trade "by appointment" and hurrying up with delivery, you will find a large number of consumers of your products.

5. Recycling- The disadvantage of all the above sales channels is the seasonality of demand. As a rule, in Russia there is a huge demand for mushrooms in the winter. Especially during holidays and fasting. In summer, demand is significantly reduced. In order not to experience interruptions in the sale of mushrooms, it is best to be able to offer them to processing industries. After all, mushrooms can be frozen, dried, pickled, salted. They are also used in the preparation various kinds cheeses, pates, dumplings, dumplings and pizzas, after all.

6. And finally, the most convenient option that insures all your risks. You can donate fresh mushrooms to our company. At the same time, you do not need to register as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, you do not need to buy technical conditions, you do not need to certify your mushrooms, you do not need to issue a quality certificate. There is even no need to buy something from our company. We will simply accept all the mushrooms at a price of up to 120 rubles. for 1 kilogram without any problems.

Mushrooms are a fairly popular product in the cuisine of many countries. Dishes from them are prepared both in catering establishments and at home. Today we want to talk about the prospects that growing mushrooms gives an entrepreneur as a permanent or additional business. There are several technologies that do not require large labor costs and material investments. However, it is impossible to achieve real success in the cultivation and sale of mushrooms without mastering some of the secrets of such an enterprise.

Business - growing mushrooms, all the more tempting because you can do it without interrupting your main job. This is due to such factors:

  • Plantations do not require constant care, and there is no need to be near them all day;
  • The knowledge contained in the public literature may be sufficient;
  • Cultivation skills are acquired quite quickly;
  • Most residents of private houses have everything they need in production. Missing accessories can be bought ready-made, at a low price.

As the main business, entrepreneurs start growing mushrooms infrequently. Large volumes of harvest for a beginner often become beyond their power, and a young business ends, instead of development and prosperity. In addition, it is difficult to find regular wholesale buyers. Only if there are contracts with large trading networks, restaurants, procurement industries you can develop a business to the level of an average economy. We will talk about how to grow mushrooms in production and at home below.

Mushroom cultivation technology

Usually they practice growing champignons, oyster mushrooms or mushrooms for sale. The simplest technology is the cultivation of oyster mushrooms. IN commercial purposes grow mushrooms wisely all year round in room. It is common to grow mushrooms in the basement, but an ordinary utility room that can be ventilated is also suitable. The room must be divided into two parts. In one of them, the mycelium will grow, and in the other, the crop itself will be sold. Before planting the mycelium at home, the walls, floor and ceiling are treated with lime and well ventilated.

Mushrooms grow in a special substrate, which is made from sunflower seed husks, sawdust, straw and other things. The material for the soil mixture is crushed and scalded with boiling water. The finished substrate is placed in polyethylene bags. The mycelium is also placed there. Holes are made along the entire diameter of the bag, in increments of about 15 cm.

The first stage of mushroom germination is a month, at a temperature exceeding 20 degrees and air humidity close to 100%. After this time, the bags are transferred to the room with temperature regime 12-18 degrees.

In the room you need to provide ventilation and timely humidification. There are special devices for this, but at the beginning of the activity, an entrepreneur can use ordinary buckets of water and a household fan.

It is necessary to illuminate the mushrooms in bags 12 hours a day. To do this, fluorescent lamps are installed in the room.

Work indoors, even at home, must always be carried out within the means personal protection. Through the respiratory tract, harmful spores can enter the human body, causing an allergic cough.

After harvesting, the substrate in bags is changed. About 3 kg of mushrooms are usually collected from one bag weighing 10 kg. In a year, the yield of such a plantation is from 80 to 100 kg of the finished product.

Growing mushrooms will cost a little more. The technology is different in that the substrate is impregnated with water with the addition of jam, cornmeal or starch. So the mushrooms will receive all the vitamins they need for growth. You can plant mycelium not only in bags, but also in jars. Growing champignons requires even more fertile soil - compost. Mushroom pickers with experience prepare it themselves, and it is better for a novice entrepreneur to buy it ready-made.

A separate article deserves a technology that provides for the cultivation of mushrooms in natural conditions on stumps. Mushrooms do not produce large yields in such conditions from a commercial point of view, but due to their environmental friendliness, the product is in demand among certain segments of the population and can be simultaneously tested as an additional business. The agricultural technique of growing mushrooms on stumps is quite laborious, which is compensated by the corresponding price of the product.

How to start mushroom production?

We have already written about the fact that you can start a mushroom growing business in your own utility room of a private courtyard. For the development of production on a larger scale, it will be possible to rent a spacious room: a former cowshed or a warehouse. On average, to accommodate 15 tons of substrate in 10 kg bags, 500 sq.m. area. The room will not require special repairs, but it is better to seal the seams so that there are no drafts. The mushroom growing shop is equipped with a ventilation and lighting system. In the process of growing, mushroom pickers use fertilizers and compounds to fight diseases.

Shelving must be installed in the room. They, most likely, will need to be made to order, taking into account the characteristics of a particular production area.

Mushrooms in bags are usually placed both on the floor and on racks. So the payback on rental costs will be faster. The company's mandatory expenses include:

  1. employees' wages;
  2. Expenses for lighting and heating;
  3. Fare.

Taking into account monthly expenses and depreciation of purchased equipment, a 100-ton production can bring its owner $10,000 per month. In any case, it is better to start a business from small areas, and better - your own.

We have already mentioned that regular wholesale buyers are one of the keys to success in the mushroom business. There can be several implementation paths:

  • In public catering establishments: cafes, restaurants, canteens at recreation centers, sanatoriums;
  • In supermarkets and retail chains;
  • Sales to resellers on the market (recommended for products grown on stumps).

Another source of income that accompanies the mushroom business is the sale of the spent contents of the bags. The substrate serves as an excellent feed for livestock and fertilizer for the garden.

How much can you earn growing mushrooms

Growing mushrooms is a highly profitable business, the performance of which, with a competent organization, exceeds 250%. The average profitability is 80% of the cost.

How much money is needed to start

The size of the initial investment depends on the cultivation method used: automatic or manual. The most common and inexpensive method is the use of mycelium in bags or special containers. To implement such a business idea, no more than 30 thousand rubles will be required. If an entrepreneur has the opportunity to start large-scale mushroom cultivation, it is worth using special briquettes. With automated cultivation, investments will amount from 100 thousand rubles:

  • Premises for rent (if necessary) - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of briquettes - 60 thousand rubles;
  • Business registration and other expenses - 10 thousand rubles.

How to choose equipment for growing mushrooms

Equipment is purchased after choosing a cultivation method. Using manual labor there is no need to buy special devices and devices. It is enough to equip the room with racks, hooks for hanging bags.
The automated process requires the purchase of:

  • Climate control systems;
  • Elements for installation of ventilation and watering;
  • Transporter.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering an activity

In accordance with the updated all-Russian classifier types of activities when registering the cultivation of mushrooms, the OKVED code 01.12 is indicated.

What documents are required to set up a business

Registration of individual entrepreneurship is a rational way to legitimize activities. For registration in tax office a stationary package of documents is provided.

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